(* Title: Pure/Syntax/lexicon.ML
Author: Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Lexer for the inner Isabelle syntax (terms and types).
signature LEXICON =
structure Syntax:
val const: string -> term
val free: string -> term
val var: indexname -> term
val scan_id: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner
val scan_longid: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner
val scan_tid: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner
val scan_hex: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner
val scan_bin: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner
val scan_var: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner
val scan_tvar: Symbol_Pos.T list scanner
val is_tid: string -> bool
datatype token_kind =
Literal | Ident | Long_Ident | Var | Type_Ident | Type_Var | Num | Float | Str |
String | Cartouche | Space | Comment of Comment.kind | Dummy | EOF
eqtype token
val kind_of_token: token -> token_kind
val str_of_token: token -> string
val pos_of_token: token -> Position.T
val end_pos_of_token: token -> Position.T
val is_proper: token -> bool
val dummy: token
val is_dummy: token -> bool
val literal: string -> token
val is_literal: token -> bool
val token_ord: token ord
val token_type_ord: token ord
val mk_eof: Position.T -> token
val eof: token
val is_eof: token -> bool
val stopper: token Scan.stopper
val terminals: string list
val is_terminal: string -> bool
val get_terminal: string -> token option
val literal_markup: string -> Markup.T list
val reports_of_token: token -> Position.report list
val reported_token_range: Proof.context -> token -> string
val valued_token: token -> bool
val implode_string: Symbol.symbol list -> string
val explode_string: string * Position.T -> Symbol_Pos.T list
val implode_str: Symbol.symbol list -> string
val explode_str: string * Position.T -> Symbol_Pos.T list
val tokenize: Scan.lexicon -> bool -> Symbol_Pos.T list -> token list
val read_indexname: string -> indexname
val read_var: string -> term
val read_variable: string -> indexname option
val read_nat: string -> int option
val read_int: string -> int option
val read_num: string -> {radix: int, leading_zeros: int, value: int}
val read_float: string -> {mant: int, exp: int}
val mark_class: string -> string val unmark_class: string -> string
val mark_type: string -> string val unmark_type: string -> string
val mark_const: string -> string val unmark_const: string -> string
val mark_fixed: string -> string val unmark_fixed: string -> string
val unmark:
{case_class: string -> 'a,
case_type: string -> 'a,
case_const: string -> 'a,
case_fixed: string -> 'a,
case_default: string -> 'a} -> string -> 'a
val is_marked: string -> bool
val dummy_type: term
val fun_type: term
structure Lexicon: LEXICON =
(** syntactic terms **)
structure Syntax =
fun const c = Const (c, dummyT);
fun free x = Free (x, dummyT);
fun var xi = Var (xi, dummyT);
(** basic scanners **)
open Basic_Symbol_Pos;
val err_prefix = "Inner lexical error: ";
fun !!! msg = Symbol_Pos.!!! (fn () => err_prefix ^ msg);
val scan_id = Symbol_Pos.scan_ident;
val scan_longid = scan_id @@@ Scan.repeats1 ($$$ "." @@@ scan_id);
val scan_tid = $$$ "'" @@@ scan_id;
val scan_hex = $$$ "0" @@@ $$$ "x" @@@ Scan.many1 (Symbol.is_ascii_hex o Symbol_Pos.symbol);
