ZF/constructor.thy: now specifies intr_elim as its parent; previously had
ind_syntax, which was not sufficient.
#!/usr/bin/perl -s- # -*-Perl-*-
#The following script file is useful to convert old theory files into a
#style consistent with new naming conventions. Now, the names of the
#files must be the same as the names of the theories they define (with
#a ".thy" suffix) and corresponding ML files must also be renamed.
#To make this renaming easier, the following perl script can be used.
#It traverses the given directory recursively. For each file of the
#form abc.thy, this script does the following steps:
#1. Reads the file and grabs the first identifier, say Abc (skipping comments
# (*...*) and white space).
#2. Outputs the commands needed to rename the file abc.thy to Abc.thy,
# including the appropriate CVS commands.
#3. If abc.ML also exists, it outputs appropriate commands to rename it
# to Abc.ML.
#These commands can be put into a file, which can then be executed.
#If you are not using cvs, use "grep" to extract just the "mv" commands.
# - Sara Kalvala
# (sk@cl.cam.ac.uk)
open(MATCH_FILES, "find . -name \"*thy\" -print |");
foreach $each_match (<MATCH_FILES>) {
if($each_match =~ /(.*\/)(\w*)\.thy/) {$dirpart = $1;}
else {print "something wrong with finding path!\n";
$dirpart = "";}
open (CONTENTS, $each_match);
@readit = <CONTENTS>;
chop(@readit); $oneline = join(" ",@readit);
$oneline =~ s/\(\*([^\*]|(\*[^\)]))*\*\)//g ;
# comments: have to remove strings of anything but stars or stars
# followed by anything but right parenthesis
if($oneline =~ /\s*([^ ]*)\s*=.*/)
{$th_name = $1;
$new_name = $dirpart . $th_name . ".thy";
print "mv -i $each_match $new_name \n";
print "cvs rm $each_match ; cvs add $new_name \n";
# for ML files
$each_ML = $each_match;
$each_ML =~ s/.thy/.ML/;
if (-e $each_ML) { $new_ML = $dirpart . $th_name . ".ML";
print "mv -i $each_ML $new_ML \n";
print "cvs rm $each_ML ; cvs add $new_ML \n";}}
else {print "something wrong with format of theory file!\n";}