author nipkow
Sun, 06 Aug 2000 15:26:53 +0200
changeset 9541 d17c0b34d5c8
parent 9458 c613cd06d5cf
child 9644 6b0b6b471855
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

So far all examples of rewrite rules were equations. The simplifier also
accepts \emph{conditional} equations, for example%
\isacommand{lemma}\ hd\_Cons\_tl[simp]:\ {"}xs\ {\isasymnoteq}\ []\ \ {\isasymLongrightarrow}\ \ hd\ xs\ \#\ tl\ xs\ =\ xs{"}\isanewline
\isacommand{by}(case\_tac\ xs,\ simp,\ simp)%
Note the use of ``\ttindexboldpos{,}{$Isar}'' to string together a
sequence of methods. Assuming that the simplification rule
\isa{(rev\ xs\ =\ [])\ =\ (xs\ =\ [])}
is present as well,%
\isacommand{lemma}\ {"}xs\ {\isasymnoteq}\ []\ {\isasymLongrightarrow}\ hd(rev\ xs)\ \#\ tl(rev\ xs)\ =\ rev\ xs{"}%
is proved by plain simplification:
the conditional equation \isa{hd_Cons_tl} above
can simplify \isa{hd(rev~xs)~\#~tl(rev~xs)} to \isa{rev xs}
because the corresponding precondition \isa{rev xs \isasymnoteq\ []}
simplifies to \isa{xs \isasymnoteq\ []}, which is exactly the local
assumption of the subgoal.%
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