Isabelle NEWS -- history of user-relevant changes=================================================(Note: Isabelle/jEdit shows a tree-view of this file in Sidekick.)New in this Isabelle version----------------------------*** General **** Toplevel theorem statements have been simplified as follows: theorems ~> lemmas schematic_lemma ~> schematic_goal schematic_theorem ~> schematic_goal schematic_corollary ~> schematic_goalCommand-line tool "isabelle update_theorems" updates theory sourcesaccordingly.* Toplevel theorem statement 'proposition' is another alias for'theorem'.*** Prover IDE -- Isabelle/Scala/jEdit **** Improved scheduling for urgent print tasks (e.g. command state output,interactive queries) wrt. long-running background tasks.* IDE support for the source-level debugger of Poly/ML, to work withIsabelle/ML and official Standard ML. Configuration option "ML_debugger"and commands 'ML_file_debug', 'ML_file_no_debug', 'SML_file_debug','SML_file_no_debug' control compilation of sources with debugginginformation. The Debugger panel allows to set breakpoints (via contextmenu), step through stopped threads, evaluate local ML expressions etc.At least one Debugger view needs to be active to have any effect on therunning ML program.* The main Isabelle executable is managed as single-instance Desktopapplication uniformly on all platforms: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X.* The text overview column (status of errors, warnings etc.) is updatedasynchronously, leading to much better editor reactivity. Moreover, thefull document node content is taken into account.* The State panel manages explicit proof state output, with jEdit action"isabelle.update-state" (shortcut S+ENTER) to trigger update accordingto cursor position. Option "editor_output_state" controls implicit proofstate output in the Output panel: suppressing this reduces resourcerequirements of prover time and GUI space.* Action "isabelle-emph" (with keyboard shortcut C+e LEFT) controlsemphasized text style; the effect is visible in document output, not inthe editor.* Action "isabelle-reset" now uses keyboard shortcut C+e BACK_SPACE,instead of former C+e LEFT.* New command-line tool "isabelle jedit_client" allows to connect toalready running Isabelle/jEdit process. This achieves the effect ofsingle-instance applications seen on common GUI desktops.* The command-line tool "isabelle jedit" and the isabelle.Mainapplication wrapper threat the default $USER_HOME/Scratch.thy moreuniformly, and allow the dummy file argument ":" to open an empty bufferinstead.* The default look-and-feel for Linux is the traditional "Metal", whichworks better with GUI scaling for very high-resolution displays (e.g.4K). Moreover, it is generally more robust than "Nimbus".*** Document preparation **** There is a new short form for antiquotations with a single argumentthat is a cartouche: \<^name>\<open>...\<close> is equivalent to @{name \<open>...\<close>} and\<open>...\<close> without control symbol is equivalent to @{cartouche \<open>...\<close>}. Thestandard Isabelle fonts provide glyphs to render important controlsymbols, e.g. "\<^verbatim>", "\<^emph>", "\<^bold>".* System option "document_symbols" determines completion of Isabellesymbols within document source.* Antiquotation @{cartouche} in Isabelle/Pure is the same as @{text}.Consequently, \<open>...\<close> without any decoration prints literal quasi-formaltext. Command-line tool "isabelle update_cartouches -t" helps to updateold sources, by approximative patching of the content of string andcartouche tokens seen in theory sources.* The @{text} antiquotation now ignores the antiquotation option"source". The given text content is output unconditionally, without anysurrounding quotes etc. Subtle INCOMPATIBILITY, put quotes into theargument where they are really intended, e.g. @{text \<open>"foo"\<close>}. Initialor terminal spaces are ignored.* HTML presentation uses the standard IsabelleText font and Unicoderendering of Isabelle symbols like Isabelle/Scala/jEdit. The formerprint mode "HTML" loses its special meaning.* Commands 'paragraph' and 'subparagraph' provide additional sectionheadings. Thus there are 6 levels of standard headings, as in HTML.* Text is structured in paragraphs and nested lists, using notation thatis similar to Markdown. The control symbols for list items are asfollows: \<^item> itemize \<^enum> enumerate \<^descr> description* Text may contain control symbols for markup and formatting as follows: \<^noindent> \noindent \<^smallskip> \smallskip \<^medskip> \medskip \<^bigskip> \bigskip* Command 'text_raw' has been clarified: input text is processed as in'text' (with antiquotations and control symbols). The key difference isthe lack of the surrounding isabelle markup environment in output.* Document antiquotations @{emph} and @{bold} output LaTeX sourcerecursively, adding appropriate text style markup. These are typicallyused in the short form \<^emph>\<open>...\<close> and \<^bold>\<open>...\<close>.*** Isar **** Command 'obtain' binds term abbreviations (via 'is' patterns) in theproof body as well, abstracted over relevant parameters.* Improved type-inference for theorem statement 'obtains': separateparameter scope for of each clause.* Term abbreviations via 'is' patterns also work for schematicstatements: result is abstracted over unknowns.* Local goals ('have', 'show', 'hence', 'thus') allow structuredstatements like fixes/assumes/shows in theorem specifications, but thenotation is postfix with keywords 'if' (or 'when') and 'for'. Forexample: have result: "C x y" if "A x" and "B y" for x :: 'a and y :: 'a <proof>The local assumptions are bound to the name "that". The result isexported from context of the statement as usual. The above roughlycorresponds to a raw proof block like this: { fix x :: 'a and y :: 'a assume that: "A x" "B y" have "C x y" <proof> } note result = thisThe keyword 'when' may be used instead of 'if', to indicate 'presume'instead of 'assume' above.* The meaning of 'show' with Pure rule statements has changed: premisesare treated in the sense of 'assume', instead of 'presume'. This means,a goal like "\<And>x. A x \<Longrightarrow> B x \<Longrightarrow> C x" can be solved completely as follows: show "\<And>x. A x \<Longrightarrow> B x \<Longrightarrow> C x"or: show "C x" if "A x" "B x" for xRare INCOMPATIBILITY, the old behaviour may be recovered as follows: show "C x" when "A x" "B x" for x* New command 'supply' supports fact definitions during goal refinement('apply' scripts).* New command 'consider' states rules for generalized elimination andcase splitting. This is like a toplevel statement "theorem obtains" usedwithin a proof body; or like a multi-branch 'obtain' without activationof the local context elements yet.* Proof method "cases" allows to specify the rule as first entry ofchained facts. This is particularly useful with 'consider': consider (a) A | (b) B | (c) C <proof> then have something proof cases case a then show ?thesis <proof> next case b then show ?thesis <proof> next case c then show ?thesis <proof> qed* Command 'case' allows fact name and attribute specification like this: case a: (c xs) case a [attributes]: (c xs)Facts that are introduced by invoking the case context are uniformlyqualified by "a"; the same name is used for the cumulative fact. The oldform "case (c xs) [attributes]" is no longer supported. RareINCOMPATIBILITY, need to adapt uses of case facts in exotic situations,and always put attributes in front.* The standard proof method of commands 'proof' and '..' is now called"standard" to make semantically clear what it is; the old name "default"is still available as legacy for some time. Documentation now explains'..' more accurately as "by standard" instead of "by rule".* Command 'subgoal' allows to impose some structure on backwardrefinements, to avoid proof scripts degenerating into long of 'apply'sequences. Further explanations and examples are given in the isar-refmanual.* Proof method "goal_cases" turns the current subgoals into cases withinthe context; the conclusion is bound to variable ?case in each case. Forexample:lemma "\<And>x. A x \<Longrightarrow> B x \<Longrightarrow> C x" and "\<And>y z. U y \<Longrightarrow> V z \<Longrightarrow> W y z"proof goal_cases case (1 x) then show ?case using \<open>A x\<close> \<open>B x\<close> sorrynext case (2 y z) then show ?case using \<open>U y\<close> \<open>V z\<close> sorryqedlemma "\<And>x. A x \<Longrightarrow> B x \<Longrightarrow> C x" and "\<And>y z. U y \<Longrightarrow> V z \<Longrightarrow> W y z"proof goal_cases case prems: 1 then show ?case using prems sorrynext case prems: 2 then show ?case using prems sorryqed* The undocumented feature of implicit cases goal1, goal2, goal3, marked as legacy, and will be removed eventually. The proof method"goals" achieves a similar effect within regular Isar; often it can bedone more adequately by other means (e.g. 'consider').* Nesting of Isar goal structure has been clarified: the context afterthe initial backwards refinement is retained for the whole proof, withinall its context sections (as indicated via 'next'). This is e.g.relevant for 'using', 'including', 'supply': have "A \<and> A" if a: A for A supply [simp] = a proof show A by simp next show A by simp qed* Method "sleep" succeeds after a real-time delay (in seconds). This isoccasionally useful for demonstration and testing purposes.*** Pure **** Qualifiers in locale expressions default to mandatory ('!')regardless of the command. Previously, for 'locale' and 'sublocale'the default was optional ('?'). INCOMPATIBILITY* Keyword 'rewrites' identifies rewrite morphisms in interpretationcommands. Previously, the keyword was 'where'. INCOMPATIBILITY* Command 'print_definitions' prints dependencies of definitionalspecifications. This functionality used to be part of 'print_theory'.* The vacuous fact "TERM x" may be established "by fact" or as `TERM x`as well, not just "by this" or "." as before.* Configuration option rule_insts_schematic has been discontinued(intermediate legacy feature in Isabelle2015). INCOMPATIBILITY.* Abbreviations in type classes now carry proper sort constraint.Rare INCOMPATIBILITY in situations where the previous misbehaviourhas been exploited.* Refinement of user-space type system in type classes: pseudo-localoperations behave more similar to abbreviations. PotentialINCOMPATIBILITY in exotic situations.*** HOL **** Combinator to represent case distinction on products is named "case_prod",uniformly, discontinuing any input aliasses. Very popular theorem aliasseshave been retained.Consolidated facts: PairE ~> prod.exhaust Pair_eq ~> prod.inject pair_collapse ~> prod.collapse Pair_fst_snd_eq ~> prod_eq_iff split_twice ~> prod.case_distrib split_weak_cong ~> prod.case_cong_weak split_split ~> prod.split split_split_asm ~> prod.split_asm splitI ~> case_prodI splitD ~> case_prodD splitI2 ~> case_prodI2 splitI2' ~> case_prodI2' splitE ~> case_prodE splitE' ~> case_prodE' split_pair ~> case_prod_Pair split_eta ~> case_prod_eta split_comp ~> case_prod_comp mem_splitI ~> mem_case_prodI mem_splitI2 ~> mem_case_prodI2 mem_splitE ~> mem_case_prodE The_split ~> The_case_prod cond_split_eta ~> cond_case_prod_eta Collect_split_in_rel_leE ~> Collect_case_prod_in_rel_leE Collect_split_in_rel_leI ~> Collect_case_prod_in_rel_leI in_rel_Collect_split_eq ~> in_rel_Collect_case_prod_eq Collect_split_Grp_eqD ~> Collect_case_prod_Grp_eqD Collect_split_Grp_inD ~> Collect_case_prod_Grp_in Domain_Collect_split ~> Domain_Collect_case_prod Image_Collect_split ~> Image_Collect_case_prod Range_Collect_split ~> Range_Collect_case_prod Eps_split ~> Eps_case_prod Eps_split_eq ~> Eps_case_prod_eq split_rsp ~> case_prod_rsp curry_split ~> curry_case_prod split_curry ~> case_prod_curryChanges in structure HOLogic: split_const ~> case_prod_const mk_split ~> mk_case_prod mk_psplits ~> mk_ptupleabs strip_psplits ~> strip_ptupleabsINCOMPATIBILITY.* Commands 'inductive' and 'inductive_set' work better when names forintro rules are omitted: the "cases" and "induct" rules no longerdeclare empty case_names, but no case_names at all. This allows to usenumbered cases in proofs, without requiring method "goal_cases".* The 'typedef' command has been upgraded from a partially checked"axiomatization", to a full definitional specification that takes theglobal collection of overloaded constant / type definitions intoaccount. Type definitions with open dependencies on overloadeddefinitions need to be specified as "typedef (overloaded)". Thisprovides extra robustness in theory construction. Rare INCOMPATIBILITY.* Qualification of various formal entities in the libraries is done moreuniformly via "context begin qualified definition ... end" instead ofold-style "hide_const (open) ...". Consequently, both the definedconstant and its defining fact become qualified, e.g. Option.is_none andOption.is_none_def. Occasional INCOMPATIBILITY in applications.* Some old and rarely used ASCII replacement syntax has been removed.INCOMPATIBILITY, standard syntax with symbols should be used instead.The subsequent commands help to reproduce the old forms, e.g. tosimplify porting old theories: type_notation (infixr "~=>" 0) notation Map.map_comp (infixl "o'_m" 55) type_notation FinFun.finfun ("(_ =>f /_)" [22, 21] 21) notation FuncSet.funcset (infixr "->" 60) notation FuncSet.extensional_funcset (infixr "->\<^sub>E" 60) notation Omega_Words_Fun.conc (infixr "conc" 65) notation Preorder.equiv ("op ~~") and Preorder.equiv ("(_/ ~~ _)" [51, 51] 50)* The alternative notation "\<Colon>" for type and sort constraints has beenremoved: in LaTeX document output it looks the same as "::".INCOMPATIBILITY, use plain "::" instead.* Theory Map: lemma map_of_is_SomeD was a clone of map_of_SomeD and hasbeen removed. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Quickcheck setup for finite sets.* Discontinued simp_legacy_precond. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY.* Sledgehammer: - The MaSh relevance filter has been sped up. - Proof reconstruction has been improved, to minimize the incidence of cases where Sledgehammer gives a proof that does not work. - Auto Sledgehammer now minimizes and preplays the results. - Handle Vampire 4.0 proof output without raising exception. - Eliminated "MASH" environment variable. Use the "MaSh" option in Isabelle/jEdit instead. INCOMPATIBILITY. - Eliminated obsolete "blocking" option and related subcommands.* Nitpick: - Fixed soundness bug in translation of "finite" predicate. - Fixed soundness bug in "destroy_constrs" optimization. - Removed "check_potential" and "check_genuine" options. - Eliminated obsolete "blocking" option.* New (co)datatype package: - New commands "lift_bnf" and "copy_bnf" for lifting (copying) a BNF structure on the raw type to an abstract type defined using typedef. - Always generate "case_transfer" theorem. - Allow discriminators and selectors with the same name as the type being defined. - Avoid various internal name clashes (e.g., 'datatype f = f').* Transfer: - new methods for interactive debugging of 'transfer' and 'transfer_prover': 'transfer_start', 'transfer_step', 'transfer_end', 'transfer_prover_start' and 'transfer_prover_end'.* Division on integers is bootstrapped directly from division onnaturals and uses generic numeral algorithm for computations.Slight INCOMPATIBILITY, simproc numeral_divmod replaces and generalizesformer simprocs binary_int_div and binary_int_mod* Tightened specification of class semiring_no_zero_divisors. SlightINCOMPATIBILITY.* Class algebraic_semidom introduces common algebraic notions ofintegral (semi)domains, particularly units. Althoughlogically subsumed by fields, is is not a super class of thesein order not to burden fields with notions that are trivial there.* Class normalization_semidom specifies canonical representantsfor equivalence classes of associated elements in an integral(semi)domain. This formalizes associated elements as well.* Abstract specification of gcd/lcm operations in classes semiring_gcd,semiring_Gcd, semiring_Lcd. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY: facts gcd_nat.commuteand gcd_int.commute are subsumed by gcd.commute, as well as gcd_nat.assocand gcd_int.assoc by gcd.assoc.* Former constants Fields.divide (_ / _) and Divides.div (_ div _)are logically unified to Rings.divide in syntactic type classRings.divide, with infix syntax (_ div _). Infix syntax (_ / _)for field division is added later as abbreviation in class Fields.inverse.INCOMPATIBILITY, instantiations must refer to Rings.divide ratherthan the former separate constants, hence infix syntax (_ / _) is usuallynot available during instantiation.* Library/Multiset: - Renamed multiset inclusion operators: < ~> <# \<subset> ~> \<subset># <= ~> <=# \<le> ~> \<le># \<subseteq> ~> \<subseteq># INCOMPATIBILITY. - "'a multiset" is no longer an instance of the "order", "ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le", "ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff", "semilattice_inf", and "semilattice_sup" type classes. The theorems previously provided by these type classes (directly or indirectly) are now available through the "subset_mset" interpretation (e.g. add_mono ~> subset_mset.add_mono). INCOMPATIBILITY. - Renamed conversions: multiset_of ~> mset multiset_of_set ~> mset_set set_of ~> set_mset INCOMPATIBILITY - Renamed lemmas: mset_le_def ~> subseteq_mset_def mset_less_def ~> subset_mset_def less_eq_multiset.rep_eq ~> subseteq_mset_def INCOMPATIBILITY - Removed lemmas generated by lift_definition: less_eq_multiset.abs_eq, less_eq_multiset.rsp less_eq_multiset.transfer less_eq_multiset_def INCOMPATIBILITY* Multivariate_Analysis/Cauchy_Integral_Thm: Complex path integrals, Cauchy'sintegral theorem, winding numbers and Cauchy's integral formula, ported from HOL Light* Multivariate_Analysis: Added topological concepts such as connected componentsand the inside or outside of a set.* Theory Library/Old_Recdef: discontinued obsolete 'defer_recdef'command. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY, use 'function' instead.* Recursive function definitions ('fun', 'function', 'partial_function')no longer expose the low-level "_def" facts of the internalconstruction. INCOMPATIBILITY, enable option "function_defs" in thecontext for rare situations where these facts are really needed.* Imperative_HOL: obsolete theory Legacy_Mrec has been removed.* Library/Omega_Words_Fun: Infinite words modeled as functions nat => 'a.*** ML **** The auxiliary module Pure/display.ML has been eliminated. Itselementary thm print operations are now in Pure/more_thm.ML and thuscalled Thm.pretty_thm, Thm.string_of_thm etc. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Simproc programming interfaces have been simplified:Simplifier.make_simproc and Simplifier.define_simproc supersede variousforms of Simplifier.mk_simproc, Simplifier.simproc_global etc. Note thatterm patterns for the left-hand sides are specified with implicitlyfixed variables, like top-level theorem statements. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Instantiation rules have been re-organized as follows: Thm.instantiate (*low-level instantiation with named arguments*) Thm.instantiate' (*version with positional arguments*) Drule.infer_instantiate (*instantiation with type inference*) Drule.infer_instantiate' (*version with positional arguments*)The LHS only requires variable specifications, instead of full terms.Old cterm_instantiate is superseded by infer_instantiate.INCOMPATIBILITY, need to re-adjust some ML names and types accordingly.* Old tactic shorthands atac, rtac, etac, dtac, ftac have beendiscontinued. INCOMPATIBILITY, use regular assume_tac, resolve_tac etc.instead (with proper context).* Thm.instantiate (and derivatives) no longer require the LHS of theinstantiation to be certified: plain variables are given directly.* Subgoal.SUBPROOF and Subgoal.FOCUS combinators use anonymousquasi-bound variables (like the Simplifier), instead of accidentallynamed local fixes. This has the potential to improve stability of prooftools, but can also cause INCOMPATIBILITY for tools that don't observethe proof context discipline.*** System **** Property values in etc/symbols may contain spaces, if written with thereplacement character "␣" (Unicode point 0x2324). For example: \<star> code: 0x0022c6 group: operator font: Deja␣Vu␣Sans␣Mono* Command-line tool "isabelle update_then" expands old Isar commandconflations: hence ~> then have thus ~> then showThis syntax is more orthogonal and improves readability andmaintainability of proofs.* Poly/ML default platform architecture may be changed from 32bit to64bit via system option ML_system_64. A system restart (and rebuild)is required after change.* Poly/ML 5.5.3 runs natively on x86-windows and x86_64-windows,which both allow larger heap space than former x86-cygwin.* Java runtime environment for x86_64-windows allows to use larger heapspace.* Java runtime options are determined separately for 32bit vs. 64bitplatforms as follows. - Isabelle desktop application: platform-specific files that are associated with the main app bundle - isabelle jedit: settings JEDIT_JAVA_SYSTEM_OPTIONS JEDIT_JAVA_OPTIONS32 vs. JEDIT_JAVA_OPTIONS64 - isabelle build: settings ISABELLE_BUILD_JAVA_OPTIONS32 vs. ISABELLE_BUILD_JAVA_OPTIONS64* Bash shell function "jvmpath" has been renamed to "platform_path": itis relevant both for Poly/ML and JVM processes.* Heap images are 10-15% smaller due to less wasteful persistent theorycontent (using ML type theory_id instead of theory);New in Isabelle2015 (May 2015)------------------------------*** General **** Local theory specification commands may have a 'private' or'qualified' modifier to restrict name space accesses to the local scope,as provided by some "context begin ... end" block. For example: context begin private definition ... private lemma ... qualified definition ... qualified lemma ... lemma ... theorem ... end* Command 'experiment' opens an anonymous locale context with privatenaming policy.* Command 'notepad' requires proper nesting of begin/end and its proofstructure in the body: 'oops' is no longer supported here. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY, use 'sorry' instead.* Command 'named_theorems' declares a dynamic fact within the context,together with an attribute to maintain the content incrementally. Thissupersedes functor Named_Thms in Isabelle/ML, but with a subtle changeof semantics due to external visual order vs. internal reverse order.* 'find_theorems': search patterns which are abstractions areschematically expanded before search. Search results match the naiveexpectation more closely, particularly wrt. abbreviations.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Commands 'method_setup' and 'attribute_setup' now work within a localtheory context.* Outer syntax commands are managed authentically within the theorycontext, without implicit global state. Potential for accidentalINCOMPATIBILITY, make sure that required theories are really imported.* Historical command-line terminator ";" is no longer accepted (andalready used differently in Isar). Minor INCOMPATIBILITY, use "isabelleupdate_semicolons" to remove obsolete semicolons from old theorysources.* Structural composition of proof methods (meth1; meth2) in Isarcorresponds to (tac1 THEN_ALL_NEW tac2) in ML.* The Eisbach proof method language allows to define new proof methodsby combining existing ones with their usual syntax. The "match" proofmethod provides basic fact/term matching in addition topremise/conclusion matching through Subgoal.focus, and binds fact namesfrom matches as well as term patterns within matches. The Isabelledocumentation provides an entry "eisbach" for the Eisbach User Manual.Sources and various examples are in ~~/src/HOL/Eisbach/.*** Prover IDE -- Isabelle/Scala/jEdit **** Improved folding mode "isabelle" based on Isar syntax. Alternatively,the "sidekick" mode may be used for document structure.* Extended bracket matching based on Isar language structure. Systemoption jedit_structure_limit determines maximum number of lines to scanin the buffer.* Support for BibTeX files: context menu, context-sensitive tokenmarker, SideKick parser.* Document antiquotation @{cite} provides formal markup, which isinterpreted semi-formally based on .bib files that happen to be open inthe editor (hyperlinks, completion etc.).* Less waste of vertical space via negative line spacing (see GlobalOptions / Text Area).* Improved graphview panel with optional output of PNG or PDF, fordisplay of 'thy_deps', 'class_deps' etc.* The commands 'thy_deps' and 'class_deps' allow optional bounds torestrict the visualized hierarchy.* Improved scheduling for asynchronous print commands (e.g. proversmanaged by the Sledgehammer panel) wrt. ongoing document processing.*** Document preparation **** Document markup commands 'chapter', 'section', 'subsection','subsubsection', 'text', 'txt', 'text_raw' work uniformly in anycontext, even before the initial 'theory' command. Obsolete proofcommands 'sect', 'subsect', 'subsubsect', 'txt_raw' have beendiscontinued, use 'section', 'subsection', 'subsubsection', 'text_raw'instead. The old 'header' command is still retained for some time, butshould be replaced by 'chapter', 'section' etc. (using "isabelleupdate_header"). Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Official support for "tt" style variants, via \isatt{...} or\begin{isabellett}...\end{isabellett}. The somewhat fragile \verb orverbatim environment of LaTeX is no longer used. This allows @{ML} argument to other macros (such as footnotes).* Document antiquotation @{verbatim} prints ASCII text literally in "tt"style.* Discontinued obsolete option "document_graph": session_graph.pdf isproduced unconditionally for HTML browser_info and PDF-LaTeX document.* Diagnostic commands and document markup commands within a proof do notaffect the command tag for output. Thus commands like 'thm' are subjectto proof document structure, and no longer "stick out" accidentally.Commands 'text' and 'txt' merely differ in the LaTeX style, not theirtags. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY in exotic situations.* System option "pretty_margin" is superseded by "thy_output_margin",which is also accessible via document antiquotation option "margin".Only the margin for document output may be changed, but not the globalpretty printing: that is 76 for plain console output, and adapteddynamically in GUI front-ends. Implementations of documentantiquotations need to observe the margin explicitly according toThy_Output.string_of_margin. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Specification of 'document_files' in the session ROOT file ismandatory for document preparation. The legacy mode with implicitcopying of the document/ directory is no longer supported. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY.*** Pure **** Proof methods with explicit instantiation ("rule_tac", "subgoal_tac"etc.) allow an optional context of local variables ('for' declaration):these variables become schematic in the instantiated theorem; thisbehaviour is analogous to 'for' in attributes "where" and "of".Configuration option rule_insts_schematic (default false) controls useof schematic variables outside the context. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY,declare rule_insts_schematic = true temporarily and update to use localvariable declarations or dummy patterns instead.* Explicit instantiation via attributes "where", "of", and proof methods"rule_tac" with derivatives like "subgoal_tac" etc. admit dummy patterns("_") that stand for anonymous local variables.* Generated schematic variables in standard format of exported facts areincremented to avoid material in the proof context. RareINCOMPATIBILITY, explicit instantiation sometimes needs to refer todifferent index.* Lexical separation of signed and unsigned numerals: categories "num"and "float" are unsigned. INCOMPATIBILITY: subtle change in precedenceof numeral signs, particularly in expressions involving infix syntaxlike "(- 1) ^ n".* Old inner token category "xnum" has been discontinued. PotentialINCOMPATIBILITY for exotic syntax: may use mixfix grammar with "num"token category instead.*** HOL **** New (co)datatype package: - The 'datatype_new' command has been renamed 'datatype'. The old command of that name is now called 'old_datatype' and is provided by "~~/src/HOL/Library/Old_Datatype.thy". See 'isabelle doc datatypes' for information on porting. INCOMPATIBILITY. - Renamed theorems: disc_corec ~> corec_disc disc_corec_iff ~> corec_disc_iff disc_exclude ~> distinct_disc disc_exhaust ~> exhaust_disc disc_map_iff ~> map_disc_iff sel_corec ~> corec_sel sel_exhaust ~> exhaust_sel sel_map ~> map_sel sel_set ~> set_sel sel_split ~> split_sel sel_split_asm ~> split_sel_asm strong_coinduct ~> coinduct_strong weak_case_cong ~> case_cong_weak INCOMPATIBILITY. - The "no_code" option to "free_constructors", "datatype_new", and "codatatype" has been renamed "plugins del: code". INCOMPATIBILITY. - The rules "set_empty" have been removed. They are easy consequences of other set rules "by auto". INCOMPATIBILITY. - The rule "set_cases" is now registered with the "[cases set]" attribute. This can influence the behavior of the "cases" proof method when more than one case rule is applicable (e.g., an assumption is of the form "w : set ws" and the method "cases w" is invoked). The solution is to specify the case rule explicitly (e.g. "cases w rule: widget.exhaust"). INCOMPATIBILITY. - Renamed theories: BNF_Comp ~> BNF_Composition BNF_FP_Base ~> BNF_Fixpoint_Base BNF_GFP ~> BNF_Greatest_Fixpoint BNF_LFP ~> BNF_Least_Fixpoint BNF_Constructions_on_Wellorders ~> BNF_Wellorder_Constructions Cardinals/Constructions_on_Wellorders ~> Cardinals/Wellorder_Constructions INCOMPATIBILITY. - Lifting and Transfer setup for basic HOL types sum and prod (also option) is now performed by the BNF package. Theories Lifting_Sum, Lifting_Product and Lifting_Option from Main became obsolete and were removed. Changed definitions of the relators rel_prod and rel_sum (using inductive). INCOMPATIBILITY: use rel_prod.simps and rel_sum.simps instead of rel_prod_def and rel_sum_def. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY: (rarely used by name) transfer theorem names changed (e.g. map_prod_transfer ~> prod.map_transfer). - Parametricity theorems for map functions, relators, set functions, constructors, case combinators, discriminators, selectors and (co)recursors are automatically proved and registered as transfer rules.* Old datatype package: - The old 'datatype' command has been renamed 'old_datatype', and 'rep_datatype' has been renamed 'old_rep_datatype'. They are provided by "~~/src/HOL/Library/Old_Datatype.thy". See 'isabelle doc datatypes' for information on porting. INCOMPATIBILITY. - Renamed theorems: weak_case_cong ~> case_cong_weak INCOMPATIBILITY. - Renamed theory: ~~/src/HOL/Datatype.thy ~> ~~/src/HOL/Library/Old_Datatype.thy INCOMPATIBILITY.* Nitpick: - Fixed soundness bug related to the strict and non-strict subset operations.* Sledgehammer: - CVC4 is now included with Isabelle instead of CVC3 and run by default. - Z3 is now always enabled by default, now that it is fully open source. The "z3_non_commercial" option is discontinued. - Minimization is now always enabled by default. Removed sub-command: min - Proof reconstruction, both one-liners and Isar, has been dramatically improved. - Improved support for CVC4 and veriT.* Old and new SMT modules: - The old 'smt' method has been renamed 'old_smt' and moved to 'src/HOL/Library/Old_SMT.thy'. It is provided for compatibility, until applications have been ported to use the new 'smt' method. For the method to work, an older version of Z3 (e.g. Z3 3.2 or 4.0) must be installed, and the environment variable "OLD_Z3_SOLVER" must point to it. INCOMPATIBILITY. - The 'smt2' method has been renamed 'smt'. INCOMPATIBILITY. - New option 'smt_reconstruction_step_timeout' to limit the reconstruction time of Z3 proof steps in the new 'smt' method. - New option 'smt_statistics' to display statistics of the new 'smt' method, especially runtime statistics of Z3 proof reconstruction.* Lifting: command 'lift_definition' allows to execute lifted constantsthat have as a return type a datatype containing a subtype. Thisovercomes long-time limitations in the area of code generation andlifting, and avoids tedious workarounds.* Command and antiquotation "value" provide different evaluation slots(again), where the previous strategy (NBE after ML) serves as default.Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Add NO_MATCH-simproc, allows to check for syntactic non-equality.* field_simps: Use NO_MATCH-simproc for distribution rules, to avoidnon-termination in case of distributing a division. With this changefield_simps is in some cases slightly less powerful, if it fails try toadd algebra_simps, or use divide_simps. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Separate class no_zero_divisors has been given up in favour of fullyalgebraic semiring_no_zero_divisors. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Class linordered_semidom really requires no zero divisors.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Classes division_ring, field and linordered_field always demand"inverse 0 = 0". Given up separate classes division_ring_inverse_zero,field_inverse_zero and linordered_field_inverse_zero. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Classes cancel_ab_semigroup_add / cancel_monoid_add specify explicitadditive inverse operation. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Complex powers and square roots. The functions "ln" and "powr" are nowoverloaded for types real and complex, and 0 powr y = 0 by definition.INCOMPATIBILITY: type constraints may be necessary.* The functions "sin" and "cos" are now defined for any type of sort"{real_normed_algebra_1,banach}" type, so in particular on "real" and"complex" uniformly. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY: type constraints may beneeded.* New library of properties of the complex transcendental functions sin,cos, tan, exp, Ln, Arctan, Arcsin, Arccos. Ported from HOL Light.* The factorial function, "fact", now has type "nat => 'a" (of a sortthat admits numeric types including nat, int, real and complex.INCOMPATIBILITY: an expression such as "fact 3 = 6" may require a typeconstraint, and the combination "real (fact k)" is likely to beunsatisfactory. If a type conversion is still necessary, then use"of_nat (fact k)" or "real_of_nat (fact k)".* Removed functions "natfloor" and "natceiling", use "nat o floor" and"nat o ceiling" instead. A few of the lemmas have been retained andadapted: in their names "natfloor"/"natceiling" has been replaced by"nat_floor"/"nat_ceiling".* Qualified some duplicated fact names required for boostrapping thetype class hierarchy: ab_add_uminus_conv_diff ~> diff_conv_add_uminus field_inverse_zero ~> inverse_zero field_divide_inverse ~> divide_inverse field_inverse ~> left_inverseMinor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Eliminated fact duplicates: mult_less_imp_less_right ~> mult_right_less_imp_less mult_less_imp_less_left ~> mult_left_less_imp_lessMinor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Fact consolidation: even_less_0_iff is subsumed bydouble_add_less_zero_iff_single_add_less_zero (simp by default anyway).* Generalized and consolidated some theorems concerning divsibility: dvd_reduce ~> dvd_add_triv_right_iff dvd_plus_eq_right ~> dvd_add_right_iff dvd_plus_eq_left ~> dvd_add_left_iffMinor INCOMPATIBILITY.* "even" and "odd" are mere abbreviations for "2 dvd _" and "~ 2 dvd _"and part of theory Main. even_def ~> even_iff_mod_2_eq_zeroINCOMPATIBILITY.* Lemma name consolidation: divide_Numeral1 ~> divide_numeral_1. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY.* Bootstrap of listsum as special case of abstract product over lists.Fact rename: listsum_def ~> listsum.eq_foldrINCOMPATIBILITY.* Product over lists via constant "listprod".* Theory List: renamed drop_Suc_conv_tl and nth_drop' toCons_nth_drop_Suc.* New infrastructure for compiling, running, evaluating and testinggenerated code in target languages in HOL/Library/Code_Test. SeeHOL/Codegenerator_Test/Code_Test* for examples.* Library/Multiset: - Introduced "replicate_mset" operation. - Introduced alternative characterizations of the multiset ordering in "Library/Multiset_Order". - Renamed multiset ordering: <# ~> #<# <=# ~> #<=# \<subset># ~> #\<subset># \<subseteq># ~> #\<subseteq># INCOMPATIBILITY. - Introduced abbreviations for ill-named multiset operations: <#, \<subset># abbreviate < (strict subset) <=#, \<le>#, \<subseteq># abbreviate <= (subset or equal) INCOMPATIBILITY. - Renamed in_multiset_of ~> in_multiset_in_set Multiset.fold ~> fold_mset Multiset.filter ~> filter_mset INCOMPATIBILITY. - Removed mcard, is equal to size. - Added attributes: [simp] image_mset_id [simp] elem_multiset_of_set [simp, intro] comp_fun_commute_plus_mset [simp] comp_fun_commute.fold_mset_insert [OF comp_fun_commute_plus_mset, simp] in_mset_fold_plus_iff [iff] set_of_Union_mset [simp] in_Union_mset_iff [iff] INCOMPATIBILITY.* Library/Sum_of_Squares: simplified and improved "sos" method. Alwaysuse local CSDP executable, which is much faster than the NEOS server.The "sos_cert" functionality is invoked as "sos" with additionalargument. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* HOL-Decision_Procs: New counterexample generator quickcheck[approximation] for inequalities of transcendental functions. Useshardware floating point arithmetic to randomly discover potentialcounterexamples. Counterexamples are certified with the "approximation"method. See HOL/Decision_Procs/ex/Approximation_Quickcheck_Ex.thy forexamples.* HOL-Probability: Reworked measurability prover - applies destructor rules repeatedly - removed application splitting (replaced by destructor rule) - added congruence rules to rewrite measure spaces under the sets projection* New proof method "rewrite" (in theory ~~/src/HOL/Library/Rewrite) forsingle-step rewriting with subterm selection based on patterns.*** ML **** Subtle change of name space policy: undeclared entries are nowconsidered inaccessible, instead of accessible via the fully-qualifiedinternal name. This mainly affects Name_Space.intern (and derivatives),which may produce an unexpected Long_Name.hidden prefix. Note thatcontemporary applications use the strict Name_Space.check (andderivatives) instead, which is not affected by the change. PotentialINCOMPATIBILITY in rare applications of Name_Space.intern.* Subtle change of error semantics of Toplevel.proof_of: regular userERROR instead of internal Toplevel.UNDEF.* Basic combinators map, fold, fold_map, split_list, apply are availableas parameterized antiquotations, e.g. @{map 4} for lists of quadruples.* Renamed "pairself" to "apply2", in accordance to @{apply 2}.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Former combinators NAMED_CRITICAL and CRITICAL for central criticalsections have been discontinued, in favour of the more elementaryMultithreading.synchronized and its high-level derivativeSynchronized.var (which is usually sufficient in applications). SubtleINCOMPATIBILITY: synchronized access needs to be atomic and cannot benested.* Synchronized.value (ML) is actually synchronized (as in Scala): subtlechange of semantics with minimal potential for INCOMPATIBILITY.* The main operations to certify logical entities are Thm.ctyp_of andThm.cterm_of with a local context; old-style global theory variants areavailable as Thm.global_ctyp_of and Thm.global_cterm_of.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Elementary operations in module Thm are no longer pervasive.INCOMPATIBILITY, need to use qualified Thm.prop_of, Thm.cterm_of,Thm.term_of etc.* Proper context for various elementary tactics: assume_tac,resolve_tac, eresolve_tac, dresolve_tac, forward_tac, match_tac,compose_tac, Splitter.split_tac etc. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Tactical PARALLEL_ALLGOALS is the most common way to refer toPARALLEL_GOALS.* Goal.prove_multi is superseded by the fully general Goal.prove_common,which also allows to specify a fork priority.* Antiquotation @{command_spec "COMMAND"} is superseded by@{command_keyword COMMAND} (usually without quotes and with PIDEmarkup). Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Cartouches within ML sources are turned into values of typeInput.source (with formal position information).*** System **** The Isabelle tool "update_cartouches" changes theory files to usecartouches instead of old-style {* verbatim *} or `alt_string` tokens.* The Isabelle tool "build" provides new options -X, -k, -x.* Discontinued old-fashioned "codegen" tool. Code generation can alwaysbe externally triggered using an appropriate ROOT file plus acorresponding theory. Parametrization is possible using environmentvariables, or ML snippets in the most extreme cases. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY.* JVM system property "isabelle.threads" determines size of Scala threadpool, like Isabelle system option "threads" for ML.* JVM system property "isabelle.laf" determines the default Swinglook-and-feel, via internal class name or symbolic name as in the jEditmenu Global Options / Appearance.* Support for Proof General and Isar TTY loop has been discontinued.Minor INCOMPATIBILITY, use standard PIDE infrastructure instead.New in Isabelle2014 (August 2014)---------------------------------*** General **** Support for official Standard ML within the Isabelle context.Command 'SML_file' reads and evaluates the given Standard ML file.Toplevel bindings are stored within the theory context; the initialenvironment is restricted to the Standard ML implementation ofPoly/ML, without the add-ons of Isabelle/ML. Commands 'SML_import'and 'SML_export' allow to exchange toplevel bindings between the twoseparate environments. See also ~~/src/Tools/SML/Examples.thy forsome examples.* Standard tactics and proof methods such as "clarsimp", "auto" and"safe" now preserve equality hypotheses "x = expr" where x is a freevariable. Locale assumptions and chained facts containing "x"continue to be useful. The new method "hypsubst_thin" and theconfiguration option "hypsubst_thin" (within the attribute name space)restore the previous behavior. INCOMPATIBILITY, especially whereinduction is done after these methods or when the names of free andbound variables clash. As first approximation, old proofs may berepaired by "using [[hypsubst_thin = true]]" in the critical spot.* More static checking of proof methods, which allows the system toform a closure over the concrete syntax. Method arguments should beprocessed in the original proof context as far as possible, beforeoperating on the goal state. In any case, the standard discipline forsubgoal-addressing needs to be observed: no subgoals or a subgoalnumber that is out of range produces an empty result sequence, not anexception. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY for non-conformant tacticalproof tools.* Lexical syntax (inner and outer) supports text cartouches witharbitrary nesting, and without escapes of quotes etc. The Prover IDEsupports input via ` (backquote).* The outer syntax categories "text" (for formal comments and documentmarkup commands) and "altstring" (for literal fact references) allowcartouches as well, in addition to the traditional mix of quotations.* Syntax of document antiquotation @{rail} now uses \<newline> insteadof "\\", to avoid the optical illusion of escaped backslash withinstring token. General renovation of its syntax using text cartouches.Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Discontinued legacy_isub_isup, which was a temporary workaround forIsabelle/ML in Isabelle2013-1. The prover process no longer acceptsold identifier syntax with \<^isub> or \<^isup>. PotentialINCOMPATIBILITY.* Document antiquotation @{url} produces markup for the given URL,which results in an active hyperlink within the text.* Document antiquotation @{file_unchecked} is like @{file}, but doesnot check existence within the file-system.* Updated and extended manuals: codegen, datatypes, implementation,isar-ref, jedit, system.*** Prover IDE -- Isabelle/Scala/jEdit **** Improved Document panel: simplified interaction where every singlemouse click (re)opens document via desktop environment or as jEditbuffer.* Support for Navigator plugin (with toolbar buttons), with connectionto PIDE hyperlinks.* Auxiliary files ('ML_file' etc.) are managed by the Prover IDE.Open text buffers take precedence over copies within the file-system.* Improved support for Isabelle/ML, with jEdit mode "isabelle-ml" forauxiliary ML files.* Improved syntactic and semantic completion mechanism, with simpletemplates, completion language context, name-space completion,file-name completion, spell-checker completion.* Refined GUI popup for completion: more robust key/mouse eventhandling and propagation to enclosing text area -- avoid loosingkeystrokes with slow / remote graphics displays.* Completion popup supports both ENTER and TAB (default) to select anitem, depending on Isabelle options.* Refined insertion of completion items wrt. jEdit text: multipleselections, rectangular selections, rectangular selection as "tallcaret".* Integrated spell-checker for document text, comments etc. withcompletion popup and context-menu.* More general "Query" panel supersedes "Find" panel, with GUI accessto commands 'find_theorems' and 'find_consts', as well as printoperations for the context. Minor incompatibility in keyboardshortcuts etc.: replace action isabelle-find by isabelle-query.* Search field for all output panels ("Output", "Query", "Info" etc.)to highlight text via regular expression.* Option "jedit_print_mode" (see also "Plugin Options / Isabelle /General") allows to specify additional print modes for the proverprocess, without requiring old-fashioned command-line invocation of"isabelle jedit -m MODE".* More support for remote files (e.g. http) using standard Javanetworking operations instead of jEdit virtual file-systems.* Empty editors buffers that are no longer required (e.g.\ via theoryimports) are automatically removed from the document model.* Improved monitor panel.* Improved Console/Scala plugin: more uniform scala.Console output,more robust treatment of threads and interrupts.* Improved management of dockable windows: clarified keyboard focusand window placement wrt. main editor view; optional menu item to"Detach" a copy where this makes sense.* New Simplifier Trace panel provides an interactive view of thesimplification process, enabled by the "simp_trace_new" attributewithin the context.*** Pure **** Low-level type-class commands 'classes', 'classrel', 'arities' havebeen discontinued to avoid the danger of non-trivial axiomatizationthat is not immediately visible. INCOMPATIBILITY, use regular'instance' command with proof. The required OFCLASS(...) theoremmight be postulated via 'axiomatization' beforehand, or the prooffinished trivially if the underlying class definition is made vacuous(without any assumptions). See also Isabelle/ML operationsAxclass.class_axiomatization, Axclass.classrel_axiomatization,Axclass.arity_axiomatization.* Basic constants of Pure use more conventional names and are alwaysqualified. Rare INCOMPATIBILITY, but with potentially seriousconsequences, notably for tools in Isabelle/ML. The followingrenaming needs to be applied: == ~> Pure.eq ==> ~> Pure.imp all ~> Pure.all TYPE ~> Pure.type dummy_pattern ~> Pure.dummy_patternSystematic porting works by using the following theory setup on a*previous* Isabelle version to introduce the new name accesses for theold constants:setup {* fn thy => thy |> Sign.root_path |> Sign.const_alias (Binding.qualify true "Pure" @{binding eq}) "==" |> Sign.const_alias (Binding.qualify true "Pure" @{binding imp}) "==>" |> Sign.const_alias (Binding.qualify true "Pure" @{binding all}) "all" |> Sign.restore_naming thy*}Thus ML antiquotations like @{const_name Pure.eq} may be used already.Later the application is moved to the current Isabelle version, andthe auxiliary aliases are deleted.* Attributes "where" and "of" allow an optional context of localvariables ('for' declaration): these variables become schematic in theinstantiated theorem.* Obsolete attribute "standard" has been discontinued (legacy sinceIsabelle2012). Potential INCOMPATIBILITY, use explicit 'for' contextwhere instantiations with schematic variables are intended (fordeclaration commands like 'lemmas' or attributes like "of"). Thefollowing temporary definition may help to port old applications: attribute_setup standard = "Scan.succeed (Thm.rule_attribute (K Drule.export_without_context))"* More thorough check of proof context for goal statements andattributed fact expressions (concerning background theory, declaredhyps). Potential INCOMPATIBILITY, tools need to observe standardcontext discipline. See also Assumption.add_assumes and the moreprimitive Thm.assume_hyps.* Inner syntax token language allows regular quoted strings "..."(only makes sense in practice, if outer syntax is delimiteddifferently, e.g. via cartouches).* Command 'print_term_bindings' supersedes 'print_binds' for clarity,but the latter is retained some time as Proof General legacy.* Code generator preprocessor: explicit control of simp tracing on aper-constant basis. See attribute "code_preproc".*** HOL **** Code generator: enforce case of identifiers only for strict targetlanguage requirements. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Code generator: explicit proof contexts in many ML interfaces.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Code generator: minimize exported identifiers by default. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY.* Code generation for SML and OCaml: dropped arcane "no_signatures"option. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* "declare [[code abort: ...]]" replaces "code_abort ...".INCOMPATIBILITY.* "declare [[code drop: ...]]" drops all code equations associatedwith the given constants.* Code generations are provided for make, fields, extend and truncateoperations on records.* Command and antiquotation "value" are now hardcoded against nbe andML. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamed command 'enriched_type' to 'functor'. INCOMPATIBILITY.* The symbol "\<newline>" may be used within char or string literalsto represent (Char Nibble0 NibbleA), i.e. ASCII newline.* Qualified String.implode and String.explode. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Simplifier: Enhanced solver of preconditions of rewrite rules cannow deal with conjunctions. For help with converting proofs, the oldbehaviour of the simplifier can be restored like this: declare/using[[simp_legacy_precond]]. This configuration option will disappearagain in the future. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Simproc "finite_Collect" is no longer enabled by default, due tospurious crashes and other surprises. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY.* Moved new (co)datatype package and its dependencies from session "HOL-BNF" to "HOL". The commands 'bnf', 'wrap_free_constructors', 'datatype_new', 'codatatype', 'primcorec', 'primcorecursive' are now part of theory "Main". Theory renamings: FunDef.thy ~> Fun_Def.thy (and Fun_Def_Base.thy) Library/Wfrec.thy ~> Wfrec.thy Library/Zorn.thy ~> Zorn.thy Cardinals/Order_Relation.thy ~> Order_Relation.thy Library/Order_Union.thy ~> Cardinals/Order_Union.thy Cardinals/Cardinal_Arithmetic_Base.thy ~> BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic.thy Cardinals/Cardinal_Order_Relation_Base.thy ~> BNF_Cardinal_Order_Relation.thy Cardinals/Constructions_on_Wellorders_Base.thy ~> BNF_Constructions_on_Wellorders.thy Cardinals/Wellorder_Embedding_Base.thy ~> BNF_Wellorder_Embedding.thy Cardinals/Wellorder_Relation_Base.thy ~> BNF_Wellorder_Relation.thy BNF/Ctr_Sugar.thy ~> Ctr_Sugar.thy BNF/Basic_BNFs.thy ~> Basic_BNFs.thy BNF/BNF_Comp.thy ~> BNF_Comp.thy BNF/BNF_Def.thy ~> BNF_Def.thy BNF/BNF_FP_Base.thy ~> BNF_FP_Base.thy BNF/BNF_GFP.thy ~> BNF_GFP.thy BNF/BNF_LFP.thy ~> BNF_LFP.thy BNF/BNF_Util.thy ~> BNF_Util.thy BNF/Coinduction.thy ~> Coinduction.thy BNF/More_BNFs.thy ~> Library/More_BNFs.thy BNF/Countable_Type.thy ~> Library/Countable_Set_Type.thy BNF/Examples/* ~> BNF_Examples/* New theories: Wellorder_Extension.thy (split from Zorn.thy) Library/Cardinal_Notations.thy Library/BNF_Axomatization.thy BNF_Examples/Misc_Primcorec.thy BNF_Examples/Stream_Processor.thy Discontinued theories: BNF/BNF.thy BNF/Equiv_Relations_More.thyINCOMPATIBILITY.* New (co)datatype package: - Command 'primcorec' is fully implemented. - Command 'datatype_new' generates size functions ("size_xxx" and "size") as required by 'fun'. - BNFs are integrated with the Lifting tool and new-style (co)datatypes with Transfer. - Renamed commands: datatype_new_compat ~> datatype_compat primrec_new ~> primrec wrap_free_constructors ~> free_constructors INCOMPATIBILITY. - The generated constants "xxx_case" and "xxx_rec" have been renamed "case_xxx" and "rec_xxx" (e.g., "prod_case" ~> "case_prod"). INCOMPATIBILITY. - The constant "xxx_(un)fold" and related theorems are no longer generated. Use "xxx_(co)rec" or define "xxx_(un)fold" manually using "prim(co)rec". INCOMPATIBILITY. - No discriminators are generated for nullary constructors by default, eliminating the need for the odd "=:" syntax. INCOMPATIBILITY. - No discriminators or selectors are generated by default by "datatype_new", unless custom names are specified or the new "discs_sels" option is passed. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Old datatype package: - The generated theorems "xxx.cases" and "xxx.recs" have been renamed "" and "xxx.rec" (e.g., "sum.cases" -> ""). INCOMPATIBILITY. - The generated constants "xxx_case", "xxx_rec", and "xxx_size" have been renamed "case_xxx", "rec_xxx", and "size_xxx" (e.g., "prod_case" ~> "case_prod"). INCOMPATIBILITY.* The types "'a list" and "'a option", their set and map functions, their relators, and their selectors are now produced using the new BNF-based datatype package. Renamed constants: Option.set ~> set_option ~> map_option option_rel ~> rel_option Renamed theorems: set_def ~> set_rec[abs_def] map_def ~> map_rec[abs_def] Option.map_def ~> map_option_case[abs_def] (with "case_option" instead of "rec_option") option.recs ~> option.rec list_all2_def ~> list_all2_iff set.simps ~> set_simps (or the slightly different "list.set") map.simps ~> hd.simps ~> list.sel(1) tl.simps ~> list.sel(2-3) the.simps ~> option.selINCOMPATIBILITY.* The following map functions and relators have been renamed: sum_map ~> map_sum map_pair ~> map_prod prod_rel ~> rel_prod sum_rel ~> rel_sum fun_rel ~> rel_fun set_rel ~> rel_set filter_rel ~> rel_filter fset_rel ~> rel_fset (in "src/HOL/Library/FSet.thy") cset_rel ~> rel_cset (in "src/HOL/Library/Countable_Set_Type.thy") vset ~> rel_vset (in "src/HOL/Library/Quotient_Set.thy")INCOMPATIBILITY.* Lifting and Transfer: - a type variable as a raw type is supported - stronger reflexivity prover - rep_eq is always generated by lift_definition - setup for Lifting/Transfer is now automated for BNFs + holds for BNFs that do not contain a dead variable + relator_eq, relator_mono, relator_distr, relator_domain, relator_eq_onp, quot_map, transfer rules for bi_unique, bi_total, right_unique, right_total, left_unique, left_total are proved automatically + definition of a predicator is generated automatically + simplification rules for a predicator definition are proved automatically for datatypes - consolidation of the setup of Lifting/Transfer + property that a relator preservers reflexivity is not needed any more Minor INCOMPATIBILITY. + left_total and left_unique rules are now transfer rules (reflexivity_rule attribute not needed anymore) INCOMPATIBILITY. + Domainp does not have to be a separate assumption in relator_domain theorems (=> more natural statement) INCOMPATIBILITY. - registration of code equations is more robust Potential INCOMPATIBILITY. - respectfulness proof obligation is preprocessed to a more readable form Potential INCOMPATIBILITY. - eq_onp is always unfolded in respectfulness proof obligation Potential INCOMPATIBILITY. - unregister lifting setup for Code_Numeral.integer and Code_Numeral.natural Potential INCOMPATIBILITY. - Lifting.invariant -> eq_onp INCOMPATIBILITY.* New internal SAT solver "cdclite" that produces models and prooftraces. This solver replaces the internal SAT solvers "enumerate" and"dpll". Applications that explicitly used one of these two SATsolvers should use "cdclite" instead. In addition, "cdclite" is nowthe default SAT solver for the "sat" and "satx" proof methods andcorresponding tactics; the old default can be restored using "declare[[sat_solver = zchaff_with_proofs]]". Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* SMT module: A new version of the SMT module, temporarily called"SMT2", uses SMT-LIB 2 and supports recent versions of Z3 (e.g.,4.3). The new proof method is called "smt2". CVC3 and CVC4 are alsosupported as oracles. Yices is no longer supported, because no versionof the solver can handle both SMT-LIB 2 and quantifiers.* Activation of Z3 now works via "z3_non_commercial" system option(without requiring restart), instead of former settings variable"Z3_NON_COMMERCIAL". The option can be edited in Isabelle/jEdit menuPlugin Options / Isabelle / General.* Sledgehammer: - Z3 can now produce Isar proofs. - MaSh overhaul: . New SML-based learning algorithms eliminate the dependency on Python and increase performance and reliability. . MaSh and MeSh are now used by default together with the traditional MePo (Meng-Paulson) relevance filter. To disable MaSh, set the "MaSh" system option in Isabelle/jEdit Plugin Options / Isabelle / General to "none". - New option: smt_proofs - Renamed options: isar_compress ~> compress isar_try0 ~> try0INCOMPATIBILITY.* Removed solvers remote_cvc3 and remote_z3. Use cvc3 and z3 instead.* Nitpick: - Fixed soundness bug whereby mutually recursive datatypes could take infinite values. - Fixed soundness bug with low-level number functions such as "Abs_Integ" and "Rep_Integ". - Removed "std" option. - Renamed "show_datatypes" to "show_types" and "hide_datatypes" to "hide_types".* Metis: Removed legacy proof method 'metisFT'. Use 'metis(full_types)' instead. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Try0: Added 'algebra' and 'meson' to the set of proof methods.* Adjustion of INF and SUP operations: - Elongated constants INFI and SUPR to INFIMUM and SUPREMUM. - Consolidated theorem names containing INFI and SUPR: have INF and SUP instead uniformly. - More aggressive normalization of expressions involving INF and Inf or SUP and Sup. - INF_image and SUP_image do not unfold composition. - Dropped facts INF_comp, SUP_comp. - Default congruence rules strong_INF_cong and strong_SUP_cong, with simplifier implication in premises. Generalize and replace former INT_cong, SUP_congINCOMPATIBILITY.* SUP and INF generalized to conditionally_complete_lattice.* Swapped orientation of facts image_comp and vimage_comp: image_compose ~> image_comp [symmetric] image_comp ~> image_comp [symmetric] vimage_compose ~> vimage_comp [symmetric] vimage_comp ~> vimage_comp [symmetric]INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory reorganization: split of Big_Operators.thy intoGroups_Big.thy and Lattices_Big.thy.* Consolidated some facts about big group operators: setsum_0' ~> setsum.neutral setsum_0 ~> setsum.neutral_const setsum_addf ~> setsum.distrib setsum_cartesian_product ~> setsum.cartesian_product setsum_cases ~> setsum.If_cases setsum_commute ~> setsum.commute setsum_cong ~> setsum.cong setsum_delta ~> setsum_delta' ~>' setsum_diff1' ~> setsum.remove setsum_empty ~> setsum.empty setsum_infinite ~> setsum.infinite setsum_insert ~> setsum.insert setsum_inter_restrict'' ~> setsum.inter_filter setsum_mono_zero_cong_left ~> setsum.mono_neutral_cong_left setsum_mono_zero_cong_right ~> setsum.mono_neutral_cong_right setsum_mono_zero_left ~> setsum.mono_neutral_left setsum_mono_zero_right ~> setsum.mono_neutral_right setsum_reindex ~> setsum.reindex setsum_reindex_cong ~> setsum.reindex_cong setsum_reindex_nonzero ~> setsum.reindex_nontrivial setsum_restrict_set ~> setsum.inter_restrict setsum_Plus ~> setsum.Plus setsum_setsum_restrict ~> setsum.commute_restrict setsum_Sigma ~> setsum.Sigma setsum_subset_diff ~> setsum.subset_diff setsum_Un_disjoint ~> setsum.union_disjoint setsum_UN_disjoint ~> setsum.UNION_disjoint setsum_Un_Int ~> setsum.union_inter setsum_Union_disjoint ~> setsum.Union_disjoint setsum_UNION_zero ~> setsum.Union_comp setsum_Un_zero ~> setsum.union_inter_neutral strong_setprod_cong ~> setprod.strong_cong strong_setsum_cong ~> setsum.strong_cong setprod_1' ~> setprod.neutral setprod_1 ~> setprod.neutral_const setprod_cartesian_product ~> setprod.cartesian_product setprod_cong ~> setprod.cong setprod_delta ~> setprod_delta' ~>' setprod_empty ~> setprod.empty setprod_infinite ~> setprod.infinite setprod_insert ~> setprod.insert setprod_mono_one_cong_left ~> setprod.mono_neutral_cong_left setprod_mono_one_cong_right ~> setprod.mono_neutral_cong_right setprod_mono_one_left ~> setprod.mono_neutral_left setprod_mono_one_right ~> setprod.mono_neutral_right setprod_reindex ~> setprod.reindex setprod_reindex_cong ~> setprod.reindex_cong setprod_reindex_nonzero ~> setprod.reindex_nontrivial setprod_Sigma ~> setprod.Sigma setprod_subset_diff ~> setprod.subset_diff setprod_timesf ~> setprod.distrib setprod_Un2 ~> setprod.union_diff2 setprod_Un_disjoint ~> setprod.union_disjoint setprod_UN_disjoint ~> setprod.UNION_disjoint setprod_Un_Int ~> setprod.union_inter setprod_Union_disjoint ~> setprod.Union_disjoint setprod_Un_one ~> setprod.union_inter_neutral Dropped setsum_cong2 (simple variant of setsum.cong). Dropped setsum_inter_restrict' (simple variant of setsum.inter_restrict) Dropped setsum_reindex_id, setprod_reindex_id (simple variants of setsum.reindex [symmetric], setprod.reindex [symmetric]).INCOMPATIBILITY.