clarified argument formats: explicit Unit, allow XML.Elem as well;
tuned messages: prefer single quotes for JSON output;
/* Title: Pure/PIDE/yxml.scala
Author: Makarius
Efficient text representation of XML trees. Suitable for direct
inlining into plain text.
package isabelle
import scala.collection.mutable
object YXML
/* chunk markers */
val X = '\u0005'
val Y = '\u0006'
val is_X = (c: Char) => c == X
val is_Y = (c: Char) => c == Y
val X_string = X.toString
val Y_string = Y.toString
val XY_string = X_string + Y_string
def detect(s: String): Boolean = s.exists(c => c == X || c == Y)
def detect_elem(s: String): Boolean = s.startsWith(XY_string)
/* string representation */ // FIXME byte array version with pseudo-utf-8 (!?)
def string_of_body(body: XML.Body): String =
val s = new StringBuilder
def attrib(p: (String, String)) { s += Y; s ++= p._1; s += '='; s ++= p._2 }
def tree(t: XML.Tree): Unit =
t match {
case XML.Elem(Markup(name, atts), ts) =>
s += X; s += Y; s ++= name; atts.foreach(attrib); s += X
s += X; s += Y; s += X
case XML.Text(text) => s ++= text
def string_of_tree(tree: XML.Tree): String = string_of_body(List(tree))
/* parsing */
private def err(msg: String) = error("Malformed YXML: " + msg)
private def err_attribute() = err("bad attribute")
private def err_element() = err("bad element")
private def err_unbalanced(name: String) =
if (name == "") err("unbalanced element")
else err("unbalanced element " + quote(name))
private def parse_attrib(source: CharSequence) = {
val s = source.toString
val i = s.indexOf('=')
if (i <= 0) err_attribute()
(s.substring(0, i), s.substring(i + 1))
def parse_body(source: CharSequence): XML.Body =
/* stack operations */
def buffer(): mutable.ListBuffer[XML.Tree] = new mutable.ListBuffer[XML.Tree]
var stack: List[(Markup, mutable.ListBuffer[XML.Tree])] = List((Markup.Empty, buffer()))
def add(x: XML.Tree)
(stack: @unchecked) match { case ((_, body) :: _) => body += x }
def push(name: String, atts: XML.Attributes)
if (name == "") err_element()
else stack = (Markup(name, atts), buffer()) :: stack
def pop()
(stack: @unchecked) match {
case ((Markup.Empty, _) :: _) => err_unbalanced("")
case ((markup, body) :: pending) =>
stack = pending
add(XML.Elem(markup, body.toList))
/* parse chunks */
for (chunk <- Library.separated_chunks(is_X, source) if chunk.length != 0) {
if (chunk.length == 1 && chunk.charAt(0) == Y) pop()
else {
Library.separated_chunks(is_Y, chunk).toList match {
case ch :: name :: atts if ch.length == 0 =>
case txts => for (txt <- txts) add(XML.Text(txt.toString))
(stack: @unchecked) match {
case List((Markup.Empty, body)) => body.toList
case (Markup(name, _), _) :: _ => err_unbalanced(name)
def parse(source: CharSequence): XML.Tree =
parse_body(source) match {
case List(result) => result
case Nil => XML.Text("")
case _ => err("multiple XML trees")
def parse_elem(source: CharSequence): XML.Tree =
parse_body(source) match {
case List(elem: XML.Elem) => elem
case _ => err("single XML element expected")
/* failsafe parsing */
private def markup_broken(source: CharSequence) =
XML.Elem(Markup.Broken, List(XML.Text(source.toString)))
def parse_body_failsafe(source: CharSequence): XML.Body =
try { parse_body(source) }
catch { case ERROR(_) => List(markup_broken(source)) }
def parse_failsafe(source: CharSequence): XML.Tree =
try { parse(source) }
catch { case ERROR(_) => markup_broken(source) }