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(*  Title:      HOL/Library/Coinductive_Lists.thy
    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson and Makarius

header {* Potentially infinite lists as greatest fixed-point *}

theory Coinductive_List
imports List Main

subsection {* List constructors over the datatype universe *}

definition "NIL = Datatype.In0 (Datatype.Numb 0)"
definition "CONS M N = Datatype.In1 (Datatype.Scons M N)"

lemma CONS_not_NIL [iff]: "CONS M N \<noteq> NIL"
  and NIL_not_CONS [iff]: "NIL \<noteq> CONS M N"
  and CONS_inject [iff]: "(CONS K M) = (CONS L N) = (K = L \<and> M = N)"
  by (simp_all add: NIL_def CONS_def)

lemma CONS_mono: "M \<subseteq> M' \<Longrightarrow> N \<subseteq> N' \<Longrightarrow> CONS M N \<subseteq> CONS M' N'"
  by (simp add: CONS_def In1_mono Scons_mono)

lemma CONS_UN1: "CONS M (\<Union>x. f x) = (\<Union>x. CONS M (f x))"
    -- {* A continuity result? *}
  by (simp add: CONS_def In1_UN1 Scons_UN1_y)

definition "List_case c h = Datatype.Case (\<lambda>_. c) (Datatype.Split h)"

lemma List_case_NIL [simp]: "List_case c h NIL = c"
  and List_case_CONS [simp]: "List_case c h (CONS M N) = h M N"
  by (simp_all add: List_case_def NIL_def CONS_def)

subsection {* Corecursive lists *}

coinductive_set LList for A
where NIL [intro]:  "NIL \<in> LList A"
  | CONS [intro]: "a \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> M \<in> LList A \<Longrightarrow> CONS a M \<in> LList A"

lemma LList_mono:
  assumes subset: "A \<subseteq> B"
  shows "LList A \<subseteq> LList B"
    -- {* This justifies using @{text LList} in other recursive type definitions. *}
  fix x
  assume "x \<in> LList A"
  then show "x \<in> LList B"
  proof coinduct
    case LList
    then show ?case using subset
      by cases blast+

  LList_corec_aux :: "nat \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> ('b Datatype.item \<times> 'a) option) \<Rightarrow>
    'a \<Rightarrow> 'b Datatype.item"
  "LList_corec_aux 0 f x = {}"
  "LList_corec_aux (Suc k) f x =
    (case f x of
      None \<Rightarrow> NIL
    | Some (z, w) \<Rightarrow> CONS z (LList_corec_aux k f w))"

definition "LList_corec a f = (\<Union>k. LList_corec_aux k f a)"

text {*
  Note: the subsequent recursion equation for @{text LList_corec} may
  be used with the Simplifier, provided it operates in a non-strict
  fashion for case expressions (i.e.\ the usual @{text case}
  congruence rule needs to be present).

lemma LList_corec:
  "LList_corec a f =
    (case f a of None \<Rightarrow> NIL | Some (z, w) \<Rightarrow> CONS z (LList_corec w f))"
  (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  show "?lhs \<subseteq> ?rhs"
    apply (unfold LList_corec_def)
    apply (rule UN_least)
    apply (case_tac k)
     apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) split: option.splits)
    apply (rule allI impI subset_refl [THEN CONS_mono] UNIV_I [THEN UN_upper])+
  show "?rhs \<subseteq> ?lhs"
    apply (simp add: LList_corec_def split: option.splits)
    apply (simp add: CONS_UN1)
    apply safe
     apply (rule_tac a = "Suc ?k" in UN_I, simp, simp)+

lemma LList_corec_type: "LList_corec a f \<in> LList UNIV"
proof -
  have "\<exists>x. LList_corec a f = LList_corec x f" by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof coinduct
    case (LList L)
    then obtain x where L: "L = LList_corec x f" by blast
    show ?case
    proof (cases "f x")
      case None
      then have "LList_corec x f = NIL"
        by (simp add: LList_corec)
      with L have ?NIL by simp
      then show ?thesis ..
      case (Some p)
      then have "LList_corec x f = CONS (fst p) (LList_corec (snd p) f)"
        by (simp add: LList_corec split: prod.split)
      with L have ?CONS by auto
      then show ?thesis ..