* Abolished slightly odd global lattice interpretation for min/max. Fact consolidations: min_max.inf_assoc ~> min.assoc min_max.inf_commute ~> min.commute min_max.inf_left_commute ~> min.left_commute min_max.inf_idem ~> min.idem min_max.inf_left_idem ~> min.left_idem min_max.inf_right_idem ~> min.right_idem min_max.sup_assoc ~> max.assoc min_max.sup_commute ~> max.commute min_max.sup_left_commute ~> max.left_commute min_max.sup_idem ~> max.idem min_max.sup_left_idem ~> max.left_idem min_max.sup_inf_distrib1 ~> max_min_distrib2 min_max.sup_inf_distrib2 ~> max_min_distrib1 min_max.inf_sup_distrib1 ~> min_max_distrib2 min_max.inf_sup_distrib2 ~> min_max_distrib1 min_max.distrib ~> min_max_distribs min_max.inf_absorb1 ~> min.absorb1 min_max.inf_absorb2 ~> min.absorb2 min_max.sup_absorb1 ~> max.absorb1 min_max.sup_absorb2 ~> max.absorb2 min_max.le_iff_inf ~> min.absorb_iff1 min_max.le_iff_sup ~> max.absorb_iff2 min_max.inf_le1 ~> min.cobounded1 min_max.inf_le2 ~> min.cobounded2 le_maxI1, min_max.sup_ge1 ~> max.cobounded1 le_maxI2, min_max.sup_ge2 ~> max.cobounded2 min_max.le_infI1 ~> min.coboundedI1 min_max.le_infI2 ~> min.coboundedI2 min_max.le_supI1 ~> max.coboundedI1 min_max.le_supI2 ~> max.coboundedI2 min_max.less_infI1 ~> min.strict_coboundedI1 min_max.less_infI2 ~> min.strict_coboundedI2 min_max.less_supI1 ~> max.strict_coboundedI1 min_max.less_supI2 ~> max.strict_coboundedI2 min_max.inf_mono ~> min.mono min_max.sup_mono ~> max.mono min_max.le_infI, min_max.inf_greatest ~> min.boundedI min_max.le_supI, min_max.sup_least ~> max.boundedI min_max.le_inf_iff ~> min.bounded_iff min_max.le_sup_iff ~> max.bounded_iffFor min_max.inf_sup_aci, prefer (one of) min.commute, min.assoc,min.left_commute, min.left_idem, max.commute, max.assoc,max.left_commute, max.left_idem directly.For min_max.inf_sup_ord, prefer (one of) min.cobounded1,min.cobounded2, max.cobounded1m max.cobounded2 directly.For min_ac or max_ac, prefer more general collection ac_simps.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theorem disambiguation Inf_le_Sup (on finite sets) ~>Inf_fin_le_Sup_fin. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Qualified constant names Wellfounded.acc, Wellfounded.accp.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Fact generalization and consolidation: neq_one_mod_two, mod_2_not_eq_zero_eq_one_int ~> not_mod_2_eq_0_eq_1INCOMPATIBILITY.* Purely algebraic definition of even. Fact generalization and consolidation: nat_even_iff_2_dvd, int_even_iff_2_dvd ~> even_iff_2_dvd even_zero_(nat|int) ~> even_zeroINCOMPATIBILITY.* Abolished neg_numeral. - Canonical representation for minus one is "- 1". - Canonical representation for other negative numbers is "- (numeral _)". - When devising rule sets for number calculation, consider the following canonical cases: 0, 1, numeral _, - 1, - numeral _. - HOLogic.dest_number also recognizes numerals in non-canonical forms like "numeral One", "- numeral One", "- 0" and even "- ... - _". - Syntax for negative numerals is mere input syntax.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Reduced name variants for rules on associativity and commutativity: add_assoc ~> add.assoc add_commute ~> add.commute add_left_commute ~> add.left_commute mult_assoc ~> mult.assoc mult_commute ~> mult.commute mult_left_commute ~> mult.left_commute nat_add_assoc ~> add.assoc nat_add_commute ~> add.commute nat_add_left_commute ~> add.left_commute nat_mult_assoc ~> mult.assoc nat_mult_commute ~> mult.commute eq_assoc ~> iff_assoc eq_left_commute ~> iff_left_commuteINCOMPATIBILITY.* Fact collections add_ac and mult_ac are considered old-fashioned.Prefer ac_simps instead, or specify rules(add|mult).(assoc|commute|left_commute) individually.* Elimination of fact duplicates: equals_zero_I ~> minus_unique diff_eq_0_iff_eq ~> right_minus_eq nat_infinite ~> infinite_UNIV_nat int_infinite ~> infinite_UNIV_intINCOMPATIBILITY.* Fact name consolidation: diff_def, diff_minus, ab_diff_minus ~> diff_conv_add_uminus minus_le_self_iff ~> neg_less_eq_nonneg le_minus_self_iff ~> less_eq_neg_nonpos neg_less_nonneg ~> neg_less_pos less_minus_self_iff ~> less_neg_neg [simp]INCOMPATIBILITY.* More simplification rules on unary and binary minus:add_diff_cancel, add_diff_cancel_left, add_le_same_cancel1,add_le_same_cancel2, add_less_same_cancel1, add_less_same_cancel2,add_minus_cancel, diff_add_cancel, le_add_same_cancel1,le_add_same_cancel2, less_add_same_cancel1, less_add_same_cancel2,minus_add_cancel, uminus_add_conv_diff. These correspondingly havebeen taken away from fact collections algebra_simps and field_simps.INCOMPATIBILITY.To restore proofs, the following patterns are helpful:a) Arbitrary failing proof not involving "diff_def":Consider simplification with algebra_simps or field_simps.b) Lifting rules from addition to subtraction:Try with "using <rule for addition> of [... "- _" ...]" by simp".c) Simplification with "diff_def": just drop "diff_def".Consider simplification with algebra_simps or field_simps;or the brute way with"simp add: diff_conv_add_uminus del: add_uminus_conv_diff".* Introduce bdd_above and bdd_below in theoryConditionally_Complete_Lattices, use them instead of explicitlystating boundedness of sets.* ccpo.admissible quantifies only over non-empty chains to allow moresyntax-directed proof rules; the case of the empty chain shows up asadditional case in fixpoint induction proofs. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Removed and renamed theorems in Series: summable_le ~> suminf_le suminf_le ~> suminf_le_const series_pos_le ~> setsum_le_suminf series_pos_less ~> setsum_less_suminf suminf_ge_zero ~> suminf_nonneg suminf_gt_zero ~> suminf_pos suminf_gt_zero_iff ~> suminf_pos_iff summable_sumr_LIMSEQ_suminf ~> summable_LIMSEQ suminf_0_le ~> suminf_nonneg [rotate] pos_summable ~> summableI_nonneg_bounded ratio_test ~> summable_ratio_test removed series_zero, replaced by sums_finite removed auxiliary lemmas: sumr_offset, sumr_offset2, sumr_offset3, sumr_offset4, sumr_group, half, le_Suc_ex_iff, lemma_realpow_diff_sumr, real_setsum_nat_ivl_bounded, summable_le2, ratio_test_lemma2, sumr_minus_one_realpow_zerom, sumr_one_lb_realpow_zero, summable_convergent_sumr_iff, sumr_diff_mult_constINCOMPATIBILITY.* Replace (F)DERIV syntax by has_derivative: - "(f has_derivative f') (at x within s)" replaces "FDERIV f x : s : f'" - "(f has_field_derivative f') (at x within s)" replaces "DERIV f x : s : f'" - "f differentiable at x within s" replaces "_ differentiable _ in _" syntax - removed constant isDiff - "DERIV f x : f'" and "FDERIV f x : f'" syntax is only available as input syntax. - "DERIV f x : s : f'" and "FDERIV f x : s : f'" syntax removed. - Renamed FDERIV_... lemmas to has_derivative_... - renamed deriv (the syntax constant used for "DERIV _ _ :> _") to DERIV - removed DERIV_intros, has_derivative_eq_intros - introduced derivative_intros and deriative_eq_intros which includes now rules for DERIV, has_derivative and has_vector_derivative. - Other renamings: differentiable_def ~> real_differentiable_def differentiableE ~> real_differentiableE fderiv_def ~> has_derivative_at field_fderiv_def ~> field_has_derivative_at isDiff_der ~> differentiable_def deriv_fderiv ~> has_field_derivative_def deriv_def ~> DERIV_defINCOMPATIBILITY.* Include more theorems in continuous_intros. Remove thecontinuous_on_intros, isCont_intros collections, these facts are nowin continuous_intros.* Theorems about complex numbers are now stated only using Re and Im,the Complex constructor is not used anymore. It is possible to useprimcorec to defined the behaviour of a complex-valued function.Removed theorems about the Complex constructor from the simpset, theyare available as the lemma collection legacy_Complex_simps. Thisespecially removes i_complex_of_real: "ii * complex_of_real r = Complex 0 r".Instead the reverse direction is supported with Complex_eq: "Complex a b = a + \<i> * b"Moved csqrt from Fundamental_Algebra_Theorem to Complex. Renamings: Re/Im ~> complex.sel complex_Re/Im_zero ~> zero_complex.sel complex_Re/Im_add ~> plus_complex.sel complex_Re/Im_minus ~> uminus_complex.sel complex_Re/Im_diff ~> minus_complex.sel complex_Re/Im_one ~> one_complex.sel complex_Re/Im_mult ~> times_complex.sel complex_Re/Im_inverse ~> inverse_complex.sel complex_Re/Im_scaleR ~> scaleR_complex.sel complex_Re/Im_i ~> ii.sel complex_Re/Im_cnj ~> cnj.sel Re/Im_cis ~> cis.sel complex_divide_def ~> divide_complex_def complex_norm_def ~> norm_complex_def cmod_def ~> norm_complex_de Removed theorems: complex_zero_def complex_add_def complex_minus_def complex_diff_def complex_one_def complex_mult_def complex_inverse_def complex_scaleR_defINCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Lubs moved HOL image to HOL-Library. It is replaced byConditionally_Complete_Lattices. INCOMPATIBILITY.* HOL-Library: new theory src/HOL/Library/Tree.thy.* HOL-Library: removed theory src/HOL/Library/Kleene_Algebra.thy; itis subsumed by session Kleene_Algebra in AFP.* HOL-Library / theory RBT: various constants and facts are hidden;lifting setup is unregistered. INCOMPATIBILITY.* HOL-Cardinals: new theory src/HOL/Cardinals/Ordinal_Arithmetic.thy.* HOL-Word: bit representations prefer type bool over type bit.INCOMPATIBILITY.* HOL-Word: - Abandoned fact collection "word_arith_alts", which is a duplicate of "word_arith_wis". - Dropped first (duplicated) element in fact collections "sint_word_ariths", "word_arith_alts", "uint_word_ariths", "uint_word_arith_bintrs".* HOL-Number_Theory: - consolidated the proofs of the binomial theorem - the function fib is again of type nat => nat and not overloaded - no more references to Old_Number_Theory in the HOL libraries (except the AFP)INCOMPATIBILITY.* HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: - Type class ordered_real_vector for ordered vector spaces. - New theory Complex_Basic_Analysis defining complex derivatives, holomorphic functions, etc., ported from HOL Light's - Changed order of ordered_euclidean_space to be compatible with pointwise ordering on products. Therefore instance of conditionally_complete_lattice and ordered_real_vector. INCOMPATIBILITY: use box instead of greaterThanLessThan or explicit set-comprehensions with eucl_less for other (half-)open intervals. - removed dependencies on type class ordered_euclidean_space with introduction of "cbox" on euclidean_space - renamed theorems: interval ~> box mem_interval ~> mem_box interval_eq_empty ~> box_eq_empty interval_ne_empty ~> box_ne_empty interval_sing(1) ~> cbox_sing interval_sing(2) ~> box_sing subset_interval_imp ~> subset_box_imp subset_interval ~> subset_box open_interval ~> open_box closed_interval ~> closed_cbox interior_closed_interval ~> interior_cbox bounded_closed_interval ~> bounded_cbox compact_interval ~> compact_cbox bounded_subset_closed_interval_symmetric ~> bounded_subset_cbox_symmetric bounded_subset_closed_interval ~> bounded_subset_cbox mem_interval_componentwiseI ~> mem_box_componentwiseI convex_box ~> convex_prod rel_interior_real_interval ~> rel_interior_real_box convex_interval ~> convex_box convex_hull_eq_real_interval ~> convex_hull_eq_real_cbox frechet_derivative_within_closed_interval ~> frechet_derivative_within_cbox content_closed_interval' ~> content_cbox' elementary_subset_interval ~> elementary_subset_box diameter_closed_interval ~> diameter_cbox frontier_closed_interval ~> frontier_cbox frontier_open_interval ~> frontier_box bounded_subset_open_interval_symmetric ~> bounded_subset_box_symmetric closure_open_interval ~> closure_box open_closed_interval_convex ~> open_cbox_convex open_interval_midpoint ~> box_midpoint content_image_affinity_interval ~> content_image_affinity_cbox is_interval_interval ~> is_interval_cbox + is_interval_box + is_interval_closed_interval bounded_interval ~> bounded_closed_interval + bounded_boxes - respective theorems for intervals over the reals: content_closed_interval + content_cbox has_integral + has_integral_real fine_division_exists + fine_division_exists_real has_integral_null + has_integral_null_real tagged_division_union_interval + tagged_division_union_interval_real has_integral_const + has_integral_const_real integral_const + integral_const_real has_integral_bound + has_integral_bound_real integrable_continuous + integrable_continuous_real integrable_subinterval + integrable_subinterval_real has_integral_reflect_lemma + has_integral_reflect_lemma_real integrable_reflect + integrable_reflect_real integral_reflect + integral_reflect_real image_affinity_interval + image_affinity_cbox image_smult_interval + image_smult_cbox integrable_const + integrable_const_ivl integrable_on_subinterval + integrable_on_subcbox - renamed theorems: derivative_linear ~> has_derivative_bounded_linear derivative_is_linear ~> has_derivative_linear bounded_linear_imp_linear ~> bounded_linear.linear* HOL-Probability: - Renamed positive_integral to nn_integral: . Renamed all lemmas "*positive_integral*" to *nn_integral*" positive_integral_positive ~> nn_integral_nonneg . Renamed abbreviation integral\<^sup>P to integral\<^sup>N. - replaced the Lebesgue integral on real numbers by the more general Bochner integral for functions into a real-normed vector space. integral_zero ~> integral_zero / integrable_zero integral_minus ~> integral_minus / integrable_minus integral_add ~> integral_add / integrable_add integral_diff ~> integral_diff / integrable_diff integral_setsum ~> integral_setsum / integrable_setsum integral_multc ~> integral_mult_left / integrable_mult_left integral_cmult ~> integral_mult_right / integrable_mult_right integral_triangle_inequality~> integral_norm_bound integrable_nonneg ~> integrableI_nonneg integral_positive ~> integral_nonneg_AE integrable_abs_iff ~> integrable_abs_cancel positive_integral_lim_INF ~> nn_integral_liminf lebesgue_real_affine ~> lborel_real_affine borel_integral_has_integral ~> has_integral_lebesgue_integral integral_indicator ~> integral_real_indicator / integrable_real_indicator positive_integral_fst ~> nn_integral_fst' positive_integral_fst_measurable ~> nn_integral_fst positive_integral_snd_measurable ~> nn_integral_snd integrable_fst_measurable ~> integral_fst / integrable_fst / AE_integrable_fst integrable_snd_measurable ~> integral_snd / integrable_snd / AE_integrable_snd integral_monotone_convergence ~> integral_monotone_convergence / integrable_monotone_convergence integral_monotone_convergence_at_top ~> integral_monotone_convergence_at_top / integrable_monotone_convergence_at_top has_integral_iff_positive_integral_lebesgue ~> has_integral_iff_has_bochner_integral_lebesgue_nonneg lebesgue_integral_has_integral ~> has_integral_integrable_lebesgue_nonneg positive_integral_lebesgue_has_integral ~> integral_has_integral_lebesgue_nonneg / integrable_has_integral_lebesgue_nonneg lebesgue_integral_real_affine ~> nn_integral_real_affine has_integral_iff_positive_integral_lborel ~> integral_has_integral_nonneg / integrable_has_integral_nonneg The following theorems where removed: lebesgue_integral_nonneg lebesgue_integral_uminus lebesgue_integral_cmult lebesgue_integral_multc lebesgue_integral_cmult_nonneg integral_cmul_indicator integral_real - Formalized properties about exponentially, Erlang, and normal distributed random variables.* HOL-Decision_Procs: Separate command 'approximate' for approximativecomputation in src/HOL/Decision_Procs/Approximation. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY.*** Scala **** The signature and semantics of Document.Snapshot.cumulate_markup /select_markup have been clarified. Markup is now traversed in theorder of reports given by the prover: later markup is usually morespecific and may override results accumulated so far. The elementsguard is mandatory and checked precisely. Subtle INCOMPATIBILITY.* Substantial reworking of internal PIDE protocol communicationchannels. INCOMPATIBILITY.*** ML **** Subtle change of semantics of Thm.eq_thm: theory stamps are notcompared (according to Thm.thm_ord), but assumed to be covered by thecurrent background theory. Thus equivalent data produced in differentbranches of the theory graph usually coincides (e.g. relevant fortheory merge). Note that the softer Thm.eq_thm_prop is often moreappropriate than Thm.eq_thm.* Proper context for basic Simplifier operations: rewrite_rule,rewrite_goals_rule, rewrite_goals_tac etc. INCOMPATIBILITY, need topass runtime Proof.context (and ensure that the simplified entityactually belongs to it).* Proper context discipline for read_instantiate and instantiate_tac:variables that are meant to become schematic need to be given asfixed, and are generalized by the explicit context of local variables.This corresponds to Isar attributes "where" and "of" with 'for'declaration. INCOMPATIBILITY, also due to potential change of indicesof schematic variables.* Moved ML_Compiler.exn_trace and other operations on exceptions tostructure Runtime. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Discontinued old Toplevel.debug in favour of system option"ML_exception_trace", which may be also declared within the contextvia "declare [[ML_exception_trace = true]]". Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamed configuration option "ML_trace" to "ML_source_trace". MinorINCOMPATIBILITY.* Configuration option "ML_print_depth" controls the pretty-printingdepth of the ML compiler within the context. The old print_depth inML is still available as default_print_depth, but rarely used. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY.* Toplevel function "use" refers to raw ML bootstrap environment,without Isar context nor antiquotations. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY.Note that 'ML_file' is the canonical command to load ML files into theformal context.* Simplified programming interface to define ML antiquotations, seestructure ML_Antiquotation. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* ML antiquotation @{here} refers to its source position, which isoccasionally useful for experimentation and diagnostic purposes.* ML antiquotation @{path} produces a Path.T value, similarly toPath.explode, but with compile-time check against the file-system andsome PIDE markup. Note that unlike theory source, ML does not have awell-defined master directory, so an absolute symbolic pathspecification is usually required, e.g. "~~/src/HOL".* ML antiquotation @{print} inlines a function to print an arbitraryML value, which is occasionally useful for diagnostic or demonstrationpurposes.*** System **** Proof General with its traditional helper scripts is now an optionalIsabelle component, e.g. see ProofGeneral-4.2-2 from the Isabellecomponent repository Note thatthe "system" manual provides general explanations about add-oncomponents, especially those that are not bundled with the release.* The raw Isabelle process executable has been renamed from"isabelle-process" to "isabelle_process", which conforms to commonshell naming conventions, and allows to define a shell function withinthe Isabelle environment to avoid dynamic path lookup. Rareincompatibility for old tools that do not use the ISABELLE_PROCESSsettings variable.* Former "isabelle tty" has been superseded by "isabelle console",with implicit build like "isabelle jedit", and without the mostlyobsolete Isar TTY loop.* Simplified "isabelle display" tool. Settings variables DVI_VIEWERand PDF_VIEWER now refer to the actual programs, not shellcommand-lines. Discontinued option -c: invocation may be asynchronousvia desktop environment, without any special precautions. PotentialINCOMPATIBILITY with ambitious private settings.* Removed obsolete "isabelle unsymbolize". Note that the usual formatfor email communication is the Unicode rendering of Isabelle symbols,as produced by Isabelle/jEdit, for example.* Removed obsolete tool "wwwfind". Similar functionality may beintegrated into Isabelle/jEdit eventually.* Improved 'display_drafts' concerning desktop integration andrepeated invocation in PIDE front-end: re-use single file$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/tmp/drafts.pdf and corresponding views.* Session ROOT specifications require explicit 'document_files' forrobust dependencies on LaTeX sources. Only these explicitly givenfiles are copied to the document output directory, before documentprocessing is started.* Windows: support for regular TeX installation (e.g. MiKTeX) insteadof TeX Live from Cygwin.New in Isabelle2013-2 (December 2013)-------------------------------------*** Prover IDE -- Isabelle/Scala/jEdit **** More robust editing of running commands with internal forks,e.g. non-terminating 'by' steps.* More relaxed Sledgehammer panel: avoid repeated application of queryafter edits surrounding the command location.* More status information about commands that are interruptedaccidentally (via physical event or Poly/ML runtime system signal,e.g. out-of-memory).*** System **** More robust termination of external processes managed byIsabelle/ML: support cancellation of tasks within the range ofmilliseconds, as required for PIDE document editing with automaticallytried tools (e.g. Sledgehammer).* Reactivated Isabelle/Scala kill command for external processes onMac OS X, which was accidentally broken in Isabelle2013-1 due to aworkaround for some Debian/Ubuntu Linux versions from 2013.New in Isabelle2013-1 (November 2013)-------------------------------------*** General **** Discontinued obsolete 'uses' within theory header. Note thatcommands like 'ML_file' work without separate declaration of filedependencies. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Discontinued redundant 'use' command, which was superseded by'ML_file' in Isabelle2013. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Simplified subscripts within identifiers, using plain \<^sub>instead of the second copy \<^isub> and \<^isup>. Superscripts areonly for literal tokens within notation; explicit mixfix annotationsfor consts or fixed variables may be used as fall-back for unusualnames. Obsolete \<twosuperior> has been expanded to \<^sup>2 inIsabelle/HOL. INCOMPATIBILITY, use "isabelle update_sub_sup" tostandardize symbols as a starting point for further manual cleanup.The ML reference variable "legacy_isub_isup" may be set as temporaryworkaround, to make the prover accept a subset of the old identifiersyntax.* Document antiquotations: term style "isub" has been renamed to"sub". Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Uniform management of "quick_and_dirty" as system option (see also"isabelle options"), configuration option within the context (see alsoConfig.get in Isabelle/ML), and attribute in Isabelle/Isar. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY, need to use more official Isabelle means to accessquick_and_dirty, instead of historical poking into mutable reference.* Renamed command 'print_configs' to 'print_options'. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY.* Proper diagnostic command 'print_state'. Old 'pr' (with itsimplicit change of some global references) is retained for now ascontrol command, e.g. for ProofGeneral 3.7.x.* Discontinued 'print_drafts' command with its old-fashioned PS outputand Unix command-line print spooling. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY: use'display_drafts' instead and print via the regular document viewer.* Updated and extended "isar-ref" and "implementation" manual,eliminated old "ref" manual.*** Prover IDE -- Isabelle/Scala/jEdit **** New manual "jedit" for Isabelle/jEdit, see isabelle doc orDocumentation panel.* Dockable window "Documentation" provides access to Isabelledocumentation.* Dockable window "Find" provides query operations for formal entities(GUI front-end to 'find_theorems' command).* Dockable window "Sledgehammer" manages asynchronous / parallelsledgehammer runs over existing document sources, independently ofnormal editing and checking process.* Dockable window "Timing" provides an overview of relevant commandtiming information, depending on option jedit_timing_threshold. Thesame timing information is shown in the extended tooltip of thecommand keyword, when hovering the mouse over it while the CONTROL orCOMMAND modifier is pressed.* Improved dockable window "Theories": Continuous checking of proofdocument (visible and required parts) may be controlled explicitly,using check box or shortcut "C+e ENTER". Individual theory nodes maybe marked explicitly as required and checked in full, using check boxor shortcut "C+e SPACE".* Improved completion mechanism, which is now managed by theIsabelle/jEdit plugin instead of SideKick. Refined table of Isabellesymbol abbreviations (see $ISABELLE_HOME/etc/symbols).* Standard jEdit keyboard shortcut C+b complete-word is remapped toisabelle.complete for explicit completion in Isabelle sources.INCOMPATIBILITY wrt. jEdit defaults, may have to invent new shortcutsto resolve conflict.* Improved support of various "minor modes" for Isabelle NEWS,options, session ROOT etc., with completion and SideKick tree view.* Strictly monotonic document update, without premature cancellation ofrunning transactions that are still needed: avoid reset/restart ofsuch command executions while editing.* Support for asynchronous print functions, as overlay to existingdocument content.* Support for automatic tools in HOL, which try to prove or disprovetoplevel theorem statements.* Action isabelle.reset-font-size resets main text area font sizeaccording to Isabelle/Scala plugin option "jedit_font_reset_size" (seealso "Plugin Options / Isabelle / General"). It can be bound to somekeyboard shortcut by the user (e.g. C+0 and/or C+NUMPAD0).* File specifications in jEdit (e.g. file browser) may refer to$ISABELLE_HOME and $ISABELLE_HOME_USER on all platforms. Discontinuedobsolete $ISABELLE_HOME_WINDOWS variable.* Improved support for Linux look-and-feel "GTK+", see also "Utilities/ Global Options / Appearance".* Improved support of native Mac OS X functionality via "MacOSX"plugin, which is now enabled by default.*** Pure **** Commands 'interpretation' and 'sublocale' are now target-sensitive.In particular, 'interpretation' allows for non-persistentinterpretation within "context ... begin ... end" blocks offering alight-weight alternative to 'sublocale'. See "isar-ref" manual fordetails.* Improved locales diagnostic command 'print_dependencies'.* Discontinued obsolete 'axioms' command, which has been marked aslegacy since Isabelle2009-2. INCOMPATIBILITY, use 'axiomatization'instead, while observing its uniform scope for polymorphism.* Discontinued empty name bindings in 'axiomatization'.INCOMPATIBILITY.* System option "proofs" has been discontinued. Instead the globalstate of Proofterm.proofs is persistently compiled into logic imagesas required, notably HOL-Proofs. Users no longer need to changeProofterm.proofs dynamically. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Syntax translation functions (print_translation etc.) always dependon Proof.context. Discontinued former "(advanced)" option -- this isnow the default. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Former global reference trace_unify_fail is now available asconfiguration option "unify_trace_failure" (global context only).* SELECT_GOAL now retains the syntactic context of the overall goalstate (schematic variables etc.). Potential INCOMPATIBILITY in raresituations.*** HOL **** Stronger precedence of syntax for big intersection and union onsets, in accordance with corresponding lattice operations.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Notation "{p:A. P}" now allows tuple patterns as well.* Nested case expressions are now translated in a separate check phaserather than during parsing. The data for case combinators is separatedfrom the datatype package. The declaration attribute"case_translation" can be used to register new case combinators: declare [[case_translation case_combinator constructor1 ... constructorN]]* Code generator: - 'code_printing' unifies 'code_const' / 'code_type' / 'code_class' / 'code_instance'. - 'code_identifier' declares name hints for arbitrary identifiers in generated code, subsuming 'code_modulename'.See the isar-ref manual for syntax diagrams, and the HOL theories forexamples.* Attibute 'code': 'code' now declares concrete and abstract codeequations uniformly. Use explicit 'code equation' and 'code abstract'to distinguish both when desired.* Discontinued theories Code_Integer and Efficient_Nat by a morefine-grain stack of theories Code_Target_Int, Code_Binary_Nat,Code_Target_Nat and Code_Target_Numeral. See the tutorial on codegeneration for details. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Numeric types are mapped by default to target language numerals:natural (replaces former code_numeral) and integer (replaces formercode_int). Conversions are available as integer_of_natural /natural_of_integer / integer_of_nat / nat_of_integer (in HOL) andCode_Numeral.integer_of_natural / Code_Numeral.natural_of_integer (inML). INCOMPATIBILITY.* Function package: For mutually recursive functions f and g, separatecases rules f.cases and g.cases are generated instead of unusablef_g.cases which exposed internal sum types. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY,in the case that the unusable rule was used nevertheless.* Function package: For each function f, new rules f.elims aregenerated, which eliminate equalities of the form "f x = t".* New command 'fun_cases' derives ad-hoc elimination rules forfunction equations as simplified instances of f.elims, analogous toinductive_cases. See ~~/src/HOL/ex/Fundefs.thy for some examples.* Lifting: - parametrized correspondence relations are now supported: + parametricity theorems for the raw term can be specified in the command lift_definition, which allow us to generate stronger transfer rules + setup_lifting generates stronger transfer rules if parametric correspondence relation can be generated + various new properties of the relator must be specified to support parametricity + parametricity theorem for the Quotient relation can be specified - setup_lifting generates domain rules for the Transfer package - stronger reflexivity prover of respectfulness theorems for type copies - ===> and --> are now local. The symbols can be introduced by interpreting the locale lifting_syntax (typically in an anonymous context) - Lifting/Transfer relevant parts of Library/Quotient_* are now in Main. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY - new commands for restoring and deleting Lifting/Transfer context: lifting_forget, lifting_update - the command print_quotmaps was renamed to print_quot_maps. INCOMPATIBILITY* Transfer: - better support for domains in Transfer: replace Domainp T by the actual invariant in a transferred goal - transfer rules can have as assumptions other transfer rules - Experimental support for transferring from the raw level to the abstract level: Transfer.transferred attribute - Attribute version of the transfer method: untransferred attribute* Reification and reflection: - Reification is now directly available in HOL-Main in structure "Reification". - Reflection now handles multiple lists with variables also. - The whole reflection stack has been decomposed into conversions.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Revised devices for recursive definitions over finite sets: - Only one fundamental fold combinator on finite set remains: Finite_Set.fold :: ('a => 'b => 'b) => 'b => 'a set => 'b This is now identity on infinite sets. - Locales ("mini packages") for fundamental definitions with Finite_Set.fold: folding, folding_idem. - Locales comm_monoid_set, semilattice_order_set and semilattice_neutr_order_set for big operators on sets. See theory Big_Operators for canonical examples. Note that foundational constants comm_monoid_set.F and semilattice_set.F correspond to former combinators fold_image and fold1 respectively. These are now gone. You may use those foundational constants as substitutes, but it is preferable to interpret the above locales accordingly. - Dropped class ab_semigroup_idem_mult (special case of lattice, no longer needed in connection with Finite_Set.fold etc.) - Fact renames: card.union_inter ~> card_Un_Int [symmetric] card.union_disjoint ~> card_Un_disjointINCOMPATIBILITY.* Locale hierarchy for abstract orderings and (semi)lattices.* Complete_Partial_Order.admissible is defined outside the type classccpo, but with mandatory prefix ccpo. Admissibility theorems lose theclass predicate assumption or sort constraint when possible.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Introduce type class "conditionally_complete_lattice": Like acomplete lattice but does not assume the existence of the top andbottom elements. Allows to generalize some lemmas about reals andextended reals. Removed SupInf and replaced it by the instantiationof conditionally_complete_lattice for real. Renamed lemmas aboutconditionally-complete lattice from Sup_... to cSup_... and fromInf_... to cInf_... to avoid hidding of similar complete latticelemmas.* Introduce type class linear_continuum as combination ofconditionally-complete lattices and inner dense linorders which havemore than one element. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Introduced type classes order_top and order_bot. The old classes topand bot only contain the syntax without assumptions. INCOMPATIBILITY:Rename bot -> order_bot, top -> order_top* Introduce type classes "no_top" and "no_bot" for orderings withouttop and bottom elements.* Split dense_linorder into inner_dense_order and no_top, no_bot.* Complex_Main: Unify and move various concepts fromHOL-Multivariate_Analysis to HOL-Complex_Main. - Introduce type class (lin)order_topology and linear_continuum_topology. Allows to generalize theorems about limits and order. Instances are reals and extended reals. - continuous and continuos_on from Multivariate_Analysis: "continuous" is the continuity of a function at a filter. "isCont" is now an abbrevitation: "isCont x f == continuous (at _) f". Generalized continuity lemmas from isCont to continuous on an arbitrary filter. - compact from Multivariate_Analysis. Use Bolzano's lemma to prove compactness of closed intervals on reals. Continuous functions attain infimum and supremum on compact sets. The inverse of a continuous function is continuous, when the function is continuous on a compact set. - connected from Multivariate_Analysis. Use it to prove the intermediate value theorem. Show connectedness of intervals on linear_continuum_topology). - first_countable_topology from Multivariate_Analysis. Is used to show equivalence of properties on the neighbourhood filter of x and on all sequences converging to x. - FDERIV: Definition of has_derivative moved to Deriv.thy. Moved theorems from Library/FDERIV.thy to Deriv.thy and base the definition of DERIV on FDERIV. Add variants of DERIV and FDERIV which are restricted to sets, i.e. to represent derivatives from left or right. - Removed the within-filter. It is replaced by the principal filter: F within X = inf F (principal X) - Introduce "at x within U" as a single constant, "at x" is now an abbreviation for "at x within UNIV" - Introduce named theorem collections tendsto_intros, continuous_intros, continuous_on_intros and FDERIV_intros. Theorems in tendsto_intros (or FDERIV_intros) are also available as tendsto_eq_intros (or FDERIV_eq_intros) where the right-hand side is replaced by a congruence rule. This allows to apply them as intro rules and then proving equivalence by the simplifier. - Restructured theories in HOL-Complex_Main: + Moved RealDef and RComplete into Real + Introduced Topological_Spaces and moved theorems about topological spaces, filters, limits and continuity to it + Renamed RealVector to Real_Vector_Spaces + Split Lim, SEQ, Series into Topological_Spaces, Real_Vector_Spaces, and Limits + Moved Ln and Log to Transcendental + Moved theorems about continuity from Deriv to Topological_Spaces - Remove various auxiliary lemmas.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Nitpick: - Added option "spy". - Reduce incidence of "too high arity" errors.* Sledgehammer: - Renamed option: isar_shrink ~> isar_compress INCOMPATIBILITY. - Added options "isar_try0", "spy". - Better support for "isar_proofs". - MaSh has been fined-tuned and now runs as a local server.* Improved support for ad hoc overloading of constants (see alsoisar-ref manual and ~~/src/HOL/ex/Adhoc_Overloading_Examples.thy).* Library/Polynomial.thy: - Use lifting for primitive definitions. - Explicit conversions from and to lists of coefficients, used for generated code. - Replaced recursion operator poly_rec by fold_coeffs. - Prefer pre-existing gcd operation for gcd. - Fact renames: poly_eq_iff ~> poly_eq_poly_eq_iff poly_ext ~> poly_eqI expand_poly_eq ~> poly_eq_iffIMCOMPATIBILITY.* New Library/Simps_Case_Conv.thy: Provides commands simps_of_case andcase_of_simps to convert function definitions between a list ofequations with patterns on the lhs and a single equation with caseexpressions on the rhs. See also Ex/Simps_Case_Conv_Examples.thy.* New Library/FSet.thy: type of finite sets defined as a subtype ofsets defined by Lifting/Transfer.* Discontinued theory src/HOL/Library/Eval_Witness. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Consolidation of library theories on product orders: Product_Lattice ~> Product_Order -- pointwise order on products Product_ord ~> Product_Lexorder -- lexicographic order on productsINCOMPATIBILITY.* Imperative-HOL: The MREC combinator is considered legacy and nolonger included by default. INCOMPATIBILITY, use partial_functioninstead, or import theory Legacy_Mrec as a fallback.* HOL-Algebra: Discontinued theories ~~/src/HOL/Algebra/abstract and~~/src/HOL/Algebra/poly. Existing theories should be based on~~/src/HOL/Library/Polynomial instead. The latter providesintegration with HOL's type classes for rings. INCOMPATIBILITY.* HOL-BNF: - Various improvements to BNF-based (co)datatype package, including new commands "primrec_new", "primcorec", and "datatype_new_compat", as well as documentation. See "datatypes.pdf" for details. - New "coinduction" method to avoid some boilerplate (compared to coinduct). - Renamed keywords: data ~> datatype_new codata ~> codatatype bnf_def ~> bnf - Renamed many generated theorems, including discs ~> disc map_comp' ~> map_comp map_id' ~> map_id sels ~> sel set_map' ~> set_map sets ~> setIMCOMPATIBILITY.*** ML **** Spec_Check is a Quickcheck tool for Isabelle/ML. The ML function"check_property" allows to check specifications of the form "ALL x yz. prop x y z". See also ~~/src/Tools/Spec_Check/ with itsExamples.thy in particular.* Improved printing of exception trace in Poly/ML 5.5.1, with regulartracing output in the command transaction context instead of physicalstdout. See also Toplevel.debug, Toplevel.debugging andML_Compiler.exn_trace.* ML type "theory" is now immutable, without any special treatment ofdrafts or linear updates (which could lead to "stale theory" errors inthe past). Discontinued obsolete operations like Theory.copy,Theory.checkpoint, and the auxiliary type theory_ref. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY.* More uniform naming of goal functions for skipped proofs: Skip_Proof.prove ~> Goal.prove_sorry Skip_Proof.prove_global ~> Goal.prove_sorry_globalMinor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Simplifier tactics and tools use proper Proof.context instead ofhistoric type simpset. Old-style declarations like addsimps,addsimprocs etc. operate directly on Proof.context. Raw type simpsetretains its use as snapshot of the main Simplifier context, usingsimpset_of and put_simpset on Proof.context. INCOMPATIBILITY -- portold tools by making them depend on (ctxt : Proof.context) instead of(ss : simpset), then turn (simpset_of ctxt) into ctxt.* Modifiers for classical wrappers (e.g. addWrapper, delWrapper)operate on Proof.context instead of claset, for uniformity with addIs,addEs, addDs etc. Note that claset_of and put_claset allow to manageclasets separately from the context.* Discontinued obsolete ML antiquotations @{claset} and @{simpset}.INCOMPATIBILITY, use @{context} instead.* Antiquotation @{theory_context A} is similar to @{theory A}, butpresents the result as initial Proof.context.*** System **** Discontinued obsolete isabelle usedir, mkdir, make -- superseded by"isabelle build" in Isabelle2013. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Discontinued obsolete isabelle-process options -f and -u (formeradministrative aliases of option -e). Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Discontinued obsolete isabelle print tool, and PRINT_COMMANDsettings variable.* Discontinued ISABELLE_DOC_FORMAT settings variable and historicdocument formats: dvi.gz, ps, ps.gz -- the default document format isalways pdf.* Isabelle settings variable ISABELLE_BUILD_JAVA_OPTIONS allows tospecify global resources of the JVM process run by isabelle build.* Toplevel executable $ISABELLE_HOME/bin/isabelle_scala_script allowsto run Isabelle/Scala source files as standalone programs.* Improved "isabelle keywords" tool (for old-style ProofGeneralkeyword tables): use Isabelle/Scala operations, which inspect outersyntax without requiring to build sessions first.* Sessions may be organized via 'chapter' specifications in the ROOTfile, which determines a two-level hierarchy of browser info. The oldtree-like organization via implicit sub-session relation (with itstendency towards erratic fluctuation of URLs) has been discontinued.The default chapter is called "Unsorted". Potential INCOMPATIBILITYfor HTML presentation of theories.New in Isabelle2013 (February 2013)-----------------------------------*** General **** Theorem status about oracles and unfinished/failed future proofs isno longer printed by default, since it is incompatible withincremental / parallel checking of the persistent document model. MLfunction Thm.peek_status may be used to inspect a snapshot of theongoing evaluation process. Note that in batch mode --- notablyisabelle build --- the system ensures that future proofs of allaccessible theorems in the theory context are finished (as before).* Configuration option show_markup controls direct inlining of markupinto the printed representation of formal entities --- notably typeand sort constraints. This enables Prover IDE users to retrieve thatinformation via tooltips in the output window, for example.* Command 'ML_file' evaluates ML text from a file directly within thetheory, without any predeclaration via 'uses' in the theory header.* Old command 'use' command and corresponding keyword 'uses' in thetheory header are legacy features and will be discontinued soon.Tools that load their additional source files may imitate the'ML_file' implementation, such that the system can take care ofdependencies properly.* Discontinued obsolete method fastsimp / tactic fast_simp_tac, whichis called fastforce / fast_force_tac already since Isabelle2011-1.* Updated and extended "isar-ref" and "implementation" manual, reducedremaining material in old "ref" manual.* Improved support for auxiliary contexts that indicate block structurefor specifications. Nesting of "context fixes ... context assumes ..."and "class ... context ...".* Attribute "consumes" allows a negative value as well, which isinterpreted relatively to the total number of premises of the rule inthe target context. This form of declaration is stable when exportedfrom a nested 'context' with additional assumptions. It is thepreferred form for definitional packages, notably cases/rules producedin HOL/inductive and HOL/function.* More informative error messages for Isar proof commands involvinglazy enumerations (method applications etc.).* Refined 'help' command to retrieve outer syntax commands accordingto name patterns (with clickable results).*** Prover IDE -- Isabelle/Scala/jEdit **** Parallel terminal proofs ('by') are enabled by default, likewiseproofs that are built into packages like 'datatype', 'function'. Thisallows to "run ahead" checking the theory specifications on thesurface, while the prover is still crunching on internaljustifications. Unfinished / cancelled proofs are restarted asrequired to complete full proof checking eventually.* Improved output panel with tooltips, hyperlinks etc. based on thesame Rich_Text_Area as regular Isabelle/jEdit buffers. Activation oftooltips leads to some window that supports the same recursively,which can lead to stacks of tooltips as the semantic document contentis explored. ESCAPE closes the whole stack, individual windows may beclosed separately, or detached to become independent jEdit dockables.* Improved support for commands that produce graph output: the textmessage contains a clickable area to open a new instance of the graphbrowser on demand.* More robust incremental parsing of outer syntax (partial comments,malformed symbols). Changing the balance of open/close quotes andcomment delimiters works more conveniently with unfinished situationsthat frequently occur in user interaction.* More efficient painting and improved reactivity when editing largefiles. More scalable management of formal document content.* Smarter handling of tracing messages: prover process pauses aftercertain number of messages per command transaction, with some userdialog to stop or continue. This avoids swamping the front-end withpotentially infinite message streams.* More plugin options and preferences, based on Isabelle/Scala. ThejEdit plugin option panel provides access to some Isabelle/Scalaoptions, including tuning parameters for editor reactivity and colorschemes.* Dockable window "Symbols" provides some editing support for Isabellesymbols.* Dockable window "Monitor" shows ML runtime statistics. Note thatcontinuous display of the chart slows down the system.* Improved editing support for control styles: subscript, superscript,bold, reset of style -- operating on single symbols or textselections. Cf. keyboard shortcuts C+e DOWN/UP/RIGHT/LEFT.* Actions isabelle.increase-font-size and isabelle.decrease-font-sizeadjust the main text area font size, and its derivatives for output,tooltips etc. Cf. keyboard shortcuts C-PLUS and C-MINUS, which oftenneed to be adapted to local keyboard layouts.* More reactive completion popup by default: use \t (TAB) instead of\n (NEWLINE) to minimize intrusion into regular flow of editing. Seealso "Plugin Options / SideKick / General / Code Completion Options".* Implicit check and build dialog of the specified logic sessionimage. For example, HOL, HOLCF, HOL-Nominal can be produced ondemand, without bundling big platform-dependent heap images in theIsabelle distribution.* Uniform Java 7 platform on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows: recent updatesfrom Oracle provide better multi-platform experience. This version isnow bundled exclusively with Isabelle.*** Pure **** Code generation for Haskell: restrict unqualified imports fromHaskell Prelude to a small set of fundamental operations.* Command 'export_code': relative file names are interpretedrelatively to master directory of current theory rather than therather arbitrary current working directory. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Discontinued obsolete attribute "COMP". Potential INCOMPATIBILITY,use regular rule composition via "OF" / "THEN", or explicit proofstructure instead. Note that Isabelle/ML provides a variety ofoperators like COMP, INCR_COMP, COMP_INCR, which need to be appliedwith some care where this is really required.* Command 'typ' supports an additional variant with explicit sortconstraint, to infer and check the most general type conforming to agiven sort. Example (in HOL): typ "_ * _ * bool * unit" :: finite* Command 'locale_deps' visualizes all locales and their relations asa Hasse diagram.*** HOL **** Sledgehammer: - Added MaSh relevance filter based on machine-learning; see the Sledgehammer manual for details. - Polished Isar proofs generated with "isar_proofs" option. - Rationalized type encodings ("type_enc" option). - Renamed "kill_provers" subcommand to "kill_all". - Renamed options: isar_proof ~> isar_proofs isar_shrink_factor ~> isar_shrink max_relevant ~> max_facts relevance_thresholds ~> fact_thresholds* Quickcheck: added an optimisation for equality premises. It isswitched on by default, and can be switched off by setting theconfiguration quickcheck_optimise_equality to false.* Quotient: only one quotient can be defined by quotient_typeINCOMPATIBILITY.* Lifting: - generation of an abstraction function equation in lift_definition - quot_del attribute - renamed no_abs_code -> no_code (INCOMPATIBILITY.)* Simproc "finite_Collect" rewrites set comprehensions into pointfreeexpressions.* Preprocessing of the code generator rewrites set comprehensions intopointfree expressions.* The SMT solver Z3 has now by default a restricted set of directlysupported features. For the full set of features (div/mod, nonlineararithmetic, datatypes/records) with potential proof reconstructionfailures, enable the configuration option "z3_with_extensions". MinorINCOMPATIBILITY.* Simplified 'typedef' specifications: historical options for implicitset definition and alternative name have been discontinued. Theformer behavior of "typedef (open) t = A" is now the default, butwritten just "typedef t = A". INCOMPATIBILITY, need to adapt theoriesaccordingly.* Removed constant "chars"; prefer "Enum.enum" on type "char"directly. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Moved operation product, sublists and n_lists from theory Enum toList. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theorem UN_o generalized to SUP_comp. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Class "comm_monoid_diff" formalises properties of boundedsubtraction, with natural numbers and multisets as typical instances.* Added combinator "Option.these" with type "'a option set => 'a set".* Theory "Transitive_Closure": renamed lemmas reflcl_tranclp -> reflclp_tranclp rtranclp_reflcl -> rtranclp_reflclpINCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory "Rings": renamed lemmas (in class semiring) left_distrib ~> distrib_right right_distrib ~> distrib_leftINCOMPATIBILITY.* Generalized the definition of limits: - Introduced the predicate filterlim (LIM x F. f x :> G) which expresses that when the input values x converge to F then the output f x converges to G. - Added filters for convergence to positive (at_top) and negative infinity (at_bot). - Moved infinity in the norm (at_infinity) from Multivariate_Analysis to Complex_Main. - Removed real_tendsto_inf, it is superseded by "LIM x F. f x :> at_top".INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory "Library/Option_ord" provides instantiation of option type tolattice type classes.* Theory "Library/Multiset": renamed constant fold_mset ~> Multiset.fold fact fold_mset_commute ~> fold_mset_commINCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamed theory Library/List_Prefix to Library/Sublist, with relatedchanges as follows. - Renamed constants (and related lemmas) prefix ~> prefixeq strict_prefix ~> prefix - Replaced constant "postfix" by "suffixeq" with swapped argument order (i.e., "postfix xs ys" is now "suffixeq ys xs") and dropped old infix syntax "xs >>= ys"; use "suffixeq ys xs" instead. Renamed lemmas accordingly. - Added constant "list_hembeq" for homeomorphic embedding on lists. Added abbreviation "sublisteq" for special case "list_hembeq (op =)". - Theory Library/Sublist no longer provides "order" and "bot" type class instances for the prefix order (merely corresponding locale interpretations). The type class instances are now in theory Library/Prefix_Order. - The sublist relation of theory Library/Sublist_Order is now based on "Sublist.sublisteq". Renamed lemmas accordingly: le_list_append_le_same_iff ~> Sublist.sublisteq_append_le_same_iff le_list_append_mono ~> Sublist.list_hembeq_append_mono le_list_below_empty ~> Sublist.list_hembeq_Nil, Sublist.list_hembeq_Nil2 le_list_Cons_EX ~> Sublist.list_hembeq_ConsD le_list_drop_Cons2 ~> Sublist.sublisteq_Cons2' le_list_drop_Cons_neq ~> Sublist.sublisteq_Cons2_neq le_list_drop_Cons ~> Sublist.sublisteq_Cons' le_list_drop_many ~> Sublist.sublisteq_drop_many le_list_filter_left ~> Sublist.sublisteq_filter_left le_list_rev_drop_many ~> Sublist.sublisteq_rev_drop_many le_list_rev_take_iff ~> Sublist.sublisteq_append le_list_same_length ~> Sublist.sublisteq_same_length le_list_take_many_iff ~> Sublist.sublisteq_append' less_eq_list.drop ~> less_eq_list_drop less_eq_list.induct ~> less_eq_list_induct not_le_list_length ~> Sublist.not_sublisteq_lengthINCOMPATIBILITY.* New theory Library/Countable_Set.* Theory Library/Debug and Library/Parallel provide debugging andparallel execution for code generated towards Isabelle/ML.* Theory Library/FuncSet: Extended support for Pi and extensional andintroduce the extensional dependent function space "PiE". Replacedextensional_funcset by an abbreviation, and renamed lemmas fromextensional_funcset to PiE as follows: extensional_empty ~> PiE_empty extensional_funcset_empty_domain ~> PiE_empty_domain extensional_funcset_empty_range ~> PiE_empty_range extensional_funcset_arb ~> PiE_arb extensional_funcset_mem ~> PiE_mem extensional_funcset_extend_domainI ~> PiE_fun_upd extensional_funcset_restrict_domain ~> fun_upd_in_PiE extensional_funcset_extend_domain_eq ~> PiE_insert_eq card_extensional_funcset ~> card_PiE finite_extensional_funcset ~> finite_PiEINCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Library/FinFun: theory of almost everywhere constantfunctions (supersedes the AFP entry "Code Generation for Functions asData").* Theory Library/Phantom: generic phantom type to make a typeparameter appear in a constant's type. This alternative to addingTYPE('a) as another parameter avoids unnecessary closures in generatedcode.* Theory Library/RBT_Impl: efficient construction of red-black treesfrom sorted associative lists. Merging two trees with rbt_union mayreturn a structurally different tree than before. PotentialINCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Library/IArray: immutable arrays with code generation.* Theory Library/Finite_Lattice: theory of finite lattices.* HOL/Multivariate_Analysis: replaced "basis :: 'a::euclidean_space => nat => real" "\<Chi>\<Chi> :: (nat => real) => 'a::euclidean_space"on euclidean spaces by using the inner product "_ \<bullet> _" withvectors from the Basis set: "\<Chi>\<Chi> i. f i" is superseded by"SUM i : Basis. f i * r i". With this change the following constants are also changed or removed: DIM('a) :: nat ~> card (Basis :: 'a set) (is an abbreviation) a $$ i ~> inner a i (where i : Basis) cart_base i removed \<pi>, \<pi>' removed Theorems about these constants where removed. Renamed lemmas: component_le_norm ~> Basis_le_norm euclidean_eq ~> euclidean_eq_iff differential_zero_maxmin_component ~> differential_zero_maxmin_cart euclidean_simps ~> inner_simps independent_basis ~> independent_Basis span_basis ~> span_Basis in_span_basis ~> in_span_Basis norm_bound_component_le ~> norm_boound_Basis_le norm_bound_component_lt ~> norm_boound_Basis_lt component_le_infnorm ~> Basis_le_infnormINCOMPATIBILITY.* HOL/Probability: - Added simproc "measurable" to automatically prove measurability. - Added induction rules for sigma sets with disjoint union (sigma_sets_induct_disjoint) and for Borel-measurable functions (borel_measurable_induct). - Added the Daniell-Kolmogorov theorem (the existence the limit of a projective family).* HOL/Cardinals: Theories of ordinals and cardinals (supersedes theAFP entry "Ordinals_and_Cardinals").* HOL/BNF: New (co)datatype package based on bounded natural functorswith support for mixed, nested recursion and interesting non-freedatatypes.* HOL/Finite_Set and Relation: added new set and relation operationsexpressed by Finite_Set.fold.* New theory HOL/Library/RBT_Set: implementation of sets by red-blacktrees for the code generator.* HOL/Library/RBT and HOL/Library/Mapping have been converted toLifting/Transfer.possible INCOMPATIBILITY.* HOL/Set: renamed Set.project -> Set.filterINCOMPATIBILITY.*** Document preparation **** Dropped legacy antiquotations "term_style" and "thm_style", sincestyles may be given as arguments to "term" and "thm" already.Discontinued legacy styles "prem1" .. "prem19".* Default LaTeX rendering for \<euro> is now based on eurosym package,instead of slightly exotic babel/greek.* Document variant NAME may use different LaTeX entry pointdocument/root_NAME.tex if that file exists, instead of the commondocument/root.tex.* Simplified custom document/build script, instead of old-styledocument/IsaMakefile. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.*** ML **** The default limit for maximum number of worker threads is now 8,instead of 4, in correspondence to capabilities of contemporaryhardware and Poly/ML runtime system.* Type Seq.results and related operations support embedded errormessages within lazy enumerations, and thus allow to provideinformative errors in the absence of any usable results.* Renamed Position.str_of to to emphasize that this is aformal device to inline positions into message text, but notnecessarily printing visible text.*** System **** Advanced support for Isabelle sessions and build management, see"system" manual for the chapter of that name, especially the "isabellebuild" tool and its examples. The "isabelle mkroot" tool preparessession root directories for use with "isabelle build", similar toformer "isabelle mkdir" for "isabelle usedir". Note that this affectsdocument preparation as well. INCOMPATIBILITY, isabelle usedir /mkdir / make are rendered obsolete.* Discontinued obsolete Isabelle/build script, it is superseded by theregular isabelle build tool. For example: isabelle build -s -b HOL* Discontinued obsolete "isabelle makeall".* Discontinued obsolete IsaMakefile and ROOT.ML files from theIsabelle distribution, except for rudimentary src/HOL/IsaMakefile thatprovides some traditional targets that invoke "isabelle build". Notethat this is inefficient! Applications of Isabelle/HOL involving"isabelle make" should be upgraded to use "isabelle build" directly.* The "isabelle options" tool prints Isabelle system options, asrequired for "isabelle build", for example.* The "isabelle logo" tool produces EPS and PDF format simultaneously.Minor INCOMPATIBILITY in command-line options.* The "isabelle install" tool has now a simpler command-line. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY.* The "isabelle components" tool helps to resolve add-on componentsthat are not bundled, or referenced from a bare-bones repositoryversion of Isabelle.* Settings variable ISABELLE_PLATFORM_FAMILY refers to the generalplatform family: "linux", "macos", "windows".* The ML system is configured as regular component, and no longerpicked up from some surrounding directory. Potential INCOMPATIBILITYfor home-made settings.* Improved ML runtime statistics (heap, threads, future tasks etc.).* Discontinued support for Poly/ML 5.2.1, which was the last versionwithout exception positions and advanced ML compiler/toplevelconfiguration.* Discontinued special treatment of Proof General -- no longer guessPROOFGENERAL_HOME based on accidental file-system layout. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY: provide PROOFGENERAL_HOME and PROOFGENERAL_OPTIONSsettings manually, or use a Proof General version that has beenbundled as Isabelle component.New in Isabelle2012 (May 2012)------------------------------*** General **** Prover IDE (PIDE) improvements: - more robust Sledgehammer integration (as before the sledgehammer command-line needs to be typed into the source buffer) - markup for bound variables - markup for types of term variables (displayed as tooltips) - support for user-defined Isar commands within the running session - improved support for Unicode outside original 16bit range e.g. glyph for \<A> (thanks to jEdit 4.5.1)* Forward declaration of outer syntax keywords within the theoryheader -- minor INCOMPATIBILITY for user-defined commands. Allow newcommands to be used in the same theory where defined.* Auxiliary contexts indicate block structure for specifications withadditional parameters and assumptions. Such unnamed contexts may benested within other targets, like 'theory', 'locale', 'class','instantiation' etc. Results from the local context are generalizedaccordingly and applied to the enclosing target context. Example: context fixes x y z :: 'a assumes xy: "x = y" and yz: "y = z" begin lemma my_trans: "x = z" using xy yz by simp end thm my_transThe most basic application is to factor-out context elements ofseveral fixes/assumes/shows theorem statements, e.g. see~~/src/HOL/Isar_Examples/Group_Context.thyAny other local theory specification element works within the "context... begin ... end" block as well.* Bundled declarations associate attributed fact expressions with agiven name in the context. These may be later included in othercontexts. This allows to manage context extensions casually, withoutthe logical dependencies of locales and locale interpretation. Seecommands 'bundle', 'include', 'including' etc. in the isar-ref manual.* Commands 'lemmas' and 'theorems' allow local variables using 'for'declaration, and results are standardized before being stored. Thusold-style "standard" after instantiation or composition of factsbecomes obsolete. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY, due to potential change ofindices of schematic variables.* Rule attributes in local theory declarations (e.g. locale or class)are now statically evaluated: the resulting theorem is stored insteadof the original expression. INCOMPATIBILITY in rare situations, wherethe historic accident of dynamic re-evaluation in interpretationsetc. was exploited.* New tutorial "Programming and Proving in Isabelle/HOL"("prog-prove"). It completely supersedes "A Tutorial Introduction toStructured Isar Proofs" ("isar-overview"), which has been removed. Italso supersedes "Isabelle/HOL, A Proof Assistant for Higher-OrderLogic" as the recommended beginners tutorial, but does not cover allof the material of that old tutorial.* Updated and extended reference manuals: "isar-ref","implementation", "system"; reduced remaining material in old "ref"manual.*** Pure **** Command 'definition' no longer exports the foundational "raw_def"into the user context. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY, may use the regular"def" result with attribute "abs_def" to imitate the old version.