Prod is now a parent of Lfp.
Added thm induct2 to Lfp.
Changed the way patterns in abstractions are pretty printed.
It has become simpler now but fails if split has more than one argument
because then the ast-translation does not match.
(* Title: HOL/univ
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
For univ.thy
open Univ;
(** LEAST -- the least number operator **)
val [prem1,prem2] = goalw Univ.thy [Least_def]
"[| P(k); !!x. x<k ==> ~P(x) |] ==> (LEAST x.P(x)) = k";
by (rtac select_equality 1);
by (fast_tac (HOL_cs addSIs [prem1,prem2]) 1);
by (cut_facts_tac [less_linear] 1);
by (fast_tac (HOL_cs addSIs [prem1] addSDs [prem2]) 1);
qed "Least_equality";
val [prem] = goal Univ.thy "P(k) ==> P(LEAST x.P(x))";
by (rtac (prem RS rev_mp) 1);
by (res_inst_tac [("n","k")] less_induct 1);
by (rtac impI 1);
by (rtac classical 1);
by (res_inst_tac [("s","n")] (Least_equality RS ssubst) 1);
by (assume_tac 1);
by (assume_tac 2);
by (fast_tac HOL_cs 1);
qed "LeastI";
(*Proof is almost identical to the one above!*)
val [prem] = goal Univ.thy "P(k) ==> (LEAST x.P(x)) <= k";
by (rtac (prem RS rev_mp) 1);
by (res_inst_tac [("n","k")] less_induct 1);
by (rtac impI 1);
by (rtac classical 1);
by (res_inst_tac [("s","n")] (Least_equality RS ssubst) 1);
by (assume_tac 1);
by (rtac le_refl 2);
by (fast_tac (HOL_cs addIs [less_imp_le,le_trans]) 1);
qed "Least_le";
val [prem] = goal Univ.thy "k < (LEAST x.P(x)) ==> ~P(k)";
by (rtac notI 1);
by (etac (rewrite_rule [le_def] Least_le RS notE) 1);
by (rtac prem 1);
qed "not_less_Least";
(** apfst -- can be used in similar type definitions **)
goalw Univ.thy [apfst_def] "apfst f (a,b) = (f(a),b)";
by (rtac split 1);
qed "apfst_conv";
val [major,minor] = goal Univ.thy
"[| q = apfst f p; !!x y. [| p = (x,y); q = (f(x),y) |] ==> R \
\ |] ==> R";
by (rtac PairE 1);
by (rtac minor 1);
by (assume_tac 1);
by (rtac (major RS trans) 1);
by (etac ssubst 1);
by (rtac apfst_conv 1);
qed "apfst_convE";
(** Push -- an injection, analogous to Cons on lists **)
val [major] = goalw Univ.thy [Push_def] "Push i f =Push j g ==> i=j";
by (rtac (major RS fun_cong RS box_equals RS Suc_inject) 1);
by (rtac nat_case_0 1);
by (rtac nat_case_0 1);
qed "Push_inject1";
val [major] = goalw Univ.thy [Push_def] "Push i f =Push j g ==> f=g";
by (rtac (major RS fun_cong RS ext RS box_equals) 1);
by (rtac (nat_case_Suc RS ext) 1);
by (rtac (nat_case_Suc RS ext) 1);
qed "Push_inject2";
val [major,minor] = goal Univ.thy
"[| Push i f =Push j g; [| i=j; f=g |] ==> P \
\ |] ==> P";
by (rtac ((major RS Push_inject2) RS ((major RS Push_inject1) RS minor)) 1);
qed "Push_inject";
val [major] = goalw Univ.thy [Push_def] "Push k f =(%z.0) ==> P";
by (rtac (major RS fun_cong RS box_equals RS Suc_neq_Zero) 1);
by (rtac nat_case_0 1);
by (rtac refl 1);
qed "Push_neq_K0";
(*** Isomorphisms ***)
goal Univ.thy "inj(Rep_Node)";
by (rtac inj_inverseI 1); (*cannot combine by RS: multiple unifiers*)
by (rtac Rep_Node_inverse 1);
qed "inj_Rep_Node";
goal Univ.thy "inj_onto Abs_Node Node";
by (rtac inj_onto_inverseI 1);
by (etac Abs_Node_inverse 1);