subsection {* Abstract type definition *}

typedef 'a llist = "LList (range Datatype.Leaf) :: 'a Datatype.item set"
  show "NIL \<in> ?llist" ..

lemma NIL_type: "NIL \<in> llist"
  unfolding llist_def by (rule LList.NIL)

lemma CONS_type: "a \<in> range Datatype.Leaf \<Longrightarrow>
    M \<in> llist \<Longrightarrow> CONS a M \<in> llist"
  unfolding llist_def by (rule LList.CONS)

lemma llistI: "x \<in> LList (range Datatype.Leaf) \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> llist"
  by (simp add: llist_def)

lemma llistD: "x \<in> llist \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> LList (range Datatype.Leaf)"
  by (simp add: llist_def)

lemma Rep_llist_UNIV: "Rep_llist x \<in> LList UNIV"
proof -
  have "Rep_llist x \<in> llist" by (rule Rep_llist)
  then have "Rep_llist x \<in> LList (range Datatype.Leaf)"
    by (simp add: llist_def)
  also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> LList UNIV" by (rule LList_mono) simp
  finally show ?thesis .

definition "LNil = Abs_llist NIL"
definition "LCons x xs = Abs_llist (CONS (Datatype.Leaf x) (Rep_llist xs))"

code_datatype LNil LCons

lemma LCons_not_LNil [iff]: "LCons x xs \<noteq> LNil"
  apply (simp add: LNil_def LCons_def)
  apply (subst Abs_llist_inject)
    apply (auto intro: NIL_type CONS_type Rep_llist)

lemma LNil_not_LCons [iff]: "LNil \<noteq> LCons x xs"
  by (rule LCons_not_LNil [symmetric])

lemma LCons_inject [iff]: "(LCons x xs = LCons y ys) = (x = y \<and> xs = ys)"
  apply (simp add: LCons_def)
  apply (subst Abs_llist_inject)
    apply (auto simp add: Rep_llist_inject intro: CONS_type Rep_llist)

lemma Rep_llist_LNil: "Rep_llist LNil = NIL"
  by (simp add: LNil_def add: Abs_llist_inverse NIL_type)

lemma Rep_llist_LCons: "Rep_llist (LCons x l) =
    CONS (Datatype.Leaf x) (Rep_llist l)"
  by (simp add: LCons_def Abs_llist_inverse CONS_type Rep_llist)

lemma llist_cases [cases type: llist]:
    (LNil) "l = LNil"
  | (LCons) x l' where "l = LCons x l'"
proof (cases l)
  case (Abs_llist L)
  from `L \<in> llist` have "L \<in> LList (range Datatype.Leaf)" by (rule llistD)
  then show ?thesis
  proof cases
    case NIL
    with Abs_llist have "l = LNil" by (simp add: LNil_def)
    with LNil show ?thesis .
    case (CONS a K)
    then have "K \<in> llist" by (blast intro: llistI)
    then obtain l' where "K = Rep_llist l'" by cases
    with CONS and Abs_llist obtain x where "l = LCons x l'"
      by (auto simp add: LCons_def Abs_llist_inject)
    with LCons show ?thesis .

  [code del]: "llist_case c d l =
    List_case c (\<lambda>x y. d (inv Datatype.Leaf x) (Abs_llist y)) (Rep_llist l)"

syntax  (* FIXME? *)
  LNil :: logic
  LCons :: logic
  "case p of LNil \<Rightarrow> a | LCons x l \<Rightarrow> b" \<rightleftharpoons> "CONST llist_case a (\<lambda>x l. b) p"

lemma llist_case_LNil [simp, code]: "llist_case c d LNil = c"
  by (simp add: llist_case_def LNil_def
    NIL_type Abs_llist_inverse)

lemma llist_case_LCons [simp, code]: "llist_case c d (LCons M N) = d M N"
  by (simp add: llist_case_def LCons_def
    CONS_type Abs_llist_inverse Rep_llist Rep_llist_inverse inj_Leaf)

