(* Title: Pure/Isar/local_theory.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Makarius
Local theory operations, with optional target locale.
signature LOCAL_THEORY =
val params_of: Proof.context -> (string * typ) list
val hyps_of: Proof.context -> term list
val standard: Proof.context -> thm -> thm
val pretty_consts: Proof.context -> (string * typ -> bool) -> (string * typ) list -> Pretty.T
val print_consts: Proof.context -> (string * typ -> bool) -> (string * typ) list -> unit
val theory: (theory -> theory) -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val theory_result: (theory -> 'a * theory) -> Proof.context -> 'a * Proof.context
val init: xstring option -> theory -> Proof.context
val init_i: string option -> theory -> Proof.context
val exit: Proof.context -> Proof.context * theory
val consts: ((bstring * typ) * mixfix) list -> Proof.context -> term list * Proof.context
val consts_restricted: (string * typ -> bool) ->
((bstring * typ) * mixfix) list -> Proof.context -> term list * Proof.context
val axioms: ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * term list) list -> Proof.context ->
(bstring * thm list) list * Proof.context
val axioms_finish: (Proof.context -> thm -> thm) ->
((bstring * Attrib.src list) * term list) list -> Proof.context ->
(bstring * thm list) list * Proof.context
val notes: string -> ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * (thm list * Attrib.src list) list) list ->
Proof.context -> (bstring * thm list) list * Proof.context
val note: (bstring * Attrib.src list) * thm list -> Proof.context ->
(bstring * thm list) * Proof.context
val def: (bstring * mixfix) * ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * term) ->
Proof.context -> (term * (bstring * thm)) * Proof.context
val def_finish: (Proof.context -> term -> thm -> thm) ->
(bstring * mixfix) * ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * term) ->
Proof.context -> (term * (bstring * thm)) * Proof.context
structure LocalTheory: LOCAL_THEORY =
(** local context data **)
structure Data = ProofDataFun
val name = "Pure/local_theory";
type T =
{locale: (string * (cterm list * Proof.context)) option,
params: (string * typ) list,
hyps: term list,
exit: theory -> theory};
fun init thy = {locale = NONE, params = [], hyps = [], exit = I};
fun print _ _ = ();
val _ = Context.add_setup Data.init;
fun map_locale f = Data.map (fn {locale, params, hyps, exit} =>
{locale = Option.map (fn (loc, (view, ctxt)) => (loc, (view, f ctxt))) locale,
params = params, hyps = hyps, exit = exit});
val locale_of = #locale o Data.get;
val params_of = #params o Data.get;
val hyps_of = #hyps o Data.get;
fun standard ctxt =
(case #locale (Data.get ctxt) of
NONE => Drule.standard
| SOME (_, (_, loc_ctxt)) => ProofContext.export_standard ctxt loc_ctxt);
(* print consts *)
fun pretty_var ctxt (x, T) =
Pretty.block [Pretty.str x, Pretty.str " ::", Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.quote (ProofContext.pretty_typ ctxt T)];
fun pretty_vars ctxt kind vs = Pretty.big_list kind (map (pretty_var ctxt) vs);
fun pretty_consts ctxt pred cs =
(case filter pred (params_of ctxt) of
[] => pretty_vars ctxt "constants" cs
| ps => Pretty.chunks [pretty_vars ctxt "parameters" ps, pretty_vars ctxt "constants" cs]);
fun print_consts _ _ [] = ()
| print_consts ctxt pred cs = Pretty.writeln (pretty_consts ctxt pred cs);
(* theory/locale substructures *)
fun transfer thy =
ProofContext.transfer thy #> map_locale (ProofContext.transfer thy);
fun theory f ctxt = transfer (f (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) ctxt;
fun theory_result f ctxt =
let val (res, thy') = f (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)
in (res, transfer thy' ctxt) end;
fun locale_result f ctxt =
