author wenzelm
Tue, 02 Jun 2009 23:37:36 +0200
changeset 34589 d461e5506d02
parent 34582 5d5d253c7c29
child 34601 f37cd618f582
permissions -rw-r--r--
handle_result: activate via explicit status "ready" (cf.; tuned;

 * Higher-level prover communication: interactive document model
 * @author Johannes Hölzl, TU Munich
 * @author Fabian Immler, TU Munich
 * @author Makarius

package isabelle.prover

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.immutable.{TreeSet}

import scala.actors.Actor
import scala.actors.Actor._

import org.gjt.sp.util.Log

import isabelle.jedit.Isabelle
import isabelle.proofdocument.{StructureChange, ProofDocument, Text, Token}
import isabelle.IsarDocument

object ProverEvents {
  case class Activate
  case class SetEventBus(bus: EventBus[StructureChange])
  case class SetIsCommandKeyword(is_command_keyword: String => Boolean)

class Prover(isabelle_system: IsabelleSystem, logic: String) extends Actor
  /* prover process */

  private val process =
    val results = new EventBus[IsabelleProcess.Result] + handle_result
    results.logger = Log.log(Log.ERROR, null, _)
    new IsabelleProcess(isabelle_system, results, "-m", "xsymbols", logic) with IsarDocument

  def stop() { process.kill }

  /* document state information */

  private val states = new mutable.HashMap[IsarDocument.State_ID, Command] with
    mutable.SynchronizedMap[IsarDocument.State_ID, Command]
  private val commands = new mutable.HashMap[IsarDocument.Command_ID, Command] with
    mutable.SynchronizedMap[IsarDocument.Command_ID, Command]
  private var document_versions = List(ProofDocument.empty)
  private val document_id0 =

  def command(id: IsarDocument.Command_ID): Option[Command] = commands.get(id)
  def document = document_versions.head

  private var initialized = false

  /* outer syntax keywords */

  val decl_info = new EventBus[(String, String)]

  private val keyword_decls =
    new mutable.HashSet[String] with mutable.SynchronizedSet[String] {
    override def +=(name: String) = {
      decl_info.event(name, OuterKeyword.MINOR)
  private val command_decls =
    new mutable.HashMap[String, String] with mutable.SynchronizedMap[String, String] {
    override def +=(entry: (String, String)) = {

  /* completions */

  var _completions = new TreeSet[String]
  def completions = _completions
  /* // TODO: ask Makarius to make Interpretation.symbols public (here: read-only as 'symbol_map')
  val map = isabelle.jedit.Isabelle.symbols.symbol_map
  for (xsymb <- map.keys) {
    _completions += xsymb
    if (map(xsymb).get("abbrev").isDefined) _completions += map(xsymb)("abbrev")
  decl_info += (p => _completions += p._1)

  /* event handling */

  val activated = new EventBus[Unit]
  val output_info = new EventBus[String]
  var change_receiver: Actor = null
  private def handle_result(result: IsabelleProcess.Result)
    // helper-function (move to XML?)
    def get_attr(attributes: List[(String, String)], attr: String): Option[String] =
      attributes.find(p => p._1 == attr).map(_._2)

    def command_change(c: Command) = this ! c
    val (running, command) =
      result.props.find(p => p._1 == Markup.ID) match {
        case None => (false, null)
        case Some((_, id)) =>
          if (commands.contains(id)) (false, commands(id))
          else if (states.contains(id)) (true, states(id))
          else (false, null)

    if (result.kind == IsabelleProcess.Kind.STDOUT ||
        result.kind == IsabelleProcess.Kind.STDIN)
    else {
      result.kind match {

        case IsabelleProcess.Kind.WRITELN
        | IsabelleProcess.Kind.PRIORITY
        | IsabelleProcess.Kind.WARNING
        | IsabelleProcess.Kind.ERROR =>
          if (command != null) {
            if (result.kind == IsabelleProcess.Kind.ERROR)
              command.status = Command.Status.FAILED
            command.add_result(running, process.parse_message(result))
          } else {

        case IsabelleProcess.Kind.STATUS =>
          //{{{ handle all kinds of status messages here
          process.parse_message(result) match {
            case XML.Elem(Markup.MESSAGE, _, elems) =>
              for (elem <- elems) {
                elem match {
                  // command and keyword declarations
                  case XML.Elem(Markup.COMMAND_DECL,
                      (Markup.NAME, name) :: (Markup.KIND, kind) :: _, _) =>
                    command_decls += (name -> kind)
                  case XML.Elem(Markup.KEYWORD_DECL, (Markup.NAME, name) :: _, _) =>
                    keyword_decls += name

