author kleing
Fri, 09 Feb 2001 16:22:30 +0100
changeset 11086 e714862ecc0a
parent 5434 9b4bed3f394c
child 11185 1b737b4c2108
permissions -rw-r--r--
removed MicroJava/Digest.thy

(*  Title:      HOL/Auth/Recur
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Copyright   1996  University of Cambridge

Inductive relation "recur" for the Recursive Authentication protocol.

Recur = Shared +

(*End marker for message bundles*)
syntax        END :: msg
translations "END" == "Number 0"

(*Two session keys are distributed to each agent except for the initiator,
        who receives one.
  Perhaps the two session keys could be bundled into a single message.
consts     respond :: "event list => (msg*msg*key)set"
inductive "respond evs" (*Server's response to the nested message*)
    One  "[| Key KAB ~: used evs |]
          ==> (Hash[Key(shrK A)] {|Agent A, Agent B, Nonce NA, END|}, 
               {|Crypt (shrK A) {|Key KAB, Agent B, Nonce NA|}, END|},
               KAB)   : respond evs"

    (*The most recent session key is passed up to the caller*)
    Cons "[| (PA, RA, KAB) : respond evs;  
             Key KBC ~: used evs;  Key KBC ~: parts {RA};
             PA = Hash[Key(shrK A)] {|Agent A, Agent B, Nonce NA, P|} |]
          ==> (Hash[Key(shrK B)] {|Agent B, Agent C, Nonce NB, PA|}, 
               {|Crypt (shrK B) {|Key KBC, Agent C, Nonce NB|}, 
                 Crypt (shrK B) {|Key KAB, Agent A, Nonce NB|},
              : respond evs"

(*Induction over "respond" can be difficult due to the complexity of the
  subgoals.  Set "responses" captures the general form of certificates.
consts     responses :: event list => msg set
inductive "responses evs"       
    (*Server terminates lists*)
    Nil  "END : responses evs"

    Cons "[| RA : responses evs;  Key KAB ~: used evs |]
          ==> {|Crypt (shrK B) {|Key KAB, Agent A, Nonce NB|},
                RA|}  : responses evs"

consts     recur   :: event list set
inductive "recur"
         (*Initial trace is empty*)
    Nil  "[]: recur"

         (*The spy MAY say anything he CAN say.  Common to
           all similar protocols.*)
    Fake "[| evs: recur;  X: synth (analz (spies evs)) |]
          ==> Says Spy B X  # evs : recur"

         (*Alice initiates a protocol run.
           END is a placeholder to terminate the nesting.*)
    RA1  "[| evs1: recur;  Nonce NA ~: used evs1 |]
          ==> Says A B (Hash[Key(shrK A)] {|Agent A, Agent B, Nonce NA, END|})
              # evs1 : recur"

         (*Bob's response to Alice's message.  C might be the Server.
           We omit PA = {|XA, Agent A, Agent B, Nonce NA, P|} because
           it complicates proofs, so B may respond to any message at all!*)
    RA2  "[| evs2: recur;  Nonce NB ~: used evs2;
             Says A' B PA : set evs2 |]
          ==> Says B C (Hash[Key(shrK B)] {|Agent B, Agent C, Nonce NB, PA|})
              # evs2 : recur"

         (*The Server receives Bob's message and prepares a response.*)
    RA3  "[| evs3: recur;  Says B' Server PB : set evs3;
             (PB,RB,K) : respond evs3 |]
          ==> Says Server B RB # evs3 : recur"

         (*Bob receives the returned message and compares the Nonces with
           those in the message he previously sent the Server.*)
    RA4  "[| evs4: recur;  
             Says B  C {|XH, Agent B, Agent C, Nonce NB, 
                         XA, Agent A, Agent B, Nonce NA, P|} : set evs4;
             Says C' B {|Crypt (shrK B) {|Key KBC, Agent C, Nonce NB|}, 
                         Crypt (shrK B) {|Key KAB, Agent A, Nonce NB|}, 
                         RA|} : set evs4 |]
          ==> Says B A RA # evs4 : recur"


   (*No "oops" message can easily be expressed.  Each session key is
     associated--in two separate messages--with two nonces.  This is 
     one try, but it isn't that useful.  Re domino attack, note that
     Recur.ML proves that each session key is secure provided the two
     peers are, even if there are compromised agents elsewhere in
     the chain.  Oops cases proved using parts_cut, Key_in_keysFor_parts,

    Oops  "[| evso: recur;  Says Server B RB : set evso;
	      RB : responses evs';  Key K : parts {RB} |]
           ==> Notes Spy {|Key K, RB|} # evso : recur"