- Now uses Orderings as parent theory
- "'a set" is now just a type abbreviation for "'a => bool"
- The instantiation "set :: (type) ord" and the definition of (p)subset is
no longer needed, since it is subsumed by the order on functions and booleans.
The derived theorems (p)subset_eq can be used as a replacement.
- mem_Collect_eq and Collect_mem_eq can now be derived from the definitions
of mem and Collect.
- Replaced the instantiation "set :: (type) minus" by the two instantiations
"fun :: (type, minus) minus" and "bool :: minus". The theorem set_diff_eq
can be used as a replacement for the definition set_diff_def
- Replaced the instantiation "set :: (type) uminus" by the two instantiations
"fun :: (type, uminus) uminus" and "bool :: uminus". The theorem Compl_eq
can be used as a replacement for the definition Compl_def.
- Variable P in rule split_if must be instantiated manually in proof of
split_if_mem2 due to problems with HO unification
- Moved definition of dense linear orders and proofs about LEAST from
Orderings to Set
- Deleted code setup for sets
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# $Id$
# Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
# Smart selection of isabelle-process versus isabelle-interface.
if [ -L "$0" ]; then
TARGET="$(LC_ALL=C ls -l "$0" | sed 's/.* -> //')"
exec "$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; cd "$(pwd -P)"; cd "$(dirname "$TARGET")"; pwd)/$(basename "$TARGET")" "$@"
THIS=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd -P)
NAME="$(basename "$0")"
case "$NAME" in
exec "$THIS/$PRG" "$@"