/* Title: Tools/jEdit/src/rich_text_area.scala
Author: Makarius
Enhanced version of jEdit text area, with rich text rendering,
tooltips, hyperlinks etc.
package isabelle.jedit
import isabelle._
import java.awt.{Graphics2D, Shape, Color, Point, Cursor, MouseInfo, Font}
import java.awt.event.{MouseMotionAdapter, MouseAdapter, MouseEvent,
FocusAdapter, FocusEvent, WindowEvent, WindowAdapter, KeyEvent}
import java.awt.font.TextAttribute
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities
import java.text.AttributedString
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.gjt.sp.util.Log
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.{Chunk => JEditChunk, SyntaxStyle}
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.{TextAreaExtension, TextAreaPainter, TextArea, Selection}
class Rich_Text_Area(
view: View,
text_area: TextArea,
get_rendering: () => JEdit_Rendering,
close_action: () => Unit,
get_search_pattern: () => Option[Regex],
caret_update: () => Unit,
caret_visible: Boolean,
enable_hovering: Boolean
) {
private val buffer = text_area.getBuffer
/* robust extension body */
def check_robust_body: Boolean =
GUI_Thread.require { buffer == text_area.getBuffer }
def robust_body[A](default: A)(body: => A): A = {
try {
if (check_robust_body) body
else {
Log.log(Log.ERROR, this, ERROR("Implicit change of text area buffer"))
catch { case exn: Throwable => Log.log(Log.ERROR, this, exn); default }
/* original painters */
private def pick_extension(name: String): TextAreaExtension = {
text_area.getPainter.getExtensions.iterator.filter(x => x.getClass.getName == name).toList
match {
case List(x) => x
case _ => error("Expected exactly one " + name)
private val orig_text_painter =
/* caret focus modifier */
@volatile private var caret_focus_modifier = false
def caret_focus_range: Text.Range =
if (caret_focus_modifier) Text.Range.full
else JEdit_Lib.visible_range(text_area) getOrElse Text.Range.offside
private val key_listener =
key_pressed = { (evt: KeyEvent) =>
val mod = PIDE.options.string("jedit_focus_modifier")
val old = caret_focus_modifier
caret_focus_modifier = (mod.nonEmpty && mod == JEdit_Lib.modifier_string(evt))
if (caret_focus_modifier != old) caret_update()
key_released = { _ =>
if (caret_focus_modifier) {
caret_focus_modifier = false
/* common painter state */
@volatile private var painter_rendering: JEdit_Rendering = null
@volatile private var painter_clip: Shape = null
@volatile private var painter_gfx_range: Text.Range => Option[JEdit_Lib.Gfx_Range] = null
@volatile private var caret_focus = Rendering.Focus.empty
private val set_state = new TextAreaExtension {
override def paintScreenLineRange(
gfx: Graphics2D,
first_line: Int,
last_line: Int,
physical_lines: Array[Int],
start: Array[Int],
end: Array[Int],
y: Int,
line_height: Int
): Unit = {
painter_rendering = get_rendering()
painter_clip = gfx.getClip
painter_gfx_range = JEdit_Lib.gfx_range(text_area)
caret_focus =
if (caret_enabled && !painter_rendering.snapshot.is_outdated) {
painter_rendering.caret_focus(JEdit_Lib.caret_range(text_area), caret_focus_range)
else Rendering.Focus.empty
private val reset_state = new TextAreaExtension {
override def paintScreenLineRange(
gfx: Graphics2D,
first_line: Int,
last_line: Int,
physical_lines: Array[Int],
start: Array[Int],
end: Array[Int],
y: Int,
line_height: Int
): Unit = {
painter_rendering = null
painter_clip = null
painter_gfx_range = null
caret_focus = Rendering.Focus.empty
def robust_rendering(body: JEdit_Rendering => Unit): Unit = {
robust_body(()) { body(painter_rendering) }
/* active areas within the text */
private class Active_Area[A](
render: JEdit_Rendering => Text.Range => Option[Text.Info[A]],
require_control: => Boolean = false,
ignore_control: => Boolean = false,
cursor: Int = -1
) {
private var the_text_info: Option[(String, Text.Info[A])] = None
def check_control(control: Boolean): Boolean =
control == require_control || ignore_control
def is_active: Boolean = the_text_info.isDefined
def text_info: Option[(String, Text.Info[A])] = the_text_info
def info: Option[Text.Info[A]] = the_text_info.map(_._2)
def update(new_info: Option[Text.Info[A]]): Unit = {
val old_text_info = the_text_info
val new_text_info =
new_info.map(info => (text_area.getText(info.range.start, info.range.length), info))
if (new_text_info != old_text_info) {
if (cursor >= 0) {
if (new_text_info.isDefined) {
else text_area.getPainter.resetCursor()
for {
r0 <- JEdit_Lib.visible_range(text_area)
opt <- List(old_text_info, new_text_info)
(_, Text.Info(r1, _)) <- opt
r2 <- r1.try_restrict(r0) // FIXME more precise?!