lemma llist_case_cert:
  assumes "CASE \<equiv> llist_case c d"
  shows "(CASE LNil \<equiv> c) &&& (CASE (LCons M N) \<equiv> d M N)"
  using assms by simp_all

setup {*
  Code.add_case @{thm llist_case_cert}

  [code del]: "llist_corec a f =
    Abs_llist (LList_corec a
        case f z of None \<Rightarrow> None
        | Some (v, w) \<Rightarrow> Some (Datatype.Leaf v, w)))"

lemma LList_corec_type2:
  "LList_corec a
    (\<lambda>z. case f z of None \<Rightarrow> None
      | Some (v, w) \<Rightarrow> Some (Datatype.Leaf v, w)) \<in> llist"
  (is "?corec a \<in> _")
proof (unfold llist_def)
  let "LList_corec a ?g" = "?corec a"
  have "\<exists>x. ?corec a = ?corec x" by blast
  then show "?corec a \<in> LList (range Datatype.Leaf)"
  proof coinduct
    case (LList L)
    then obtain x where L: "L = ?corec x" by blast
    show ?case
    proof (cases "f x")
      case None
      then have "?corec x = NIL"
        by (simp add: LList_corec)
      with L have ?NIL by simp
      then show ?thesis ..
      case (Some p)
      then have "?corec x =
          CONS (Datatype.Leaf (fst p)) (?corec (snd p))"
        by (simp add: LList_corec split: prod.split)
      with L have ?CONS by auto
      then show ?thesis ..

lemma llist_corec [code]:
  "llist_corec a f =
    (case f a of None \<Rightarrow> LNil | Some (z, w) \<Rightarrow> LCons z (llist_corec w f))"
proof (cases "f a")
  case None
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: llist_corec_def LList_corec LNil_def)
  case (Some p)

  let "?corec a" = "llist_corec a f"
  let "?rep_corec a" =
    "LList_corec a
      (\<lambda>z. case f z of None \<Rightarrow> None
        | Some (v, w) \<Rightarrow> Some (Datatype.Leaf v, w))"

  have "?corec a = Abs_llist (?rep_corec a)"
    by (simp only: llist_corec_def)
  also from Some have "?rep_corec a =
      CONS (Datatype.Leaf (fst p)) (?rep_corec (snd p))"
    by (simp add: LList_corec split: prod.split)
  also have "?rep_corec (snd p) = Rep_llist (?corec (snd p))"
    by (simp only: llist_corec_def Abs_llist_inverse LList_corec_type2)
  finally have "?corec a = LCons (fst p) (?corec (snd p))"
    by (simp only: LCons_def)
  with Some show ?thesis by (simp split: prod.split)

subsection {* Equality as greatest fixed-point -- the bisimulation principle *}

coinductive_set EqLList for r
where EqNIL: "(NIL, NIL) \<in> EqLList r"
  | EqCONS: "(a, b) \<in> r \<Longrightarrow> (M, N) \<in> EqLList r \<Longrightarrow>
      (CONS a M, CONS b N) \<in> EqLList r"

lemma EqLList_unfold:
    "EqLList r = dsum (Id_on {Datatype.Numb 0}) (dprod r (EqLList r))"
  by (fast intro!: EqLList.intros [unfolded NIL_def CONS_def]
           elim: EqLList.cases [unfolded NIL_def CONS_def])

lemma EqLList_implies_ntrunc_equality:
    "(M, N) \<in> EqLList (Id_on A) \<Longrightarrow> ntrunc k M = ntrunc k N"
  apply (induct k arbitrary: M N rule: nat_less_induct)
  apply (erule EqLList.cases)
   apply (safe del: equalityI)
  apply (case_tac n)
   apply simp
  apply (rename_tac n')
  apply (case_tac n')
   apply (simp_all add: CONS_def less_Suc_eq)

lemma Domain_EqLList: "Domain (EqLList (Id_on A)) \<subseteq> LList A"
  apply (rule subsetI)
  apply (erule LList.coinduct)
  apply (subst (asm) EqLList_unfold)
  apply (auto simp add: NIL_def CONS_def)