* Attribute "abs_def" turns an equation of the form "f x y == t" into"f == %x y. t", which ensures that "simp" or "unfold" steps alwaysexpand it. This also works for object-logic equality. (Formerlyundocumented feature.)* Sort constraints are now propagated in simultaneous statements, justlike type constraints. INCOMPATIBILITY in rare situations, wheredistinct sorts used to be assigned accidentally. For example: lemma "P (x::'a::foo)" and "Q (y::'a::bar)" -- "now illegal" lemma "P (x::'a)" and "Q (y::'a::bar)" -- "now uniform 'a::bar instead of default sort for first occurrence (!)"* Rule composition via attribute "OF" (or ML functions OF/MRS) is moretolerant against multiple unifiers, as long as the final result isunique. (As before, rules are composed in canonical right-to-leftorder to accommodate newly introduced premises.)* Renamed some inner syntax categories: num ~> num_token xnum ~> xnum_token xstr ~> str_tokenMinor INCOMPATIBILITY. Note that in practice "num_const" or"num_position" etc. are mainly used instead (which also includeposition information via constraints).* Simplified configuration options for syntax ambiguity: see"syntax_ambiguity_warning" and "syntax_ambiguity_limit" in isar-refmanual. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Discontinued configuration option "syntax_positions": atomic termsin parse trees are always annotated by position constraints.* Old code generator for SML and its commands 'code_module','code_library', 'consts_code', 'types_code' have been discontinued.Use commands of the generic code generator instead. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Redundant attribute "code_inline" has been discontinued. Use"code_unfold" instead. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Dropped attribute "code_unfold_post" in favor of the its dual"code_abbrev", which yields a common pattern in definitions like definition [code_abbrev]: "f = t"INCOMPATIBILITY.* Obsolete 'types' command has been discontinued. Use 'type_synonym'instead. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Discontinued old "prems" fact, which used to refer to the accidentalcollection of foundational premises in the context (already marked aslegacy since Isabelle2011).*** HOL **** Type 'a set is now a proper type constructor (just as beforeIsabelle2008). Definitions mem_def and Collect_def have disappeared.Non-trivial INCOMPATIBILITY. For developments keeping predicates andsets separate, it is often sufficient to rephrase some set S that hasbeen accidentally used as predicates by "%x. x : S", and somepredicate P that has been accidentally used as set by "{x. P x}".Corresponding proofs in a first step should be pruned from anytinkering with former theorems mem_def and Collect_def as far aspossible.For developments which deliberately mix predicates and sets, aplanning step is necessary to determine what should become a predicateand what a set. It can be helpful to carry out that step inIsabelle2011-1 before jumping right into the current release.* Code generation by default implements sets as container type ratherthan predicates. INCOMPATIBILITY.* New type synonym 'a rel = ('a * 'a) set* The representation of numerals has changed. Datatype "num"represents strictly positive binary numerals, along with functions"numeral :: num => 'a" and "neg_numeral :: num => 'a" to representpositive and negated numeric literals, respectively. See alsodefinitions in ~~/src/HOL/Num.thy. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY, someuser theories may require adaptations as follows: - Theorems with number_ring or number_semiring constraints: These classes are gone; use comm_ring_1 or comm_semiring_1 instead. - Theories defining numeric types: Remove number, number_semiring, and number_ring instances. Defer all theorems about numerals until after classes one and semigroup_add have been instantiated. - Numeral-only simp rules: Replace each rule having a "number_of v" pattern with two copies, one for numeral and one for neg_numeral. - Theorems about subclasses of semiring_1 or ring_1: These classes automatically support numerals now, so more simp rules and simprocs may now apply within the proof. - Definitions and theorems using old constructors Pls/Min/Bit0/Bit1: Redefine using other integer operations.* Transfer: New package intended to generalize the existing"descending" method and related theorem attributes from the Quotientpackage. (Not all functionality is implemented yet, but futuredevelopment will focus on Transfer as an eventual replacement for thecorresponding parts of the Quotient package.) - transfer_rule attribute: Maintains a collection of transfer rules, which relate constants at two different types. Transfer rules may relate different type instances of the same polymorphic constant, or they may relate an operation on a raw type to a corresponding operation on an abstract type (quotient or subtype). For example: ((A ===> B) ===> list_all2 A ===> list_all2 B) map map (cr_int ===> cr_int ===> cr_int) (%(x,y) (u,v). (x+u, y+v)) plus_int - transfer method: Replaces a subgoal on abstract types with an equivalent subgoal on the corresponding raw types. Constants are replaced with corresponding ones according to the transfer rules. Goals are generalized over all free variables by default; this is necessary for variables whose types change, but can be overridden for specific variables with e.g. "transfer fixing: x y z". The variant transfer' method allows replacing a subgoal with one that is logically stronger (rather than equivalent). - relator_eq attribute: Collects identity laws for relators of various type constructors, e.g. "list_all2 (op =) = (op =)". The transfer method uses these lemmas to infer transfer rules for non-polymorphic constants on the fly. - transfer_prover method: Assists with proving a transfer rule for a new constant, provided the constant is defined in terms of other constants that already have transfer rules. It should be applied after unfolding the constant definitions. - HOL/ex/Transfer_Int_Nat.thy: Example theory demonstrating transfer from type nat to type int.* Lifting: New package intended to generalize the quotient_definitionfacility of the Quotient package; designed to work with Transfer. - lift_definition command: Defines operations on an abstract type in terms of a corresponding operation on a representation type. Example syntax: lift_definition dlist_insert :: "'a => 'a dlist => 'a dlist" is List.insert Users must discharge a respectfulness proof obligation when each constant is defined. (For a type copy, i.e. a typedef with UNIV, the proof is discharged automatically.) The obligation is presented in a user-friendly, readable form; a respectfulness theorem in the standard format and a transfer rule are generated by the package. - Integration with code_abstype: For typedefs (e.g. subtypes corresponding to a datatype invariant, such as dlist), lift_definition generates a code certificate theorem and sets up code generation for each constant. - setup_lifting command: Sets up the Lifting package to work with a user-defined type. The user must provide either a quotient theorem or a type_definition theorem. The package configures transfer rules for equality and quantifiers on the type, and sets up the lift_definition command to work with the type. - Usage examples: See Quotient_Examples/Lift_DList.thy, Quotient_Examples/Lift_RBT.thy, Quotient_Examples/Lift_FSet.thy, Word/Word.thy and Library/Float.thy.* Quotient package: - The 'quotient_type' command now supports a 'morphisms' option with rep and abs functions, similar to typedef. - 'quotient_type' sets up new types to work with the Lifting and Transfer packages, as with 'setup_lifting'. - The 'quotient_definition' command now requires the user to prove a respectfulness property at the point where the constant is defined, similar to lift_definition; INCOMPATIBILITY. - Renamed predicate 'Quotient' to 'Quotient3', and renamed theorems accordingly, INCOMPATIBILITY.* New diagnostic command 'find_unused_assms' to find potentiallysuperfluous assumptions in theorems using Quickcheck.* Quickcheck: - Quickcheck returns variable assignments as counterexamples, which allows to reveal the underspecification of functions under test. For example, refuting "hd xs = x", it presents the variable assignment xs = [] and x = a1 as a counterexample, assuming that any property is false whenever "hd []" occurs in it. These counterexample are marked as potentially spurious, as Quickcheck also returns "xs = []" as a counterexample to the obvious theorem "hd xs = hd xs". After finding a potentially spurious counterexample, Quickcheck continues searching for genuine ones. By default, Quickcheck shows potentially spurious and genuine counterexamples. The option "genuine_only" sets quickcheck to only show genuine counterexamples. - The command 'quickcheck_generator' creates random and exhaustive value generators for a given type and operations. It generates values by using the operations as if they were constructors of that type. - Support for multisets. - Added "use_subtype" options. - Added "quickcheck_locale" configuration to specify how to process conjectures in a locale context.* Nitpick: Fixed infinite loop caused by the 'peephole_optim' optionand affecting 'rat' and 'real'.* Sledgehammer: - Integrated more tightly with SPASS, as described in the ITP 2012 paper "More SPASS with Isabelle". - Made it try "smt" as a fallback if "metis" fails or times out. - Added support for the following provers: Alt-Ergo (via Why3 and TFF1), iProver, iProver-Eq. - Sped up the minimizer. - Added "lam_trans", "uncurry_aliases", and "minimize" options. - Renamed "slicing" ("no_slicing") option to "slice" ("dont_slice"). - Renamed "sound" option to "strict".* Metis: Added possibility to specify lambda translations scheme as aparenthesized argument (e.g., "by (metis (lifting) ...)").* SMT: Renamed "smt_fixed" option to "smt_read_only_certificates".* Command 'try0': Renamed from 'try_methods'. INCOMPATIBILITY.* New "case_product" attribute to generate a case rule doing multiplecase distinctions at the same time. E.g. list.exhaust [case_product nat.exhaust]produces a rule which can be used to perform case distinction on botha list and a nat.* New "eventually_elim" method as a generalized variant of theeventually_elim* rules. Supports structured proofs.* Typedef with implicit set definition is considered legacy. Use"typedef (open)" form instead, which will eventually become thedefault.* Record: code generation can be switched off manually with declare [[record_coden = false]] -- "default true"* Datatype: type parameters allow explicit sort constraints.* Concrete syntax for case expressions includes constraints for sourcepositions, and thus produces Prover IDE markup for its bindings.INCOMPATIBILITY for old-style syntax translations that augment thepattern notation; e.g. see src/HOL/HOLCF/One.thy for translations ofone_case.* Clarified attribute "mono_set": pure declaration without modifyingthe result of the fact expression.* More default pred/set conversions on a couple of relation operationsand predicates. Added powers of predicate relations. Consolidationof some relation theorems: converse_def ~> converse_unfold rel_comp_def ~> relcomp_unfold symp_def ~> (modified, use symp_def and sym_def instead) transp_def ~> transp_trans Domain_def ~> Domain_unfold Range_def ~> Domain_converse [symmetric]Generalized theorems INF_INT_eq, INF_INT_eq2, SUP_UN_eq, SUP_UN_eq2.See theory "Relation" for examples for making use of pred/setconversions by means of attributes "to_set" and "to_pred".INCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamed facts about the power operation on relations, i.e., relpowto match the constant's name: rel_pow_1 ~> relpow_1 rel_pow_0_I ~> relpow_0_I rel_pow_Suc_I ~> relpow_Suc_I rel_pow_Suc_I2 ~> relpow_Suc_I2 rel_pow_0_E ~> relpow_0_E rel_pow_Suc_E ~> relpow_Suc_E rel_pow_E ~> relpow_E rel_pow_Suc_D2 ~> relpow_Suc_D2 rel_pow_Suc_E2 ~> relpow_Suc_E2 rel_pow_Suc_D2' ~> relpow_Suc_D2' rel_pow_E2 ~> relpow_E2 rel_pow_add ~> relpow_add rel_pow_commute ~> relpow rel_pow_empty ~> relpow_empty: rtrancl_imp_UN_rel_pow ~> rtrancl_imp_UN_relpow rel_pow_imp_rtrancl ~> relpow_imp_rtrancl rtrancl_is_UN_rel_pow ~> rtrancl_is_UN_relpow rtrancl_imp_rel_pow ~> rtrancl_imp_relpow rel_pow_fun_conv ~> relpow_fun_conv rel_pow_finite_bounded1 ~> relpow_finite_bounded1 rel_pow_finite_bounded ~> relpow_finite_bounded rtrancl_finite_eq_rel_pow ~> rtrancl_finite_eq_relpow trancl_finite_eq_rel_pow ~> trancl_finite_eq_relpow single_valued_rel_pow ~> single_valued_relpowINCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Relation: Consolidated constant name for relation compositionand corresponding theorem names: - Renamed constant rel_comp to relcomp. - Dropped abbreviation pred_comp. Use relcompp instead. - Renamed theorems: rel_compI ~> relcompI rel_compEpair ~> relcompEpair rel_compE ~> relcompE pred_comp_rel_comp_eq ~> relcompp_relcomp_eq rel_comp_empty1 ~> relcomp_empty1 rel_comp_mono ~> relcomp_mono rel_comp_subset_Sigma ~> relcomp_subset_Sigma rel_comp_distrib ~> relcomp_distrib rel_comp_distrib2 ~> relcomp_distrib2 rel_comp_UNION_distrib ~> relcomp_UNION_distrib rel_comp_UNION_distrib2 ~> relcomp_UNION_distrib2 single_valued_rel_comp ~> single_valued_relcomp rel_comp_def ~> relcomp_unfold converse_rel_comp ~> converse_relcomp pred_compI ~> relcomppI pred_compE ~> relcomppE pred_comp_bot1 ~> relcompp_bot1 pred_comp_bot2 ~> relcompp_bot2 transp_pred_comp_less_eq ~> transp_relcompp_less_eq pred_comp_mono ~> relcompp_mono pred_comp_distrib ~> relcompp_distrib pred_comp_distrib2 ~> relcompp_distrib2 converse_pred_comp ~> converse_relcompp finite_rel_comp ~> finite_relcomp set_rel_comp ~> set_relcompINCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Divides: Discontinued redundant theorems about div and mod.INCOMPATIBILITY, use the corresponding generic theorems instead. DIVISION_BY_ZERO ~> div_by_0, mod_by_0 zdiv_self ~> div_self zmod_self ~> mod_self zdiv_zero ~> div_0 zmod_zero ~> mod_0 zdiv_zmod_equality ~> div_mod_equality2 zdiv_zmod_equality2 ~> div_mod_equality zmod_zdiv_trivial ~> mod_div_trivial zdiv_zminus_zminus ~> div_minus_minus zmod_zminus_zminus ~> mod_minus_minus zdiv_zminus2 ~> div_minus_right zmod_zminus2 ~> mod_minus_right zdiv_minus1_right ~> div_minus1_right zmod_minus1_right ~> mod_minus1_right zdvd_mult_div_cancel ~> dvd_mult_div_cancel zmod_zmult1_eq ~> mod_mult_right_eq zpower_zmod ~> power_mod zdvd_zmod ~> dvd_mod zdvd_zmod_imp_zdvd ~> dvd_mod_imp_dvd mod_mult_distrib ~> mult_mod_left mod_mult_distrib2 ~> mult_mod_right* Removed redundant theorems nat_mult_2 and nat_mult_2_right; usegeneric mult_2 and mult_2_right instead. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Finite_Set.fold now qualified. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Consolidated theorem names concerning fold combinators: inf_INFI_fold_inf ~> inf_INF_fold_inf sup_SUPR_fold_sup ~> sup_SUP_fold_sup INFI_fold_inf ~> INF_fold_inf SUPR_fold_sup ~> SUP_fold_sup union_set ~> union_set_fold minus_set ~> minus_set_fold INFI_set_fold ~> INF_set_fold SUPR_set_fold ~> SUP_set_fold INF_code ~> INF_set_foldr SUP_code ~> SUP_set_foldr foldr.simps ~> foldr.simps (in point-free formulation) foldr_fold_rev ~> foldr_conv_fold foldl_fold ~> foldl_conv_fold foldr_foldr ~> foldr_conv_foldl foldl_foldr ~> foldl_conv_foldr fold_set_remdups ~> fold_set_fold_remdups fold_set ~> fold_set_fold fold1_set ~> fold1_set_foldINCOMPATIBILITY.* Dropped rarely useful theorems concerning fold combinators:foldl_apply, foldl_fun_comm, foldl_rev, fold_weak_invariant,rev_foldl_cons, fold_set_remdups, fold_set, fold_set1,concat_conv_foldl, foldl_weak_invariant, foldl_invariant,foldr_invariant, foldl_absorb0, foldl_foldr1_lemma, foldl_foldr1,listsum_conv_fold, listsum_foldl, sort_foldl_insort, foldl_assoc,foldr_conv_foldl, start_le_sum, elem_le_sum, sum_eq_0_conv.INCOMPATIBILITY. For the common phrases "%xs. List.foldr plus xs 0"and "List.foldl plus 0", prefer "List.listsum". Otherwise it can beuseful to boil down "List.foldr" and "List.foldl" to "List.fold" byunfolding "foldr_conv_fold" and "foldl_conv_fold".* Dropped lemmas minus_set_foldr, union_set_foldr, union_coset_foldr,inter_coset_foldr, Inf_fin_set_foldr, Sup_fin_set_foldr,Min_fin_set_foldr, Max_fin_set_foldr, Inf_set_foldr, Sup_set_foldr,INF_set_foldr, SUP_set_foldr. INCOMPATIBILITY. Prefer correspondinglemmas over fold rather than foldr, or make use of lemmasfold_conv_foldr and fold_rev.* Congruence rules Option.map_cong and Option.bind_cong for recursionthrough option types.* "Transitive_Closure.ntrancl": bounded transitive closure onrelations.* Constant "Set.not_member" now qualified. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Int: Discontinued many legacy theorems specific to type int.INCOMPATIBILITY, use the corresponding generic theorems instead. zminus_zminus ~> minus_minus zminus_0 ~> minus_zero zminus_zadd_distrib ~> minus_add_distrib zadd_commute ~> add_commute zadd_assoc ~> add_assoc zadd_left_commute ~> add_left_commute zadd_ac ~> add_ac zmult_ac ~> mult_ac zadd_0 ~> add_0_left zadd_0_right ~> add_0_right zadd_zminus_inverse2 ~> left_minus zmult_zminus ~> mult_minus_left zmult_commute ~> mult_commute zmult_assoc ~> mult_assoc zadd_zmult_distrib ~> left_distrib zadd_zmult_distrib2 ~> right_distrib zdiff_zmult_distrib ~> left_diff_distrib zdiff_zmult_distrib2 ~> right_diff_distrib zmult_1 ~> mult_1_left zmult_1_right ~> mult_1_right zle_refl ~> order_refl zle_trans ~> order_trans zle_antisym ~> order_antisym zle_linear ~> linorder_linear zless_linear ~> linorder_less_linear zadd_left_mono ~> add_left_mono zadd_strict_right_mono ~> add_strict_right_mono zadd_zless_mono ~> add_less_le_mono int_0_less_1 ~> zero_less_one int_0_neq_1 ~> zero_neq_one zless_le ~> less_le zpower_zadd_distrib ~> power_add zero_less_zpower_abs_iff ~> zero_less_power_abs_iff zero_le_zpower_abs ~> zero_le_power_abs* Theory Deriv: Renamed DERIV_nonneg_imp_nonincreasing ~> DERIV_nonneg_imp_nondecreasing* Theory Library/Multiset: Improved code generation of multisets.* Theory HOL/Library/Set_Algebras: Addition and multiplication on setsare expressed via type classes again. The special syntax\<oplus>/\<otimes> has been replaced by plain +/*. Removed constantsetsum_set, which is now subsumed by Big_Operators.setsum.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory HOL/Library/Diagonalize has been removed. INCOMPATIBILITY,use theory HOL/Library/Nat_Bijection instead.* Theory HOL/Library/RBT_Impl: Backing implementation of red-blacktrees is now inside a type class context. Names of affectedoperations and lemmas have been prefixed by rbt_. INCOMPATIBILITY fortheories working directly with raw red-black trees, adapt the names asfollows: Operations: bulkload -> rbt_bulkload del_from_left -> rbt_del_from_left del_from_right -> rbt_del_from_right del -> rbt_del delete -> rbt_delete ins -> rbt_ins insert -> rbt_insert insertw -> rbt_insert_with insert_with_key -> rbt_insert_with_key map_entry -> rbt_map_entry lookup -> rbt_lookup sorted -> rbt_sorted tree_greater -> rbt_greater tree_less -> rbt_less tree_less_symbol -> rbt_less_symbol union -> rbt_union union_with -> rbt_union_with union_with_key -> rbt_union_with_key Lemmas: balance_left_sorted -> balance_left_rbt_sorted balance_left_tree_greater -> balance_left_rbt_greater balance_left_tree_less -> balance_left_rbt_less balance_right_sorted -> balance_right_rbt_sorted balance_right_tree_greater -> balance_right_rbt_greater balance_right_tree_less -> balance_right_rbt_less balance_sorted -> balance_rbt_sorted balance_tree_greater -> balance_rbt_greater balance_tree_less -> balance_rbt_less bulkload_is_rbt -> rbt_bulkload_is_rbt combine_sorted -> combine_rbt_sorted combine_tree_greater -> combine_rbt_greater combine_tree_less -> combine_rbt_less delete_in_tree -> rbt_delete_in_tree delete_is_rbt -> rbt_delete_is_rbt del_from_left_tree_greater -> rbt_del_from_left_rbt_greater del_from_left_tree_less -> rbt_del_from_left_rbt_less del_from_right_tree_greater -> rbt_del_from_right_rbt_greater del_from_right_tree_less -> rbt_del_from_right_rbt_less del_in_tree -> rbt_del_in_tree del_inv1_inv2 -> rbt_del_inv1_inv2 del_sorted -> rbt_del_rbt_sorted del_tree_greater -> rbt_del_rbt_greater del_tree_less -> rbt_del_rbt_less dom_lookup_Branch -> dom_rbt_lookup_Branch entries_lookup -> entries_rbt_lookup finite_dom_lookup -> finite_dom_rbt_lookup insert_sorted -> rbt_insert_rbt_sorted insertw_is_rbt -> rbt_insertw_is_rbt insertwk_is_rbt -> rbt_insertwk_is_rbt insertwk_sorted -> rbt_insertwk_rbt_sorted insertw_sorted -> rbt_insertw_rbt_sorted ins_sorted -> ins_rbt_sorted ins_tree_greater -> ins_rbt_greater ins_tree_less -> ins_rbt_less is_rbt_sorted -> is_rbt_rbt_sorted lookup_balance -> rbt_lookup_balance lookup_bulkload -> rbt_lookup_rbt_bulkload lookup_delete -> rbt_lookup_rbt_delete lookup_Empty -> rbt_lookup_Empty lookup_from_in_tree -> rbt_lookup_from_in_tree lookup_in_tree -> rbt_lookup_in_tree lookup_ins -> rbt_lookup_ins lookup_insert -> rbt_lookup_rbt_insert lookup_insertw -> rbt_lookup_rbt_insertw lookup_insertwk -> rbt_lookup_rbt_insertwk lookup_keys -> rbt_lookup_keys lookup_map -> rbt_lookup_map lookup_map_entry -> rbt_lookup_rbt_map_entry lookup_tree_greater -> rbt_lookup_rbt_greater lookup_tree_less -> rbt_lookup_rbt_less lookup_union -> rbt_lookup_rbt_union map_entry_color_of -> rbt_map_entry_color_of map_entry_inv1 -> rbt_map_entry_inv1 map_entry_inv2 -> rbt_map_entry_inv2 map_entry_is_rbt -> rbt_map_entry_is_rbt map_entry_sorted -> rbt_map_entry_rbt_sorted map_entry_tree_greater -> rbt_map_entry_rbt_greater map_entry_tree_less -> rbt_map_entry_rbt_less map_tree_greater -> map_rbt_greater map_tree_less -> map_rbt_less map_sorted -> map_rbt_sorted paint_sorted -> paint_rbt_sorted paint_lookup -> paint_rbt_lookup paint_tree_greater -> paint_rbt_greater paint_tree_less -> paint_rbt_less sorted_entries -> rbt_sorted_entries tree_greater_eq_trans -> rbt_greater_eq_trans tree_greater_nit -> rbt_greater_nit tree_greater_prop -> rbt_greater_prop tree_greater_simps -> rbt_greater_simps tree_greater_trans -> rbt_greater_trans tree_less_eq_trans -> rbt_less_eq_trans tree_less_nit -> rbt_less_nit tree_less_prop -> rbt_less_prop tree_less_simps -> rbt_less_simps tree_less_trans -> rbt_less_trans tree_ord_props -> rbt_ord_props union_Branch -> rbt_union_Branch union_is_rbt -> rbt_union_is_rbt unionw_is_rbt -> rbt_unionw_is_rbt unionwk_is_rbt -> rbt_unionwk_is_rbt unionwk_sorted -> rbt_unionwk_rbt_sorted* Theory HOL/Library/Float: Floating point numbers are now defined asa subset of the real numbers. All operations are defined using thelifing-framework and proofs use the transfer method. INCOMPATIBILITY. Changed Operations: float_abs -> abs float_nprt -> nprt float_pprt -> pprt pow2 -> use powr round_down -> float_round_down round_up -> float_round_up scale -> exponent Removed Operations: ceiling_fl, lb_mult, lb_mod, ub_mult, ub_mod Renamed Lemmas: abs_float_def -> Float.compute_float_abs bitlen_ge0 -> bitlen_nonneg bitlen.simps -> Float.compute_bitlen float_components -> Float_mantissa_exponent float_divl.simps -> Float.compute_float_divl float_divr.simps -> Float.compute_float_divr float_eq_odd -> mult_powr_eq_mult_powr_iff float_power -> real_of_float_power lapprox_posrat_def -> Float.compute_lapprox_posrat lapprox_rat.simps -> Float.compute_lapprox_rat le_float_def' -> Float.compute_float_le le_float_def -> less_eq_float.rep_eq less_float_def' -> Float.compute_float_less less_float_def -> less_float.rep_eq normfloat_def -> Float.compute_normfloat normfloat_imp_odd_or_zero -> mantissa_not_dvd and mantissa_noteq_0 normfloat -> normfloat_def normfloat_unique -> use normfloat_def number_of_float_Float -> Float.compute_float_numeral, Float.compute_float_neg_numeral one_float_def -> Float.compute_float_one plus_float_def -> Float.compute_float_plus rapprox_posrat_def -> Float.compute_rapprox_posrat rapprox_rat.simps -> Float.compute_rapprox_rat real_of_float_0 -> zero_float.rep_eq real_of_float_1 -> one_float.rep_eq real_of_float_abs -> abs_float.rep_eq real_of_float_add -> plus_float.rep_eq real_of_float_minus -> uminus_float.rep_eq real_of_float_mult -> times_float.rep_eq real_of_float_simp -> Float.rep_eq real_of_float_sub -> minus_float.rep_eq round_down.simps -> Float.compute_float_round_down round_up.simps -> Float.compute_float_round_up times_float_def -> Float.compute_float_times uminus_float_def -> Float.compute_float_uminus zero_float_def -> Float.compute_float_zero Lemmas not necessary anymore, use the transfer method: bitlen_B0, bitlen_B1, bitlen_ge1, bitlen_Min, bitlen_Pls, float_divl, float_divr, float_le_simp, float_less1_mantissa_bound, float_less_simp, float_less_zero, float_le_zero, float_pos_less1_e_neg, float_pos_m_pos, float_split, float_split2, floor_pos_exp, lapprox_posrat, lapprox_posrat_bottom, lapprox_rat, lapprox_rat_bottom, normalized_float, rapprox_posrat, rapprox_posrat_le1, rapprox_rat, real_of_float_ge0_exp, real_of_float_neg_exp, real_of_float_nge0_exp, round_down floor_fl, round_up, zero_le_float, zero_less_float* New theory HOL/Library/DAList provides an abstract type forassociation lists with distinct keys.* Session HOL/IMP: Added new theory of abstract interpretation ofannotated commands.* Session HOL-Import: Re-implementation from scratch is faster,simpler, and more scalable. Requires a proof bundle, which isavailable as an external component. Discontinued old (and mostlydead) Importer for HOL4 and HOL Light. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Session HOL-Word: Discontinued many redundant theorems specific totype 'a word. INCOMPATIBILITY, use the corresponding generic theoremsinstead. word_sub_alt ~> word_sub_wi word_add_alt ~> word_add_def word_mult_alt ~> word_mult_def word_minus_alt ~> word_minus_def word_0_alt ~> word_0_wi word_1_alt ~> word_1_wi word_add_0 ~> add_0_left word_add_0_right ~> add_0_right word_mult_1 ~> mult_1_left word_mult_1_right ~> mult_1_right word_add_commute ~> add_commute word_add_assoc ~> add_assoc word_add_left_commute ~> add_left_commute word_mult_commute ~> mult_commute word_mult_assoc ~> mult_assoc word_mult_left_commute ~> mult_left_commute word_left_distrib ~> left_distrib word_right_distrib ~> right_distrib word_left_minus ~> left_minus word_diff_0_right ~> diff_0_right word_diff_self ~> diff_self word_sub_def ~> diff_minus word_diff_minus ~> diff_minus word_add_ac ~> add_ac word_mult_ac ~> mult_ac word_plus_ac0 ~> add_0_left add_0_right add_ac word_times_ac1 ~> mult_1_left mult_1_right mult_ac word_order_trans ~> order_trans word_order_refl ~> order_refl word_order_antisym ~> order_antisym word_order_linear ~> linorder_linear lenw1_zero_neq_one ~> zero_neq_one word_number_of_eq ~> number_of_eq word_of_int_add_hom ~> wi_hom_add word_of_int_sub_hom ~> wi_hom_sub word_of_int_mult_hom ~> wi_hom_mult word_of_int_minus_hom ~> wi_hom_neg word_of_int_succ_hom ~> wi_hom_succ word_of_int_pred_hom ~> wi_hom_pred word_of_int_0_hom ~> word_0_wi word_of_int_1_hom ~> word_1_wi* Session HOL-Word: New proof method "word_bitwise" for splittingmachine word equalities and inequalities into logical circuits,defined in HOL/Word/WordBitwise.thy. Supports addition, subtraction,multiplication, shifting by constants, bitwise operators and numericconstants. Requires fixed-length word types, not 'a word. Solvesmany standard word identities outright and converts more into firstorder problems amenable to blast or similar. See also examples inHOL/Word/Examples/WordExamples.thy.* Session HOL-Probability: Introduced the type "'a measure" torepresent measures, this replaces the records 'a algebra and 'ameasure_space. The locales based on subset_class now have twolocale-parameters the space \<Omega> and the set of measurable sets M.The product of probability spaces uses now the same constant as thefinite product of sigma-finite measure spaces "PiM :: ('i => 'a)measure". Most constants are defined now outside of locales and gainan additional parameter, like null_sets, almost_eventually or \<mu>'.Measure space constructions for distributions and densities now gottheir own constants distr and density. Instead of using locales todescribe measure spaces with a finite space, the measure count_spaceand point_measure is introduced. INCOMPATIBILITY. Renamed constants: measure -> emeasure finite_measure.\<mu>' -> measure product_algebra_generator -> prod_algebra product_prob_space.emb -> prod_emb product_prob_space.infprod_algebra -> PiM Removed locales: completeable_measure_space finite_measure_space finite_prob_space finite_product_finite_prob_space finite_product_sigma_algebra finite_sigma_algebra measure_space pair_finite_prob_space pair_finite_sigma_algebra pair_finite_space pair_sigma_algebra product_sigma_algebra Removed constants: conditional_space distribution -> use distr measure, or distributed predicate image_space joint_distribution -> use distr measure, or distributed predicate pair_measure_generator product_prob_space.infprod_algebra -> use PiM subvimage Replacement theorems: finite_additivity_sufficient -> ring_of_sets.countably_additiveI_finite finite_measure.empty_measure -> measure_empty finite_measure.finite_continuity_from_above -> finite_measure.finite_Lim_measure_decseq finite_measure.finite_continuity_from_below -> finite_measure.finite_Lim_measure_incseq finite_measure.finite_measure_countably_subadditive -> finite_measure.finite_measure_subadditive_countably finite_measure.finite_measure_eq -> finite_measure.emeasure_eq_measure finite_measure.finite_measure -> finite_measure.emeasure_finite finite_measure.finite_measure_finite_singleton -> finite_measure.finite_measure_eq_setsum_singleton finite_measure.positive_measure' -> measure_nonneg finite_measure.real_measure -> finite_measure.emeasure_real finite_product_prob_space.finite_measure_times -> finite_product_prob_space.finite_measure_PiM_emb finite_product_sigma_algebra.in_P -> sets_PiM_I_finite finite_product_sigma_algebra.P_empty -> space_PiM_empty, sets_PiM_empty information_space.conditional_entropy_eq -> information_space.conditional_entropy_simple_distributed information_space.conditional_entropy_positive -> information_space.conditional_entropy_nonneg_simple information_space.conditional_mutual_information_eq_mutual_information -> information_space.conditional_mutual_information_eq_mutual_information_simple information_space.conditional_mutual_information_generic_positive -> information_space.conditional_mutual_information_nonneg_simple information_space.conditional_mutual_information_positive -> information_space.conditional_mutual_information_nonneg_simple information_space.entropy_commute -> information_space.entropy_commute_simple information_space.entropy_eq -> information_space.entropy_simple_distributed information_space.entropy_generic_eq -> information_space.entropy_simple_distributed information_space.entropy_positive -> information_space.entropy_nonneg_simple information_space.entropy_uniform_max -> information_space.entropy_uniform information_space.KL_eq_0_imp -> information_space.KL_eq_0_iff_eq information_space.KL_eq_0 -> information_space.KL_same_eq_0 information_space.KL_ge_0 -> information_space.KL_nonneg information_space.mutual_information_eq -> information_space.mutual_information_simple_distributed information_space.mutual_information_positive -> information_space.mutual_information_nonneg_simple Int_stable_cuboids -> Int_stable_atLeastAtMost Int_stable_product_algebra_generator -> positive_integral measure_preserving -> equality "distr M N f = N" "f : measurable M N" measure_space.additive -> emeasure_additive measure_space.AE_iff_null_set -> AE_iff_null measure_space.almost_everywhere_def -> eventually_ae_filter measure_space.almost_everywhere_vimage -> AE_distrD measure_space.continuity_from_above -> INF_emeasure_decseq measure_space.continuity_from_above_Lim -> Lim_emeasure_decseq measure_space.continuity_from_below_Lim -> Lim_emeasure_incseq measure_space.continuity_from_below -> SUP_emeasure_incseq measure_space_density -> emeasure_density measure_space.density_is_absolutely_continuous -> absolutely_continuousI_density measure_space.integrable_vimage -> integrable_distr measure_space.integral_translated_density -> integral_density measure_space.integral_vimage -> integral_distr measure_space.measure_additive -> plus_emeasure measure_space.measure_compl -> emeasure_compl measure_space.measure_countable_increasing -> emeasure_countable_increasing measure_space.measure_countably_subadditive -> emeasure_subadditive_countably measure_space.measure_decseq -> decseq_emeasure measure_space.measure_Diff -> emeasure_Diff measure_space.measure_Diff_null_set -> emeasure_Diff_null_set measure_space.measure_eq_0 -> emeasure_eq_0 measure_space.measure_finitely_subadditive -> emeasure_subadditive_finite measure_space.measure_finite_singleton -> emeasure_eq_setsum_singleton measure_space.measure_incseq -> incseq_emeasure measure_space.measure_insert -> emeasure_insert measure_space.measure_mono -> emeasure_mono measure_space.measure_not_negative -> emeasure_not_MInf measure_space.measure_preserving_Int_stable -> measure_eqI_generator_eq measure_space.measure_setsum -> setsum_emeasure measure_space.measure_setsum_split -> setsum_emeasure_cover measure_space.measure_space_vimage -> emeasure_distr measure_space.measure_subadditive_finite -> emeasure_subadditive_finite measure_space.measure_subadditive -> subadditive measure_space.measure_top -> emeasure_space measure_space.measure_UN_eq_0 -> emeasure_UN_eq_0 measure_space.measure_Un_null_set -> emeasure_Un_null_set measure_space.positive_integral_translated_density -> positive_integral_density measure_space.positive_integral_vimage -> positive_integral_distr measure_space.real_continuity_from_above -> Lim_measure_decseq measure_space.real_continuity_from_below -> Lim_measure_incseq measure_space.real_measure_countably_subadditive -> measure_subadditive_countably measure_space.real_measure_Diff -> measure_Diff measure_space.real_measure_finite_Union -> measure_finite_Union measure_space.real_measure_setsum_singleton -> measure_eq_setsum_singleton measure_space.real_measure_subadditive -> measure_subadditive measure_space.real_measure_Union -> measure_Union measure_space.real_measure_UNION -> measure_UNION measure_space.simple_function_vimage -> simple_function_comp measure_space.simple_integral_vimage -> simple_integral_distr measure_space.simple_integral_vimage -> simple_integral_distr measure_unique_Int_stable -> measure_eqI_generator_eq measure_unique_Int_stable_vimage -> measure_eqI_generator_eq pair_sigma_algebra.measurable_cut_fst -> sets_Pair1 pair_sigma_algebra.measurable_cut_snd -> sets_Pair2 pair_sigma_algebra.measurable_pair_image_fst -> measurable_Pair1 pair_sigma_algebra.measurable_pair_image_snd -> measurable_Pair2 pair_sigma_algebra.measurable_product_swap -> measurable_pair_swap_iff pair_sigma_algebra.pair_sigma_algebra_measurable -> measurable_pair_swap pair_sigma_algebra.pair_sigma_algebra_swap_measurable -> measurable_pair_swap' pair_sigma_algebra.sets_swap -> sets_pair_swap pair_sigma_finite.measure_cut_measurable_fst -> pair_sigma_finite.measurable_emeasure_Pair1 pair_sigma_finite.measure_cut_measurable_snd -> pair_sigma_finite.measurable_emeasure_Pair2 pair_sigma_finite.measure_preserving_swap -> pair_sigma_finite.distr_pair_swap pair_sigma_finite.pair_measure_alt2 -> pair_sigma_finite.emeasure_pair_measure_alt2 pair_sigma_finite.pair_measure_alt -> pair_sigma_finite.emeasure_pair_measure_alt pair_sigma_finite.pair_measure_times -> pair_sigma_finite.emeasure_pair_measure_Times prob_space.indep_distribution_eq_measure -> prob_space.indep_vars_iff_distr_eq_PiM prob_space.indep_var_distributionD -> prob_space.indep_var_distribution_eq prob_space.measure_space_1 -> prob_space.emeasure_space_1 prob_space.prob_space_vimage -> prob_space_distr prob_space.random_variable_restrict -> measurable_restrict prob_space_unique_Int_stable -> measure_eqI_prob_space product_algebraE -> prod_algebraE_all product_algebra_generator_der -> prod_algebra_eq_finite product_algebra_generator_into_space -> prod_algebra_sets_into_space product_algebraI -> sets_PiM_I_finite product_measure_exists -> product_sigma_finite.sigma_finite product_prob_space.finite_index_eq_finite_product -> product_prob_space.sets_PiM_generator product_prob_space.finite_measure_infprod_emb_Pi -> product_prob_space.measure_PiM_emb product_prob_space.infprod_spec -> product_prob_space.emeasure_PiM_emb_not_empty product_prob_space.measurable_component -> measurable_component_singleton product_prob_space.measurable_emb -> measurable_prod_emb product_prob_space.measurable_into_infprod_algebra -> measurable_PiM_single product_prob_space.measurable_singleton_infprod -> measurable_component_singleton product_prob_space.measure_emb -> emeasure_prod_emb product_prob_space.measure_preserving_restrict -> product_prob_space.distr_restrict product_sigma_algebra.product_algebra_into_space -> space_closed product_sigma_finite.measure_fold -> product_sigma_finite.distr_merge product_sigma_finite.measure_preserving_component_singelton -> product_sigma_finite.distr_singleton product_sigma_finite.measure_preserving_merge -> product_sigma_finite.distr_merge sequence_space.measure_infprod -> sequence_space.measure_PiM_countable sets_product_algebra -> sets_PiM sigma_algebra.measurable_sigma -> measurable_measure_of sigma_finite_measure.disjoint_sigma_finite -> sigma_finite_disjoint sigma_finite_measure.RN_deriv_vimage -> sigma_finite_measure.RN_deriv_distr sigma_product_algebra_sigma_eq -> sigma_prod_algebra_sigma_eq space_product_algebra -> space_PiM* Session HOL-TPTP: support to parse and import TPTP problems (alllanguages) into Isabelle/HOL.*** FOL **** New "case_product" attribute (see HOL).*** ZF **** Greater support for structured proofs involving induction or caseanalysis.* Much greater use of mathematical symbols.* Removal of many ML theorem bindings. INCOMPATIBILITY.*** ML **** Antiquotation @{keyword "name"} produces a parser for outer syntaxfrom a minor keyword introduced via theory header declaration.* Antiquotation @{command_spec "name"} produces theOuter_Syntax.command_spec from a major keyword introduced via theoryheader declaration; it can be passed to Outer_Syntax.command etc.* Local_Theory.define no longer hard-wires default theorem name"foo_def", but retains the binding as given. If that is Binding.empty/ Attrib.empty_binding, the result is not registered as user-levelfact. The Local_Theory.define_internal variant allows to specify anon-empty name (used for the foundation in the background theory),while omitting the fact binding in the user-context. PotentialINCOMPATIBILITY for derived definitional packages: need to specifynaming policy for primitive definitions more explicitly.* Renamed Thm.capply to Thm.apply, and Thm.cabs to Thm.lambda inconformance with similar operations in structure Term and Logic.* Antiquotation @{attributes [...]} embeds attribute sourcerepresentation into the ML text, which is particularly useful withdeclarations like Local_Theory.note.* Structure Proof_Context follows standard naming scheme. OldProofContext has been discontinued. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Refined Local_Theory.declaration {syntax, pervasive}, with subtlechange of semantics: update is applied to auxiliary local theorycontext as well.* Modernized some old-style infix operations: addeqcongs ~> Simplifier.add_eqcong deleqcongs ~> Simplifier.del_eqcong addcongs ~> Simplifier.add_cong delcongs ~> Simplifier.del_cong setmksimps ~> Simplifier.set_mksimps setmkcong ~> Simplifier.set_mkcong setmksym ~> Simplifier.set_mksym setmkeqTrue ~> Simplifier.set_mkeqTrue settermless ~> Simplifier.set_termless setsubgoaler ~> Simplifier.set_subgoaler addsplits ~> Splitter.add_split delsplits ~> Splitter.del_split*** System **** USER_HOME settings variable points to cross-platform user homedirectory, which coincides with HOME on POSIX systems only. Likewise,the Isabelle path specification "~" now expands to $USER_HOME, insteadof former $HOME. A different default for USER_HOME may be setexplicitly in shell environment, before Isabelle settings areevaluated. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY: need to adapt Isabelle path wherethe generic user home was intended.* ISABELLE_HOME_WINDOWS refers to ISABELLE_HOME in windows file namenotation, which is useful for the jEdit file browser, for example.* ISABELLE_JDK_HOME settings variable points to JDK with javac and jar(not just JRE).New in Isabelle2011-1 (October 2011)------------------------------------*** General **** Improved Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE (PIDE), which can be invoked as"isabelle jedit" or "ISABELLE_HOME/Isabelle" on the command line. - Management of multiple theory files directly from the editor buffer store -- bypassing the file-system (no requirement to save files for checking). - Markup of formal entities within the text buffer, with semantic highlighting, tooltips and hyperlinks to jump to defining source positions. - Improved text rendering, with sub/superscripts in the source buffer (including support for copy/paste wrt. output panel, HTML theory output and other non-Isabelle text boxes). - Refined scheduling of proof checking and printing of results, based on interactive editor view. (Note: jEdit folding and narrowing allows to restrict buffer perspectives explicitly.) - Reduced CPU performance requirements, usable on machines with few cores. - Reduced memory requirements due to pruning of unused document versions (garbage collection).See also ~~/src/Tools/jEdit/README.html for further information,including some remaining limitations.* Theory loader: source files are exclusively located via the masterdirectory of each theory node (where the .thy file itself resides).The global load path (such as src/HOL/Library) has been discontinued.Note that the path element ~~ may be used to reference theories in theIsabelle home folder -- for instance, "~~/src/HOL/Library/FuncSet".INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory loader: source files are identified by content via SHA1digests. Discontinued former path/modtime identification and optionalISABELLE_FILE_IDENT plugin scripts.* Parallelization of nested Isar proofs is subject toGoal.parallel_proofs_threshold (default 100). See also isabelleusedir option -Q.* Name space: former unsynchronized references are now properconfiguration options, with more conventional names: long_names ~> names_long short_names ~> names_short unique_names ~> names_uniqueMinor INCOMPATIBILITY, need to declare options in context like this: declare [[names_unique = false]]* Literal facts `prop` may contain dummy patterns, e.g. `_ = _`. Notethat the result needs to be unique, which means fact specificationsmay have to be refined after enriching a proof context.* Attribute "case_names" has been refined: the assumptions in each casecan be named now by following the case name with [name1 name2 ...].* Isabelle/Isar reference manual has been updated and extended: - "Synopsis" provides a catalog of main Isar language concepts. - Formal references in syntax diagrams, via @{rail} antiquotation. - Updated material from classic "ref" manual, notably about "Classical Reasoner".*** HOL **** Class bot and top require underlying partial order rather thanpreorder: uniqueness of bot and top is guaranteed. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Class complete_lattice: generalized a couple of lemmas from sets;generalized theorems INF_cong and SUP_cong. New type classes forcomplete boolean algebras and complete linear orders. LemmasInf_less_iff, less_Sup_iff, INF_less_iff, less_SUP_iff now reside inclass complete_linorder.Changed proposition of lemmas Inf_bool_def, Sup_bool_def, Inf_fun_def,Sup_fun_def, Inf_apply, Sup_apply.Removed redundant lemmas (the right hand side gives hints how toreplace them for (metis ...), or (simp only: ...) proofs): Inf_singleton ~> Inf_insert [where A="{}", unfolded Inf_empty inf_top_right] Sup_singleton ~> Sup_insert [where A="{}", unfolded Sup_empty sup_bot_right] Inf_binary ~> Inf_insert, Inf_empty, and inf_top_right Sup_binary ~> Sup_insert, Sup_empty, and sup_bot_right Int_eq_Inter ~> Inf_insert, Inf_empty, and inf_top_right Un_eq_Union ~> Sup_insert, Sup_empty, and sup_bot_right Inter_def ~> INF_def, image_def Union_def ~> SUP_def, image_def INT_eq ~> INF_def, and image_def UN_eq ~> SUP_def, and image_def INF_subset ~> INF_superset_mono [OF _ order_refl]More consistent and comprehensive names: INTER_eq_Inter_image ~> INF_def UNION_eq_Union_image ~> SUP_def INFI_def ~> INF_def SUPR_def ~> SUP_def INF_leI ~> INF_lower INF_leI2 ~> INF_lower2 le_INFI ~> INF_greatest le_SUPI ~> SUP_upper le_SUPI2 ~> SUP_upper2 SUP_leI ~> SUP_least INFI_bool_eq ~> INF_bool_eq SUPR_bool_eq ~> SUP_bool_eq INFI_apply ~> INF_apply SUPR_apply ~> SUP_apply INTER_def ~> INTER_eq UNION_def ~> UNION_eqINCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamed theory Complete_Lattice to Complete_Lattices.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Complete_Lattices: lemmas Inf_eq_top_iff, INF_eq_top_iff,INF_image, Inf_insert, INF_top, Inf_top_conv, INF_top_conv, SUP_bot,Sup_bot_conv, SUP_bot_conv, Sup_eq_top_iff, SUP_eq_top_iff, SUP_image,Sup_insert are now declared as [simp]. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Lattice: lemmas compl_inf_bot, compl_le_comp_iff,compl_sup_top, inf_idem, inf_left_idem, inf_sup_absorb, sup_idem,sup_inf_absob, sup_left_idem are now declared as [simp]. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY.* Added syntactic classes "inf" and "sup" for the respectiveconstants. INCOMPATIBILITY: Changes in the argument order of the(mostly internal) locale predicates for some derived classes.* Theorem collections ball_simps and bex_simps do not contain theoremsreferring to UNION any longer; these have been moved to collectionUN_ball_bex_simps. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Archimedean_Field: floor now is defined as parameter of aseparate type class floor_ceiling.* Theory Finite_Set: more coherent development of fold_set locales: locale fun_left_comm ~> locale comp_fun_commute locale fun_left_comm_idem ~> locale comp_fun_idemBoth use point-free characterization; interpretation proofs may needadjustment. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Limits: Type "'a net" has been renamed to "'a filter", inaccordance with standard mathematical terminology. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Complex_Main: The locale interpretations for thebounded_linear and bounded_bilinear locales have been removed, inorder to reduce the number of duplicate lemmas. Users must use theoriginal names for distributivity theorems, potential INCOMPATIBILITY. divide.add ~> add_divide_distrib divide.diff ~> diff_divide_distrib divide.setsum ~> setsum_divide_distrib mult.add_right ~> right_distrib mult.diff_right ~> right_diff_distrib mult_right.setsum ~> setsum_right_distrib mult_left.diff ~> left_diff_distrib* Theory Complex_Main: Several redundant theorems have been removed orreplaced by more general versions. INCOMPATIBILITY. real_diff_def ~> minus_real_def real_divide_def ~> divide_real_def real_less_def ~> less_le real_abs_def ~> abs_real_def real_sgn_def ~> sgn_real_def real_mult_commute ~> mult_commute real_mult_assoc ~> mult_assoc real_mult_1 ~> mult_1_left real_add_mult_distrib ~> left_distrib real_zero_not_eq_one ~> zero_neq_one real_mult_inverse_left ~> left_inverse INVERSE_ZERO ~> inverse_zero real_le_refl ~> order_refl real_le_antisym ~> order_antisym real_le_trans ~> order_trans real_le_linear ~> linear real_le_eq_diff ~> le_iff_diff_le_0 real_add_left_mono ~> add_left_mono real_mult_order ~> mult_pos_pos real_mult_less_mono2 ~> mult_strict_left_mono real_of_int_real_of_nat ~> real_of_int_of_nat_eq real_0_le_divide_iff ~> zero_le_divide_iff realpow_two_disj ~> power2_eq_iff real_squared_diff_one_factored ~> square_diff_one_factored realpow_two_diff ~> square_diff_square_factored reals_complete2 ~> complete_real real_sum_squared_expand ~> power2_sum exp_ln_eq ~> ln_unique expi_add ~> exp_add expi_zero ~> exp_zero lemma_DERIV_subst ~> DERIV_cong LIMSEQ_Zfun_iff ~> tendsto_Zfun_iff LIMSEQ_const ~> tendsto_const LIMSEQ_norm ~> tendsto_norm LIMSEQ_add ~> tendsto_add LIMSEQ_minus ~> tendsto_minus LIMSEQ_minus_cancel ~> tendsto_minus_cancel LIMSEQ_diff ~> tendsto_diff bounded_linear.LIMSEQ ~> bounded_linear.tendsto bounded_bilinear.LIMSEQ ~> bounded_bilinear.tendsto LIMSEQ_mult ~> tendsto_mult LIMSEQ_inverse ~> tendsto_inverse LIMSEQ_divide ~> tendsto_divide LIMSEQ_pow ~> tendsto_power LIMSEQ_setsum ~> tendsto_setsum LIMSEQ_setprod ~> tendsto_setprod LIMSEQ_norm_zero ~> tendsto_norm_zero_iff LIMSEQ_rabs_zero ~> tendsto_rabs_zero_iff LIMSEQ_imp_rabs ~> tendsto_rabs LIMSEQ_add_minus ~> tendsto_add [OF _ tendsto_minus] LIMSEQ_add_const ~> tendsto_add [OF _ tendsto_const] LIMSEQ_diff_const ~> tendsto_diff [OF _ tendsto_const] LIMSEQ_Complex ~> tendsto_Complex LIM_ident ~> tendsto_ident_at LIM_const ~> tendsto_const LIM_add ~> tendsto_add LIM_add_zero ~> tendsto_add_zero LIM_minus ~> tendsto_minus LIM_diff ~> tendsto_diff LIM_norm ~> tendsto_norm LIM_norm_zero ~> tendsto_norm_zero LIM_norm_zero_cancel ~> tendsto_norm_zero_cancel LIM_norm_zero_iff ~> tendsto_norm_zero_iff LIM_rabs ~> tendsto_rabs LIM_rabs_zero ~> tendsto_rabs_zero LIM_rabs_zero_cancel ~> tendsto_rabs_zero_cancel LIM_rabs_zero_iff ~> tendsto_rabs_zero_iff LIM_compose ~> tendsto_compose LIM_mult ~> tendsto_mult LIM_scaleR ~> tendsto_scaleR LIM_of_real ~> tendsto_of_real LIM_power ~> tendsto_power LIM_inverse ~> tendsto_inverse LIM_sgn ~> tendsto_sgn isCont_LIM_compose ~> isCont_tendsto_compose bounded_linear.LIM ~> bounded_linear.tendsto bounded_linear.LIM_zero ~> bounded_linear.tendsto_zero bounded_bilinear.LIM ~> bounded_bilinear.tendsto bounded_bilinear.LIM_prod_zero ~> bounded_bilinear.tendsto_zero bounded_bilinear.LIM_left_zero ~> bounded_bilinear.tendsto_left_zero bounded_bilinear.LIM_right_zero ~> bounded_bilinear.tendsto_right_zero LIM_inverse_fun ~> tendsto_inverse [OF tendsto_ident_at]* Theory Complex_Main: The definition of infinite series wasgeneralized. Now it is defined on the type class {topological_space,comm_monoid_add}. Hence it is useable also for extended real numbers.* Theory Complex_Main: The complex exponential function "expi" is nowa type-constrained abbreviation for "exp :: complex => complex"; thusseveral polymorphic lemmas about "exp" are now applicable to "expi".* Code generation: - Theory Library/Code_Char_ord provides native ordering of characters in the target language. - Commands code_module and code_library are legacy, use export_code instead. - Method "evaluation" is legacy, use method "eval" instead. - Legacy evaluator "SML" is deactivated by default. May be reactivated by the following theory command: setup {* Value.add_evaluator ("SML", Codegen.eval_term) *}* Declare ext [intro] by default. Rare INCOMPATIBILITY.* New proof method "induction" that gives induction hypotheses thename "IH", thus distinguishing them from further hypotheses that comefrom rule induction. The latter are still called "hyps". Method"induction" is a thin wrapper around "induct" and follows the samesyntax.* Method "fastsimp" has been renamed to "fastforce", but "fastsimp" isstill available as a legacy feature for some time.* Nitpick: - Added "need" and "total_consts" options. - Reintroduced "show_skolems" option by popular demand. - Renamed attribute: nitpick_def ~> nitpick_unfold. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Sledgehammer: - Use quasi-sound (and efficient) translations by default. - Added support for the following provers: E-ToFoF, LEO-II, Satallax, SNARK, Waldmeister, and Z3 with TPTP syntax. - Automatically preplay and minimize proofs before showing them if this can be done within reasonable time. - sledgehammer available_provers ~> sledgehammer supported_provers. INCOMPATIBILITY. - Added "preplay_timeout", "slicing", "type_enc", "sound", "max_mono_iters", and "max_new_mono_instances" options. - Removed "explicit_apply" and "full_types" options as well as "Full Types" Proof General menu item. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Metis: - Removed "metisF" -- use "metis" instead. INCOMPATIBILITY. - Obsoleted "metisFT" -- use "metis (full_types)" instead. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Command 'try': - Renamed 'try_methods' and added "simp:", "intro:", "dest:", and "elim:" options. INCOMPATIBILITY. - Introduced 'try' that not only runs 'try_methods' but also 'solve_direct', 'sledgehammer', 'quickcheck', and 'nitpick'.* Quickcheck: - Added "eval" option to evaluate terms for the found counterexample (currently only supported by the default (exhaustive) tester). - Added post-processing of terms to obtain readable counterexamples (currently only supported by the default (exhaustive) tester). - New counterexample generator quickcheck[narrowing] enables narrowing-based testing. Requires the Glasgow Haskell compiler with its installation location defined in the Isabelle settings environment as ISABELLE_GHC. - Removed quickcheck tester "SML" based on the SML code generator (formly in HOL/Library).* Function package: discontinued option "tailrec". INCOMPATIBILITY,use 'partial_function' instead.* Theory Library/Extended_Reals replaces now the positive extendedreals found in probability theory. This file is extended byMultivariate_Analysis/Extended_Real_Limits.* Theory Library/Old_Recdef: old 'recdef' package has been moved here,from where it must be imported explicitly if it is really required.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Library/Wfrec: well-founded recursion combinator "wfrec" hasbeen moved here. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Library/Saturated provides type of numbers with saturatedarithmetic.* Theory Library/Product_Lattice defines a pointwise ordering for theproduct type 'a * 'b, and provides instance proofs for various orderand lattice type classes.* Theory Library/Countable now provides the "countable_datatype" proofmethod for proving "countable" class instances for datatypes.* Theory Library/Cset_Monad allows do notation for computable sets(cset) via the generic monad ad-hoc overloading facility.* Library: Theories of common data structures are split into theoriesfor implementation, an invariant-ensuring type, and connection to anabstract type. INCOMPATIBILITY. - RBT is split into RBT and RBT_Mapping. - AssocList is split and renamed into AList and AList_Mapping. - DList is split into DList_Impl, DList, and DList_Cset. - Cset is split into Cset and List_Cset.* Theory Library/Nat_Infinity has been renamed toLibrary/Extended_Nat, with name changes of the following types andconstants: type inat ~> type enat Fin ~> enat Infty ~> infinity (overloaded) iSuc ~> eSuc the_Fin ~> the_enatEvery theorem name containing "inat", "Fin", "Infty", or "iSuc" hasbeen renamed accordingly. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Session Multivariate_Analysis: The euclidean_space type class nowfixes a constant "Basis :: 'a set" consisting of the standardorthonormal basis for the type. Users now have the option ofquantifying over this set instead of using the "basis" function, e.g."ALL x:Basis. P x" vs "ALL i<DIM('a). P (basis i)".* Session Multivariate_Analysis: Type "('a, 'b) cart" has been renamedto "('a, 'b) vec" (the syntax "'a ^ 'b" remains unaffected). Constants"Cart_nth" and "Cart_lambda" have been respectively renamed to"vec_nth" and "vec_lambda"; theorems mentioning those names havechanged to match. Definition theorems for overloaded constants now usethe standard "foo_vec_def" naming scheme. A few other theorems havebeen renamed as follows (INCOMPATIBILITY): Cart_eq ~> vec_eq_iff dist_nth_le_cart ~> dist_vec_nth_le tendsto_vector ~> vec_tendstoI Cauchy_vector ~> vec_CauchyI* Session Multivariate_Analysis: Several duplicate theorems have beenremoved, and other theorems have been renamed or replaced with moregeneral versions. INCOMPATIBILITY. finite_choice ~> finite_set_choice eventually_conjI ~> eventually_conj eventually_and ~> eventually_conj_iff eventually_false ~> eventually_False setsum_norm ~> norm_setsum Lim_sequentially ~> LIMSEQ_def Lim_ident_at ~> LIM_ident Lim_const ~> tendsto_const Lim_cmul ~> tendsto_scaleR [OF tendsto_const] Lim_neg ~> tendsto_minus Lim_add ~> tendsto_add Lim_sub ~> tendsto_diff Lim_mul ~> tendsto_scaleR Lim_vmul ~> tendsto_scaleR [OF _ tendsto_const] Lim_null_norm ~> tendsto_norm_zero_iff [symmetric] Lim_linear ~> bounded_linear.tendsto Lim_component ~> tendsto_euclidean_component Lim_component_cart ~> tendsto_vec_nth Lim_inner ~> tendsto_inner [OF tendsto_const] dot_lsum ~> inner_setsum_left dot_rsum ~> inner_setsum_right continuous_cmul ~> continuous_scaleR [OF continuous_const] continuous_neg ~> continuous_minus continuous_sub ~> continuous_diff continuous_vmul ~> continuous_scaleR [OF _ continuous_const] continuous_mul ~> continuous_scaleR continuous_inv ~> continuous_inverse continuous_at_within_inv ~> continuous_at_within_inverse continuous_at_inv ~> continuous_at_inverse continuous_at_norm ~> continuous_norm [OF continuous_at_id] continuous_at_infnorm ~> continuous_infnorm [OF continuous_at_id] continuous_at_component ~> continuous_component [OF continuous_at_id] continuous_on_neg ~> continuous_on_minus continuous_on_sub ~> continuous_on_diff continuous_on_cmul ~> continuous_on_scaleR [OF continuous_on_const] continuous_on_vmul ~> continuous_on_scaleR [OF _ continuous_on_const] continuous_on_mul ~> continuous_on_scaleR continuous_on_mul_real ~> continuous_on_mult continuous_on_inner ~> continuous_on_inner [OF continuous_on_const] continuous_on_norm ~> continuous_on_norm [OF continuous_on_id] continuous_on_inverse ~> continuous_on_inv uniformly_continuous_on_neg ~> uniformly_continuous_on_minus uniformly_continuous_on_sub ~> uniformly_continuous_on_diff subset_interior ~> interior_mono subset_closure ~> closure_mono closure_univ ~> closure_UNIV real_arch_lt ~> reals_Archimedean2 real_arch ~> reals_Archimedean3 real_abs_norm ~> abs_norm_cancel real_abs_sub_norm ~> norm_triangle_ineq3 norm_cauchy_schwarz_abs ~> Cauchy_Schwarz_ineq2* Session HOL-Probability: - Caratheodory's extension lemma is now proved for ring_of_sets. - Infinite products of probability measures are now available. - Sigma closure is independent, if the generator is independent - Use extended reals instead of positive extended reals. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Session HOLCF: Discontinued legacy theorem names, INCOMPATIBILITY. expand_fun_below ~> fun_below_iff below_fun_ext ~> fun_belowI expand_cfun_eq ~> cfun_eq_iff ext_cfun ~> cfun_eqI expand_cfun_below ~> cfun_below_iff below_cfun_ext ~> cfun_belowI monofun_fun_fun ~> fun_belowD monofun_fun_arg ~> monofunE monofun_lub_fun ~> adm_monofun [THEN admD] cont_lub_fun ~> adm_cont [THEN admD] cont2cont_Rep_CFun ~> cont2cont_APP cont_Rep_CFun_app ~> cont_APP_app cont_Rep_CFun_app_app ~> cont_APP_app_app cont_cfun_fun ~> cont_Rep_cfun1 [THEN contE] cont_cfun_arg ~> cont_Rep_cfun2 [THEN contE] contlub_cfun ~> lub_APP [symmetric] contlub_LAM ~> lub_LAM [symmetric] thelubI ~> lub_eqI UU_I ~> bottomI lift_distinct1 ~> lift.distinct(1) lift_distinct2 ~> lift.distinct(2) Def_not_UU ~> lift.distinct(2) Def_inject ~> lift.inject below_UU_iff ~> below_bottom_iff eq_UU_iff ~> eq_bottom_iff*** Document preparation **** Antiquotation @{rail} layouts railroad syntax diagrams, see alsoisar-ref manual, both for description and actual application of thesame.* Antiquotation @{value} evaluates the given term and presents itsresult.* Antiquotations: term style "isub" provides ad-hoc conversion ofvariables x1, y23 into subscripted form x\<^isub>1,y\<^isub>2\<^isub>3.* Predefined LaTeX macros for Isabelle symbols \<bind> and \<then>(e.g. see ~~/src/HOL/Library/Monad_Syntax.thy).* Localized \isabellestyle switch can be used within blocks or groupslike this: \isabellestyle{it} %preferred default {\isabellestylett @{text "typewriter stuff"}}* Discontinued special treatment of hard tabulators. Implicittab-width is now defined as 1. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY for visuallayouts.*** ML **** The inner syntax of sort/type/term/prop supports inlined YXMLrepresentations within quoted string tokens. By encoding logicalentities via Term_XML (in ML or Scala) concrete syntax can bebypassed, which is particularly useful for producing bits of textunder external program control.* Antiquotations for ML and document preparation are managed as theorydata, which requires explicit setup.* Isabelle_Process.is_active allows tools to check if the officialprocess wrapper is running (Isabelle/Scala/jEdit) or the old TTY loop(better known as Proof General).* Structure Proof_Context follows standard naming scheme. OldProofContext is still available for some time as legacy alias.* Structure Timing provides various operations for timing; supersedesformer start_timing/end_timing etc.* Path.print is the official way to show file-system paths to users(including quotes etc.).* Inner syntax: identifiers in parse trees of generic categories"logic", "aprop", "idt" etc. carry position information (disguised astype constraints). Occasional INCOMPATIBILITY with non-complianttranslations that choke on unexpected type constraints. Positions canbe stripped in ML translations via Syntax.strip_positions /Syntax.strip_positions_ast, or via the syntax constant"_strip_positions" within parse trees. As last resort, positions canbe disabled via the configuration option Syntax.positions, which iscalled "syntax_positions" in Isar attribute syntax.* Discontinued special status of various ML structures that contributeto structure Syntax (Ast, Lexicon, Mixfix, Parser, Printer etc.): lesspervasive content, no inclusion in structure Syntax. INCOMPATIBILITY,refer directly to Ast.Constant, Lexicon.is_identifier,Syntax_Trans.mk_binder_tr etc.* Typed print translation: discontinued show_sorts argument, which isalready available via context of "advanced" translation.* Refined PARALLEL_GOALS tactical: degrades gracefully for schematicgoal states; body tactic needs to address all subgoals uniformly.* Slightly more special eq_list/eq_set, with shortcut involvingpointer equality (assumes that eq relation is reflexive).