(* Title: Pure/General/position.ML
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Source positions: counting Isabelle symbols, starting from 1.
signature POSITION =
eqtype T
val ord: T ord
val make: Thread_Position.T -> T
val dest: T -> Thread_Position.T
val line_of: T -> int option
val offset_of: T -> int option
val end_offset_of: T -> int option
val file_of: T -> string option
val advance: Symbol.symbol -> T -> T
val advance_offsets: int -> T -> T
val distance_of: T * T -> int option
val none: T
val start: T
val file_name: string -> Properties.T
val file_only: string -> T
val file: string -> T
val line_file_only: int -> string -> T
val line_file: int -> string -> T
val line: int -> T
val get_props: T -> Properties.T
val id: string -> T
val id_only: string -> T
val get_id: T -> string option
val put_id: string -> T -> T
val copy_id: T -> T -> T
val id_properties_of: T -> Properties.T
val parse_id: T -> int option
val adjust_offsets: (int -> int option) -> T -> T
val of_properties: Properties.T -> T
val properties_of: T -> Properties.T
val offset_properties_of: T -> Properties.T
val def_properties_of: T -> Properties.T
val entity_markup: string -> string * T -> Markup.T
val entity_properties_of: bool -> serial -> T -> Properties.T
val default_properties: T -> Properties.T -> Properties.T
val markup: T -> Markup.T -> Markup.T
val is_reported: T -> bool
val is_reported_range: T -> bool
val reported_text: T -> Markup.T -> string -> string
val report_text: T -> Markup.T -> string -> unit
val report: T -> Markup.T -> unit
type report = T * Markup.T
type report_text = report * string
val reports_text: report_text list -> unit
val reports: report list -> unit
val store_reports: report_text list Unsynchronized.ref ->
T list -> ('a -> Markup.T list) -> 'a -> unit
val append_reports: report_text list Unsynchronized.ref -> report list -> unit
val here_strs: T -> string * string
val here: T -> string
val here_list: T list -> string
type range = T * T
val no_range: range
val no_range_position: T -> T
val range_position: range -> T
val range: T * T -> range
val range_of_properties: Properties.T -> range
val properties_of_range: range -> Properties.T
val thread_data: unit -> T
val setmp_thread_data: T -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val default: T -> bool * T
structure Position: POSITION =
(* datatype position *)
datatype T = Pos of (int * int * int) * Properties.T;
fun ord (pos1 as Pos ((i, j, k), props), pos2 as Pos ((i', j', k'), props')) =
if pointer_eq (pos1, pos2) then EQUAL
(case int_ord (i, i') of
(case int_ord (j, j') of
(case int_ord (k, k') of
EQUAL => Properties.ord (props, props')
| ord => ord)
| ord => ord)
| ord => ord);
fun norm_props (props: Properties.T) =
maps (fn a => the_list (find_first (fn (b, _) => a = b) props))
fun make {line = i, offset = j, end_offset = k, props} = Pos ((i, j, k), norm_props props);
fun dest (Pos ((i, j, k), props)) = {line = i, offset = j, end_offset = k, props = props};
fun valid (i: int) = i > 0;
fun if_valid i i' = if valid i then i' else i;
(* fields *)
fun line_of (Pos ((i, _, _), _)) = if valid i then SOME i else NONE;
fun offset_of (Pos ((_, j, _), _)) = if valid j then SOME j else NONE;
fun end_offset_of (Pos ((_, _, k), _)) = if valid k then SOME k else NONE;
fun file_of (Pos (_, props)) = Properties.get props Markup.fileN;
(* advance *)
fun advance_count "\n" (i: int, j: int, k: int) =
(if_valid i (i + 1), if_valid j (j + 1), k)
| advance_count s (i, j, k) =
if Symbol.not_eof s then (i, if_valid j (j + 1), k)
else (i, j, k);
fun invalid_count (i, j, _: int) =
not (valid i orelse valid j);
fun advance sym (pos as (Pos (count, props))) =
if invalid_count count then pos else Pos (advance_count sym count, props);
fun advance_offsets offset (pos as (Pos (count as (i, j, k), props))) =
if offset = 0 orelse invalid_count count then pos
else if offset < 0 then raise Fail "Illegal offset"
else if valid i then raise Fail "Illegal line position"
else Pos ((i, if_valid j (j + offset), if_valid k (k + offset)), props);
(* distance of adjacent positions *)
fun distance_of (Pos ((_, j, _), _), Pos ((_, j', _), _)) =
if valid j andalso valid j' then SOME (j' - j) else NONE;
(* make position *)
val none = Pos ((0, 0, 0), []);
val start = Pos ((1, 1, 0), []);
fun file_name "" = []
| file_name name = [(Markup.fileN, name)];
fun file_only name = Pos ((0, 0, 0), file_name name);
fun file name = Pos ((1, 1, 0), file_name name);
