author blanchet
Mon, 24 Nov 2014 12:35:13 +0100
changeset 59036 ce58eb744e38
parent 58940 7fbeedd05b4c
permissions -rw-r--r--
one more CVC4 option that helps

/*  Title:      Tools/Graphview/src/visualizer.scala
    Author:     Markus Kaiser, TU Muenchen

Graph visualization parameters and interface state.

package isabelle.graphview

import isabelle._

import java.awt.{Font, FontMetrics, Color => JColor, Shape, RenderingHints, Graphics2D}
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import javax.swing.JComponent

class Visualizer(val model: Model)
  visualizer =>

  /* font rendering information */

  val font_family: String = "IsabelleText"
  val font_size: Int = 14
  val font = new Font(font_family, Font.BOLD, font_size)

  val rendering_hints =
    new RenderingHints(

  val gfx = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB).createGraphics

  val font_metrics: FontMetrics = gfx.getFontMetrics(font)

  val tooltip_font_size: Int = 10

  /* rendering parameters */

  val gap_x = 20
  val pad_x = 8
  val pad_y = 5

  var arrow_heads = false

  object Colors
    private val filter_colors = List(
      new JColor(0xD9, 0xF2, 0xE2), // blue
      new JColor(0xFF, 0xE7, 0xD8), // orange
      new JColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE5), // yellow
      new JColor(0xDE, 0xCE, 0xFF), // lilac
      new JColor(0xCC, 0xEB, 0xFF), // turquoise
      new JColor(0xFF, 0xE5, 0xE5), // red
      new JColor(0xE5, 0xE5, 0xD9)  // green

    private var curr : Int = -1
    def next(): JColor =
      curr = (curr + 1) % filter_colors.length

  object Coordinates
    private var layout = Layout_Pendulum.empty_layout

    def apply(k: String): (Double, Double) =
      layout.nodes.get(k) match {
        case Some(c) => c
        case None => (0, 0)

    def apply(e: (String, String)): List[(Double, Double)] =
      layout.dummies.get(e) match {
        case Some(ds) => ds
        case None => Nil

    def reposition(k: String, to: (Double, Double))
      layout = layout.copy(nodes = layout.nodes + (k -> to))

    def reposition(d: ((String, String), Int), to: (Double, Double))
      val (e, index) = d
      layout.dummies.get(e) match {
        case None =>
        case Some(ds) =>
          layout = layout.copy(dummies =
            layout.dummies + (e ->
              (ds.zipWithIndex :\ List.empty[(Double, Double)]) {
                case ((t, i), n) => if (index == i) to :: n else t :: n

    def translate(k: String, by: (Double, Double))
      val ((x, y), (dx, dy)) = (Coordinates(k), by)
      reposition(k, (x + dx, y + dy))

    def translate(d: ((String, String), Int), by: (Double, Double))
      val ((e, i),(dx, dy)) = (d, by)
      val (x, y) = apply(e)(i)
      reposition(d, (x + dx, y + dy))

    def update_layout()
      layout =
        if (model.current.is_empty) Layout_Pendulum.empty_layout
        else {
          val max_width =
  { case (_, (info, _)) =>
              font_metrics.stringWidth( }).max
          val box_distance = max_width + pad_x + gap_x
          def box_height(n: Int): Double =
            ((font_metrics.getAscent + font_metrics.getDescent + pad_y) * (5 max n)).toDouble
          Layout_Pendulum(model.current, box_distance, box_height)

    def bounds(): (Double, Double, Double, Double) =
      model.visible_nodes_iterator.toList match {
        case Nil => (0, 0, 0, 0)
        case nodes =>
          val X: (String => Double) = (n => apply(n)._1)
          val Y: (String => Double) = (n => apply(n)._2)

          (X(nodes.minBy(X)), Y(nodes.minBy(Y)),
           X(nodes.maxBy(X)), Y(nodes.maxBy(Y)))

  object Drawer
    def apply(g: Graphics2D, n: Option[String])
      n match {
        case None =>
        case Some(_) => Shapes.Growing_Node.paint(g, visualizer, n)

    def apply(g: Graphics2D, e: (String, String), head: Boolean, dummies: Boolean)
      Shapes.Cardinal_Spline_Edge.paint(g, visualizer, e, head, dummies)

    def paint_all_visible(g: Graphics2D, dummies: Boolean)


      model.visible_edges_iterator.foreach(e => {
          apply(g, e, arrow_heads, dummies)

      model.visible_nodes_iterator.foreach(l => {
          apply(g, Some(l))

    def shape(g: Graphics2D, n: Option[String]): Shape =
      n match {
        case None => Shapes.Dummy.shape(g, visualizer, None)
        case Some(_) => Shapes.Growing_Node.shape(g, visualizer, n)

  object Selection
    private var selected: List[String] = Nil

    def apply() = selected
    def apply(s: String) = selected.contains(s)

    def add(s: String) { selected = s :: selected }
    def set(ss: List[String]) { selected = ss }
    def clear() { selected = Nil }

  object Color
    def apply(l: Option[String]): (JColor, JColor, JColor) =
      l match {
        case None => (JColor.GRAY, JColor.WHITE, JColor.BLACK)
        case Some(c) => {
            if (Selection(c))
              (JColor.BLUE, JColor.GREEN, JColor.BLACK)
              (JColor.BLACK, model.colors.getOrElse(c, JColor.WHITE), JColor.BLACK)

    def apply(e: (String, String)): JColor = JColor.BLACK

  object Caption
    def apply(key: String) = model.complete.get_node(key).name