} JEdit_Lib.invalidate_range(text_area, r2)
the_text_info = new_text_info
def update_rendering(rendering: JEdit_Rendering, range: Text.Range): Unit =
def reset(): Unit = update(None)
// owned by GUI thread
private val highlight_area =
new Active_Area[Color](_.highlight, require_control = true,
ignore_control = JEdit_Options.auto_hovering())
private val hyperlink_area =
new Active_Area[PIDE.editor.Hyperlink](
_.hyperlink, require_control = true, cursor = Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)
private val active_area =
new Active_Area[XML.Elem](_.active, cursor = Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)
private val active_areas = List(highlight_area, hyperlink_area, active_area)
private def active_exists(): Boolean = active_areas.exists(_.is_active)
def active_reset(): Unit = active_areas.foreach(_.reset())
private val focus_listener = new FocusAdapter {
override def focusLost(e: FocusEvent): Unit = { robust_body(()) { active_reset() } }
private val window_listener = new WindowAdapter {
override def windowIconified(e: WindowEvent): Unit = { robust_body(()) { active_reset() } }
override def windowDeactivated(e: WindowEvent): Unit = { robust_body(()) { active_reset() } }
private val mouse_listener = new MouseAdapter {
override def mouseClicked(e: MouseEvent): Unit = {
robust_body(()) {
if (!e.isConsumed() && e.getClickCount == 1) {
hyperlink_area.info match {
case Some(Text.Info(range, link)) =>
if (!link.external) {
try { text_area.moveCaretPosition(range.start) }
catch {
case _: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException =>
case _: IllegalArgumentException =>
case None =>
active_area.text_info match {
case Some((text, Text.Info(_, markup))) =>
Active.action(view, text, markup)
case None =>
private def mouse_inside_painter(): Boolean =
MouseInfo.getPointerInfo match {
case null => false
case info =>
val point = info.getLocation
val painter = text_area.getPainter
SwingUtilities.convertPointFromScreen(point, painter)
private val mouse_motion_listener = new MouseMotionAdapter {
override def mouseDragged(evt: MouseEvent): Unit = {
robust_body(()) {
override def mouseMoved(evt: MouseEvent): Unit = {
robust_body(()) {
val x = evt.getX
val y = evt.getY
val control = JEdit_Lib.command_modifier(evt)
if ((control || enable_hovering) && !buffer.isLoading) {
JEdit_Lib.buffer_lock(buffer) {
JEdit_Lib.pixel_range(text_area, x, y) match {
case None => active_reset()
case Some(range) =>
val rendering = get_rendering()
for (area <- active_areas) {
if (area.check_control(control) && !rendering.snapshot.is_outdated) {
area.update_rendering(rendering, range)
else area.reset()
if (JEdit_Lib.alt_modifier(evt)) {
highlight_area.info.map(_.range) match {
case Some(range) =>
text_area.addToSelection(new Selection.Range(range.start, range.stop))
case None =>
else active_reset()
if (evt.getSource == text_area.getPainter) {
Pretty_Tooltip.invoke(() =>
robust_body(()) {
if (mouse_inside_painter()) {
val rendering = get_rendering()
val snapshot = rendering.snapshot
if (!snapshot.is_outdated) {
JEdit_Lib.pixel_range(text_area, x, y) match {
case None =>
case Some(range) =>
rendering.tooltip(range, control) match {
case None =>
case Some(tip) =>
val painter = text_area.getPainter
val loc = new Point(x, y + painter.getLineHeight / 2)
val results = snapshot.command_results(tip.range)
Pretty_Tooltip(view, painter, loc, rendering, results, tip.info)
/* text background */
private val background_painter = new TextAreaExtension {
override def paintScreenLineRange(
gfx: Graphics2D,
first_line: Int,
last_line: Int,
physical_lines: Array[Int],
start: Array[Int],
end: Array[Int],
y: Int,
line_height: Int
): Unit = {
robust_rendering { rendering =>
val fm = text_area.getPainter.getFontMetrics
