(* Title: Pure/General/latex.ML
Author: Makarius
Support for LaTeX.
signature LATEX =
type text = XML.body
val text: string * Position.T -> text
val string: string -> text
val block: text -> XML.tree
val output: text -> text
val macro0: string -> text
val macro: string -> text -> text
val environment: string -> text -> text
val output_name: string -> string
val output_ascii: string -> string
val output_ascii_breakable: string -> string -> string
val output_symbols: Symbol.symbol list -> string
val output_syms: string -> string
val symbols: Symbol_Pos.T list -> text
val symbols_output: Symbol_Pos.T list -> text
val isabelle_body: string -> text -> text
val theory_entry: string -> string
val cite: {kind: string, citations: (string * Position.T) list, location: text} -> text
type index_item = {text: text, like: string}
type index_entry = {items: index_item list, def: bool}
val index_entry: index_entry -> text
val index_variants: (binding -> bool option -> 'a -> 'a) -> binding -> 'a -> 'a
val latexN: string
val latex_markup: string * Properties.T -> Markup.output
structure Latex: LATEX =
(* text with positions *)
type text = XML.body;
fun text (s, pos) =
if s = "" then []
else if pos = Position.none then [XML.Text s]
else [XML.Elem (Position.markup pos Markup.document_latex, [XML.Text s])];
fun string s = text (s, Position.none);
fun block body = XML.Elem (Markup.document_latex, body);
fun output body = [XML.Elem (Markup.latex_output, body)];
fun macro0 name = [XML.Elem (Markup.latex_macro0 name, [])];
fun macro name body = [XML.Elem (Markup.latex_macro name, body)];
fun environment name body = [XML.Elem (Markup.latex_environment name, body)];
(* output name for LaTeX macros *)
val output_name =
(fn "_" => "UNDERSCORE"
| "'" => "PRIME"
| "0" => "ZERO"
| "1" => "ONE"
| "2" => "TWO"
| "3" => "THREE"
| "4" => "FOUR"
| "5" => "FIVE"
| "6" => "SIX"
| "7" => "SEVEN"
| "8" => "EIGHT"
| "9" => "NINE"
| s => s);
fun enclose_name bg en = enclose bg en o output_name;
(* output verbatim ASCII *)
val output_ascii =
(fn " " => "\\ "
| "\t" => "\\ "
| "\n" => "\\isanewline\n"
| s =>
|> member_string "\"#$%&',-<>\\^_`{}~" s ? enclose "{\\char`\\" "}"
|> suffix "{\\kern0pt}");
fun output_ascii_breakable sep =
space_explode sep
#> map output_ascii
#> space_implode (output_ascii sep ^ "\\discretionary{}{}{}");
(* output symbols *)
val char_table =
[("\007", "{\\isacharbell}"),
("!", "{\\isacharbang}"),
("\"", "{\\isachardoublequote}"),
("#", "{\\isacharhash}"),
("$", "{\\isachardollar}"),
("%", "{\\isacharpercent}"),
("&", "{\\isacharampersand}"),
("'", "{\\isacharprime}"),
("(", "{\\isacharparenleft}"),
(")", "{\\isacharparenright}"),
("*", "{\\isacharasterisk}"),
("+", "{\\isacharplus}"),
(",", "{\\isacharcomma}"),
("-", "{\\isacharminus}"),
(".", "{\\isachardot}"),
("/", "{\\isacharslash}"),
(":", "{\\isacharcolon}"),
(";", "{\\isacharsemicolon}"),
("<", "{\\isacharless}"),
("=", "{\\isacharequal}"),
(">", "{\\isachargreater}"),
("?", "{\\isacharquery}"),
("@", "{\\isacharat}"),
("[", "{\\isacharbrackleft}"),
("\\", "{\\isacharbackslash}"),
("]", "{\\isacharbrackright}"),
("^", "{\\isacharcircum}"),
("_", "{\\isacharunderscore}"),
("`", "{\\isacharbackquote}"),
("{", "{\\isacharbraceleft}"),
("|", "{\\isacharbar}"),
("}", "{\\isacharbraceright}"),
("~", "{\\isachartilde}")];
fun output_chr " " = "\\ "
| output_chr "\t" = "\\ "
| output_chr "\n" = "\\isanewline\n"
| output_chr c =
(case Symtab.lookup char_table c of
SOME s => s ^ "{\\kern0pt}"
