always use DFG format to talk to SPASS -- since that's what we'll need to use anyway to benefit from sorts and other extensions
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Wrapper for SPASS that also outputs the Flotter-generated CNF (needed for
# Isar proof reconstruction)
# Author: Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
"$SPASS_HOME/SPASS" -Flotter $name \
| sed 's/description({$/description({*/' \
| sed 's/set_ClauseFormulaRelation()\.//' \
> $name.cnf
cat $name.cnf
"$SPASS_HOME/SPASS" $options $name.cnf \
| sed 's/\(Formulae used in the proof :\).*/\1 N\/A/'
rm -f $name.cnf