(* Title: HOL/MicroJava/BV/LBVSpec.thy
ID: $Id$
Author: Gerwin Klein
Copyright 1999 Technische Universitaet Muenchen
header {* The Lightweight Bytecode Verifier *}
theory LBVSpec = Effect + Kildall:
text {*
The Lightweight Bytecode Verifier with exceptions has not
made it completely into the Isabelle 2001 release. Currently
there is only the specification itself available. The proofs of
soundness and completeness are broken (they still need to be
ported to the exception version). Both theories are included
for documentation (but they don't work for this specification),
please see the Isabelle 99-2 release for a working copy.
certificate = "state_type option list"
class_certificate = "sig => certificate"
prog_certificate = "cname => class_certificate"
merge :: "[jvm_prog, p_count, nat, nat, p_count, certificate, (nat \<times> (state_type option)) list, state] \<Rightarrow> state"
"merge G pc mxs mxr max_pc cert [] x = x"
"merge G pc mxs mxr max_pc cert (s#ss) x = (let (pc',s') = s in
if pc' < max_pc \<and> pc' = pc+1 then
merge G pc mxs mxr max_pc cert ss (OK s' +_(sup G mxs mxr) x)
else if pc' < max_pc \<and> G \<turnstile> s' <=' cert!pc' then
merge G pc mxs mxr max_pc cert ss x
else Err)"
wtl_inst :: "[instr,jvm_prog,ty,state_type option,certificate,nat,nat,p_count,exception_table,p_count]
=> state_type option err"
"wtl_inst i G rT s cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc ==
if app i G maxs rT pc et s then
merge G pc maxs maxr max_pc cert (eff i G pc et s) (OK (cert!(pc+1)))
else Err"
wtl_cert :: "[instr,jvm_prog,ty,state_type option,certificate,nat,nat,p_count,exception_table,p_count]
=> state_type option err"
"wtl_cert i G rT s cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc ==
case cert!pc of
None => wtl_inst i G rT s cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc
| Some s' => if G \<turnstile> s <=' (Some s') then
wtl_inst i G rT (Some s') cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc
else Err"
wtl_inst_list :: "[instr list,jvm_prog,ty,certificate,nat,nat,p_count,exception_table,p_count,
state_type option] => state_type option err"
"wtl_inst_list [] G rT cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc s = OK s"
"wtl_inst_list (i#is) G rT cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc s =
(let s' = wtl_cert i G rT s cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc in
strict (wtl_inst_list is G rT cert maxs maxr max_pc et (pc+1)) s')"
wtl_method :: "[jvm_prog,cname,ty list,ty,nat,nat,exception_table,instr list,certificate] => bool"
"wtl_method G C pTs rT mxs mxl et ins cert ==
let max_pc = length ins
0 < max_pc \<and>
wtl_inst_list ins G rT cert mxs mxl max_pc et 0
(Some ([],(OK (Class C))#((map OK pTs))@(replicate mxl Err))) \<noteq> Err"
wtl_jvm_prog :: "[jvm_prog,prog_certificate] => bool"
"wtl_jvm_prog G cert ==
wf_prog (\<lambda>G C (sig,rT,maxs,maxl,b,et). wtl_method G C (snd sig) rT maxs maxl et b (cert C sig)) G"
lemmas [iff] = not_Err_eq
lemma if_eq_cases:
"(P \<Longrightarrow> x = z) \<Longrightarrow> (\<not>P \<Longrightarrow> y = z) \<Longrightarrow> (if P then x else y) = z"
by simp
lemma merge_def:
"!!x. merge G pc mxs mxr max_pc cert ss x =
(if \<forall>(pc',s') \<in> set ss. pc' < max_pc \<and> (pc' \<noteq> pc+1 \<longrightarrow> G \<turnstile> s' <=' cert!pc') then
map (OK \<circ> snd) [(p',t') \<in> ss. p'=pc+1] ++_(sup G mxs mxr) x
else Err)" (is "!!x. ?merge ss x = ?if ss x" is "!!x. ?P ss x")
proof (induct ss)
show "!!x. ?P [] x" by simp
have OK_snd: "(\<lambda>u. OK (snd u)) = OK \<circ> snd" by (rule ext) auto
fix x ss and s::"nat \<times> (state_type option)"
assume IH: "\<And>x. ?P ss x"
obtain pc' s' where s: "s = (pc',s')" by (cases s)
hence "?merge (s#ss) x = ?merge ((pc',s')#ss) x" by hypsubst (rule refl)
have "\<dots> = (if pc' < max_pc \<and> pc' = pc+1 then
?merge ss (OK s' +_(sup G mxs mxr) x)
else if pc' < max_pc \<and> G \<turnstile> s' <=' cert!pc' then
?merge ss x
else Err)"
(is "_ = (if ?pc' then ?merge ss (_ +_?f _) else if ?G then _ else _)")
by simp
let "if ?all ss then _ else _" = "?if ss x"
have "\<dots> = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x"
proof (cases "?pc'")
case True
hence "?all (((pc',s')#ss)) = (pc+1 < max_pc \<and> ?all ss)" by simp
with True
have "?if ss (OK s' +_?f x) = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x" by (auto simp add: OK_snd)
hence "?merge ss (OK s' +_?f x) = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x" by (simp only: IH)
with True show ?thesis by (fast intro: if_eq_cases)
case False
have "(if ?G then ?merge ss x else Err) = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x"
proof (cases ?G)
assume G: ?G with False
have "?if ss x = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x" by (auto simp add: OK_snd)
hence "?merge ss x = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x" by (simp only: IH)
with G show ?thesis by (fast intro: if_eq_cases)
assume G: "\<not>?G"
with False have "Err = ?if ((pc',s')#ss) x" by auto
with G show ?thesis by (fast intro: if_eq_cases)
with False show ?thesis by (fast intro: if_eq_cases)
also from s have "\<dots> = ?if (s#ss) x" by hypsubst (rule refl)
finally show "?P (s#ss) x" .