val scan_bin = $$$ "0" @@@ $$$ "b" @@@ Scan.many1 (fn (s, _) => s = "0" orelse s = "1");
val scan_num = scan_hex || scan_bin || Symbol_Pos.scan_nat;
val scan_id_nat = scan_id @@@ Scan.optional ($$$ "." @@@ Symbol_Pos.scan_nat) [];
val scan_var = $$$ "?" @@@ scan_id_nat;
val scan_tvar = $$$ "?" @@@ $$$ "'" @@@ scan_id_nat;
fun is_tid s =
(case try (unprefix "'") s of
SOME s' => Symbol_Pos.is_identifier s'
| NONE => false);
(** tokens **)
(* datatype token_kind *)
datatype token_kind =
Literal | Ident | Long_Ident | Var | Type_Ident | Type_Var | Num | Float | Str |
String | Cartouche | Space | Comment of Comment.kind | Dummy | EOF;
val token_kinds =
[Literal, Ident, Long_Ident, Var, Type_Ident, Type_Var, Num, Float, Str,
String, Cartouche, Space, Comment Comment.Comment, Comment Comment.Cancel,
Comment Comment.Latex, Dummy, EOF];
val token_kind = Vector.nth token_kinds;
fun token_kind_index k = #1 (the (Vector.findi (fn (_, k') => k = k') token_kinds));
(* datatype token *)
datatype token = Token of int * string * Position.range;
fun index_of_token (Token (i, _, _)) = i;
val kind_of_token = index_of_token #> token_kind;
fun str_of_token (Token (_, s, _)) = s;
fun pos_of_token (Token (_, _, (pos, _))) = pos;
fun end_pos_of_token (Token (_, _, (_, end_pos))) = end_pos;
val is_proper = kind_of_token #> (fn Space => false | Comment _ => false | _ => true);
val dummy_index = token_kind_index Dummy;
val dummy = Token (dummy_index, "", Position.no_range);
fun is_dummy tok = index_of_token tok = dummy_index;
(* literals *)
val literal_index = token_kind_index Literal;
fun literal s = Token (literal_index, s, Position.no_range);
fun is_literal tok = index_of_token tok = literal_index;
(* order *)
fun token_ord (Token (i, s, r), Token (i', s', r')) =
(case int_ord (i, i') of
(case fast_string_ord (s, s') of
EQUAL => Position.range_ord (r, r')
| ord => ord)
| ord => ord);
fun token_type_ord toks =
let val is = apply2 index_of_token toks in
(case int_ord is of
EQUAL => if #1 is = literal_index then fast_string_ord (apply2 str_of_token toks) else EQUAL
| ord => ord)
(* stopper *)
val eof_index = token_kind_index EOF;
fun mk_eof pos = Token (eof_index, "", (pos, Position.none));
val eof = mk_eof Position.none;
fun is_eof tok = index_of_token tok = eof_index;
val stopper = Scan.stopper (K eof) is_eof;
(* terminal symbols *)
val terminal_symbols =
[("id", Ident),
("longid", Long_Ident),
("var", Var),
("tid", Type_Ident),
("tvar", Type_Var),
("num_token", Num),
("float_token", Float),
("str_token", Str),
("string_token", String),
("cartouche", Cartouche)]
|> map (apsnd token_kind_index)
|> Symtab.make;
val terminals = Symtab.keys terminal_symbols;
val is_terminal = Symtab.defined terminal_symbols;
fun get_terminal s =
(case Symtab.lookup terminal_symbols s of
SOME i => SOME (Token (i, s, Position.no_range))
| NONE => NONE);
(* markup *)
fun literal_markup s =
let val syms = Symbol.explode s in
if Symbol.has_control_block syms then []
else if Symbol.is_ascii_identifier s orelse exists Symbol.is_letter syms
then [Markup.literal]
else [Markup.delimiter]
val token_kind_markup =
fn Type_Ident => [Markup.tfree]
| Type_Var => [Markup.tvar]
| Num => [Markup.numeral]
| Float => [Markup.numeral]
| Str => [Markup.inner_string]