for (i <- physical_lines.indices) {
if (physical_lines(i) != -1) {
val line_range = Text.Range(start(i), end(i) min buffer.getLength)
// line background color
for (c <- rendering.line_background(line_range)) {
val separator = rendering.line_separator(line_range)
val sep = if (separator) (2 min (line_height / 2)) max (line_height / 8) else 0
gfx.fillRect(0, y + i * line_height, text_area.getWidth, line_height - sep)
// background color
for {
Text.Info(range, c) <-
rendering.background(Rendering.background_elements, line_range, caret_focus)
r <- painter_gfx_range(range)
} {
gfx.fillRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length, line_height)
// active area -- potentially from other snapshot
for {
info <- active_area.info
Text.Info(range, _) <- info.try_restrict(line_range)
r <- painter_gfx_range(range)
} {
gfx.fillRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length, line_height)
// squiggly underline
for {
Text.Info(range, c) <- rendering.squiggly_underline(line_range)
r <- painter_gfx_range(range)
} {
val x0 = (r.x / 2) * 2
val y0 = r.y + fm.getAscent + 1
for (x1 <- Range(x0, x0 + r.length, 2)) {
val y1 = if (x1 % 4 < 2) y0 else y0 + 1
gfx.drawLine(x1, y1, x1 + 1, y1)
// spell checker
for {
spell_checker <- PIDE.plugin.spell_checker.get
spell <- rendering.spell_checker(line_range)
text <- JEdit_Lib.get_text(buffer, spell.range)
info <- spell_checker.marked_words(spell.range.start, text)
r <- painter_gfx_range(info.range)
} {
val y0 = r.y + ((fm.getAscent + 4) min (line_height - 2))
gfx.drawLine(r.x, y0, r.x + r.length, y0)
/* text */
private def caret_enabled: Boolean =
caret_visible && (!text_area.hasFocus || text_area.isCaretVisible)
private def caret_color(rendering: JEdit_Rendering, offset: Text.Offset): Color = {
if (text_area.isCaretVisible) text_area.getPainter.getCaretColor
else {
val debug_positions =
(for {
c <- PIDE.session.debugger.focus().iterator
pos <- c.debug_position.iterator
} yield pos).toList
if (debug_positions.exists(PIDE.editor.is_hyperlink_position(rendering.snapshot, offset, _)))
else rendering.caret_invisible_color
private class Font_Subst {
private var cache = Map.empty[Int, Option[Font]]
def get(codepoint: Int): Option[Font] =
val field = classOf[JEditChunk].getDeclaredField("lastSubstFont")
field.set(null, null)
val res = Option(JEditChunk.getSubstFont(codepoint))
cache += (codepoint -> res)
sealed case class Chunk(
id: Byte,
style: SyntaxStyle,
offset: Int,
length: Int,
width: Float,
font_subst: Boolean,
str: String
private def make_chunk_list(chunk_head: JEditChunk): List[Chunk] = {
val buf = new mutable.ListBuffer[Chunk]
var chunk = chunk_head
while (chunk != null) {
val str =
if (chunk.chars == null) Symbol.spaces(chunk.length)
else {
if (chunk.str == null) { chunk.str = new String(chunk.chars) }
buf += Chunk(chunk.id, chunk.style, chunk.offset, chunk.length, chunk.width,
chunk.usedFontSubstitution, str)
chunk = chunk.next.asInstanceOf[JEditChunk]
private def paint_chunk_list(
rendering: JEdit_Rendering,
font_subst: Font_Subst,
gfx: Graphics2D,
line_start: Text.Offset,
caret_range: Text.Range,
chunk_list: List[Chunk],
x0: Int,
y0: Int
): Float = {
val clip_rect = gfx.getClipBounds
val x = x0.toFloat
val y = y0.toFloat
chunk_list.foldLeft(0.0f) { case (w, chunk) =>
val chunk_offset = line_start + chunk.offset
if (x + w + chunk.width > clip_rect.x &&
x + w < clip_rect.x + clip_rect.width && chunk.length > 0) {
val chunk_range = Text.Range(chunk_offset, chunk_offset + chunk.length)
val chunk_font = chunk.style.getFont
val chunk_color = chunk.style.getForegroundColor
val chunk_text = new AttributedString(chunk.str)
def chunk_attrib(attrib: TextAttribute, value: AnyRef, r: Text.Range): Unit =