fun line_file_only i name = Pos ((i, 0, 0), file_name name);
fun line_file i name = Pos ((i, 1, 0), file_name name);
fun line i = line_file i "";
fun get_props (Pos (_, props)) = props;
fun id id = Pos ((0, 1, 0), [(Markup.idN, id)]);
fun id_only id = Pos ((0, 0, 0), [(Markup.idN, id)]);
fun get_id (Pos (_, props)) = Properties.get props Markup.idN;
fun put_id id (Pos (count, props)) = Pos (count, norm_props (Properties.put (Markup.idN, id) props));
fun copy_id pos = (case get_id pos of NONE => I | SOME id => put_id id);
fun parse_id pos = Option.map Value.parse_int (get_id pos);
fun id_properties_of pos =
(case get_id pos of
SOME id => [(Markup.idN, id)]
| NONE => []);
fun adjust_offsets adjust (pos as Pos (_, props)) =
if is_none (file_of pos) then
(case parse_id pos of
SOME id =>
(case adjust id of
SOME offset =>
let val Pos (count, _) = advance_offsets offset pos
in Pos (count, Properties.remove Markup.idN props) end
| NONE => pos)
| NONE => pos)
else pos;
(* markup properties *)
fun get props name =
(case Properties.get props name of
NONE => 0
| SOME s => Value.parse_int s);
fun of_properties props =
make {line = get props Markup.lineN,
offset = get props Markup.offsetN,
end_offset = get props Markup.end_offsetN,
props = props};
fun value k i = if valid i then [(k, Value.print_int i)] else [];
fun properties_of (Pos ((i, j, k), props)) =
value Markup.lineN i @ value Markup.offsetN j @ value Markup.end_offsetN k @ props;
fun offset_properties_of (Pos ((_, j, k), _)) =
value Markup.offsetN j @ value Markup.end_offsetN k;
val def_properties_of = properties_of #> map (fn (x, y) => ("def_" ^ x, y));
fun entity_markup kind (name, pos) =
Markup.entity kind name |> Markup.properties (def_properties_of pos);
fun entity_properties_of def serial pos =
if def then (Markup.defN, Value.print_int serial) :: properties_of pos
else (Markup.refN, Value.print_int serial) :: def_properties_of pos;
fun default_properties default props =
if exists (member (op =) Markup.position_properties o #1) props then props
else properties_of default @ props;
val markup = Markup.properties o properties_of;
(* reports *)
fun is_reported pos = is_some (offset_of pos) andalso is_some (get_id pos);
fun is_reported_range pos = is_reported pos andalso is_some (end_offset_of pos);
fun reported_text pos m txt = if is_reported pos then Markup.markup (markup pos m) txt else "";
fun report_text pos markup txt = Output.report [reported_text pos markup txt];
fun report pos markup = report_text pos markup "";
type report = T * Markup.T;
type report_text = report * string;
val reports_text =
map (fn ((pos, m), txt) => if is_reported pos then Markup.markup (markup pos m) txt else "")
#> Output.report;
val reports = map (rpair "") #> reports_text;
fun store_reports _ [] _ _ = ()
| store_reports (r: report_text list Unsynchronized.ref) ps markup x =
let val ms = markup x
in Unsynchronized.change r (fold (fn p => fold (fn m => cons ((p, m), "")) ms) ps) end;
fun append_reports (r: report_text list Unsynchronized.ref) reports =
Unsynchronized.change r (append (map (rpair "") reports));
(* here: user output *)
fun here_strs pos =
(case (line_of pos, file_of pos) of
(SOME i, NONE) => (" ", "(line " ^ Value.print_int i ^ ")")
| (SOME i, SOME name) => (" ", "(line " ^ Value.print_int i ^ " of " ^ quote name ^ ")")
| (NONE, SOME name) => (" ", "(file " ^ quote name ^ ")")
| _ => if is_reported pos then ("", "\092<^here>") else ("", ""));
fun here pos =
val props = properties_of pos;
val (s1, s2) = here_strs pos;
if s2 = "" then ""
else s1 ^ Markup.markup (Markup.properties props Markup.position) s2
val here_list = map here #> distinct (op =) #> implode;
(* range *)
type range = T * T;
val no_range = (none, none);
fun no_range_position (Pos ((i, j, _), props)) = Pos ((i, j, 0), props);
fun range_position (Pos ((i, j, _), props), Pos ((_, j', _), _)) = Pos ((i, j, j'), props);
fun range (pos, pos') = (range_position (pos, pos'), no_range_position pos');
fun range_of_properties props =
val pos = of_properties props;
val pos' =
make {line = get props Markup.end_lineN,
offset = get props Markup.end_offsetN,
end_offset = 0,
props = props};
in (pos, pos') end;
fun properties_of_range (pos, pos') =
properties_of pos @ value Markup.end_lineN (the_default 0 (line_of pos'));
(* thread data *)
val thread_data = make o Thread_Position.get;
fun setmp_thread_data pos = Thread_Position.setmp (dest pos);
fun default pos =
if pos = none then (false, thread_data ())
else (true, pos);