author oheimb
Fri, 29 Nov 1996 12:15:33 +0100
changeset 2275 dbce3dce821a
parent 1990 9e23119c0219
child 2640 ee4dfce170a0
permissions -rw-r--r--
renamed is_flat to flat, moved Lift*.* to Up*.*, renaming of all constans and theorems concerned, (*lift* to *up*, except Ilift to Ifup, lift to fup)

(*  Title:      HOLCF/fix.thy
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Franz Regensburger
    Copyright   1993  Technische Universitaet Muenchen

definitions for fixed point operator and admissibility


Fix = Cfun3 +


iterate	:: "nat=>('a->'a)=>'a=>'a"
Ifix	:: "('a->'a)=>'a"
fix	:: "('a->'a)->'a"
adm		:: "('a=>bool)=>bool"
admw		:: "('a=>bool)=>bool"
chain_finite	:: "'a=>bool"
flat		:: "'a=>bool" (* should be called flat, for consistency *)


iterate_def   "iterate n F c == nat_rec c (%n x.F`x) n"
Ifix_def      "Ifix F == lub(range(%i.iterate i F UU))"
fix_def       "fix == (LAM f. Ifix f)"

adm_def       "adm P == !Y. is_chain(Y) --> 
                        (!i.P(Y i)) --> P(lub(range Y))"

admw_def      "admw P == !F. (!n.P (iterate n F UU)) -->
                            P (lub(range (%i. iterate i F UU)))" 

chain_finite_def  "chain_finite (x::'a)==
                        !Y. is_chain (Y::nat=>'a) --> (? n.max_in_chain n Y)"

flat_def	  "flat (x::'a) == ! x y. (x::'a) << y --> (x = UU) | (x=y)"