(case locale_of ctxt of
NONE => error "Local theory: no locale context"
| SOME (loc, (view, loc_ctxt)) =>
val (res, loc_ctxt') = f loc_ctxt;
val thy' = ProofContext.theory_of loc_ctxt';
in (res, ctxt |> map_locale (K loc_ctxt') |> transfer thy') end);
(* init -- exit *)
fun init_i NONE thy = ProofContext.init thy
| init_i (SOME loc) thy =
|> Locale.init loc
||>> ProofContext.inferred_fixes
|> (fn ((view, params), ctxt) => Data.put
{locale = SOME (loc, (view, ctxt)),
params = params,
hyps = ProofContext.assms_of ctxt,
exit = Sign.restore_naming thy} ctxt)
|> theory (Sign.add_path (Sign.base_name loc) #> Sign.no_base_names);
fun init loc thy = init_i (Option.map (Locale.intern thy) loc) thy;
fun exit ctxt = (ctxt, #exit (Data.get ctxt) (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt));
(** local theory **)
(* consts *)
fun consts_restricted pred decls ctxt =
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
val params = filter pred (params_of ctxt);
val ps = map Free params;
val Ps = map #2 params;
|> theory (Sign.add_consts_i (decls |> map (fn ((c, T), mx) => (c, Ps ---> T, mx))))
|> pair (decls |> map (fn ((c, T), _) =>
Term.list_comb (Const (Sign.full_name thy c, Ps ---> T), ps)))
val consts = consts_restricted (K true);
(* fact definitions *)
fun notes kind facts ctxt =
val attrib = Attrib.attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt);
val facts' = map (apsnd (map (apfst (map (standard ctxt))))) facts;
ctxt |>
(case locale_of ctxt of
NONE => theory_result (PureThy.note_thmss_i kind (Attrib.map_facts attrib facts'))
| SOME (loc, view_ctxt) =>
locale_result (K (apfst #1 (Locale.add_thmss kind loc facts' view_ctxt))))
||> (#2 o ProofContext.note_thmss_i (Attrib.map_facts attrib facts))
fun note (a, ths) ctxt =
ctxt |> notes PureThy.theoremK [(a, [(ths, [])])] |>> hd;
(* axioms *)
fun add_axiom hyps (name, prop) thy =
val name' = if name = "" then "axiom_" ^ string_of_int (serial ()) else name;
val frees = rev ([] |> Term.add_frees prop |> fold Term.add_frees hyps);
val prop' = Term.list_all_free (frees, Logic.list_implies (hyps, prop));
val thy' = thy |> Theory.add_axioms_i [(name', prop')];
val cert = Thm.cterm_of thy';
fun all_polymorphic (x, T) th =
let val var = cert (Var ((x, 0), #1 (Logic.dest_all (Thm.prop_of th))))
in ((var, cert (Free (x, T))), Thm.forall_elim var th) end;
fun implies_polymorphic hyp th = Thm.assume (cert hyp) COMP th;
val th =
Thm.get_axiom_i thy' (Sign.full_name thy' name')
|> fold_map all_polymorphic frees |-> Drule.cterm_instantiate
|> fold implies_polymorphic hyps
in (th, thy') end;
fun axioms_finish finish = fold_map (fn ((name, atts), props) =>
fold ProofContext.fix_frees props
#> (fn ctxt => ctxt
|> theory_result (fold_map (add_axiom (hyps_of ctxt)) (PureThy.name_multi name props))
|-> (fn ths => note ((name, atts), map (finish ctxt) ths))));
val axioms = axioms_finish (K I);
(* constant definitions *)
fun add_def (name, prop) =
Theory.add_defs_i false [(name, prop)] #> (fn thy =>
val th = Thm.get_axiom_i thy (Sign.full_name thy name);
val cert = Thm.cterm_of thy;
val subst = map2 (fn var => fn free => (cert (Var var), cert (Free free)))
(Term.add_vars (Thm.prop_of th) []) (Term.add_frees prop []);
in (Drule.cterm_instantiate subst th, thy) end);
fun def_finish finish (var, spec) ctxt =
val (x, mx) = var;
val ((name, atts), rhs) = spec;
val name' = if name = "" then Thm.def_name x else name;
val rhs_frees = Term.add_frees rhs [];
|> consts_restricted (member (op =) rhs_frees) [((x, Term.fastype_of rhs), mx)]
|-> (fn [lhs] =>
theory_result (add_def (name', Logic.mk_equals (lhs, rhs)))
#-> (fn th => fn ctxt' => note ((name', atts), [finish ctxt' lhs th]) ctxt')
#> apfst (fn (b, [th]) => (lhs, (b, th))))
val def = def_finish (K (K I));