author wenzelm
Thu, 02 Jan 2025 16:59:42 +0100
changeset 81710 c914db7419a3
parent 80869 87395be1a299
permissions -rw-r--r--
misc tuning and clarification: more explicit types; proper normal form for repeated text entries;

(*  Title:      Pure/General/print_mode.ML
    Author:     Makarius

Generic print mode as thread-local value derived from global template;
provides implicit configuration for various output mechanisms.

The special print mode "input" is never enabled for output.

signature BASIC_PRINT_MODE =
  val print_mode: string list Unsynchronized.ref  (*global template*)
  val print_mode_value: unit -> string list       (*thread-local value*)
  val print_mode_active: string -> bool           (*thread-local value*)

signature PRINT_MODE =
  val input: string
  val internal: string
  val ASCII: string
  val PIDE: string
  val latex: string
  val setmp: string list -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
  val with_modes: string list -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
  val add_modes: string list -> unit
  val PIDE_enabled: unit -> bool

structure Print_Mode: PRINT_MODE =

val input = "input";
val internal = "internal";
val ASCII = "ASCII";
val PIDE = "PIDE";
val latex = "latex";

val print_mode = Unsynchronized.ref ([]: string list);
val print_mode_var = Thread_Data.var () : string list Thread_Data.var;

fun print_mode_value () =
  let val modes =
    (case Thread_Data.get print_mode_var of
      SOME modes => modes
    | NONE => ! print_mode)
  in subtract (op =) [input, internal] modes end;

fun print_mode_active mode = member (op =) (print_mode_value ()) mode;

fun setmp modes f x = Thread_Data.setmp print_mode_var (SOME modes) f x;

fun with_modes modes f x = setmp (modes @ print_mode_value ()) f x;

fun add_modes modes = Unsynchronized.change print_mode (append modes);

fun PIDE_enabled () =
  find_first (fn mode => mode = PIDE orelse mode = "") (print_mode_value ()) = SOME PIDE;


structure Basic_Print_Mode: BASIC_PRINT_MODE = Print_Mode;
open Basic_Print_Mode;