(* Title: Pure/General/symbol.ML
Author: Makarius
Isabelle text symbols.
signature SYMBOL =
type symbol = string
val explode: string -> symbol list
val spaces: int -> string
val STX: symbol
val DEL: symbol
val open_: symbol
val close: symbol
val space: symbol
val is_space: symbol -> bool
val comment: symbol
val cancel: symbol
val latex: symbol
val marker: symbol
val is_char: symbol -> bool
val is_utf8: symbol -> bool
val is_symbolic: symbol -> bool
val is_symbolic_char: symbol -> bool
val is_printable: symbol -> bool
val control_prefix: string
val control_suffix: string
val is_control: symbol -> bool
val eof: symbol
val is_eof: symbol -> bool
val not_eof: symbol -> bool
val stopper: symbol Scan.stopper
val is_malformed: symbol -> bool
val malformed_msg: symbol -> string
val is_ascii: symbol -> bool
val is_ascii_letter: symbol -> bool
val is_ascii_digit: symbol -> bool
val is_ascii_hex: symbol -> bool
val is_ascii_quasi: symbol -> bool
val is_ascii_blank: symbol -> bool
val is_ascii_line_terminator: symbol -> bool
val is_ascii_control: symbol -> bool
val is_ascii_letdig: symbol -> bool
val is_ascii_lower: symbol -> bool
val is_ascii_upper: symbol -> bool
val to_ascii_lower: symbol -> symbol
val to_ascii_upper: symbol -> symbol
val is_ascii_identifier: string -> bool
val scan_ascii_id: string list -> string * string list
datatype sym =
Char of string | UTF8 of string | Sym of string | Control of string | Malformed of string | EOF
val decode: symbol -> sym
val encode: sym -> symbol
datatype kind = Letter | Digit | Quasi | Blank | Other
val kind: symbol -> kind
val is_letter: symbol -> bool
val is_digit: symbol -> bool
val is_quasi: symbol -> bool
val is_blank: symbol -> bool
val is_control_block: symbol -> bool
val has_control_block: symbol list -> bool
val is_quasi_letter: symbol -> bool
val is_letdig: symbol -> bool
val beginning: int -> symbol list -> string
val esc: symbol -> string
val escape: string -> string
val scanner: string -> (string list -> 'a * string list) -> symbol list -> 'a
val split_words: symbol list -> string list
val explode_words: string -> string list
val trim_blanks: string -> string
val bump_init: string -> string
val bump_string: string -> string
val sub: symbol
val sup: symbol
val bold: symbol
val make_sub: string -> string
val make_sup: string -> string
val make_bold: string -> string
val length: symbol list -> int
val output: string -> Output.output * int
structure Symbol: SYMBOL =
(** type symbol **)
(*Symbols, which are considered the smallest entities of any Isabelle
string, may be of the following form:
(1) ASCII: a
(2) UTF-8: รค
(2) regular symbols: \<ident>
(3) control symbols: \<^ident>
Output is subject to the print_mode variable (default: verbatim),
actual interpretation in display is up to front-end tools.
type symbol = string;
val STX = chr 2;
val DEL = chr 127;
val open_ = "\<open>";
val close = "\<close>";
val space = chr 32;
fun is_space s = s = space;
val spaces0 = Vector.tabulate (65, fn i => replicate_string i space);
fun spaces n =
if n < 64 then Vector.nth spaces0 n
else replicate_string (n div 64) (Vector.nth spaces0 64) ^ Vector.nth spaces0 (n mod 64);
val comment = "\<comment>";
val cancel = "\<^cancel>";
val latex = "\<^latex>";
val marker = "\<^marker>";
fun is_char s = size s = 1;
fun is_utf8 s = size s > 0 andalso String.forall (fn c => Char.ord c >= 128) s;
fun raw_symbolic s =
String.isPrefix "\092<" s andalso String.isSuffix ">" s andalso not (String.isPrefix "\092<^" s);
fun is_symbolic s =
s <> open_ andalso s <> close andalso raw_symbolic s;
val is_symbolic_char = member (op =) (raw_explode "!#$%&*+-/<=>?@^_|~");
fun is_printable s =
if is_char s then 32 <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"~"
else is_utf8 s orelse raw_symbolic s;
val control_prefix = "\092<^";
val control_suffix = ">";
fun is_control s =
String.isPrefix control_prefix s andalso String.isSuffix control_suffix s;
(* input source control *)
val eof = "";
fun is_eof s = s = eof;
fun not_eof s = s <> eof;
val stopper = Scan.stopper (K eof) is_eof;
fun is_malformed s =
String.isPrefix "\092<" s andalso not (String.isSuffix ">" s)
orelse s = "\092<>" orelse s = "\092<^>";
fun malformed_msg s = "Malformed symbolic character: " ^ quote s;
(* ASCII symbols *)
fun is_ascii s = is_char s andalso ord s < 128;
fun is_ascii_letter s =
is_char s andalso
(Char.ord #"A" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"Z" orelse
Char.ord #"a" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"z");
fun is_ascii_digit s =
is_char s andalso Char.ord #"0" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"9";
fun is_ascii_hex s =
is_char s andalso
(Char.ord #"0" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"9" orelse
Char.ord #"A" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"F" orelse
Char.ord #"a" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"f");
fun is_ascii_quasi "_" = true
| is_ascii_quasi "'" = true
| is_ascii_quasi _ = false;
val is_ascii_blank =