| NONE => if Symbol.is_ascii_digit c then enclose "{\\isadigit{" "}}" c else c);
fun output_sym sym =
(case Symbol.decode sym of
Symbol.Char s => output_chr s
| Symbol.UTF8 s => s
| Symbol.Sym s => enclose_name "{\\isasym" "}" s
| Symbol.Control s => enclose_name "\\isactrl" " " s
| Symbol.Malformed s => error (Symbol.malformed_msg s)
| Symbol.EOF => error "Bad EOF symbol");
open Basic_Symbol_Pos;
val scan_latex_length =
Scan.many1 (fn (s, _) => s <> Symbol.latex andalso Symbol.not_eof s)
>> (Symbol.length o map Symbol_Pos.symbol) ||
$$ Symbol.latex -- Scan.option (Scan.permissive Symbol_Pos.scan_cartouche "") >> K 0;
val scan_latex =
$$ Symbol.latex |-- Symbol_Pos.scan_cartouche_content "Embedded LaTeX: "
>> (implode o map Symbol_Pos.symbol) ||
Scan.one (Symbol.not_eof o Symbol_Pos.symbol) >> (output_sym o Symbol_Pos.symbol);
fun read scan syms =
Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper (Scan.repeat scan) (map (rpair Position.none) syms);
val length_symbols =
Integer.build o fold Integer.add o these o read scan_latex_length;
fun output_symbols syms =
if member (op =) syms Symbol.latex then
(case read scan_latex syms of
SOME ss => implode ss
| NONE => error ("Malformed embedded LaTeX: " ^ quote (Symbol.beginning 10 syms)))
else implode (map output_sym syms);
val output_syms = output_symbols o Symbol.explode;
fun symbols syms = text (Symbol_Pos.content syms, #1 (Symbol_Pos.range syms));
fun symbols_output syms =
text (output_symbols (map Symbol_Pos.symbol syms), #1 (Symbol_Pos.range syms));
(* theory presentation *)
fun isabelle_body name =
("%\n\\begin{isabellebody}%\n\\setisabellecontext{" ^ output_syms name ^ "}%\n")
fun theory_entry name = "\\input{" ^ name ^ ".tex}\n\n";
(* cite: references to bibliography *)
fun cite {kind, location, citations} =
val _ =
citations |> List.app (fn (s, pos) =>
if member_string s ","
then error ("Single citation expected, without commas" ^ Position.here pos)
else ());
val citations' = space_implode "," (map #1 citations);
val markup = Markup.latex_cite {kind = kind, citations = citations'};
in [XML.Elem (markup, location)] end;
(* index entries *)
type index_item = {text: text, like: string};
type index_entry = {items: index_item list, def: bool};
fun index_item (item: index_item) =
XML.wrap_elem ((Markup.latex_index_item, #text item), XML.string (#like item));
fun index_entry (entry: index_entry) =
[XML.Elem (Markup.latex_index_entry (if #def entry then "isaindexdef" else "isaindexref"),
map index_item (#items entry))];
fun index_binding NONE = I
| index_binding (SOME def) = Binding.map_name (suffix (if def then "_def" else "_ref"));
fun index_variants setup binding =
fold (fn index => setup (index_binding index binding) index) [NONE, SOME true, SOME false];
(* print mode *)
val latexN = "latex";
fun latex_output str =
let val syms = Symbol.explode str
in (output_symbols syms, length_symbols syms) end;
val command_markup = YXML.output_markup (Markup.latex_macro "isacommand");
val keyword_markup = YXML.output_markup (Markup.latex_macro "isakeyword");
val indent_markup = YXML.output_markup (Markup.latex_macro "isaindent");
fun latex_markup (s, _: Properties.T) =
if member (op =) [Markup.commandN, Markup.keyword1N, Markup.keyword3N] s then command_markup
else if s = Markup.keyword2N then keyword_markup
else Markup.no_output;
val _ = Output.add_mode latexN latex_output (prefix Symbol.latex o cartouche);
val _ = Markup.add_mode latexN latex_markup;
val _ = Pretty.add_mode latexN
(fn s => fn _ => if s = "" then s else uncurry enclose indent_markup s);