author bulwahn
Thu, 12 Nov 2009 09:10:16 +0100
changeset 33619 d93a3cb55068
parent 33481 030db03cb426
child 33620 b6bf2dc5aed7
permissions -rw-r--r--
first steps towards a new mode datastructure; new syntax for mode annotations and new output of modes

(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile.ML
    Author:     Lukas Bulwahn, TU Muenchen


  val setup : theory -> theory
  val preprocess : Predicate_Compile_Aux.options -> string -> theory -> theory

structure Predicate_Compile (*: PREDICATE_COMPILE*) =

(* options *)
val fail_safe_mode = true

open Predicate_Compile_Aux;

(* Some last processing *)

fun remove_pointless_clauses intro =
  if Logic.strip_imp_prems (prop_of intro) = [@{prop "False"}] then
  else [intro]

fun print_intross options thy msg intross =
  if show_intermediate_results options then
    tracing (msg ^ 
      (space_implode "\n" (map 
        (fn (c, intros) => "Introduction rule(s) of " ^ c ^ ":\n" ^
           commas (map (Display.string_of_thm_global thy) intros)) intross)))
  else ()
fun print_specs thy specs =
  map (fn (c, thms) => "Constant " ^ c ^ " has specification:\n"
    ^ (space_implode "\n" (map (Display.string_of_thm_global thy) thms)) ^ "\n") specs

fun overload_const thy s = the_default s ( fst (AxClass.inst_of_param thy s))

fun map_specs f specs =
  map (fn (s, ths) => (s, f ths)) specs

fun process_specification options specs thy' =
    val _ = print_step options "Compiling predicates to flat introrules..."
    val specs = map (apsnd (map
      (fn th => if is_equationlike th then Predicate_Compile_Data.normalize_equation thy' th else th))) specs
    val (intross1, thy'') = apfst flat (fold_map Predicate_Compile_Pred.preprocess specs thy')
    val _ = print_intross options thy'' "Flattened introduction rules: " intross1
    val _ = print_step options "Replacing functions in introrules..."
    val intross2 =
      if fail_safe_mode then
        case try (map_specs (maps (Predicate_Compile_Fun.rewrite_intro thy''))) intross1 of
          SOME intross => intross
        | NONE => let val _ = warning "Function replacement failed!" in intross1 end
      else map_specs (maps (Predicate_Compile_Fun.rewrite_intro thy'')) intross1
    val _ = print_intross options thy'' "Introduction rules with replaced functions: " intross2
    val _ = print_step options "Introducing new constants for abstractions at higher-order argument positions..."
    val (intross3, (new_defs, thy''')) = Predicate_Compile_Pred.flat_higher_order_arguments (intross2, thy'')
    val (new_intross, thy'''')  =
      if not (null new_defs) then
          val _ = print_step options "Recursively obtaining introduction rules for new definitions..."
        in process_specification options new_defs thy''' end
      else ([], thy''')
    (intross3 @ new_intross, thy'''')

fun preprocess_strong_conn_constnames options gr constnames thy =
    val get_specs = map (fn k => (k, Graph.get_node gr k))
    val _ = print_step options ("Preprocessing scc of " ^ commas constnames)
    val (prednames, funnames) = List.partition (is_pred thy) constnames
    (* untangle recursion by defining predicates for all functions *)
    val _ = print_step options
      ("Compiling functions (" ^ commas funnames ^ ") to predicates...")
    val (fun_pred_specs, thy') =
      if not (null funnames) then Predicate_Compile_Fun.define_predicates
      (get_specs funnames) thy else ([], thy)
    val _ = print_specs thy' fun_pred_specs
    val specs = (get_specs prednames) @ fun_pred_specs
    val (intross3, thy''') = process_specification options specs thy'
    val _ = print_intross options thy''' "Introduction rules with new constants: " intross3
    val intross4 = map_specs (maps remove_pointless_clauses) intross3
    val _ = print_intross options thy''' "After removing pointless clauses: " intross4
    val intross5 = map (fn (s, ths) => (overload_const thy''' s, map (AxClass.overload thy''') ths)) intross4
    val intross6 = map_specs (map (expand_tuples thy''')) intross5
    val _ = print_intross options thy''' "introduction rules before registering: " intross6
    val _ = print_step options "Registering introduction rules..."
    val thy'''' = fold Predicate_Compile_Core.register_intros intross6 thy'''

fun preprocess options const thy =
    val _ = print_step options "Fetching definitions from theory..."
    val table = Predicate_Compile_Data.make_const_spec_table options thy
    val gr = Predicate_Compile_Data.obtain_specification_graph options thy table const
    val gr = Graph.subgraph (member (op =) (Graph.all_succs gr [const])) gr
  in fold_rev (preprocess_strong_conn_constnames options gr)
    (Graph.strong_conn gr) thy

fun extract_options ((modes, raw_options), const) =
    fun chk s = member (op =) raw_options s
    Options {
      expected_modes = (pair const) modes,
      show_steps = chk "show_steps",
      show_intermediate_results = chk "show_intermediate_results",
      show_proof_trace = chk "show_proof_trace",
      show_modes = chk "show_modes",
      show_mode_inference = chk "show_mode_inference",
      show_compilation = chk "show_compilation",
      skip_proof = chk "skip_proof",
      inductify = chk "inductify",
      random = chk "random",
      depth_limited = chk "depth_limited",
      annotated = chk "annotated"