* Classical tactics use proper Proof.context instead of historic typesclaset/clasimpset. Old-style declarations like addIs, addEs, addDsoperate directly on Proof.context. Raw type claset retains its use assnapshot of the classical context, which can be recovered via(put_claset HOL_cs) etc. Type clasimpset has been discontinued.INCOMPATIBILITY, classical tactics and derived proof methods requireproper Proof.context.*** System **** Discontinued support for Poly/ML 5.2, which was the last versionwithout proper multithreading and TimeLimit implementation.* Discontinued old lib/scripts/polyml-platform, which has beenobsolete since Isabelle2009-2.* Various optional external tools are referenced more robustly anduniformly by explicit Isabelle settings as follows: ISABELLE_CSDP (formerly CSDP_EXE) ISABELLE_GHC (formerly EXEC_GHC or GHC_PATH) ISABELLE_OCAML (formerly EXEC_OCAML) ISABELLE_SWIPL (formerly EXEC_SWIPL) ISABELLE_YAP (formerly EXEC_YAP)Note that automated detection from the file-system or search path hasbeen discontinued. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Scala layer provides JVM method invocation service for staticmethods of type (String)String, see Invoke_Scala.method in ML. Forexample: Invoke_Scala.method "java.lang.System.getProperty" "java.home"Together with YXML.string_of_body/parse_body and XML.Encode/Decodethis allows to pass structured values between ML and Scala.* The IsabelleText fonts includes some further glyphs to support theProver IDE. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY: users who happen to haveinstalled a local copy (which is normally *not* required) need todelete or update it from ~~/lib/fonts/.New in Isabelle2011 (January 2011)----------------------------------*** General **** Experimental Prover IDE based on Isabelle/Scala and jEdit (seesrc/Tools/jEdit). This also serves as IDE for Isabelle/ML, withuseful tooltips and hyperlinks produced from its static analysis. Thebundled component provides an executable Isabelle tool that can be runlike this: Isabelle2011/bin/isabelle jedit* Significantly improved Isabelle/Isar implementation manual.* System settings: ISABELLE_HOME_USER now includes ISABELLE_IDENTIFIER(and thus refers to something like $HOME/.isabelle/Isabelle2011),while the default heap location within that directory lacks that extrasuffix. This isolates multiple Isabelle installations from eachother, avoiding problems with old settings in new versions.INCOMPATIBILITY, need to copy/upgrade old user settings manually.* Source files are always encoded as UTF-8, instead of old-fashionedISO-Latin-1. INCOMPATIBILITY. Isabelle LaTeX documents might requirethe following package declarations: \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{textcomp}* Explicit treatment of UTF-8 sequences as Isabelle symbols, such thata Unicode character is treated as a single symbol, not a sequence ofnon-ASCII bytes as before. Since Isabelle/ML string literals maycontain symbols without further backslash escapes, Unicode can now beused here as well. Recall that Symbol.explode in ML provides aconsistent view on symbols, while raw explode (or String.explode)merely give a byte-oriented representation.* Theory loader: source files are primarily located via the masterdirectory of each theory node (where the .thy file itself resides).The global load path is still partially available as legacy feature.Minor INCOMPATIBILITY due to subtle change in file lookup: useexplicit paths, relatively to the theory.* Special treatment of ML file names has been discontinued.Historically, optional extensions .ML or .sml were added on demand --at the cost of clarity of file dependencies. Recall that Isabelle/MLfiles exclusively use the .ML extension. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Various options that affect pretty printing etc. are now properlyhandled within the context via configuration options, instead ofunsynchronized references or print modes. There are both ML Config.Tentities and Isar declaration attributes to access these. ML (Config.T) Isar (attribute) eta_contract eta_contract show_brackets show_brackets show_sorts show_sorts show_types show_types show_question_marks show_question_marks show_consts show_consts show_abbrevs show_abbrevs Syntax.ast_trace syntax_ast_trace Syntax.ast_stat syntax_ast_stat Syntax.ambiguity_level syntax_ambiguity_level Goal_Display.goals_limit goals_limit Goal_Display.show_main_goal show_main_goal Method.rule_trace rule_trace Thy_Output.display thy_output_display Thy_Output.quotes thy_output_quotes Thy_Output.indent thy_output_indent Thy_Output.source thy_output_source Thy_Output.break thy_output_breakNote that corresponding "..._default" references in ML may only bechanged globally at the ROOT session setup, but *not* within a theory.The option "show_abbrevs" supersedes the former print mode"no_abbrevs" with inverted meaning.* More systematic naming of some configuration options.INCOMPATIBILITY. trace_simp ~> simp_trace debug_simp ~> simp_debug* Support for real valued configuration options, using simplisticfloating-point notation that coincides with the inner syntax forfloat_token.* Support for real valued preferences (with approximative PGIP type):front-ends need to accept "pgint" values in float notation.INCOMPATIBILITY.* The IsabelleText font now includes Cyrillic, Hebrew, Arabic fromDejaVu Sans.* Discontinued support for Poly/ML 5.0 and 5.1 versions.*** Pure **** Command 'type_synonym' (with single argument) replaces somewhatoutdated 'types', which is still available as legacy feature for sometime.* Command 'nonterminal' (with 'and' separated list of arguments)replaces somewhat outdated 'nonterminals'. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Command 'notepad' replaces former 'example_proof' forexperimentation in Isar without any result. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Locale interpretation commands 'interpret' and 'sublocale' acceptlists of equations to map definitions in a locale to appropriateentities in the context of the interpretation. The 'interpretation'command already provided this functionality.* Diagnostic command 'print_dependencies' prints the locale instancesthat would be activated if the specified expression was interpreted inthe current context. Variant "print_dependencies!" assumes a contextwithout interpretations.* Diagnostic command 'print_interps' prints interpretations in proofsin addition to interpretations in theories.* Discontinued obsolete 'global' and 'local' commands to manipulatethe theory name space. Rare INCOMPATIBILITY. The ML functionsSign.root_path and Sign.local_path may be applied directly where thisfeature is still required for historical reasons.* Discontinued obsolete 'constdefs' command. INCOMPATIBILITY, use'definition' instead.* The "prems" fact, which refers to the accidental collection offoundational premises in the context, is now explicitly marked aslegacy feature and will be discontinued soon. Consider using "assms"of the head statement or reference facts by explicit names.* Document antiquotations @{class} and @{type} print classes and typeconstructors.* Document antiquotation @{file} checks file/directory entries withinthe local file system.*** HOL **** Coercive subtyping: functions can be declared as coercions and typeinference will add them as necessary upon input of a term. TheoryComplex_Main declares real :: nat => real and real :: int => real ascoercions. A coercion function f is declared like this: declare [[coercion f]]To lift coercions through type constructors (e.g. from nat => real tonat list => real list), map functions can be declared, e.g. declare [[coercion_map map]]Currently coercion inference is activated only in theories includingreal numbers, i.e. descendants of Complex_Main. This is controlled bythe configuration option "coercion_enabled", e.g. it can be enabled inother theories like this: declare [[coercion_enabled]]* Command 'partial_function' provides basic support for recursivefunction definitions over complete partial orders. Concrete instancesare provided for i) the option type, ii) tail recursion on arbitrarytypes, and iii) the heap monad of Imperative_HOL. Seesrc/HOL/ex/Fundefs.thy and src/HOL/Imperative_HOL/ex/Linked_Lists.thyfor examples.* Function package: f.psimps rules are no longer implicitly declaredas [simp]. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Datatype package: theorems generated for executable equality (class"eq") carry proper names and are treated as default code equations.* Inductive package: now offers command 'inductive_simps' toautomatically derive instantiated and simplified equations forinductive predicates, similar to 'inductive_cases'.* Command 'enriched_type' allows to register properties of thefunctorial structure of types.* Improved infrastructure for term evaluation using code generatortechniques, in particular static evaluation conversions.* Code generator: Scala (2.8 or higher) has been added to the targetlanguages.* Code generator: globbing constant expressions "*" and "Theory.*"have been replaced by the more idiomatic "_" and "Theory._".INCOMPATIBILITY.* Code generator: export_code without explicit file declaration printsto standard output. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Code generator: do not print function definitions for casecombinators any longer.* Code generator: simplification with rules determined withsrc/Tools/Code/code_simp.ML and method "code_simp".* Code generator for records: more idiomatic representation of recordtypes. Warning: records are not covered by ancient SML codegeneration any longer. INCOMPATIBILITY. In cases of need, a suitablerep_datatype declaration helps to succeed then: record 'a foo = ... ... rep_datatype foo_ext ...* Records: logical foundation type for records does not carry a'_type' suffix any longer (obsolete due to authentic syntax).INCOMPATIBILITY.* Quickcheck now by default uses exhaustive testing instead of randomtesting. Random testing can be invoked by "quickcheck [random]",exhaustive testing by "quickcheck [exhaustive]".* Quickcheck instantiates polymorphic types with small finitedatatypes by default. This enables a simple execution mechanism tohandle quantifiers and function equality over the finite datatypes.* Quickcheck random generator has been renamed from "code" to"random". INCOMPATIBILITY.* Quickcheck now has a configurable time limit which is set to 30seconds by default. This can be changed by adding [timeout = n] to thequickcheck command. The time limit for Auto Quickcheck is still setindependently.* Quickcheck in locales considers interpretations of that locale forcounter example search.* Sledgehammer: - Added "smt" and "remote_smt" provers based on the "smt" proof method. See the Sledgehammer manual for details ("isabelle doc sledgehammer"). - Renamed commands: sledgehammer atp_info ~> sledgehammer running_provers sledgehammer atp_kill ~> sledgehammer kill_provers sledgehammer available_atps ~> sledgehammer available_provers INCOMPATIBILITY. - Renamed options: sledgehammer [atps = ...] ~> sledgehammer [provers = ...] sledgehammer [atp = ...] ~> sledgehammer [prover = ...] sledgehammer [timeout = 77 s] ~> sledgehammer [timeout = 77] (and "ms" and "min" are no longer supported) INCOMPATIBILITY.* Nitpick: - Renamed options: nitpick [timeout = 77 s] ~> nitpick [timeout = 77] nitpick [tac_timeout = 777 ms] ~> nitpick [tac_timeout = 0.777] INCOMPATIBILITY. - Added support for partial quotient types. - Added local versions of the "Nitpick.register_xxx" functions. - Added "whack" option. - Allow registration of quotient types as codatatypes. - Improved "merge_type_vars" option to merge more types. - Removed unsound "fast_descrs" option. - Added custom symmetry breaking for datatypes, making it possible to reach higher cardinalities. - Prevent the expansion of too large definitions.* Proof methods "metis" and "meson" now have configuration options"meson_trace", "metis_trace", and "metis_verbose" that can be enabledto diagnose these tools. E.g. using [[metis_trace = true]]* Auto Solve: Renamed "Auto Solve Direct". The tool is now availablemanually as command 'solve_direct'.* The default SMT solver Z3 must be enabled explicitly (due tolicensing issues) by setting the environment variableZ3_NON_COMMERCIAL in etc/settings of the component, for example. Forcommercial applications, the SMT solver CVC3 is provided as fall-back;changing the SMT solver is done via the configuration option"smt_solver".* Remote SMT solvers need to be referred to by the "remote_" prefix,i.e. "remote_cvc3" and "remote_z3".* Added basic SMT support for datatypes, records, and typedefs usingthe oracle mode (no proofs). Direct support of pairs has been droppedin exchange (pass theorems fst_conv snd_conv pair_collapse to the SMTsupport for a similar behavior). Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Changed SMT configuration options: - Renamed: z3_proofs ~> smt_oracle (with inverted meaning) z3_trace_assms ~> smt_trace_used_facts INCOMPATIBILITY. - Added: smt_verbose smt_random_seed smt_datatypes smt_infer_triggers smt_monomorph_limit cvc3_options remote_cvc3_options remote_z3_options yices_options* Boogie output files (.b2i files) need to be declared in the theoryheader.* Simplification procedure "list_to_set_comprehension" rewrites listcomprehensions applied to List.set to set comprehensions. OccasionalINCOMPATIBILITY, may be deactivated like this: declare [[simproc del: list_to_set_comprehension]]* Removed old version of primrec package. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Removed simplifier congruence rule of "prod_case", as has for longbeen the case with "split". INCOMPATIBILITY.* String.literal is a type, but not a datatype. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Removed [split_format ... and ... and ...] version of[split_format]. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY.* Predicate "sorted" now defined inductively, with nice inductionrules. INCOMPATIBILITY: former sorted.simps now named sorted_simps.* Constant "contents" renamed to "the_elem", to free the generic namecontents for other uses. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamed class eq and constant eq (for code generation) to classequal and constant equal, plus renaming of related facts and varioustuning. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Dropped type classes mult_mono and mult_mono1. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Removed output syntax "'a ~=> 'b" for "'a => 'b option".INCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamed theory Fset to Cset, type Fset.fset to Cset.set, in order toavoid confusion with finite sets. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Abandoned locales equiv, congruent and congruent2 for equivalencerelations. INCOMPATIBILITY: use equivI rather than equiv_intro (samefor congruent(2)).* Some previously unqualified names have been qualified: types bool ~> HOL.bool nat ~> Nat.nat constants Trueprop ~> HOL.Trueprop True ~> HOL.True False ~> HOL.False op & ~> HOL.conj op | ~> HOL.disj op --> ~> HOL.implies op = ~> HOL.eq Not ~> HOL.Not The ~> HOL.The All ~> HOL.All Ex ~> HOL.Ex Ex1 ~> HOL.Ex1 Let ~> HOL.Let If ~> HOL.If Ball ~> Set.Ball Bex ~> Set.Bex Suc ~> Nat.Suc Pair ~> Product_Type.Pair fst ~> Product_Type.fst snd ~> Product_Type.snd curry ~> Product_Type.curry op : ~> Set.member Collect ~> Set.CollectINCOMPATIBILITY.* More canonical naming convention for some fundamental definitions: bot_bool_eq ~> bot_bool_def top_bool_eq ~> top_bool_def inf_bool_eq ~> inf_bool_def sup_bool_eq ~> sup_bool_def bot_fun_eq ~> bot_fun_def top_fun_eq ~> top_fun_def inf_fun_eq ~> inf_fun_def sup_fun_eq ~> sup_fun_defINCOMPATIBILITY.* More stylized fact names: expand_fun_eq ~> fun_eq_iff expand_set_eq ~> set_eq_iff set_ext ~> set_eqI nat_number ~> eval_nat_numeralINCOMPATIBILITY.* Refactoring of code-generation specific operations in theory List: constants null ~> List.null facts mem_iff ~> member_def null_empty ~> null_defINCOMPATIBILITY. Note that these were not supposed to be usedregularly unless for striking reasons; their main purpose was codegeneration.Various operations from the Haskell prelude are used for generatingHaskell code.* Term "bij f" is now an abbreviation of "bij_betw f UNIV UNIV". Term"surj f" is now an abbreviation of "range f = UNIV". The theoremsbij_def and surj_def are unchanged. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Abolished some non-alphabetic type names: "prod" and "sum" replace"*" and "+" respectively. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Name "Plus" of disjoint sum operator "<+>" is now hidden. Write"Sum_Type.Plus" instead.* Constant "split" has been merged with constant "prod_case"; names ofML functions, facts etc. involving split have been retained so far,though. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Dropped old infix syntax "_ mem _" for List.member; use "_ : set _"instead. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Removed lemma "Option.is_none_none" which duplicates "is_none_def".INCOMPATIBILITY.* Former theory Library/Enum is now part of the HOL-Main image.INCOMPATIBILITY: all constants of the Enum theory now have to bereferred to by its qualified name. enum ~> Enum.enum nlists ~> Enum.nlists product ~> Enum.product* Theory Library/Monad_Syntax provides do-syntax for monad types.Syntax in Library/State_Monad has been changed to avoid ambiguities.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Library/SetsAndFunctions has been split intoLibrary/Function_Algebras and Library/Set_Algebras; canonical namesfor instance definitions for functions; various improvements.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Library/Multiset provides stable quicksort implementation ofsort_key.* Theory Library/Multiset: renamed empty_idemp ~> empty_neutral.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Session Multivariate_Analysis: introduced a type class for euclideanspace. Most theorems are now stated in terms of euclidean spacesinstead of finite cartesian products. types real ^ 'n ~> 'a::real_vector ~> 'a::euclidean_space ~> 'a::ordered_euclidean_space (depends on your needs) constants _ $ _ ~> _ $$ _ \<chi> x. _ ~> \<chi>\<chi> x. _ CARD('n) ~> DIM('a)Also note that the indices are now natural numbers and not from somefinite type. Finite cartesian products of euclidean spaces, productsof euclidean spaces the real and complex numbers are instantiated tobe euclidean_spaces. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Session Probability: introduced pextreal as positive extended realnumbers. Use pextreal as value for measures. Introduce theRadon-Nikodym derivative, product spaces and Fubini's theorem forarbitrary sigma finite measures. Introduces Lebesgue measure based onthe integral in Multivariate Analysis. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Session Imperative_HOL: revamped, corrected dozens of inadequacies.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Session SPARK (with image HOL-SPARK) provides commands to load andprove verification conditions generated by the SPARK Ada programverifier. See also src/HOL/SPARK and src/HOL/SPARK/Examples.*** HOL-Algebra **** Theorems for additive ring operations (locale abelian_monoid anddescendants) are generated by interpretation from their multiplicativecounterparts. Names (in particular theorem names) have the mandatoryqualifier 'add'. Previous theorem names are redeclared forcompatibility.* Structure "int_ring" is now an abbreviation (previously adefinition). This fits more natural with advanced interpretations.*** HOLCF **** The domain package now runs in definitional mode by default: Theformer command 'new_domain' is now called 'domain'. To use the domainpackage in its original axiomatic mode, use 'domain (unsafe)'.INCOMPATIBILITY.* The new class "domain" is now the default sort. Class "predomain"is an unpointed version of "domain". Theories can be updated byreplacing sort annotations as shown below. INCOMPATIBILITY. 'a::type ~> 'a::countable 'a::cpo ~> 'a::predomain 'a::pcpo ~> 'a::domain* The old type class "rep" has been superseded by class "domain".Accordingly, users of the definitional package must remove any"default_sort rep" declarations. INCOMPATIBILITY.* The domain package (definitional mode) now supports unpointedpredomain argument types, as long as they are marked 'lazy'. (Strictarguments must be in class "domain".) For example, the followingdomain definition now works: domain natlist = nil | cons (lazy "nat discr") (lazy "natlist")* Theory HOLCF/Library/HOL_Cpo provides cpo and predomain classinstances for types from main HOL: bool, nat, int, char, 'a + 'b,'a option, and 'a list. Additionally, it configures fixrec and thedomain package to work with these types. For example: fixrec isInl :: "('a + 'b) u -> tr" where "isInl$(up$(Inl x)) = TT" | "isInl$(up$(Inr y)) = FF" domain V = VFun (lazy "V -> V") | VCon (lazy "nat") (lazy "V list")* The "(permissive)" option of fixrec has been replaced with aper-equation "(unchecked)" option. Seesrc/HOL/HOLCF/Tutorial/Fixrec_ex.thy for examples. INCOMPATIBILITY.* The "bifinite" class no longer fixes a constant "approx"; the classnow just asserts that such a function exists. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Former type "alg_defl" has been renamed to "defl". HOLCF no longerdefines an embedding of type 'a defl into udom by default; instancesof "bifinite" and "domain" classes are available insrc/HOL/HOLCF/Library/Defl_Bifinite.thy.* The syntax "REP('a)" has been replaced with "DEFL('a)".* The predicate "directed" has been removed. INCOMPATIBILITY.* The type class "finite_po" has been removed. INCOMPATIBILITY.* The function "cprod_map" has been renamed to "prod_map".INCOMPATIBILITY.* The monadic bind operator on each powerdomain has new binder syntaxsimilar to sets, e.g. "\<Union>\<sharp>x\<in>xs. t" represents"upper_bind\<cdot>xs\<cdot>(\<Lambda> x. t)".* The infix syntax for binary union on each powerdomain has changedfrom e.g. "+\<sharp>" to "\<union>\<sharp>", for consistency with setsyntax. INCOMPATIBILITY.* The constant "UU" has been renamed to "bottom". The syntax "UU" isstill supported as an input translation.* Renamed some theorems (the original names are also still available). expand_fun_below ~> fun_below_iff below_fun_ext ~> fun_belowI expand_cfun_eq ~> cfun_eq_iff ext_cfun ~> cfun_eqI expand_cfun_below ~> cfun_below_iff below_cfun_ext ~> cfun_belowI cont2cont_Rep_CFun ~> cont2cont_APP* The Abs and Rep functions for various types have changed names.Related theorem names have also changed to match. INCOMPATIBILITY. Rep_CFun ~> Rep_cfun Abs_CFun ~> Abs_cfun Rep_Sprod ~> Rep_sprod Abs_Sprod ~> Abs_sprod Rep_Ssum ~> Rep_ssum Abs_Ssum ~> Abs_ssum* Lemmas with names of the form *_defined_iff or *_strict_iff havebeen renamed to *_bottom_iff. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Various changes to bisimulation/coinduction with domain package: - Definitions of "bisim" constants no longer mention definedness. - With mutual recursion, "bisim" predicate is now curried. - With mutual recursion, each type gets a separate coind theorem. - Variable names in bisim_def and coinduct rules have changed.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Case combinators generated by the domain package for type "foo" arenow named "foo_case" instead of "foo_when". INCOMPATIBILITY.* Several theorems have been renamed to more accurately reflect thenames of constants and types involved. INCOMPATIBILITY. thelub_const ~> lub_const lub_const ~> is_lub_const thelubI ~> lub_eqI is_lub_lub ~> is_lubD2 lubI ~> is_lub_lub unique_lub ~> is_lub_unique is_ub_lub ~> is_lub_rangeD1 lub_bin_chain ~> is_lub_bin_chain lub_fun ~> is_lub_fun thelub_fun ~> lub_fun thelub_cfun ~> lub_cfun thelub_Pair ~> lub_Pair lub_cprod ~> is_lub_prod thelub_cprod ~> lub_prod minimal_cprod ~> minimal_prod inst_cprod_pcpo ~> inst_prod_pcpo UU_I ~> bottomI compact_UU ~> compact_bottom deflation_UU ~> deflation_bottom finite_deflation_UU ~> finite_deflation_bottom* Many legacy theorem names have been discontinued. INCOMPATIBILITY. sq_ord_less_eq_trans ~> below_eq_trans sq_ord_eq_less_trans ~> eq_below_trans refl_less ~> below_refl trans_less ~> below_trans antisym_less ~> below_antisym antisym_less_inverse ~> po_eq_conv [THEN iffD1] box_less ~> box_below rev_trans_less ~> rev_below_trans not_less2not_eq ~> not_below2not_eq less_UU_iff ~> below_UU_iff flat_less_iff ~> flat_below_iff adm_less ~> adm_below adm_not_less ~> adm_not_below adm_compact_not_less ~> adm_compact_not_below less_fun_def ~> below_fun_def expand_fun_less ~> fun_below_iff less_fun_ext ~> fun_belowI less_discr_def ~> below_discr_def discr_less_eq ~> discr_below_eq less_unit_def ~> below_unit_def less_cprod_def ~> below_prod_def prod_lessI ~> prod_belowI Pair_less_iff ~> Pair_below_iff fst_less_iff ~> fst_below_iff snd_less_iff ~> snd_below_iff expand_cfun_less ~> cfun_below_iff less_cfun_ext ~> cfun_belowI injection_less ~> injection_below less_up_def ~> below_up_def not_Iup_less ~> not_Iup_below Iup_less ~> Iup_below up_less ~> up_below Def_inject_less_eq ~> Def_below_Def Def_less_is_eq ~> Def_below_iff spair_less_iff ~> spair_below_iff less_sprod ~> below_sprod spair_less ~> spair_below sfst_less_iff ~> sfst_below_iff ssnd_less_iff ~> ssnd_below_iff fix_least_less ~> fix_least_below dist_less_one ~> dist_below_one less_ONE ~> below_ONE ONE_less_iff ~> ONE_below_iff less_sinlD ~> below_sinlD less_sinrD ~> below_sinrD*** FOL and ZF **** All constant names are now qualified internally and use properidentifiers, e.g. "IFOL.eq" instead of "op =". INCOMPATIBILITY.*** ML **** Antiquotation @{assert} inlines a function bool -> unit that raisesFail if the argument is false. Due to inlining the source position offailed assertions is included in the error output.* Discontinued antiquotation @{theory_ref}, which is obsolete since MLtext is in practice always evaluated with a stable theory checkpoint.Minor INCOMPATIBILITY, use (Theory.check_thy @{theory}) instead.* Antiquotation @{theory A} refers to theory A from the ancestry ofthe current context, not any accidental theory loader state as before.Potential INCOMPATIBILITY, subtle change in semantics.* Syntax.pretty_priority (default 0) configures the required priorityof pretty-printed output and thus affects insertion of parentheses.* Syntax.default_root (default "any") configures the inner syntaxcategory (nonterminal symbol) for parsing of terms.* Former exception Library.UnequalLengths now coincides withListPair.UnequalLengths.* Renamed structure MetaSimplifier to Raw_Simplifier. Note that themain functionality is provided by structure Simplifier.* Renamed raw "explode" function to "raw_explode" to emphasize itsmeaning. Note that internally to Isabelle, Symbol.explode is used inalmost all situations.* Discontinued obsolete function sys_error and exception SYS_ERROR.See implementation manual for further details on exceptions inIsabelle/ML.* Renamed setmp_noncritical to Unsynchronized.setmp to emphasize itsmeaning.* Renamed structure PureThy to Pure_Thy and moved most of itsoperations to structure Global_Theory, to emphasize that this israrely-used global-only stuff.* Discontinued Output.debug. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY, use plain writelninstead (or tracing for high-volume output).* Configuration option show_question_marks only affects regular prettyprinting of types and terms, not raw Term.string_of_vname.* ML_Context.thm and ML_Context.thms are no longer pervasive. RareINCOMPATIBILITY, superseded by static antiquotations @{thm} and@{thms} for most purposes.* ML structure Unsynchronized is never opened, not even in Isarinteraction mode as before. Old Unsynchronized.set etc. have beendiscontinued -- use plain := instead. This should be *rare* anyway,since modern tools always work via official context data, notablyconfiguration options.* Parallel and asynchronous execution requires special care concerninginterrupts. Structure Exn provides some convenience functions thatavoid working directly with raw Interrupt. User code must not absorbinterrupts -- intermediate handling (for cleanup etc.) needs to befollowed by re-raising of the original exception. Another commonsource of mistakes are "handle _" patterns, which make the meaning ofthe program subject to physical effects of the environment.New in Isabelle2009-2 (June 2010)---------------------------------*** General **** Authentic syntax for *all* logical entities (type classes, typeconstructors, term constants): provides simple and robustcorrespondence between formal entities and concrete syntax. Withinthe parse tree / AST representations, "constants" are decorated bytheir category (class, type, const) and spelled out explicitly withtheir full internal name.Substantial INCOMPATIBILITY concerning low-level syntax declarationsand translations (translation rules and translation functions in ML).Some hints on upgrading: - Many existing uses of 'syntax' and 'translations' can be replaced by more modern 'type_notation', 'notation' and 'abbreviation', which are independent of this issue. - 'translations' require markup within the AST; the term syntax provides the following special forms: CONST c -- produces syntax version of constant c from context XCONST c -- literally c, checked as constant from context c -- literally c, if declared by 'syntax' Plain identifiers are treated as AST variables -- occasionally the system indicates accidental variables via the error "rhs contains extra variables". Type classes and type constructors are marked according to their concrete syntax. Some old translations rules need to be written for the "type" category, using type constructor application instead of pseudo-term application of the default category "logic". - 'parse_translation' etc. in ML may use the following antiquotations: @{class_syntax c} -- type class c within parse tree / AST @{term_syntax c} -- type constructor c within parse tree / AST @{const_syntax c} -- ML version of "CONST c" above @{syntax_const c} -- literally c (checked wrt. 'syntax' declarations) - Literal types within 'typed_print_translations', i.e. those *not* represented as pseudo-terms are represented verbatim. Use @{class c} or @{type_name c} here instead of the above syntax antiquotations.Note that old non-authentic syntax was based on unqualified basenames, so all of the above "constant" names would coincide. Recallthat 'print_syntax' and ML_command "set Syntax.trace_ast" help todiagnose syntax problems.* Type constructors admit general mixfix syntax, not just infix.* Concrete syntax may be attached to local entities without a proofbody, too. This works via regular mixfix annotations for 'fix','def', 'obtain' etc. or via the explicit 'write' command, which issimilar to the 'notation' command in theory specifications.* Discontinued unnamed infix syntax (legacy feature for many years) --need to specify constant name and syntax separately. Internal MLdatatype constructors have been renamed from InfixName to Infix etc.Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Schematic theorem statements need to be explicitly markup as such,via commands 'schematic_lemma', 'schematic_theorem','schematic_corollary'. Thus the relevance of the proof is madesyntactically clear, which impacts performance in a parallel orasynchronous interactive environment. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Use of cumulative prems via "!" in some proof methods has beendiscontinued (old legacy feature).* References 'trace_simp' and 'debug_simp' have been replaced byconfiguration options stored in the context. Enabling tracing (thecase of debugging is similar) in proofs works via using [[trace_simp = true]]Tracing is then active for all invocations of the simplifier insubsequent goal refinement steps. Tracing may also still be enabled ordisabled via the ProofGeneral settings menu.* Separate commands 'hide_class', 'hide_type', 'hide_const','hide_fact' replace the former 'hide' KIND command. MinorINCOMPATIBILITY.* Improved parallelism of proof term normalization: usedir -p2 -q0 ismore efficient than combinations with -q1 or -q2.*** Pure **** Proofterms record type-class reasoning explicitly, using the"unconstrain" operation internally. This eliminates all sortconstraints from a theorem and proof, introducing explicitOFCLASS-premises. On the proof term level, this operation isautomatically applied at theorem boundaries, such that closed proofsare always free of sort constraints. INCOMPATIBILITY for tools thatinspect proof terms.* Local theory specifications may depend on extra type variables thatare not present in the result type -- arguments TYPE('a) :: 'a itselfare added internally. For example: definition unitary :: bool where "unitary = (ALL (x::'a) y. x = y)"* Predicates of locales introduced by classes carry a mandatory"class" prefix. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Vacuous class specifications observe default sort. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Old 'axclass' command has been discontinued. INCOMPATIBILITY, use'class' instead.* Command 'code_reflect' allows to incorporate generated ML code intoruntime environment; replaces immature code_datatype antiquotation.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Code generator: simple concept for abstract datatypes obeyinginvariants.* Code generator: details of internal data cache have no impact on theuser space functionality any longer.* Methods "unfold_locales" and "intro_locales" ignore non-localesubgoals. This is more appropriate for interpretations with 'where'.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Command 'example_proof' opens an empty proof body. This allows toexperiment with Isar, without producing any persistent result.* Commands 'type_notation' and 'no_type_notation' declare type syntaxwithin a local theory context, with explicit checking of theconstructors involved (in contrast to the raw 'syntax' versions).* Commands 'types' and 'typedecl' now work within a local theorycontext -- without introducing dependencies on parameters orassumptions, which is not possible in Isabelle/Pure.* Command 'defaultsort' has been renamed to 'default_sort', it workswithin a local theory context. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.*** HOL **** Command 'typedef' now works within a local theory context -- withoutintroducing dependencies on parameters or assumptions, which is notpossible in Isabelle/Pure/HOL. Note that the logical environment maycontain multiple interpretations of local typedefs (with differentnon-emptiness proofs), even in a global theory context.* New package for quotient types. Commands 'quotient_type' and'quotient_definition' may be used for defining types and constants byquotient constructions. An example is the type of integers created byquotienting pairs of natural numbers: fun intrel :: "(nat * nat) => (nat * nat) => bool" where "intrel (x, y) (u, v) = (x + v = u + y)" quotient_type int = "nat * nat" / intrel by (auto simp add: equivp_def expand_fun_eq) quotient_definition "0::int" is "(0::nat, 0::nat)"The method "lifting" can be used to lift of theorems from theunderlying "raw" type to the quotient type. The examplesrc/HOL/Quotient_Examples/FSet.thy includes such a quotientconstruction and provides a reasoning infrastructure for finite sets.* Renamed Library/Quotient.thy to Library/Quotient_Type.thy to avoidclash with new theory Quotient in Main HOL.* Moved the SMT binding into the main HOL session, eliminatingseparate HOL-SMT session.* List membership infix mem operation is only an input abbreviation.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Library/Word.thy has been removed. Use library Word/Word.thyfor future developements; former Library/Word.thy is still present inthe AFP entry RSAPPS.* Theorem Int.int_induct renamed to Int.int_of_nat_induct and is nolonger shadowed. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Dropped theorem duplicate comp_arith; use semiring_norm instead.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Dropped theorem RealPow.real_sq_order; use power2_le_imp_le instead.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Dropped normalizing_semiring etc; use the facts in semiring classesinstead. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Dropped several real-specific versions of lemmas about floor andceiling; use the generic lemmas from theory "Archimedean_Field"instead. INCOMPATIBILITY. floor_number_of_eq ~> floor_number_of le_floor_eq_number_of ~> number_of_le_floor le_floor_eq_zero ~> zero_le_floor le_floor_eq_one ~> one_le_floor floor_less_eq_number_of ~> floor_less_number_of floor_less_eq_zero ~> floor_less_zero floor_less_eq_one ~> floor_less_one less_floor_eq_number_of ~> number_of_less_floor less_floor_eq_zero ~> zero_less_floor less_floor_eq_one ~> one_less_floor floor_le_eq_number_of ~> floor_le_number_of floor_le_eq_zero ~> floor_le_zero floor_le_eq_one ~> floor_le_one floor_subtract_number_of ~> floor_diff_number_of floor_subtract_one ~> floor_diff_one ceiling_number_of_eq ~> ceiling_number_of ceiling_le_eq_number_of ~> ceiling_le_number_of ceiling_le_zero_eq ~> ceiling_le_zero ceiling_le_eq_one ~> ceiling_le_one less_ceiling_eq_number_of ~> number_of_less_ceiling less_ceiling_eq_zero ~> zero_less_ceiling less_ceiling_eq_one ~> one_less_ceiling ceiling_less_eq_number_of ~> ceiling_less_number_of ceiling_less_eq_zero ~> ceiling_less_zero ceiling_less_eq_one ~> ceiling_less_one le_ceiling_eq_number_of ~> number_of_le_ceiling le_ceiling_eq_zero ~> zero_le_ceiling le_ceiling_eq_one ~> one_le_ceiling ceiling_subtract_number_of ~> ceiling_diff_number_of ceiling_subtract_one ~> ceiling_diff_one* Theory "Finite_Set": various folding_XXX locales facilitate theapplication of the various fold combinators on finite sets.* Library theory "RBT" renamed to "RBT_Impl"; new library theory "RBT"provides abstract red-black tree type which is backed by "RBT_Impl" asimplementation. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Library/Coinductive_List has been removed -- superseded byAFP/thys/Coinductive.* Theory PReal, including the type "preal" and related operations, hasbeen removed. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Real: new development using Cauchy Sequences.* Split off theory "Big_Operators" containing setsum, setprod,Inf_fin, Sup_fin, Min, Max from theory Finite_Set. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory "Rational" renamed to "Rat", for consistency with "Nat","Int" etc. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Constant Rat.normalize needs to be qualified. INCOMPATIBILITY.* New set of rules "ac_simps" provides combined assoc / commuterewrites for all interpretations of the appropriate generic locales.* Renamed theory "OrderedGroup" to "Groups" and split theory"Ring_and_Field" into theories "Rings" and "Fields"; for moreappropriate and more consistent names suitable for name prefixeswithin the HOL theories. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Some generic constants have been put to appropriate theories: - less_eq, less: Orderings - zero, one, plus, minus, uminus, times, abs, sgn: Groups - inverse, divide: RingsINCOMPATIBILITY.* More consistent naming of type classes involving orderings (andlattices): lower_semilattice ~> semilattice_inf upper_semilattice ~> semilattice_sup dense_linear_order ~> dense_linorder pordered_ab_group_add ~> ordered_ab_group_add pordered_ab_group_add_abs ~> ordered_ab_group_add_abs pordered_ab_semigroup_add ~> ordered_ab_semigroup_add pordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le ~> ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le pordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add ~> ordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add pordered_cancel_comm_semiring ~> ordered_cancel_comm_semiring pordered_cancel_semiring ~> ordered_cancel_semiring pordered_comm_monoid_add ~> ordered_comm_monoid_add pordered_comm_ring ~> ordered_comm_ring pordered_comm_semiring ~> ordered_comm_semiring pordered_ring ~> ordered_ring pordered_ring_abs ~> ordered_ring_abs pordered_semiring ~> ordered_semiring ordered_ab_group_add ~> linordered_ab_group_add ordered_ab_semigroup_add ~> linordered_ab_semigroup_add ordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add ~> linordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add ordered_comm_semiring_strict ~> linordered_comm_semiring_strict ordered_field ~> linordered_field ordered_field_no_lb ~> linordered_field_no_lb ordered_field_no_ub ~> linordered_field_no_ub ordered_field_dense_linear_order ~> dense_linordered_field ordered_idom ~> linordered_idom ordered_ring ~> linordered_ring ordered_ring_le_cancel_factor ~> linordered_ring_le_cancel_factor ordered_ring_less_cancel_factor ~> linordered_ring_less_cancel_factor ordered_ring_strict ~> linordered_ring_strict ordered_semidom ~> linordered_semidom ordered_semiring ~> linordered_semiring ordered_semiring_1 ~> linordered_semiring_1 ordered_semiring_1_strict ~> linordered_semiring_1_strict ordered_semiring_strict ~> linordered_semiring_strict The following slightly odd type classes have been moved to a separate theory Library/Lattice_Algebras: lordered_ab_group_add ~> lattice_ab_group_add lordered_ab_group_add_abs ~> lattice_ab_group_add_abs lordered_ab_group_add_meet ~> semilattice_inf_ab_group_add lordered_ab_group_add_join ~> semilattice_sup_ab_group_add lordered_ring ~> lattice_ringINCOMPATIBILITY.* Refined field classes: - classes division_ring_inverse_zero, field_inverse_zero, linordered_field_inverse_zero include rule inverse 0 = 0 -- subsumes former division_by_zero class; - numerous lemmas have been ported from field to division_ring.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Refined algebra theorem collections: - dropped theorem group group_simps, use algebra_simps instead; - dropped theorem group ring_simps, use field_simps instead; - proper theorem collection field_simps subsumes former theorem groups field_eq_simps and field_simps; - dropped lemma eq_minus_self_iff which is a duplicate for equal_neg_zero.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Finite_Set and List: some lemmas have been generalized fromsets to lattices: fun_left_comm_idem_inter ~> fun_left_comm_idem_inf fun_left_comm_idem_union ~> fun_left_comm_idem_sup inter_Inter_fold_inter ~> inf_Inf_fold_inf union_Union_fold_union ~> sup_Sup_fold_sup Inter_fold_inter ~> Inf_fold_inf Union_fold_union ~> Sup_fold_sup inter_INTER_fold_inter ~> inf_INFI_fold_inf union_UNION_fold_union ~> sup_SUPR_fold_sup INTER_fold_inter ~> INFI_fold_inf UNION_fold_union ~> SUPR_fold_sup* Theory "Complete_Lattice": lemmas top_def and bot_def have beenreplaced by the more convenient lemmas Inf_empty and Sup_empty.Dropped lemmas Inf_insert_simp and Sup_insert_simp, which are subsumedby Inf_insert and Sup_insert. Lemmas Inf_UNIV and Sup_UNIV replaceformer Inf_Univ and Sup_Univ. Lemmas inf_top_right and sup_bot_rightsubsume inf_top and sup_bot respectively. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Reorganized theory Multiset: swapped notation of pointwise andmultiset order: - pointwise ordering is instance of class order with standard syntax <= and <; - multiset ordering has syntax <=# and <#; partial order properties are provided by means of interpretation with prefix multiset_order; - less duplication, less historical organization of sections, conversion from associations lists to multisets, rudimentary code generation; - use insert_DiffM2 [symmetric] instead of elem_imp_eq_diff_union, if needed.Renamed: multiset_eq_conv_count_eq ~> multiset_ext_iff multi_count_ext ~> multiset_ext diff_union_inverse2 ~> diff_union_cancelRINCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Permutation: replaced local "remove" by List.remove1.* Code generation: ML and OCaml code is decorated with signatures.* Theory List: added transpose.* Library/Nat_Bijection.thy is a collection of bijective functionsbetween nat and other types, which supersedes the older librariesLibrary/Nat_Int_Bij.thy and HOLCF/NatIso.thy. INCOMPATIBILITY. Constants: Nat_Int_Bij.nat2_to_nat ~> prod_encode Nat_Int_Bij.nat_to_nat2 ~> prod_decode Nat_Int_Bij.int_to_nat_bij ~> int_encode Nat_Int_Bij.nat_to_int_bij ~> int_decode Countable.pair_encode ~> prod_encode NatIso.prod2nat ~> prod_encode NatIso.nat2prod ~> prod_decode NatIso.sum2nat ~> sum_encode NatIso.nat2sum ~> sum_decode NatIso.list2nat ~> list_encode NatIso.nat2list ~> list_decode NatIso.set2nat ~> set_encode NatIso.nat2set ~> set_decode Lemmas: Nat_Int_Bij.bij_nat_to_int_bij ~> bij_int_decode Nat_Int_Bij.nat2_to_nat_inj ~> inj_prod_encode Nat_Int_Bij.nat2_to_nat_surj ~> surj_prod_encode Nat_Int_Bij.nat_to_nat2_inj ~> inj_prod_decode Nat_Int_Bij.nat_to_nat2_surj ~> surj_prod_decode Nat_Int_Bij.i2n_n2i_id ~> int_encode_inverse Nat_Int_Bij.n2i_i2n_id ~> int_decode_inverse Nat_Int_Bij.surj_nat_to_int_bij ~> surj_int_encode Nat_Int_Bij.surj_int_to_nat_bij ~> surj_int_decode Nat_Int_Bij.inj_nat_to_int_bij ~> inj_int_encode Nat_Int_Bij.inj_int_to_nat_bij ~> inj_int_decode Nat_Int_Bij.bij_nat_to_int_bij ~> bij_int_encode Nat_Int_Bij.bij_int_to_nat_bij ~> bij_int_decode* Sledgehammer: - Renamed ATP commands: atp_info ~> sledgehammer running_atps atp_kill ~> sledgehammer kill_atps atp_messages ~> sledgehammer messages atp_minimize ~> sledgehammer minimize print_atps ~> sledgehammer available_atps INCOMPATIBILITY. - Added user's manual ("isabelle doc sledgehammer"). - Added option syntax and "sledgehammer_params" to customize Sledgehammer's behavior. See the manual for details. - Modified the Isar proof reconstruction code so that it produces direct proofs rather than proofs by contradiction. (This feature is still experimental.) - Made Isar proof reconstruction work for SPASS, remote ATPs, and in full-typed mode. - Added support for TPTP syntax for SPASS via the "spass_tptp" ATP.* Nitpick: - Added and implemented "binary_ints" and "bits" options. - Added "std" option and implemented support for nonstandard models. - Added and implemented "finitize" option to improve the precision of infinite datatypes based on a monotonicity analysis. - Added support for quotient types. - Added support for "specification" and "ax_specification" constructs. - Added support for local definitions (for "function" and "termination" proofs). - Added support for term postprocessors. - Optimized "Multiset.multiset" and "FinFun.finfun". - Improved efficiency of "destroy_constrs" optimization. - Fixed soundness bugs related to "destroy_constrs" optimization and record getters. - Fixed soundness bug related to higher-order constructors. - Fixed soundness bug when "full_descrs" is enabled. - Improved precision of set constructs. - Added "atoms" option. - Added cache to speed up repeated Kodkod invocations on the same problems. - Renamed "MiniSatJNI", "zChaffJNI", "BerkMinAlloy", and "SAT4JLight" to "MiniSat_JNI", "zChaff_JNI", "BerkMin_Alloy", and "SAT4J_Light". INCOMPATIBILITY. - Removed "skolemize", "uncurry", "sym_break", "flatten_prop", "sharing_depth", and "show_skolems" options. INCOMPATIBILITY. - Removed "nitpick_intro" attribute. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Method "induct" now takes instantiations of the form t, where t is not a variable, as a shorthand for "x == t", where x is a fresh variable. If this is not intended, t has to be enclosed in parentheses. By default, the equalities generated by definitional instantiations are pre-simplified, which may cause parameters of inductive cases to disappear, or may even delete some of the inductive cases. Use "induct (no_simp)" instead of "induct" to restore the old behaviour. The (no_simp) option is also understood by the "cases" and "nominal_induct" methods, which now perform pre-simplification, too. INCOMPATIBILITY.*** HOLCF **** Variable names in lemmas generated by the domain package havechanged; the naming scheme is now consistent with the HOL datatypepackage. Some proof scripts may be affected, INCOMPATIBILITY.* The domain package no longer defines the function "foo_copy" forrecursive domain "foo". The reach lemma is now stated directly interms of "foo_take". Lemmas and proofs that mention "foo_copy" mustbe reformulated in terms of "foo_take", INCOMPATIBILITY.* Most definedness lemmas generated by the domain package (previouslyof the form "x ~= UU ==> foo$x ~= UU") now have an if-and-only-if formlike "foo$x = UU <-> x = UU", which works better as a simp rule.Proofs that used definedness lemmas as intro rules may break,potential INCOMPATIBILITY.* Induction and casedist rules generated by the domain package nowdeclare proper case_names (one called "bottom", and one named for eachconstructor). INCOMPATIBILITY.* For mutually-recursive domains, separate "reach" and "take_lemma"rules are generated for each domain, INCOMPATIBILITY. foo_bar.reach ~> foo.reach bar.reach foo_bar.take_lemmas ~> foo.take_lemma bar.take_lemma* Some lemmas generated by the domain package have been renamed forconsistency with the datatype package, INCOMPATIBILITY. foo.ind ~> foo.induct foo.finite_ind ~> foo.finite_induct foo.coind ~> foo.coinduct foo.casedist ~> foo.exhaust foo.exhaust ~> foo.nchotomy* For consistency with other definition packages, the fixrec packagenow generates qualified theorem names, INCOMPATIBILITY. foo_simps ~> foo.simps foo_unfold ~> foo.unfold foo_induct ~> foo.induct* The "fixrec_simp" attribute has been removed. The "fixrec_simp"method and internal fixrec proofs now use the default simpset instead.INCOMPATIBILITY.* The "contlub" predicate has been removed. Proof scripts should uselemma contI2 in place of monocontlub2cont, INCOMPATIBILITY.* The "admw" predicate has been removed, INCOMPATIBILITY.* The constants cpair, cfst, and csnd have been removed in favor ofPair, fst, and snd from Isabelle/HOL, INCOMPATIBILITY.*** ML **** Antiquotations for basic formal entities: @{class NAME} -- type class @{class_syntax NAME} -- syntax representation of the above @{type_name NAME} -- logical type @{type_abbrev NAME} -- type abbreviation @{nonterminal NAME} -- type of concrete syntactic category @{type_syntax NAME} -- syntax representation of any of the above @{const_name NAME} -- logical constant (INCOMPATIBILITY) @{const_abbrev NAME} -- abbreviated constant @{const_syntax NAME} -- syntax representation of any of the above* Antiquotation @{syntax_const NAME} ensures that NAME refers to a rawsyntax constant (cf. 'syntax' command).* Antiquotation @{make_string} inlines a function to print arbitraryvalues similar to the ML toplevel. The result is compiler dependentand may fall back on "?" in certain situations.* Diagnostic commands 'ML_val' and 'ML_command' may refer toantiquotations @{Isar.state} and @{Isar.goal}. This replaces impureIsar.state() and Isar.goal(), which belong to the old TTY loop and donot work with the asynchronous Isar document model.* Configuration options now admit dynamic default values, depending onthe context or even global references.* SHA1.digest digests strings according to SHA-1 (see RFC 3174). Ituses an efficient external library if available (for Poly/ML).* Renamed some important ML structures, while keeping the old namesfor some time as aliases within the structure Legacy: OuterKeyword ~> Keyword OuterLex ~> Token OuterParse ~> Parse OuterSyntax ~> Outer_Syntax PrintMode ~> Print_Mode SpecParse ~> Parse_Spec ThyInfo ~> Thy_Info ThyLoad ~> Thy_Load ThyOutput ~> Thy_Output TypeInfer ~> Type_InferNote that "open Legacy" simplifies porting of sources, but forgettingto remove it again will complicate porting again in the future.* Most operations that refer to a global context are namedaccordingly, e.g. Simplifier.global_context orProofContext.init_global. There are some situations where a globalcontext actually works, but under normal circumstances one needs topass the proper local context through the code!* Discontinued old TheoryDataFun with its copy/init operation -- dataneeds to be pure. Functor Theory_Data_PP retains the traditionalPretty.pp argument to merge, which is absent in the standardTheory_Data version.* Sorts.certify_sort and derived "cert" operations for types and termsno longer minimize sorts. Thus certification at the boundary of theinference kernel becomes invariant under addition of class relations,which is an important monotonicity principle. Sorts are now minimizedin the syntax layer only, at the boundary between the end-user and thesystem. Subtle INCOMPATIBILITY, may have to use Sign.minimize_sortexplicitly in rare situations.* Renamed old-style Drule.standard to Drule.export_without_context, toemphasize that this is in no way a standard operation.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Subgoal.FOCUS (and variants): resulting goal state is normalized asusual for resolution. Rare INCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamed varify/unvarify operations to varify_global/unvarify_globalto emphasize that these only work in a global situation (which isquite rare).* Curried take and drop in library.ML; negative length is interpretedas infinity (as in chop). Subtle INCOMPATIBILITY.* Proof terms: type substitutions on proof constants now use canonicalorder of type variables. INCOMPATIBILITY for tools working with proofterms.* Raw axioms/defs may no longer carry sort constraints, and raw defsmay no longer carry premises. User-level specifications aretransformed accordingly by Thm.add_axiom/add_def.*** System **** Discontinued special HOL_USEDIR_OPTIONS for the main HOL image;ISABELLE_USEDIR_OPTIONS applies uniformly to all sessions. Note thatproof terms are enabled unconditionally in the new HOL-Proofs image.* Discontinued old ISABELLE and ISATOOL environment settings (legacyfeature since Isabelle2009). Use ISABELLE_PROCESS and ISABELLE_TOOL,respectively.* Old lib/scripts/polyml-platform is superseded by theISABELLE_PLATFORM setting variable, which defaults to the 32 bitvariant, even on a 64 bit machine. The following example settingprefers 64 bit if available: ML_PLATFORM="${ISABELLE_PLATFORM64:-$ISABELLE_PLATFORM}"* The preliminary Isabelle/jEdit application demonstrates the emergingIsabelle/Scala layer for advanced prover interaction and integration.See src/Tools/jEdit or "isabelle jedit" provided by the properly builtcomponent.* "IsabelleText" is a Unicode font derived from Bitstream Vera Monoand Bluesky TeX fonts. It provides the usual Isabelle symbols,similar to the default assignment of the document preparation system(cf. isabellesym.sty). The Isabelle/Scala class Isabelle_Systemprovides some operations for direct access to the font without askingthe user for manual installation.New in Isabelle2009-1 (December 2009)-------------------------------------*** General **** Discontinued old form of "escaped symbols" such as \\<forall>. Onlyone backslash should be used, even in ML sources.*** Pure **** Locale interpretation propagates mixins along the locale hierarchy.The currently only available mixins are the equations used to maplocal definitions to terms of the target domain of an interpretation.* Reactivated diagnostic command 'print_interps'. Use "print_interpsloc" to print all interpretations of locale "loc" in the theory.Interpretations in proofs are not shown.* Thoroughly revised locales tutorial. New section on conditionalinterpretation.* On instantiation of classes, remaining undefined class parametersare formally declared. INCOMPATIBILITY.*** Document preparation **** New generalized style concept for printing terms: @{foo (style) ...}instead of @{foo_style style ...} (old form is still retained forbackward compatibility). Styles can be also applied forantiquotations prop, term_type and typeof.*** HOL **** New proof method "smt" for a combination of first-order logic withequality, linear and nonlinear (natural/integer/real) arithmetic, andfixed-size bitvectors; there is also basic support for higher-orderfeatures (esp. lambda abstractions). It is an incomplete decisionprocedure based on external SMT solvers using the oracle mechanism;for the SMT solver Z3, this method is proof-producing. Certificatesare provided to avoid calling the external solvers solely forre-checking proofs. Due to a remote SMT service there is no need forinstalling SMT solvers locally. See src/HOL/SMT.* New commands to load and prove verification conditions generated bythe Boogie program verifier or derived systems (e.g. the Verifying CCompiler (VCC) or Spec#). See src/HOL/Boogie.* New counterexample generator tool 'nitpick' based on the Kodkodrelational model finder. See src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick andsrc/HOL/Nitpick_Examples.* New commands 'code_pred' and 'values' to invoke the predicatecompiler and to enumerate values of inductive predicates.* A tabled implementation of the reflexive transitive closure.* New implementation of quickcheck uses generic code generator;default generators are provided for all suitable HOL types, recordsand datatypes. Old quickcheck can be re-activated importing theoryLibrary/SML_Quickcheck.* New testing tool Mirabelle for automated proof tools. Appliesseveral tools and tactics like sledgehammer, metis, or quickcheck, toevery proof step in a theory. To be used in batch mode via the"mirabelle" utility.* New proof method "sos" (sum of squares) for nonlinear realarithmetic (originally due to John Harison). It requires theoryLibrary/Sum_Of_Squares. It is not a complete decision procedure butworks well in practice on quantifier-free real arithmetic with +, -,*, ^, =, <= and <, i.e. boolean combinations of equalities andinequalities between polynomials. It makes use of externalsemidefinite programming solvers. Method "sos" generates acertificate that can be pasted into the proof thus avoiding the needto call an external tool every time the proof is checked. Seesrc/HOL/Library/Sum_Of_Squares.* New method "linarith" invokes existing linear arithmetic decisionprocedure only.* New command 'atp_minimal' reduces result produced by Sledgehammer.* New Sledgehammer option "Full Types" in Proof General settings menu.Causes full type information to be output to the ATPs. This slowsATPs down considerably but eliminates a source of unsound "proofs"that fail later.* New method "metisFT": A version of metis that uses full typeinformation in order to avoid failures of proof reconstruction.* New evaluator "approximate" approximates an real valued term usingthe same method as the approximation method.* Method "approximate" now supports arithmetic expressions asboundaries of intervals and implements interval splitting and Taylorseries expansion.* ML antiquotation @{code_datatype} inserts definition of a datatypegenerated by the code generator; e.g. see src/HOL/Predicate.thy.* New theory SupInf of the supremum and infimum operators for sets ofreals.* New theory Probability, which contains a development of measuretheory, eventually leading to Lebesgue integration and probability.* Extended Multivariate Analysis to include derivation and Brouwer'sfixpoint theorem.* Reorganization of number theory, INCOMPATIBILITY: - new number theory development for nat and int, in theories Divides and GCD as well as in new session Number_Theory - some constants and facts now suffixed with _nat and _int accordingly - former session NumberTheory now named Old_Number_Theory, including theories Legacy_GCD and Primes (prefer Number_Theory if possible) - moved theory Pocklington from src/HOL/Library to src/HOL/Old_Number_Theory* Theory GCD includes functions Gcd/GCD and Lcm/LCM for the gcd andlcm of finite and infinite sets. It is shown that they form a completelattice.* Class semiring_div requires superclass no_zero_divisors and proof ofdiv_mult_mult1; theorems div_mult_mult1, div_mult_mult2,div_mult_mult1_if, div_mult_mult1 and div_mult_mult2 have beengeneralized to class semiring_div, subsuming former theoremszdiv_zmult_zmult1, zdiv_zmult_zmult1_if, zdiv_zmult_zmult1 andzdiv_zmult_zmult2. div_mult_mult1 is now [simp] by default.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Refinements to lattice classes and sets: - less default intro/elim rules in locale variant, more default intro/elim rules in class variant: more uniformity - lemma ge_sup_conv renamed to le_sup_iff, in accordance with le_inf_iff - dropped lemma alias inf_ACI for inf_aci (same for sup_ACI and sup_aci) - renamed ACI to inf_sup_aci - new class "boolean_algebra" - class "complete_lattice" moved to separate theory "Complete_Lattice"; corresponding constants (and abbreviations) renamed and with authentic syntax: Set.Inf ~> Complete_Lattice.Inf Set.Sup ~> Complete_Lattice.Sup Set.INFI ~> Complete_Lattice.INFI Set.SUPR ~> Complete_Lattice.SUPR Set.Inter ~> Complete_Lattice.Inter Set.Union ~> Complete_Lattice.Union Set.INTER ~> Complete_Lattice.INTER Set.UNION ~> Complete_Lattice.UNION - authentic syntax for Set.Pow Set.image - mere abbreviations: Set.empty (for bot) Set.UNIV (for top) Set.inter (for inf, formerly Set.Int) Set.union (for sup, formerly Set.Un) Complete_Lattice.Inter (for Inf) Complete_Lattice.Union (for Sup) Complete_Lattice.INTER (for INFI) Complete_Lattice.UNION (for SUPR) - object-logic definitions as far as appropriateINCOMPATIBILITY. Care is required when theorems Int_subset_iff orUn_subset_iff are explicitly deleted as default simp rules; then alsotheir lattice counterparts le_inf_iff and le_sup_iff have to bedeleted to achieve the desired effect.* Rules inf_absorb1, inf_absorb2, sup_absorb1, sup_absorb2 are no simprules by default any longer; the same applies to min_max.inf_absorb1etc. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Rules sup_Int_eq and sup_Un_eq are no longer declared aspred_set_conv by default. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Power operations on relations and functions are now one dedicatedconstant "compow" with infix syntax "^^". Power operation onmultiplicative monoids retains syntax "^" and is now defined genericin class power. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Relation composition "R O S" now has a more standard argument order:"R O S = {(x, z). EX y. (x, y) : R & (y, z) : S}". INCOMPATIBILITY,rewrite propositions with "S O R" --> "R O S". Proofs may occasionallybreak, since the O_assoc rule was not rewritten like this. Fix usingO_assoc[symmetric]. The same applies to the curried version "R OO S".* Function "Inv" is renamed to "inv_into" and function "inv" is now anabbreviation for "inv_into UNIV". Lemmas are renamed accordingly.