author haftmann
Fri, 01 Dec 2006 17:22:28 +0100
changeset 21619 dea0914773f7
parent 20005 3fd6d57b16de
child 41460 ea56b98aee83
permissions -rw-r--r--
stripped some legacy bindings

    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Makarius

header {* Proof by guessing *}

theory Guess
imports Main

lemma True

  have 1: "\<exists>x. x = x" by simp

  from 1 guess ..
  from 1 guess x ..
  from 1 guess x :: 'a ..
  from 1 guess x :: nat ..

  have 2: "\<exists>x y. x = x & y = y" by simp
  from 2 guess apply - apply (erule exE conjE)+ done
  from 2 guess x apply - apply (erule exE conjE)+ done
  from 2 guess x y apply - apply (erule exE conjE)+ done
  from 2 guess x :: 'a and y :: 'b apply - apply (erule exE conjE)+ done
  from 2 guess x y :: nat apply - apply (erule exE conjE)+ done

