author wenzelm
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 12:03:09 +0100
changeset 5953 d6017ce6b93e
parent 1826 2a2c0dbeb4ac
permissions -rw-r--r--
setup Blast.setup; setup Clasimp.setup;

.\" @(#)isa2latex
.TH ISA2LATEX 1 "12 Mar 1995" ""
\fBisa2latex\fP \- converts files containing Isabelle source to LaTeX format
.IX isa2latex#(1) "" "\fLisa2latex\fP(1)"
.B isa2latex

.B isa2latex
converts a file written using the Isabelle font (with graphical 
characters, or pure ASCII) to a source file for LaTeX (alternatviely to 
an ASCII representation).

In contrast to its predecessor 
.B spec2latex,
the converter
.B isa2latex
is capable of converting multi character input sequences. Therefore,
.B isa2latex 
can also  be used as a LaTeX pretty printer for Isabelle theories 
and proofs. Common tasks are the conversion of multi character
sequences like !! and ==> to corresponding LaTeX code 

The converter has several conversion modes 
(\fIISA\fP, \fIINLINE\fP, \fILATEX\fP, and \fIESC\fP) that depend 
on the options given and 
on special mode switches (\\I@isa, \\I@ and \\E@)
inside the converted files. 
For a full description, see the manual of the 8bit package.

There is a \fIperl\fP script 
.B gen-isa2latex
that allows the extension or redefinition of the standard converter 
.B isa2latex. 
The script automatically generates the converter
from a configuration file that is provided by the user. 
See the manpage about
.B gen-isa2latex
for more details. 

.B isa2latex 
normally reads its input from stdin and writes its output
to stdout. The default conversion mode is the same as if option 
.B \-i
(described below) was given.

\fIoptions\fP consists of one or a sequence of the following options:

.TP 5
.B "file" "\t"
read input from
.I file
instead of stdin

.TP 5
.B \-a "\t"
generate ASCII representation instead of LaTeX source

.TP 5
.B \-A "\t"
accept additionally ASCII representations of graphical characters as input

This option is used to pretty print files containing ASCII representations of
special symbols that could also have been represented using the graphical
Isabelle font. This conversion is somewhat unsafe because of ambiguities.

.TP 5
.B \-b "\t"
generate bigger TABs in the LaTeX source

.TP 5
.B \-e "\t"
generate LaTeX2e output (if option 
.B \-s

.TP 5
.B \-f " fontstring"
use the LaTeX font specified in
.I fontstring
instead of
the default font 'cmr'.
.I fontstring
uses directly LaTeX syntax,
i.e. \\sf for sans serif. In order to prevent the shell from
interpreting the '\\' the fontstring should be quoted. 

\fIexample:\fP isa2latex \-f '\\sf' HOL.thy > HOL.tex 

.TP 5
.B \-i "\t"
generate a LaTeX representation of the input, for inclusion into other LaTeX 

The containing LaTeX document should use the style \fIisa2latex.sty\fP.

The initial conversion mode is \fIISA\fP, and escaping to \fIESC\fP mode
is possible with the \\E@ switch.

This is the default option, and is mutually exclusive with the
.B \-s
.B \-x

\fIexample:\fP isa2latex HOL.thy > HOL.tex 

.TP 5
.B \-h "\t"
print a help message

.TP 5
.B \-o " file"
write output to
.I file
instead of stdout

Note: I/O redirection and "piping" are, of course, also possible.

.TP 5
.B \-s "\t"
like option 
.B \-i,
but generate a standalone LaTeX document including a complete
document header etc.

This is useful for pretty printing an Isabelle theory or proof file. 
The document header includes
also the LaTeX style file \fIisa2latex.sty\fP which should be somewhere
in your LaTeX include path.

\fIexample:\fP isa2latex \-s HOL.thy -o HOL.tex 

.TP 5
.B \-t " n"
set tabstops every
.B n 

Default value is 8. 

.TP 5
.B \-v "\t"
show version number of the converter program on stderr

.TP 5
.B \-x "\t"
generate a pure LaTeX file from LaTeX source with interspersed Isabelle code
(i.e. support of some primitive form of literate programming)

This option, which excludes the options
.B \-i
.B \-s,
is useful for documenting Isabelle theories and proofs.

In the document source, the style \fIisa2latex.sty\fP should be included.

The initial conversion mode is \fILATEX\fP. You may switch to \fIISA\fP mode
using \\I@isa and to \fIINLINE\fP mode using \\I@. From both these
modes, escaping to \fIESC\fP mode is possible with the \\E@ switch.

\fIexample:\fP isa2latex \-x HOL.itex -o HOL.tex 

If a mode switch is given that is not suitable in the current mode,
a warning message like 

 "WARNING: line 15: '\\I@isa' inside ESC mode"

is written to stderr.

 bin/isa2latex           (executable)
 latex/isa2latex.sty     (LaTeX style file)
 config/conv-tables.inp  (specification of the conversion table)

 gen-isa2latex gen-isadoc

 spec2latex: Franz Huber, David von Oheimb, Bernhard Rumpe
 isa2latex, extensions: Franz Regensburger, David von Oheimb

 None known