(* Title: Pure/Isar/keyword.ML
Author: Makarius
Isar keyword classification.
signature KEYWORD =
val diag: string
val document_heading: string
val document_body: string
val document_raw: string
val thy_begin: string
val thy_end: string
val thy_decl: string
val thy_decl_block: string
val thy_defn: string
val thy_stmt: string
val thy_load: string
val thy_goal: string
val thy_goal_defn: string
val thy_goal_stmt: string
val qed: string
val qed_script: string
val qed_block: string
val qed_global: string
val prf_goal: string
val prf_block: string
val next_block: string
val prf_open: string
val prf_close: string
val prf_chain: string
val prf_decl: string
val prf_asm: string
val prf_asm_goal: string
val prf_script: string
val prf_script_goal: string
val prf_script_asm_goal: string
val before_command: string
val quasi_command: string
type spec = {kind: string, load_command: string * Position.T, tags: string list}
val command_spec: string * string list -> spec
val no_spec: spec
val before_command_spec: spec
val quasi_command_spec: spec
val document_heading_spec: spec
val document_body_spec: spec
type keywords
val minor_keywords: keywords -> Scan.lexicon
val major_keywords: keywords -> Scan.lexicon
val empty_keywords: keywords
val merge_keywords: keywords * keywords -> keywords
val add_keywords: ((string * Position.T) * spec) list -> keywords -> keywords
val add_minor_keywords: string list -> keywords -> keywords
val add_major_keywords: string list -> keywords -> keywords
val no_major_keywords: keywords -> keywords
val is_keyword: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_command: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_literal: keywords -> string -> bool
val dest_commands: keywords -> string list
val command_markup: keywords -> string -> Markup.T option
val command_kind: keywords -> string -> string option
val command_tags: keywords -> string -> string list
val is_vacuous: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_diag: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_document_heading: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_document_body: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_document_raw: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_document: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_theory_end: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_theory_load: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_theory: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_theory_body: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_proof: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_proof_body: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_theory_goal: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_proof_goal: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_qed: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_qed_global: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_proof_open: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_proof_close: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_proof_asm: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_proof_asm_goal: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_improper: keywords -> string -> bool
val is_printed: keywords -> string -> bool
structure Keyword: KEYWORD =
(** keyword classification **)
(* kinds *)
val diag = "diag";
val document_heading = "document_heading";
val document_body = "document_body";
val document_raw = "document_raw";
val thy_begin = "thy_begin";
val thy_end = "thy_end";
val thy_decl = "thy_decl";
val thy_decl_block = "thy_decl_block";
val thy_defn = "thy_defn";
val thy_stmt = "thy_stmt";
val thy_load = "thy_load";
val thy_goal = "thy_goal";
val thy_goal_defn = "thy_goal_defn";
val thy_goal_stmt = "thy_goal_stmt";
val qed = "qed";
val qed_script = "qed_script";
val qed_block = "qed_block";
val qed_global = "qed_global";
val prf_goal = "prf_goal";
val prf_block = "prf_block";
val next_block = "next_block";
val prf_open = "prf_open";
val prf_close = "prf_close";
val prf_chain = "prf_chain";
val prf_decl = "prf_decl";
val prf_asm = "prf_asm";
val prf_asm_goal = "prf_asm_goal";
val prf_script = "prf_script";
val prf_script_goal = "prf_script_goal";
val prf_script_asm_goal = "prf_script_asm_goal";
val before_command = "before_command";
val quasi_command = "quasi_command";
val command_kinds =
[diag, document_heading, document_body, document_raw, thy_begin, thy_end, thy_load, thy_decl,
thy_decl_block, thy_defn, thy_stmt, thy_goal, thy_goal_defn, thy_goal_stmt, qed, qed_script,
qed_block, qed_global, prf_goal, prf_block, next_block, prf_open, prf_close, prf_chain,
prf_decl, prf_asm, prf_asm_goal, prf_script, prf_script_goal, prf_script_asm_goal];
(* specifications *)
type spec = {kind: string, load_command: string * Position.T, tags: string list};
fun command_spec (kind, tags) : spec =
{kind = kind, load_command = ("", Position.none), tags = tags};
val no_spec = command_spec ("", []);
val before_command_spec = command_spec (before_command, []);