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Most rules produced by inductive and datatype package have mandatoryprefixes. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Changed "DERIV_intros" to a dynamic fact, which can be augmented bythe attribute of the same name. Each of the theorems in the listDERIV_intros assumes composition with an additional function andmatches a variable to the derivative, which has to be solved by theSimplifier. Hence (auto intro!: DERIV_intros) computes the derivativeof most elementary terms. Former Maclauren.DERIV_tac andMaclauren.deriv_tac should be replaced by (auto intro!: DERIV_intros).INCOMPATIBILITY.* Code generator attributes follow the usual underscore convention: code_unfold replaces code unfold code_post replaces code post etc. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamed methods: sizechange -> size_change induct_scheme -> induction_schema INCOMPATIBILITY.* Discontinued abbreviation "arbitrary" of constant "undefined".INCOMPATIBILITY, use "undefined" directly.* Renamed theorems: Suc_eq_add_numeral_1 -> Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_eq_add_numeral_1_left -> Suc_eq_plus1_left Suc_plus1 -> Suc_eq_plus1 *anti_sym -> *antisym* vector_less_eq_def -> vector_le_def INCOMPATIBILITY.* Added theorem List.map_map as [simp]. Removed List.map_compose.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Removed predicate "M hassize n" (<--> card M = n & finite M).INCOMPATIBILITY.*** HOLCF **** Theory Representable defines a class "rep" of domains that arerepresentable (via an ep-pair) in the universal domain type "udom".Instances are provided for all type constructors defined in HOLCF.* The 'new_domain' command is a purely definitional version of thedomain package, for representable domains. Syntax is identical to theold domain package. The 'new_domain' package also supports indirectrecursion using previously-defined type constructors. Seesrc/HOLCF/ex/New_Domain.thy for examples.* Method "fixrec_simp" unfolds one step of a fixrec-defined constanton the left-hand side of an equation, and then performssimplification. Rewriting is done using rules declared with the"fixrec_simp" attribute. The "fixrec_simp" method is intended as areplacement for "fixpat"; see src/HOLCF/ex/Fixrec_ex.thy for examples.* The pattern-match compiler in 'fixrec' can now handle constructorswith HOL function types. Pattern-match combinators for the Pairconstructor are pre-configured.* The 'fixrec' package now produces better fixed-point induction rulesfor mutually-recursive definitions: Induction rules have conclusionsof the form "P foo bar" instead of "P <foo, bar>".* The constant "sq_le" (with infix syntax "<<" or "\<sqsubseteq>") hasbeen renamed to "below". The name "below" now replaces "less" in manytheorem names. (Legacy theorem names using "less" are still supportedas well.)* The 'fixrec' package now supports "bottom patterns". Bottompatterns can be used to generate strictness rules, or to makefunctions more strict (much like the bang-patterns supported by theGlasgow Haskell Compiler). See src/HOLCF/ex/Fixrec_ex.thy forexamples.*** ML **** Support for Poly/ML 5.3.0, with improved reporting of compilererrors and run-time exceptions, including detailed source positions.* Structure Name_Space (formerly NameSpace) now manages uniquelyidentified entries, with some additional information such as sourceposition, logical grouping etc.* Theory and context data is now introduced by the simplified andmodernized functors Theory_Data, Proof_Data, Generic_Data. Data needsto be pure, but the old TheoryDataFun for mutable data (with explicitcopy operation) is still available for some time.* Structure Synchronized (cf. src/Pure/Concurrent/synchronized.ML)provides a high-level programming interface to synchronized statevariables with atomic update. This works via pure functionapplication within a critical section -- its runtime should be asshort as possible; beware of deadlocks if critical code is nested,either directly or indirectly via other synchronized variables!* Structure Unsynchronized (cf. src/Pure/ML-Systems/unsynchronized.ML)wraps raw ML references, explicitly indicating their non-thread-safebehaviour. The Isar toplevel keeps this structure open, toaccommodate Proof General as well as quick and dirty interactiveexperiments with references.* PARALLEL_CHOICE and PARALLEL_GOALS provide basic support forparallel tactical reasoning.* Tacticals Subgoal.FOCUS, Subgoal.FOCUS_PREMS, Subgoal.FOCUS_PARAMSare similar to SUBPROOF, but are slightly more flexible: only thespecified parts of the subgoal are imported into the context, and thebody tactic may introduce new subgoals and schematic variables.* Old tactical METAHYPS, which does not observe the proof context, hasbeen renamed to Old_Goals.METAHYPS and awaits deletion. Use SUBPROOFor Subgoal.FOCUS etc.* Renamed functor TableFun to Table, and GraphFun to Graph. (Sincefunctors have their own ML name space there is no point to mark themseparately.) Minor INCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamed NamedThmsFun to Named_Thms. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamed several structures FooBar to Foo_Bar. Occasional,INCOMPATIBILITY.* Operations of structure Skip_Proof no longer require quick_and_dirtymode, which avoids critical setmp.* Eliminated old Attrib.add_attributes, Method.add_methods and relatedcombinators for "args". INCOMPATIBILITY, need to use simplifiedAttrib/Method.setup introduced in Isabelle2009.* Proper context for simpset_of, claset_of, clasimpset_of. May fallback on global_simpset_of, global_claset_of, global_clasimpset_of aslast resort. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Display.pretty_thm now requires a proper context (cf. formerProofContext.pretty_thm). May fall back on Display.pretty_thm_globalor even Display.pretty_thm_without_context as last resort.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Discontinued Display.pretty_ctyp/cterm etc. INCOMPATIBILITY, useSyntax.pretty_typ/term directly, preferably with proper contextinstead of global theory.*** System **** Further fine tuning of parallel proof checking, scales up to 8 cores(max. speedup factor 5.0). See also Goal.parallel_proofs in ML andusedir option -q.* Support for additional "Isabelle components" via etc/components, seealso the system manual.* The isabelle makeall tool now operates on all components withIsaMakefile, not just hardwired "logics".* Removed "compress" option from isabelle-process and isabelle usedir;this is always enabled.* Discontinued support for Poly/ML 4.x versions.* Isabelle tool "wwwfind" provides web interface for 'find_theorems'on a given logic image. This requires the lighttpd webserver and iscurrently supported on Linux only.New in Isabelle2009 (April 2009)--------------------------------*** General **** Simplified main Isabelle executables, with less surprises oncase-insensitive file-systems (such as Mac OS). - The main Isabelle tool wrapper is now called "isabelle" instead of "isatool." - The former "isabelle" alias for "isabelle-process" has been removed (should rarely occur to regular users). - The former "isabelle-interface" and its alias "Isabelle" have been removed (interfaces are now regular Isabelle tools).Within scripts and make files, the Isabelle environment variablesISABELLE_TOOL and ISABELLE_PROCESS replace old ISATOOL and ISABELLE,respectively. (The latter are still available as legacy feature.)The old isabelle-interface wrapper could react in confusing ways ifthe interface was uninstalled or changed otherwise. Individualinterface tool configuration is now more explicit, see also theIsabelle system manual. In particular, Proof General is now availablevia "isabelle emacs".INCOMPATIBILITY, need to adapt derivative scripts. Users may need topurge installed copies of Isabelle executables and re-run "isabelleinstall -p ...", or use symlinks.* The default for ISABELLE_HOME_USER is now ~/.isabelle instead of theold ~/isabelle, which was slightly non-standard and apt to causesurprises on case-insensitive file-systems (such as Mac OS).INCOMPATIBILITY, need to move existing ~/isabelle/etc,~/isabelle/heaps, ~/isabelle/browser_info to the new place. Specialcare is required when using older releases of Isabelle. Note thatISABELLE_HOME_USER can be changed in Isabelle/etc/settings of anyIsabelle distribution, in order to use the new ~/.isabelle uniformly.* Proofs of fully specified statements are run in parallel onmulti-core systems. A speedup factor of 2.5 to 3.2 can be expected ona regular 4-core machine, if the initial heap space is made reasonablylarge (cf. Poly/ML option -H). (Requires Poly/ML 5.2.1 or later.)* The main reference manuals ("isar-ref", "implementation", and"system") have been updated and extended. Formally checked referencesas hyperlinks are now available uniformly.*** Pure **** Complete re-implementation of locales. INCOMPATIBILITY in severalrespects. The most important changes are listed below. See theTutorial on Locales ("locales" manual) for details.- In locale expressions, instantiation replaces renaming. Parametersmust be declared in a for clause. To aid compatibility with previousparameter inheritance, in locale declarations, parameters that are not'touched' (instantiation position "_" or omitted) are implicitly addedwith their syntax at the beginning of the for clause.- Syntax from abbreviations and definitions in locales is available inlocale expressions and context elements. The latter is particularlyuseful in locale declarations.- More flexible mechanisms to qualify names generated by localeexpressions. Qualifiers (prefixes) may be specified in localeexpressions, and can be marked as mandatory (syntax: "name!:") oroptional (syntax "name?:"). The default depends for plain "name:"depends on the situation where a locale expression is used: incommands 'locale' and 'sublocale' prefixes are optional, in'interpretation' and 'interpret' prefixes are mandatory. The oldimplicit qualifiers derived from the parameter names of a locale areno longer generated.- Command "sublocale l < e" replaces "interpretation l < e". Theinstantiation clause in "interpretation" and "interpret" (squarebrackets) is no longer available. Use locale expressions.- When converting proof scripts, mandatory qualifiers in'interpretation' and 'interpret' should be retained by default, evenif this is an INCOMPATIBILITY compared to former behavior. In theworst case, use the "name?:" form for non-mandatory ones. Qualifiersin locale expressions range over a single locale instance only.- Dropped locale element "includes". This is a major INCOMPATIBILITY.In existing theorem specifications replace the includes element by therespective context elements of the included locale, omitting thosethat are already present in the theorem specification. Multipleassume elements of a locale should be replaced by a single oneinvolving the locale predicate. In the proof body, declarations (mostnotably theorems) may be regained by interpreting the respectivelocales in the proof context as required (command "interpret").If using "includes" in replacement of a target solely because theparameter types in the theorem are not as general as in the target,consider declaring a new locale with additional type constraints onthe parameters (context element "constrains").- Discontinued "locale (open)". INCOMPATIBILITY.- Locale interpretation commands no longer attempt to simplify goal.INCOMPATIBILITY: in rare situations the generated goal differs. Usemethods intro_locales and unfold_locales to clarify.- Locale interpretation commands no longer accept interpretationattributes. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Class declaration: so-called "base sort" must not be given in importlist any longer, but is inferred from the specification. Particularlyin HOL, write class foo = ...instead of class foo = type + ...* Class target: global versions of theorems stemming do not carry aparameter prefix any longer. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Class 'instance' command no longer accepts attached definitions.INCOMPATIBILITY, use proper 'instantiation' target instead.* Recovered hiding of consts, which was accidentally broken inIsabelle2007. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY, ``hide const c'' reallymakes c inaccessible; consider using ``hide (open) const c'' instead.* Slightly more coherent Pure syntax, with updated documentation inisar-ref manual. Removed locales meta_term_syntax andmeta_conjunction_syntax: TERM and &&& (formerly &&) are now permanent,INCOMPATIBILITY in rare situations. Note that &&& should not be useddirectly in regular applications.* There is a new syntactic category "float_const" for signed decimalfractions (e.g. 123.45 or -123.45).* Removed exotic 'token_translation' command. INCOMPATIBILITY, use MLinterface with 'setup' command instead.* Command 'local_setup' is similar to 'setup', but operates on a localtheory context.* The 'axiomatization' command now only works within a global theorycontext. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Goal-directed proof now enforces strict proof irrelevance wrt. sorthypotheses. Sorts required in the course of reasoning need to becovered by the constraints in the initial statement, completed by thetype instance information of the background theory. Non-trivial sorthypotheses, which rarely occur in practice, may be specified viavacuous propositions of the form SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::c). For example: lemma assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::empty)" shows False ...The result contains an implicit sort hypotheses as before --SORT_CONSTRAINT premises are eliminated as part of the canonical rulenormalization.* Generalized Isar history, with support for linear undo, direct stateaddressing etc.* Changed defaults for unify configuration options: unify_trace_bound = 50 (formerly 25) unify_search_bound = 60 (formerly 30)* Different bookkeeping for code equations (INCOMPATIBILITY): a) On theory merge, the last set of code equations for a particular constant is taken (in accordance with the policy applied by other parts of the code generator framework). b) Code equations stemming from explicit declarations (e.g. code attribute) gain priority over default code equations stemming from definition, primrec, fun etc.* Keyword 'code_exception' now named 'code_abort'. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Unified theorem tables for both code generators. Thus [codefunc] has disappeared and only [code] remains. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Command 'find_consts' searches for constants based on type and namepatterns, e.g. find_consts "_ => bool"By default, matching is against subtypes, but it may be restricted tothe whole type. Searching by name is possible. Multiple queries areconjunctive and queries may be negated by prefixing them with ahyphen: find_consts strict: "_ => bool" name: "Int" -"int => int"* New 'find_theorems' criterion "solves" matches theorems thatdirectly solve the current goal (modulo higher-order unification).* Auto solve feature for main theorem statements: whenever a new goalis stated, "find_theorems solves" is called; any theorems that couldsolve the lemma directly are listed as part of the goal state.Cf. associated options in Proof General Isabelle settings menu,enabled by default, with reasonable timeout for pathological cases ofhigher-order unification.*** Document preparation **** Antiquotation @{lemma} now imitates a regular terminal proof,demanding keyword 'by' and supporting the full method expressionsyntax just like the Isar command 'by'.*** HOL **** Integrated main parts of former image HOL-Complex with HOL. Entrypoints Main and Complex_Main remain as before.* Logic image HOL-Plain provides a minimal HOL with the most importanttools available (inductive, datatype, primrec, ...). This facilitatesexperimentation and tool development. Note that user applications(and library theories) should never refer to anything below theoryMain, as before.* Logic image HOL-Main stops at theory Main, and thus facilitatesexperimentation due to shorter build times.* Logic image HOL-NSA contains theories of nonstandard analysis whichwere previously part of former HOL-Complex. Entry point Hyperrealremains valid, but theories formerly using Complex_Main should now usenew entry point Hypercomplex.* Generic ATP manager for Sledgehammer, based on ML threads instead ofPosix processes. Avoids potentially expensive forking of the MLprocess. New thread-based implementation also works on non-Unixplatforms (Cygwin). Provers are no longer hardwired, but definedwithin the theory via plain ML wrapper functions. Basic Sledgehammercommands are covered in the isar-ref manual.* Wrapper scripts for remote SystemOnTPTP service allows to usesledgehammer without local ATP installation (Vampire etc.). Otherprovers may be included via suitable ML wrappers, see alsosrc/HOL/ATP_Linkup.thy.* ATP selection (E/Vampire/Spass) is now via Proof General's settingsmenu.* The metis method no longer fails because the theorem is too trivial(contains the empty clause).* The metis method now fails in the usual manner, rather than raisingan exception, if it determines that it cannot prove the theorem.* Method "coherent" implements a prover for coherent logic (see alsosrc/Tools/coherent.ML).* Constants "undefined" and "default" replace "arbitrary". Usually"undefined" is the right choice to replace "arbitrary", thoughlogically there is no difference. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Command "value" now integrates different evaluation mechanisms. Theresult of the first successful evaluation mechanism is printed. Insquare brackets a particular named evaluation mechanisms may bespecified (currently, [SML], [code] or [nbe]). See furthersrc/HOL/ex/Eval_Examples.thy.* Normalization by evaluation now allows non-leftlinear equations.Declare with attribute [code nbe].* Methods "case_tac" and "induct_tac" now refer to the very same rulesas the structured Isar versions "cases" and "induct", cf. thecorresponding "cases" and "induct" attributes. Mutual induction rulesare now presented as a list of individual projections(e.g. foo_bar.inducts for types foo and bar); the old format withexplicit HOL conjunction is no longer supported. INCOMPATIBILITY, inrare situations a different rule is selected --- notably nested tupleelimination instead of former prod.exhaust: use explicit (case_tac trule: prod.exhaust) here.* Attributes "cases", "induct", "coinduct" support "del" option.* Removed fact "case_split_thm", which duplicates "case_split".* The option datatype has been moved to a new theory Option. Renamedoption_map to, and o2s to Option.set, INCOMPATIBILITY.* New predicate "strict_mono" classifies strict functions on partialorders. With strict functions on linear orders, reasoning about(in)equalities is facilitated by theorems "strict_mono_eq","strict_mono_less_eq" and "strict_mono_less".* Some set operations are now proper qualified constants withauthentic syntax. INCOMPATIBILITY: op Int ~> Set.Int op Un ~> Set.Un INTER ~> Set.INTER UNION ~> Set.UNION Inter ~> Set.Inter Union ~> Set.Union {} ~> Set.empty UNIV ~> Set.UNIV* Class complete_lattice with operations Inf, Sup, INFI, SUPR now intheory Set.* Auxiliary class "itself" has disappeared -- classes without anyparameter are treated as expected by the 'class' command.* Leibnitz's Series for Pi and the arcus tangens and logarithm series.* Common decision procedures (Cooper, MIR, Ferrack, Approximation,Dense_Linear_Order) are now in directory HOL/Decision_Procs.* Theory src/HOL/Decision_Procs/Approximation provides the new proofmethod "approximation". It proves formulas on real values by usinginterval arithmetic. In the formulas are also the transcendentalfunctions sin, cos, tan, atan, ln, exp and the constant pi areallowed. For examples seesrc/HOL/Descision_Procs/ex/Approximation_Ex.thy.* Theory "Reflection" now resides in HOL/Library.* Entry point to Word library now simply named "Word".INCOMPATIBILITY.* Made source layout more coherent with logical distributionstructure: src/HOL/Library/RType.thy ~> src/HOL/Typerep.thy src/HOL/Library/Code_Message.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Library/GCD.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Library/Order_Relation.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Library/Parity.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Library/Univ_Poly.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Real/ContNotDenum.thy ~> src/HOL/Library/ src/HOL/Real/Lubs.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Real/PReal.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Real/Rational.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Real/RComplete.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Real/RealDef.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Real/RealPow.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Real/Real.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Complex/Complex_Main.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Complex/Complex.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Complex/FrechetDeriv.thy ~> src/HOL/Library/ src/HOL/Complex/Fundamental_Theorem_Algebra.thy ~> src/HOL/Library/ src/HOL/Hyperreal/Deriv.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Hyperreal/Fact.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Hyperreal/Integration.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Hyperreal/Lim.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Hyperreal/Ln.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Hyperreal/Log.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Hyperreal/MacLaurin.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Hyperreal/NthRoot.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Hyperreal/Series.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Hyperreal/SEQ.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Hyperreal/Taylor.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Hyperreal/Transcendental.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/Real/Float ~> src/HOL/Library/ src/HOL/Real/HahnBanach ~> src/HOL/HahnBanach src/HOL/Real/RealVector.thy ~> src/HOL/ src/HOL/arith_data.ML ~> src/HOL/Tools src/HOL/hologic.ML ~> src/HOL/Tools src/HOL/simpdata.ML ~> src/HOL/Tools src/HOL/int_arith1.ML ~> src/HOL/Tools/int_arith.ML src/HOL/int_factor_simprocs.ML ~> src/HOL/Tools src/HOL/nat_simprocs.ML ~> src/HOL/Tools src/HOL/Real/float_arith.ML ~> src/HOL/Tools src/HOL/Real/float_syntax.ML ~> src/HOL/Tools src/HOL/Real/rat_arith.ML ~> src/HOL/Tools src/HOL/Real/real_arith.ML ~> src/HOL/Tools src/HOL/Library/Array.thy ~> src/HOL/Imperative_HOL src/HOL/Library/Heap_Monad.thy ~> src/HOL/Imperative_HOL src/HOL/Library/Heap.thy ~> src/HOL/Imperative_HOL src/HOL/Library/Imperative_HOL.thy ~> src/HOL/Imperative_HOL src/HOL/Library/Ref.thy ~> src/HOL/Imperative_HOL src/HOL/Library/Relational.thy ~> src/HOL/Imperative_HOL* If methods "eval" and "evaluation" encounter a structured proofstate with !!/==>, only the conclusion is evaluated to True (ifpossible), avoiding strange error messages.* Method "sizechange" automates termination proofs using (amodification of) the size-change principle. Requires SAT solver. Seesrc/HOL/ex/Termination.thy for examples.* Simplifier: simproc for let expressions now unfolds if boundvariable occurs at most once in let expression body. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Method "arith": Linear arithmetic now ignores all inequalities whenfast_arith_neq_limit is exceeded, instead of giving up entirely.* New attribute "arith" for facts that should always be usedautomatically by arithmetic. It is intended to be used locally inproofs, e.g. assumes [arith]: "x > 0"Global usage is discouraged because of possible performance impact.* New classes "top" and "bot" with corresponding operations "top" and"bot" in theory Orderings; instantiation of class "complete_lattice"requires instantiation of classes "top" and "bot". INCOMPATIBILITY.* Changed definition lemma "less_fun_def" in order to provide aninstance for preorders on functions; use lemma "less_le" instead.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Orderings: class "wellorder" moved here, with explicitinduction rule "less_induct" as assumption. For instantiation of"wellorder" by means of predicate "wf", use rule wf_wellorderI.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Orderings: added class "preorder" as superclass of "order".INCOMPATIBILITY: Instantiation proofs for order, linorderetc. slightly changed. Some theorems named order_class.* now namedpreorder_class.*.* Theory Relation: renamed "refl" to "refl_on", "reflexive" to "refl,"diag" to "Id_on".* Theory Finite_Set: added a new fold combinator of type ('a => 'b => 'b) => 'b => 'a set => 'bOccasionally this is more convenient than the old fold combinatorwhich is now defined in terms of the new one and renamed tofold_image.* Theories Ring_and_Field and OrderedGroup: The lemmas "group_simps"and "ring_simps" have been replaced by "algebra_simps" (which can beextended with further lemmas!). At the moment both still exist butthe former will disappear at some point.* Theory Power: Lemma power_Suc is now declared as a simp rule inclass recpower. Type-specific simp rules for various recpower typeshave been removed. INCOMPATIBILITY, rename old lemmas as follows:rat_power_0 -> power_0rat_power_Suc -> power_Sucrealpow_0 -> power_0realpow_Suc -> power_Succomplexpow_0 -> power_0complexpow_Suc -> power_Sucpower_poly_0 -> power_0power_poly_Suc -> power_Suc* Theories Ring_and_Field and Divides: Definition of "op dvd" has beenmoved to separate class dvd in Ring_and_Field; a couple of lemmas ondvd has been generalized to class comm_semiring_1. Likewise a bunchof lemmas from Divides has been generalized from nat to classsemiring_div. INCOMPATIBILITY. This involves the following theoremrenames resulting from duplicate elimination: dvd_def_mod ~> dvd_eq_mod_eq_0 zero_dvd_iff ~> dvd_0_left_iff dvd_0 ~> dvd_0_right DIVISION_BY_ZERO_DIV ~> div_by_0 DIVISION_BY_ZERO_MOD ~> mod_by_0 mult_div ~> div_mult_self2_is_id mult_mod ~> mod_mult_self2_is_0* Theory IntDiv: removed many lemmas that are instances of class-basedgeneralizations (from Divides and Ring_and_Field). INCOMPATIBILITY,rename old lemmas as follows:dvd_diff -> nat_dvd_diffdvd_zminus_iff -> dvd_minus_iffmod_add1_eq -> mod_add_eqmod_mult1_eq -> mod_mult_right_eqmod_mult1_eq' -> mod_mult_left_eqmod_mult_distrib_mod -> mod_mult_eqnat_mod_add_left_eq -> mod_add_left_eqnat_mod_add_right_eq -> mod_add_right_eqnat_mod_div_trivial -> mod_div_trivialnat_mod_mod_trivial -> mod_mod_trivialzdiv_zadd_self1 -> div_add_self1zdiv_zadd_self2 -> div_add_self2zdiv_zmult_self1 -> div_mult_self2_is_idzdiv_zmult_self2 -> div_mult_self1_is_idzdvd_triv_left -> dvd_triv_leftzdvd_triv_right -> dvd_triv_rightzdvd_zmult_cancel_disj -> dvd_mult_cancel_leftzmod_eq0_zdvd_iff -> dvd_eq_mod_eq_0[symmetric]zmod_zadd_left_eq -> mod_add_left_eqzmod_zadd_right_eq -> mod_add_right_eqzmod_zadd_self1 -> mod_add_self1zmod_zadd_self2 -> mod_add_self2zmod_zadd1_eq -> mod_add_eqzmod_zdiff1_eq -> mod_diff_eqzmod_zdvd_zmod -> mod_mod_cancelzmod_zmod_cancel -> mod_mod_cancelzmod_zmult_self1 -> mod_mult_self2_is_0zmod_zmult_self2 -> mod_mult_self1_is_0zmod_1 -> mod_by_1zdiv_1 -> div_by_1zdvd_abs1 -> abs_dvd_iffzdvd_abs2 -> dvd_abs_iffzdvd_refl -> dvd_reflzdvd_trans -> dvd_transzdvd_zadd -> dvd_addzdvd_zdiff -> dvd_diffzdvd_zminus_iff -> dvd_minus_iffzdvd_zminus2_iff -> minus_dvd_iffzdvd_zmultD -> dvd_mult_rightzdvd_zmultD2 -> dvd_mult_leftzdvd_zmult_mono -> mult_dvd_monozdvd_0_right -> dvd_0_rightzdvd_0_left -> dvd_0_left_iffzdvd_1_left -> one_dvdzminus_dvd_iff -> minus_dvd_iff* Theory Rational: 'Fract k 0' now equals '0'. INCOMPATIBILITY.* The real numbers offer decimal input syntax: 12.34 is translatedinto 1234/10^2. This translation is not reversed upon output.* Theory Library/Polynomial defines an abstract type 'a poly ofunivariate polynomials with coefficients of type 'a. In addition tothe standard ring operations, it also supports div and mod. Codegeneration is also supported, using list-style constructors.* Theory Library/Inner_Product defines a class of real_inner for realinner product spaces, with an overloaded operation inner :: 'a => 'a=> real. Class real_inner is a subclass of real_normed_vector fromtheory RealVector.* Theory Library/Product_Vector provides instances for the producttype 'a * 'b of several classes from RealVector and Inner_Product.Definitions of addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication, norms,and inner products are included.* Theory Library/Bit defines the field "bit" of integers modulo 2. Inaddition to the field operations, numerals and case syntax are alsosupported.* Theory Library/Diagonalize provides constructive version of Cantor'sfirst diagonalization argument.* Theory Library/GCD: Curried operations gcd, lcm (for nat) and zgcd,zlcm (for int); carried together from various gcd/lcm developements inthe HOL Distribution. Constants zgcd and zlcm replace former igcd andilcm; corresponding theorems renamed accordingly. INCOMPATIBILITY,may recover tupled syntax as follows: hide (open) const gcd abbreviation gcd where "gcd == (%(a, b). GCD.gcd a b)" notation (output) GCD.gcd ("gcd '(_, _')")The same works for lcm, zgcd, zlcm.* Theory Library/Nat_Infinity: added addition, numeral syntax and moreinstantiations for algebraic structures. Removed some duplicatetheorems. Changes in simp rules. INCOMPATIBILITY.* ML antiquotation @{code} takes a constant as argument and generatescorresponding code in background and inserts name of the correspondingresulting ML value/function/datatype constructor binding in place.All occurrences of @{code} with a single ML block are generatedsimultaneously. Provides a generic and safe interface forinstrumentalizing code generation. Seesrc/HOL/Decision_Procs/Ferrack.thy for a more ambitious application.In future you ought to refrain from ad-hoc compiling generated SMLcode on the ML toplevel. Note that (for technical reasons) @{code}cannot refer to constants for which user-defined serializations areset. Refer to the corresponding ML counterpart directly in thatcases.* Command 'rep_datatype': instead of theorem names the command nowtakes a list of terms denoting the constructors of the type to berepresented as datatype. The characteristic theorems have to beproven. INCOMPATIBILITY. Also observe that the following theoremshave disappeared in favour of existing ones: unit_induct ~> unit.induct prod_induct ~> prod.induct sum_induct ~> sum.induct Suc_Suc_eq ~> nat.inject Suc_not_Zero Zero_not_Suc ~> nat.distinct*** HOL-Algebra **** New locales for orders and lattices where the equivalence relationis not restricted to equality. INCOMPATIBILITY: all order and latticelocales use a record structure with field eq for the equivalence.* New theory of factorial domains.* Units_l_inv and Units_r_inv are now simp rules by default.INCOMPATIBILITY. Simplifier proof that require deletion of l_invand/or r_inv will now also require deletion of these lemmas.* Renamed the following theorems, INCOMPATIBILITY:UpperD ~> Upper_memDLowerD ~> Lower_memDleast_carrier ~> least_closedgreatest_carrier ~> greatest_closedgreatest_Lower_above ~> greatest_Lower_belowone_zero ~> carrier_one_zeroone_not_zero ~> carrier_one_not_zero (collision with assumption)*** HOL-Nominal **** Nominal datatypes can now contain type-variables.* Commands 'nominal_inductive' and 'equivariance' work with localtheory targets.* Nominal primrec can now works with local theory targets and itsspecification syntax now conforms to the general format as seen in'inductive' etc.* Method "perm_simp" honours the standard simplifier attributes(no_asm), (no_asm_use) etc.* The new predicate #* is defined like freshness, except that on theleft hand side can be a set or list of atoms.* Experimental command 'nominal_inductive2' derives strong inductionprinciples for inductive definitions. In contrast to'nominal_inductive', which can only deal with a fixed number ofbinders, it can deal with arbitrary expressions standing for sets ofatoms to be avoided. The only inductive definition we have at themoment that needs this generalisation is the typing rule for Lets inthe algorithm W: Gamma |- t1 : T1 (x,close Gamma T1)::Gamma |- t2 : T2 x#Gamma ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gamma |- Let x be t1 in t2 : T2In this rule one wants to avoid all the binders that are introduced by"close Gamma T1". We are looking for other examples where thisfeature might be useful. Please let us know.*** HOLCF **** Reimplemented the simplification procedure for proving continuitysubgoals. The new simproc is extensible; users can declare additionalcontinuity introduction rules with the attribute [cont2cont].* The continuity simproc now uses a different introduction rule forsolving continuity subgoals on terms with lambda abstractions. Insome rare cases the new simproc may fail to solve subgoals that theold one could solve, and "simp add: cont2cont_LAM" may be necessary.Potential INCOMPATIBILITY.* Command 'fixrec': specification syntax now conforms to the generalformat as seen in 'inductive' etc. See src/HOLCF/ex/Fixrec_ex.thy forexamples. INCOMPATIBILITY.*** ZF **** Proof of Zorn's Lemma for partial orders.*** ML **** Multithreading for Poly/ML 5.1/5.2 is no longer supported, only forPoly/ML 5.2.1 or later. Important note: the TimeLimit facilitydepends on multithreading, so timouts will not work before Poly/ML5.2.1!* High-level support for concurrent ML programming, seesrc/Pure/Cuncurrent. The data-oriented model of "future values" isparticularly convenient to organize independent functionalcomputations. The concept of "synchronized variables" provides ahigher-order interface for components with shared state, avoiding thedelicate details of mutexes and condition variables. (RequiresPoly/ML 5.2.1 or later.)* ML bindings produced via Isar commands are stored within the Isarcontext (theory or proof). Consequently, commands like 'use' and 'ML'become thread-safe and work with undo as expected (concerningtop-level bindings, not side-effects on global references).INCOMPATIBILITY, need to provide proper Isar context when invoking thecompiler at runtime; really global bindings need to be given outside atheory. (Requires Poly/ML 5.2 or later.)* Command 'ML_prf' is analogous to 'ML' but works within a proofcontext. Top-level ML bindings are stored within the proof context ina purely sequential fashion, disregarding the nested proof structure.ML bindings introduced by 'ML_prf' are discarded at the end of theproof. (Requires Poly/ML 5.2 or later.)* Simplified ML attribute and method setup, cf. functions Attrib.setupand Method.setup, as well as Isar commands 'attribute_setup' and'method_setup'. INCOMPATIBILITY for 'method_setup', need to simplifyexisting code accordingly, or use plain 'setup' together with oldMethod.add_method.* Simplified ML oracle interface Thm.add_oracle promotes 'a -> ctermto 'a -> thm, while results are always tagged with an authentic oraclename. The Isar command 'oracle' is now polymorphic, no argument typeis specified. INCOMPATIBILITY, need to simplify existing oracle codeaccordingly. Note that extra performance may be gained by producingthe cterm carefully, avoiding slow Thm.cterm_of.* Simplified interface for defining document antiquotations viaThyOutput.antiquotation, ThyOutput.output, and optionallyThyOutput.maybe_pretty_source. INCOMPATIBILITY, need to simplify userantiquotations accordingly, see src/Pure/Thy/thy_output.ML for commonexamples.* More systematic treatment of long names, abstract name bindings, andname space operations. Basic operations on qualified names have beenmove from structure NameSpace to Long_Name, e.g. Long_Name.base_name,Long_Name.append. Old type bstring has been mostly replaced byabstract type binding (see structure Binding), which supports precisequalification by packages and local theory targets, as well as propertracking of source positions. INCOMPATIBILITY, need to wrap oldbstring values into, or better pass through abstractbindings everywhere. See further src/Pure/General/long_name.ML,src/Pure/General/binding.ML and src/Pure/General/name_space.ML* Result facts (from PureThy.note_thms, ProofContext.note_thms,LocalTheory.note etc.) now refer to the *full* internal name, not thebstring as before. INCOMPATIBILITY, not detected by ML type-checking!* Disposed old type and term read functions (Sign.read_def_typ,Sign.read_typ, Sign.read_def_terms, Sign.read_term,Thm.read_def_cterms, Thm.read_cterm etc.). INCOMPATIBILITY, shoulduse regular Syntax.read_typ, Syntax.read_term, Syntax.read_typ_global,Syntax.read_term_global etc.; see also OldGoals.read_term as lastresort for legacy applications.* Disposed old declarations, tactics, tactic combinators that refer tothe simpset or claset of an implicit theory (such as Addsimps,Simp_tac, SIMPSET). INCOMPATIBILITY, should use @{simpset} etc. inembedded ML text, or local_simpset_of with a proper context passed asexplicit runtime argument.* Rules and tactics that read instantiations (read_instantiate,res_inst_tac, thin_tac, subgoal_tac etc.) now demand a proper proofcontext, which is required for parsing and type-checking. Moreover,the variables are specified as plain indexnames, not string encodingsthereof. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Generic Toplevel.add_hook interface allows to analyze the result oftransactions. E.g. see src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.MLfor theorem dependency output of transactions resulting in a newtheory state.* ML antiquotations: block-structured compilation context indicated by\<lbrace> ... \<rbrace>; additional antiquotation forms: @{binding name} - basic name binding @{let ?pat = term} - term abbreviation (HO matching) @{note name = fact} - fact abbreviation @{thm fact} - singleton fact (with attributes) @{thms fact} - general fact (with attributes) @{lemma prop by method} - singleton goal @{lemma prop by meth1 meth2} - singleton goal @{lemma prop1 ... propN by method} - general goal @{lemma prop1 ... propN by meth1 meth2} - general goal @{lemma (open) ...} - open derivation*** System **** The Isabelle "emacs" tool provides a specific interface to invokeProof General / Emacs, with more explicit failure if that is notinstalled (the old isabelle-interface script silently falls back onisabelle-process). The PROOFGENERAL_HOME setting determines theinstallation location of the Proof General distribution.* Isabelle/lib/classes/Pure.jar provides basic support to integratethe Isabelle process into a JVM/Scala application. SeeIsabelle/lib/jedit/plugin for a minimal example. (The obsolete Javaprocess wrapper has been discontinued.)* Added homegrown Isabelle font with unicode layout, see lib/fonts.* Various status messages (with exact source position information) areemitted, if proper markup print mode is enabled. This allowsuser-interface components to provide detailed feedback on internalprover operations.New in Isabelle2008 (June 2008)-------------------------------*** General **** The Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual (isar-ref) has been reorganizedand updated, with formally checked references as hyperlinks.* Theory loader: use_thy (and similar operations) no longer set theimplicit ML context, which was occasionally hard to predict and inconflict with concurrency. INCOMPATIBILITY, use ML within Isar whichprovides a proper context already.* Theory loader: old-style ML proof scripts being *attached* to a thyfile are no longer supported. INCOMPATIBILITY, regular 'uses' and'use' within a theory file will do the job.* Name space merge now observes canonical order, i.e. the second spaceis inserted into the first one, while existing entries in the firstspace take precedence. INCOMPATIBILITY in rare situations, may try toswap theory imports.* Syntax: symbol \<chi> is now considered a letter. PotentialINCOMPATIBILITY in identifier syntax etc.* Outer syntax: string tokens no longer admit escaped white space,which was an accidental (undocumented) feature. INCOMPATIBILITY, usewhite space without escapes.* Outer syntax: string tokens may contain arbitrary character codesspecified via 3 decimal digits (as in SML). E.g. "foo\095bar" for"foo_bar".*** Pure **** Context-dependent token translations. Default setup reverts locallyfixed variables, and adds hilite markup for undeclared frees.* Unused theorems can be found using the new command 'unused_thms'.There are three ways of invoking it:(1) unused_thms Only finds unused theorems in the current theory.(2) unused_thms thy_1 ... thy_n - Finds unused theorems in the current theory and all of its ancestors, excluding the theories thy_1 ... thy_n and all of their ancestors.(3) unused_thms thy_1 ... thy_n - thy'_1 ... thy'_m Finds unused theorems in the theories thy'_1 ... thy'_m and all of their ancestors, excluding the theories thy_1 ... thy_n and all of their ancestors.In order to increase the readability of the list produced byunused_thms, theorems that have been created by a particular instanceof a theory command such as 'inductive' or 'function' are consideredto belong to the same "group", meaning that if at least one theorem inthis group is used, the other theorems in the same group are no longerreported as unused. Moreover, if all theorems in the group areunused, only one theorem in the group is displayed.Note that proof objects have to be switched on in order forunused_thms to work properly (i.e. !proofs must be >= 1, which isusually the case when using Proof General with the default settings).* Authentic naming of facts disallows ad-hoc overwriting of previoustheorems within the same name space. INCOMPATIBILITY, need to removeduplicate fact bindings, or even accidental fact duplications. Notethat tools may maintain dynamically scoped facts systematically, usingPureThy.add_thms_dynamic.* Command 'hide' now allows to hide from "fact" name space as well.* Eliminated destructive theorem database, simpset, claset, andclasimpset. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY, really need to observe linearupdate of theories within ML code.* Eliminated theory ProtoPure and CPure, leaving just one Pure theory.INCOMPATIBILITY, object-logics depending on former Pure requireadditional setup PureThy.old_appl_syntax_setup; object-logicsdepending on former CPure need to refer to Pure.* Commands 'use' and 'ML' are now purely functional, operating ontheory/local_theory. Removed former 'ML_setup' (on theory), use 'ML'instead. Added 'ML_val' as mere diagnostic replacement for 'ML'.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Command 'setup': discontinued implicit version with ML reference.* Instantiation target allows for simultaneous specification of classinstance operations together with an instantiation proof.Type-checking phase allows to refer to class operations uniformly.See src/HOL/Complex/Complex.thy for an Isar example andsrc/HOL/Library/Eval.thy for an ML example.* Indexing of literal facts: be more serious about including onlyfacts from the visible specification/proof context, but not thebackground context (locale etc.). Affects `prop` notation and method"fact". INCOMPATIBILITY: need to name facts explicitly in raresituations.* Method "cases", "induct", "coinduct": removed obsolete/undocumented"(open)" option, which used to expose internal bound variables to theproof text.* Isar statements: removed obsolete case "rule_context".INCOMPATIBILITY, better use explicit fixes/assumes.* Locale proofs: default proof step now includes 'unfold_locales';hence 'proof' without argument may be used to unfold localepredicates.*** Document preparation **** Simplified pdfsetup.sty: color/hyperref is used unconditionally forboth pdf and dvi (hyperlinks usually work in xdvi as well); removedobsolete thumbpdf setup (contemporary PDF viewers do this on thespot); renamed link color from "darkblue" to "linkcolor" (defaultvalue unchanged, can be redefined via \definecolor); no longer sets"a4paper" option (unnecessary or even intrusive).* Antiquotation @{lemma A method} proves proposition A by the givenmethod (either a method name or a method name plus (optional) methodarguments in parentheses) and prints A just like @{prop A}.*** HOL **** New primrec package. Specification syntax conforms in style todefinition/function/.... No separate induction rule is provided. The"primrec" command distinguishes old-style and new-style specificationsby syntax. The former primrec package is now named OldPrimrecPackage.When adjusting theories, beware: constants stemming from new-styleprimrec specifications have authentic syntax.* Metis prover is now an order of magnitude faster, and also workswith multithreading.* Metis: the maximum number of clauses that can be produced from atheorem is now given by the attribute max_clauses. Theorems thatexceed this number are ignored, with a warning printed.* Sledgehammer no longer produces structured proofs by default. Toenable, declare [[sledgehammer_full = true]]. Attributesreconstruction_modulus, reconstruction_sorts renamedsledgehammer_modulus, sledgehammer_sorts. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Method "induct_scheme" derives user-specified induction rulesfrom well-founded induction and completeness of patterns. This factorsout some operations that are done internally by the function packageand makes them available separately. Seesrc/HOL/ex/Induction_Scheme.thy for examples.* More flexible generation of measure functions for terminationproofs: Measure functions can be declared by proving a rule of theform "is_measure f" and giving it the [measure_function] attribute.The "is_measure" predicate is logically meaningless (always true), andjust guides the heuristic. To find suitable measure functions, thetermination prover sets up the goal "is_measure ?f" of the appropriatetype and generates all solutions by Prolog-style backward proof usingthe declared rules.This setup also deals with rules like "is_measure f ==> is_measure (list_size f)"which accommodates nested datatypes that recurse through lists.Similar rules are predeclared for products and option types.* Turned the type of sets "'a set" into an abbreviation for "'a => bool" INCOMPATIBILITIES: - Definitions of overloaded constants on sets have to be replaced by definitions on => and bool. - Some definitions of overloaded operators on sets can now be proved using the definitions of the operators on => and bool. Therefore, the following theorems have been renamed: subset_def -> subset_eq psubset_def -> psubset_eq set_diff_def -> set_diff_eq Compl_def -> Compl_eq Sup_set_def -> Sup_set_eq Inf_set_def -> Inf_set_eq sup_set_def -> sup_set_eq inf_set_def -> inf_set_eq - Due to the incompleteness of the HO unification algorithm, some rules such as subst may require manual instantiation, if some of the unknowns in the rule is a set. - Higher order unification and forward proofs: The proof pattern have "P (S::'a set)" <...> then have "EX S. P S" .. no longer works (due to the incompleteness of the HO unification algorithm) and must be replaced by the pattern have "EX S. P S" proof show "P S" <...> qed - Calculational reasoning with subst (or similar rules): The proof pattern have "P (S::'a set)" <...> also have "S = T" <...> finally have "P T" . no longer works (for similar reasons as the previous example) and must be replaced by something like have "P (S::'a set)" <...> moreover have "S = T" <...> ultimately have "P T" by simp - Tactics or packages written in ML code: Code performing pattern matching on types via Type ("set", [T]) => ... must be rewritten. Moreover, functions like strip_type or binder_types no longer return the right value when applied to a type of the form T1 => ... => Tn => U => bool rather than T1 => ... => Tn => U set* Merged theories Wellfounded_Recursion, Accessible_Part andWellfounded_Relations to theory Wellfounded.* Explicit class "eq" for executable equality. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Class finite no longer treats UNIV as class parameter. Use classenum from theory Library/Enum instead to achieve a similar effect.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory List: rule list_induct2 now has explicitly named cases "Nil"and "Cons". INCOMPATIBILITY.* HOL (and FOL): renamed variables in rules imp_elim and swap.Potential INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Product_Type: duplicated lemmas split_Pair_apply andinjective_fst_snd removed, use split_eta and prod_eqI instead.Renamed upd_fst to apfst and upd_snd to apsnd. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Nat: removed redundant lemmas that merely duplicate lemmas ofthe same name in theory Orderings: less_trans less_linear le_imp_less_or_eq le_less_trans less_le_trans less_not_sym less_asymRenamed less_imp_le to less_imp_le_nat, and less_irrefl toless_irrefl_nat. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY due to more general typesand different variable names.* Library/Option_ord.thy: Canonical order on option type.* Library/RBT.thy: Red-black trees, an efficient implementation offinite maps.* Library/Countable.thy: Type class for countable types.* Theory Int: The representation of numerals has changed. The infixoperator BIT and the bit datatype with constructors B0 and B1 havedisappeared. INCOMPATIBILITY, use "Int.Bit0 x" and "Int.Bit1 y" inplace of "x BIT bit.B0" and "y BIT bit.B1", respectively. Theoremsinvolving BIT, B0, or B1 have been renamed with "Bit0" or "Bit1"accordingly.* Theory Nat: definition of <= and < on natural numbers no longerdepend on well-founded relations. INCOMPATIBILITY. Definitionsle_def and less_def have disappeared. Consider lemmas not_less[symmetric, where ?'a = nat] and less_eq [symmetric] instead.* Theory Finite_Set: locales ACf, ACe, ACIf, ACIfSL and ACIfSLlin(whose purpose mainly is for various fold_set functionals) have beenabandoned in favor of the existing algebraic classesab_semigroup_mult, comm_monoid_mult, ab_semigroup_idem_mult,lower_semilattice (resp. upper_semilattice) and linorder.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Transitive_Closure: induct and cases rules now declare propercase_names ("base" and "step"). INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theorem Inductive.lfp_ordinal_induct generalized to completelattices. The form set-specific version is available asInductive.lfp_ordinal_induct_set.* Renamed theorems "power.simps" to "power_int.simps".INCOMPATIBILITY.* Class semiring_div provides basic abstract properties of semiringswith division and modulo operations. Subsumes former class dvd_mod.* Merged theories IntDef, Numeral and IntArith into unified theoryInt. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Library/Code_Index: type "index" now represents naturalnumbers rather than integers. INCOMPATIBILITY.* New class "uminus" with operation "uminus" (split of from class"minus" which now only has operation "minus", binary).INCOMPATIBILITY.* Constants "card", "internal_split", "option_map" now with authenticsyntax. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Definitions subset_def, psubset_def, set_diff_def, Compl_def,le_bool_def, less_bool_def, le_fun_def, less_fun_def, inf_bool_def,sup_bool_def, Inf_bool_def, Sup_bool_def, inf_fun_def, sup_fun_def,Inf_fun_def, Sup_fun_def, inf_set_def, sup_set_def, Inf_set_def,Sup_set_def, le_def, less_def, option_map_def now with objectequality. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Records. Removed K_record, and replaced it by pure lambda term%x. c. The simplifier setup is now more robust against eta expansion.INCOMPATIBILITY: in cases explicitly referring to K_record.* Library/Multiset: {#a, b, c#} abbreviates {#a#} + {#b#} + {#c#}.* Library/ListVector: new theory of arithmetic vector operations.* Library/Order_Relation: new theory of various orderings as sets ofpairs. Defines preorders, partial orders, linear orders andwell-orders on sets and on types.*** ZF **** Renamed some theories to allow to loading both ZF and HOL in thesame session: Datatype -> Datatype_ZF Inductive -> Inductive_ZF Int -> Int_ZF IntDiv -> IntDiv_ZF Nat -> Nat_ZF List -> List_ZF Main -> Main_ZFINCOMPATIBILITY: ZF theories that import individual theories belowMain might need to be adapted. Regular theory Main is stillavailable, as trivial extension of Main_ZF.*** ML **** ML within Isar: antiquotation @{const name} or @{constname(typargs)} produces statically-checked Const term.* Functor NamedThmsFun: data is available to the user as dynamic fact(of the same name). Removed obsolete print command.* Removed obsolete "use_legacy_bindings" function.* The ``print mode'' is now a thread-local value derived from a globaltemplate (the former print_mode reference), thus access becomesnon-critical. The global print_mode reference is for sessionmanagement only; user-code should use print_mode_value,print_mode_active, PrintMode.setmp etc. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Functions system/system_out provide a robust way to invoke externalshell commands, with propagation of interrupts (requires Poly/ML5.2.1). Do not use OS.Process.system etc. from the basis library!*** System **** Default settings: PROOFGENERAL_OPTIONS no longer impose xemacs ---in accordance with Proof General 3.7, which prefers GNU emacs.* isatool tty runs Isabelle process with plain tty interaction;optional line editor may be specified via ISABELLE_LINE_EDITORsetting, the default settings attempt to locate "ledit" and "rlwrap".* isatool browser now works with Cygwin as well, using general"javapath" function defined in Isabelle process environment.* YXML notation provides a simple and efficient alternative tostandard XML transfer syntax. See src/Pure/General/yxml.ML andisatool yxml as described in the Isabelle system manual.* JVM class isabelle.IsabelleProcess (located in Isabelle/lib/classes)provides general wrapper for managing an Isabelle process in a robustfashion, with ``cooked'' output from stdin/stderr.* Rudimentary Isabelle plugin for jEdit (see Isabelle/lib/jedit),based on Isabelle/JVM process wrapper (see Isabelle/lib/classes).* Removed obsolete THIS_IS_ISABELLE_BUILD feature. NB: the documentedway of changing the user's settings is viaISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/settings, which is a fully featured bashscript.* Multithreading.max_threads := 0 refers to the number of actual CPUcores of the underlying machine, which is a good starting point foroptimal performance tuning. The corresponding usedir option -M allows"max" as an alias for "0". WARNING: does not work on certain versionsof Mac OS (with Poly/ML 5.1).* isabelle-process: non-ML sessions are run with "nice", to reduce theadverse effect of Isabelle flooding interactive front-ends (notablyProofGeneral / XEmacs).New in Isabelle2007 (November 2007)-----------------------------------*** General **** More uniform information about legacy features, notably awarning/error of "Legacy feature: ...", depending on the state of thetolerate_legacy_features flag (default true). FUTURE INCOMPATIBILITY:legacy features will disappear eventually.* Theory syntax: the header format ``theory A = B + C:'' has beendiscontinued in favour of ``theory A imports B C begin''. Use isatoolfixheaders to convert existing theory files. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory syntax: the old non-Isar theory file format has beendiscontinued altogether. Note that ML proof scripts may still be usedwith Isar theories; migration is usually quite simple with the MLfunction use_legacy_bindings. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory syntax: some popular names (e.g. 'class', 'declaration','fun', 'help', 'if') are now keywords. INCOMPATIBILITY, use doublequotes.* Theory loader: be more serious about observing the static theoryheader specifications (including optional directories), but not theaccidental file locations of previously successful loads. The strictupdate policy of former update_thy is now already performed byuse_thy, so the former has been removed; use_thys updates severaltheories simultaneously, just as 'imports' within a theory headerspecification, but without merging the results. PotentialINCOMPATIBILITY: may need to refine theory headers and commandsROOT.ML which depend on load order.* Theory loader: optional support for content-based fileidentification, instead of the traditional scheme of full physicalpath plus date stamp; configured by the ISABELLE_FILE_IDENT setting(cf. the system manual). The new scheme allows to work withnon-finished theories in persistent session images, such that sourcefiles may be moved later on without requiring reloads.* Theory loader: old-style ML proof scripts being *attached* to a thyfile (with the same base name as the theory) are considered a legacyfeature, which will disappear eventually. Even now, the theory loaderno longer maintains dependencies on such files.* Syntax: the scope for resolving ambiguities via type-inference isnow limited to individual terms, instead of whole simultaneousspecifications as before. This greatly reduces the complexity of thesyntax module and improves flexibility by separating parsing andtype-checking. INCOMPATIBILITY: additional type-constraints (explicit'fixes' etc.) are required in rare situations.* Syntax: constants introduced by new-style packages ('definition','abbreviation' etc.) are passed through the syntax module in``authentic mode''. This means that associated mixfix annotationsreally stick to such constants, independently of potential name spaceambiguities introduced later on. INCOMPATIBILITY: constants in parsetrees are represented slightly differently, may need to adapt syntaxtranslations accordingly. Use CONST marker in 'translations' and@{const_syntax} antiquotation in 'parse_translation' etc.* Legacy goal package: reduced interface to the bare minimum requiredto keep existing proof scripts running. Most other user-levelfunctions are now part of the OldGoals structure, which is *not* openby default (consider isatool expandshort before open OldGoals).Removed top_sg, prin, printyp, pprint_term/typ altogether, becausethese tend to cause confusion about the actual goal (!) context beingused here, which is not necessarily the same as the_context().* Command 'find_theorems': supports "*" wild-card in "name:"criterion; "with_dups" option. Certain ProofGeneral versions mightsupport a specific search form (see ProofGeneral/CHANGES).* The ``prems limit'' option (cf. ProofContext.prems_limit) is now -1by default, which means that "prems" (and also "fixed variables") aresuppressed from proof state output. Note that the ProofGeneralsettings mechanism allows to change and save options persistently, butolder versions of Isabelle will fail to start up if a negative premslimit is imposed.* Local theory targets may be specified by non-nested blocks of``context/locale/class ... begin'' followed by ``end''. The body maycontain definitions, theorems etc., including any derived mechanismthat has been implemented on top of these primitives. This conceptgeneralizes the existing ``theorem (in ...)'' towards more versatilityand scalability.* Proof General interface: proper undo of final 'end' command;discontinued Isabelle/classic mode (ML proof scripts).*** Document preparation **** Added antiquotation @{theory name} which prints the given name,after checking that it refers to a valid ancestor theory in thecurrent context.* Added antiquotations @{ML_type text} and @{ML_struct text} whichcheck the given source text as ML type/structure, printing verbatim.* Added antiquotation @{abbrev "c args"} which prints the abbreviation"c args == rhs" given in the current context. (Any number ofarguments may be given on the LHS.)*** Pure **** The 'class' package offers a combination of axclass and locale toachieve Haskell-like type classes in Isabelle. Definitions andtheorems within a class context produce both relative results (withimplicit parameters according to the locale context), and polymorphicconstants with qualified polymorphism (according to the classcontext). Within the body context of a 'class' target, a separatesyntax layer ("user space type system") takes care of convertingbetween global polymorphic consts and internal locale representation.See src/HOL/ex/Classpackage.thy for examples (as well as main HOL)."isatool doc classes" provides a tutorial.* Generic code generator framework allows to generate executablecode for ML and Haskell (including Isabelle classes). A short usagesketch: internal compilation: export_code <list of constants (term syntax)> in SML writing SML code to a file: export_code <list of constants (term syntax)> in SML <filename> writing OCaml code to a file: export_code <list of constants (term syntax)> in OCaml <filename> writing Haskell code to a bunch of files: export_code <list of constants (term syntax)> in Haskell <filename> evaluating closed propositions to True/False using code generation: method ``eval''Reasonable default setup of framework in HOL.Theorem attributs for selecting and transforming function equations theorems: [code fun]: select a theorem as function equation for a specific constant [code fun del]: deselect a theorem as function equation for a specific constant [code inline]: select an equation theorem for unfolding (inlining) in place [code inline del]: deselect an equation theorem for unfolding (inlining) in placeUser-defined serializations (target in {SML, OCaml, Haskell}): code_const <and-list of constants (term syntax)> {(target) <and-list of const target syntax>}+ code_type <and-list of type constructors> {(target) <and-list of type target syntax>}+ code_instance <and-list of instances> {(target)}+ where instance ::= <type constructor> :: <class> code_class <and_list of classes> {(target) <and-list of class target syntax>}+ where class target syntax ::= <class name> {where {<classop> == <target syntax>}+}?code_instance and code_class only are effective to target Haskell.For example usage see src/HOL/ex/Codegenerator.thy andsrc/HOL/ex/Codegenerator_Pretty.thy. A separate tutorial on codegeneration from Isabelle/HOL theories is available via "isatool doccodegen".