author kleing
Wed, 20 Jul 2005 07:40:23 +0200
changeset 16895 df67fc190e06
parent 16486 1a12cdb6ee6b
child 16964 6a25e42eaff5
permissions -rw-r--r--
Sort search results in order of relevance, where relevance = a) better if 0 premises for intro or 1 premise for elim/dest rules b) better if substitution size wrt to current goal is smaller Only applies to intro, dest, elim, and simp (contributed by Rafal Kolanski, NICTA)

(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/find_theorems.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Rafal Kolanski, NICTA and Tobias Nipkow, TU Muenchen

Retrieve theorems from proof context.

val thms_containing_limit = ref 40;

signature FIND_THEOREMS =
  val find_thms: Proof.context -> FactIndex.spec -> (thmref * thm) list
  datatype 'term criterion =
    Name of string | Intro | Elim | Dest | Simp of 'term | Pattern of 'term
  val print_theorems: Proof.context -> term option -> int option ->
    (bool * string criterion) list -> unit

structure FindTheorems: FIND_THEOREMS =

(* find_thms *)

fun find_thms ctxt spec =
  (PureThy.thms_containing (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) spec @
    ProofContext.lthms_containing ctxt spec)
  |> map PureThy.selections |> List.concat;

(** search criteria **)

datatype 'term criterion =
  Name of string | Intro | Elim | Dest | Simp of 'term | Pattern of 'term;

fun read_criterion _ (Name name) = Name name
  | read_criterion _ Intro = Intro
  | read_criterion _ Elim = Elim
  | read_criterion _ Dest = Dest
  | read_criterion ctxt (Simp str) =
      Simp (hd (ProofContext.read_term_pats TypeInfer.logicT ctxt [str]))
  | read_criterion ctxt (Pattern str) =
      Pattern (hd (ProofContext.read_term_pats TypeInfer.logicT ctxt [str]));

fun pretty_criterion ctxt (b, c) =
    fun prfx s = if b then s else "-" ^ s;
    (case c of
      Name name => Pretty.str (prfx "name: " ^ quote name)
    | Intro => Pretty.str (prfx "intro")
    | Elim => Pretty.str (prfx "elim")
    | Dest => Pretty.str (prfx "dest")
    | Simp pat => Pretty.block [Pretty.str (prfx "simp:"), Pretty.brk 1,
        Pretty.quote (ProofContext.pretty_term ctxt (Term.show_dummy_patterns pat))]
    | Pattern pat => Pretty.enclose (prfx " \"") "\""
        [ProofContext.pretty_term ctxt (Term.show_dummy_patterns pat)])

(** search criterion filters **)

(*generated filters are to be of the form
  input: (PureThy.thmref * Thm.thm)
  output: (p::int, s::int) option, where
    NONE indicates no match
    p is the primary sorting criterion 
      (eg. number of assumptions in the theorem)
    s is the secondary sorting criterion
      (eg. size of the substitution for intro, elim and dest)
  when applying a set of filters to a thm, fold results in:
    (biggest p, sum of all s)
  currently p and s only matter for intro, elim, dest and simp filters, 
  otherwise the default ordering ("by package") is used.

(* matching theorems *)

fun is_matching_thm (extract_thms, extract_term) ctxt po obj thm =
    val sg = ProofContext.sign_of ctxt;
    val tsig = Sign.tsig_of sg;

    val is_nontrivial = is_Const o head_of o ObjectLogic.drop_judgment sg;

    fun matches pat =
      is_nontrivial pat andalso
      Pattern.matches tsig (if po then (pat,obj) else (obj,pat));

    fun substsize pat =
        val (_,subst) = Pattern.match tsig (if po then (pat,obj) else (obj,pat))
      in Vartab.foldl (op + o apsnd (size_of_term o snd o snd)) (0, subst)

    fun bestmatch [] = NONE
     |  bestmatch (x :: xs) = SOME (nprems_of thm, foldl Int.min x xs);

    val match_thm = matches o extract_term o Thm.prop_of;
    map (substsize o extract_term o Thm.prop_of) 
        (List.filter match_thm (extract_thms thm)) |> bestmatch

(* filter_name *)

fun is_substring pat str =
  if String.size pat = 0 then true
  else if String.size pat > String.size str then false
  else if String.substring (str, 0, String.size pat) = pat then true
  else is_substring pat (String.extract (str, 1, NONE));

(*filter that just looks for a string in the name,
  substring match only (no regexps are performed)*)
fun filter_name str_pat (thmref, _) = 
  if is_substring str_pat (PureThy.name_of_thmref thmref) 
  then SOME (0,0) else NONE;

(* filter intro/elim/dest rules *)


