renamed is_flat to flat,
moved Lift*.* to Up*.*, renaming of all constans and theorems concerned,
(*lift* to *up*, except Ilift to Ifup, lift to fup)
(* Title: HOLCF/one.thy
ID: $Id$
Author: Franz Regensburger
Copyright 1993 Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Introduce atomic type one = (void)u
The type is axiomatized as the least solution of a domain equation.
The functor term that specifies the domain equation is:
FT = <U,K_{void}>
For details see chapter 5 of:
[Franz Regensburger] HOLCF: Eine konservative Erweiterung von HOL um LCF,
Dissertation, Technische Universit"at M"unchen, 1994
One = ccc1+
types one 0
arities one :: pcpo
abs_one :: "(void)u -> one"
rep_one :: "one -> (void)u"
one :: "one"
one_when :: "'c -> one -> 'c"
abs_one_iso "abs_one`(rep_one`u) = u"
rep_one_iso "rep_one`(abs_one`x) = x"
one_def "one == abs_one`(up`UU)"
one_when_def "one_when == (LAM c u.fup`(LAM x.c)`(rep_one`u))"
"case l of one => t1" == "one_when`t1`l"