(* $Id$ *)
Proves about loops and tail-recursive functions
Problem A
P = while B1 do S od
Q = while B1 or B2 do S od
Prove P;Q = Q (provided B1, B2 have no side effects)
Looking at the denotational semantics of while, we get
Problem B
[|S |]:State->State
f :State->State
p = fix LAM f.LAM x. if [| B1 |] x then f([| S |] x) else x fi
q = fix LAM f.LAM x. if [| B1 |] x orelse [|b2 |] x then f([| S |] x) else x fi
Prove q o p = q rsp. ALL x.q(p(x))=q(x)
Remark: 1. Bool is the three-valued domain {UU,FF,TT} since tests B1 and B2 may
not terminate.
2. orelse is the sequential or like in ML
If we abstract over the structure of stores we get
Problem C
b1:'a -> Bool
b2:'a -> Bool
g :'a ->'a
h :'a ->'a
p = fix LAM h.LAM x. if b1(x) then h(g(x)) else x fi
q = fix LAM h.LAM x. if b1(x) orelse b2(x) then h(g(x)) else x fi
where g is an abstraction of [| S |]
Prove q o p = q
Remark: there are no restrictions wrt. definedness or strictness for any of
the involved functions.
In a functional programming language the problem reads as follows:
p(x) = if b1(x)
then p(g(x))
else x fi
q(x) = if b1(x) orelse b2(x)
then q(g(x))
else x fi
Prove: q o p = q
In you like to test the problem in ML (bad guy) you have to introduce
formal parameters for b1,b2 and g.
fun p b1 g x = if b1(x)
then p b1 g (g(x))
else x;
fun q b1 b2 g x = if b1(x) orelse b2(x)
then q b1 b2 g (g(x))
else x;
Prove: for all b1 b2 g .
(q b1 b2 g) o (p b1 g) = (q b1 b2 g)
It took 4 person-days to formulate and prove the problem C in the
Isabelle logic HOLCF. The formalisation was done by conservative extension and
all proof principles where derived from pure HOLCF.