qed "inj_onto_Abs_Node";
val Abs_Node_inject = inj_onto_Abs_Node RS inj_ontoD;
(*** Introduction rules for Node ***)
goalw Univ.thy [Node_def] "(%k. 0,a) : Node";
by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
qed "Node_K0_I";
goalw Univ.thy [Node_def,Push_def]
"!!p. p: Node ==> apfst (Push i) p : Node";
by (fast_tac (set_cs addSIs [apfst_conv, nat_case_Suc RS trans]) 1);
qed "Node_Push_I";
(*** Distinctness of constructors ***)
(** Scons vs Atom **)
goalw Univ.thy [Atom_def,Scons_def,Push_Node_def] "(M$N) ~= Atom(a)";
by (rtac notI 1);
by (etac (equalityD2 RS subsetD RS UnE) 1);
by (rtac singletonI 1);
by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [imageE, Abs_Node_inject RS apfst_convE,
Pair_inject, sym RS Push_neq_K0] 1
ORELSE resolve_tac [Node_K0_I, Rep_Node RS Node_Push_I] 1));
qed "Scons_not_Atom";
bind_thm ("Atom_not_Scons", (Scons_not_Atom RS not_sym));
bind_thm ("Scons_neq_Atom", (Scons_not_Atom RS notE));
val Atom_neq_Scons = sym RS Scons_neq_Atom;
(*** Injectiveness ***)
(** Atomic nodes **)
goalw Univ.thy [Atom_def] "inj(Atom)";
by (rtac injI 1);
by (etac (singleton_inject RS Abs_Node_inject RS Pair_inject) 1);
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [Node_K0_I] 1));
qed "inj_Atom";
val Atom_inject = inj_Atom RS injD;
goalw Univ.thy [Leaf_def,o_def] "inj(Leaf)";
by (rtac injI 1);
by (etac (Atom_inject RS Inl_inject) 1);
qed "inj_Leaf";
val Leaf_inject = inj_Leaf RS injD;
goalw Univ.thy [Numb_def,o_def] "inj(Numb)";
by (rtac injI 1);
by (etac (Atom_inject RS Inr_inject) 1);
qed "inj_Numb";
val Numb_inject = inj_Numb RS injD;
(** Injectiveness of Push_Node **)
val [major,minor] = goalw Univ.thy [Push_Node_def]
"[| Push_Node i m =Push_Node j n; [| i=j; m=n |] ==> P \
\ |] ==> P";
by (rtac (major RS Abs_Node_inject RS apfst_convE) 1);
by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [Rep_Node RS Node_Push_I] 1));
by (etac (sym RS apfst_convE) 1);
by (rtac minor 1);
by (etac Pair_inject 1);
by (etac (Push_inject1 RS sym) 1);
by (rtac (inj_Rep_Node RS injD) 1);
by (etac trans 1);
by (safe_tac (HOL_cs addSEs [Pair_inject,Push_inject,sym]));
qed "Push_Node_inject";
(** Injectiveness of Scons **)
val [major] = goalw Univ.thy [Scons_def] "M$N <= M'$N' ==> M<=M'";
by (cut_facts_tac [major] 1);
by (fast_tac (set_cs addSDs [Suc_inject]
addSEs [Push_Node_inject, Zero_neq_Suc]) 1);
qed "Scons_inject_lemma1";
val [major] = goalw Univ.thy [Scons_def] "M$N <= M'$N' ==> N<=N'";
by (cut_facts_tac [major] 1);
by (fast_tac (set_cs addSDs [Suc_inject]
addSEs [Push_Node_inject, Suc_neq_Zero]) 1);
qed "Scons_inject_lemma2";
val [major] = goal Univ.thy "M$N = M'$N' ==> M=M'";
by (rtac (major RS equalityE) 1);
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [equalityI, Scons_inject_lemma1] 1));
qed "Scons_inject1";
val [major] = goal Univ.thy "M$N = M'$N' ==> N=N'";
by (rtac (major RS equalityE) 1);
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [equalityI, Scons_inject_lemma2] 1));
qed "Scons_inject2";
val [major,minor] = goal Univ.thy
"[| M$N = M'$N'; [| M=M'; N=N' |] ==> P \
\ |] ==> P";