(*elimination rule: conclusion is a Var which does not appear in the major premise*)
fun is_elim ctxt thm =
    val sg = ProofContext.sign_of ctxt;
    val prop = Thm.prop_of thm;
    val concl = ObjectLogic.drop_judgment sg (Logic.strip_imp_concl prop);
    val major_prem = Library.take (1, Logic.strip_imp_prems prop);
    val prem_vars = Drule.vars_of_terms major_prem;
    not (null major_prem) andalso
    Term.is_Var concl andalso
    not (Term.dest_Var concl mem prem_vars)

fun filter_elim_dest check_thm ctxt goal (_,thm) =
    val extract_elim =
     (fn thm => if Thm.no_prems thm then [] else [thm],
      hd o Logic.strip_imp_prems);
    val prems = Logic.prems_of_goal goal 1;

    fun try_subst prem = is_matching_thm extract_elim ctxt true prem thm;
    (*keep successful substitutions*)
    val ss = prems |> try_subst 
             |> List.filter isSome 
             |> (#2 o valOf);
    (*if possible, keep best substitution (one with smallest size)*)
    (*elim and dest rules always have assumptions, so an elim with one 
      assumption is as good as an intro rule with none*)
    if check_thm ctxt thm andalso not (null ss) 
    then SOME (nprems_of thm - 1, foldl Int.min (hd ss) (tl ss)) else NONE


fun filter_intro ctxt goal (_,thm) =
    val extract_intro = (single, Logic.strip_imp_concl);
    val concl = Logic.concl_of_goal goal 1;
    is_matching_thm extract_intro ctxt true concl thm

fun filter_elim ctxt = filter_elim_dest is_elim ctxt;
fun filter_dest ctxt = filter_elim_dest (not oo is_elim) ctxt;


(* filter_simp *)

fun filter_simp ctxt t (_,thm) =
    val (_, {mk_rews = {mk, ...}, ...}) =
      MetaSimplifier.rep_ss (Simplifier.local_simpset_of ctxt);
    val extract_simp = (mk, #1 o Logic.dest_equals o Logic.strip_imp_concl);
  in is_matching_thm extract_simp ctxt false t thm end;

(* filter_pattern *)

fun filter_pattern ctxt pat (_, thm) =
  let val tsig = Sign.tsig_of (ProofContext.sign_of ctxt)
  in if Pattern.matches_subterm tsig (pat, Thm.prop_of thm) then SOME (0,0) 
     else NONE end;

(* interpret criteria as filters *)


fun err_no_goal c =
  error ("Current goal required for " ^ c ^ " search criterion");

fun filter_crit _ _ (Name name) = filter_name name
  | filter_crit _ NONE Intro = err_no_goal "intro"
  | filter_crit _ NONE Elim = err_no_goal "elim"
  | filter_crit _ NONE Dest = err_no_goal "dest"
  | filter_crit ctxt (SOME goal) Intro = filter_intro ctxt goal
  | filter_crit ctxt (SOME goal) Elim = filter_elim ctxt goal
  | filter_crit ctxt (SOME goal) Dest = filter_dest ctxt goal
  | filter_crit ctxt _ (Simp pat) = filter_simp ctxt pat
  | filter_crit ctxt _ (Pattern pat) = filter_pattern ctxt pat;

fun opt_not x = if isSome x then NONE else SOME (0,0);

fun opt_add (SOME (a,x), SOME (b,y)) = SOME ((Int.max (a,b)), (x + y))
 |  opt_add _ = NONE;


fun filter_criterion ctxt opt_goal (b, c) =
  (if b then I else opt_not) o filter_crit ctxt opt_goal c;

fun all_filters filters thms =
    fun eval_filters filters thm =
      map (fn f => f thm) filters |> List.foldl opt_add (SOME (0,0));

    (*filters return: (number of assumptions, substitution size) option, so
      sort (desc. in both cases) according to whether a theorem has assumptions,
      then by the substitution size*)
    fun thm_ord (((p0,s0),_),((p1,s1),_)) =
      prod_ord (int_ord o pairself (fn 0 => 0 | x => 1)) 
               int_ord ((p1,s1),(p0,s0));

    val processed = (fn t => (eval_filters filters t, t)) thms;
    val filtered = List.filter (isSome o #1) processed;
    filtered |> (apfst valOf) |> sort thm_ord |> map #2


(* print_theorems *)

fun print_theorems ctxt opt_goal opt_limit raw_criteria =
    val criteria = map (apsnd (read_criterion ctxt)) raw_criteria;
    val filters = map (filter_criterion ctxt opt_goal) criteria;

    val matches = all_filters filters (find_thms ctxt ([], []));
    val len = length matches;
    val limit = if_none opt_limit (! thms_containing_limit);

    fun prt_fact (thmref, thm) =
      ProofContext.pretty_fact ctxt (PureThy.string_of_thmref thmref, [thm]);
    Pretty.big_list "searched for:" (map (pretty_criterion ctxt) criteria) :: Pretty.str "" ::
     (if null matches then [Pretty.str "nothing found"]
        [Pretty.str ("found " ^ string_of_int len ^ " theorems" ^
          (if len <= limit then "" else " (" ^ string_of_int limit ^ " displayed)") ^ ":"),
         Pretty.str ""] @
        map prt_fact (Library.drop (len - limit, matches)))
    |> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.writeln
