lots of internal cleaning and tuning;
removed {parse,print}_{pre,post}_proc;
new lexer: now human readable due to scanner combinators;
new parser installed, but still inactive (due to grammar ambiguities);
added Syntax.test_read;
typ_of_term: sorts now made distinct and sorted;
mixfix: added forced line breaks (//);
PROP now printed before subterm of type prop with non-const head;
#! /bin/sh
# xlisten -- start a program in one window and create a listener window
# environment variable $LISTEN specifies the file name
#create the file!
date > $LISTEN
xterm -geo 80x10+0+0 -T Listener -n Listener -e tail -f $LISTEN &
sleep 2
xterm -geo 80x45+0-0 -e teeinput $* &