author blanchet
Fri, 02 Nov 2012 16:16:48 +0100
changeset 50004 c96e8e40d789
parent 49994 ceceb403eb4e
child 50005 e9a9bff107da
permissions -rw-r--r--
several improvements to Isar proof reconstruction, by Steffen Smolka (step merging in case splits, time measurements, etc.)

(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_reconstruct.ML
    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
    Author:     Steffen Juilf Smolka, TU Muenchen

Isar proof reconstruction from ATP proofs.

  type 'a proof = 'a ATP_Proof.proof
  type stature = ATP_Problem_Generate.stature

  datatype reconstructor =
    Metis of string * string |

  datatype play =
    Played of reconstructor * Time.time |
    Trust_Playable of reconstructor * Time.time option |
    Failed_to_Play of reconstructor

  type minimize_command = string list -> string
  type one_line_params =
    play * string * (string * stature) list * minimize_command * int * int
  type isar_params =
    bool * bool * Time.time * real * string Symtab.table
    * (string * stature) list vector * int Symtab.table * string proof * thm

  val smtN : string
  val string_for_reconstructor : reconstructor -> string
  val thms_of_name : Proof.context -> string -> thm list
  val lam_trans_from_atp_proof : string proof -> string -> string
  val is_typed_helper_used_in_atp_proof : string proof -> bool
  val used_facts_in_atp_proof :
    Proof.context -> (string * stature) list vector -> string proof ->
    (string * stature) list
  val used_facts_in_unsound_atp_proof :
    Proof.context -> (string * stature) list vector -> 'a proof ->
    string list option
  val one_line_proof_text : int -> one_line_params -> string
  val isar_proof_text :
    Proof.context -> bool -> isar_params -> one_line_params -> string
  val proof_text :
    Proof.context -> bool -> isar_params -> int -> one_line_params -> string

structure Sledgehammer_Reconstruct : SLEDGEHAMMER_PROOF_RECONSTRUCT =

open ATP_Util
open ATP_Problem
open ATP_Proof
open ATP_Problem_Generate
open ATP_Proof_Reconstruct
open Sledgehammer_Util

structure String_Redirect = ATP_Proof_Redirect(
  type key = step_name
  val ord = fn ((s, _ : string list), (s', _)) => fast_string_ord (s, s')
  val string_of = fst)

open String_Redirect

(** reconstructors **)

datatype reconstructor =
  Metis of string * string |

datatype play =
  Played of reconstructor * Time.time |
  Trust_Playable of reconstructor * Time.time option |
  Failed_to_Play of reconstructor

val smtN = "smt"

fun string_for_reconstructor (Metis (type_enc, lam_trans)) =
    metis_call type_enc lam_trans
  | string_for_reconstructor SMT = smtN

fun thms_of_name ctxt name =
    val lex = Keyword.get_lexicons
    val get = maps (Proof_Context.get_fact ctxt o fst)
    Source.of_string name
    |> Symbol.source
    |> Token.source {do_recover = SOME false} lex Position.start
    |> Token.source_proper
    |> Source.source Token.stopper (Parse_Spec.xthms1 >> get) NONE
    |> Source.exhaust

(** fact extraction from ATP proofs **)

fun find_first_in_list_vector vec key =
  Vector.foldl (fn (ps, NONE) => AList.lookup (op =) ps key
                 | (_, value) => value) NONE vec

val unprefix_fact_number = space_implode "_" o tl o space_explode "_"

fun resolve_one_named_fact fact_names s =
  case try (unprefix fact_prefix) s of
    SOME s' =>
    let val s' = s' |> unprefix_fact_number |> unascii_of in
      s' |> find_first_in_list_vector fact_names |> (pair s')
  | NONE => NONE
fun resolve_fact fact_names = map_filter (resolve_one_named_fact fact_names)
fun is_fact fact_names = not o null o resolve_fact fact_names

fun resolve_one_named_conjecture s =
  case try (unprefix conjecture_prefix) s of
    SOME s' => Int.fromString s'
  | NONE => NONE

val resolve_conjecture = map_filter resolve_one_named_conjecture
val is_conjecture = not o null o resolve_conjecture

val ascii_of_lam_fact_prefix = ascii_of lam_fact_prefix

(* overapproximation (good enough) *)
fun is_lam_lifted s =
  String.isPrefix fact_prefix s andalso
  String.isSubstring ascii_of_lam_fact_prefix s

val is_combinator_def = String.isPrefix (helper_prefix ^ combinator_prefix)

fun is_axiom_used_in_proof pred =
  exists (fn Inference_Step ((_, ss), _, _, []) => exists pred ss | _ => false)

fun lam_trans_from_atp_proof atp_proof default =
  case (is_axiom_used_in_proof is_combinator_def atp_proof,
        is_axiom_used_in_proof is_lam_lifted atp_proof) of
    (false, false) => default
  | (false, true) => liftingN
(*  | (true, true) => combs_and_liftingN -- not supported by "metis" *)
  | (true, _) => combsN

val is_typed_helper_name =
  String.isPrefix helper_prefix andf String.isSuffix typed_helper_suffix
fun is_typed_helper_used_in_atp_proof atp_proof =
  is_axiom_used_in_proof is_typed_helper_name atp_proof

fun add_non_rec_defs fact_names accum =
  Vector.foldl (fn (facts, facts') =>
      union (op =) (filter (fn (_, (_, status)) => status = Non_Rec_Def) facts)
    accum fact_names