Mirabelle sledgehammer: added option to keep problem files, enabled "metis" switch again (was accidentally removed)
(* Title: mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML
Author: Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme
structure Mirabelle_Sledgehammer : MIRABELLE_ACTION =
fun thms_of_name ctxt name =
val lex = OuterKeyword.get_lexicons
val get = maps (ProofContext.get_fact ctxt o fst)
Source.of_string name
|> Symbol.source {do_recover=false}
|> OuterLex.source {do_recover=SOME false} lex Position.start
|> OuterLex.source_proper
|> Source.source OuterLex.stopper (SpecParse.xthms1 >> get) NONE
|> Source.exhaust
fun safe init done f x =
val y = init x
val z = Exn.capture f y
val _ = done y
in Exn.release z end
val proverK = "prover"
val keepK = "keep"
val metisK = "metis"
fun sledgehammer_action args {pre=st, ...} =
val prover_name =
AList.lookup (op =) args proverK
|> the_default (hd (space_explode " " (AtpManager.get_atps ())))
val thy = Proof.theory_of st
val prover = the (AtpManager.get_prover prover_name thy)
val timeout = AtpManager.get_timeout ()
(* run sledgehammer *)
fun init NONE = !AtpWrapper.destdir
| init (SOME path) =
(* Warning: we implicitly assume single-threaded execution here! *)
val old = !AtpWrapper.destdir
val _ = AtpWrapper.destdir := path
in old end
fun done path = AtpWrapper.destdir := path
fun sh _ =
val (success, (message, thm_names), _, _, _) =
prover timeout NONE NONE prover_name 1 (Proof.get_goal st)
in (success, message, SOME thm_names) end
handle ResHolClause.TOO_TRIVIAL => (true, "trivial", SOME [])
| ERROR msg => (false, "error: " ^ msg, NONE)
val (success, message, thm_names) = safe init done sh
(AList.lookup (op =) args keepK)
(* try metis *)
fun get_thms ctxt = maps (thms_of_name ctxt)
fun metis thms ctxt = MetisTools.metis_tac ctxt thms
fun apply_metis thms = "\nApplying metis with these theorems: " ^
(if try (Mirabelle.can_apply (metis thms)) st = SOME true
then "success"
else "failure")
val msg = if not (AList.defined (op =) args metisK) then ""
else apply_metis (get_thms (Proof.context_of st) (these thm_names))
if success
then SOME ("success (" ^ prover_name ^ ": " ^ message ^ ")" ^ msg)
else NONE
fun invoke args = Mirabelle.register ("sledgehammer", sledgehammer_action args)