(* Title: Pure/envir.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1988 University of Cambridge
Should take account that typ is part of variable name,
otherwise two variables with same name and different types
will cause errors!
signature ENVIR =
type 'a xolist
exception ENVIR of string * indexname;
datatype env = Envir of {asol: term xolist,
iTs: (indexname * typ) list,
maxidx: int}
val alist_of : env -> (indexname * term) list
val alist_of_olist : 'a xolist -> (indexname * 'a) list
val empty : int->env
val is_empty : env -> bool
val minidx : env -> int option
val genvar : string -> env * typ -> env * term
val genvars : string -> env * typ list -> env * term list
val lookup : env * indexname -> term option
val norm_term : env -> term -> term
val null_olist : 'a xolist
val olist_of_alist : (indexname * 'a) list -> 'a xolist
val update : (indexname * term) * env -> env
val vupdate : (indexname * term) * env -> env
structure Envir : ENVIR =
(*association lists with keys in ascending order, no repeated keys*)
datatype 'a xolist = Olist of (indexname * 'a) list;
exception ENVIR of string * indexname;
(*look up key in ordered list*)
fun xsearch (Olist[], key) = None
| xsearch (Olist ((keyi,xi)::pairs), key) =
if xless(keyi,key) then xsearch (Olist pairs, key)
else if key=keyi then Some xi
else None;
(*insert pair in ordered list, reject if key already present*)
fun xinsert_new (newpr as (key, x), Olist al) =
let fun insert [] = [newpr]
| insert ((pair as (keyi,xi)) :: pairs) =
if xless(keyi,key) then pair :: insert pairs
else if key=keyi then
raise ENVIR("xinsert_new: already present",key)
else newpr::pair::pairs
in Olist (insert al) end;
(*insert pair in ordered list, overwrite if key already present*)
fun xinsert (newpr as (key, x), Olist al) =
let fun insert [] = [newpr]
| insert ((pair as (keyi,xi)) :: pairs) =
if xless(keyi,key) then pair :: insert pairs
else if key=keyi then newpr::pairs
else newpr::pair::pairs
in Olist (insert al) end;
(*apply function to the contents part of each pair*)
fun xmap f (Olist pairs) =
let fun xmp [] = []
| xmp ((key,x)::pairs) = (key, f x) :: xmp pairs
in Olist (xmp pairs) end;
(*allows redefinition of a key by "join"ing the contents parts*)
fun xmerge_olists join (Olist pairsa, Olist pairsb) =
let fun xmrg ([],pairsb) = pairsb
| xmrg (pairsa,[]) = pairsa
| xmrg ((keya,x)::pairsa, (keyb,y)::pairsb) =
if xless(keya,keyb) then
(keya,x) :: xmrg (pairsa, (keyb,y)::pairsb)
else if xless(keyb,keya) then
(keyb,y) :: xmrg ((keya,x)::pairsa, pairsb)
else (*equal*) (keya, join(x,y)) :: xmrg (pairsa, pairsb)
in Olist (xmrg (pairsa,pairsb)) end;
val null_olist = Olist[];
fun alist_of_olist (Olist pairs) = pairs;
fun olist_of_alist pairs = foldr xinsert (pairs, Olist[]);
(*updating can destroy environment in 2 ways!!
(1) variables out of range (2) circular assignments
datatype env = Envir of
{maxidx: int, (*maximum index of vars*)
asol: term xolist, (*table of assignments to Vars*)
iTs: (indexname*typ)list} (*table of assignments to TVars*)
(*Generate a list of distinct variables.