chunk_text.addAttribute(attrib, value, r.start - chunk_offset, r.stop - chunk_offset)
// font
chunk_text.addAttribute(TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION, TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR)
chunk_text.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, chunk_font)
if (chunk.font_subst) {
for {
(c, i) <- Codepoint.iterator_offset(chunk.str) if !chunk_font.canDisplay(c)
subst_font <- font_subst.get(c)
} {
val r = Text.Range(i, i + Character.charCount(c)) + chunk_offset
val font = JEditChunk.deriveSubstFont(chunk_font, subst_font)
chunk_attrib(TextAttribute.FONT, font, r)
// color
chunk_text.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, chunk_color)
for {
Text.Info(r1, color) <- rendering.text_color(chunk_range, chunk_color).iterator
r2 <- r1.try_restrict(chunk_range) if !r2.is_singularity
} chunk_attrib(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, color, r2)
// caret
for { r <- caret_range.try_restrict(chunk_range) if !r.is_singularity } {
chunk_attrib(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, caret_color(rendering, r.start), r)
chunk_attrib(TextAttribute.SWAP_COLORS, TextAttribute.SWAP_COLORS_ON, r)
gfx.drawString(chunk_text.getIterator, x + w, y)
w + chunk.width
private val text_painter = new TextAreaExtension {
override def paintScreenLineRange(
gfx: Graphics2D,
first_line: Int,
last_line: Int,
physical_lines: Array[Int],
start: Array[Int],
end: Array[Int],
y: Int,
line_height: Int
): Unit = {
robust_rendering { rendering =>
val painter = text_area.getPainter
val fm = painter.getFontMetrics
val lm = painter.getFont.getLineMetrics(" ", painter.getFontRenderContext)
val clip = gfx.getClip
val x0 = text_area.getHorizontalOffset
var y0 = y + painter.getLineHeight - (fm.getLeading + 1) - fm.getDescent
val (bullet_x, bullet_y, bullet_w, bullet_h) = {
val w = fm.charWidth(' ')
val b = (w / 2) max 1
val c = (lm.getAscent + lm.getStrikethroughOffset).round
((w - b + 1) / 2, c - b / 2, w - b, line_height - b)
val font_subst = new Font_Subst
for (i <- physical_lines.indices) {
val line = physical_lines(i)
if (line != -1) {
val line_range = Text.Range(start(i), end(i) min buffer.getLength)
// text chunks
val screen_line = first_line + i
val chunk_list = make_chunk_list(text_area.getChunksOfScreenLine(screen_line))
if (chunk_list.nonEmpty) {
try {
val line_start = buffer.getLineStartOffset(line)
val caret_range =
if (caret_enabled) JEdit_Lib.caret_range(text_area)
else Text.Range.offside
gfx.clipRect(x0, y + line_height * i, Int.MaxValue, line_height)
val w =
paint_chunk_list(rendering, font_subst, gfx,
line_start, caret_range, chunk_list, x0, y0)
gfx.clipRect(x0 + w.toInt, 0, Int.MaxValue, Int.MaxValue)
screen_line, line, start(i), end(i), y + line_height * i)
} finally { gfx.setClip(clip) }
// bullet bar
for {
Text.Info(range, color) <- rendering.bullet(line_range)
r <- painter_gfx_range(range)
} {
gfx.fillRect(r.x + bullet_x, y + i * line_height + bullet_y,
r.length - bullet_w, line_height - bullet_h)
y0 += line_height
/* foreground */
private val foreground_painter = new TextAreaExtension {
override def paintScreenLineRange(
gfx: Graphics2D,
first_line: Int,
last_line: Int,
physical_lines: Array[Int],
start: Array[Int],
end: Array[Int],
y: Int,
line_height: Int
): Unit = {
robust_rendering { rendering =>
val search_pattern = get_search_pattern()
for (i <- physical_lines.indices) {
if (physical_lines(i) != -1) {
val line_range = Text.Range(start(i), end(i) min buffer.getLength)
// foreground color
for {
Text.Info(range, c) <- rendering.foreground(line_range)
r <- painter_gfx_range(range)
} {
gfx.fillRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length, line_height)
// search pattern
for {
regex <- search_pattern
range <- JEdit_Lib.search_text(buffer, line_range, regex)