fun code_pred_cmd ((modes, raw_options), raw_const) lthy =
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of lthy
     val const = Code.read_const thy raw_const
     val options = extract_options ((modes, raw_options), const)
    if (is_inductify options) then
        val lthy' = LocalTheory.theory (preprocess options const) lthy
          |> LocalTheory.checkpoint
        val const = case Predicate_Compile_Fun.pred_of_function (ProofContext.theory_of lthy') const of
            SOME c => c
          | NONE => const
        val _ = print_step options "Starting Predicate Compile Core..."
        Predicate_Compile_Core.code_pred options const lthy'
      Predicate_Compile_Core.code_pred_cmd options raw_const lthy

val setup = Predicate_Compile_Fun.setup_oracle #> Predicate_Compile_Core.setup

val bool_options = ["show_steps", "show_intermediate_results", "show_proof_trace", "show_modes",
  "show_mode_inference", "show_compilation", "skip_proof", "inductify", "random", "depth_limited",

local structure P = OuterParse

(* Parser for mode annotations *)

(*val parse_argmode' = P.nat >> rpair NONE || P.$$$ "(" |-- P.enum1 "," --| P.$$$ ")"*)
datatype raw_argmode = Argmode of string | Argmode_Tuple of string list

val parse_argmode' =
  ((Args.$$$ "i" || Args.$$$ "o") >> Argmode) ||
  (Args.$$$ "(" |-- P.enum1 "," (Args.$$$ "i" || Args.$$$ "o") --| Args.$$$ ")" >> Argmode_Tuple)

fun mk_numeral_mode ss = flat (map_index (fn (i, s) => if s = "i" then [i + 1] else []) ss)

val parse_smode' = P.$$$ "[" |-- P.enum1 "," parse_argmode' --| P.$$$ "]"
  >> (fn m => flat (map_index
    (fn (i, Argmode s) => if s = "i" then [(i + 1, NONE)] else []
      | (i, Argmode_Tuple ss) => [(i + 1, SOME (mk_numeral_mode ss))]) m))

val parse_smode = (P.$$$ "[" |-- P.enum "," P.nat --| P.$$$ "]")
  >> map (rpair (NONE : int list option))

fun gen_parse_mode smode_parser =
    ((P.enum "=>" ((Args.$$$ "X" >> K NONE) || (smode_parser >> SOME))) --| Args.$$$ "==>") [])
    -- smode_parser

val parse_mode = gen_parse_mode parse_smode

val parse_mode' = gen_parse_mode parse_smode'

(* New parser for modes *)

(* grammar:
E = T "=>" E | T
T = F * T | F
F = i | o | bool | ( E )
fun new_parse_mode1 xs =
  (Args.$$$ "i" >> K Input || Args.$$$ "o" >> K Output ||
    Args.$$$ "bool" >> K Bool || Args.$$$ "(" |-- new_parse_mode3 --| Args.$$$ ")") xs
and new_parse_mode2 xs =
  (new_parse_mode1 --| Args.$$$ "*" -- new_parse_mode2 >> Pair || new_parse_mode1) xs
and new_parse_mode3 xs =
  (new_parse_mode2 --| Args.$$$ "=>" -- new_parse_mode3 >> Fun || new_parse_mode2) xs

val opt_modes =
  Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- Args.$$$ "mode" |-- P.$$$ ":" |--
    P.enum1 "," new_parse_mode3 --| P.$$$ ")" >> SOME) NONE

(* Parser for options *)

val scan_options =
    val scan_bool_option = foldl1 (op ||) (map Args.$$$ bool_options)
    Scan.optional (P.$$$ "[" |-- P.enum1 "," scan_bool_option --| P.$$$ "]") []

val opt_print_modes = Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.!!! (Scan.repeat1 P.xname --| P.$$$ ")")) [];

val opt_smode = (P.$$$ "_" >> K NONE) || (parse_smode >> SOME)

val opt_param_modes = Scan.optional (P.$$$ "[" |-- Args.$$$ "mode" |-- P.$$$ ":" |--
  P.enum ", " opt_smode --| P.$$$ "]" >> SOME) NONE

val value_options =
    val depth_limit = Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "depth_limit" |-- P.$$$ "=" |-- P.nat >> SOME) NONE
    val random = Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "random" >> K true) false
    val annotated = Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "annotated" >> K true) false
    Scan.optional (P.$$$ "[" |-- depth_limit -- (random -- annotated) --| P.$$$ "]")
      (NONE, (false, false))

(* code_pred command and values command *)

val _ = OuterSyntax.local_theory_to_proof "code_pred"
  "prove equations for predicate specified by intro/elim rules"
  OuterKeyword.thy_goal (opt_modes -- scan_options -- P.term_group >> code_pred_cmd)

val _ = OuterSyntax.improper_command "values" "enumerate and print comprehensions" OuterKeyword.diag
  (opt_print_modes -- opt_param_modes -- value_options -- Scan.optional P.nat ~1 -- P.term
    >> (fn ((((print_modes, param_modes), options), k), t) => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.keep
        (Predicate_Compile_Core.values_cmd print_modes param_modes options k t)));

