(* Title: HOL/Record.thy
ID: $Id$
Author: Wolfgang Naraschewski and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Extensible records with structural subtyping in HOL. See
Tools/record_package.ML for the actual implementation.
theory Record = Datatype
files "Tools/record_package.ML":
(* concrete syntax *)
ident field_type field_types field fields update updates
(*field names*)
"" :: "id => ident" ("_")
"" :: "longid => ident" ("_")
(*record types*)
"_field_type" :: "[ident, type] => field_type" ("(2_ ::/ _)")
"" :: "field_type => field_types" ("_")
"_field_types" :: "[field_type, field_types] => field_types" ("_,/ _")
"_record_type" :: "field_types => type" ("(3'(| _ |'))")
"_record_type_scheme" :: "[field_types, type] => type" ("(3'(| _,/ (2... ::/ _) |'))")
"_field" :: "[ident, 'a] => field" ("(2_ =/ _)")
"" :: "field => fields" ("_")
"_fields" :: "[field, fields] => fields" ("_,/ _")
"_record" :: "fields => 'a" ("(3'(| _ |'))")
"_record_scheme" :: "[fields, 'a] => 'a" ("(3'(| _,/ (2... =/ _) |'))")
(*record updates*)
"_update_name" :: idt
"_update" :: "[ident, 'a] => update" ("(2_ :=/ _)")
"" :: "update => updates" ("_")
"_updates" :: "[update, updates] => updates" ("_,/ _")
"_record_update" :: "['a, updates] => 'b" ("_/(3'(| _ |'))" [900,0] 900)
syntax (xsymbols)
"_record_type" :: "field_types => type" ("(3\<lparr>_\<rparr>)")
"_record_type_scheme" :: "[field_types, type] => type" ("(3\<lparr>_,/ (2\<dots> ::/ _)\<rparr>)")
"_record" :: "fields => 'a" ("(3\<lparr>_\<rparr>)")
"_record_scheme" :: "[fields, 'a] => 'a" ("(3\<lparr>_,/ (2\<dots> =/ _)\<rparr>)")
"_record_update" :: "['a, updates] => 'b" ("_/(3\<lparr>_\<rparr>)" [900,0] 900)
parse_translation {*
fun update_name_tr (Free (x, T) :: ts) =
Term.list_comb (Free (suffix RecordPackage.updateN x, T), ts)
| update_name_tr (Const (x, T) :: ts) =
Term.list_comb (Const (suffix RecordPackage.updateN x, T), ts)
| update_name_tr (((c as Const ("_constrain", _)) $ t $ ty) :: ts) =
Term.list_comb (c $ update_name_tr [t] $
(Syntax.const "fun" $ ty $ Syntax.const "dummy"), ts)
| update_name_tr ts = raise TERM ("update_name_tr", ts);
in [("_update_name", update_name_tr)] end
(* type class for record extensions *)
axclass more < "term"
instance unit :: more ..
(* initialize the package *)