r <- painter_gfx_range(range)
} {
gfx.fillRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length, line_height)
// highlight range -- potentially from other snapshot
for {
info <- highlight_area.info
Text.Info(range, color) <- info.try_restrict(line_range)
r <- painter_gfx_range(range)
} {
gfx.fillRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length, line_height)
// hyperlink range -- potentially from other snapshot
for {
info <- hyperlink_area.info
Text.Info(range, _) <- info.try_restrict(line_range)
r <- painter_gfx_range(range)
} {
gfx.drawRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length - 1, line_height - 1)
// entity def range
if (!active_exists() && caret_visible) {
for {
Text.Info(range, color) <- rendering.entity_ref(line_range, caret_focus)
r <- painter_gfx_range(range)
} {
gfx.drawRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length - 1, line_height - 1)
// completion range
if (!active_exists() && caret_visible) {
for {
completion <- Completion_Popup.Text_Area(text_area)
Text.Info(range, color) <- completion.rendering(rendering, line_range)
r <- painter_gfx_range(range)
} {
gfx.drawRect(r.x, y + i * line_height, r.length - 1, line_height - 1)
/* caret -- outside of text range */
private class Caret_Painter(before: Boolean) extends TextAreaExtension {
override def paintValidLine(
gfx: Graphics2D,
screen_line: Int,
physical_line: Int,
start: Int,
end: Int,
y: Int
): Unit = {
robust_rendering { _ =>
if (before) gfx.clipRect(0, 0, 0, 0)
else gfx.setClip(painter_clip)
private val before_caret_painter1 = new Caret_Painter(true)
private val after_caret_painter1 = new Caret_Painter(false)
private val before_caret_painter2 = new Caret_Painter(true)
private val after_caret_painter2 = new Caret_Painter(false)
private val caret_painter = new TextAreaExtension {
override def paintValidLine(
gfx: Graphics2D,
screen_line: Int,
physical_line: Int,
start: Int,
end: Int,
y: Int
): Unit = {
robust_rendering { rendering =>
if (caret_visible) {
val caret = text_area.getCaretPosition
if (caret_enabled && start <= caret && caret == end - 1) {
val painter = text_area.getPainter
val fm = painter.getFontMetrics
val offset = caret - text_area.getLineStartOffset(physical_line)
val x = text_area.offsetToXY(physical_line, offset).x
val y1 = y + painter.getLineHeight - (fm.getLeading + 1) - fm.getDescent
val astr = new AttributedString(" ")
astr.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, painter.getFont)
astr.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, caret_color(rendering, caret))
astr.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SWAP_COLORS, TextAttribute.SWAP_COLORS_ON)
val clip = gfx.getClip
try {
gfx.clipRect(x, y, Int.MaxValue, painter.getLineHeight)
gfx.drawString(astr.getIterator, x, y1)
finally { gfx.setClip(clip) }
/* activation */
def activate(): Unit = {
val painter = text_area.getPainter
painter.addExtension(TextAreaPainter.LOWEST_LAYER, set_state)
painter.addExtension(TextAreaPainter.LINE_BACKGROUND_LAYER + 1, background_painter)
painter.addExtension(TextAreaPainter.TEXT_LAYER, text_painter)
painter.addExtension(TextAreaPainter.CARET_LAYER - 1, before_caret_painter1)
painter.addExtension(TextAreaPainter.CARET_LAYER + 1, after_caret_painter1)
painter.addExtension(TextAreaPainter.BLOCK_CARET_LAYER - 1, before_caret_painter2)
painter.addExtension(TextAreaPainter.BLOCK_CARET_LAYER + 1, after_caret_painter2)
painter.addExtension(TextAreaPainter.BLOCK_CARET_LAYER + 2, caret_painter)
painter.addExtension(500, foreground_painter)
painter.addExtension(TextAreaPainter.HIGHEST_LAYER, reset_state)
def deactivate(): Unit = {
val painter = text_area.getPainter
painter.addExtension(TextAreaPainter.TEXT_LAYER, orig_text_painter)