author wenzelm
Thu, 15 Feb 2018 12:11:00 +0100
changeset 67613 ce654b0e6d69
parent 67406 23307fd33906
child 69505 cc2d676d5395
permissions -rw-r--r--
more symbols;

(*<*)theory PDL imports Base begin(*>*)

subsection\<open>Propositional Dynamic Logic --- PDL\<close>

The formulae of PDL are built up from atomic propositions via
negation and conjunction and the two temporal
connectives @{text AX} and @{text EF}\@. Since formulae are essentially
syntax trees, they are naturally modelled as a datatype:%
\footnote{The customary definition of PDL
@{cite "HarelKT-DL"} looks quite different from ours, but the two are easily
shown to be equivalent.}

datatype formula = Atom "atom"
                  | Neg formula
                  | And formula formula
                  | AX formula
                  | EF formula

This resembles the boolean expression case study in
A validity relation between states and formulae specifies the semantics.
The syntax annotation allows us to write @{text"s \<Turnstile> f"} instead of
\hbox{@{text"valid s f"}}. The definition is by recursion over the syntax:

primrec valid :: "state \<Rightarrow> formula \<Rightarrow> bool"   ("(_ \<Turnstile> _)" [80,80] 80)
"s \<Turnstile> Atom a  = (a \<in> L s)" |
"s \<Turnstile> Neg f   = (\<not>(s \<Turnstile> f))" |
"s \<Turnstile> And f g = (s \<Turnstile> f \<and> s \<Turnstile> g)" |
"s \<Turnstile> AX f    = (\<forall>t. (s,t) \<in> M \<longrightarrow> t \<Turnstile> f)" |
"s \<Turnstile> EF f    = (\<exists>t. (s,t) \<in> M\<^sup>* \<and> t \<Turnstile> f)"

The first three equations should be self-explanatory. The temporal formula
@{term"AX f"} means that @{term f} is true in \emph{A}ll ne\emph{X}t states whereas
@{term"EF f"} means that there \emph{E}xists some \emph{F}uture state in which @{term f} is
true. The future is expressed via @{text"\<^sup>*"}, the reflexive transitive
closure. Because of reflexivity, the future includes the present.

Now we come to the model checker itself. It maps a formula into the
set of states where the formula is true.  It too is defined by
recursion over the syntax:\<close>

primrec mc :: "formula \<Rightarrow> state set" where
"mc(Atom a)  = {s. a \<in> L s}" |
"mc(Neg f)   = -mc f" |
"mc(And f g) = mc f \<inter> mc g" |
"mc(AX f)    = {s. \<forall>t. (s,t) \<in> M  \<longrightarrow> t \<in> mc f}" |
"mc(EF f)    = lfp(\<lambda>T. mc f \<union> (M\<inverse> `` T))"

Only the equation for @{term EF} deserves some comments. Remember that the
postfix @{text"\<inverse>"} and the infix @{text"``"} are predefined and denote the
converse of a relation and the image of a set under a relation.  Thus
@{term "M\<inverse> `` T"} is the set of all predecessors of @{term T} and the least
fixed point (@{term lfp}) of @{term"\<lambda>T. mc f \<union> M\<inverse> `` T"} is the least set
@{term T} containing @{term"mc f"} and all predecessors of @{term T}. If you
find it hard to see that @{term"mc(EF f)"} contains exactly those states from
which there is a path to a state where @{term f} is true, do not worry --- this
will be proved in a moment.

First we prove monotonicity of the function inside @{term lfp}
in order to make sure it really has a least fixed point.

lemma mono_ef: "mono(\<lambda>T. A \<union> (M\<inverse> `` T))"
apply(rule monoI)
apply blast

Now we can relate model checking and semantics. For the @{text EF} case we need
a separate lemma:

lemma EF_lemma:
  "lfp(\<lambda>T. A \<union> (M\<inverse> `` T)) = {s. \<exists>t. (s,t) \<in> M\<^sup>* \<and> t \<in> A}"