by (rtac ((major RS Scons_inject2) RS ((major RS Scons_inject1) RS minor)) 1);
qed "Scons_inject";
(*rewrite rules*)
goal Univ.thy "(Atom(a)=Atom(b)) = (a=b)";
by (fast_tac (HOL_cs addSEs [Atom_inject]) 1);
qed "Atom_Atom_eq";
goal Univ.thy "(M$N = M'$N') = (M=M' & N=N')";
by (fast_tac (HOL_cs addSEs [Scons_inject]) 1);
qed "Scons_Scons_eq";
(*** Distinctness involving Leaf and Numb ***)
(** Scons vs Leaf **)
goalw Univ.thy [Leaf_def,o_def] "(M$N) ~= Leaf(a)";
by (rtac Scons_not_Atom 1);
qed "Scons_not_Leaf";
bind_thm ("Leaf_not_Scons", (Scons_not_Leaf RS not_sym));
bind_thm ("Scons_neq_Leaf", (Scons_not_Leaf RS notE));
val Leaf_neq_Scons = sym RS Scons_neq_Leaf;
(** Scons vs Numb **)
goalw Univ.thy [Numb_def,o_def] "(M$N) ~= Numb(k)";
by (rtac Scons_not_Atom 1);
qed "Scons_not_Numb";
bind_thm ("Numb_not_Scons", (Scons_not_Numb RS not_sym));
bind_thm ("Scons_neq_Numb", (Scons_not_Numb RS notE));
val Numb_neq_Scons = sym RS Scons_neq_Numb;
(** Leaf vs Numb **)
goalw Univ.thy [Leaf_def,Numb_def] "Leaf(a) ~= Numb(k)";
by (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps [Atom_Atom_eq,Inl_not_Inr]) 1);
qed "Leaf_not_Numb";
bind_thm ("Numb_not_Leaf", (Leaf_not_Numb RS not_sym));
bind_thm ("Leaf_neq_Numb", (Leaf_not_Numb RS notE));
val Numb_neq_Leaf = sym RS Leaf_neq_Numb;
(*** ndepth -- the depth of a node ***)
val univ_simps = [apfst_conv,Scons_not_Atom,Atom_not_Scons,Scons_Scons_eq];
val univ_ss = nat_ss addsimps univ_simps;
goalw Univ.thy [ndepth_def] "ndepth (Abs_Node((%k.0, x))) = 0";
by (sstac [Node_K0_I RS Abs_Node_inverse, split] 1);
by (rtac Least_equality 1);
by (rtac refl 1);
by (etac less_zeroE 1);
qed "ndepth_K0";
goal Univ.thy "k < Suc(LEAST x. f(x)=0) --> nat_case (Suc i) f k ~= 0";
by (nat_ind_tac "k" 1);
by (ALLGOALS (simp_tac nat_ss));
by (rtac impI 1);
by (etac not_less_Least 1);
qed "ndepth_Push_lemma";
goalw Univ.thy [ndepth_def,Push_Node_def]
"ndepth (Push_Node i n) = Suc(ndepth(n))";
by (stac (Rep_Node RS Node_Push_I RS Abs_Node_inverse) 1);
by (cut_facts_tac [rewrite_rule [Node_def] Rep_Node] 1);
by (safe_tac set_cs);
be ssubst 1; (*instantiates type variables!*)
by (simp_tac univ_ss 1);
by (rtac Least_equality 1);
by (rewtac Push_def);
by (rtac (nat_case_Suc RS trans) 1);
by (etac LeastI 1);
by (etac (ndepth_Push_lemma RS mp) 1);
qed "ndepth_Push_Node";
(*** ntrunc applied to the various node sets ***)
goalw Univ.thy [ntrunc_def] "ntrunc 0 M = {}";
by (safe_tac (set_cs addSIs [equalityI] addSEs [less_zeroE]));
qed "ntrunc_0";
goalw Univ.thy [Atom_def,ntrunc_def] "ntrunc (Suc k) (Atom a) = Atom(a)";
by (safe_tac (set_cs addSIs [equalityI]));
by (stac ndepth_K0 1);
by (rtac zero_less_Suc 1);
qed "ntrunc_Atom";
goalw Univ.thy [Leaf_def,o_def] "ntrunc (Suc k) (Leaf a) = Leaf(a)";
by (rtac ntrunc_Atom 1);
qed "ntrunc_Leaf";
goalw Univ.thy [Numb_def,o_def] "ntrunc (Suc k) (Numb i) = Numb(i)";
by (rtac ntrunc_Atom 1);
qed "ntrunc_Numb";
goalw Univ.thy [Scons_def,ntrunc_def]
"ntrunc (Suc k) (M$N) = ntrunc k M $ ntrunc k N";
by (safe_tac (set_cs addSIs [equalityI,imageI]));
by (REPEAT (stac ndepth_Push_Node 3 THEN etac Suc_mono 3));