* Code generator: consts in 'consts_code' Isar commands are nowreferred to by usual term syntax (including optional typeannotations).* Command 'no_translations' removes translation rules from theorysyntax.* Overloaded definitions are now actually checked for acyclicdependencies. The overloading scheme is slightly more general thanthat of Haskell98, although Isabelle does not demand an exactcorrespondence to type class and instance declarations.INCOMPATIBILITY, use ``defs (unchecked overloaded)'' to admit moreexotic versions of overloading -- at the discretion of the user!Polymorphic constants are represented via type arguments, i.e. theinstantiation that matches an instance against the most generaldeclaration given in the signature. For example, with the declarationc :: 'a => 'a => 'a, an instance c :: nat => nat => nat is representedas c(nat). Overloading is essentially simultaneous structuralrecursion over such type arguments. Incomplete specification patternsimpose global constraints on all occurrences, e.g. c('a * 'a) on theLHS means that more general c('a * 'b) will be disallowed on any RHS.Command 'print_theory' outputs the normalized system of recursiveequations, see section "definitions".* Configuration options are maintained within the theory or proofcontext (with name and type bool/int/string), providing a very simpleinterface to a poor-man's version of general context data. Tools maydeclare options in ML (e.g. using Attrib.config_int) and then refer tothese values using Config.get etc. Users may change options via anassociated attribute of the same name. This form of contextdeclaration works particularly well with commands 'declare' or'using', for example ``declare [[foo = 42]]''. Thus it has becomevery easy to avoid global references, which would not observe Isartoplevel undo/redo and fail to work with multithreading.Various global ML references of Pure and HOL have been turned intoconfiguration options: Unify.search_bound unify_search_bound Unify.trace_bound unify_trace_bound Unify.trace_simp unify_trace_simp Unify.trace_types unify_trace_types Simplifier.simp_depth_limit simp_depth_limit Blast.depth_limit blast_depth_limit DatatypeProp.dtK datatype_distinctness_limit fast_arith_neq_limit fast_arith_neq_limit fast_arith_split_limit fast_arith_split_limit* Named collections of theorems may be easily installed as contextdata using the functor NamedThmsFun (see alsosrc/Pure/Tools/named_thms.ML). The user may add or delete facts viaattributes; there is also a toplevel print command. This facility isjust a common case of general context data, which is the preferred wayfor anything more complex than just a list of facts in canonicalorder.* Isar: command 'declaration' augments a local theory by genericdeclaration functions written in ML. This enables arbitrary contentbeing added to the context, depending on a morphism that tells thedifference of the original declaration context wrt. the applicationcontext encountered later on.* Isar: proper interfaces for simplification procedures. Command'simproc_setup' declares named simprocs (with match patterns, and bodytext in ML). Attribute "simproc" adds/deletes simprocs in the currentcontext. ML antiquotation @{simproc name} retrieves named simprocs.* Isar: an extra pair of brackets around attribute declarationsabbreviates a theorem reference involving an internal dummy fact,which will be ignored later --- only the effect of the attribute onthe background context will persist. This form of in-placedeclarations is particularly useful with commands like 'declare' and'using', for example ``have A using [[simproc a]] by simp''.* Isar: method "assumption" (and implicit closing of subproofs) nowtakes simple non-atomic goal assumptions into account: after applyingan assumption as a rule the resulting subgoals are solved by atomicassumption steps. This is particularly useful to finish 'obtain'goals, such as "!!x. (!!x. P x ==> thesis) ==> P x ==> thesis",without referring to the original premise "!!x. P x ==> thesis" in theIsar proof context. POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY: method "assumption" ismore permissive.* Isar: implicit use of prems from the Isar proof context isconsidered a legacy feature. Common applications like ``have A .''may be replaced by ``have A by fact'' or ``note `A`''. In general,referencing facts explicitly here improves readability andmaintainability of proof texts.* Isar: improper proof element 'guess' is like 'obtain', but derivesthe obtained context from the course of reasoning! For example: assume "EX x y. A x & B y" -- "any previous fact" then guess x and y by clarifyThis technique is potentially adventurous, depending on the facts andproof tools being involved here.* Isar: known facts from the proof context may be specified as literalpropositions, using ASCII back-quote syntax. This works wherevernamed facts used to be allowed so far, in proof commands, proofmethods, attributes etc. Literal facts are retrieved from the contextaccording to unification of type and term parameters. For example,provided that "A" and "A ==> B" and "!!x. P x ==> Q x" are knowntheorems in the current context, then these are valid literal facts:`A` and `A ==> B` and `!!x. P x ==> Q x" as well as `P a ==> Q a` etc.There is also a proof method "fact" which does the same compositionfor explicit goal states, e.g. the following proof texts coincide withcertain special cases of literal facts: have "A" by fact == note `A` have "A ==> B" by fact == note `A ==> B` have "!!x. P x ==> Q x" by fact == note `!!x. P x ==> Q x` have "P a ==> Q a" by fact == note `P a ==> Q a`* Isar: ":" (colon) is no longer a symbolic identifier character inouter syntax. Thus symbolic identifiers may be used withoutadditional white space in declarations like this: ``assume *: A''.* Isar: 'print_facts' prints all local facts of the current context,both named and unnamed ones.* Isar: 'def' now admits simultaneous definitions, e.g.: def x == "t" and y == "u"* Isar: added command 'unfolding', which is structurally similar to'using', but affects both the goal state and facts by unfolding givenrewrite rules. Thus many occurrences of the 'unfold' method or'unfolded' attribute may be replaced by first-class proof text.* Isar: methods 'unfold' / 'fold', attributes 'unfolded' / 'folded',and command 'unfolding' now all support object-level equalities(potentially conditional). The underlying notion of rewrite rule isanalogous to the 'rule_format' attribute, but *not* that of theSimplifier (which is usually more generous).* Isar: the new attribute [rotated n] (default n = 1) rotates thepremises of a theorem by n. Useful in conjunction with drule.* Isar: the goal restriction operator [N] (default N = 1) evaluates amethod expression within a sandbox consisting of the first Nsub-goals, which need to exist. For example, ``simp_all [3]''simplifies the first three sub-goals, while (rule foo, simp_all)[]simplifies all new goals that emerge from applying rule foo to theoriginally first one.* Isar: schematic goals are no longer restricted to higher-orderpatterns; e.g. ``lemma "?P(?x)" by (rule TrueI)'' now works asexpected.* Isar: the conclusion of a long theorem statement is now either'shows' (a simultaneous conjunction, as before), or 'obtains'(essentially a disjunction of cases with local parameters andassumptions). The latter allows to express general elimination rulesadequately; in this notation common elimination rules look like this: lemma exE: -- "EX x. P x ==> (!!x. P x ==> thesis) ==> thesis" assumes "EX x. P x" obtains x where "P x" lemma conjE: -- "A & B ==> (A ==> B ==> thesis) ==> thesis" assumes "A & B" obtains A and B lemma disjE: -- "A | B ==> (A ==> thesis) ==> (B ==> thesis) ==> thesis" assumes "A | B" obtains A | BThe subsequent classical rules even refer to the formal "thesis"explicitly: lemma classical: -- "(~ thesis ==> thesis) ==> thesis" obtains "~ thesis" lemma Peirce's_Law: -- "((thesis ==> something) ==> thesis) ==> thesis" obtains "thesis ==> something"The actual proof of an 'obtains' statement is analogous to that of theIsar proof element 'obtain', only that there may be several cases.Optional case names may be specified in parentheses; these will beavailable both in the present proof and as annotations in theresulting rule, for later use with the 'cases' method (cf. attributecase_names).* Isar: the assumptions of a long theorem statement are available as"assms" fact in the proof context. This is more appropriate than the(historical) "prems", which refers to all assumptions of the currentcontext, including those from the target locale, proof body etc.* Isar: 'print_statement' prints theorems from the current theory orproof context in long statement form, according to the syntax of atop-level lemma.* Isar: 'obtain' takes an optional case name for the local contextintroduction rule (default "that").* Isar: removed obsolete 'concl is' patterns. INCOMPATIBILITY, useexplicit (is "_ ==> ?foo") in the rare cases where this still happensto occur.* Pure: syntax "CONST name" produces a fully internalized constantaccording to the current context. This is particularly useful forsyntax translations that should refer to internal constantrepresentations independently of name spaces.* Pure: syntax constant for foo (binder "FOO ") is called "foo_binder"instead of "FOO ". This allows multiple binder declarations to coexistin the same context. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Isar/locales: 'notation' provides a robust interface to the 'syntax'primitive that also works in a locale context (both for constants andfixed variables). Type declaration and internal syntactic representationof given constants retrieved from the context. Likewise, the'no_notation' command allows to remove given syntax annotations from thecurrent context.* Isar/locales: new derived specification elements 'axiomatization','definition', 'abbreviation', which support type-inference, admitobject-level specifications (equality, equivalence). See also theisar-ref manual. Examples: axiomatization eq (infix "===" 50) where eq_refl: "x === x" and eq_subst: "x === y ==> P x ==> P y" definition "f x y = x + y + 1" definition g where "g x = f x x" abbreviation neq (infix "=!=" 50) where "x =!= y == ~ (x === y)"These specifications may be also used in a locale context. Then theconstants being introduced depend on certain fixed parameters, and theconstant name is qualified by the locale base name. An internalabbreviation takes care for convenient input and output, making theparameters implicit and using the original short name. See alsosrc/HOL/ex/Abstract_NAT.thy for an example of deriving polymorphicentities from a monomorphic theory.Presently, abbreviations are only available 'in' a target locale, butnot inherited by general import expressions. Also note that'abbreviation' may be used as a type-safe replacement for 'syntax' +'translations' in common applications. The "no_abbrevs" print modeprevents folding of abbreviations in term output.Concrete syntax is attached to specified constants in internal form,independently of name spaces. The parse tree representation isslightly different -- use 'notation' instead of raw 'syntax', and'translations' with explicit "CONST" markup to accommodate this.* Pure/Isar: unified syntax for new-style specification mechanisms(e.g. 'definition', 'abbreviation', or 'inductive' in HOL) admitsfull type inference and dummy patterns ("_"). For example: definition "K x _ = x" inductive conj for A B where "A ==> B ==> conj A B"* Pure: command 'print_abbrevs' prints all constant abbreviations ofthe current context. Print mode "no_abbrevs" prevents inversion ofabbreviations on output.* Isar/locales: improved parameter handling: use of locales "var" and"struct" no longer necessary; - parameter renamings are no longerrequired to be injective. For example, this allows to defineendomorphisms as locale endom = homom mult mult h.* Isar/locales: changed the way locales with predicates are defined.Instead of accumulating the specification, the imported expression isnow an interpretation. INCOMPATIBILITY: different normal form oflocale expressions. In particular, in interpretations of locales withpredicates, goals repesenting already interpreted fragments are notremoved automatically. Use methods `intro_locales' and`unfold_locales'; see below.* Isar/locales: new methods `intro_locales' and `unfold_locales'provide backward reasoning on locales predicates. The methods areaware of interpretations and discharge corresponding goals.`intro_locales' is less aggressive then `unfold_locales' and does notunfold predicates to assumptions.* Isar/locales: the order in which locale fragments are accumulatedhas changed. This enables to override declarations from fragments dueto interpretations -- for example, unwanted simp rules.* Isar/locales: interpretation in theories and proof contexts has beenextended. One may now specify (and prove) equations, which areunfolded in interpreted theorems. This is useful for replacingdefined concepts (constants depending on locale parameters) byconcepts already existing in the target context. Example: interpretation partial_order ["op <= :: [int, int] => bool"] where "partial_order.less (op <=) (x::int) y = (x < y)"Typically, the constant `partial_order.less' is created by adefinition specification element in the context of localepartial_order.* Method "induct": improved internal context management to supportlocal fixes and defines on-the-fly. Thus explicit meta-levelconnectives !! and ==> are rarely required anymore in inductive goals(using object-logic connectives for this purpose has been longobsolete anyway). Common proof patterns are explained insrc/HOL/Induct/Common_Patterns.thy, see alsosrc/HOL/Isar_examples/Puzzle.thy and src/HOL/Lambda for realisticexamples.* Method "induct": improved handling of simultaneous goals. Instead ofintroducing object-level conjunction, the statement is now split intoseveral conclusions, while the corresponding symbolic cases are nestedaccordingly. INCOMPATIBILITY, proofs need to be structured explicitly,see src/HOL/Induct/Common_Patterns.thy, for example.* Method "induct": mutual induction rules are now specified as a listof rule sharing the same induction cases. HOL packages usually providefoo_bar.inducts for mutually defined items foo and bar (e.g. inductivepredicates/sets or datatypes). INCOMPATIBILITY, users need to specifymutual induction rules differently, i.e. like this: (induct rule: foo_bar.inducts) (induct set: foo bar) (induct pred: foo bar) (induct type: foo bar)The ML function ProjectRule.projections turns old-style rules into thenew format.* Method "coinduct": dual of induction, seesrc/HOL/Library/Coinductive_List.thy for various examples.* Method "cases", "induct", "coinduct": the ``(open)'' option isconsidered a legacy feature.* Attribute "symmetric" produces result with standardized schematicvariables (index 0). Potential INCOMPATIBILITY.* Simplifier: by default the simplifier trace only shows top levelrewrites now. That is, trace_simp_depth_limit is set to 1 bydefault. Thus there is less danger of being flooded by the trace. Thetrace indicates where parts have been suppressed.* Provers/classical: removed obsolete classical version of elim_formatattribute; classical elim/dest rules are now treated uniformly whenmanipulating the claset.* Provers/classical: stricter checks to ensure that supplied intro,dest and elim rules are well-formed; dest and elim rules must have atleast one premise.* Provers/classical: attributes dest/elim/intro take an optionalweight argument for the rule (just as the Pure versions). Weights areignored by automated tools, but determine the search order of singlerule steps.* Syntax: input syntax now supports dummy variable binding "%_. b",where the body does not mention the bound variable. Note that dummypatterns implicitly depend on their context of bounds, which makes"{_. _}" match any set comprehension as expected. PotentialINCOMPATIBILITY -- parse translations need to cope with syntacticconstant "_idtdummy" in the binding position.* Syntax: removed obsolete syntactic constant "_K" and its associatedparse translation. INCOMPATIBILITY -- use dummy abstraction instead,for example "A -> B" => "Pi A (%_. B)".* Pure: 'class_deps' command visualizes the subclass relation, usingthe graph browser tool.* Pure: 'print_theory' now suppresses certain internal declarations bydefault; use '!' option for full details.*** HOL **** Method "metis" proves goals by applying the Metis general-purposeresolution prover (see also are in the directory MetisExamples. WARNING: theIsabelle/HOL-Metis integration does not yet work properly withmulti-threading.* Command 'sledgehammer' invokes external automatic theorem provers asbackground processes. It generates calls to the "metis" method ifsuccessful. These can be pasted into the proof. Users do not have towait for the automatic provers to return. WARNING: does not reallywork with multi-threading.* New "auto_quickcheck" feature tests outermost goal statements forpotential counter-examples. Controlled by ML referencesauto_quickcheck (default true) and auto_quickcheck_time_limit (default5000 milliseconds). Fails silently if statements is outside ofexecutable fragment, or any other codgenerator problem occurs.* New constant "undefined" with axiom "undefined x = undefined".* Added class "HOL.eq", allowing for code generation with polymorphicequality.* Some renaming of class constants due to canonical name prefixing inthe new 'class' package: HOL.abs ~> HOL.abs_class.abs HOL.divide ~> HOL.divide_class.divide 0 ~> 1 ~> op + ~> op - ~> HOL.minus_class.minus uminus ~> HOL.minus_class.uminus op * ~> HOL.times_class.times op < ~> HOL.ord_class.less op <= > HOL.ord_class.less_eq Nat.power ~> Power.power_class.power Nat.size ~> Nat.size_class.size Numeral.number_of ~> Numeral.number_class.number_of FixedPoint.Inf ~> Lattices.complete_lattice_class.Inf FixedPoint.Sup ~> Lattices.complete_lattice_class.Sup Orderings.min ~> Orderings.ord_class.min Orderings.max ~> Orderings.ord_class.max Divides.op div ~> Divides.div_class.div Divides.op mod ~> Divides.div_class.mod Divides.op dvd ~> Divides.div_class.dvdINCOMPATIBILITY. Adaptions may be required in the following cases:a) User-defined constants using any of the names "plus", "minus","times", "less" or "less_eq". The standard syntax translations for"+", "-" and "*" may go wrong. INCOMPATIBILITY: use more specificnames.b) Variables named "plus", "minus", "times", "less", "less_eq"INCOMPATIBILITY: use more specific names.c) Permutative equations (e.g. "a + b = b + a")Since the change of names also changes the order of terms, permutativerewrite rules may get applied in a different order. Experience showsthat this is rarely the case (only two adaptions in the whole Isabelledistribution). INCOMPATIBILITY: rewrite proofsd) ML code directly refering to constant namesThis in general only affects hand-written proof tactics, simprocs andso on. INCOMPATIBILITY: grep your sourcecode and replace names.Consider using @{const_name} antiquotation.* New class "default" with associated constant "default".* Function "sgn" is now overloaded and available on int, real, complex(and other numeric types), using class "sgn". Two possible defs ofsgn are given as equational assumptions in the classes sgn_if andsgn_div_norm; ordered_idom now also inherits from sgn_if.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Locale "partial_order" now unified with class "order" (cf. theoryOrderings), added parameter "less". INCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamings in classes "order" and "linorder": facts "refl", "trans" and"cases" to "order_refl", "order_trans" and "linorder_cases", to avoidclashes with HOL "refl" and "trans". INCOMPATIBILITY.* Classes "order" and "linorder": potential INCOMPATIBILITY due tochanged order of proof goals in instance proofs.* The transitivity reasoner for partial and linear orders is set upfor classes "order" and "linorder". Instances of the reasoner are availablein all contexts importing or interpreting the corresponding locales.Method "order" invokes the reasoner separately; the reasoneris also integrated with the Simplifier as a solver. Diagnosticcommand 'print_orders' shows the available instances of the reasonerin the current context.* Localized monotonicity predicate in theory "Orderings"; integratedlemmas max_of_mono and min_of_mono with this predicate.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Formulation of theorem "dense" changed slightly due to integrationwith new class dense_linear_order.* Uniform lattice theory development in HOL. constants "meet" and "join" now named "inf" and "sup" constant "Meet" now named "Inf" classes "meet_semilorder" and "join_semilorder" now named "lower_semilattice" and "upper_semilattice" class "lorder" now named "lattice" class "comp_lat" now named "complete_lattice" Instantiation of lattice classes allows explicit definitions for "inf" and "sup" operations (or "Inf" and "Sup" for complete lattices). INCOMPATIBILITY. Theorem renames: meet_left_le ~> inf_le1 meet_right_le ~> inf_le2 join_left_le ~> sup_ge1 join_right_le ~> sup_ge2 meet_join_le ~> inf_sup_ord le_meetI ~> le_infI join_leI ~> le_supI le_meet ~> le_inf_iff le_join ~> ge_sup_conv meet_idempotent ~> inf_idem join_idempotent ~> sup_idem meet_comm ~> inf_commute join_comm ~> sup_commute meet_leI1 ~> le_infI1 meet_leI2 ~> le_infI2 le_joinI1 ~> le_supI1 le_joinI2 ~> le_supI2 meet_assoc ~> inf_assoc join_assoc ~> sup_assoc meet_left_comm ~> inf_left_commute meet_left_idempotent ~> inf_left_idem join_left_comm ~> sup_left_commute join_left_idempotent ~> sup_left_idem meet_aci ~> inf_aci join_aci ~> sup_aci le_def_meet ~> le_iff_inf le_def_join ~> le_iff_sup join_absorp2 ~> sup_absorb2 join_absorp1 ~> sup_absorb1 meet_absorp1 ~> inf_absorb1 meet_absorp2 ~> inf_absorb2 meet_join_absorp ~> inf_sup_absorb join_meet_absorp ~> sup_inf_absorb distrib_join_le ~> distrib_sup_le distrib_meet_le ~> distrib_inf_le add_meet_distrib_left ~> add_inf_distrib_left add_join_distrib_left ~> add_sup_distrib_left is_join_neg_meet ~> is_join_neg_inf is_meet_neg_join ~> is_meet_neg_sup add_meet_distrib_right ~> add_inf_distrib_right add_join_distrib_right ~> add_sup_distrib_right add_meet_join_distribs ~> add_sup_inf_distribs join_eq_neg_meet ~> sup_eq_neg_inf meet_eq_neg_join ~> inf_eq_neg_sup add_eq_meet_join ~> add_eq_inf_sup meet_0_imp_0 ~> inf_0_imp_0 join_0_imp_0 ~> sup_0_imp_0 meet_0_eq_0 ~> inf_0_eq_0 join_0_eq_0 ~> sup_0_eq_0 neg_meet_eq_join ~> neg_inf_eq_sup neg_join_eq_meet ~> neg_sup_eq_inf join_eq_if ~> sup_eq_if mono_meet ~> mono_inf mono_join ~> mono_sup meet_bool_eq ~> inf_bool_eq join_bool_eq ~> sup_bool_eq meet_fun_eq ~> inf_fun_eq join_fun_eq ~> sup_fun_eq meet_set_eq ~> inf_set_eq join_set_eq ~> sup_set_eq meet1_iff ~> inf1_iff meet2_iff ~> inf2_iff meet1I ~> inf1I meet2I ~> inf2I meet1D1 ~> inf1D1 meet2D1 ~> inf2D1 meet1D2 ~> inf1D2 meet2D2 ~> inf2D2 meet1E ~> inf1E meet2E ~> inf2E join1_iff ~> sup1_iff join2_iff ~> sup2_iff join1I1 ~> sup1I1 join2I1 ~> sup2I1 join1I1 ~> sup1I1 join2I2 ~> sup1I2 join1CI ~> sup1CI join2CI ~> sup2CI join1E ~> sup1E join2E ~> sup2E is_meet_Meet ~> is_meet_Inf Meet_bool_def ~> Inf_bool_def Meet_fun_def ~> Inf_fun_def Meet_greatest ~> Inf_greatest Meet_lower ~> Inf_lower Meet_set_def ~> Inf_set_def Sup_def ~> Sup_Inf Sup_bool_eq ~> Sup_bool_def Sup_fun_eq ~> Sup_fun_def Sup_set_eq ~> Sup_set_def listsp_meetI ~> listsp_infI listsp_meet_eq ~> listsp_inf_eq meet_min ~> inf_min join_max ~> sup_max* Added syntactic class "size"; overloaded constant "size" now hastype "'a::size ==> bool"* Internal reorganisation of `size' of datatypes: size theorems"foo.size" are no longer subsumed by "foo.simps" (but are stillsimplification rules by default!); theorems "prod.size" now named"*.size".* Class "div" now inherits from class "times" rather than "type".INCOMPATIBILITY.* HOL/Finite_Set: "name-space" locales Lattice, Distrib_lattice,Linorder etc. have disappeared; operations defined in terms offold_set now are named Inf_fin, Sup_fin. INCOMPATIBILITY.* HOL/Nat: neq0_conv no longer declared as iff. INCOMPATIBILITY.* HOL-Word: New extensive library and type for generic, fixed sizemachine words, with arithmetic, bit-wise, shifting and rotatingoperations, reflection into int, nat, and bool lists, automation forlinear arithmetic (by automatic reflection into nat or int), includinglemmas on overflow and monotonicity. Instantiated to all appropriatearithmetic type classes, supporting automatic simplification ofnumerals on all operations.* Library/Boolean_Algebra: locales for abstract boolean algebras.* Library/Numeral_Type: numbers as types, e.g. TYPE(32).* Code generator library theories: - Code_Integer represents HOL integers by big integer literals in target languages. - Code_Char represents HOL characters by character literals in target languages. - Code_Char_chr like Code_Char, but also offers treatment of character codes; includes Code_Integer. - Executable_Set allows to generate code for finite sets using lists. - Executable_Rat implements rational numbers as triples (sign, enumerator, denominator). - Executable_Real implements a subset of real numbers, namly those representable by rational numbers. - Efficient_Nat implements natural numbers by integers, which in general will result in higher efficency; pattern matching with 0/Suc is eliminated; includes Code_Integer. - Code_Index provides an additional datatype index which is mapped to target-language built-in integers. - Code_Message provides an additional datatype message_string which is isomorphic to strings; messages are mapped to target-language strings.* New package for inductive predicates An n-ary predicate p with m parameters z_1, ..., z_m can now be defined via inductive p :: "U_1 => ... => U_m => T_1 => ... => T_n => bool" for z_1 :: U_1 and ... and z_n :: U_m where rule_1: "... ==> p z_1 ... z_m t_1_1 ... t_1_n" | ... with full support for type-inference, rather than consts s :: "U_1 => ... => U_m => (T_1 * ... * T_n) set" abbreviation p :: "U_1 => ... => U_m => T_1 => ... => T_n => bool" where "p z_1 ... z_m x_1 ... x_n == (x_1, ..., x_n) : s z_1 ... z_m" inductive "s z_1 ... z_m" intros rule_1: "... ==> (t_1_1, ..., t_1_n) : s z_1 ... z_m" ... For backward compatibility, there is a wrapper allowing inductive sets to be defined with the new package via inductive_set s :: "U_1 => ... => U_m => (T_1 * ... * T_n) set" for z_1 :: U_1 and ... and z_n :: U_m where rule_1: "... ==> (t_1_1, ..., t_1_n) : s z_1 ... z_m" | ... or inductive_set s :: "U_1 => ... => U_m => (T_1 * ... * T_n) set" and p :: "U_1 => ... => U_m => T_1 => ... => T_n => bool" for z_1 :: U_1 and ... and z_n :: U_m where "p z_1 ... z_m x_1 ... x_n == (x_1, ..., x_n) : s z_1 ... z_m" | rule_1: "... ==> p z_1 ... z_m t_1_1 ... t_1_n" | ... if the additional syntax "p ..." is required. Numerous examples can be found in the subdirectories src/HOL/Auth, src/HOL/Bali, src/HOL/Induct, and src/HOL/MicroJava. INCOMPATIBILITIES: - Since declaration and definition of inductive sets or predicates is no longer separated, abbreviations involving the newly introduced sets or predicates must be specified together with the introduction rules after the 'where' keyword (see above), rather than before the actual inductive definition. - The variables in induction and elimination rules are now quantified in the order of their occurrence in the introduction rules, rather than in alphabetical order. Since this may break some proofs, these proofs either have to be repaired, e.g. by reordering the variables a_i_1 ... a_i_{k_i} in Isar 'case' statements of the form case (rule_i a_i_1 ... a_i_{k_i}) or the old order of quantification has to be restored by explicitly adding meta-level quantifiers in the introduction rules, i.e. | rule_i: "!!a_i_1 ... a_i_{k_i}. ... ==> p z_1 ... z_m t_i_1 ... t_i_n" - The format of the elimination rules is now p z_1 ... z_m x_1 ... x_n ==> (!!a_1_1 ... a_1_{k_1}. x_1 = t_1_1 ==> ... ==> x_n = t_1_n ==> ... ==> P) ==> ... ==> P for predicates and (x_1, ..., x_n) : s z_1 ... z_m ==> (!!a_1_1 ... a_1_{k_1}. x_1 = t_1_1 ==> ... ==> x_n = t_1_n ==> ... ==> P) ==> ... ==> P for sets rather than x : s z_1 ... z_m ==> (!!a_1_1 ... a_1_{k_1}. x = (t_1_1, ..., t_1_n) ==> ... ==> P) ==> ... ==> P This may require terms in goals to be expanded to n-tuples (e.g. using case_tac or simplification with the split_paired_all rule) before the above elimination rule is applicable. - The elimination or case analysis rules for (mutually) inductive sets or predicates are now called "p_1.cases" ... "p_k.cases". The list of rules "p_1_..._p_k.elims" is no longer available.* New package "function"/"fun" for general recursive functions,supporting mutual and nested recursion, definitions in local contexts,more general pattern matching and partiality. See HOL/ex/Fundefs.thyfor small examples, and the separate tutorial on the functionpackage. The old recdef "package" is still available as before, butusers are encouraged to use the new package.* Method "lexicographic_order" automatically synthesizes terminationrelations as lexicographic combinations of size measures.* Case-expressions allow arbitrary constructor-patterns (including"_") and take their order into account, like in functionalprogramming. Internally, this is translated into nestedcase-expressions; missing cases are added and mapped to the predefinedconstant "undefined". In complicated cases printing may no longer showthe original input but the internal form. Lambda-abstractions allowthe same form of pattern matching: "% pat1 => e1 | ..." is anabbreviation for "%x. case x of pat1 => e1 | ..." where x is a newvariable.* IntDef: The constant "int :: nat => int" has been removed; now "int"is an abbreviation for "of_nat :: nat => int". The simplificationrules for "of_nat" have been changed to work like "int" didpreviously. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY: - "of_nat (Suc m)" simplifies to "1 + of_nat m" instead of "of_nat m + 1" - of_nat_diff and of_nat_mult are no longer default simp rules* Method "algebra" solves polynomial equations over (semi)rings usingGroebner bases. The (semi)ring structure is defined by locales and thetool setup depends on that generic context. Installing the method fora specific type involves instantiating the locale and possibly addingdeclarations for computation on the coefficients. The method isalready instantiated for natural numbers and for the axiomatic classof idoms with numerals. See also the paper by Chaieb and Wenzel atCALCULEMUS 2007 for the general principles underlying thisarchitecture of context-aware proof-tools.* Method "ferrack" implements quantifier elimination overspecial-purpose dense linear orders using locales (analogous to"algebra"). The method is already installed for class{ordered_field,recpower,number_ring} which subsumes real, hyperreal,rat, etc.* Former constant "List.op @" now named "List.append". Use MLantiquotations @{const_name List.append} or @{term " ... @ ... "} tocircumvent possible incompatibilities when working on ML level.* primrec: missing cases mapped to "undefined" instead of "arbitrary".* New function listsum :: 'a list => 'a for arbitrary monoids.Special syntax: "SUM x <- xs. f x" (and latex variants)* New syntax for Haskell-like list comprehension (input only), eg.[(x,y). x <- xs, y <- ys, x ~= y], see also src/HOL/List.thy.* The special syntax for function "filter" has changed from [x :xs. P] to [x <- xs. P] to avoid an ambiguity caused by listcomprehension syntax, and for uniformity. INCOMPATIBILITY.* [a..b] is now defined for arbitrary linear orders. It used to bedefined on nat only, as an abbreviation for [a..<Suc b]INCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamed lemma "set_take_whileD" to "set_takeWhileD".* New functions "sorted" and "sort" in src/HOL/List.thy.* New lemma collection field_simps (an extension of ring_simps) formanipulating (in)equations involving division. Multiplies with alldenominators that can be proved to be non-zero (in equations) orpositive/negative (in inequations).* Lemma collections ring_eq_simps, group_eq_simps and ring_distribhave been improved and renamed to ring_simps, group_simps andring_distribs. Removed lemmas field_xyz in theory Ring_and_Fieldbecause they were subsumed by lemmas xyz. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Theory Library/Commutative_Ring: switched from recdef to functionpackage; constants add, mul, pow now curried. Infix syntax foralgebraic operations.* Dropped redundant lemma def_imp_eq in favor of meta_eq_to_obj_eq.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Dropped redundant lemma if_def2 in favor of if_bool_eq_conj.INCOMPATIBILITY.* HOL/records: generalised field-update to take a function on thefield rather than the new value: r(|A := x|) is translated to A_update(K x) r The K-combinator that is internally used is called K_record.INCOMPATIBILITY: Usage of the plain update functions has to beadapted.* Class "semiring_0" now contains annihilation axioms x * 0 = 0 and 0* x = 0, which are required for a semiring. Richer structures do notinherit from semiring_0 anymore, because this property is a theoremthere, not an axiom. INCOMPATIBILITY: In instances of semiring_0,there is more to prove, but this is mostly trivial.* Class "recpower" is generalized to arbitrary monoids, not justcommutative semirings. INCOMPATIBILITY: may need to incorporatecommutativity or semiring properties additionally.* Constant "List.list_all2" in List.thy now uses authentic syntax.INCOMPATIBILITY: translations containing list_all2 may go wrong,better use 'abbreviation'.* Renamed constant "List.op mem" to "List.member". INCOMPATIBILITY.* Numeral syntax: type 'bin' which was a mere type copy of 'int' hasbeen abandoned in favour of plain 'int'. INCOMPATIBILITY --significant changes for setting up numeral syntax for types: - New constants Numeral.pred and Numeral.succ instead of former Numeral.bin_pred and Numeral.bin_succ. - Use integer operations instead of bin_add, bin_mult and so on. - Numeral simplification theorems named Numeral.numeral_simps instead of Bin_simps. - ML structure Bin_Simprocs now named Int_Numeral_Base_Simprocs.See src/HOL/Integ/IntArith.thy for an example setup.* Command 'normal_form' computes the normal form of a term that maycontain free variables. For example ``normal_form "rev [a, b, c]"''produces ``[b, c, a]'' (without proof). This command is suitable forheavy-duty computations because the functions are compiled to MLfirst. Correspondingly, a method "normalization" is provided. Seefurther src/HOL/ex/NormalForm.thy and src/Tools/nbe.ML.* Alternative iff syntax "A <-> B" for equality on bool (with priority25 like -->); output depends on the "iff" print_mode, the default is"A = B" (with priority 50).* Relations less (<) and less_eq (<=) are also available on type bool.Modified syntax to disallow nesting without explicit parentheses,e.g. "(x < y) < z" or "x < (y < z)", but NOT "x < y < z". PotentialINCOMPATIBILITY.* "LEAST x:A. P" expands to "LEAST x. x:A & P" (input only).* Relation composition operator "op O" now has precedence 75 and bindsstronger than union and intersection. INCOMPATIBILITY.* The old set interval syntax "{m..n(}" (and relatives) has beenremoved. Use "{m..<n}" (and relatives) instead.* In the context of the assumption "~(s = t)" the Simplifier rewrites"t = s" to False (by simproc "neq"). INCOMPATIBILITY, consider using``declare [[simproc del: neq]]''.* Simplifier: "m dvd n" where m and n are numbers is evaluated toTrue/False.* Theorem Cons_eq_map_conv no longer declared as "simp".* Theorem setsum_mult renamed to setsum_right_distrib.* Prefer ex1I over ex_ex1I in single-step reasoning, e.g. by the``rule'' method.* Reimplemented methods "sat" and "satx", with several improvements:goals no longer need to be stated as "<prems> ==> False", equivalences(i.e. "=" on type bool) are handled, variable names of the form"lit_<n>" are no longer reserved, significant speedup.* Methods "sat" and "satx" can now replay MiniSat proof traces.zChaff is still supported as well.* 'inductive' and 'datatype': provide projections of mutual rules,bundled as foo_bar.inducts;* Library: moved theories Parity, GCD, Binomial, Infinite_Set toLibrary.* Library: moved theory Accessible_Part to main HOL.* Library: added theory Coinductive_List of potentially infinite listsas greatest fixed-point.* Library: added theory AssocList which implements (finite) maps asassociation lists.* Method "evaluation" solves goals (i.e. a boolean expression)efficiently by compiling it to ML. The goal is "proved" (via anoracle) if it evaluates to True.* Linear arithmetic now splits certain operators (e.g. min, max, abs)also when invoked by the simplifier. This results in the Simplifierbeing more powerful on arithmetic goals. INCOMPATIBILITY.Configuration option fast_arith_split_limit=0 recovers the oldbehavior.* Support for hex (0x20) and binary (0b1001) numerals.* New method: reify eqs (t), where eqs are equations for aninterpretation I :: 'a list => 'b => 'c and t::'c is an optionalparameter, computes a term s::'b and a list xs::'a list and proves thetheorem I xs s = t. This is also known as reification or quoting. Theresulting theorem is applied to the subgoal to substitute t with I xss. If t is omitted, the subgoal itself is reified.* New method: reflection corr_thm eqs (t). The parameters eqs and (t)are as explained above. corr_thm is a theorem for I vs (f t) = I vs t,where f is supposed to be a computable function (in the sense of codegenerattion). The method uses reify to compute s and xs as above thenapplies corr_thm and uses normalization by evaluation to "prove" f s =r and finally gets the theorem t = r, which is again applied to thesubgoal. An Example is available in src/HOL/ex/ReflectionEx.thy.* Reflection: Automatic reification now handels binding, an example isavailable in src/HOL/ex/ReflectionEx.thy* HOL-Statespace: ``State Spaces: The Locale Way'' introduces acommand 'statespace' that is similar to 'record', but introduces anabstract specification based on the locale infrastructure instead ofHOL types. This leads to extra flexibility in composing state spaces,in particular multiple inheritance and renaming of components.*** HOL-Complex **** Hyperreal: Functions root and sqrt are now defined on negative realinputs so that root n (- x) = - root n x and sqrt (- x) = - sqrt x.Nonnegativity side conditions have been removed from many lemmas, sothat more subgoals may now be solved by simplification; potentialINCOMPATIBILITY.* Real: new type classes formalize real normed vector spaces andalgebras, using new overloaded constants scaleR :: real => 'a => 'aand norm :: 'a => real.* Real: constant of_real :: real => 'a::real_algebra_1 injects fromreals into other types. The overloaded constant Reals :: 'a set is nowdefined as range of_real; potential INCOMPATIBILITY.* Real: proper support for ML code generation, including 'quickcheck'.Reals are implemented as arbitrary precision rationals.* Hyperreal: Several constants that previously worked only for thereals have been generalized, so they now work over arbitrary vectorspaces. Type annotations may need to be added in some cases; potentialINCOMPATIBILITY. Infinitesimal :: ('a::real_normed_vector) star set HFinite :: ('a::real_normed_vector) star set HInfinite :: ('a::real_normed_vector) star set approx :: ('a::real_normed_vector) star => 'a star => bool monad :: ('a::real_normed_vector) star => 'a star set galaxy :: ('a::real_normed_vector) star => 'a star set (NS)LIMSEQ :: [nat => 'a::real_normed_vector, 'a] => bool (NS)convergent :: (nat => 'a::real_normed_vector) => bool (NS)Bseq :: (nat => 'a::real_normed_vector) => bool (NS)Cauchy :: (nat => 'a::real_normed_vector) => bool (NS)LIM :: ['a::real_normed_vector => 'b::real_normed_vector, 'a, 'b] => bool is(NS)Cont :: ['a::real_normed_vector => 'b::real_normed_vector, 'a] => bool deriv :: ['a::real_normed_field => 'a, 'a, 'a] => bool sgn :: 'a::real_normed_vector => 'a exp :: 'a::{recpower,real_normed_field,banach} => 'a* Complex: Some complex-specific constants are now abbreviations foroverloaded ones: complex_of_real = of_real, cmod = norm, hcmod =hnorm. Other constants have been entirely removed in favor of thepolymorphic versions (INCOMPATIBILITY): approx <-- capprox HFinite <-- CFinite HInfinite <-- CInfinite Infinitesimal <-- CInfinitesimal monad <-- cmonad galaxy <-- cgalaxy (NS)LIM <-- (NS)CLIM, (NS)CRLIM is(NS)Cont <-- is(NS)Contc, is(NS)contCR (ns)deriv <-- (ns)cderiv*** HOL-Algebra **** Formalisation of ideals and the quotient construction over rings.* Order and lattice theory no longer based on records.INCOMPATIBILITY.* Renamed lemmas least_carrier -> least_closed and greatest_carrier ->greatest_closed. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Method algebra is now set up via an attribute. For examples seeRing.thy. INCOMPATIBILITY: the method is now weaker on combinationsof algebraic structures.* Renamed theory CRing to Ring.*** HOL-Nominal **** Substantial, yet incomplete support for nominal datatypes (bindingstructures) based on HOL-Nominal logic. See src/HOL/Nominal andsrc/HOL/Nominal/Examples. Prospective users should consult*** ML **** ML basics: just one true type int, which coincides with on SML/NJ).* ML within Isar: antiquotations allow to embed statically-checkedformal entities in the source, referring to the context available atcompile-time. For example:ML {* @{sort "{zero,one}"} *}ML {* @{typ "'a => 'b"} *}ML {* @{term "%x. x"} *}ML {* @{prop "x == y"} *}ML {* @{ctyp "'a => 'b"} *}ML {* @{cterm "%x. x"} *}ML {* @{cprop "x == y"} *}ML {* @{thm asm_rl} *}ML {* @{thms asm_rl} *}ML {* @{type_name c} *}ML {* @{type_syntax c} *}ML {* @{const_name c} *}ML {* @{const_syntax c} *}ML {* @{context} *}ML {* @{theory} *}ML {* @{theory Pure} *}ML {* @{theory_ref} *}ML {* @{theory_ref Pure} *}ML {* @{simpset} *}ML {* @{claset} *}ML {* @{clasimpset} *}The same works for sources being ``used'' within an Isar context.* ML in Isar: improved error reporting; extra verbosity withML_Context.trace enabled.* Pure/General/table.ML: the join operations now works via exceptionsDUP/SAME instead of type option. This is simpler in simple cases, andadmits slightly more efficient complex applications.* Pure: 'advanced' translation functions (parse_translation etc.) nowuse Context.generic instead of just theory.* Pure: datatype Context.generic joins theory/Proof.context andprovides some facilities for code that works in either kind ofcontext, notably GenericDataFun for uniform theory and proof data.* Pure: simplified internal attribute type, which is now alwaysContext.generic * thm -> Context.generic * thm. Global (theory) vs.local (Proof.context) attributes have been discontinued, whileminimizing code duplication. Thm.rule_attribute andThm.declaration_attribute build canonical attributes; see also structureContext for further operations on Context.generic, notablyGenericDataFun. INCOMPATIBILITY, need to adapt attribute typedeclarations and definitions.* Context data interfaces (Theory/Proof/GenericDataFun): removedname/print, uninitialized data defaults to ad-hoc copy of empty value,init only required for impure data. INCOMPATIBILITY: empty really needto be empty (no dependencies on theory content!)* Pure/kernel: consts certification ignores sort constraints given insignature declarations. (This information is not relevant to thelogic, but only for type inference.) SIGNIFICANT INTERNAL CHANGE,potential INCOMPATIBILITY.* Pure: axiomatic type classes are now purely definitional, withexplicit proofs of class axioms and super class relations performedinternally. See Pure/axclass.ML for the main internal interfaces --notably AxClass.define_class supercedes AxClass.add_axclass, andAxClass.axiomatize_class/classrel/arity supersedeSign.add_classes/classrel/arities.* Pure/Isar: Args/Attrib parsers operate on Context.generic --global/local versions on theory vs. Proof.context have beendiscontinued; Attrib.syntax and Method.syntax have been adaptedaccordingly. INCOMPATIBILITY, need to adapt parser expressions forattributes, methods, etc.* Pure: several functions of signature "... -> theory -> theory * ..."have been reoriented to "... -> theory -> ... * theory" in order toallow natural usage in combination with the ||>, ||>>, |-> andfold_map combinators.* Pure: official theorem names (closed derivations) and additionalcomments (tags) are now strictly separate. Name hints -- which aremaintained as tags -- may be attached any time without affecting thederivation.* Pure: primitive rule lift_rule now takes goal cterm instead of anactual goal state (thm). Use Thm.lift_rule (Thm.cprem_of st i) toachieve the old behaviour.* Pure: the "Goal" constant is now called "prop", supporting aslightly more general idea of ``protecting'' meta-level rulestatements.* Pure: Logic.(un)varify only works in a global context, which is nowenforced instead of silently assumed. INCOMPATIBILITY, may useLogic.legacy_(un)varify as temporary workaround.* Pure: structure Name provides scalable operations for generatinginternal variable names, notably Name.variants etc. This replacessome popular functions from term.ML: Term.variant -> Name.variant Term.variantlist -> Name.variant_list Term.invent_names -> Name.invent_listNote that low-level renaming rarely occurs in new code -- operationsfrom structure Variable are used instead (see below).* Pure: structure Variable provides fundamental operations for propertreatment of fixed/schematic variables in a context. For example,Variable.import introduces fixes for schematics of given facts andVariable.export reverses the effect (up to renaming) -- this replacesvarious freeze_thaw operations.* Pure: structure Goal provides simple interfaces forinit/conclude/finish and tactical prove operations (replacing formerTactic.prove). Goal.prove is the canonical way to prove resultswithin a given context; Goal.prove_global is a degraded version fortheory level goals, including a global Drule.standard. Note thatOldGoals.prove_goalw_cterm has long been obsolete, since it isill-behaved in a local proof context (e.g. with local fixes/assumes orin a locale context).* Pure/Syntax: generic interfaces for parsing (Syntax.parse_term etc.)and type checking (Syntax.check_term etc.), with common combinations(Syntax.read_term etc.). These supersede former Sign.read_term etc.which are considered legacy and await removal.* Pure/Syntax: generic interfaces for type unchecking(Syntax.uncheck_terms etc.) and unparsing (Syntax.unparse_term etc.),with common combinations (Syntax.pretty_term, Syntax.string_of_termetc.). Former Sign.pretty_term, Sign.string_of_term etc. are stillavailable for convenience, but refer to the very same operations usinga mere theory instead of a full context.* Isar: simplified treatment of user-level errors, using exceptionERROR of string uniformly. Function error now merely raises ERROR,without any side effect on output channels. The Isar toplevel takescare of proper display of ERROR exceptions. ML code may use plainhandle/can/try; cat_error may be used to concatenate errors like this: ... handle ERROR msg => cat_error msg "..."Toplevel ML code (run directly or through the Isar toplevel) may beembedded into the Isar toplevel with exception display/debug likethis: Isar.toplevel (fn () => ...)INCOMPATIBILITY, removed special transform_error facilities, removedobsolete variants of user-level exceptions (ERROR_MESSAGE,Context.PROOF, ProofContext.CONTEXT, Proof.STATE, ProofHistory.FAIL)-- use plain ERROR instead.* Isar: theory setup now has type (theory -> theory), instead of alist. INCOMPATIBILITY, may use #> to compose setup functions.* Isar: ML toplevel pretty printer for type Proof.context, subject toProofContext.debug/verbose flags.* Isar: Toplevel.theory_to_proof admits transactions that modify thetheory before entering a proof state. Transactions now always see aquasi-functional intermediate checkpoint, both in interactive andbatch mode.* Isar: simplified interfaces for outer syntax. RenamedOuterSyntax.add_keywords to OuterSyntax.keywords. RemovedOuterSyntax.add_parsers -- this functionality is now included inOuterSyntax.command etc. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Simplifier: the simpset of a running simplification process nowcontains a proof context (cf. Simplifier.the_context), which is thevery context that the initial simpset has been retrieved from (bysimpset_of/local_simpset_of). Consequently, all plug-in components(solver, looper etc.) may depend on arbitrary proof data.* Simplifier.inherit_context inherits the proof context (plus thelocal bounds) of the current simplification process; any simprocetc. that calls the Simplifier recursively should do this! Removedformer Simplifier.inherit_bounds, which is already included here --INCOMPATIBILITY. Tools based on low-level rewriting may even have tospecify an explicit context using Simplifier.context/theory_context.* Simplifier/Classical Reasoner: more abstract interfaceschange_simpset/claset for modifying the simpset/claset reference of atheory; raw versions simpset/claset_ref etc. have been discontinued --INCOMPATIBILITY.* Provers: more generic wrt. syntax of object-logics, avoid hardwired"Trueprop" etc.*** System **** settings: the default heap location within ISABELLE_HOME_USER nowincludes ISABELLE_IDENTIFIER. This simplifies use of multipleIsabelle installations.* isabelle-process: option -S (secure mode) disables some criticaloperations, notably runtime compilation and evaluation of ML sourcecode.* Basic Isabelle mode for jEdit, see Isabelle/lib/jedit/.* Support for parallel execution, using native multicore support ofPoly/ML 5.1. The theory loader exploits parallelism when processingindependent theories, according to the given theory headerspecifications. The maximum number of worker threads is specified viausedir option -M or the "max-threads" setting in Proof General. Aspeedup factor of 1.5--3.5 can be expected on a 4-core machine, and upto 6 on a 8-core machine. User-code needs to observe certainguidelines for thread-safe programming, see appendix A in the IsarImplementation manual.New in Isabelle2005 (October 2005)----------------------------------*** General **** Theory headers: the new header syntax for Isar theories is theory <name> imports <theory1> ... <theoryN> uses <file1> ... <fileM> beginwhere the 'uses' part is optional. The previous syntax theory <name> = <theory1> + ... + <theoryN>:will disappear in the next release. Use isatool fixheaders to convertexisting theory files. Note that there is no change in ancientnon-Isar theories now, but these will disappear soon.* Theory loader: parent theories can now also be referred to viarelative and absolute paths.* Command 'find_theorems' searches for a list of criteria instead of alist of constants. Known criteria are: intro, elim, dest, name:string,simp:term, and any term. Criteria can be preceded by '-' to selecttheorems that do not match. Intro, elim, dest select theorems thatmatch the current goal, name:s selects theorems whose fully qualifiedname contain s, and simp:term selects all simplification rules whoselhs match term. Any other term is interpreted as pattern and selectsall theorems matching the pattern. Available in ProofGeneral under'ProofGeneral -> Find Theorems' or C-c C-f. Example: C-c C-f (100) "(_::nat) + _ + _" intro -name: "HOL."prints the last 100 theorems matching the pattern "(_::nat) + _ + _",matching the current goal as introduction rule and not having "HOL."in their name (i.e. not being defined in theory HOL).* Command 'thms_containing' has been discontinued in favour of'find_theorems'; INCOMPATIBILITY.* Communication with Proof General is now 8bit clean, which means thatUnicode text in UTF-8 encoding may be used within theory texts (bothformal and informal parts). Cf. option -U of the Isabelle ProofGeneral interface. Here are some simple examples (cf. src/HOL/ex):* Improved efficiency of the Simplifier and, to a lesser degree, theClassical Reasoner. Typical big applications run around 2 timesfaster.*** Document preparation **** Commands 'display_drafts' and 'print_drafts' perform simple outputof raw sources. Only those symbols that do not require additionalLaTeX packages (depending on comments in isabellesym.sty) aredisplayed properly, everything else is left verbatim. isatool displayand isatool print are used as front ends (these are subject to theDVI/PDF_VIEWER and PRINT_COMMAND settings, respectively).* Command tags control specific markup of certain regions of text,notably folding and hiding. Predefined tags include "theory" (fortheory begin and end), "proof" for proof commands, and "ML" forcommands involving ML code; the additional tags "visible" and"invisible" are unused by default. Users may give explicit tagspecifications in the text, e.g. ''by %invisible (auto)''. Theinterpretation of tags is determined by the LaTeX job during documentpreparation: see option -V of isatool usedir, or options -n and -t ofisatool document, or even the LaTeX macros \isakeeptag, \isafoldtag,\isadroptag.Several document versions may be produced at the same time via isatoolusedir (the generated index.html will link all of them). Typicalspecifications include ''-V document=theory,proof,ML'' to presenttheory/proof/ML parts faithfully, ''-V outline=/proof,/ML'' to foldproof and ML commands, and ''-V mutilated=-theory,-proof,-ML'' to omitthese parts without any formal replacement text. The Isabelle sitedefault settings produce ''document'' and ''outline'' versions asspecified above.* Several new antiquotations: @{term_type term} prints a term with its type annotated; @{typeof term} prints the type of a term; @{const const} is the same as @{term const}, but checks that the argument is a known logical constant; @{term_style style term} and @{thm_style style thm} print a term or theorem applying a "style" to it @{ML text}Predefined styles are 'lhs' and 'rhs' printing the lhs/rhs ofdefinitions, equations, inequations etc., 'concl' printing only theconclusion of a meta-logical statement theorem, and 'prem1' .. 'prem19'to print the specified premise. TermStyle.add_style provides an MLinterface for introducing further styles. See also the "LaTeX Sugar"document practical applications. The ML antiquotation printstype-checked ML expressions verbatim.* Markup commands 'chapter', 'section', 'subsection', 'subsubsection',and 'text' support optional locale specification '(in loc)', whichspecifies the default context for interpreting antiquotations. Forexample: 'text (in lattice) {* @{thm inf_assoc}*}'.* Option 'locale=NAME' of antiquotations specifies an alternativecontext interpreting the subsequent argument. For example: @{thm[locale=lattice] inf_assoc}.* Proper output of proof terms (@{prf ...} and @{full_prf ...}) withina proof context.* Proper output of antiquotations for theory commands involving aproof context (such as 'locale' or 'theorem (in loc) ...').* Delimiters of outer tokens (string etc.) now produce separate LaTeXmacros (\isachardoublequoteopen, isachardoublequoteclose etc.).* isatool usedir: new option -C (default true) controls whether option-D should include a copy of the original document directory; -C falseprevents unwanted effects such as copying of administrative CVS data.*** Pure **** Considerably improved version of 'constdefs' command. Now performsautomatic type-inference of declared constants; additional support forlocal structure declarations (cf. locales and HOL records), see alsoisar-ref manual. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY: need to observe strictlysequential dependencies of definitions within a single 'constdefs'section; moreover, the declared name needs to be an identifier. Ifall fails, consider to fall back on 'consts' and 'defs' separately.* Improved indexed syntax and implicit structures. First of all,indexed syntax provides a notational device for subscriptedapplication, using the new syntax \<^bsub>term\<^esub> for arbitraryexpressions. Secondly, in a local context with structuredeclarations, number indexes \<^sub>n or the empty index (defaultnumber 1) refer to a certain fixed variable implicitly; optionshow_structs controls printing of implicit structures. Typicalapplications of these concepts involve record types and locales.* New command 'no_syntax' removes grammar declarations (andtranslations) resulting from the given syntax specification, which isinterpreted in the same manner as for the 'syntax' command.* 'Advanced' translation functions (parse_translation etc.) may dependon the signature of the theory context being presently used forparsing/printing, see also isar-ref manual.* Improved 'oracle' command provides a type-safe interface to turn anML expression of type theory -> T -> term into a primitive rule oftype theory -> T -> thm (i.e. the functionality of Thm.invoke_oracleis already included here); see also FOL/ex/IffExample.thy;INCOMPATIBILITY.* axclass: name space prefix for class "c" is now "c_class" (was "c"before); "cI" is no longer bound, use "c.intro" instead.INCOMPATIBILITY. This change avoids clashes of fact bindings foraxclasses vs. locales.* Improved internal renaming of symbolic identifiers -- attach primesinstead of base 26 numbers.* New flag show_question_marks controls printing of leading questionmarks in schematic variable names.* In schematic variable names, *any* symbol following \<^isub> or\<^isup> is now treated as part of the base name. For example, thefollowing works without printing of awkward ".0" indexes: lemma "x\<^isub>1 = x\<^isub>2 ==> x\<^isub>2 = x\<^isub>1" by simp* Inner syntax includes (*(*nested*) comments*).* Pretty printer now supports unbreakable blocks, specified in mixfixannotations as "(00...)".* Clear separation of logical types and nonterminals, where the lattermay only occur in 'syntax' specifications or type abbreviations.Before that distinction was only partially implemented via type class"logic" vs. "{}". Potential INCOMPATIBILITY in rare cases of improperuse of 'types'/'consts' instead of 'nonterminals'/'syntax'. Some veryexotic syntax specifications may require further adaption(e.g. Cube/Cube.thy).* Removed obsolete type class "logic", use the top sort {} instead.Note that non-logical types should be declared as 'nonterminals'rather than 'types'. INCOMPATIBILITY for new object-logicspecifications.* Attributes 'induct' and 'cases': type or set names may now belocally fixed variables as well.* Simplifier: can now control the depth to which conditional rewritingis traced via the PG menu Isabelle -> Settings -> Trace Simp DepthLimit.* Simplifier: simplification procedures may now take the currentsimpset into account (cf. Simplifier.simproc(_i) / mk_simprocinterface), which is very useful for calling the Simplifierrecursively. Minor INCOMPATIBILITY: the 'prems' argument of simprocsis gone -- use prems_of_ss on the simpset instead. Moreover, thelow-level mk_simproc no longer applies Logic.varify internally, toallow for use in a context of fixed variables.* thin_tac now works even if the assumption being deleted contains !!or ==>. More generally, erule now works even if the major premise ofthe elimination rule contains !! or ==>.* Method 'rules' has been renamed to 'iprover'. INCOMPATIBILITY.* Reorganized bootstrapping of the Pure theories; CPure is now derivedfrom Pure, which contains all common declarations already. Boththeories are defined via plain Isabelle/Isar .thy files.INCOMPATIBILITY: elements of CPure (such as the CPure.intro /CPure.elim / CPure.dest attributes) now appear in the Pure name space;use isatool fixcpure to adapt your theory and ML sources.* New syntax 'name(i-j, i-, i, ...)' for referring to specificselections of theorems in named facts via index ranges.* 'print_theorems': in theory mode, really print the differencewrt. the last state (works for interactive theory development only),in proof mode print all local facts (cf. 'print_facts');* 'hide': option '(open)' hides only base names.* More efficient treatment of intermediate checkpoints in interactivetheory development.* Code generator is now invoked via code_module (incremental codegeneration) and code_library (modular code generation, ML structuresfor each theory). INCOMPATIBILITY: new keywords 'file' and 'contains'must be quoted when used as identifiers.* New 'value' command for reading, evaluating and printing terms usingthe code generator. INCOMPATIBILITY: command keyword 'value' must bequoted when used as identifier.*** Locales **** New commands for the interpretation of locale expressions intheories (1), locales (2) and proof contexts (3). These generateproof obligations from the expression specification. After theobligations have been discharged, theorems of the expression are addedto the theory, target locale or proof context. The synopsis of thecommands is a follows: (1) interpretation expr inst (2) interpretation target < expr (3) interpret expr instInterpretation in theories and proof contexts require a parameterinstantiation of terms from the current context. This is applied tospecifications and theorems of the interpreted expression.Interpretation in locales only permits parameter renaming through thelocale expression. Interpretation is smart in that interpretationsthat are active already do not occur in proof obligations, neither areinstantiated theorems stored in duplicate. Use 'print_interps' toinspect active interpretations of a particular locale. For details,see the Isar Reference manual. Examples can be found inHOL/Finite_Set.thy and HOL/Algebra/UnivPoly.thy.INCOMPATIBILITY: former 'instantiate' has been withdrawn, use'interpret' instead.* New context element 'constrains' for adding type constraints toparameters.* Context expressions: renaming of parameters with syntaxredeclaration.* Locale declaration: 'includes' disallowed.* Proper static binding of attribute syntax -- i.e. types / terms /facts mentioned as arguments are always those of the locale definitioncontext, independently of the context of later invocations. Moreover,locale operations (renaming and type / term instantiation) are appliedto attribute arguments as expected.INCOMPATIBILITY of the ML interface: always pass Attrib.src instead ofactual attributes; rare situations may require Attrib.attribute toembed those attributes into Attrib.src that lack concrete syntax.Attribute implementations need to cooperate properly with the staticbinding mechanism. Basic parsers Args.XXX_typ/term/prop andAttrib.XXX_thm etc. already do the right thing without furtherintervention. Only unusual applications -- such as "where" or "of"(cf. src/Pure/Isar/attrib.ML), which process arguments depending bothon the context and the facts involved -- may have to assign parsedvalues to argument tokens explicitly.