fn " " => true | "\t" => true | "\n" => true | "\^K" => true | "\f" => true | "\^M" => true
| _ => false;
val is_ascii_line_terminator =
fn "\r" => true | "\n" => true | _ => false;
fun is_ascii_control s = is_char s andalso ord s < 32 andalso not (is_ascii_blank s);
fun is_ascii_letdig s = is_ascii_letter s orelse is_ascii_digit s orelse is_ascii_quasi s;
fun is_ascii_lower s = is_char s andalso (Char.ord #"a" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"z");
fun is_ascii_upper s = is_char s andalso (Char.ord #"A" <= ord s andalso ord s <= Char.ord #"Z");
fun to_ascii_lower s = if is_ascii_upper s then chr (ord s + Char.ord #"a" - Char.ord #"A") else s;
fun to_ascii_upper s = if is_ascii_lower s then chr (ord s + Char.ord #"A" - Char.ord #"a") else s;
fun is_ascii_identifier s =
size s > 0 andalso is_ascii_letter (String.substring (s, 0, 1)) andalso
forall_string is_ascii_letdig s;
val scan_ascii_id = Scan.one is_ascii_letter ^^ (Scan.many is_ascii_letdig >> implode);
(* diagnostics *)
fun beginning n cs =
val drop_blanks = drop_suffix is_ascii_blank;
val all_cs = drop_blanks cs;
val dots = if length all_cs > n then " ..." else "";
(drop_blanks (take n all_cs)
|> map (fn c => if is_ascii_blank c then space else c)
|> implode) ^ dots
(* symbol variants *)
datatype sym =
Char of string | UTF8 of string | Sym of string | Control of string | Malformed of string | EOF;
fun decode s =
if s = "" then EOF
else if is_char s then Char s
else if is_utf8 s then UTF8 s
else if is_malformed s then Malformed s
else if is_control s then Control (String.substring (s, 3, size s - 4))
else Sym (String.substring (s, 2, size s - 3));
fun encode (Char s) = s
| encode (UTF8 s) = s
| encode (Sym s) = "\092<" ^ s ^ ">"
| encode (Control s) = "\092<^" ^ s ^ ">"
| encode (Malformed s) = s
| encode EOF = "";
(* standard symbol kinds *)
val letter_symbols =
Symset.make [
(*"\<lambda>", sic!*)
val is_letter_symbol = Symset.member letter_symbols;
datatype kind = Letter | Digit | Quasi | Blank | Other;
fun kind s =
if is_ascii_letter s then Letter
else if is_ascii_digit s then Digit
else if is_ascii_quasi s then Quasi
else if is_ascii_blank s then Blank
else if is_char s then Other
else if is_letter_symbol s then Letter
else Other;
fun is_letter s = kind s = Letter;
fun is_digit s = kind s = Digit;
fun is_quasi s = kind s = Quasi;
fun is_blank s = kind s = Blank;
val is_control_block = member (op =) ["\<^bsub>", "\<^esub>", "\<^bsup>", "\<^esup>"];
val has_control_block = exists is_control_block;
fun is_quasi_letter s = let val k = kind s in k = Letter orelse k = Quasi end;
fun is_letdig s = let val k = kind s in k = Letter orelse k = Digit orelse k = Quasi end;
(* escape *)
val esc = fn s =>
if is_char s then s
else if is_utf8 s then translate_string (fn c => "\\" ^ string_of_int (ord c)) s
else "\\" ^ s;
val escape = implode o map esc o Symbol.explode;
(** scanning through symbols **)
(* scanner *)
fun scanner msg scan syms =
fun message (ss, NONE) = (fn () => msg ^ ": " ^ quote (beginning 10 ss))
| message (ss, SOME msg') = (fn () => msg ^ ", " ^ msg' () ^ ": " ^ quote (beginning 10 ss));
val finite_scan = Scan.error (Scan.finite stopper (!! message scan));
(case finite_scan syms of
(result, []) => result
| (_, rest) => error (message (rest, NONE) ()))
(* space-separated words *)
val scan_word =
Scan.many1 is_ascii_blank >> K NONE ||
Scan.many1 (fn s => not (is_ascii_blank s) andalso not_eof s) >> (SOME o implode);
val split_words = scanner "Bad text" (Scan.repeat scan_word >> map_filter I);
val explode_words = split_words o Symbol.explode;
(* blanks *)
val trim_blanks = Symbol.explode #> trim is_blank #> implode;
(* bump string -- treat as base 26 or base 1 numbers *)
fun symbolic_end (_ :: "\<^sub>" :: _) = true
| symbolic_end ("'" :: ss) = symbolic_end ss
| symbolic_end (s :: _) = raw_symbolic s
| symbolic_end [] = false;
fun bump_init str =
if symbolic_end (rev (Symbol.explode str)) then str ^ "'"
else str ^ "a";
fun bump_string str =
fun bump [] = ["a"]
| bump ("z" :: ss) = "a" :: bump ss
| bump (s :: ss) =
if is_char s andalso Char.ord #"a" <= ord s andalso ord s < Char.ord #"z"
then chr (ord s + 1) :: ss
else "a" :: s :: ss;
val (ss, qs) = apfst rev (chop_suffix is_quasi (Symbol.explode str));
val ss' = if symbolic_end ss then "'" :: ss else bump ss;
in implode (rev ss' @ qs) end;
(* styles *)
val sub = "\092<^sub>";
val sup = "\092<^sup>";
val bold = "\092<^bold>";
fun make_style sym =
Symbol.explode #> maps (fn s => [sym, s]) #> implode;
val make_sub = make_style sub;
val make_sup = make_style sup;
val make_bold = make_style bold;
(** symbol output **)
(* length *)
fun sym_len s =
if String.isPrefix "\092<long" s orelse String.isPrefix "\092<Long" s then 2
else if is_printable s then 1
else 0;
fun sym_length ss = fold (fn s => fn n => sym_len s + n) ss 0;
fun output s = (s, sym_length (Symbol.explode s));
(*final declarations of this structure!*)
val explode = Symbol.explode;
val length = sym_length;