(* Title: Pure/Tools/isabelle_process.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Makarius
Isabelle process wrapper -- interaction via external program.
General format of process output:
(a) unmarked stdout/stderr, no line structure (output should be
processed immediately as it arrives);
(b) properly marked-up messages, e.g. for writeln channel
"\002A" ^ props ^ "\002,\n" ^ text ^ "\002.\n"
where the props consist of name=value lines terminated by "\002,\n"
each, and the remaining text is any number of lines (output is
supposed to be processed in one piece);
(c) special init message holds "pid" and "session" property.
val isabelle_processN: string
val full_markupN: string
val yxmlN: string
val init: unit -> unit
structure IsabelleProcess: ISABELLE_PROCESS =
(* print modes *)
val isabelle_processN = "isabelle_process";
val full_markupN = "full_markup";
val yxmlN = "YXML";
val _ = Output.add_mode isabelle_processN Output.default_output Output.default_escape;
val _ = Markup.add_mode isabelle_processN (fn (name, props) =>
if print_mode_active full_markupN orelse name = Markup.positionN
then YXML.output_markup (name, props) else ("", ""));
(* message markup *)
fun special ch = Symbol.STX ^ ch;
val special_sep = special ",";
val special_end = special ".";
fun clean_string bad str =
if exists_string (member (op =) bad) str then
translate_string (fn c => if member (op =) bad c then Symbol.DEL else c) str
else str;
fun message_props props =
let val clean = clean_string [Symbol.STX, "\n", "\r"]
in implode (map (fn (x, y) => clean x ^ "=" ^ clean y ^ special_sep ^ "\n") props) end;
fun message_text ts =
val doc = XML.Elem ("message", [], ts);
val msg =
if not (print_mode_active full_markupN) then
Buffer.content (fold XML.add_content ts Buffer.empty)
else if print_mode_active yxmlN then YXML.string_of doc
else XML.header ^ XML.string_of doc;
in clean_string [Symbol.STX] msg end;
fun message_pos ts = get_first get_pos ts
and get_pos (elem as XML.Elem (name, atts, ts)) =
if name = Markup.positionN then SOME (Position.of_properties atts)
else message_pos ts
| get_pos _ = NONE;
fun message ch body =
val (txt, pos) =
let val ts = YXML.parse_body body
in (message_text ts, the_default Position.none (message_pos ts)) end
handle Fail msg => ("*** MALFORMED MESSAGE ***\n" ^ msg, Position.none);
val props =
Position.properties_of (Position.thread_data ())
|> Position.default_properties pos;
in Output.writeln_default (special ch ^ message_props props ^ txt ^ special_end) end;
fun init_message () =
val pid = ("pid", string_of_pid (Posix.ProcEnv.getpid ()));
val session = ("session", List.last (Session.id ()) handle List.Empty => "unknown");
val welcome = Session.welcome ();
in Output.writeln_default (special "H" ^ message_props [pid, session] ^ welcome ^ special_end) end;
(* channels *)
fun setup_channels () =
(Output.writeln_fn := message "A";
Output.priority_fn := message "B";
Output.tracing_fn := message "C";
Output.warning_fn := message "D";
Output.error_fn := message "E";
Output.debug_fn := message "F";
Output.prompt_fn := message "G");
(* init *)
fun init () =
(change print_mode (update (op =) isabelle_processN);
setup_channels ();
init_message ();
Isar.toplevel_loop {init = true, welcome = false, sync = true, secure = true});