discontinued unclear timeout (stemming from jEdit JSch setup, see 14782d58a503), to make it work with native Windows ssh.exe;
/* Title: Pure/thm_name.scala
Author: Makarius
Systematic naming of individual theorems, as selections from multi-facts.
package isabelle
import scala.math.Ordering
object Thm_Name {
object Ordering extends scala.math.Ordering[Thm_Name] {
def compare(thm_name1: Thm_Name, thm_name2: Thm_Name): Int =
thm_name1.name compare thm_name2.name match {
case 0 => thm_name1.index compare thm_name2.index
case ord => ord
def graph[A]: Graph[Thm_Name, A] = Graph.empty(Ordering)
private val Thm_Name_Regex = """^(.)+\((\d+)\)$""".r
def parse(s: String): Thm_Name =
s match {
case Thm_Name_Regex(name, Value.Nat(index)) => Thm_Name(name, index)
case _ => Thm_Name(s, 0)
sealed case class Thm_Name(name: String, index: Int) {
def print: String =
if (name == "" || index == 0) name
else name + "(" + index + ")"
def flatten: String =
if (name == "" || index == 0) name
else name + "_" + index