snoc_induct/exhaust -> rev_induct_exhaust.
(* Title: CTT/rew
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
Simplifier for CTT, using Typedsimp
(*Make list of ProdE RS ProdE ... RS ProdE RS EqE
for using assumptions as rewrite rules*)
fun peEs 0 = []
| peEs n = EqE :: map (apl(ProdE, op RS)) (peEs (n-1));
(*Tactic used for proving conditions for the cond_rls*)
val prove_cond_tac = eresolve_tac (peEs 5);
structure TSimp_data: TSIMP_DATA =
val refl = refl_elem
val sym = sym_elem
val trans = trans_elem
val refl_red = refl_red
val trans_red = trans_red
val red_if_equal = red_if_equal
val default_rls = comp_rls
val routine_tac = routine_tac routine_rls
structure TSimp = TSimpFun (TSimp_data);
val standard_congr_rls = intrL2_rls @ elimL_rls;
(*Make a rewriting tactic from a normalization tactic*)
fun make_rew_tac ntac =
TRY eqintr_tac THEN TRYALL (resolve_tac [TSimp.split_eqn]) THEN
fun rew_tac thms = make_rew_tac
(TSimp.norm_tac(standard_congr_rls, thms));
fun hyp_rew_tac thms = make_rew_tac
(TSimp.cond_norm_tac(prove_cond_tac, standard_congr_rls, thms));