(* Title: HOL/Modelcheck/MuckeSyn.thy
ID: $Id$
Author: Tobias Hamberger
Copyright 1999 TU Muenchen
MuckeSyn = MuCalculus +
(* extended with some operators and case treatment (which requires postprocessing with
transform_case (from MuCalculus) (TH) *)
decl decls
cases_syn case_syn
syntax (Mucke output)
True :: bool ("true")
False :: bool ("false")
Not :: bool => bool ("! _" [40] 40)
If :: [bool, 'a, 'a] => 'a ("('(if'((_)')/ '((_)')/ else/ '((_)'))')" 10)
"op &" :: [bool, bool] => bool (infixr "&" 35)
"op |" :: [bool, bool] => bool (infixr "|" 30)
"op -->" :: [bool, bool] => bool (infixr "->" 25)
"op =" :: ['a, 'a] => bool ("(_ =/ _)" [51, 51] 50)
"op ~=" :: ['a, 'a] => bool ("(_ !=/ _)" [51, 51] 50)
"! " :: [idts, bool] => bool ("'((3forall _./ _)')" [0, 10] 10)
"? " :: [idts, bool] => bool ("'((3exists _./ _)')" [0, 10] 10)
"ALL " :: [idts, bool] => bool ("'((3forall _./ _)')" [0, 10] 10)
"EX " :: [idts, bool] => bool ("'((3exists _./ _)')" [0, 10] 10)
"_lambda" :: [idts, 'a::logic] => 'b::logic ("(3L _./ _)" 10)
"_applC" :: [('b => 'a), cargs] => aprop ("(1_/ '(_'))" [1000,1000] 999)
"_cargs" :: ['a, cargs] => cargs ("_,/ _" [1000,1000] 1000)
"_idts" :: [idt, idts] => idts ("_,/ _" [1, 0] 0)
"_tuple" :: "'a => tuple_args => 'a * 'b" ("(1_,/ _)")
(* "@pttrn" :: [pttrn, pttrns] => pttrn ("_,/ _" [1, 0] 0)
"_pattern" :: [pttrn, patterns] => pttrn ("_,/ _" [1, 0] 0) *)
"_decl" :: [mutype,pttrn] => decl ("_ _")
"_decls" :: [decl,decls] => decls ("_,/ _")
"" :: decl => decls ("_")
"_mu" :: [decl,decls,'a pred] => 'a pred ("mu _ '(_') _ ;")
"_mudec" :: [decl,decls] => 'a pred ("mu _ '(_') ;")
"_nu" :: [decl,decls,'a pred] => 'a pred ("nu _ '(_') _ ;")
"_nudec" :: [decl,decls] => 'a pred ("nu _ '(_') ;")
"_fun" :: [decl,decls,'a pred] => 'a pred ("_ '(_') _ ;")
"_dec" :: [decl,decls] => 'a pred ("_ '(_') ;")
"_Ex" :: [decl,idts,'a pred] => 'a pred ("'((3exists _ _./ _)')")
"_All" :: [decl,idts,'a pred] => 'a pred ("'((3forall _ _./ _)')")
"Mu " :: [idts, 'a pred] => 'a pred ("(3mu _./ _)" 1000)
"Nu " :: [idts, 'a pred] => 'a pred ("(3nu _./ _)" 1000)
"_case_syntax":: ['a, cases_syn] => 'b ("(case*_* / _ / esac*)" 10)
"_case1" :: ['a, 'b] => case_syn ("(2*= _ :/ _;)" 10)
"" :: case_syn => cases_syn ("_")
"_case2" :: [case_syn, cases_syn] => cases_syn ("_/ _")
(* Terms containing a case statement must be post-processed with the function *)
(* transform_case, defined in MuCalculus.ML. There, all asterikses before the *)
(* "=" will be replaced by the expression between the two asterikses following *)
(* "case" and the asteriks after esac will be deleted *)
Mucke = mk_mucke_mc_oracle