lemma wtl_inst_OK:
"(wtl_inst i G rT s cert mxs mxr max_pc et pc = OK s') = (
app i G mxs rT pc et s \<and>
(\<forall>(pc',r) \<in> set (eff i G pc et s).
pc' < max_pc \<and> (pc' \<noteq> pc+1 \<longrightarrow> G \<turnstile> r <=' cert!pc')) \<and>
map (OK \<circ> snd) [(p',t') \<in> (eff i G pc et s). p'=pc+1]
++_(sup G mxs mxr) (OK (cert!(pc+1))) = OK s')"
by (auto simp add: wtl_inst_def merge_def split: split_if_asm)
lemma wtl_Cons:
"wtl_inst_list (i#is) G rT cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc s \<noteq> Err =
(\<exists>s'. wtl_cert i G rT s cert maxs maxr max_pc et pc = OK s' \<and>
wtl_inst_list is G rT cert maxs maxr max_pc et (pc+1) s' \<noteq> Err)"
by (auto simp del: split_paired_Ex)
lemma wtl_append:
"\<forall> s pc. (wtl_inst_list (a@b) G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et pc s = OK s') =
(\<exists>s''. wtl_inst_list a G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et pc s = OK s'' \<and>
wtl_inst_list b G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et (pc+length a) s'' = OK s')"
(is "\<forall> s pc. ?C s pc a" is "?P a")
proof (induct ?P a)
show "?P []" by simp
fix x xs assume IH: "?P xs"
show "?P (x#xs)"
proof (intro allI)
fix s pc
show "?C s pc (x#xs)"
proof (cases "wtl_cert x G rT s cert mxs mxr mpc et pc")
case Err thus ?thesis by simp
fix s0 assume "wtl_cert x G rT s cert mxs mxr mpc et pc = OK s0"
with IH have "?C s0 (Suc pc) xs" by blast
thus ?thesis by (simp!)
lemma wtl_take:
"wtl_inst_list is G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et pc s = OK s'' ==>
\<exists>s'. wtl_inst_list (take pc' is) G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et pc s = OK s'"
proof -
assume "wtl_inst_list is G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et pc s = OK s''"
hence "wtl_inst_list (take pc' is @ drop pc' is) G rT cert mxs mxr mpc et pc s = OK s''"
by simp
thus ?thesis by (auto simp add: wtl_append simp del: append_take_drop_id)
lemma take_Suc:
"\<forall>n. n < length l --> take (Suc n) l = (take n l)@[l!n]" (is "?P l")
proof (induct l)
show "?P []" by simp
fix x xs assume IH: "?P xs"
show "?P (x#xs)"
proof (intro strip)
fix n assume "n < length (x#xs)"
with IH show "take (Suc n) (x # xs) = take n (x # xs) @ [(x # xs) ! n]"
by (cases n, auto)
lemma wtl_Suc:
"[| wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s = OK s';
wtl_cert (is!pc) G rT s' cert maxs maxr (length is) et pc = OK s'';
Suc pc < length is |] ==>
wtl_inst_list (take (Suc pc) is) G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s = OK s''"
proof -
assume "wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s = OK s'"
"wtl_cert (is!pc) G rT s' cert maxs maxr (length is) et pc = OK s''"
"Suc pc < length is"
hence "take (Suc pc) is = (take pc is)@[is!pc]" by (simp add: take_Suc)
thus ?thesis by (simp! add: wtl_append min_def)
lemma wtl_all:
"[| wtl_inst_list is G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s \<noteq> Err;
pc < length is |] ==>
\<exists>s' s''. wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s = OK s' \<and>
wtl_cert (is!pc) G rT s' cert maxs maxr (length is) et pc = OK s''"
proof -
assume all: "wtl_inst_list is G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s \<noteq> Err"
assume pc: "pc < length is"
hence "0 < length (drop pc is)" by simp
then obtain i r where Cons: "drop pc is = i#r"
by (auto simp add: neq_Nil_conv simp del: length_drop)
hence "i#r = drop pc is" ..
with all have take:
"wtl_inst_list (take pc is@i#r) G rT cert maxs maxr (length is) et 0 s \<noteq> Err"
by simp
from pc have "is!pc = drop pc is ! 0" by simp
with Cons have "is!pc = i" by simp
with take pc show ?thesis by (auto simp add: wtl_append min_def)