lemma EqLList_Id_on: "EqLList (Id_on A) = Id_on (LList A)"
  (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  show "?lhs \<subseteq> ?rhs"
    apply (rule subsetI)
    apply (rule_tac p = x in PairE)
    apply clarify
    apply (rule Id_on_eqI)
     apply (rule EqLList_implies_ntrunc_equality [THEN ntrunc_equality],
    apply (erule DomainI [THEN Domain_EqLList [THEN subsetD]])
    fix M N assume "(M, N) \<in> Id_on (LList A)"
    then have "(M, N) \<in> EqLList (Id_on A)"
    proof coinduct
      case (EqLList M N)
      then obtain L where L: "L \<in> LList A" and MN: "M = L" "N = L" by blast
      from L show ?case
      proof cases
        case NIL with MN have ?EqNIL by simp
        then show ?thesis ..
        case CONS with MN have ?EqCONS by (simp add: Id_onI)
        then show ?thesis ..
  then show "?rhs \<subseteq> ?lhs" by auto

lemma EqLList_Id_on_iff [iff]: "(p \<in> EqLList (Id_on A)) = (p \<in> Id_on (LList A))"
  by (simp only: EqLList_Id_on)

text {*
  To show two LLists are equal, exhibit a bisimulation!  (Also admits
  true equality.)

lemma LList_equalityI
  [consumes 1, case_names EqLList, case_conclusion EqLList EqNIL EqCONS]:
  assumes r: "(M, N) \<in> r"
    and step: "\<And>M N. (M, N) \<in> r \<Longrightarrow>
      M = NIL \<and> N = NIL \<or>
        (\<exists>a b M' N'.
          M = CONS a M' \<and> N = CONS b N' \<and> (a, b) \<in> Id_on A \<and>
            ((M', N') \<in> r \<or> (M', N') \<in> EqLList (Id_on A)))"
  shows "M = N"
proof -
  from r have "(M, N) \<in> EqLList (Id_on A)"
  proof coinduct
    case EqLList
    then show ?case by (rule step)
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma LList_fun_equalityI
  [consumes 1, case_names NIL_type NIL CONS, case_conclusion CONS EqNIL EqCONS]:
  assumes M: "M \<in> LList A"
    and fun_NIL: "g NIL \<in> LList A"  "f NIL = g NIL"
    and fun_CONS: "\<And>x l. x \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> l \<in> LList A \<Longrightarrow>
            (f (CONS x l), g (CONS x l)) = (NIL, NIL) \<or>
            (\<exists>M N a b.
              (f (CONS x l), g (CONS x l)) = (CONS a M, CONS b N) \<and>
                (a, b) \<in> Id_on A \<and>
                (M, N) \<in> {(f u, g u) | u. u \<in> LList A} \<union> Id_on (LList A))"
      (is "\<And>x l. _ \<Longrightarrow> _ \<Longrightarrow> ?fun_CONS x l")
  shows "f M = g M"
proof -
  let ?bisim = "{(f L, g L) | L. L \<in> LList A}"
  have "(f M, g M) \<in> ?bisim" using M by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof (coinduct taking: A rule: LList_equalityI)
    case (EqLList M N)
    then obtain L where MN: "M = f L" "N = g L" and L: "L \<in> LList A" by blast
    from L show ?case
    proof (cases L)
      case NIL
      with fun_NIL and MN have "(M, N) \<in> Id_on (LList A)" by auto
      then have "(M, N) \<in> EqLList (Id_on A)" ..
      then show ?thesis by cases simp_all
      case (CONS a K)
      from fun_CONS and `a \<in> A` `K \<in> LList A`
      have "?fun_CONS a K" (is "?NIL \<or> ?CONS") .
      then show ?thesis
        assume ?NIL
        with MN CONS have "(M, N) \<in> Id_on (LList A)" by auto
        then have "(M, N) \<in> EqLList (Id_on A)" ..
        then show ?thesis by cases simp_all
        assume ?CONS
        with CONS obtain a b M' N' where
            fg: "(f L, g L) = (CONS a M', CONS b N')"
          and ab: "(a, b) \<in> Id_on A"
          and M'N': "(M', N') \<in> ?bisim \<union> Id_on (LList A)"
          by blast
        from M'N' show ?thesis
          assume "(M', N') \<in> ?bisim"
          with MN fg ab show ?thesis by simp
          assume "(M', N') \<in> Id_on (LList A)"
          then have "(M', N') \<in> EqLList (Id_on A)" ..
          with MN fg ab show ?thesis by simp

text {*
  Finality of @{text "llist A"}: Uniqueness of functions defined by corecursion.

