author wenzelm
Thu, 21 Apr 2005 22:02:06 +0200
changeset 15801 d2f5ca3c048d
parent 15531 08c8dad8e399
child 16436 7eb6b6cbd166
permissions -rw-r--r--
superceded by Pure.thy and CPure.thy;

(*  Title:      Pure/context.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen

Theory contexts.

signature BASIC_CONTEXT =
  val context: theory -> unit
  val the_context: unit -> theory

signature CONTEXT =
  val get_context: unit -> theory option
  val set_context: theory option -> unit
  val reset_context: unit -> unit
  val setmp: theory option -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
  val pass: theory option -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b * theory option
  val pass_theory: theory -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b * theory
  val save: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
  val >> : (theory -> theory) -> unit
  val ml_output: (string -> unit) * (string -> unit)
  val use_mltext: string -> bool -> theory option -> unit
  val use_mltext_theory: string -> bool -> theory -> theory
  val use_let: string -> string -> string -> theory -> theory
  val add_setup: (theory -> theory) list -> unit
  val setup: unit -> (theory -> theory) list

structure Context: CONTEXT =

(** implicit theory context in ML **)

  val current_theory = ref (NONE: theory option);
  fun get_context () = ! current_theory;
  fun set_context opt_thy = current_theory := opt_thy;
  fun setmp opt_thy f x = Library.setmp current_theory opt_thy f x;

fun the_context () =
  (case get_context () of
    SOME thy => thy
  | _ => error "Unknown theory context");

fun context thy = set_context (SOME thy);
fun reset_context () = set_context NONE;

fun pass opt_thy f x =
  setmp opt_thy (fn x => let val y = f x in (y, get_context ()) end) x;

fun pass_theory thy f x =
  (case pass (SOME thy) f x of
    (y, SOME thy') => (y, thy')
  | (_, NONE) => error "Lost theory context in ML");

fun save f x = setmp (get_context ()) f x;

(* map context *)

nonfix >>;
fun >> f = set_context (SOME (f (the_context ())));

(* use ML text *)

val ml_output = (writeln, error_msg: string -> unit);

fun use_output verb txt = use_text ml_output verb (Symbol.escape txt);

fun use_mltext txt verb opt_thy = setmp opt_thy (fn () => use_output verb txt) ();
fun use_mltext_theory txt verb thy = #2 (pass_theory thy (use_output verb) txt);

fun use_context txt = use_mltext_theory ("Context.>> (" ^ txt ^ ");") false;

fun use_let bind body txt =
  use_context ("let " ^ bind ^ " = " ^ txt ^ " in\n" ^ body ^ " end");

(** delayed theory setup **)

  val setup_fns = ref ([]: (theory -> theory) list);
  fun add_setup fns = setup_fns := ! setup_fns @ fns;
  fun setup () = let val fns = ! setup_fns in setup_fns := []; fns end;


structure BasicContext: BASIC_CONTEXT = Context;
open BasicContext;