* Changed parameter management in theorem generation for long goalstatements with 'includes'. INCOMPATIBILITY: produces a differenttheorem statement in rare situations.* Locale inspection command 'print_locale' omits notes elements. Use'print_locale!' to have them included in the output.*** Provers **** Provers/hypsubst.ML: improved version of the subst method, forsingle-step rewriting: it now works in bound variable contexts. New is'subst (asm)', for rewriting an assumption. INCOMPATIBILITY: mayrewrite a different subterm than the original subst method, which isstill available as 'simplesubst'.* Provers/quasi.ML: new transitivity reasoners for transitivity onlyand quasi orders.* Provers/trancl.ML: new transitivity reasoner for transitive andreflexive-transitive closure of relations.* Provers/blast.ML: new reference depth_limit to make blast's depthlimit (previously hard-coded with a value of 20) user-definable.* Provers/simplifier.ML has been moved to Pure, where Simplifier.setupis peformed already. Object-logics merely need to finish theirinitial simpset configuration as before. INCOMPATIBILITY.*** HOL **** Symbolic syntax of Hilbert Choice Operator is now as follows: syntax (epsilon) "_Eps" :: "[pttrn, bool] => 'a" ("(3\<some>_./ _)" [0, 10] 10)The symbol \<some> is displayed as the alternative epsilon of LaTeXand x-symbol; use option '-m epsilon' to get it actually printed.Moreover, the mathematically important symbolic identifier \<epsilon>becomes available as variable, constant etc. INCOMPATIBILITY,* "x > y" abbreviates "y < x" and "x >= y" abbreviates "y <= x".Similarly for all quantifiers: "ALL x > y" etc. The x-symbol for >=is \<ge>. New transitivity rules have been added to HOL/Orderings.thy tosupport corresponding Isar calculations.* "{x:A. P}" abbreviates "{x. x:A & P}", and similarly for "\<in>"instead of ":".* theory SetInterval: changed the syntax for open intervals: Old New {..n(} {..<n} {)n..} {n<..} {m..n(} {m..<n} {)m..n} {m<..n} {)m..n(} {m<..<n}The old syntax is still supported but will disappear in the nextrelease. For conversion use the following Emacs search and replacepatterns (these are not perfect but work quite well): {)\([^\.]*\)\.\. -> {\1<\.\.} \.\.\([^(}]*\)(} -> \.\.<\1}* Theory Commutative_Ring (in Library): method comm_ring for provingequalities in commutative rings; method 'algebra' provides a genericinterface.* Theory Finite_Set: changed the syntax for 'setsum', summation overfinite sets: "setsum (%x. e) A", which used to be "\<Sum>x:A. e", isnow either "SUM x:A. e" or "\<Sum>x \<in> A. e". The bound variable canbe a tuple pattern.Some new syntax forms are available: "\<Sum>x | P. e" for "setsum (%x. e) {x. P}" "\<Sum>x = a..b. e" for "setsum (%x. e) {a..b}" "\<Sum>x = a..<b. e" for "setsum (%x. e) {a..<b}" "\<Sum>x < k. e" for "setsum (%x. e) {..<k}"The latter form "\<Sum>x < k. e" used to be based on a separatefunction "Summation", which has been discontinued.* theory Finite_Set: in structured induction proofs, the insert caseis now 'case (insert x F)' instead of the old counterintuitive 'case(insert F x)'.* The 'refute' command has been extended to support a much largerfragment of HOL, including axiomatic type classes, constdefs andtypedefs, inductive datatypes and recursion.* New tactics 'sat' and 'satx' to prove propositional tautologies.Requires zChaff with proof generation to be installed. SeeHOL/ex/SAT_Examples.thy for examples.* Datatype induction via method 'induct' now preserves the name of theinduction variable. For example, when proving P(xs::'a list) byinduction on xs, the induction step is now P(xs) ==> P(a#xs) ratherthan P(list) ==> P(a#list) as previously. Potential INCOMPATIBILITYin unstructured proof scripts.* Reworked implementation of records. Improved scalability forrecords with many fields, avoiding performance problems for typeinference. Records are no longer composed of nested field types, butof nested extension types. Therefore the record type only grows linearin the number of extensions and not in the number of fields. Thetop-level (users) view on records is preserved. PotentialINCOMPATIBILITY only in strange cases, where the theory depends on theold record representation. The type generated for a record is called<record_name>_ext_type.Flag record_quick_and_dirty_sensitive can be enabled to skip theproofs triggered by a record definition or a simproc (ifquick_and_dirty is enabled). Definitions of large records can takequite long.New simproc record_upd_simproc for simplification of multiple recordupdates enabled by default. Moreover, trivial updates are alsoremoved: r(|x := x r|) = r. INCOMPATIBILITY: old proofs breakoccasionally, since simplification is more powerful by default.* typedef: proper support for polymorphic sets, which contain extratype-variables in the term.* Simplifier: automatically reasons about transitivity chainsinvolving "trancl" (r^+) and "rtrancl" (r^*) by setting up tacticsprovided by Provers/trancl.ML as additional solvers. INCOMPATIBILITY:old proofs break occasionally as simplification may now solve moregoals than previously.* Simplifier: converts x <= y into x = y if assumption y <= x ispresent. Works for all partial orders (class "order"), in particularnumbers and sets. For linear orders (e.g. numbers) it treats ~ x < yjust like y <= x.* Simplifier: new simproc for "let x = a in f x". If a is a free orbound variable or a constant then the let is unfolded. Otherwisefirst a is simplified to b, and then f b is simplified to g. Ifpossible we abstract b from g arriving at "let x = b in h x",otherwise we unfold the let and arrive at g. The simproc can beenabled/disabled by the reference use_let_simproc. PotentialINCOMPATIBILITY since simplification is more powerful by default.* Classical reasoning: the meson method now accepts theorems as arguments.* Prover support: pre-release of the Isabelle-ATP linkup, which runs backgroundjobs to provide advice on the provability of subgoals.* Theory OrderedGroup and Ring_and_Field: various additions andimprovements to faciliate calculations involving equalities andinequalities.The following theorems have been eliminated or modified(INCOMPATIBILITY): abs_eq now named abs_of_nonneg abs_of_ge_0 now named abs_of_nonneg abs_minus_eq now named abs_of_nonpos imp_abs_id now named abs_of_nonneg imp_abs_neg_id now named abs_of_nonpos mult_pos now named mult_pos_pos mult_pos_le now named mult_nonneg_nonneg mult_pos_neg_le now named mult_nonneg_nonpos mult_pos_neg2_le now named mult_nonneg_nonpos2 mult_neg now named mult_neg_neg mult_neg_le now named mult_nonpos_nonpos* The following lemmas in Ring_and_Field have been added to the simplifier: zero_le_square not_square_less_zero The following lemmas have been deleted from Real/RealPow: realpow_zero_zero realpow_two realpow_less zero_le_power realpow_two_le abs_realpow_two realpow_two_abs* Theory Parity: added rules for simplifying exponents.* Theory List:The following theorems have been eliminated or modified(INCOMPATIBILITY): list_all_Nil now named list_all.simps(1) list_all_Cons now named list_all.simps(2) list_all_conv now named list_all_iff set_mem_eq now named mem_iff* Theories SetsAndFunctions and BigO (see HOL/Library) supportasymptotic "big O" calculations. See the notes in BigO.thy.*** HOL-Complex **** Theory RealDef: better support for embedding natural numbers andintegers in the reals.The following theorems have been eliminated or modified(INCOMPATIBILITY): exp_ge_add_one_self now requires no hypotheses real_of_int_add reversed direction of equality (use [symmetric]) real_of_int_minus reversed direction of equality (use [symmetric]) real_of_int_diff reversed direction of equality (use [symmetric]) real_of_int_mult reversed direction of equality (use [symmetric])* Theory RComplete: expanded support for floor and ceiling functions.* Theory Ln is new, with properties of the natural logarithm* Hyperreal: There is a new type constructor "star" for makingnonstandard types. The old type names are now type synonyms: hypreal = real star hypnat = nat star hcomplex = complex star* Hyperreal: Many groups of similarly-defined constants have beenreplaced by polymorphic versions (INCOMPATIBILITY): star_of <-- hypreal_of_real, hypnat_of_nat, hcomplex_of_complex starset <-- starsetNat, starsetC *s* <-- *sNat*, *sc* starset_n <-- starsetNat_n, starsetC_n *sn* <-- *sNatn*, *scn* InternalSets <-- InternalNatSets, InternalCSets starfun <-- starfun{Nat,Nat2,C,RC,CR} *f* <-- *fNat*, *fNat2*, *fc*, *fRc*, *fcR* starfun_n <-- starfun{Nat,Nat2,C,RC,CR}_n *fn* <-- *fNatn*, *fNat2n*, *fcn*, *fRcn*, *fcRn* InternalFuns <-- InternalNatFuns, InternalNatFuns2, Internal{C,RC,CR}Funs* Hyperreal: Many type-specific theorems have been removed in favor oftheorems specific to various axiomatic type classes (INCOMPATIBILITY): add_commute <-- {hypreal,hypnat,hcomplex}_add_commute add_assoc <-- {hypreal,hypnat,hcomplex}_add_assocs OrderedGroup.add_0 <-- {hypreal,hypnat,hcomplex}_add_zero_left OrderedGroup.add_0_right <-- {hypreal,hcomplex}_add_zero_right right_minus <-- hypreal_add_minus left_minus <-- {hypreal,hcomplex}_add_minus_left mult_commute <-- {hypreal,hypnat,hcomplex}_mult_commute mult_assoc <-- {hypreal,hypnat,hcomplex}_mult_assoc mult_1_left <-- {hypreal,hypnat}_mult_1, hcomplex_mult_one_left mult_1_right <-- hcomplex_mult_one_right mult_zero_left <-- hcomplex_mult_zero_left left_distrib <-- {hypreal,hypnat,hcomplex}_add_mult_distrib right_distrib <-- hypnat_add_mult_distrib2 zero_neq_one <-- {hypreal,hypnat,hcomplex}_zero_not_eq_one right_inverse <-- hypreal_mult_inverse left_inverse <-- hypreal_mult_inverse_left, hcomplex_mult_inv_left order_refl <-- {hypreal,hypnat}_le_refl order_trans <-- {hypreal,hypnat}_le_trans order_antisym <-- {hypreal,hypnat}_le_anti_sym order_less_le <-- {hypreal,hypnat}_less_le linorder_linear <-- {hypreal,hypnat}_le_linear add_left_mono <-- {hypreal,hypnat}_add_left_mono mult_strict_left_mono <-- {hypreal,hypnat}_mult_less_mono2 add_nonneg_nonneg <-- hypreal_le_add_order* Hyperreal: Separate theorems having to do with type-specificversions of constants have been merged into theorems that apply to thenew polymorphic constants (INCOMPATIBILITY): STAR_UNIV_set <-- {STAR_real,NatStar_real,STARC_complex}_set STAR_empty_set <-- {STAR,NatStar,STARC}_empty_set STAR_Un <-- {STAR,NatStar,STARC}_Un STAR_Int <-- {STAR,NatStar,STARC}_Int STAR_Compl <-- {STAR,NatStar,STARC}_Compl STAR_subset <-- {STAR,NatStar,STARC}_subset STAR_mem <-- {STAR,NatStar,STARC}_mem STAR_mem_Compl <-- {STAR,STARC}_mem_Compl STAR_diff <-- {STAR,STARC}_diff STAR_star_of_image_subset <-- {STAR_hypreal_of_real, NatStar_hypreal_of_real, STARC_hcomplex_of_complex}_image_subset starset_n_Un <-- starset{Nat,C}_n_Un starset_n_Int <-- starset{Nat,C}_n_Int starset_n_Compl <-- starset{Nat,C}_n_Compl starset_n_diff <-- starset{Nat,C}_n_diff InternalSets_Un <-- Internal{Nat,C}Sets_Un InternalSets_Int <-- Internal{Nat,C}Sets_Int InternalSets_Compl <-- Internal{Nat,C}Sets_Compl InternalSets_diff <-- Internal{Nat,C}Sets_diff InternalSets_UNIV_diff <-- Internal{Nat,C}Sets_UNIV_diff InternalSets_starset_n <-- Internal{Nat,C}Sets_starset{Nat,C}_n starset_starset_n_eq <-- starset{Nat,C}_starset{Nat,C}_n_eq starset_n_starset <-- starset{Nat,C}_n_starset{Nat,C} starfun_n_starfun <-- starfun{Nat,Nat2,C,RC,CR}_n_starfun{Nat,Nat2,C,RC,CR} starfun <-- starfun{Nat,Nat2,C,RC,CR} starfun_mult <-- starfun{Nat,Nat2,C,RC,CR}_mult starfun_add <-- starfun{Nat,Nat2,C,RC,CR}_add starfun_minus <-- starfun{Nat,Nat2,C,RC,CR}_minus starfun_diff <-- starfun{C,RC,CR}_diff starfun_o <-- starfun{NatNat2,Nat2,_stafunNat,C,C_starfunRC,_starfunCR}_o starfun_o2 <-- starfun{NatNat2,_stafunNat,C,C_starfunRC,_starfunCR}_o2 starfun_const_fun <-- starfun{Nat,Nat2,C,RC,CR}_const_fun starfun_inverse <-- starfun{Nat,C,RC,CR}_inverse starfun_eq <-- starfun{Nat,Nat2,C,RC,CR}_eq starfun_eq_iff <-- starfun{C,RC,CR}_eq_iff starfun_Id <-- starfunC_Id starfun_approx <-- starfun{Nat,CR}_approx starfun_capprox <-- starfun{C,RC}_capprox starfun_abs <-- starfunNat_rabs starfun_lambda_cancel <-- starfun{C,CR,RC}_lambda_cancel starfun_lambda_cancel2 <-- starfun{C,CR,RC}_lambda_cancel2 starfun_mult_HFinite_approx <-- starfunCR_mult_HFinite_capprox starfun_mult_CFinite_capprox <-- starfun{C,RC}_mult_CFinite_capprox starfun_add_capprox <-- starfun{C,RC}_add_capprox starfun_add_approx <-- starfunCR_add_approx starfun_inverse_inverse <-- starfunC_inverse_inverse starfun_divide <-- starfun{C,CR,RC}_divide starfun_n <-- starfun{Nat,C}_n starfun_n_mult <-- starfun{Nat,C}_n_mult starfun_n_add <-- starfun{Nat,C}_n_add starfun_n_add_minus <-- starfunNat_n_add_minus starfun_n_const_fun <-- starfun{Nat,C}_n_const_fun starfun_n_minus <-- starfun{Nat,C}_n_minus starfun_n_eq <-- starfun{Nat,C}_n_eq star_n_add <-- {hypreal,hypnat,hcomplex}_add star_n_minus <-- {hypreal,hcomplex}_minus star_n_diff <-- {hypreal,hcomplex}_diff star_n_mult <-- {hypreal,hcomplex}_mult star_n_inverse <-- {hypreal,hcomplex}_inverse star_n_le <-- {hypreal,hypnat}_le star_n_less <-- {hypreal,hypnat}_less star_n_zero_num <-- {hypreal,hypnat,hcomplex}_zero_num star_n_one_num <-- {hypreal,hypnat,hcomplex}_one_num star_n_abs <-- hypreal_hrabs star_n_divide <-- hcomplex_divide star_of_add <-- {hypreal_of_real,hypnat_of_nat,hcomplex_of_complex}_add star_of_minus <-- {hypreal_of_real,hcomplex_of_complex}_minus star_of_diff <-- hypreal_of_real_diff star_of_mult <-- {hypreal_of_real,hypnat_of_nat,hcomplex_of_complex}_mult star_of_one <-- {hypreal_of_real,hcomplex_of_complex}_one star_of_zero <-- {hypreal_of_real,hypnat_of_nat,hcomplex_of_complex}_zero star_of_le <-- {hypreal_of_real,hypnat_of_nat}_le_iff star_of_less <-- {hypreal_of_real,hypnat_of_nat}_less_iff star_of_eq <-- {hypreal_of_real,hypnat_of_nat,hcomplex_of_complex}_eq_iff star_of_inverse <-- {hypreal_of_real,hcomplex_of_complex}_inverse star_of_divide <-- {hypreal_of_real,hcomplex_of_complex}_divide star_of_of_nat <-- {hypreal_of_real,hcomplex_of_complex}_of_nat star_of_of_int <-- {hypreal_of_real,hcomplex_of_complex}_of_int star_of_number_of <-- {hypreal,hcomplex}_number_of star_of_number_less <-- number_of_less_hypreal_of_real_iff star_of_number_le <-- number_of_le_hypreal_of_real_iff star_of_eq_number <-- hypreal_of_real_eq_number_of_iff star_of_less_number <-- hypreal_of_real_less_number_of_iff star_of_le_number <-- hypreal_of_real_le_number_of_iff star_of_power <-- hypreal_of_real_power star_of_eq_0 <-- hcomplex_of_complex_zero_iff* Hyperreal: new method "transfer" that implements the transferprinciple of nonstandard analysis. With a subgoal that mentionsnonstandard types like "'a star", the command "apply transfer"replaces it with an equivalent one that mentions only standard types.To be successful, all free variables must have standard types; non-standard variables must have explicit universal quantifiers.* Hyperreal: A theory of Taylor series.*** HOLCF **** Discontinued special version of 'constdefs' (which used to supportcontinuous functions) in favor of the general Pure one with fulltype-inference.* New simplification procedure for solving continuity conditions; itis much faster on terms with many nested lambda abstractions (cubicinstead of exponential time).* New syntax for domain package: selector names are now optional.Parentheses should be omitted unless argument is lazy, for example: domain 'a stream = cons "'a" (lazy "'a stream")* New command 'fixrec' for defining recursive functions with patternmatching; defining multiple functions with mutual recursion is alsosupported. Patterns may include the constants cpair, spair, up, sinl,sinr, or any data constructor defined by the domain package. The givenequations are proven as rewrite rules. See HOLCF/ex/Fixrec_ex.thy forsyntax and examples.* New commands 'cpodef' and 'pcpodef' for defining predicate subtypesof cpo and pcpo types. Syntax is exactly like the 'typedef' command,but the proof obligation additionally includes an admissibilityrequirement. The packages generate instances of class cpo or pcpo,with continuity and strictness theorems for Rep and Abs.* HOLCF: Many theorems have been renamed according to a more standard namingscheme (INCOMPATIBILITY): foo_inject: "foo$x = foo$y ==> x = y" foo_eq: "(foo$x = foo$y) = (x = y)" foo_less: "(foo$x << foo$y) = (x << y)" foo_strict: "foo$UU = UU" foo_defined: "... ==> foo$x ~= UU" foo_defined_iff: "(foo$x = UU) = (x = UU)"*** ZF **** ZF/ex: theories Group and Ring provide examples in abstract algebra,including the First Isomorphism Theorem (on quotienting by the kernelof a homomorphism).* ZF/Simplifier: install second copy of type solver that actuallymakes use of TC rules declared to Isar proof contexts (or locales);the old version is still required for ML proof scripts.*** Cube **** Converted to Isar theory format; use locales instead of axiomatictheories.*** ML **** Pure/library.ML: added ##>, ##>>, #>> -- higher-order counterpartsfor ||>, ||>>, |>>,* Pure/library.ML no longer defines its own option datatype, but usesthat of the SML basis, which has constructors NONE and SOME instead ofNone and Some, as well as exception Option.Option instead of OPTION.The functions the, if_none, is_some, is_none have been adaptedaccordingly, while replaces apsome.* Pure/library.ML: the exception LIST has been given up in favour ofthe standard exceptions Empty and Subscript, as well asLibrary.UnequalLengths. Function like Library.hd and aresuperceded by the standard hd and tl functions etc.A number of basic list functions are no longer exported to the MLtoplevel, as they are variants of predefined functions. The followingsuggests how one can translate existing code: rev_append xs ys = List.revAppend (xs, ys) nth_elem (i, xs) = List.nth (xs, i) last_elem xs = List.last xs flat xss = List.concat xss seq fs = fs partition P xs = List.partition P xs mapfilter f xs = List.mapPartial f xs* Pure/library.ML: several combinators for linear functionaltransformations, notably reverse application and composition: x |> f f #> g (x, y) |-> f f #-> g* Pure/library.ML: introduced/changed precedence of infix operators: infix 1 |> |-> ||> ||>> |>> |>>> #> #->; infix 2 ?; infix 3 o oo ooo oooo; infix 4 ~~ upto downto;Maybe INCOMPATIBILITY when any of those is used in conjunction with otherinfix operators.* Pure/library.ML: natural list combinators fold, fold_rev, andfold_map support linear functional transformations and nesting. Forexample: fold f [x1, ..., xN] y = y |> f x1 |> ... |> f xN (fold o fold) f [xs1, ..., xsN] y = y |> fold f xs1 |> ... |> fold f xsN fold f [x1, ..., xN] = f x1 #> ... #> f xN (fold o fold) f [xs1, ..., xsN] = fold f xs1 #> ... #> fold f xsN* Pure/library.ML: the following selectors on type 'a option areavailable: the: 'a option -> 'a (*partial*) these: 'a option -> 'a where 'a = 'b list the_default: 'a -> 'a option -> 'a the_list: 'a option -> 'a list* Pure/General: structure AList (cf. Pure/General/alist.ML) providesbasic operations for association lists, following natural argumentorder; moreover the explicit equality predicate passed here avoidspotentially expensive polymorphic runtime equality checks.The old functions may be expressed as follows: assoc = uncurry (AList.lookup (op =)) assocs = these oo AList.lookup (op =) overwrite = uncurry (AList.update (op =)) o swap* Pure/General: structure AList (cf. Pure/General/alist.ML) provides val make: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> ('a * 'b) list val find: ('a * 'b -> bool) -> ('c * 'b) list -> 'a -> 'c listreplacing make_keylist and keyfilter (occassionally used)Naive rewrites: make_keylist = AList.make keyfilter = AList.find (op =)* eq_fst and eq_snd now take explicit equality parameter, thus avoiding eqtypes. Naive rewrites: eq_fst = eq_fst (op =) eq_snd = eq_snd (op =)* Removed deprecated apl and apr (rarely used). Naive rewrites: apl (n, op) =>>= curry op n apr (op, m) =>>= fn n => op (n, m)* Pure/General: structure OrdList (cf. Pure/General/ord_list.ML)provides a reasonably efficient light-weight implementation of sets aslists.* Pure/General: generic tables (cf. Pure/General/table.ML) provide afew new operations; existing lookup and update are now curried tofollow natural argument order (for use with fold etc.);INCOMPATIBILITY, use (uncurry Symtab.lookup) etc. as last resort.* Pure/General: output via the Isabelle channels ofwriteln/warning/error etc. is now passed through Output.output, with ahook for arbitrary transformations depending on the print_mode(cf. Output.add_mode -- the first active mode that provides a outputfunction wins). Already formatted output may be embedded into furthertext via Output.raw; the result of Pretty.string_of/str_of and derivedfunctions (string_of_term/cterm/thm etc.) is already marked raw toaccommodate easy composition of diagnostic messages etc. Programmersrarely need to care about Output.output or Output.raw at all, withsome notable exceptions: Output.output is required when bypassing thestandard channels (writeln etc.), or in token translations to produceproperly formatted results; Output.raw is required when capturingalready output material that will eventually be presented to the usera second time. For the default print mode, both Output.output andOutput.raw have no effect.* Pure/General: Output.time_accumulator NAME creates an operator ('a-> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b to measure runtime and count invocations; thecumulative results are displayed at the end of a batch session.* Pure/General: File.sysify_path and File.quote_sysify path have beenreplaced by File.platform_path and File.shell_path (with appropriatehooks). This provides a clean interface for unusual systems where theinternal and external process view of file names are different.* Pure: more efficient orders for basic syntactic entities: addedfast_string_ord, fast_indexname_ord, fast_term_ord; changed sort_ordand typ_ord to use fast_string_ord and fast_indexname_ord (term_ord isNOT affected); structures Symtab, Vartab, Typtab, Termtab use the fastorders now -- potential INCOMPATIBILITY for code that depends on aparticular order for Symtab.keys, Symtab.dest, etc. (consider usingLibrary.sort_strings on result).* Pure/term.ML: combinators fold_atyps, fold_aterms, fold_term_types,fold_types traverse types/terms from left to right, observing naturalargument order. Supercedes previous foldl_XXX versions, add_frees,add_vars etc. have been adapted as well: INCOMPATIBILITY.* Pure: name spaces have been refined, with significant changes of theinternal interfaces -- INCOMPATIBILITY. Renamed cond_extern(_table)to extern(_table). The plain name entry path is superceded by ageneral 'naming' context, which also includes the 'policy' to producea fully qualified name and external accesses of a fully qualifiedname; NameSpace.extend is superceded by context dependentSign.declare_name. Several theory and proof context operations modifythe naming context. Especially note Theory.restore_naming andProofContext.restore_naming to get back to a sane state; note thatTheory.add_path is no longer sufficient to recover fromTheory.absolute_path in particular.* Pure: new flags short_names (default false) and unique_names(default true) for controlling output of qualified names. Ifshort_names is set, names are printed unqualified. If unique_names isreset, the name prefix is reduced to the minimum required to achievethe original result when interning again, even if there is an overlapwith earlier declarations.* Pure/TheoryDataFun: change of the argument structure; 'prep_ext' isnow 'extend', and 'merge' gets an additional Pretty.pp argument(useful for printing error messages). INCOMPATIBILITY.* Pure: major reorganization of the theory context. Type andTheory.theory are now identified, referring to the universalContext.theory (see Pure/context.ML). Actual signature and theorycontent is managed as theory data. The old code and interfaces werespread over many files and structures; the new arrangement introducesconsiderable INCOMPATIBILITY to gain more clarity: Context -- theory management operations (name, identity, inclusion, parents, ancestors, merge, etc.), plus generic theory data; Sign -- logical signature and syntax operations (declaring consts, types, etc.), plus certify/read for common entities; Theory -- logical theory operations (stating axioms, definitions, oracles), plus a copy of logical signature operations (consts, types, etc.); also a few basic management operations (Theory.copy, Theory.merge, etc.)The most basic sign_of operations (Theory.sign_of, Thm.sign_of_thmetc.) as well as the sign field in Thm.rep_thm etc. have been retainedfor convenience -- they merely return the theory.* Pure: type Type.tsig is superceded by theory in most interfaces.* Pure: the Isar proof context type is already defined early in Pureas Context.proof (note that ProofContext.context and Proof.context arealiases, where the latter is the preferred name). This enables otherIsabelle components to refer to that type even before Isar is present.* Pure/sign/theory: discontinued named name spaces (i.e. classK,typeK, constK, axiomK, oracleK), but provide explicit operations forany of these kinds. For example, Sign.intern typeK is nowSign.intern_type, Theory.hide_space Sign.typeK is nowTheory.hide_types. Also note that formerTheory.hide_classes/types/consts are nowTheory.hide_classes_i/types_i/consts_i, while the non '_i' versionsinternalize their arguments! INCOMPATIBILITY.* Pure: get_thm interface (of PureThy and ProofContext) expectsdatatype thmref (with constructors Name and NameSelection) instead ofplain string -- INCOMPATIBILITY;* Pure: cases produced by proof methods specify options, where NONEmeans to remove case bindings -- INCOMPATIBILITY in(RAW_)METHOD_CASES.* Pure: the following operations retrieve axioms or theorems from atheory node or theory hierarchy, respectively: Theory.axioms_of: theory -> (string * term) list Theory.all_axioms_of: theory -> (string * term) list PureThy.thms_of: theory -> (string * thm) list PureThy.all_thms_of: theory -> (string * thm) list* Pure: print_tac now outputs the goal through the trace channel.* Isar toplevel: improved diagnostics, mostly for Poly/ML only.Reference Toplevel.debug (default false) controls detailed printingand tracing of low-level exceptions; Toplevel.profiling (default 0)controls execution profiling -- set to 1 for time and 2 for space(both increase the runtime).* Isar session: The initial use of ROOT.ML is now always timed,i.e. the log will show the actual process times, in contrast to theelapsed wall-clock time that the outer shell wrapper produces.* Simplifier: improved handling of bound variables (namelessrepresentation, avoid allocating new strings). Simprocs that invokethe Simplifier recursively should use Simplifier.inherit_bounds toavoid local name clashes. Failure to do so produces warnings"Simplifier: renamed bound variable ..."; set Simplifier.debug_boundsfor further details.* ML functions legacy_bindings and use_legacy_bindings produce ML factbindings for all theorems stored within a given theory; this may helpin porting non-Isar theories to Isar ones, while keeping ML proofscripts for the time being.* ML operator HTML.with_charset specifies the charset begin used forgenerated HTML files. For example: HTML.with_charset "utf-8" use_thy "Hebrew"; HTML.with_charset "utf-8" use_thy "Chinese";*** System **** Allow symlinks to all proper Isabelle executables (Isabelle,isabelle, isatool etc.).* ISABELLE_DOC_FORMAT setting specifies preferred document format (forisatool doc, isatool mkdir, display_drafts etc.).* isatool usedir: option -f allows specification of the ML file to beused by Isabelle; default is ROOT.ML.* New isatool version outputs the version identifier of the Isabelledistribution being used.* HOL: new isatool dimacs2hol converts files in DIMACS CNF format(containing Boolean satisfiability problems) into Isabelle/HOLtheories.New in Isabelle2004 (April 2004)--------------------------------*** General **** Provers/order.ML: new efficient reasoner for partial and linear orders. Replaces linorder.ML.* Pure: Greek letters (except small lambda, \<lambda>), as well as Gothic (\<aa>...\<zz>\<AA>...\<ZZ>), calligraphic (\<A>...\<Z>), and Euler (\<a>...\<z>), are now considered normal letters, and can therefore be used anywhere where an ASCII letter (a...zA...Z) has until now. COMPATIBILITY: This obviously changes the parsing of some terms, especially where a symbol has been used as a binder, say '\<Pi>x. ...', which is now a type error since \<Pi>x will be parsed as an identifier. Fix it by inserting a space around former symbols. Call 'isatool fixgreek' to try to fix parsing errors in existing theory and ML files.* Pure: Macintosh and Windows line-breaks are now allowed in theory files.* Pure: single letter sub/superscripts (\<^isub> and \<^isup>) are now allowed in identifiers. Similar to Greek letters \<^isub> is now considered a normal (but invisible) letter. For multiple letter subscripts repeat \<^isub> like this: x\<^isub>1\<^isub>2.* Pure: There are now sub-/superscripts that can span more than one character. Text between \<^bsub> and \<^esub> is set in subscript in ProofGeneral and LaTeX, text between \<^bsup> and \<^esup> in superscript. The new control characters are not identifier parts.* Pure: Control-symbols of the form \<^raw:...> will literally print the content of "..." to the latex file instead of \isacntrl... . The "..." may consist of any printable characters excluding the end bracket >.* Pure: Using new Isar command "finalconsts" (or the ML functions Theory.add_finals or Theory.add_finals_i) it is now possible to declare constants "final", which prevents their being given a definition later. It is useful for constants whose behaviour is fixed axiomatically rather than definitionally, such as the meta-logic connectives.* Pure: 'instance' now handles general arities with general sorts (i.e. intersections of classes),* Presentation: generated HTML now uses a CSS style sheet to make layout (somewhat) independent of content. It is copied from lib/html/isabelle.css. It can be changed to alter the colors/layout of generated pages.*** Isar **** Tactic emulation methods rule_tac, erule_tac, drule_tac, frule_tac, cut_tac, subgoal_tac and thin_tac: - Now understand static (Isar) contexts. As a consequence, users of Isar locales are no longer forced to write Isar proof scripts. For details see Isar Reference Manual, paragraph 4.3.2: Further tactic emulations. - INCOMPATIBILITY: names of variables to be instantiated may no longer be enclosed in quotes. Instead, precede variable name with `?'. This is consistent with the instantiation attribute "where".* Attributes "where" and "of": - Now take type variables of instantiated theorem into account when reading the instantiation string. This fixes a bug that caused instantiated theorems to have too special types in some circumstances. - "where" permits explicit instantiations of type variables.* Calculation commands "moreover" and "also" no longer interfere with current facts ("this"), admitting arbitrary combinations with "then" and derived forms.* Locales: - Goal statements involving the context element "includes" no longer generate theorems with internal delta predicates (those ending on "_axioms") in the premise. Resolve particular premise with <locale>.intro to obtain old form. - Fixed bug in type inference ("unify_frozen") that prevented mix of target specification and "includes" elements in goal statement. - Rule sets <locale>.intro and <locale>.axioms no longer declared as [intro?] and [elim?] (respectively) by default. - Experimental command for instantiation of locales in proof contexts: instantiate <label>[<attrs>]: <loc> Instantiates locale <loc> and adds all its theorems to the current context taking into account their attributes. Label and attrs are optional modifiers, like in theorem declarations. If present, names of instantiated theorems are qualified with <label>, and the attributes <attrs> are applied after any attributes these theorems might have already. If the locale has assumptions, a chained fact of the form "<loc> t1 ... tn" is expected from which instantiations of the parameters are derived. The command does not support old-style locales declared with "locale (open)". A few (very simple) examples can be found in FOL/ex/LocaleInst.thy.* HOL: Tactic emulation methods induct_tac and case_tac understand static (Isar) contexts.*** HOL **** Proof import: new image HOL4 contains the imported library from the HOL4 system with about 2500 theorems. It is imported by replaying proof terms produced by HOL4 in Isabelle. The HOL4 image can be used like any other Isabelle image. See HOL/Import/HOL/README for more information.* Simplifier: - Much improved handling of linear and partial orders. Reasoners for linear and partial orders are set up for type classes "linorder" and "order" respectively, and are added to the default simpset as solvers. This means that the simplifier can build transitivity chains to solve goals from the assumptions. - INCOMPATIBILITY: old proofs break occasionally. Typically, applications of blast or auto after simplification become unnecessary because the goal is solved by simplification already.* Numerics: new theory Ring_and_Field contains over 250 basic numerical laws, all proved in axiomatic type classes for semirings, rings and fields.* Numerics: - Numeric types (nat, int, and in HOL-Complex rat, real, complex, etc.) are now formalized using the Ring_and_Field theory mentioned above. - INCOMPATIBILITY: simplification and arithmetic behaves somewhat differently than before, because now they are set up once in a generic manner. - INCOMPATIBILITY: many type-specific arithmetic laws have gone. Look for the general versions in Ring_and_Field (and Power if they concern exponentiation).* Type "rat" of the rational numbers is now available in HOL-Complex.* Records: - Record types are now by default printed with their type abbreviation instead of the list of all field types. This can be configured via the reference "print_record_type_abbr". - Simproc "record_upd_simproc" for simplification of multiple updates added (not enabled by default). - Simproc "record_ex_sel_eq_simproc" to simplify EX x. sel r = x resp. EX x. x = sel r to True (not enabled by default). - Tactic "record_split_simp_tac" to split and simplify records added.* 'specification' command added, allowing for definition by specification. There is also an 'ax_specification' command that introduces the new constants axiomatically.* arith(_tac) is now able to generate counterexamples for reals as well.* HOL-Algebra: new locale "ring" for non-commutative rings.* HOL-ex: InductiveInvariant_examples illustrates advanced recursive function definitions, thanks to Sava Krsti\'{c} and John Matthews.* HOL-Matrix: a first theory for matrices in HOL with an application of matrix theory to linear programming.* Unions and Intersections: The latex output syntax of UN and INT has been changed from "\Union x \in A. B" to "\Union_{x \in A} B" i.e. the index formulae has become a subscript. Similarly for "\Union x. B", and for \Inter instead of \Union.* Unions and Intersections over Intervals: There is new short syntax "UN i<=n. A" for "UN i:{0..n}. A". There is also an x-symbol version with subscripts "\<Union>\<^bsub>i <= n\<^esub>. A" like in normal math, and corresponding versions for < and for intersection.* HOL/List: Ordering "lexico" is renamed "lenlex" and the standard lexicographic dictonary ordering has been added as "lexord".* ML: the legacy theory structures Int and List have been removed. They had conflicted with ML Basis Library structures having the same names.* 'refute' command added to search for (finite) countermodels. Only works for a fragment of HOL. The installation of an external SAT solver is highly recommended. See "HOL/Refute.thy" for details.* 'quickcheck' command: Allows to find counterexamples by evaluating formulae under an assignment of free variables to random values. In contrast to 'refute', it can deal with inductive datatypes, but cannot handle quantifiers. See "HOL/ex/Quickcheck_Examples.thy" for examples.*** HOLCF **** Streams now come with concatenation and are part of the HOLCF imageNew in Isabelle2003 (May 2003)------------------------------*** General **** Provers/simplifier: - Completely reimplemented method simp (ML: Asm_full_simp_tac): Assumptions are now subject to complete mutual simplification, not just from left to right. The simplifier now preserves the order of assumptions. Potential INCOMPATIBILITY: -- simp sometimes diverges where the old version did not, e.g. invoking simp on the goal [| P (f x); y = x; f x = f y |] ==> Q now gives rise to the infinite reduction sequence P(f x) --(f x = f y)--> P(f y) --(y = x)--> P(f x) --(f x = f y)--> ... Using "simp (asm_lr)" (ML: Asm_lr_simp_tac) instead often solves this kind of problem. -- Tactics combining classical reasoner and simplification (such as auto) are also affected by this change, because many of them rely on simp. They may sometimes diverge as well or yield a different numbers of subgoals. Try to use e.g. force, fastsimp, or safe instead of auto in case of problems. Sometimes subsequent calls to the classical reasoner will fail because a preceeding call to the simplifier too eagerly simplified the goal, e.g. deleted redundant premises. - The simplifier trace now shows the names of the applied rewrite rules - You can limit the number of recursive invocations of the simplifier during conditional rewriting (where the simplifie tries to solve the conditions before applying the rewrite rule): ML "simp_depth_limit := n" where n is an integer. Thus you can force termination where previously the simplifier would diverge. - Accepts free variables as head terms in congruence rules. Useful in Isar. - No longer aborts on failed congruence proof. Instead, the congruence is ignored.* Pure: New generic framework for extracting programs from constructive proofs. See HOL/Extraction.thy for an example instantiation, as well as HOL/Extraction for some case studies.* Pure: The main goal of the proof state is no longer shown by default, onlythe subgoals. This behaviour is controlled by a new flag. PG menu: Isabelle/Isar -> Settings -> Show Main Goal(ML: Proof.show_main_goal).* Pure: You can find all matching introduction rules for subgoal 1, i.e. allrules whose conclusion matches subgoal 1: PG menu: Isabelle/Isar -> Show me -> matching rulesThe rules are ordered by how closely they match the subgoal.In particular, rules that solve a subgoal outright are displayed first(or rather last, the way they are printed).(ML: ProofGeneral.print_intros())* Pure: New flag trace_unify_fail causes unification to printdiagnostic information (PG: in trace buffer) when it fails. This isuseful for figuring out why single step proofs like rule, erule orassumption failed.* Pure: Locale specifications now produce predicate definitionsaccording to the body of text (covering assumptions modulo localdefinitions); predicate "loc_axioms" covers newly introduced text,while "loc" is cumulative wrt. all included locale expressions; thelatter view is presented only on export into the global theorycontext; potential INCOMPATIBILITY, use "(open)" option to fall backon the old view without predicates;* Pure: predefined locales "var" and "struct" are useful for sharingparameters (as in CASL, for example); just specify something like``var x + var y + struct M'' as import;* Pure: improved thms_containing: proper indexing of facts instead ofraw theorems; check validity of results wrt. current name space;include local facts of proof configuration (also covers activelocales), cover fixed variables in index; may use "_" in termspecification; an optional limit for the number of printed facts maybe given (the default is 40);* Pure: disallow duplicate fact bindings within new-style theory files(batch-mode only);* Provers: improved induct method: assumptions introduced by case"foo" are split into "foo.hyps" (from the rule) and "foo.prems" (fromthe goal statement); "foo" still refers to all facts collectively;* Provers: the function blast.overloaded has been removed: all constantsare regarded as potentially overloaded, which improves robustness in exchangefor slight decrease in efficiency;* Provers/linorder: New generic prover for transitivity reasoning overlinear orders. Note: this prover is not efficient!* Isar: preview of problems to finish 'show' now produce an errorrather than just a warning (in interactive mode);*** HOL **** arith(_tac) - Produces a counter example if it cannot prove a goal. Note that the counter example may be spurious if the goal is not a formula of quantifier-free linear arithmetic. In ProofGeneral the counter example appears in the trace buffer. - Knows about div k and mod k where k is a numeral of type nat or int. - Calls full Presburger arithmetic (by Amine Chaieb) if quantifier-free linear arithmetic fails. This takes account of quantifiers and divisibility. Presburger arithmetic can also be called explicitly via presburger(_tac).* simp's arithmetic capabilities have been enhanced a bit: it nowtakes ~= in premises into account (by performing a case split);* simp reduces "m*(n div m) + n mod m" to n, even if the two summandsare distributed over a sum of terms;* New tactic "trans_tac" and method "trans" instantiateProvers/linorder.ML for axclasses "order" and "linorder" (predicates"<=", "<" and "=").* function INCOMPATIBILITIES: Pi-sets have been redefined and moved from mainHOL to Library/FuncSet; constant "Fun.op o" is now called "Fun.comp";* 'typedef' command has new option "open" to suppress the setdefinition;* functions Min and Max on finite sets have been introduced (theoryFinite_Set);* attribute [symmetric] now works for relations as well; it turns(x,y) : R^-1 into (y,x) : R, and vice versa;* induct over a !!-quantified statement (say !!x1..xn): each "case" automatically performs "fix x1 .. xn" with exactly those names.* Map: `empty' is no longer a constant but a syntactic abbreviation for%x. None. Warning: empty_def now refers to the previously hidden definitionof the empty set.* Algebra: formalization of classical algebra. Intended as base forany algebraic development in Isabelle. Currently covers group theory(up to Sylow's theorem) and ring theory (Universal Property ofUnivariate Polynomials). Contributions welcome;* GroupTheory: deleted, since its material has been moved to Algebra;* Complex: new directory of the complex numbers with numeric constants,nonstandard complex numbers, and some complex analysis, standard andnonstandard (Jacques Fleuriot);* HOL-Complex: new image for analysis, replacing HOL-Real and HOL-Hyperreal;* Hyperreal: introduced Gauge integration and hyperreal logarithms (JacquesFleuriot);* Real/HahnBanach: updated and adapted to locales;* NumberTheory: added Gauss's law of quadratic reciprocity (by Avigad,Gray and Kramer);* UNITY: added the Meier-Sanders theory of progress sets;* MicroJava: bytecode verifier and lightweight bytecode verifieras abstract algorithms, instantiated to the JVM;* Bali: Java source language formalization. Type system, operationalsemantics, axiomatic semantics. Supported language features:classes, interfaces, objects,virtual methods, static methods,static/instance fields, arrays, access modifiers, definiteassignment, exceptions.*** ZF **** ZF/Constructible: consistency proof for AC (Gdel's constructibleuniverse, etc.);* Main ZF: virtually all theories converted to new-style format;*** ML **** Pure: Tactic.prove provides sane interface for internal proofs;omits the infamous "standard" operation, so this is more appropriatethan prove_goalw_cterm in many situations (e.g. in simprocs);* Pure: improved error reporting of simprocs;* Provers: Simplifier.simproc(_i) provides sane interface for settingup simprocs;*** Document preparation **** uses \par instead of \\ for line breaks in theory text. This mayshift some page breaks in large documents. To get the old behaviouruse \renewcommand{\isanewline}{\mbox{}\\\mbox{}} in root.tex.* minimized dependencies of isabelle.sty and isabellesym.sty onother packages* \<euro> now needs package babel/greek instead of marvosym (whichbroke \Rightarrow)* normal size for \<zero>...\<nine> (uses \mathbf instead oftextcomp package)New in Isabelle2002 (March 2002)--------------------------------*** Document preparation **** greatly simplified document preparation setup, including moregraceful interpretation of isatool usedir -i/-d/-D options, and moreinstructive isatool mkdir; users should basically be able to getstarted with "isatool mkdir HOL Test && isatool make"; alternatively,users may run a separate document processing stage manually like this:"isatool usedir -D output HOL Test && isatool document Test/output";* theory dependency graph may now be incorporated into documents;isatool usedir -g true will produce session_graph.eps/.pdf for usewith \includegraphics of LaTeX;* proper spacing of consecutive markup elements, especially textblocks after section headings;* support bold style (for single symbols only), input syntax is likethis: "\<^bold>\<alpha>" or "\<^bold>A";* \<bullet> is now output as bold \cdot by default, which looks muchbetter in printed text;* added default LaTeX bindings for \<tturnstile> and \<TTurnstile>;note that these symbols are currently unavailable in Proof General /X-Symbol; new symbols \<zero>, \<one>, ..., \<nine>, and \<euro>;* isatool latex no longer depends on changed TEXINPUTS, insteadisatool document copies the Isabelle style files to the targetlocation;*** Isar **** Pure/Provers: improved proof by cases and induction; - 'case' command admits impromptu naming of parameters (such as "case (Suc n)"); - 'induct' method divinates rule instantiation from the inductive claim; no longer requires excessive ?P bindings for proper instantiation of cases; - 'induct' method properly enumerates all possibilities of set/type rules; as a consequence facts may be also passed through *type* rules without further ado; - 'induct' method now derives symbolic cases from the *rulified* rule (before it used to rulify cases stemming from the internal atomized version); this means that the context of a non-atomic statement becomes is included in the hypothesis, avoiding the slightly cumbersome show "PROP ?case" form; - 'induct' may now use elim-style induction rules without chaining facts, using ``missing'' premises from the goal state; this allows rules stemming from inductive sets to be applied in unstructured scripts, while still benefitting from proper handling of non-atomic statements; NB: major inductive premises need to be put first, all the rest of the goal is passed through the induction; - 'induct' proper support for mutual induction involving non-atomic rule statements (uses the new concept of simultaneous goals, see below); - append all possible rule selections, but only use the first success (no backtracking); - removed obsolete "(simplified)" and "(stripped)" options of methods; - undeclared rule case names default to numbers 1, 2, 3, ...; - added 'print_induct_rules' (covered by help item in recent Proof General versions); - moved induct/cases attributes to Pure, methods to Provers; - generic method setup instantiated for FOL and HOL;* Pure: support multiple simultaneous goal statements, for example"have a: A and b: B" (same for 'theorem' etc.); being a puremeta-level mechanism, this acts as if several individual goals hadbeen stated separately; in particular common proof methods need to berepeated in order to cover all claims; note that a single eliminationstep is *not* sufficient to establish the two conjunctions, so thisfails: assume "A & B" then have A and B .. (*".." fails*)better use "obtain" in situations as above; alternative refer tomulti-step methods like 'auto', 'simp_all', 'blast+' etc.;* Pure: proper integration with ``locales''; unlike the originalversion by Florian Kammller, Isar locales package high-level proofcontexts rather than raw logical ones (e.g. we admit to includeattributes everywhere); operations on locales include merge andrename; support for implicit arguments (``structures''); simultaneoustype-inference over imports and text; see also HOL/ex/Locales.thy forsome examples;* Pure: the following commands have been ``localized'', supporting atarget locale specification "(in name)": 'lemma', 'theorem','corollary', 'lemmas', 'theorems', 'declare'; the results will bestored both within the locale and at the theory level (exported andqualified by the locale name);* Pure: theory goals may now be specified in ``long'' form, withad-hoc contexts consisting of arbitrary locale elements. for example``lemma foo: fixes x assumes "A x" shows "B x"'' (local syntax anddefinitions may be given, too); the result is a meta-level rule withthe context elements being discharged in the obvious way;* Pure: new proof command 'using' allows to augment currently usedfacts after a goal statement ('using' is syntactically analogous to'apply', but acts on the goal's facts only); this allows chained factsto be separated into parts given before and after a claim, as in``from a and b have C using d and e <proof>'';* Pure: renamed "antecedent" case to "rule_context";* Pure: new 'judgment' command records explicit information about theobject-logic embedding (used by several tools internally); no longeruse hard-wired "Trueprop";* Pure: added 'corollary' command;* Pure: fixed 'token_translation' command;* Pure: removed obsolete 'exported' attribute;* Pure: dummy pattern "_" in is/let is now automatically lifted overbound variables: "ALL x. P x --> Q x" (is "ALL x. _ --> ?C x")supersedes more cumbersome ... (is "ALL x. _ x --> ?C x");* Pure: method 'atomize' presents local goal premises as object-levelstatements (atomic meta-level propositions); setup controlled viarewrite rules declarations of 'atomize' attribute; exampleapplication: 'induct' method with proper rule statements in improperproof *scripts*;* Pure: emulation of instantiation tactics (rule_tac, cut_tac, etc.)now consider the syntactic context of assumptions, giving a betterchance to get type-inference of the arguments right (this isespecially important for locales);* Pure: "sorry" no longer requires quick_and_dirty in interactivemode;* Pure/obtain: the formal conclusion "thesis", being marked as``internal'', may no longer be reference directly in the text;potential INCOMPATIBILITY, may need to use "?thesis" in raresituations;* Pure: generic 'sym' attribute which declares a rule both as pure'elim?' and for the 'symmetric' operation;* Pure: marginal comments ``--'' may now occur just anywhere in thetext; the fixed correlation with particular command syntax has beendiscontinued;* Pure: new method 'rules' is particularly well-suited for proofsearch in intuitionistic logic; a bit slower than 'blast' or 'fast',but often produces more compact proof terms with less detours;* Pure/Provers/classical: simplified integration with pure ruleattributes and methods; the classical "intro?/elim?/dest?"declarations coincide with the pure ones; the "rule" method no longerincludes classically swapped intros; "intro" and "elim" methods nolonger pick rules from the context; also got rid of ML declarationsAddXIs/AddXEs/AddXDs; all of this has some potential forINCOMPATIBILITY;* Provers/classical: attribute 'swapped' produces classical inversionsof introduction rules;* Provers/simplifier: 'simplified' attribute may refer to explicitrules instead of full simplifier context; 'iff' attribute handlesconditional rules;* HOL: 'typedef' now allows alternative names for Rep/Abs morphisms;* HOL: 'recdef' now fails on unfinished automated proofs, use"(permissive)" option to recover old behavior;* HOL: 'inductive' no longer features separate (collective) attributesfor 'intros' (was found too confusing);* HOL: properly declared induction rules less_induct andwf_induct_rule;*** HOL **** HOL: moved over to sane numeral syntax; the new policy is asfollows: - 0 and 1 are polymorphic constants, which are defined on any numeric type (nat, int, real etc.); - 2, 3, 4, ... and -1, -2, -3, ... are polymorphic numerals, based binary representation internally; - type nat has special constructor Suc, and generally prefers Suc 0 over 1::nat and Suc (Suc 0) over 2::nat;This change may cause significant problems of INCOMPATIBILITY; hereare some hints on converting existing sources: - due to the new "num" token, "-0" and "-1" etc. are now atomic entities, so expressions involving "-" (unary or binary minus) need to be spaced properly; - existing occurrences of "1" may need to be constraint "1::nat" or even replaced by Suc 0; similar for old "2"; - replace "#nnn" by "nnn", and "#-nnn" by "-nnn"; - remove all special provisions on numerals in proofs;* HOL: simp rules nat_number expand numerals on nat to Suc/0representation (depends on bin_arith_simps in the default context);* HOL: symbolic syntax for x^2 (numeral 2);* HOL: the class of all HOL types is now called "type" rather than"term"; INCOMPATIBILITY, need to adapt references to this type classin axclass/classes, instance/arities, and (usually rare) occurrencesin typings (of consts etc.); internally the class is called"HOL.type", ML programs should refer to HOLogic.typeS;* HOL/record package improvements: - new derived operations "fields" to build a partial record section, "extend" to promote a fixed record to a record scheme, and "truncate" for the reverse; cf. theorems "xxx.defs", which are *not* declared as simp by default; - shared operations ("more", "fields", etc.) now need to be always qualified) --- potential INCOMPATIBILITY; - removed "make_scheme" operations (use "make" with "extend") -- INCOMPATIBILITY; - removed "more" class (simply use "term") -- INCOMPATIBILITY; - provides cases/induct rules for use with corresponding Isar methods (for concrete records, record schemes, concrete more parts, and schematic more parts -- in that order); - internal definitions directly based on a light-weight abstract theory of product types over typedef rather than datatype;* HOL: generic code generator for generating executable ML code fromspecifications; specific support for HOL constructs such as inductivedatatypes and sets, as well as recursive functions; can be invokedvia 'generate_code' theory section;* HOL: canonical cases/induct rules for n-tuples (n = 3..7);* HOL: consolidated and renamed several theories. In particular: Ord.thy has been absorbed into HOL.thy String.thy has been absorbed into List.thy* HOL: concrete setsum syntax "\<Sum>i:A. b" == "setsum (%i. b) A"(beware of argument permutation!);* HOL: linorder_less_split superseded by linorder_cases;* HOL/List: "nodups" renamed to "distinct";* HOL: added "The" definite description operator; move Hilbert's "Eps"to peripheral theory "Hilbert_Choice"; some INCOMPATIBILITIES: - Ex_def has changed, now need to use some_eq_ex* HOL: made split_all_tac safe; EXISTING PROOFS MAY FAIL OR LOOP, soin this (rare) case use: delSWrapper "split_all_tac" addSbefore ("unsafe_split_all_tac", unsafe_split_all_tac)* HOL: added safe wrapper "split_conv_tac" to claset; EXISTING PROOFSMAY FAIL;* HOL: introduced f^n = f o ... o f; warning: due to the limits ofIsabelle's type classes, ^ on functions and relations has too generala domain, namely ('a * 'b) set and 'a => 'b; this means that it may benecessary to attach explicit type constraints;* HOL/Relation: the prefix name of the infix "O" has been changed from"comp" to "rel_comp"; INCOMPATIBILITY: a few theorems have beenrenamed accordingly (eg "compI" -> "rel_compI").* HOL: syntax translations now work properly with numerals and recordsexpressions;* HOL: bounded abstraction now uses syntax "%" / "\<lambda>" insteadof "lam" -- INCOMPATIBILITY;* HOL: got rid of some global declarations (potential INCOMPATIBILITYfor ML tools): const "()" renamed "Product_Type.Unity", type "unit"renamed "Product_Type.unit";* HOL: renamed rtrancl_into_rtrancl2 to converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl* HOL: removed obsolete theorem "optionE" (use "option.exhaust", orthe "cases" method);* HOL/GroupTheory: group theory examples including Sylow's theorem (byFlorian Kammller);* HOL/IMP: updated and converted to new-style theory format; severalparts turned into readable document, with proper Isar proof texts andsome explanations (by Gerwin Klein);* HOL-Real: added Complex_Numbers (by Gertrud Bauer);* HOL-Hyperreal is now a logic image;*** HOLCF **** Isar: consts/constdefs supports mixfix syntax for continuousoperations;* Isar: domain package adapted to new-style theory format, e.g. seeHOLCF/ex/Dnat.thy;* theory Lift: proper use of rep_datatype lift instead of ML hacks --potential INCOMPATIBILITY; now use plain induct_tac instead of formerlift.induct_tac, always use UU instead of Undef;* HOLCF/IMP: updated and converted to new-style theory;*** ZF **** Isar: proper integration of logic-specific tools and packages,including theory commands '(co)inductive', '(co)datatype','rep_datatype', 'inductive_cases', as well as methods 'ind_cases','induct_tac', 'case_tac', and 'typecheck' (with attribute 'TC');* theory Main no longer includes AC; for the Axiom of Choice, baseyour theory on Main_ZFC;* the integer library now covers quotients and remainders, with manylaws relating division to addition, multiplication, etc.;* ZF/UNITY: Chandy and Misra's UNITY is now available in ZF, giving atypeless version of the formalism;* ZF/AC, Coind, IMP, Resid: updated and converted to new-style theoryformat;* ZF/Induct: new directory for examples of inductive definitions,including theory Multiset for multiset orderings; converted tonew-style theory format;* ZF: many new theorems about lists, ordinals, etc.;*** General **** Pure/kernel: meta-level proof terms (by Stefan Berghofer); referencevariable proof controls level of detail: 0 = no proofs (only oracledependencies), 1 = lemma dependencies, 2 = compact proof terms; seealso ref manual for further ML interfaces;* Pure/axclass: removed obsolete ML interfacegoal_subclass/goal_arity;* Pure/syntax: new token syntax "num" for plain numerals (without "#"of "xnum"); potential INCOMPATIBILITY, since -0, -1 etc. are nowseparate tokens, so expressions involving minus need to be spacedproperly;* Pure/syntax: support non-oriented infixes, using keyword "infix"rather than "infixl" or "infixr";* Pure/syntax: concrete syntax for dummy type variables admits genuinesort constraint specifications in type inference; e.g. "x::_::foo"ensures that the type of "x" is of sort "foo" (but not necessarily atype variable);* Pure/syntax: print modes "type_brackets" and "no_type_brackets"control output of nested => (types); the default behavior is"type_brackets";* Pure/syntax: builtin parse translation for "_constify" turns valuedtokens into AST constants;* Pure/syntax: prefer later declarations of translations and printtranslation functions; potential INCOMPATIBILITY: need to reversemultiple declarations for same syntax element constant;* Pure/show_hyps reset by default (in accordance to existing Isarpractice);* Provers/classical: renamed addaltern to addafter, addSaltern toaddSafter;* Provers/clasimp: ``iff'' declarations now handle conditional rulesas well;* system: tested support for MacOS X; should be able to get Isabelle +Proof General to work in a plain Terminal after installing Poly/ML(e.g. from the Isabelle distribution area) and GNU bash alone(e.g. from; full X11, XEmacs and X-Symbolsupport requires further installations, e.g. from;* system: support Poly/ML 4.1.1 (able to manage larger heaps);* system: reduced base memory usage by Poly/ML (approx. 20 MB insteadof 40 MB), cf. ML_OPTIONS;* system: Proof General keywords specification is now part of theIsabelle distribution (see etc/isar-keywords.el);* system: support for persistent Proof General sessions (refrain fromoutdating all loaded theories on startup); user may create writablelogic images like this: ``isabelle -q HOL Test'';* system: smart selection of Isabelle process versus Isabelleinterface, accommodates case-insensitive file systems (e.g. HFS+); mayrun both "isabelle" and "Isabelle" even if file names are badlydamaged (executable inspects the case of the first letter of its ownname); added separate "isabelle-process" and "isabelle-interface";* system: refrain from any attempt at filtering input streams; nolonger support ``8bit'' encoding of old isabelle font, instead properiso-latin characters may now be used; the related isatools"symbolinput" and "nonascii" have disappeared as well;* system: removed old "xterm" interface (the print modes "xterm" and"xterm_color" are still available for direct use in a suitableterminal);New in Isabelle99-2 (February 2001)-----------------------------------*** Overview of INCOMPATIBILITIES **** HOL: please note that theories in the Library and elsewhere often use thenew-style (Isar) format; to refer to their theorems in an ML script you mustbind them to ML identifers by e.g. val thm_name = thm "thm_name";* HOL: inductive package no longer splits induction rule aggressively,but only as far as specified by the introductions given; the oldformat may be recovered via ML function complete_split_rule or attribute'split_rule (complete)';* HOL: induct renamed to lfp_induct, lfp_Tarski to lfp_unfold,gfp_Tarski to gfp_unfold;* HOL: contrapos, contrapos2 renamed to contrapos_nn, contrapos_pp;* HOL: infix "dvd" now has priority 50 rather than 70 (because it is arelation); infix "^^" has been renamed "``"; infix "``" has beenrenamed "`"; "univalent" has been renamed "single_valued";* HOL/Real: "rinv" and "hrinv" replaced by overloaded "inverse"operation;* HOLCF: infix "`" has been renamed "$"; the symbol syntax is \<cdot>;* Isar: 'obtain' no longer declares "that" fact as simp/intro;* Isar/HOL: method 'induct' now handles non-atomic goals; as aconsequence, it is no longer monotonic wrt. the local goal context(which is now passed through the inductive cases);* Document preparation: renamed standard symbols \<ll> to \<lless> and\<gg> to \<ggreater>;*** Document preparation **** \isabellestyle{NAME} selects version of Isabelle output (currentlyavailable: are "it" for near math-mode best-style output, "sl" forslanted text style, and "tt" for plain type-writer; if no\isabellestyle command is given, output is according to slantedtype-writer);* support sub/super scripts (for single symbols only), input syntax islike this: "A\<^sup>*" or "A\<^sup>\<star>";* some more standard symbols; see Appendix A of the system manual forthe complete list of symbols defined in isabellesym.sty;* improved isabelle style files; more abstract symbol implementation(should now use \isamath{...