| String => [Markup.inner_string]
| Cartouche => [Markup.inner_cartouche]
| Comment _ => [Markup.comment1]
| _ => [];
fun reports_of_token tok =
val pos = pos_of_token tok;
val markups =
if is_literal tok then literal_markup (str_of_token tok)
else token_kind_markup (kind_of_token tok);
in map (pair pos) markups end;
fun reported_token_range ctxt tok =
if is_proper tok
then Context_Position.reported_text ctxt (pos_of_token tok) Markup.token_range ""
else "";
(* valued_token *)
fun valued_token tok =
not (is_literal tok orelse is_eof tok);
(** string literals **)
fun explode_literal scan_body (str, pos) =
(case Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper scan_body (Symbol_Pos.explode (str, pos)) of
SOME ss => ss
| _ => error (err_prefix ^ "malformed string literal " ^ quote str ^ Position.here pos));
(* string *)
val scan_string = Scan.trace (Symbol_Pos.scan_string_qq err_prefix) >> #2;
val scan_string_body = Symbol_Pos.scan_string_qq err_prefix >> (#1 o #2);
fun implode_string ss = quote (implode (map (fn "\"" => "\\\"" | s => s) ss));
val explode_string = explode_literal scan_string_body;
(* str *)
val scan_chr =
$$ "\\" |-- $$$ "'" ||
((fn s => s <> "\\" andalso s <> "'" andalso Symbol.not_eof s) o
Symbol_Pos.symbol) >> single ||
$$$ "'" --| Scan.ahead (~$$ "'");
val scan_str =
Scan.ahead ($$ "'" -- $$ "'") |--
!!! "unclosed string literal"
($$$ "'" @@@ $$$ "'" @@@ Scan.repeats scan_chr @@@ $$$ "'" @@@ $$$ "'");
val scan_str_body =
Scan.ahead ($$ "'" |-- $$ "'") |--
!!! "unclosed string literal"
($$ "'" |-- $$ "'" |-- Scan.repeats scan_chr --| $$ "'" --| $$ "'");
fun implode_str ss = enclose "''" "''" (implode (map (fn "'" => "\\'" | s => s) ss));
val explode_str = explode_literal scan_str_body;
(** tokenize **)
val token_leq = op <= o apply2 str_of_token;
fun token kind =
let val i = token_kind_index kind
in fn ss => Token (i, Symbol_Pos.content ss, Symbol_Pos.range ss) end;
fun tokenize lex xids syms =
val scan_xid =
(if xids then $$$ "_" @@@ scan_id || scan_id else scan_id) ||
$$$ "_" @@@ $$$ "_";
val scan_val =
scan_tvar >> token Type_Var ||
scan_var >> token Var ||
scan_tid >> token Type_Ident ||
Symbol_Pos.scan_float >> token Float ||
scan_num >> token Num ||
scan_longid >> token Long_Ident ||
scan_xid >> token Ident;
val scan_lit = Scan.literal lex >> token Literal;
val scan =
Symbol_Pos.scan_cartouche err_prefix >> token Cartouche ||
Comment.scan_inner >> (fn (kind, ss) => token (Comment kind) ss) ||
Scan.max token_leq scan_lit scan_val ||
scan_string >> token String ||
scan_str >> token Str ||
Scan.many1 (Symbol.is_blank o Symbol_Pos.symbol) >> token Space;
(case Scan.error (Scan.finite Symbol_Pos.stopper (Scan.repeat scan)) syms of
(toks, []) => toks
| (_, ss) =>
error ("Inner lexical error" ^ Position.here (#1 (Symbol_Pos.range ss)) ^
Markup.markup Markup.no_report ("\nat " ^ quote (Symbol_Pos.content ss))))
(** scan variables **)
(* scan_indexname *)
val scan_vname =
fun nat n [] = n
| nat n (c :: cs) = nat (n * 10 + (ord c - Char.ord #"0")) cs;
fun idxname cs ds = (implode (rev cs), nat 0 ds);
fun chop_idx [] ds = idxname [] ds
| chop_idx (cs as (_ :: "\<^sub>" :: _)) ds = idxname cs ds
| chop_idx (c :: cs) ds =
if Symbol.is_digit c then chop_idx cs (c :: ds)
else idxname (c :: cs) ds;
