author wenzelm
Fri, 16 Mar 2012 14:42:11 +0100
changeset 46959 cdc791910460
parent 46723 54ea872b60ea
child 46997 395b7277ed76
permissions -rw-r--r--
defer actual parsing of command spans and thus allow new commands to be used in the same theory where defined;

/*  Title:      Pure/library.scala
    Module:     PIDE
    Author:     Makarius

Basic library.

package isabelle

import java.lang.System
import java.awt.Component
import javax.swing.JOptionPane

import scala.swing.ComboBox
import scala.swing.event.SelectionChanged
import scala.collection.mutable

object Library
  /* user errors */

  object ERROR
    def apply(message: String): Throwable = new RuntimeException(message)
    def unapply(exn: Throwable): Option[String] =
      exn match {
        case e: RuntimeException => Some(Exn.message(e))
        case _ => None

  def error(message: String): Nothing = throw ERROR(message)

  def cat_error(msg1: String, msg2: String): Nothing =
    if (msg1 == "") error(msg1)
    else error(msg1 + "\n" + msg2)

  /* lists */

  def separate[A](s: A, list: List[A]): List[A] =
    list match {
      case x :: xs if !xs.isEmpty => x :: s :: separate(s, xs)
      case _ => list

  def space_explode(sep: Char, str: String): List[String] =
    if (str.isEmpty) Nil
    else {
      val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[String]
      var start = 0
      var finished = false
      while (!finished) {
        val i = str.indexOf(sep, start)
        if (i == -1) { result += str.substring(start); finished = true }
        else { result += str.substring(start, i); start = i + 1 }

  def split_lines(str: String): List[String] = space_explode('\n', str)

  /* iterate over chunks (cf. space_explode) */

  def chunks(source: CharSequence, sep: Char = '\n') = new Iterator[CharSequence]
    private val end = source.length
    private def next_chunk(i: Int): Option[(CharSequence, Int)] =
      if (i < end) {
        var j = i; do j += 1 while (j < end && source.charAt(j) != sep)
        Some((source.subSequence(i + 1, j), j))
      else None
    private var state: Option[(CharSequence, Int)] = if (end == 0) None else next_chunk(-1)

    def hasNext(): Boolean = state.isDefined
    def next(): CharSequence =
      state match {
        case Some((s, i)) => { state = next_chunk(i); s }
        case None =>

  def first_line(source: CharSequence): String =
    val lines = chunks(source)
    if (lines.hasNext)
    else ""

  /* strings */

  def cat_lines(lines: TraversableOnce[String]): String = lines.mkString("\n")

  def quote(s: String): String = "\"" + s + "\""
  def commas(ss: Iterable[String]): String = ss.iterator.mkString(", ")
  def commas_quote(ss: Iterable[String]): String = ss.iterator.mkString("\"", ", ", "\"")

  /* reverse CharSequence */

  class Reverse(text: CharSequence, start: Int, end: Int) extends CharSequence
    require(0 <= start && start <= end && end <= text.length)

    def this(text: CharSequence) = this(text, 0, text.length)

    def length: Int = end - start
    def charAt(i: Int): Char = text.charAt(end - i - 1)

    def subSequence(i: Int, j: Int): CharSequence =
      if (0 <= i && i <= j && j <= length) new Reverse(text, end - j, end - i)
      else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException

    override def toString: String =
      val buf = new StringBuilder(length)
      for (i <- 0 until length)

  /* simple dialogs */

  private def simple_dialog(kind: Int, default_title: String)
    (parent: Component, title: String, message: Any*)
  { {
      val java_message = message map { case x: scala.swing.Component => x.peer case x => x }
        if (title == null) default_title else title, kind)

  def dialog = simple_dialog(JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null) _
  def warning_dialog = simple_dialog(JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, "Warning") _
  def error_dialog = simple_dialog(JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, "Error") _

  def confirm_dialog(parent: Component, title: String, option_type: Int, message: Any*): Int = {
      val java_message = message map { case x: scala.swing.Component => x.peer case x => x }
        java_message.toArray.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], title,
          option_type, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE)

  /* zoom box */

  class Zoom_Box(apply_factor: Int => Unit) extends ComboBox[String](
    List("50%", "70%", "85%", "100%", "125%", "150%", "175%", "200%", "300%", "400%"))
    val Factor = "([0-9]+)%?"r
    def parse(text: String): Int =
      text match {
        case Factor(s) =>
          val i = Integer.parseInt(s)
          if (10 <= i && i <= 1000) i else 100
        case _ => 100
    def print(i: Int): String = i.toString + "%"

    makeEditable()(c => new ComboBox.BuiltInEditor(c)(text => print(parse(text)), x => x))
    reactions += {
      case SelectionChanged(_) => apply_factor(parse(selection.item))
    selection.index = 3
    prototypeDisplayValue = Some("00000%")

class Basic_Library
  val ERROR = Library.ERROR
  val error = Library.error _
  val cat_error = Library.cat_error _

  val space_explode = Library.space_explode _
  val split_lines = Library.split_lines _
  val cat_lines = Library.cat_lines _
  val quote = Library.quote _
  val commas = Library.commas _
  val commas_quote = Library.commas_quote _