lemma equals_LList_corec:
  assumes h: "\<And>x. h x =
    (case f x of None \<Rightarrow> NIL | Some (z, w) \<Rightarrow> CONS z (h w))"
  shows "h x = (\<lambda>x. LList_corec x f) x"
proof -
  def h' \<equiv> "\<lambda>x. LList_corec x f"
  then have h': "\<And>x. h' x =
      (case f x of None \<Rightarrow> NIL | Some (z, w) \<Rightarrow> CONS z (h' w))"
    unfolding h'_def by (simp add: LList_corec)
  have "(h x, h' x) \<in> {(h u, h' u) | u. True}" by blast
  then show "h x = h' x"
  proof (coinduct taking: UNIV rule: LList_equalityI)
    case (EqLList M N)
    then obtain x where MN: "M = h x" "N = h' x" by blast
    show ?case
    proof (cases "f x")
      case None
      with h h' MN have ?EqNIL by simp
      then show ?thesis ..
      case (Some p)
      with h h' MN have "M = CONS (fst p) (h (snd p))"
	and "N = CONS (fst p) (h' (snd p))"
        by (simp_all split: prod.split)
      then have ?EqCONS by (auto iff: Id_on_iff)
      then show ?thesis ..

lemma llist_equalityI
  [consumes 1, case_names Eqllist, case_conclusion Eqllist EqLNil EqLCons]:
  assumes r: "(l1, l2) \<in> r"
    and step: "\<And>q. q \<in> r \<Longrightarrow>
      q = (LNil, LNil) \<or>
        (\<exists>l1 l2 a b.
          q = (LCons a l1, LCons b l2) \<and> a = b \<and>
            ((l1, l2) \<in> r \<or> l1 = l2))"
      (is "\<And>q. _ \<Longrightarrow> ?EqLNil q \<or> ?EqLCons q")
  shows "l1 = l2"
proof -
  def M \<equiv> "Rep_llist l1" and N \<equiv> "Rep_llist l2"
  with r have "(M, N) \<in> {(Rep_llist l1, Rep_llist l2) | l1 l2. (l1, l2) \<in> r}"
    by blast
  then have "M = N"
  proof (coinduct taking: UNIV rule: LList_equalityI)
    case (EqLList M N)
    then obtain l1 l2 where
        MN: "M = Rep_llist l1" "N = Rep_llist l2" and r: "(l1, l2) \<in> r"
      by auto
    from step [OF r] show ?case
      assume "?EqLNil (l1, l2)"
      with MN have ?EqNIL by (simp add: Rep_llist_LNil)
      then show ?thesis ..
      assume "?EqLCons (l1, l2)"
      with MN have ?EqCONS
        by (force simp add: Rep_llist_LCons EqLList_Id_on intro: Rep_llist_UNIV)
      then show ?thesis ..
  then show ?thesis by (simp add: M_def N_def Rep_llist_inject)

lemma llist_fun_equalityI
  [case_names LNil LCons, case_conclusion LCons EqLNil EqLCons]:
  assumes fun_LNil: "f LNil = g LNil"
    and fun_LCons: "\<And>x l.
      (f (LCons x l), g (LCons x l)) = (LNil, LNil) \<or>
        (\<exists>l1 l2 a b.
          (f (LCons x l), g (LCons x l)) = (LCons a l1, LCons b l2) \<and>
            a = b \<and> ((l1, l2) \<in> {(f u, g u) | u. True} \<or> l1 = l2))"
      (is "\<And>x l. ?fun_LCons x l")
  shows "f l = g l"
proof -
  have "(f l, g l) \<in> {(f l, g l) | l. True}" by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof (coinduct rule: llist_equalityI)
    case (Eqllist q)
    then obtain l where q: "q = (f l, g l)" by blast
    show ?case
    proof (cases l)
      case LNil
      with fun_LNil and q have "q = (g LNil, g LNil)" by simp
      then show ?thesis by (cases "g LNil") simp_all
      case (LCons x l')
      with `?fun_LCons x l'` q LCons show ?thesis by blast

