(* Title: Pure/Isar/induct_attrib.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Declaration of rules for cases and induction.
signature INDUCT_ATTRIB =
val vars_of: term -> term list
val dest_global_rules: theory ->
{type_cases: (string * thm) list, set_cases: (string * thm) list,
type_induct: (string * thm) list, set_induct: (string * thm) list}
val print_global_rules: theory -> unit
val dest_local_rules: Proof.context ->
{type_cases: (string * thm) list, set_cases: (string * thm) list,
type_induct: (string * thm) list, set_induct: (string * thm) list}
val print_local_rules: Proof.context -> unit
val lookup_casesT : Proof.context -> string -> thm option
val lookup_casesS : Proof.context -> string -> thm option
val lookup_inductT : Proof.context -> string -> thm option
val lookup_inductS : Proof.context -> string -> thm option
val find_casesT: Proof.context -> typ -> thm list
val find_casesS: Proof.context -> thm -> thm list
val find_inductT: Proof.context -> typ -> thm list
val find_inductS: Proof.context -> thm -> thm list
val cases_type_global: string -> theory attribute
val cases_set_global: string -> theory attribute
val cases_type_local: string -> Proof.context attribute
val cases_set_local: string -> Proof.context attribute
val induct_type_global: string -> theory attribute
val induct_set_global: string -> theory attribute
val induct_type_local: string -> Proof.context attribute
val induct_set_local: string -> Proof.context attribute
val casesN: string
val inductN: string
val typeN: string
val setN: string
structure InductAttrib: INDUCT_ATTRIB =
(** misc utils **)
(* encode_type -- for indexing purposes *)
fun encode_type (Type (c, Ts)) = Term.list_comb (Const (c, dummyT), map encode_type Ts)
| encode_type (TFree (a, _)) = Free (a, dummyT)
| encode_type (TVar (a, _)) = Var (a, dummyT);
(* variables -- ordered left-to-right, preferring right *)
fun rev_vars_of tm =
Term.foldl_aterms (fn (ts, t as Var _) => t :: ts | (ts, _) => ts) ([], tm)
|> Library.distinct;
val mk_var = encode_type o #2 o Term.dest_Var;
val vars_of = rev o rev_vars_of;
fun first_var thm = mk_var (hd (vars_of (hd (Thm.prems_of thm)))) handle Empty =>
raise THM ("No variables in first premise of rule", 0, [thm]);
fun last_var thm = mk_var (hd (rev_vars_of (Thm.concl_of thm))) handle Empty =>
raise THM ("No variables in conclusion of rule", 0, [thm]);
(** global and local induct data **)
(* rules *)
type rules = (string * thm) NetRules.T;
val init_rules =
NetRules.init (fn ((s1: string, th1), (s2, th2)) => s1 = s2 andalso
Drule.eq_thm_prop (th1, th2));
fun lookup_rule (rs: rules) name = Library.assoc (NetRules.rules rs, name);
fun print_rules prt kind x rs =
let val thms = map snd (NetRules.rules rs)
in Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list kind (map (prt x) thms)) end;
fun print_all_rules prt x ((casesT, casesS), (inductT, inductS)) =
(print_rules prt "induct type:" x inductT;
print_rules prt "induct set:" x inductS;
print_rules prt "cases type:" x casesT;
print_rules prt "cases set:" x casesS);
(* theory data kind 'Isar/induction' *)
structure GlobalInductArgs =
val name = "Isar/induction";
type T = (rules * rules) * (rules * rules);
val empty =
((init_rules (first_var o #2), init_rules (Thm.major_prem_of o #2)),
(init_rules (last_var o #2), init_rules (Thm.major_prem_of o #2)));
val copy = I;
val prep_ext = I;
fun merge (((casesT1, casesS1), (inductT1, inductS1)),
((casesT2, casesS2), (inductT2, inductS2))) =