                  // process ready (after initialization)
                  case XML.Elem(Markup.READY, _, _)
                  if !initialized =>
                    initialized = true
           { this ! ProverEvents.Activate }

                  // document edits
                  case XML.Elem(Markup.EDITS, (Markup.ID, doc_id) :: _, edits)
                  if document_versions.exists( == doc_id) =>
                    for {
                      XML.Elem(Markup.EDIT, (Markup.ID, cmd_id) :: (Markup.STATE, state_id) :: _, _)
                        <- edits
                    } {
                      if (commands.contains(cmd_id)) {
                        val cmd = commands(cmd_id)
                        if (cmd.state_id != null) states -= cmd.state_id
                        states(state_id) = cmd
                        cmd.state_id = state_id
                        cmd.status = Command.Status.UNPROCESSED

                  // command status
                  case XML.Elem(Markup.UNPROCESSED, _, _)
                  if command != null =>
                    command.status = Command.Status.UNPROCESSED
                  case XML.Elem(Markup.FINISHED, _, _)
                  if command != null =>
                    command.status = Command.Status.FINISHED
                  case XML.Elem(Markup.FAILED, _, _)
                  if command != null =>
                    command.status = Command.Status.FAILED
                  case XML.Elem(kind, attr, body)
                  if command != null =>
                    val begin = get_attr(attr, Markup.OFFSET).map(_.toInt - 1)
                    val end = get_attr(attr, Markup.END_OFFSET).map(_.toInt - 1)
                    if (begin.isDefined && end.isDefined) {
                      if (kind == Markup.ML_TYPING) {
                        val info = body.first.asInstanceOf[XML.Text].content
                        command.markup_root += command.markup_node(begin.get, end.get, TypeInfo(info))
                      } else if (kind == Markup.ML_REF) {
                        body match {
                          case List(XML.Elem(Markup.ML_DEF, attr, _)) =>
                            command.markup_root += command.markup_node(begin.get, end.get,
                              RefInfo(get_attr(attr, Markup.FILE),
                                      get_attr(attr, Markup.LINE).map(_.toInt),
                                      get_attr(attr, Markup.ID),
                                      get_attr(attr, Markup.OFFSET).map(_.toInt)))
                          case _ =>
                      } else {
                        command.markup_root += command.markup_node(begin.get, end.get, HighlightInfo(kind))
                  case XML.Elem(kind, attr, body)
                  if command == null =>
                    // TODO: This is mostly irrelevant information on removed commands, but it can
                    // also be outer-syntax-markup since there is no id in props (fix that?)
                    val begin = get_attr(attr, Markup.OFFSET).map(_.toInt - 1)
                    val end = get_attr(attr, Markup.END_OFFSET).map(_.toInt - 1)
                    val markup_id = get_attr(attr, Markup.ID)
                    val outer = isabelle.jedit.DynamicTokenMarker.is_outer(kind)
                    if (outer && !running && begin.isDefined && end.isDefined && markup_id.isDefined)
                      commands.get(markup_id.get).map (cmd => {
                        cmd.markup_root += cmd.markup_node(begin.get, end.get, OuterInfo(kind))
                  case _ =>
            case _ =>

        case _ =>

  def act() {
    import ProverEvents._
    loop {
      react {
        case Activate => {
            val old = document
            val (doc, structure_change) = old.activate
            document_versions ::= doc
            edit_document(,, structure_change)
        case SetIsCommandKeyword(f) => {
            val old = document
            val doc = old.set_command_keyword(f)
            document_versions ::= doc
            edit_document(,, StructureChange(None, Nil, Nil))
        case change: Text.Change => {
            val old = document
            val (doc, structure_change) = old.text_changed(change)
            document_versions ::= doc
            edit_document(,, structure_change)
        case command: Command => {
            //state of command has changed
            change_receiver ! command
  def set_document(change_receiver: Actor, path: String) {
    this.change_receiver = change_receiver
    this ! ProverEvents.SetIsCommandKeyword(command_decls.contains)
    process.ML("()")  // FIXME force initial writeln
    process.begin_document(document_id0, path)

  private def edit_document(old_id: String, document_id: String, changes: StructureChange) =
    val removes =
      for (cmd <- changes.removed_commands) yield {
        commands -=
        if (cmd.state_id != null) states -= cmd.state_id -> None
    val inserts =
      for (cmd <- changes.added_commands) yield {
        commands += ( -> cmd)
        process.define_command(, isabelle_system.symbols.encode(cmd.content))
        (document.commands.prev(cmd).map( -> Some(
    process.edit_document(old_id, document_id, removes.reverse ++ inserts)