subsection {* Derived operations -- both on the set and abstract type *}

subsubsection {* @{text Lconst} *}

definition "Lconst M \<equiv> lfp (\<lambda>N. CONS M N)"

lemma Lconst_fun_mono: "mono (CONS M)"
  by (simp add: monoI CONS_mono)

lemma Lconst: "Lconst M = CONS M (Lconst M)"
  by (rule Lconst_def [THEN def_lfp_unfold]) (rule Lconst_fun_mono)

lemma Lconst_type:
  assumes "M \<in> A"
  shows "Lconst M \<in> LList A"
proof -
  have "Lconst M \<in> {Lconst (id M)}" by simp
  then show ?thesis
  proof coinduct
    case (LList N)
    then have "N = Lconst M" by simp
    also have "\<dots> = CONS M (Lconst M)" by (rule Lconst)
    finally have ?CONS using `M \<in> A` by simp
    then show ?case ..

lemma Lconst_eq_LList_corec: "Lconst M = LList_corec M (\<lambda>x. Some (x, x))"
  apply (rule equals_LList_corec)
  apply simp
  apply (rule Lconst)

lemma gfp_Lconst_eq_LList_corec:
    "gfp (\<lambda>N. CONS M N) = LList_corec M (\<lambda>x. Some(x, x))"
  apply (rule equals_LList_corec)
  apply simp
  apply (rule Lconst_fun_mono [THEN gfp_unfold])

subsubsection {* @{text Lmap} and @{text lmap} *}

  "Lmap f M = LList_corec M (List_case None (\<lambda>x M'. Some (f x, M')))"
  "lmap f l = llist_corec l
      case z of LNil \<Rightarrow> None
      | LCons y z \<Rightarrow> Some (f y, z))"

lemma Lmap_NIL [simp]: "Lmap f NIL = NIL"
  and Lmap_CONS [simp]: "Lmap f (CONS M N) = CONS (f M) (Lmap f N)"
  by (simp_all add: Lmap_def LList_corec)

lemma Lmap_type:
  assumes M: "M \<in> LList A"
    and f: "\<And>x. x \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> f x \<in> B"
  shows "Lmap f M \<in> LList B"
proof -
  from M have "Lmap f M \<in> {Lmap f N | N. N \<in> LList A}" by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof coinduct
    case (LList L)
    then obtain N where L: "L = Lmap f N" and N: "N \<in> LList A" by blast
    from N show ?case
    proof cases
      case NIL
      with L have ?NIL by simp
      then show ?thesis ..
      case (CONS K a)
      with f L have ?CONS by auto
      then show ?thesis ..

lemma Lmap_compose:
  assumes M: "M \<in> LList A"
  shows "Lmap (f o g) M = Lmap f (Lmap g M)"  (is "?lhs M = ?rhs M")
proof -
  have "(?lhs M, ?rhs M) \<in> {(?lhs N, ?rhs N) | N. N \<in> LList A}"
    using M by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof (coinduct taking: "range (\<lambda>N. N)" rule: LList_equalityI)
    case (EqLList L M)
    then obtain N where LM: "L = ?lhs N" "M = ?rhs N" and N: "N \<in> LList A" by blast
    from N show ?case
    proof cases
      case NIL
      with LM have ?EqNIL by simp
      then show ?thesis ..
      case CONS
      with LM have ?EqCONS by auto
      then show ?thesis ..