((NetRules.merge (casesT1, casesT2), NetRules.merge (casesS1, casesS2)),
(NetRules.merge (inductT1, inductT2), NetRules.merge (inductS1, inductS2)));
fun print x = print_all_rules Display.pretty_thm_sg x;
fun dest ((casesT, casesS), (inductT, inductS)) =
{type_cases = NetRules.rules casesT,
set_cases = NetRules.rules casesS,
type_induct = NetRules.rules inductT,
set_induct = NetRules.rules inductS};
structure GlobalInduct = TheoryDataFun(GlobalInductArgs);
val _ = Context.add_setup [GlobalInduct.init];
val print_global_rules = GlobalInduct.print;
val dest_global_rules = GlobalInductArgs.dest o GlobalInduct.get;
(* proof data kind 'Isar/induction' *)
structure LocalInductArgs =
val name = "Isar/induction";
type T = GlobalInductArgs.T;
fun init thy = GlobalInduct.get thy;
fun print x = print_all_rules ProofContext.pretty_thm x;
structure LocalInduct = ProofDataFun(LocalInductArgs);
val _ = Context.add_setup [LocalInduct.init];
val print_local_rules = LocalInduct.print;
val dest_local_rules = GlobalInductArgs.dest o LocalInduct.get;
(* access rules *)
val lookup_casesT = lookup_rule o #1 o #1 o LocalInduct.get;
val lookup_casesS = lookup_rule o #2 o #1 o LocalInduct.get;
val lookup_inductT = lookup_rule o #1 o #2 o LocalInduct.get;
val lookup_inductS = lookup_rule o #2 o #2 o LocalInduct.get;
fun find_rules which how ctxt x =
map snd (NetRules.retrieve (which (LocalInduct.get ctxt)) (how x));
val find_casesT = find_rules (#1 o #1) encode_type;
val find_casesS = find_rules (#2 o #1) Thm.concl_of;
val find_inductT = find_rules (#1 o #2) encode_type;
val find_inductS = find_rules (#2 o #2) Thm.concl_of;
(** attributes **)
fun mk_att f g h name arg =
let val (x, thm) = h arg in (f (g (name, thm)) x, thm) end;
fun add_casesT rule x = apfst (apfst (NetRules.insert rule)) x;
fun add_casesS rule x = apfst (apsnd (NetRules.insert rule)) x;
fun add_inductT rule x = apsnd (apfst (NetRules.insert rule)) x;
fun add_inductS rule x = apsnd (apsnd (NetRules.insert rule)) x;
fun consumes0 x = RuleCases.consumes_default 0 x;
fun consumes1 x = RuleCases.consumes_default 1 x;
val cases_type_global = mk_att GlobalInduct.map add_casesT consumes0;
val cases_set_global = mk_att GlobalInduct.map add_casesS consumes1;
val induct_type_global = mk_att GlobalInduct.map add_inductT consumes0;
val induct_set_global = mk_att GlobalInduct.map add_inductS consumes1;
val cases_type_local = mk_att LocalInduct.map add_casesT consumes0;
val cases_set_local = mk_att LocalInduct.map add_casesS consumes1;
val induct_type_local = mk_att LocalInduct.map add_inductT consumes0;
val induct_set_local = mk_att LocalInduct.map add_inductS consumes1;
(** concrete syntax **)
val casesN = "cases";
val inductN = "induct";
val typeN = "type";
val setN = "set";
fun spec k arg =
Scan.lift (Args.$$$ k -- Args.colon) |-- arg ||
Scan.lift (Args.$$$ k) >> K "";
fun attrib tyname const add_type add_set =
Attrib.syntax (spec typeN tyname >> add_type || spec setN const >> add_set);
val cases_attr =
(attrib Args.global_tyname Args.global_const cases_type_global cases_set_global,
attrib Args.local_tyname Args.local_const cases_type_local cases_set_local);
val induct_attr =
(attrib Args.global_tyname Args.global_const induct_type_global induct_set_global,
attrib Args.local_tyname Args.local_const induct_type_local induct_set_local);
val _ = Context.add_setup
[(casesN, cases_attr, "declaration of cases rule for type or set"),
(inductN, induct_attr, "declaration of induction rule for type or set")]];