val scan =
(scan_id >> map Symbol_Pos.symbol) --
Scan.optional ($$ "." |-- Symbol_Pos.scan_nat >> (nat 0 o map Symbol_Pos.symbol)) ~1;
scan >>
(fn (cs, ~1) => chop_idx (rev cs) []
| (cs, i) => (implode cs, i))
val scan_indexname = $$ "'" |-- scan_vname >> (fn (x, i) => ("'" ^ x, i)) || scan_vname;
(* indexname *)
fun read_indexname s =
(case Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper scan_indexname (Symbol_Pos.explode0 s) of
SOME xi => xi
| _ => error ("Lexical error in variable name: " ^ quote s));
(* read_var *)
fun read_var str =
val scan =
$$ "?" |-- scan_indexname --| Scan.ahead (Scan.one Symbol_Pos.is_eof)
>> Syntax.var ||
Scan.many (Symbol.not_eof o Symbol_Pos.symbol)
>> (Syntax.free o implode o map Symbol_Pos.symbol);
in the (Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper scan (Symbol_Pos.explode0 str)) end;
(* read_variable *)
fun read_variable str =
let val scan = $$ "?" |-- scan_indexname || scan_indexname
in Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper scan (Symbol_Pos.explode0 str) end;
(* read numbers *)
fun nat cs =
Option.map (#1 o Library.read_int o map Symbol_Pos.symbol)
(Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper Symbol_Pos.scan_nat cs);
fun read_nat s = nat (Symbol_Pos.explode0 s);
fun read_int s =
(case Symbol_Pos.explode0 s of
("-", _) :: cs => Option.map ~ (nat cs)
| cs => nat cs);
(* read_num: hex/bin/decimal *)
val ten = Char.ord #"0" + 10;
val a = Char.ord #"a";
val A = Char.ord #"A";
val _ = a > A orelse raise Fail "Bad ASCII";
fun remap_hex c =
let val x = ord c in
if x >= a then chr (x - a + ten)
else if x >= A then chr (x - A + ten)
else c
fun leading_zeros ["0"] = 0
| leading_zeros ("0" :: cs) = 1 + leading_zeros cs
| leading_zeros _ = 0;
fun read_num str =
val (radix, digs) =
(case Symbol.explode str of
"0" :: "x" :: cs => (16, map remap_hex cs)
| "0" :: "b" :: cs => (2, cs)
| cs => (10, cs));
{radix = radix,
leading_zeros = leading_zeros digs,
value = #1 (Library.read_radix_int radix digs)}
fun read_float str =
val cs = Symbol.explode str;
val (intpart, fracpart) =
(case chop_prefix Symbol.is_digit cs of
(intpart, "." :: fracpart) => (intpart, fracpart)
| _ => raise Fail "read_float");
{mant = #1 (Library.read_int (intpart @ fracpart)),
exp = length fracpart}
(* marked logical entities *)
fun marker s = (prefix s, unprefix s);
val (mark_class, unmark_class) = marker "\<^class>";
val (mark_type, unmark_type) = marker "\<^type>";
val (mark_const, unmark_const) = marker "\<^const>";
val (mark_fixed, unmark_fixed) = marker "\<^fixed>";
fun unmark {case_class, case_type, case_const, case_fixed, case_default} s =
(case try unmark_class s of
SOME c => case_class c
| NONE =>
(case try unmark_type s of
SOME c => case_type c
| NONE =>
(case try unmark_const s of
SOME c => case_const c
| NONE =>
(case try unmark_fixed s of
SOME c => case_fixed c
| NONE => case_default s))));
val is_marked =
unmark {case_class = K true, case_type = K true, case_const = K true,
case_fixed = K true, case_default = K false};
val dummy_type = Syntax.const (mark_type "dummy");
val fun_type = Syntax.const (mark_type "fun");
(* toplevel pretty printing *)
val _ =
ML_system_pp (fn _ => fn _ =>
Pretty.to_ML o Pretty.str_list "{" "}" o map quote o Scan.dest_lexicon);