lemma Lmap_ident:
  assumes M: "M \<in> LList A"
  shows "Lmap (\<lambda>x. x) M = M"  (is "?lmap M = _")
proof -
  have "(?lmap M, M) \<in> {(?lmap N, N) | N. N \<in> LList A}" using M by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof (coinduct taking: "range (\<lambda>N. N)" rule: LList_equalityI)
    case (EqLList L M)
    then obtain N where LM: "L = ?lmap N" "M = N" and N: "N \<in> LList A" by blast
    from N show ?case
    proof cases
      case NIL
      with LM have ?EqNIL by simp
      then show ?thesis ..
      case CONS
      with LM have ?EqCONS by auto
      then show ?thesis ..

lemma lmap_LNil [simp]: "lmap f LNil = LNil"
  and lmap_LCons [simp]: "lmap f (LCons M N) = LCons (f M) (lmap f N)"
  by (simp_all add: lmap_def llist_corec)

lemma lmap_compose [simp]: "lmap (f o g) l = lmap f (lmap g l)"
  by (coinduct l rule: llist_fun_equalityI) auto

lemma lmap_ident [simp]: "lmap (\<lambda>x. x) l = l"
  by (coinduct l rule: llist_fun_equalityI) auto

subsubsection {* @{text Lappend} *}

  "Lappend M N = LList_corec (M, N)
    (split (List_case
        (List_case None (\<lambda>N1 N2. Some (N1, (NIL, N2))))
        (\<lambda>M1 M2 N. Some (M1, (M2, N)))))"
  "lappend l n = llist_corec (l, n)
    (split (llist_case
        (llist_case None (\<lambda>n1 n2. Some (n1, (LNil, n2))))
        (\<lambda>l1 l2 n. Some (l1, (l2, n)))))"

lemma Lappend_NIL_NIL [simp]:
    "Lappend NIL NIL = NIL"
  and Lappend_NIL_CONS [simp]:
    "Lappend NIL (CONS N N') = CONS N (Lappend NIL N')"
  and Lappend_CONS [simp]:
    "Lappend (CONS M M') N = CONS M (Lappend M' N)"
  by (simp_all add: Lappend_def LList_corec)

lemma Lappend_NIL [simp]: "M \<in> LList A \<Longrightarrow> Lappend NIL M = M"
  by (erule LList_fun_equalityI) auto

lemma Lappend_NIL2: "M \<in> LList A \<Longrightarrow> Lappend M NIL = M"
  by (erule LList_fun_equalityI) auto

lemma Lappend_type:
  assumes M: "M \<in> LList A" and N: "N \<in> LList A"
  shows "Lappend M N \<in> LList A"
proof -
  have "Lappend M N \<in> {Lappend u v | u v. u \<in> LList A \<and> v \<in> LList A}"
    using M N by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof coinduct
    case (LList L)
    then obtain M N where L: "L = Lappend M N"
        and M: "M \<in> LList A" and N: "N \<in> LList A"
      by blast
    from M show ?case
    proof cases
      case NIL
      from N show ?thesis
      proof cases
        case NIL
        with L and `M = NIL` have ?NIL by simp
        then show ?thesis ..
        case CONS
        with L and `M = NIL` have ?CONS by simp
        then show ?thesis ..
      case CONS
      with L N have ?CONS by auto
      then show ?thesis ..

lemma lappend_LNil_LNil [simp]: "lappend LNil LNil = LNil"
  and lappend_LNil_LCons [simp]: "lappend LNil (LCons l l') = LCons l (lappend LNil l')"
  and lappend_LCons [simp]: "lappend (LCons l l') m = LCons l (lappend l' m)"
  by (simp_all add: lappend_def llist_corec)

lemma lappend_LNil1 [simp]: "lappend LNil l = l"
  by (coinduct l rule: llist_fun_equalityI) auto

lemma lappend_LNil2 [simp]: "lappend l LNil = l"
  by (coinduct l rule: llist_fun_equalityI) auto

lemma lappend_assoc: "lappend (lappend l1 l2) l3 = lappend l1 (lappend l2 l3)"
  by (coinduct l1 rule: llist_fun_equalityI) auto

lemma lmap_lappend_distrib: "lmap f (lappend l n) = lappend (lmap f l) (lmap f n)"
  by (coinduct l rule: llist_fun_equalityI) auto