by (REPEAT (rtac Suc_less_SucD 1 THEN
rtac (ndepth_Push_Node RS subst) 1 THEN
assume_tac 1));
qed "ntrunc_Scons";
(** Injection nodes **)
goalw Univ.thy [In0_def] "ntrunc (Suc 0) (In0 M) = {}";
by (simp_tac (univ_ss addsimps [ntrunc_Scons,ntrunc_0]) 1);
by (rewtac Scons_def);
by (safe_tac (set_cs addSIs [equalityI]));
qed "ntrunc_one_In0";
goalw Univ.thy [In0_def]
"ntrunc (Suc (Suc k)) (In0 M) = In0 (ntrunc (Suc k) M)";
by (simp_tac (univ_ss addsimps [ntrunc_Scons,ntrunc_Numb]) 1);
qed "ntrunc_In0";
goalw Univ.thy [In1_def] "ntrunc (Suc 0) (In1 M) = {}";
by (simp_tac (univ_ss addsimps [ntrunc_Scons,ntrunc_0]) 1);
by (rewtac Scons_def);
by (safe_tac (set_cs addSIs [equalityI]));
qed "ntrunc_one_In1";
goalw Univ.thy [In1_def]
"ntrunc (Suc (Suc k)) (In1 M) = In1 (ntrunc (Suc k) M)";
by (simp_tac (univ_ss addsimps [ntrunc_Scons,ntrunc_Numb]) 1);
qed "ntrunc_In1";
(*** Cartesian Product ***)
goalw Univ.thy [uprod_def] "!!M N. [| M:A; N:B |] ==> (M$N) : A<*>B";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [singletonI,UN_I] 1));
qed "uprodI";
(*The general elimination rule*)
val major::prems = goalw Univ.thy [uprod_def]
"[| c : A<*>B; \
\ !!x y. [| x:A; y:B; c=x$y |] ==> P \
\ |] ==> P";
by (cut_facts_tac [major] 1);
by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl,singletonE,UN_E] 1
ORELSE resolve_tac prems 1));
qed "uprodE";
(*Elimination of a pair -- introduces no eigenvariables*)
val prems = goal Univ.thy
"[| (M$N) : A<*>B; [| M:A; N:B |] ==> P \
\ |] ==> P";
by (rtac uprodE 1);
by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1 ORELSE eresolve_tac [Scons_inject,ssubst] 1));
qed "uprodE2";
(*** Disjoint Sum ***)
goalw Univ.thy [usum_def] "!!M. M:A ==> In0(M) : A<+>B";
by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
qed "usum_In0I";
goalw Univ.thy [usum_def] "!!N. N:B ==> In1(N) : A<+>B";
by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
qed "usum_In1I";
val major::prems = goalw Univ.thy [usum_def]
"[| u : A<+>B; \
\ !!x. [| x:A; u=In0(x) |] ==> P; \
\ !!y. [| y:B; u=In1(y) |] ==> P \
\ |] ==> P";
by (rtac (major RS UnE) 1);
by (REPEAT (rtac refl 1
ORELSE eresolve_tac (prems@[imageE,ssubst]) 1));
qed "usumE";
(** Injection **)
goalw Univ.thy [In0_def,In1_def] "In0(M) ~= In1(N)";
by (rtac notI 1);
by (etac (Scons_inject1 RS Numb_inject RS Zero_neq_Suc) 1);
qed "In0_not_In1";
bind_thm ("In1_not_In0", (In0_not_In1 RS not_sym));
bind_thm ("In0_neq_In1", (In0_not_In1 RS notE));
val In1_neq_In0 = sym RS In0_neq_In1;
val [major] = goalw Univ.thy [In0_def] "In0(M) = In0(N) ==> M=N";
by (rtac (major RS Scons_inject2) 1);
qed "In0_inject";
val [major] = goalw Univ.thy [In1_def] "In1(M) = In1(N) ==> M=N";
by (rtac (major RS Scons_inject2) 1);
qed "In1_inject";
(*** proving equality of sets and functions using ntrunc ***)
goalw Univ.thy [ntrunc_def] "ntrunc k M <= M";
by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
qed "ntrunc_subsetI";
val [major] = goalw Univ.thy [ntrunc_def]
"(!!k. ntrunc k M <= N) ==> M<=N";
by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs [less_add_Suc1, less_add_Suc2,