val quasi_command_spec = command_spec (quasi_command, []);
val document_heading_spec = command_spec ("document_heading", ["document"]);
val document_body_spec = command_spec ("document_body", ["document"]);
type entry =
{pos: Position.T,
id: serial,
kind: string,
tags: string list};
fun check_spec pos ({kind, tags, ...}: spec) : entry =
if not (member (op =) command_kinds kind) then
error ("Unknown outer syntax keyword kind " ^ quote kind)
else {pos = pos, id = serial (), kind = kind, tags = tags};
(** keyword tables **)
(* type keywords *)
datatype keywords = Keywords of
{minor: Scan.lexicon,
major: Scan.lexicon,
commands: entry Symtab.table};
fun minor_keywords (Keywords {minor, ...}) = minor;
fun major_keywords (Keywords {major, ...}) = major;
fun make_keywords (minor, major, commands) =
Keywords {minor = minor, major = major, commands = commands};
fun map_keywords f (Keywords {minor, major, commands}) =
make_keywords (f (minor, major, commands));
(* build keywords *)
val empty_keywords =
make_keywords (Scan.empty_lexicon, Scan.empty_lexicon, Symtab.empty);
fun merge_keywords
(Keywords {minor = minor1, major = major1, commands = commands1},
Keywords {minor = minor2, major = major2, commands = commands2}) =
(Scan.merge_lexicons (minor1, minor2),
Scan.merge_lexicons (major1, major2),
Symtab.merge (K true) (commands1, commands2));
val add_keywords =
fold (fn ((name, pos), spec as {kind, ...}: spec) => map_keywords (fn (minor, major, commands) =>
if kind = "" orelse kind = before_command orelse kind = quasi_command then
val minor' = Scan.extend_lexicon (Symbol.explode name) minor;
in (minor', major, commands) end
val entry = check_spec pos spec;
val major' = Scan.extend_lexicon (Symbol.explode name) major;
val commands' = Symtab.update (name, entry) commands;
in (minor, major', commands') end));
val add_minor_keywords =
add_keywords o map (fn name => ((name, Position.none), no_spec));
val add_major_keywords =
add_keywords o map (fn name => ((name, Position.none), command_spec (diag, [])));
val no_major_keywords =
map_keywords (fn (minor, _, _) => (minor, Scan.empty_lexicon, Symtab.empty));
(* keyword status *)
fun is_keyword keywords s = Scan.is_literal (minor_keywords keywords) (Symbol.explode s);
fun is_command (Keywords {commands, ...}) = Symtab.defined commands;
fun is_literal keywords = is_keyword keywords orf is_command keywords;
fun dest_commands (Keywords {commands, ...}) = Symtab.keys commands;
(* command keywords *)
fun lookup_command (Keywords {commands, ...}) = Symtab.lookup commands;
fun command_markup keywords name =
lookup_command keywords name
|> Option.map (fn {pos, id, ...} =>
Position.make_entity_markup {def = false} id Markup.command_keywordN (name, pos));
fun command_kind keywords = Option.map #kind o lookup_command keywords;
fun command_tags keywords name =
(case lookup_command keywords name of
SOME {tags, ...} => tags
| NONE => []);
(* command categories *)
fun command_category ks =
val set = Symset.make ks;
fun pred keywords name =
(case lookup_command keywords name of
NONE => false
| SOME {kind, ...} => Symset.member set kind);
in pred end;
val is_vacuous = command_category [diag, document_heading, document_body, document_raw];
val is_diag = command_category [diag];
val is_document_heading = command_category [document_heading];
val is_document_body = command_category [document_body];
val is_document_raw = command_category [document_raw];
val is_document = command_category [document_heading, document_body, document_raw];
val is_theory_end = command_category [thy_end];
val is_theory_load = command_category [thy_load];
val is_theory = command_category
[thy_begin, thy_end, thy_load, thy_decl, thy_decl_block, thy_defn, thy_stmt, thy_goal,
thy_goal_defn, thy_goal_stmt];
val is_theory_body = command_category
[thy_load, thy_decl, thy_decl_block, thy_defn, thy_stmt, thy_goal, thy_goal_defn, thy_goal_stmt];
val is_proof = command_category
[qed, qed_script, qed_block, qed_global, prf_goal, prf_block, next_block, prf_open,
prf_close, prf_chain, prf_decl, prf_asm, prf_asm_goal, prf_script, prf_script_goal,
val is_proof_body = command_category
[diag, document_heading, document_body, document_raw, prf_block, next_block, prf_open,
prf_close, prf_chain, prf_decl, prf_asm, prf_asm_goal, prf_script, prf_script_goal,
val is_theory_goal = command_category [thy_goal, thy_goal_defn, thy_goal_stmt];
val is_proof_goal = command_category [prf_goal, prf_asm_goal, prf_script_goal, prf_script_asm_goal];
val is_qed = command_category [qed, qed_script, qed_block];
val is_qed_global = command_category [qed_global];
val is_proof_open =
command_category [prf_goal, prf_asm_goal, prf_script_goal, prf_script_asm_goal, prf_open];
val is_proof_close = command_category [qed, qed_script, qed_block, prf_close];
val is_proof_asm = command_category [prf_asm, prf_asm_goal];
val is_proof_asm_goal = command_category [prf_asm_goal];
val is_improper = command_category [qed_script, prf_script, prf_script_goal, prf_script_asm_goal];
fun is_printed keywords = is_theory_goal keywords orf is_proof keywords;