The equality is proved in the canonical fashion by proving that each set
includes the other; the inclusion is shown pointwise:

apply(rule equalityI)
 apply(rule subsetI)
 apply(simp)(*<*)apply(rename_tac s)(*>*)

Simplification leaves us with the following first subgoal
which is proved by @{term lfp}-induction:

 apply(erule lfp_induct_set)
  apply(rule mono_ef)
Having disposed of the monotonicity subgoal,
simplification leaves us with the following goal:
\ {\isadigit{1}}{\isachardot}\ {\isasymAnd}x{\isachardot}\ x\ {\isasymin}\ A\ {\isasymor}\isanewline
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x\ {\isasymin}\ M{\isasyminverse}\ {\isacharbackquote}{\isacharbackquote}\ {\isacharparenleft}lfp\ {\isacharparenleft}\dots{\isacharparenright}\ {\isasyminter}\ {\isacharbraceleft}x{\isachardot}\ {\isasymexists}t{\isachardot}\ {\isacharparenleft}x{\isacharcomma}\ t{\isacharparenright}\ {\isasymin}\ M\isactrlsup {\isacharasterisk}\ {\isasymand}\ t\ {\isasymin}\ A{\isacharbraceright}{\isacharparenright}\isanewline
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {\isasymLongrightarrow}\ {\isasymexists}t{\isachardot}\ {\isacharparenleft}x{\isacharcomma}\ t{\isacharparenright}\ {\isasymin}\ M\isactrlsup {\isacharasterisk}\ {\isasymand}\ t\ {\isasymin}\ A
It is proved by @{text blast}, using the transitivity of 
\isa{M\isactrlsup {\isacharasterisk}}.

 apply(blast intro: rtrancl_trans)

We now return to the second set inclusion subgoal, which is again proved

apply(rule subsetI)
apply(simp, clarify)

After simplification and clarification we are left with
This goal is proved by induction on @{term"(s,t)\<in>M\<^sup>*"}. But since the model
checker works backwards (from @{term t} to @{term s}), we cannot use the
induction theorem @{thm[source]rtrancl_induct}: it works in the
forward direction. Fortunately the converse induction theorem
@{thm[source]converse_rtrancl_induct} already exists:
It says that if @{prop"(a,b)\<in>r\<^sup>*"} and we know @{prop"P b"} then we can infer
@{prop"P a"} provided each step backwards from a predecessor @{term z} of
@{term b} preserves @{term P}.

apply(erule converse_rtrancl_induct)

The base case
is solved by unrolling @{term lfp} once

 apply(subst lfp_unfold[OF mono_ef])

and disposing of the resulting trivial subgoal automatically:


The proof of the induction step is identical to the one for the base case:

apply(subst lfp_unfold[OF mono_ef])

The main theorem is proved in the familiar manner: induction followed by
@{text auto} augmented with the lemma as a simplification rule.

theorem "mc f = {s. s \<Turnstile> f}"
apply(induct_tac f)
apply(auto simp add: EF_lemma)

@{term AX} has a dual operator @{term EN} 
(``there exists a next state such that'')%
\footnote{We cannot use the customary @{text EX}: it is reserved
as the \textsc{ascii}-equivalent of @{text"\<exists>"}.}
with the intended semantics
@{prop[display]"(s \<Turnstile> EN f) = (\<exists>t. (s,t) \<in> M \<and> t \<Turnstile> f)"}
Fortunately, @{term"EN f"} can already be expressed as a PDL formula. How?

Show that the semantics for @{term EF} satisfies the following recursion equation:
@{prop[display]"(s \<Turnstile> EF f) = (s \<Turnstile> f | s \<Turnstile> EN(EF f))"}
theorem main: "mc f = {s. s \<Turnstile> f}"
apply(induct_tac f)
apply(auto simp add: EF_lemma)

lemma aux: "s \<Turnstile> f = (s \<in> mc f)"
apply(simp add: main)

lemma "(s \<Turnstile> EF f) = (s \<Turnstile> f | s \<Turnstile> Neg(AX(Neg(EF f))))"
apply(simp only: aux)
apply(subst lfp_unfold[OF mono_ef], fast)