major RS subsetD]) 1);
qed "ntrunc_subsetD";
(*A generalized form of the take-lemma*)
val [major] = goal Univ.thy "(!!k. ntrunc k M = ntrunc k N) ==> M=N";
by (rtac equalityI 1);
by (ALLGOALS (rtac ntrunc_subsetD));
by (ALLGOALS (rtac (ntrunc_subsetI RSN (2, subset_trans))));
by (rtac (major RS equalityD1) 1);
by (rtac (major RS equalityD2) 1);
qed "ntrunc_equality";
val [major] = goalw Univ.thy [o_def]
"[| !!k. (ntrunc(k) o h1) = (ntrunc(k) o h2) |] ==> h1=h2";
by (rtac (ntrunc_equality RS ext) 1);
by (rtac (major RS fun_cong) 1);
qed "ntrunc_o_equality";
(*** Monotonicity ***)
goalw Univ.thy [uprod_def] "!!A B. [| A<=A'; B<=B' |] ==> A<*>B <= A'<*>B'";
by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
qed "uprod_mono";
goalw Univ.thy [usum_def] "!!A B. [| A<=A'; B<=B' |] ==> A<+>B <= A'<+>B'";
by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
qed "usum_mono";
goalw Univ.thy [Scons_def] "!!M N. [| M<=M'; N<=N' |] ==> M$N <= M'$N'";
by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
qed "Scons_mono";
goalw Univ.thy [In0_def] "!!M N. M<=N ==> In0(M) <= In0(N)";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [subset_refl,Scons_mono] 1));
qed "In0_mono";
goalw Univ.thy [In1_def] "!!M N. M<=N ==> In1(M) <= In1(N)";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [subset_refl,Scons_mono] 1));
qed "In1_mono";
(*** Split and Case ***)
goalw Univ.thy [Split_def] "Split c (M$N) = c M N";
by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs [select_equality] addEs [Scons_inject]) 1);
qed "Split";
goalw Univ.thy [Case_def] "Case c d (In0 M) = c(M)";
by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs [select_equality]
addEs [make_elim In0_inject, In0_neq_In1]) 1);
qed "Case_In0";
goalw Univ.thy [Case_def] "Case c d (In1 N) = d(N)";
by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs [select_equality]
addEs [make_elim In1_inject, In1_neq_In0]) 1);
qed "Case_In1";
(**** UN x. B(x) rules ****)
goalw Univ.thy [ntrunc_def] "ntrunc k (UN x.f(x)) = (UN x. ntrunc k (f x))";
by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs [equalityI]) 1);
qed "ntrunc_UN1";
goalw Univ.thy [Scons_def] "(UN x.f(x)) $ M = (UN x. f(x) $ M)";
by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs [equalityI]) 1);
qed "Scons_UN1_x";
goalw Univ.thy [Scons_def] "M $ (UN x.f(x)) = (UN x. M $ f(x))";
by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs [equalityI]) 1);
qed "Scons_UN1_y";
goalw Univ.thy [In0_def] "In0(UN x.f(x)) = (UN x. In0(f(x)))";
br Scons_UN1_y 1;
qed "In0_UN1";
goalw Univ.thy [In1_def] "In1(UN x.f(x)) = (UN x. In1(f(x)))";
br Scons_UN1_y 1;
qed "In1_UN1";
(*** Equality : the diagonal relation ***)
goalw Univ.thy [diag_def] "!!a A. [| a=b; a:A |] ==> (a,b) : diag(A)";
by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
qed "diag_eqI";
val diagI = refl RS diag_eqI |> standard;
(*The general elimination rule*)
val major::prems = goalw Univ.thy [diag_def]
"[| c : diag(A); \
\ !!x y. [| x:A; c = (x,x) |] ==> P \
\ |] ==> P";
by (rtac (major RS UN_E) 1);