Increments index to make them distinct from ALL present variables. *)
fun genvars name (Envir{maxidx, asol, iTs}, Ts) : env * term list =
let fun genvs (_, [] : typ list) : term list = []
| genvs (n, [T]) = [ Var((name, maxidx+1), T) ]
| genvs (n, T::Ts) =
Var((name ^ radixstring(26,"a",n), maxidx+1), T)
:: genvs(n+1,Ts)
in (Envir{maxidx=maxidx+1, asol=asol, iTs=iTs}, genvs (0,Ts)) end;
(*Generate a variable.*)
fun genvar name (env,T) : env * term =
let val (env',[v]) = genvars name (env,[T])
in (env',v) end;
fun lookup (Envir{asol,...}, xname) : term option = xsearch (asol,xname);
fun update ((xname, t), Envir{maxidx, asol, iTs}) =
Envir{maxidx=maxidx, asol=xinsert_new ((xname,t), asol), iTs=iTs};
(*The empty environment. New variables will start with the given index.*)
fun empty m = Envir{maxidx=m, asol=null_olist, iTs=[]};
fun is_empty (Envir {asol = Olist [], iTs = [], ...}) = true
| is_empty _ = false;
fun minidx (Envir {asol = Olist asns, iTs, ...}) =
(case (asns, iTs) of
([], []) => None
| (((_, i), _) :: _, _) => Some (min (i :: map (snd o fst) iTs))
| _ => Some (min (map (snd o fst) iTs)));
(*Update, checking Var-Var assignments: try to suppress higher indexes*)
fun vupdate((a,t), env) = case t of
Var(name',T) =>
if a=name' then env (*cycle!*)
else if xless(a, name') then
(case lookup(env,name') of (*if already assigned, chase*)
None => update((name', Var(a,T)), env)
| Some u => vupdate((a,u), env))
else update((a,t), env)
| _ => update((a,t), env);
(*Convert environment to alist*)
fun alist_of (Envir{maxidx,asol,...}) = alist_of_olist asol;
(*** Beta normal form for terms (not eta normal form).
Chases variables in env; Does not exploit sharing of variable bindings
Does not check types, so could loop. ***)
(*raised when norm has no effect on a term, to do sharing instead of copying*)
exception SAME;
fun norm_term1 (asol,t) : term =
let fun norm (Var (w,T)) =
(case xsearch(asol,w) of
Some u => normh u
| None => raise SAME)
| norm (Abs(a,T,body)) = Abs(a, T, norm body)
| norm (Abs(_,_,body) $ t) = normh(subst_bounds([t], body))
| norm (f $ t) =
((case norm f of
Abs(_,_,body) => normh(subst_bounds([t], body))
| nf => nf $ normh t)
handle SAME => f $ norm t)
| norm _ = raise SAME
and normh t = (norm t) handle SAME => t
in normh t end
and norm_term2(asol,iTs,t) : term =
let fun normT(Type(a,Ts)) = Type(a, normTs Ts)
| normT(TFree _) = raise SAME
| normT(TVar(v,_)) = (case assoc(iTs,v) of
Some(U) => normTh U
| None => raise SAME)
and normTh T = ((normT T) handle SAME => T)
and normTs([]) = raise SAME
| normTs(T::Ts) = ((normT T :: normTsh Ts)
handle SAME => T :: normTs Ts)
and normTsh Ts = ((normTs Ts) handle SAME => Ts)
and norm(Const(a,T)) = Const(a, normT T)
| norm(Free(a,T)) = Free(a, normT T)
| norm(Var (w,T)) =
(case xsearch(asol,w) of
Some u => normh u
| None => Var(w,normT T))
| norm(Abs(a,T,body)) =
(Abs(a,normT T,normh body) handle SAME => Abs(a, T, norm body))
| norm(Abs(_,_,body) $ t) = normh(subst_bounds([t], body))
| norm(f $ t) =
((case norm f of
Abs(_,_,body) => normh(subst_bounds([t], body))
| nf => nf $ normh t)
handle SAME => f $ norm t)
| norm _ = raise SAME
and normh t = (norm t) handle SAME => t
in normh t end;
(*curried version might be slower in recursive calls*)
fun norm_term (env as Envir{asol,iTs,...}) t : term =
if null iTs then norm_term1(asol, t) else norm_term2(asol,iTs, t)