subsection{* iterates *}

text {* @{text llist_fun_equalityI} cannot be used here! *}

  iterates :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a llist" where
  "iterates f a = llist_corec a (\<lambda>x. Some (x, f x))"

lemma iterates: "iterates f x = LCons x (iterates f (f x))"
  apply (unfold iterates_def)
  apply (subst llist_corec)
  apply simp

lemma lmap_iterates: "lmap f (iterates f x) = iterates f (f x)"
proof -
  have "(lmap f (iterates f x), iterates f (f x)) \<in>
    {(lmap f (iterates f u), iterates f (f u)) | u. True}" by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof (coinduct rule: llist_equalityI)
    case (Eqllist q)
    then obtain x where q: "q = (lmap f (iterates f x), iterates f (f x))"
      by blast
    also have "iterates f (f x) = LCons (f x) (iterates f (f (f x)))"
      by (subst iterates) rule
    also have "iterates f x = LCons x (iterates f (f x))"
      by (subst iterates) rule
    finally have ?EqLCons by auto
    then show ?case ..

lemma iterates_lmap: "iterates f x = LCons x (lmap f (iterates f x))"
  by (subst lmap_iterates) (rule iterates)

subsection{* A rather complex proof about iterates -- cf.\ Andy Pitts *}

lemma funpow_lmap:
  fixes f :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
  shows "(lmap f ^ n) (LCons b l) = LCons ((f ^ n) b) ((lmap f ^ n) l)"
  by (induct n) simp_all

lemma iterates_equality:
  assumes h: "\<And>x. h x = LCons x (lmap f (h x))"
  shows "h = iterates f"
  fix x
  have "(h x, iterates f x) \<in>
      {((lmap f ^ n) (h u), (lmap f ^ n) (iterates f u)) | u n. True}"
  proof -
    have "(h x, iterates f x) = ((lmap f ^ 0) (h x), (lmap f ^ 0) (iterates f x))"
      by simp
    then show ?thesis by blast
  then show "h x = iterates f x"
  proof (coinduct rule: llist_equalityI)
    case (Eqllist q)
    then obtain u n where "q = ((lmap f ^ n) (h u), (lmap f ^ n) (iterates f u))"
        (is "_ = (?q1, ?q2)")
      by auto
    also have "?q1 = LCons ((f ^ n) u) ((lmap f ^ Suc n) (h u))"
    proof -
      have "?q1 = (lmap f ^ n) (LCons u (lmap f (h u)))"
        by (subst h) rule
      also have "\<dots> = LCons ((f ^ n) u) ((lmap f ^ n) (lmap f (h u)))"
        by (rule funpow_lmap)
      also have "(lmap f ^ n) (lmap f (h u)) = (lmap f ^ Suc n) (h u)"
        by (simp add: funpow_swap1)
      finally show ?thesis .
    also have "?q2 = LCons ((f ^ n) u) ((lmap f ^ Suc n) (iterates f u))"
    proof -
      have "?q2 = (lmap f ^ n) (LCons u (iterates f (f u)))"
        by (subst iterates) rule
      also have "\<dots> = LCons ((f ^ n) u) ((lmap f ^ n) (iterates f (f u)))"
        by (rule funpow_lmap)
      also have "(lmap f ^ n) (iterates f (f u)) = (lmap f ^ Suc n) (iterates f u)"
        by (simp add: lmap_iterates funpow_swap1)
      finally show ?thesis .
    finally have ?EqLCons by (auto simp del: funpow.simps)
    then show ?case ..

lemma lappend_iterates: "lappend (iterates f x) l = iterates f x"
proof -
  have "(lappend (iterates f x) l, iterates f x) \<in>
    {(lappend (iterates f u) l, iterates f u) | u. True}" by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof (coinduct rule: llist_equalityI)
    case (Eqllist q)
    then obtain x where "q = (lappend (iterates f x) l, iterates f x)" by blast
    also have "iterates f x = LCons x (iterates f (f x))" by (rule iterates)
    finally have ?EqLCons by auto
    then show ?case ..