by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl,singletonE] 1 ORELSE resolve_tac prems 1));
qed "diagE";
(*** Equality for Cartesian Product ***)
goalw Univ.thy [dprod_def]
"!!r s. [| (M,M'):r; (N,N'):s |] ==> (M$N, M'$N') : r<**>s";
by (fast_tac prod_cs 1);
qed "dprodI";
(*The general elimination rule*)
val major::prems = goalw Univ.thy [dprod_def]
"[| c : r<**>s; \
\ !!x y x' y'. [| (x,x') : r; (y,y') : s; c = (x$y,x'$y') |] ==> P \
\ |] ==> P";
by (cut_facts_tac [major] 1);
by (REPEAT_FIRST (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, UN_E, mem_splitE, singletonE]));
by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1 ORELSE hyp_subst_tac 1));
qed "dprodE";
(*** Equality for Disjoint Sum ***)
goalw Univ.thy [dsum_def] "!!r. (M,M'):r ==> (In0(M), In0(M')) : r<++>s";
by (fast_tac prod_cs 1);
qed "dsum_In0I";
goalw Univ.thy [dsum_def] "!!r. (N,N'):s ==> (In1(N), In1(N')) : r<++>s";
by (fast_tac prod_cs 1);
qed "dsum_In1I";
val major::prems = goalw Univ.thy [dsum_def]
"[| w : r<++>s; \
\ !!x x'. [| (x,x') : r; w = (In0(x), In0(x')) |] ==> P; \
\ !!y y'. [| (y,y') : s; w = (In1(y), In1(y')) |] ==> P \
\ |] ==> P";
by (cut_facts_tac [major] 1);
by (REPEAT_FIRST (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, UN_E, UnE, mem_splitE, singletonE]));
by (DEPTH_SOLVE (ares_tac prems 1 ORELSE hyp_subst_tac 1));
qed "dsumE";
val univ_cs =
prod_cs addSIs [diagI, uprodI, dprodI]
addIs [usum_In0I, usum_In1I, dsum_In0I, dsum_In1I]
addSEs [diagE, uprodE, dprodE, usumE, dsumE];
(*** Monotonicity ***)
goal Univ.thy "!!r s. [| r<=r'; s<=s' |] ==> r<**>s <= r'<**>s'";
by (fast_tac univ_cs 1);
qed "dprod_mono";
goal Univ.thy "!!r s. [| r<=r'; s<=s' |] ==> r<++>s <= r'<++>s'";
by (fast_tac univ_cs 1);
qed "dsum_mono";
(*** Bounding theorems ***)
goal Univ.thy "diag(A) <= Sigma A (%x.A)";
by (fast_tac univ_cs 1);
qed "diag_subset_Sigma";
goal Univ.thy "(Sigma A (%x.B) <**> Sigma C (%x.D)) <= Sigma (A<*>C) (%z. B<*>D)";
by (fast_tac univ_cs 1);
qed "dprod_Sigma";
val dprod_subset_Sigma = [dprod_mono, dprod_Sigma] MRS subset_trans |>standard;
(*Dependent version*)
goal Univ.thy
"(Sigma A B <**> Sigma C D) <= Sigma (A<*>C) (Split(%x y. B(x)<*>D(y)))";
by (safe_tac univ_cs);
by (stac Split 1);
by (fast_tac univ_cs 1);
qed "dprod_subset_Sigma2";
goal Univ.thy "(Sigma A (%x.B) <++> Sigma C (%x.D)) <= Sigma (A<+>C) (%z. B<+>D)";
by (fast_tac univ_cs 1);
qed "dsum_Sigma";
val dsum_subset_Sigma = [dsum_mono, dsum_Sigma] MRS subset_trans |> standard;
(*** Domain ***)
goal Univ.thy "fst `` diag(A) = A";
by (fast_tac (prod_cs addIs [equalityI, diagI] addSEs [diagE]) 1);
qed "fst_image_diag";
goal Univ.thy "fst `` (r<**>s) = (fst``r) <*> (fst``s)";
by (fast_tac (prod_cs addIs [equalityI, uprodI, dprodI]
addSEs [uprodE, dprodE]) 1);
qed "fst_image_dprod";
goal Univ.thy "fst `` (r<++>s) = (fst``r) <+> (fst``s)";
by (fast_tac (prod_cs addIs [equalityI, usum_In0I, usum_In1I,
dsum_In0I, dsum_In1I]
addSEs [usumE, dsumE]) 1);
qed "fst_image_dsum";
val fst_image_simps = [fst_image_diag, fst_image_dprod, fst_image_dsum];
val fst_image_ss = univ_ss addsimps fst_image_simps;