discontinued pointless warnings: commands are only defined inside a theory context;
(* Title: Pure/Tools/thy_deps.ML
Author: Makarius
Visualization of theory dependencies.
signature THY_DEPS =
val thy_deps: theory -> theory list option * theory list option -> Graph_Display.entry list
val thy_deps_cmd: theory -> string list option * string list option -> unit
structure Thy_Deps: THY_DEPS =
fun gen_thy_deps _ thy0 (NONE, NONE) =
val parent_session = Session.get_name ();
val parent_loaded = is_some o Thy_Info.lookup_theory;
in Present.session_graph parent_session parent_loaded thy0 end
| gen_thy_deps prep_thy thy0 bounds =
val (upper, lower) = apply2 ((Option.map o map) (prep_thy thy0)) bounds;
val rel = Theory.subthy o swap;
val pred =
(case upper of
SOME Bs => (fn thy => exists (fn B => rel (thy, B)) Bs)
| NONE => K true) andf
(case lower of
SOME Bs => (fn thy => exists (fn B => rel (B, thy)) Bs)
| NONE => K true);
fun node thy =
((Context.theory_name thy, Graph_Display.content_node (Context.theory_name thy) []),
map Context.theory_name (filter pred (Theory.parents_of thy)));
in Theory.nodes_of thy0 |> filter pred |> map node end;
val thy_deps = gen_thy_deps (K I);
val thy_deps_cmd = Graph_Display.display_graph oo gen_thy_deps Context.get_theory;
val theory_bounds =
Parse.theory_xname >> single ||
(@{keyword "("} |-- Parse.enum "|" Parse.theory_xname --| @{keyword ")"});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword thy_deps} "visualize theory dependencies"
(Scan.option theory_bounds -- Scan.option theory_bounds >>
(fn args => Toplevel.keep (fn st => thy_deps_cmd (Toplevel.theory_of st) args)));