} and \isatext{...} in custom symboldefinitions);* antiquotation @{goals} and @{subgoals} for output of *dynamic* goalsstate; Note that presentation of goal states does not conform toactual human-readable proof documents. Please do not include goalstates into document output unless you really know what you are doing!* proper indentation of antiquoted output with proportional LaTeXfonts;* no_document ML operator temporarily disables LaTeX documentgeneration;* isatool unsymbolize tunes sources for plain ASCII communication;*** Isar **** Pure: Isar now suffers initial goal statements to contain unboundschematic variables (this does not conform to actual readable proofdocuments, due to unpredictable outcome and non-compositional proofchecking); users who know what they are doing may use schematic goalsfor Prolog-style synthesis of proven results;* Pure: assumption method (an implicit finishing) now handles actualrules as well;* Pure: improved 'obtain' --- moved to Pure, insert "that" intoinitial goal, declare "that" only as Pure intro (only for singlesteps); the "that" rule assumption may now be involved in implicitfinishing, thus ".." becomes a feasible for trivial obtains;* Pure: default proof step now includes 'intro_classes'; thus trivialinstance proofs may be performed by "..";* Pure: ?thesis / ?this / "..." now work for pure meta-levelstatements as well;* Pure: more robust selection of calculational rules;* Pure: the builtin notion of 'finished' goal now includes the ==-reflrule (as well as the assumption rule);* Pure: 'thm_deps' command visualizes dependencies of theorems andlemmas, using the graph browser tool;* Pure: predict failure of "show" in interactive mode;* Pure: 'thms_containing' now takes actual terms as arguments;* HOL: improved method 'induct' --- now handles non-atomic goals(potential INCOMPATIBILITY); tuned error handling;* HOL: cases and induct rules now provide explicit hints about thenumber of facts to be consumed (0 for "type" and 1 for "set" rules);any remaining facts are inserted into the goal verbatim;* HOL: local contexts (aka cases) may now contain term bindings aswell; the 'cases' and 'induct' methods new provide a ?case binding forthe result to be shown in each case;* HOL: added 'recdef_tc' command;* isatool convert assists in eliminating legacy ML scripts;*** HOL **** HOL/Library: a collection of generic theories to be used togetherwith main HOL; the theory loader path already includes this directoryby default; the following existing theories have been moved here:HOL/Induct/Multiset, HOL/Induct/Acc (as Accessible_Part), HOL/While(as While_Combinator), HOL/Lex/Prefix (as List_Prefix);* HOL/Unix: "Some aspects of Unix file-system security", a typicalmodelling and verification task performed in Isabelle/HOL +Isabelle/Isar + Isabelle document preparation (by Markus Wenzel).* HOL/Algebra: special summation operator SUM no longer exists, it hasbeen replaced by setsum; infix 'assoc' now has priority 50 (like'dvd'); axiom 'one_not_zero' has been moved from axclass 'ring' to'domain', this makes the theory consistent with mathematicalliterature;* HOL basics: added overloaded operations "inverse" and "divide"(infix "/"), syntax for generic "abs" operation, generic summationoperator \<Sum>;* HOL/typedef: simplified package, provide more useful rules (see alsoHOL/subset.thy);* HOL/datatype: induction rule for arbitrarily branching datatypes isnow expressed as a proper nested rule (old-style tactic scripts mayrequire atomize_strip_tac to cope with non-atomic premises);* HOL: renamed theory "Prod" to "Product_Type", renamed "split" ruleto "split_conv" (old name still available for compatibility);* HOL: improved concrete syntax for strings (e.g. allows translationrules with string literals);* HOL-Real-Hyperreal: this extends HOL-Real with the hyperreals and Fleuriot's mechanization of analysis, including the transcendental functions for the reals;* HOL/Real, HOL/Hyperreal: improved arithmetic simplification;*** CTT **** CTT: x-symbol support for Pi, Sigma, -->, : (membership); note that"lam" is displayed as TWO lambda-symbols* CTT: theory Main now available, containing everything (that is, Booland Arith);*** General **** Pure: the Simplifier has been implemented properly as a derived ruleoutside of the actual kernel (at last!); the overall performancepenalty in practical applications is about 50%, while reliability ofthe Isabelle inference kernel has been greatly improved;* print modes "brackets" and "no_brackets" control output of nested =>(types) and ==> (props); the default behaviour is "brackets";* Provers: fast_tac (and friends) now handle actual object-logic rulesas assumptions as well;* system: support Poly/ML 4.0;* system: isatool install handles KDE version 1 or 2;New in Isabelle99-1 (October 2000)----------------------------------*** Overview of INCOMPATIBILITIES **** HOL: simplification of natural numbers is much changed; to partlyrecover the old behaviour (e.g. to prevent n+n rewriting to #2*n)issue the following ML commands: Delsimprocs Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.cancel_numerals; Delsimprocs [Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.combine_numerals];* HOL: simplification no longer dives into case-expressions; this iscontrolled by "t.weak_case_cong" for each datatype t;* HOL: nat_less_induct renamed to less_induct;* HOL: systematic renaming of the SOME (Eps) rules, may use isatoolfixsome to patch .thy and .ML sources automatically; select_equality -> some_equality select_eq_Ex -> some_eq_ex selectI2EX -> someI2_ex selectI2 -> someI2 selectI -> someI select1_equality -> some1_equality Eps_sym_eq -> some_sym_eq_trivial Eps_eq -> some_eq_trivial* HOL: exhaust_tac on datatypes superceded by new generic case_tac;* HOL: removed obsolete theorem binding expand_if (refer to split_ifinstead);* HOL: the recursion equations generated by 'recdef' are now calledf.simps instead of f.rules;* HOL: qed_spec_mp now also handles bounded ALL as well;* HOL: 0 is now overloaded, so the type constraint ":: nat" maysometimes be needed;* HOL: the constant for "f``x" is now "image" rather than "op ``";* HOL: the constant for "f-``x" is now "vimage" rather than "op -``";* HOL: the disjoint sum is now "<+>" instead of "Plus"; the cartesianproduct is now "<*>" instead of "Times"; the lexicographic product isnow "<*lex*>" instead of "**";* HOL: theory Sexp is now in HOL/Induct examples (it used to be partof main HOL, but was unused); better use HOL's datatype package;* HOL: removed "symbols" syntax for constant "override" of theory Map;the old syntax may be recovered as follows: syntax (symbols) override :: "('a ~=> 'b) => ('a ~=> 'b) => ('a ~=> 'b)" (infixl "\\<oplus>" 100)* HOL/Real: "rabs" replaced by overloaded "abs" function;* HOL/ML: even fewer consts are declared as global (see theories Ord,Lfp, Gfp, WF); this only affects ML packages that refer to const namesinternally;* HOL and ZF: syntax for quotienting wrt an equivalence relationchanged from A/r to A//r;* ZF: new treatment of arithmetic (nat & int) may break some oldproofs;* Isar: renamed some attributes (RS -> THEN, simplify -> simplified,rulify -> rule_format, elimify -> elim_format, ...);* Isar/Provers: intro/elim/dest attributes changed; renamedintro/intro!/intro!! flags to intro!/intro/intro? (in most cases, oneshould have to change intro!! to intro? only); replaced "delrule" by"rule del";* Isar/HOL: renamed "intrs" to "intros" in inductive definitions;* Provers: strengthened force_tac by using new first_best_tac;* LaTeX document preparation: several changes of isabelle.sty (seelib/texinputs);*** Document preparation **** formal comments (text blocks etc.) in new-style theories may nowcontain antiquotations of thm/prop/term/typ/text to be presentedaccording to latex print mode; concrete syntax is like this:@{term[show_types] "f(x) = a + x"};* isatool mkdir provides easy setup of Isabelle session directories,including proper document sources;* generated LaTeX sources are now deleted after successful run(isatool document -c); may retain a copy somewhere else via -D optionof isatool usedir;* isatool usedir -D now lets isatool latex -o sty update the Isabellestyle files, achieving self-contained LaTeX sources and simplifyingLaTeX debugging;* old-style theories now produce (crude) LaTeX output as well;* browser info session directories are now self-contained (may be puton WWW server seperately); improved graphs of nested sessions; removedgraph for 'all sessions';* several improvements in isabelle style files; \isabellestyle{it}produces fake math mode output; \isamarkupheader is now \section bydefault; see lib/texinputs/isabelle.sty etc.;*** Isar **** Isar/Pure: local results and corresponding term bindings are nowsubject to Hindley-Milner polymorphism (similar to ML); thisaccommodates incremental type-inference very nicely;* Isar/Pure: new derived language element 'obtain' supportsgeneralized existence reasoning;* Isar/Pure: new calculational elements 'moreover' and 'ultimately'support accumulation of results, without applying any rules yet;useful to collect intermediate results without explicit namereferences, and for use with transitivity rules with more than 2premises;* Isar/Pure: scalable support for case-analysis type proofs: new'case' language element refers to local contexts symbolically, asproduced by certain proof methods; internally, case names are attachedto theorems as "tags";* Isar/Pure: theory command 'hide' removes declarations fromclass/type/const name spaces;* Isar/Pure: theory command 'defs' supports option "(overloaded)" toindicate potential overloading;* Isar/Pure: changed syntax of local blocks from {{ }} to { };* Isar/Pure: syntax of sorts made 'inner', i.e. have to write"{a,b,c}" instead of {a,b,c};* Isar/Pure now provides its own version of intro/elim/destattributes; useful for building new logics, but beware of confusionwith the version in Provers/classical;* Isar/Pure: the local context of (non-atomic) goals is provided viacase name 'antecedent';* Isar/Pure: removed obsolete 'transfer' attribute (transfer of thmsto the current context is now done automatically);* Isar/Pure: theory command 'method_setup' provides a simple interfacefor definining proof methods in ML;* Isar/Provers: intro/elim/dest attributes changed; renamedintro/intro!/intro!! flags to intro!/intro/intro? (INCOMPATIBILITY, inmost cases, one should have to change intro!! to intro? only);replaced "delrule" by "rule del";* Isar/Provers: new 'hypsubst' method, plain 'subst' method and'symmetric' attribute (the latter supercedes [RS sym]);* Isar/Provers: splitter support (via 'split' attribute and 'simp'method modifier); 'simp' method: 'only:' modifier removes loopers aswell (including splits);* Isar/Provers: Simplifier and Classical methods now support all kindof modifiers used in the past, including 'cong', 'iff', etc.* Isar/Provers: added 'fastsimp' and 'clarsimp' methods (combinationof Simplifier and Classical reasoner);* Isar/HOL: new proof method 'cases' and improved version of 'induct'now support named cases; major packages (inductive, datatype, primrec,recdef) support case names and properly name parameters;* Isar/HOL: new transitivity rules for substitution in inequalities --monotonicity conditions are extracted to be proven at end ofcalculations;* Isar/HOL: removed 'case_split' thm binding, should use 'cases' proofmethod anyway;* Isar/HOL: removed old expand_if = split_if; theorems if_splits =split_if split_if_asm; datatype package provides theorems foo.splits =foo.split foo.split_asm for each datatype;* Isar/HOL: tuned inductive package, rename "intrs" to "intros"(potential INCOMPATIBILITY), emulation of mk_cases feature for proofscripts: new 'inductive_cases' command and 'ind_cases' method; (Note:use "(cases (simplified))" method in proper proof texts);* Isar/HOL: added global 'arith_split' attribute for 'arith' method;* Isar: names of theorems etc. may be natural numbers as well;* Isar: 'pr' command: optional arguments for goals_limit andProofContext.prems_limit; no longer prints theory contexts, but onlyproof states;* Isar: diagnostic commands 'pr', 'thm', 'prop', 'term', 'typ' admitadditional print modes to be specified; e.g. "pr(latex)" will printproof state according to the Isabelle LaTeX style;* Isar: improved support for emulating tactic scripts, including proofmethods 'rule_tac' etc., 'cut_tac', 'thin_tac', 'subgoal_tac','rename_tac', 'rotate_tac', 'tactic', and 'case_tac' / 'induct_tac'(for HOL datatypes);* Isar: simplified (more robust) goal selection of proof methods: 1stgoal, all goals, or explicit goal specifier (tactic emulation); thus'proof method scripts' have to be in depth-first order;* Isar: tuned 'let' syntax: replaced 'as' keyword by 'and';* Isar: removed 'help' command, which hasn't been too helpful anyway;should instead use individual commands for printing items(print_commands, print_methods etc.);* Isar: added 'nothing' --- the empty list of theorems;*** HOL **** HOL/MicroJava: formalization of a fragment of Java, together with acorresponding virtual machine and a specification of its bytecodeverifier and a lightweight bytecode verifier, including proofs oftype-safety; by Gerwin Klein, Tobias Nipkow, David von Oheimb, andCornelia Pusch (see also the homepage of project Bali at;* HOL/Algebra: new theory of rings and univariate polynomials, byClemens Ballarin;* HOL/NumberTheory: fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, ChineseRemainder Theorem, Fermat/Euler Theorem, Wilson's Theorem, by Thomas MRasmussen;* HOL/Lattice: fundamental concepts of lattice theory and orderstructures, including duals, properties of bounds versus algebraiclaws, lattice operations versus set-theoretic ones, the Knaster-TarskiTheorem for complete lattices etc.; may also serve as a demonstrationfor abstract algebraic reasoning using axiomatic type classes, andmathematics-style proof in Isabelle/Isar; by Markus Wenzel;* HOL/Prolog: a (bare-bones) implementation of Lambda-Prolog, by Davidvon Oheimb;* HOL/IMPP: extension of IMP with local variables and mutuallyrecursive procedures, by David von Oheimb;* HOL/Lambda: converted into new-style theory and document;* HOL/ex/Multiquote: example of multiple nested quotations andanti-quotations -- basically a generalized version of de-Bruijnrepresentation; very useful in avoiding lifting of operations;* HOL/record: added general record equality rule to simpset; fixedselect-update simplification procedure to handle extended records aswell; admit "r" as field name;* HOL: 0 is now overloaded over the new sort "zero", allowing its use withother numeric types and also as the identity of groups, rings, etc.;* HOL: new axclass plus_ac0 for addition with the AC-laws and 0 as identity.Types nat and int belong to this axclass;* HOL: greatly improved simplification involving numerals of type nat, int, real: (i + #8 + j) = Suc k simplifies to #7 + (i + j) = k i*j + k + j*#3*i simplifies to #4*(i*j) + k two terms #m*u and #n*u are replaced by #(m+n)*u (where #m, #n and u can implicitly be 1; this is simproc combine_numerals) and the term/formula #m*u+x ~~ #n*u+y simplifies simplifies to #(m-n)+x ~~ y or x ~~ #(n-m)+y, where ~~ is one of = < <= or - (simproc cancel_numerals);* HOL: meson_tac is available (previously in ex/meson.ML); it is apowerful prover for predicate logic but knows nothing of clasets; seeex/mesontest.ML and ex/mesontest2.ML for example applications;* HOL: new version of "case_tac" subsumes both boolean case split and"exhaust_tac" on datatypes; INCOMPATIBILITY: exhaust_tac no longerexists, may define val exhaust_tac = case_tac for ad-hoc portability;* HOL: simplification no longer dives into case-expressions: only theselector expression is simplified, but not the remaining arms; toenable full simplification of case-expressions for datatype t, you mayremove t.weak_case_cong from the simpset, either globally (Delcongs[thm"t.weak_case_cong"];) or locally (delcongs [...]).* HOL/recdef: the recursion equations generated by 'recdef' forfunction 'f' are now called f.simps instead of f.rules; if alltermination conditions are proved automatically, these simplificationrules are added to the simpset, as in primrec; rules may be namedindividually as well, resulting in a separate list of theorems foreach equation;* HOL/While is a new theory that provides a while-combinator. Itpermits the definition of tail-recursive functions without theprovision of a termination measure. The latter is necessary once theinvariant proof rule for while is applied.* HOL: new (overloaded) notation for the set of elements below/abovesome element: {..u}, {..u(}, {l..}, {)l..}. See theory SetInterval.* HOL: theorems impI, allI, ballI bound as "strip";* HOL: new tactic induct_thm_tac: thm -> string -> int -> tacticinduct_tac th "x1 ... xn" expects th to have a conclusion of the formP v1 ... vn and abbreviates res_inst_tac [("v1","x1"),...,("vn","xn")] th;* HOL/Real: "rabs" replaced by overloaded "abs" function;* HOL: theory Sexp now in HOL/Induct examples (it used to be part ofmain HOL, but was unused);* HOL: fewer consts declared as global (e.g. have to refer to"Lfp.lfp" instead of "lfp" internally; affects ML packages only);* HOL: tuned AST representation of nested pairs, avoiding bogus outputin case of overlap with user translations (e.g. judgements overtuples); (note that the underlying logical represenation is stillbogus);*** ZF **** ZF: simplification automatically cancels common terms in arithmeticexpressions over nat and int;* ZF: new treatment of nat to minimize type-checking: all operatorscoerce their operands to a natural number using the function natify,making the algebraic laws unconditional;* ZF: as above, for int: operators coerce their operands to an integerusing the function intify;* ZF: the integer library now contains many of the usual laws for theorderings, including $<=, and monotonicity laws for $+ and $*;* ZF: new example ZF/ex/NatSum to demonstrate integer arithmeticsimplification;* FOL and ZF: AddIffs now available, giving theorems of the form P<->Qto the simplifier and classical reasoner simultaneously;*** General **** Provers: blast_tac now handles actual object-logic rules asassumptions; note that auto_tac uses blast_tac internally as well;* Provers: new functions rulify/rulify_no_asm: thm -> thm for turningouter -->/All/Ball into ==>/!!; qed_spec_mp now uses rulify_no_asm;* Provers: delrules now handles destruct rules as well (no longer needexplicit make_elim);* Provers: Blast_tac now warns of and ignores "weak elimination rules" e.g. [| inj ?f; ?f ?x = ?f ?y; ?x = ?y ==> ?W |] ==> ?Wuse instead the strong form, [| inj ?f; ~ ?W ==> ?f ?x = ?f ?y; ?x = ?y ==> ?W |] ==> ?Win HOL, FOL and ZF the function cla_make_elim will create such rulesfrom destruct-rules;* Provers: Simplifier.easy_setup provides a fast path to basicSimplifier setup for new object-logics;* Pure: AST translation rules no longer require constant head on LHS;* Pure: improved name spaces: ambiguous output is qualified; supportfor hiding of names;* system: smart setup of canonical ML_HOME, ISABELLE_INTERFACE, andXSYMBOL_HOME; no longer need to do manual configuration in mostsituations;* system: compression of ML heaps images may now be controlled via -coption of isabelle and isatool usedir (currently only observed byPoly/ML);* system: isatool installfonts may handle X-Symbol fonts as well (veryuseful for remote X11);* system: provide TAGS file for Isabelle sources;* ML: infix 'OF' is a version of 'MRS' with more appropriate argumentorder;* ML: renamed flags Syntax.trace_norm_ast to Syntax.trace_ast; globaltiming flag supersedes proof_timing and Toplevel.trace;* ML: new combinators |>> and |>>> for incremental transformationswith secondary results (e.g. certain theory extensions):* ML: PureThy.add_defs gets additional argument to indicate potentialoverloading (usually false);* ML: PureThy.add_thms/add_axioms/add_defs now return theorems asresults;New in Isabelle99 (October 1999)--------------------------------*** Overview of INCOMPATIBILITIES (see below for more details) **** HOL: The THEN and ELSE parts of conditional expressions (if P then x else y)are no longer simplified. (This allows the simplifier to unfold recursivefunctional programs.) To restore the old behaviour, declare Delcongs [if_weak_cong];* HOL: Removed the obsolete syntax "Compl A"; use -A for setcomplement;* HOL: the predicate "inj" is now defined by translation to "inj_on";* HOL/datatype: mutual_induct_tac no longer exists -- use induct_tac "x_1 ... x_n" instead of mutual_induct_tac ["x_1", ..., "x_n"]* HOL/typedef: fixed type inference for representing set; typearguments now have to occur explicitly on the rhs as type constraints;* ZF: The con_defs part of an inductive definition may no longer referto constants declared in the same theory;* HOL, ZF: the function mk_cases, generated by the inductivedefinition package, has lost an argument. To simplify its result, ituses the default simpset instead of a supplied list of theorems.* HOL/List: the constructors of type list are now Nil and Cons;* Simplifier: the type of the infix ML functions setSSolver addSSolver setSolver addSolveris now simpset * solver -> simpset where `solver' is a new abstract typefor packaging solvers. A solver is created via mk_solver: string -> (thm list -> int -> tactic) -> solverwhere the string argument is only a comment.*** Proof tools **** Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML contains a functor for creating adecision procedure for linear arithmetic. Currently it is used fortypes `nat', `int', and `real' in HOL (see below); it can, should andwill be instantiated for other types and logics as well.* The simplifier now accepts rewrite rules with flexible heads, eg hom ?f ==> ?f(?x+?y) = ?f ?x + ?f ?y They are applied like any rule with a non-pattern lhs, i.e. by first-order matching.*** General **** New Isabelle/Isar subsystem provides an alternative to traditionaltactical theorem proving; together with the ProofGeneral/isar userinterface it offers an interactive environment for developing humanreadable proof documents (Isar == Intelligible semi-automatedreasoning); for further information see isatool doc isar-ref,src/HOL/Isar_examples and* improved and simplified presentation of theories: better HTML markup(including colors), graph views in several sizes; isatool usedir nowprovides a proper interface for user theories (via -P option); actualdocument preparation based on (PDF)LaTeX is available as well (fornew-style theories only); see isatool doc system for more information;* native support for Proof General, both for classic Isabelle andIsabelle/Isar;* ML function thm_deps visualizes dependencies of theorems and lemmas,using the graph browser tool;* Isabelle manuals now also available as PDF;* theory loader rewritten from scratch (may not be fullybug-compatible); old loadpath variable has been replaced by show_path,add_path, del_path, reset_path functions; new operations such asupdate_thy, touch_thy, remove_thy, use/update_thy_only (see alsoisatool doc ref);* improved isatool install: option -k creates KDE application icon,option -p DIR installs standalone binaries;* added ML_PLATFORM setting (useful for cross-platform installations);more robust handling of platform specific ML images for SML/NJ;* the settings environment is now statically scoped, i.e. it is nevercreated again in sub-processes invoked from isabelle, isatool, orIsabelle;* path element specification '~~' refers to '$ISABELLE_HOME';* in locales, the "assumes" and "defines" parts may be omitted ifempty;* new print_mode "xsymbols" for extended symbol support (e.g. genuinelong arrows);* new print_mode "HTML";* new flag show_tags controls display of tags of theorems (which arebasically just comments that may be attached by some tools);* Isamode 2.6 requires patch to accomodate change of Isabelle fontmode and goal output format:diff -r Isamode-2.6/elisp/isa-load.el Isamode/elisp/isa-load.el244c244< (list (isa-getenv "ISABELLE") "-msymbols" logic-name)---> (list (isa-getenv "ISABELLE") "-misabelle_font" "-msymbols" logic-name)diff -r Isabelle-2.6/elisp/isa-proofstate.el Isamode/elisp/isa-proofstate.el181c181< (defconst proofstate-proofstart-regexp "^Level [0-9]+$"---> (defconst proofstate-proofstart-regexp "^Level [0-9]+"* function bind_thms stores lists of theorems (cf. bind_thm);* new shorthand tactics ftac, eatac, datac, fatac;* qed (and friends) now accept "" as result name; in that case thetheorem is not stored, but proper checks and presentation of theresult still apply;* theorem database now also indexes constants "Trueprop", "all","==>", "=="; thus thms_containing, findI etc. may retrieve more rules;*** HOL ***** HOL arithmetic *** There are now decision procedures for linear arithmetic over nat andint:1. arith_tac copes with arbitrary formulae involving `=', `<', `<=',`+', `-', `Suc', `min', `max' and numerical constants; other subtermsare treated as atomic; subformulae not involving type `nat' or `int'are ignored; quantified subformulae are ignored unless they arepositive universal or negative existential. The tactic has to beinvoked by hand and can be a little bit slow. In particular, therunning time is exponential in the number of occurrences of `min' and`max', and `-' on `nat'.2. fast_arith_tac is a cut-down version of arith_tac: it only takes(negated) (in)equalities among the premises and the conclusion intoaccount (i.e. no compound formulae) and does not know about `min' and`max', and `-' on `nat'. It is fast and is used automatically by thesimplifier.NB: At the moment, these decision procedures do not cope with mixednat/int formulae where the two parts interact, such as `m < n ==>int(m) < int(n)'.* HOL/Numeral provides a generic theory of numerals (encodedefficiently as bit strings); setup for types nat/int/real is in place;INCOMPATIBILITY: since numeral syntax is now polymorphic, rather thanint, existing theories and proof scripts may require a few additionaltype constraints;* integer division and remainder can now be performed on constantarguments;* many properties of integer multiplication, division and remainderare now available;* An interface to the Stanford Validity Checker (SVC) is available through thetactic svc_tac. Propositional tautologies and theorems of linear arithmeticare proved automatically. SVC must be installed separately, and its resultsmust be TAKEN ON TRUST (Isabelle does not check the proofs, but tags anyinvocation of the underlying oracle). For SVC see* IsaMakefile: the HOL-Real target now builds an actual image;** HOL misc *** HOL/Real/HahnBanach: the Hahn-Banach theorem for real vector spaces(in Isabelle/Isar) -- by Gertrud Bauer;* HOL/BCV: generic model of bytecode verification, i.e. data-flowanalysis for assembly languages with subtypes;* HOL/TLA (Lamport's Temporal Logic of Actions): major reorganization-- avoids syntactic ambiguities and treats state, transition, andtemporal levels more uniformly; introduces INCOMPATIBILITIES due tochanged syntax and (many) tactics;* HOL/inductive: Now also handles more general introduction rules such as "ALL y. (y, x) : r --> y : acc r ==> x : acc r"; monotonicity theorems are now maintained within the theory (maintained via the "mono" attribute);* HOL/datatype: Now also handles arbitrarily branching datatypes (using function types) such as datatype 'a tree = Atom 'a | Branch "nat => 'a tree"* HOL/record: record_simproc (part of the default simpset) takes careof selectors applied to updated records; record_split_tac is no longerpart of the default claset; update_defs may now be removed from thesimpset in many cases; COMPATIBILITY: old behavior achieved by claset_ref () := claset() addSWrapper record_split_wrapper; Delsimprocs [record_simproc]* HOL/typedef: fixed type inference for representing set; typearguments now have to occur explicitly on the rhs as type constraints;* HOL/recdef (TFL): 'congs' syntax now expects comma separated list of theoremnames rather than an ML expression;* HOL/defer_recdef (TFL): like recdef but the well-founded relation can besupplied later. Program schemes can be defined, such as "While B C s = (if B s then While B C (C s) else s)"where the well-founded relation can be chosen after B and C have been given.* HOL/List: the constructors of type list are now Nil and Cons;INCOMPATIBILITY: while [] and infix # syntax is still there, ofcourse, ML tools referring to List.list.op # etc. have to be adapted;* HOL_quantifiers flag superseded by "HOL" print mode, which isdisabled by default; run isabelle with option -m HOL to get back tothe original Gordon/HOL-style output;* HOL/Ord.thy: new bounded quantifier syntax (input only): ALL x<y. P,ALL x<=y. P, EX x<y. P, EX x<=y. P;* HOL basic syntax simplified (more orthogonal): all variants ofAll/Ex now support plain / symbolic / HOL notation; plain syntax forEps operator is provided as well: "SOME x. P[x]";* HOL/Sum.thy: sum_case has been moved to HOL/Datatype;* HOL/Univ.thy: infix syntax <*>, <+>, <**>, <+> eliminated and madethus available for user theories;* HOLCF/IOA/Sequents: renamed 'Cons' to 'Consq' to avoid clash withHOL/List; hardly an INCOMPATIBILITY since '>>' syntax is used all thetime;* HOL: new tactic smp_tac: int -> int -> tactic, which applies specseveral times and then mp;*** LK **** the notation <<...>> is now available as a notation for sequences offormulas;* the simplifier is now installed* the axiom system has been generalized (thanks to Soren Heilmann)* the classical reasoner now has a default rule database*** ZF **** new primrec section allows primitive recursive functions to be givendirectly (as in HOL) over datatypes and the natural numbers;* new tactics induct_tac and exhaust_tac for induction (or caseanalysis) over datatypes and the natural numbers;* the datatype declaration of type T now defines the recursor T_rec;* simplification automatically does freeness reasoning for datatypeconstructors;* automatic type-inference, with AddTCs command to insert newtype-checking rules;* datatype introduction rules are now added as Safe Introduction rulesto the claset;* the syntax "if P then x else y" is now available in addition toif(P,x,y);*** Internal programming interfaces **** tuned simplifier trace output; new flag debug_simp;* structures Vartab / Termtab (instances of TableFun) offer efficienttables indexed by indexname_ord / term_ord (compatible with aconv);* AxClass.axclass_tac lost the theory argument;* tuned current_goals_markers semantics: begin / end goal avoidsprinting empty lines;* removed prs and prs_fn hook, which was broken because it did notinclude \n in its semantics, forcing writeln to add oneuncoditionally; replaced prs_fn by writeln_fn; consider std_output:string -> unit if you really want to output text without newline;* Symbol.output subject to print mode; INCOMPATIBILITY: defaults toplain output, interface builders may have to enable 'isabelle_font'mode to get Isabelle font glyphs as before;* refined token_translation interface; INCOMPATIBILITY: output lengthnow of type real instead of int;* theory loader actions may be traced via new ThyInfo.add_hookinterface (see src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML); example application: keepyour own database of information attached to *whole* theories -- asopposed to intra-theory data slots offered via TheoryDataFun;* proper handling of dangling sort hypotheses (at last!);Thm.strip_shyps and Drule.strip_shyps_warning take care of removingextra sort hypotheses that can be witnessed from the type signature;the force_strip_shyps flag is gone, any remaining shyps are simplyleft in the theorem (with a warning issued by strip_shyps_warning);New in Isabelle98-1 (October 1998)----------------------------------*** Overview of INCOMPATIBILITIES (see below for more details) **** several changes of automated proof tools;* HOL: major changes to the inductive and datatype packages, includingsome minor incompatibilities of theory syntax;* HOL: renamed r^-1 to 'converse' from 'inverse'; 'inj_onto' is nowcalled `inj_on';* HOL: removed duplicate thms in Arith: less_imp_add_less should be replaced by trans_less_add1 le_imp_add_le should be replaced by trans_le_add1* HOL: unary minus is now overloaded (new type constraints may berequired);* HOL and ZF: unary minus for integers is now #- instead of #~. InZF, expressions such as n#-1 must be changed to n#- 1, since #-1 isnow taken as an integer constant.* Pure: ML function 'theory_of' renamed to 'theory';*** Proof tools **** Simplifier: 1. Asm_full_simp_tac is now more aggressive. 1. It will sometimes reorient premises if that increases their power to simplify. 2. It does no longer proceed strictly from left to right but may also rotate premises to achieve further simplification. For compatibility reasons there is now Asm_lr_simp_tac which is like the old Asm_full_simp_tac in that it does not rotate premises. 2. The simplifier now knows a little bit about nat-arithmetic.* Classical reasoner: wrapper mechanism for the classical reasoner nowallows for selected deletion of wrappers, by introduction of names forwrapper functionals. This implies that addbefore, addSbefore,addaltern, and addSaltern now take a pair (name, tactic) as argument,and that adding two tactics with the same name overwrites the firstone (emitting a warning). type wrapper = (int -> tactic) -> (int -> tactic) setWrapper, setSWrapper, compWrapper and compSWrapper are replaced by addWrapper, addSWrapper: claset * (string * wrapper) -> claset delWrapper, delSWrapper: claset * string -> claset getWrapper is renamed to appWrappers, getSWrapper to appSWrappers;* Classical reasoner: addbefore/addSbefore now have APPEND/ORELSEsemantics; addbefore now affects only the unsafe part of step_tacetc.; this affects addss/auto_tac/force_tac, so EXISTING PROOFS MAYFAIL, but proofs should be fixable easily, e.g. by replacing Auto_tacby Force_tac;* Classical reasoner: setwrapper to setWrapper and compwrapper tocompWrapper; added safe wrapper (and access functions for it);* HOL/split_all_tac is now much faster and fails if there is nothingto split. Some EXISTING PROOFS MAY REQUIRE ADAPTION because the orderand the names of the automatically generated variables have changed.split_all_tac has moved within claset() from unsafe wrappers to safewrappers, which means that !!-bound variables are split much moreaggressively, and safe_tac and clarify_tac now split such variables.If this splitting is not appropriate, use delSWrapper "split_all_tac".Note: the same holds for record_split_tac, which does the job ofsplit_all_tac for record fields.* HOL/Simplifier: Rewrite rules for case distinctions can now be addedpermanently to the default simpset using Addsplits just likeAddsimps. They can be removed via Delsplits just likeDelsimps. Lower-case versions are also available.* HOL/Simplifier: The rule split_if is now part of the defaultsimpset. This means that the simplifier will eliminate all occurrencesof if-then-else in the conclusion of a goal. To prevent this, you caneither remove split_if completely from the default simpset by`Delsplits [split_if]' or remove it in a specific call of thesimplifier using `... delsplits [split_if]'. You can also add/deleteother case splitting rules to/from the default simpset: every datatypegenerates suitable rules `split_t_case' and `split_t_case_asm' (wheret is the name of the datatype).* Classical reasoner / Simplifier combination: new force_tac (andderivatives Force_tac, force) combines rewriting and classicalreasoning (and whatever other tools) similarly to auto_tac, but isaimed to solve the given subgoal completely.*** General **** new top-level commands `Goal' and `Goalw' that improve upon `goal'and `goalw': the theory is no longer needed as an explicit argument -the current theory context is used; assumptions are no longer returnedat the ML-level unless one of them starts with ==> or !!; it isrecommended to convert to these new commands using isatool fixgoal(backup your sources first!);* new top-level commands 'thm' and 'thms' for retrieving theorems fromthe current theory context, and 'theory' to lookup stored theories;* new theory section 'locale' for declaring constants, assumptions anddefinitions that have local scope;* new theory section 'nonterminals' for purely syntactic types;* new theory section 'setup' for generic ML setup functions(e.g. package initialization);* the distribution now includes Isabelle icons: seelib/logo/isabelle-{small,tiny}.xpm;* isatool install - install binaries with absolute references toISABELLE_HOME/bin;* isatool logo -- create instances of the Isabelle logo (as EPS);* print mode 'emacs' reserved for Isamode;* support multiple print (ast) translations per constant name;* theorems involving oracles are now printed with a suffixed [!];*** HOL **** there is now a tutorial on Isabelle/HOL (do 'isatool doc tutorial');* HOL/inductive package reorganized and improved: now supports mutualdefinitions such as inductive EVEN ODD intrs null "0 : EVEN" oddI "n : EVEN ==> Suc n : ODD" evenI "n : ODD ==> Suc n : EVEN"new theorem list "elims" contains an elimination rule for each of therecursive sets; inductive definitions now handle disjunctive premisescorrectly (also ZF);INCOMPATIBILITIES: requires Inductive as an ancestor; component"mutual_induct" no longer exists - the induction rule is alwayscontained in "induct";* HOL/datatype package re-implemented and greatly improved: nowsupports mutually recursive datatypes such as datatype 'a aexp = IF_THEN_ELSE ('a bexp) ('a aexp) ('a aexp) | SUM ('a aexp) ('a aexp) | DIFF ('a aexp) ('a aexp) | NUM 'a and 'a bexp = LESS ('a aexp) ('a aexp) | AND ('a bexp) ('a bexp) | OR ('a bexp) ('a bexp)as well as indirectly recursive datatypes such as datatype ('a, 'b) term = Var 'a | App 'b ((('a, 'b) term) list)The new tactic mutual_induct_tac [<var_1>, ..., <var_n>] i performsinduction on mutually / indirectly recursive datatypes.Primrec equations are now stored in theory and can be accessed via<function_name>.simps.INCOMPATIBILITIES: - Theories using datatypes must now have theory Datatype as an ancestor. - The specific <typename>.induct_tac no longer exists - use the generic induct_tac instead. - natE has been renamed to nat.exhaust - use exhaust_tac instead of res_inst_tac ... natE. Note that the variable names in nat.exhaust differ from the names in natE, this may cause some "fragile" proofs to fail. - The theorems split_<typename>_case and split_<typename>_case_asm have been renamed to <typename>.split and <typename>.split_asm. - Since default sorts of type variables are now handled correctly, some datatype definitions may have to be annotated with explicit sort constraints. - Primrec definitions no longer require function name and type of recursive argument.Consider using isatool fixdatatype to adapt your theories and proofscripts to the new package (backup your sources first!).* HOL/record package: considerably improved implementation; nowincludes concrete syntax for record types, terms, updates; theoremsfor surjective pairing and splitting !!-bound record variables; proofsupport is as follows: 1) standard conversions (selectors or updates applied to recordconstructor terms) are part of the standard simpset; 2) inject equations of the form ((x, y) = (x', y')) == x=x' & y=y' aremade part of standard simpset and claset via addIffs; 3) a tactic for record field splitting (record_split_tac) is part ofthe standard claset (addSWrapper);To get a better idea about these rules you may retrieve them viasomething like 'thms "foo.simps"' or 'thms "foo.iffs"', where "foo" isthe name of your record type.The split tactic 3) conceptually simplifies by the following rule: "(!!x. PROP ?P x) == (!!a b. PROP ?P (a, b))"Thus any record variable that is bound by meta-all will automaticallyblow up into some record constructor term, consequently thesimplifications of 1), 2) apply. Thus force_tac, auto_tac etc. shallsolve record problems automatically.* reorganized the main HOL image: HOL/Integ and String loaded bydefault; theory Main includes everything;* automatic simplification of integer sums and comparisons, using cancellation;* added option_map_eq_Some and not_Some_eq to the default simpset and claset;* added disj_not1 = "(~P | Q) = (P --> Q)" to the default simpset;* many new identities for unions, intersections, set difference, etc.;* expand_if, expand_split, expand_sum_case and expand_nat_case are nowcalled split_if, split_split, split_sum_case and split_nat_case (to gowith add/delsplits);* HOL/Prod introduces simplification procedure unit_eq_proc rewriting(?x::unit) = (); this is made part of the default simpset, which COULDMAKE EXISTING PROOFS FAIL under rare circumstances (consider'Delsimprocs [unit_eq_proc];' as last resort); also note thatunit_abs_eta_conv is added in order to counter the effect ofunit_eq_proc on (%u::unit. f u), replacing it by f rather than by%u.f();* HOL/Fun INCOMPATIBILITY: `inj_onto' is now called `inj_on' (whichmakes more sense);* HOL/Set INCOMPATIBILITY: rule `equals0D' is now a well-formed destruct rule; It and 'sym RS equals0D' are now in the default claset, giving automatic disjointness reasoning but breaking a few old proofs.* HOL/Relation INCOMPATIBILITY: renamed the relational operator r^-1to 'converse' from 'inverse' (for compatibility with ZF and someliterature);* HOL/recdef can now declare non-recursive functions, with {} supplied asthe well-founded relation;* HOL/Set INCOMPATIBILITY: the complement of set A is now written -A instead of Compl A. The "Compl" syntax remains available as input syntax for this release ONLY.* HOL/Update: new theory of function updates: f(a:=b) == %x. if x=a then b else f xmay also be iterated as in f(a:=b,c:=d,...);* HOL/Vimage: new theory for inverse image of a function, syntax f-``B;* HOL/List: - new function list_update written xs[i:=v] that updates the i-th list position. May also be iterated as in xs[i:=a,j:=b,...]. - new function `upt' written [i..j(] which generates the list [i,i+1,...,j-1], i.e. the upper bound is excluded. To include the upper bound write [i..j], which is a shorthand for [i..j+1(]. - new lexicographic orderings and corresponding wellfoundedness theorems.* HOL/Arith: - removed 'pred' (predecessor) function; - generalized some theorems about n-1; - many new laws about "div" and "mod"; - new laws about greatest common divisors (see theory ex/Primes);* HOL/Relation: renamed the relational operator r^-1 "converse"instead of "inverse";* HOL/Induct/Multiset: a theory of multisets, including the wellfoundedness of the multiset ordering;* directory HOL/Real: a construction of the reals using Dedekind cuts (not included by default);* directory HOL/UNITY: Chandy and Misra's UNITY formalism;* directory HOL/Hoare: a new version of Hoare logic which permits many-sorted programs, i.e. different program variables may have different types.* calling (stac rew i) now fails if "rew" has no effect on the goal [previously, this check worked only if the rewrite rule was unconditional] Now rew can involve either definitions or equalities (either == or =).*** ZF **** theory Main includes everything; INCOMPATIBILITY: theory ZF.thy contains only the theorems proved on ZF.ML;* ZF INCOMPATIBILITY: rule `equals0D' is now a well-formed destruct rule; It and 'sym RS equals0D' are now in the default claset, giving automatic disjointness reasoning but breaking a few old proofs.* ZF/Update: new theory of function updates with default rewrite rule f(x:=y) ` z = if(z=x, y, f`z) may also be iterated as in f(a:=b,c:=d,...);* in let x=t in u(x), neither t nor u(x) has to be an FOL term.* calling (stac rew i) now fails if "rew" has no effect on the goal [previously, this check worked only if the rewrite rule was unconditional] Now rew can involve either definitions or equalities (either == or =).* case_tac provided for compatibility with HOL (like the old excluded_middle_tac, but with subgoals swapped)*** Internal programming interfaces **** Pure: several new basic modules made available for general use, seealso src/Pure/README;* improved the theory data mechanism to support encapsulation (datakind name replaced by private Object.kind, acting as authorizationkey); new type-safe user interface via functor TheoryDataFun; genericprint_data function becomes basically useless;* removed global_names compatibility flag -- all theory declarationsare qualified by default;* module Pure/Syntax now offers quote / antiquote translationfunctions (useful for Hoare logic etc. with implicit dependencies);see HOL/ex/Antiquote for an example use;* Simplifier now offers conversions (asm_)(full_)rewrite: simpset ->cterm -> thm;* new tactical CHANGED_GOAL for checking that a tactic modifies asubgoal;* Display.print_goals function moved to Locale.print_goals;* standard print function for goals supports current_goals_markersvariable for marking begin of proof, end of proof, start of goal; thedefault is ("", "", ""); setting current_goals_markers := ("<proof>","</proof>", "<goal>") causes SGML like tagged proof state printing,for example;New in Isabelle98 (January 1998)--------------------------------*** Overview of INCOMPATIBILITIES (see below for more details) **** changed lexical syntax of terms / types: dots made part of longidentifiers, e.g. "%x.x" no longer possible, should be "%x. x";* simpset (and claset) reference variable replaced by functionssimpset / simpset_ref;* no longer supports theory aliases (via merge) and non-trivialimplicit merge of thms' signatures;* most internal names of constants changed due to qualified names;* changed Pure/Sequence interface (see Pure/seq.ML);*** General Changes **** hierachically structured name spaces (for consts, types, axms, thmsetc.); new lexical class 'longid' (e.g. may render much ofold input syntactically incorrect (e.g. "%x.x"); COMPATIBILITY:isatool fixdots ensures space after dots (e.g. "%x. x"); setlong_names for fully qualified output names; NOTE: ML programs(special tactics, packages etc.) referring to internal names may haveto be adapted to cope with fully qualified names; in case of severebackward campatibility problems try setting 'global_names' at compiletime to have enrything declared within a flat name space; one may alsofine tune name declarations in theories via the 'global' and 'local'section;* reimplemented the implicit simpset and claset using the new anytypedata filed in signatures; references simpset:simpset ref etc. arereplaced by functions simpset:unit->simpset andsimpset_ref:unit->simpset ref; COMPATIBILITY: use isatool fixclasimpto patch your ML files accordingly;* HTML output now includes theory graph data for display with Javaapplet or isatool browser; data generated automatically via isatoolusedir (see -i option, ISABELLE_USEDIR_OPTIONS);* defs may now be conditional; improved rewrite_goals_tac to handleconditional equations;* defs now admits additional type arguments, using TYPE('a) syntax;* theory aliases via merge (e.g. M=A+B+C) no longer supported, alwayscreates a new theory node; implicit merge of thms' signatures isrestricted to 'trivial' ones; COMPATIBILITY: one may have to usetransfer:theory->thm->thm in (rare) cases;* improved handling of draft signatures / theories; draft thms (andctyps, cterms) are automatically promoted to real ones;* slightly changed interfaces for oracles: admit many per theory, named(e.g. oracle foo = mlfun), additional name argument for invoke_oracle;* print_goals: optional output of const types (set show_consts andshow_types);* improved output of warnings (###) and errors (***);* subgoal_tac displays a warning if the new subgoal has type variables;* removed old README and Makefiles;* replaced print_goals_ref hook by print_current_goals_fn and result_error_fn;* removed obsolete init_pps and init_database;* deleted the obsolete tactical STATE, which was declared by fun STATE tacfun st = tacfun st st;* cd and use now support path variables, e.g. $ISABELLE_HOME, or ~(which abbreviates $HOME);* changed Pure/Sequence interface (see Pure/seq.ML); COMPATIBILITY:use isatool fixseq to adapt your ML programs (this works for fullyqualified references to the Sequence structure only!);* use_thy no longer requires writable current directory; it alwaysreloads .ML *and* .thy file, if either one is out of date;*** Classical Reasoner **** Clarify_tac, clarify_tac, clarify_step_tac, Clarify_step_tac: newtactics that use classical reasoning to simplify a subgoal withoutsplitting it into several subgoals;* Safe_tac: like safe_tac but uses the default claset;*** Simplifier **** added simplification meta rules: (asm_)(full_)simplify: simpset -> thm -> thm;* simplifier.ML no longer part of Pure -- has to be loaded by objectlogics (again);* added prems argument to simplification procedures;* HOL, FOL, ZF: added infix function `addsplits': instead of `<simpset> setloop (split_tac <thms>)' you can simply write `<simpset> addsplits <thms>'*** Syntax **** TYPE('a) syntax for type reflection terms;* no longer handles consts with name "" -- declare as 'syntax' instead;* pretty printer: changed order of mixfix annotation preference (again!);* Pure: fixed idt/idts vs. pttrn/pttrns syntactic categories;*** HOL **** HOL: there is a new splitter `split_asm_tac' that can be used e.g. with `addloop' of the simplifier to faciliate case splitting in premises.* HOL/TLA: Stephan Merz's formalization of Lamport's Temporal Logic of Actions;* HOL/Auth: new protocol proofs including some for the Internet protocol TLS;* HOL/Map: new theory of `maps' a la VDM;* HOL/simplifier: simplification procedures nat_cancel_sums forcancelling out common nat summands from =, <, <= (in)equalities, ordifferences; simplification procedures nat_cancel_factor forcancelling common factor from =, <, <= (in)equalities over naturalsums; nat_cancel contains both kinds of procedures, it is installed bydefault in Arith.thy -- this COULD MAKE EXISTING PROOFS FAIL;* HOL/simplifier: terms of the form `? x. P1(x) & ... & Pn(x) & x=t & Q1(x) & ... Qn(x)' (or t=x) are rewritten to `P1(t) & ... & Pn(t) & Q1(t) & ... Qn(t)', and those of the form `! x. P1(x) & ... & Pn(x) & x=t & Q1(x) & ... Qn(x) --> R(x)' (or t=x) are rewritten to `P1(t) & ... & Pn(t) & Q1(t) & ... Qn(t) --> R(t)',* HOL/datatype Each datatype `t' now comes with a theorem `split_t_case' of the form P(t_case f1 ... fn x) = ( (!y1 ... ym1. x = C1 y1 ... ym1 --> P(f1 y1 ... ym1)) & ... (!y1 ... ymn. x = Cn y1 ... ymn --> P(f1 y1 ... ymn)) ) and a theorem `split_t_case_asm' of the form P(t_case f1 ... fn x) = ~( (? y1 ... ym1. x = C1 y1 ... ym1 & ~P(f1 y1 ... ym1)) | ... (? y1 ... ymn. x = Cn y1 ... ymn & ~P(f1 y1 ... ymn)) ) which can be added to a simpset via `addsplits'. The existing theorems expand_list_case and expand_option_case have been renamed to split_list_case and split_option_case.* HOL/Arithmetic: - `pred n' is automatically converted to `n-1'. Users are strongly encouraged not to use `pred' any longer, because it will disappear altogether at some point. - Users are strongly encouraged to write "0 < n" rather than "n ~= 0". Theorems and proof tools have been modified towards this `standard'.* HOL/Lists: the function "set_of_list" has been renamed "set" (and its theorems too); the function "nth" now takes its arguments in the reverse order and has acquired the infix notation "!" as in "xs!n".* HOL/Set: UNIV is now a constant and is no longer translated to Compl{};* HOL/Set: The operator (UN x.B x) now abbreviates (UN x:UNIV. B x) and its specialist theorems (like UN1_I) are gone. Similarly for (INT x.B x);* HOL/record: extensible records with schematic structural subtyping(single inheritance); EXPERIMENTAL version demonstrating the encoding,still lacks various theorems and concrete record syntax;*** HOLCF **** removed "axioms" and "generated by" sections;* replaced "ops" section by extended "consts" section, which is capable of handling the continuous function space "->" directly;* domain package: . proves theorems immediately and stores them in the theory, . creates hierachical name space, . now uses normal mixfix annotations (instead of cinfix...), . minor changes to some names and values (for consistency), . e.g. cases -> casedist, dists_eq -> dist_eqs, [take_lemma] -> take_lemmas, . separator between mutual domain defs: changed "," to "and", . improved handling of sort constraints; now they have to appear on the left-hand side of the equations only;* fixed LAM <x,y,zs>.b syntax;* added extended adm_tac to simplifier in HOLCF -- can now dischargeadm (%x. P (t x)), where P is chainfinite and t continuous;*** FOL and ZF **** FOL: there is a new splitter `split_asm_tac' that can be used e.g. with `addloop' of the simplifier to faciliate case splitting in premises.* qed_spec_mp, qed_goal_spec_mp, qed_goalw_spec_mp are available, asin HOL, they strip ALL and --> from proved theorems;New in Isabelle94-8 (May 1997)------------------------------*** General Changes **** new utilities to build / run / maintain Isabelle etc. (in partsstill somewhat experimental); old Makefiles etc. still functional;* new 'Isabelle System Manual';* INSTALL text, together with ./configure and ./build scripts;* reimplemented type inference for greater efficiency, better errormessages and clean internal interface;* prlim command for dealing with lots of subgoals (an easier way ofsetting goals_limit);*** Syntax **** supports alternative (named) syntax tables (parser and prettyprinter); internal interface is provided by add_modesyntax(_i);* Pure, FOL, ZF, HOL, HOLCF now support symbolic input and output; tobe used in conjunction with the Isabelle symbol font; uses the"symbols" syntax table;* added token_translation interface (may translate name tokens inarbitrary ways, dependent on their type (free, bound, tfree, ...) andthe current print_mode); IMPORTANT: user print translation functionsare responsible for marking newly introduced bounds(Syntax.mark_boundT);* token translations for modes "xterm" and "xterm_color" that displaynames in bold, underline etc. or colors (which requires a colorversion of xterm);* infixes may now be declared with names independent of their syntax;* added typed_print_translation (like print_translation, but mayaccess type of constant);*** Classical Reasoner ***Blast_tac: a new tactic! It is often more powerful than fast_tac, but hassome limitations. Blast_tac... + ignores addss, addbefore, addafter; this restriction is intrinsic + ignores elimination rules that don't have the correct format (the conclusion MUST be a formula variable) + ignores types, which can make HOL proofs fail + rules must not require higher-order unification, e.g. apply_type in ZF [message "Function Var's argument not a bound variable" relates to this] + its proof strategy is more general but can actually be slower* substitution with equality assumptions no longer permutes otherassumptions;* minor changes in semantics of addafter (now called addaltern); renamedsetwrapper to setWrapper and compwrapper to compWrapper; added safe wrapper(and access functions for it);* improved combination of classical reasoner and simplifier: + functions for handling clasimpsets + improvement of addss: now the simplifier is called _after_ the safe steps. + safe variant of addss called addSss: uses safe simplifications _during_ the safe steps. It is more complete as it allows multiple instantiations of unknowns (e.g. with slow_tac).*** Simplifier **** added interface for simplification procedures (functions thatproduce *proven* rewrite rules on the fly, depending on currentredex);* ordering on terms as parameter (used for ordered rewriting);* new functions delcongs, deleqcongs, and Delcongs. richer rep_ss;* the solver is now split into a safe and an unsafe part.This should be invisible for the normal user, except that thefunctions setsolver and addsolver have been renamed to setSolver andaddSolver; added safe_asm_full_simp_tac;*** HOL **** a generic induction tactic `induct_tac' which works for all datatypes andalso for type `nat';* a generic case distinction tactic `exhaust_tac' which works for alldatatypes and also for type `nat';* each datatype comes with a function `size';* patterns in case expressions allow tuple patterns as arguments toconstructors, for example `case x of [] => ... | (x,y,z)#ps => ...';* primrec now also works with type nat;* recdef: a new declaration form, allows general recursive functions to bedefined in theory files. See HOL/ex/Fib, HOL/ex/Primes, HOL/Subst/Unify.* the constant for negation has been renamed from "not" to "Not" toharmonize with FOL, ZF, LK, etc.;* HOL/ex/LFilter theory of a corecursive "filter" functional forinfinite lists;* HOL/Modelcheck demonstrates invocation of model checker oracle;* HOL/ex/Ring.thy declares cring_simp, which solves equationalproblems in commutative rings, using axiomatic type classes for + and *;* more examples in HOL/MiniML and HOL/Auth;* more default rewrite rules for quantifiers, union/intersection;* a new constant `arbitrary == @x.False';* HOLCF/IOA replaces old HOL/IOA;* HOLCF changes: derived all rules and arities + axiomatic type classes instead of classes + typedef instead of faking type definitions + eliminated the internal constants less_fun, less_cfun, UU_fun, UU_cfun etc. + new axclasses cpo, chfin, flat with flat < chfin < pcpo < cpo < po + eliminated the types void, one, tr + use unit lift and bool lift (with translations) instead of one and tr + eliminated blift from Lift3.thy (use Def instead of blift) all eliminated rules are derived as theorems --> no visible changes ;*** ZF **** ZF now has Fast_tac, Simp_tac and Auto_tac. Union_iff is a now a defaultrewrite rule; this may affect some proofs. eq_cs is gone but can be put backas ZF_cs addSIs [equalityI];New in Isabelle94-7 (November 96)---------------------------------* allowing negative levels (as offsets) in prlev and choplev;* super-linear speedup for large simplifications;* FOL, ZF and HOL now use miniscoping: rewriting pushesquantifications in as far as possible (COULD MAKE EXISTING PROOFSFAIL); can suppress it using the command Delsimps (ex_simps @all_simps); De Morgan laws are also now included, by default;* improved printing of ==> : ~:* new object-logic "Sequents" adds linear logic, while replacing LKand Modal (thanks to Sara Kalvala);* HOL/Auth: correctness proofs for authentication protocols;* HOL: new auto_tac combines rewriting and classical reasoning (manyexamples on HOL/Auth);* HOL: new command AddIffs for declaring theorems of the form P=Q tothe rewriter and classical reasoner simultaneously;* function uresult no longer returns theorems in "standard" format;regain previous version by: val uresult = standard o uresult;New in Isabelle94-6-------------------* oracles -- these establish an interface between Isabelle and trustedexternal reasoners, which may deliver results as theorems;* proof objects (in particular record all uses of oracles);* Simp_tac, Fast_tac, etc. that refer to implicit simpset / claset;* "constdefs" section in theory files;* "primrec" section (HOL) no longer requires names;* internal type "tactic" now simply "thm -> thm Sequence.seq";New in Isabelle94-5-------------------* reduced space requirements;* automatic HTML generation from theories;* theory files no longer require "..." (quotes) around most types;* new examples, including two proofs of the Church-Rosser theorem;* non-curried (1994) version of HOL is no longer distributed;New in Isabelle94-4-------------------* greatly reduced space requirements;* theory files (.thy) no longer require \...\ escapes at line breaks;* searchable theorem database (see the section "Retrieving theorems" onpage 8 of the Reference Manual);* new examples, including Grabczewski's monumental case study of theAxiom of Choice;* The previous version of HOL renamed to Old_HOL;* The new version of HOL (previously called CHOL) uses a curried syntaxfor functions. Application looks like f a b instead of f(a,b);* Mutually recursive inductive definitions finally work in HOL;* In ZF, pattern-matching on tuples is now available in all abstractions andtranslates to the operator "split";New in Isabelle94-3-------------------* new infix operator, addss, allowing the classical reasoner toperform simplification at each step of its search. Example: fast_tac (cs addss ss)* a new logic, CHOL, the same as HOL, but with a curried syntaxfor functions. Application looks like f a b instead of f(a,b). Also pairslook like (a,b) instead of <a,b>;* PLEASE NOTE: CHOL will eventually replace HOL!* In CHOL, pattern-matching on tuples is now available in all abstractions.It translates to the operator "split". A new theory of integers is available;* In ZF, integer numerals now denote two's-complement binary integers.Arithmetic operations can be performed by rewriting. See ZF/ex/Bin.ML;* Many new examples: I/O automata, Church-Rosser theorem, equivalentsof the Axiom of Choice;New in Isabelle94-2-------------------* Significantly faster resolution;* the different sections in a .thy file can now be mixed and repeatedfreely;* Database of theorems for FOL, HOL and ZF. Newcommands including qed, qed_goal and bind_thm store theorems in the database.* Simple database queries: return a named theorem (get_thm) or all theorems ofa given theory (thms_of), or find out what theory a theorem was proved in(theory_of_thm);* Bugs fixed in the inductive definition and datatype packages;* The classical reasoner provides deepen_tac and depth_tac, making FOL_dup_csand HOL_dup_cs obsolete;* Syntactic ambiguities caused by the new treatment of syntax in Isabelle94-1have been removed;* Simpler definition of function space in ZF;* new results about cardinal and ordinal arithmetic in ZF;* 'subtype' facility in HOL for introducing new types as subsets of existingtypes;:mode=isabelle-news:wrap=hard:maxLineLen=72: