author wenzelm
Wed, 19 Oct 2005 21:52:42 +0200
changeset 17929 e8d7d463436d
parent 17756 d4a35f82fbb4
child 18632 3149c6abe876
permissions -rw-r--r--
removed obsolete old-locales; moved thm(s) retrieval functions back to pure_thy.ML; removed atomic_goal(w) interface; removed user-level (top_sg, prin, printyp, pprint_term/typ, which tend to cause some confusion about the implicit goal (!) context being used here;

(*  Title:      Pure/context.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen

Generic theory contexts with unique identity, arbitrarily typed data,
development graph and history support.  Implicit theory contexts in ML.
Generic proof contexts with arbitrarily typed data.

signature BASIC_CONTEXT =
  type theory
  type theory_ref
  exception THEORY of string * theory list
  val context: theory -> unit
  val the_context: unit -> theory

signature CONTEXT =
  (*theory context*)
  val theory_name: theory -> string
  val parents_of: theory -> theory list
  val ancestors_of: theory -> theory list
  val is_stale: theory -> bool
  val ProtoPureN: string
  val PureN: string
  val CPureN: string
  val draftN: string
  val exists_name: string -> theory -> bool
  val names_of: theory -> string list
  val pretty_thy: theory -> Pretty.T
  val string_of_thy: theory -> string
  val pprint_thy: theory -> pprint_args -> unit
  val pretty_abbrev_thy: theory -> Pretty.T
  val str_of_thy: theory -> string
  val check_thy: theory -> theory
  val eq_thy: theory * theory -> bool
  val subthy: theory * theory -> bool
  val joinable: theory * theory -> bool
  val merge: theory * theory -> theory                     (*exception TERM*)
  val merge_refs: theory_ref * theory_ref -> theory_ref    (*exception TERM*)
  val self_ref: theory -> theory_ref
  val deref: theory_ref -> theory
  val copy_thy: theory -> theory
  val checkpoint_thy: theory -> theory
  val finish_thy: theory -> theory
  val theory_data_of: theory -> string list
  val pre_pure_thy: theory
  val begin_thy: (theory -> Pretty.pp) -> string -> theory list -> theory
  (*ML theory context*)
  val get_context: unit -> theory option
  val set_context: theory option -> unit
  val reset_context: unit -> unit
  val setmp: theory option -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
  val pass: theory option -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b * theory option
  val pass_theory: theory -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b * theory
  val save: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
  val >> : (theory -> theory) -> unit
  val ml_output: (string -> unit) * (string -> unit)
  val use_mltext: string -> bool -> theory option -> unit
  val use_mltext_theory: string -> bool -> theory -> theory
  val use_let: string -> string -> string -> theory -> theory
  val add_setup: (theory -> theory) list -> unit
  val setup: unit -> (theory -> theory) list
  (*proof context*)
  type proof
  exception PROOF of string * proof
  val theory_of_proof: proof -> theory
  val transfer_proof: theory -> proof -> proof
  val init_proof: theory -> proof
  val proof_data_of: theory -> string list
  (*generic context*)
  datatype context = Theory of theory | Proof of proof
  val theory_of: context -> theory
  val proof_of: context -> proof

  include CONTEXT
  structure TheoryData:
    val declare: string -> Object.T -> (Object.T -> Object.T) -> (Object.T -> Object.T) ->
      (Pretty.pp -> Object.T * Object.T -> Object.T) -> serial
    val init: serial -> theory -> theory
    val get: serial -> (Object.T -> 'a) -> theory -> 'a
    val put: serial -> ('a -> Object.T) -> 'a -> theory -> theory
  structure ProofData:
    val declare: string -> (theory -> Object.T) -> serial
    val init: serial -> theory -> theory
    val get: serial -> (Object.T -> 'a) -> proof -> 'a
    val put: serial -> ('a -> Object.T) -> 'a -> proof -> proof

structure Context: PRIVATE_CONTEXT =

(*** theory context ***)

(** theory data **)

(* data kinds and access methods *)


type kind =
 {name: string,
  empty: Object.T,
  copy: Object.T -> Object.T,
  extend: Object.T -> Object.T,
  merge: Pretty.pp -> Object.T * Object.T -> Object.T};

val kinds = ref (Inttab.empty: kind Inttab.table);

fun invoke meth_name meth_fn k =
  (case Inttab.lookup (! kinds) k of
    SOME kind => meth_fn kind |> transform_failure (fn exn =>
      EXCEPTION (exn, "Theory data method " ^ #name kind ^ "." ^ meth_name ^ " failed"))
  | NONE => sys_error ("Invalid theory data identifier " ^ string_of_int k));


fun invoke_name k    = invoke "name" (K o #name) k ();
fun invoke_empty k   = invoke "empty" (K o #empty) k ();
val invoke_copy      = invoke "copy" #copy;
val invoke_extend    = invoke "extend" #extend;
fun invoke_merge pp  = invoke "merge" (fn kind => #merge kind pp);

fun declare_theory_data name empty copy extend merge =
    val k = serial ();
    val kind = {name = name, empty = empty, copy = copy, extend = extend, merge = merge};
    val _ = conditional (Inttab.exists (equal name o #name o #2) (! kinds)) (fn () =>
      warning ("Duplicate declaration of theory data " ^ quote name));
    val _ = change kinds (Inttab.update (k, kind));
  in k end;

val copy_data =' invoke_copy;
val extend_data =' invoke_extend;
fun merge_data pp = Inttab.join (SOME oo invoke_merge pp) o pairself extend_data;


(** datatype theory **)

datatype theory =
  Theory of
   {self: theory ref option,            (*dynamic self reference -- follows theory changes*)
    id: serial * string,                (*identifier of this theory*)
    ids: string Inttab.table,           (*identifiers of ancestors*)
    iids: string Inttab.table} *        (*identifiers of intermediate checkpoints*)
   {theory: Object.T Inttab.table,      (*theory data record*)
    proof: unit Inttab.table} *         (*proof data kinds*)
   {parents: theory list,               (*immediate predecessors*)
    ancestors: theory list} *           (*all predecessors*)
   {name: string,                       (*prospective name of finished theory*)
    version: int,                       (*checkpoint counter*)
    intermediates: theory list};        (*intermediate checkpoints*)

exception THEORY of string * theory list;

fun rep_theory (Theory args) = args;

val identity_of = #1 o rep_theory;
val data_of     = #2 o rep_theory;
val ancestry_of = #3 o rep_theory;
val history_of  = #4 o rep_theory;

fun make_identity self id ids iids = {self = self, id = id, ids = ids, iids = iids};
fun make_data theory proof = {theory = theory, proof = proof};
fun make_ancestry parents ancestors = {parents = parents, ancestors = ancestors};
fun make_history name vers ints = {name = name, version = vers, intermediates = ints};

fun map_theory f {theory, proof} = make_data (f theory) proof;
fun map_proof f {theory, proof} = make_data theory (f proof);

val the_self = the o #self o identity_of;
val parents_of = #parents o ancestry_of;
val ancestors_of = #ancestors o ancestry_of;
val theory_name = #name o history_of;

(* staleness *)

fun eq_id ((i: int, _), (j, _)) = (i = j);

fun is_stale
    (Theory ({self = SOME (ref (Theory ({id = id', ...}, _, _, _))), id, ...}, _, _, _)) =
      not (eq_id (id, id'))
  | is_stale (Theory ({self = NONE, ...}, _, _, _)) = true;

fun vitalize (thy as Theory ({self = SOME r, ...}, _, _, _)) = (r := thy; thy)
  | vitalize (thy as Theory ({self = NONE, id, ids, iids}, data, ancestry, history)) =
        val r = ref thy;
        val thy' = Theory (make_identity (SOME r) id ids iids, data, ancestry, history);
      in r := thy'; thy' end;

(* names *)

val ProtoPureN = "ProtoPure";
val PureN = "Pure";
val CPureN = "CPure";

val draftN = "#";
fun draft_id (_, name) = (name = draftN);
val is_draft = draft_id o #id o identity_of;

fun exists_name name (Theory ({id, ids, iids, ...}, _, _, _)) =
  name = #2 id orelse
  Inttab.exists (equal name o #2) ids orelse
  Inttab.exists (equal name o #2) iids;

fun names_of (Theory ({id, ids, iids, ...}, _, _, _)) =
  rev (#2 id :: Inttab.fold (cons o #2) iids (Inttab.fold (cons o #2) ids []));

fun pretty_thy thy =
  Pretty.str_list "{" "}" (names_of thy @ (if is_stale thy then ["!"] else []));

val string_of_thy = Pretty.string_of o pretty_thy;
val pprint_thy = Pretty.pprint o pretty_thy;

fun pretty_abbrev_thy thy =
    val names = names_of thy;
    val n = length names;
    val abbrev = if n > 5 then "..." :: List.drop (names, n - 5) else names;
  in Pretty.str_list "{" "}" abbrev end;

val str_of_thy = Pretty.str_of o pretty_abbrev_thy;

(* consistency *)    (*exception TERM*)

fun check_thy thy =
  if is_stale thy then
    raise TERM ("Stale theory encountered:\n" ^ string_of_thy thy, [])
  else thy;

fun check_ins id ids =
  if draft_id id orelse Inttab.defined ids (#1 id) then ids
  else if Inttab.exists (equal (#2 id) o #2) ids then
    raise TERM ("Different versions of theory component " ^ quote (#2 id), [])
  else Inttab.update id ids;

fun check_insert intermediate id (ids, iids) =
  let val ids' = check_ins id ids and iids' = check_ins id iids
  in if intermediate then (ids, iids') else (ids', iids) end;

fun check_merge
    (Theory ({id = id1, ids = ids1, iids = iids1, ...}, _, _, history1))
    (Theory ({id = id2, ids = ids2, iids = iids2, ...}, _, _, history2)) =
  (Inttab.fold check_ins ids2 ids1, Inttab.fold check_ins iids2 iids1)
  |> check_insert (#version history1 > 0) id1
  |> check_insert (#version history2 > 0) id2;

(* equality and inclusion *)

val eq_thy = eq_id o pairself (#id o identity_of o check_thy);

fun proper_subthy
    (Theory ({id = (i, _), ...}, _, _, _), Theory ({ids, iids, ...}, _, _, _)) =
  Inttab.defined ids i orelse Inttab.defined iids i;

fun subthy thys = eq_thy thys orelse proper_subthy thys;

fun joinable (thy1, thy2) = subthy (thy1, thy2) orelse subthy (thy2, thy1);

(* theory references *)

(*theory_ref provides a safe way to store dynamic references to a
  theory in external data structures -- a plain theory value would
  become stale as the self reference moves on*)

datatype theory_ref = TheoryRef of theory ref;

val self_ref = TheoryRef o the_self o check_thy;
fun deref (TheoryRef (ref thy)) = thy;

(* trivial merge *)    (*exception TERM*)

fun merge (thy1, thy2) =
  if eq_thy (thy1, thy2) then thy1
  else if proper_subthy (thy2, thy1) then thy1
  else if proper_subthy (thy1, thy2) then thy2
  else (check_merge thy1 thy2;
    raise TERM (cat_lines ["Attempt to perform non-trivial merge of theories:",
      str_of_thy thy1, str_of_thy thy2], []));

fun merge_refs (ref1, ref2) =
  if ref1 = ref2 then ref1
  else self_ref (merge (deref ref1, deref ref2));

(** build theories **)

(* primitives *)

fun create_thy name self id ids iids data ancestry history =
    val {version, name = _, intermediates = _} = history;
    val intermediate = version > 0;
    val (ids', iids') = check_insert intermediate id (ids, iids);
    val id' = (serial (), name);
    val _ = check_insert intermediate id' (ids', iids');
    val identity' = make_identity self id' ids' iids';
  in vitalize (Theory (identity', data, ancestry, history)) end;

fun change_thy name f (thy as Theory ({self, id, ids, iids}, data, ancestry, history)) =
    val _ = check_thy thy;
    val (self', data', ancestry') =
      if is_draft thy then (self, data, ancestry)    (*destructive change!*)
      else if #version history > 0
      then (NONE, map_theory copy_data data, ancestry)
      else (NONE, map_theory extend_data data, make_ancestry [thy] (thy :: #ancestors ancestry));
    val data'' = f data';
  in create_thy name self' id ids iids data'' ancestry' history end;

fun name_thy name = change_thy name I;
val modify_thy = change_thy draftN;
val extend_thy = modify_thy I;

fun copy_thy (thy as Theory ({id, ids, iids, ...}, data, ancestry, history)) =
  (check_thy thy;
    create_thy draftN NONE id ids iids (map_theory copy_data data) ancestry history);

val pre_pure_thy = create_thy draftN NONE (serial (), draftN) Inttab.empty Inttab.empty
  (make_data Inttab.empty Inttab.empty) (make_ancestry [] []) (make_history ProtoPureN 0 []);

(* named theory nodes *)

fun merge_thys pp (thy1, thy2) =
  if exists_name CPureN thy1 <> exists_name CPureN thy2 then
    error "Cannot merge Pure and CPure developments"
      val (ids, iids) = check_merge thy1 thy2;
      val data1 = data_of thy1 and data2 = data_of thy2;
      val data = make_data
        (merge_data (pp thy1) (#theory data1, #theory data2))
        (Inttab.merge (K true) (#proof data1, #proof data2));
      val ancestry = make_ancestry [] [];
      val history = make_history "" 0 [];
    in create_thy draftN NONE (serial (), draftN) ids iids data ancestry history end;

fun maximal_thys thys =
  thys |> filter (fn thy => not (exists (fn thy' => proper_subthy (thy, thy')) thys));

fun begin_thy pp name imports =
  if name = draftN then error ("Illegal theory name: " ^ quote draftN)
      val parents =
        maximal_thys (gen_distinct eq_thy (map check_thy imports));
      val ancestors = gen_distinct eq_thy (parents @ List.concat (map ancestors_of parents));
      val Theory ({id, ids, iids, ...}, data, _, _) =
        (case parents of
          [] => error "No parent theories"
        | [thy] => extend_thy thy
        | thy :: thys => Library.foldl (merge_thys pp) (thy, thys));
      val ancestry = make_ancestry parents ancestors;
      val history = make_history name 0 [];
    in create_thy draftN NONE id ids iids data ancestry history end;

(* undoable checkpoints *)

fun checkpoint_thy thy =
  if not (is_draft thy) then thy
      val {name, version, intermediates} = history_of thy;
      val thy' as Theory (identity', data', ancestry', _) =
        name_thy (name ^ ":" ^ string_of_int version) thy;
      val history' = make_history name (version + 1) (thy' :: intermediates);
    in vitalize (Theory (identity', data', ancestry', history')) end;

fun finish_thy thy =
    val {name, version, intermediates} = history_of thy;
    val rs = map (the_self o check_thy) intermediates;
    val thy' as Theory ({self, id, ids, ...}, data', ancestry', _) = name_thy name thy;
    val identity' = make_identity self id ids Inttab.empty;
    val history' = make_history name 0 [];
    val thy'' = vitalize (Theory (identity', data', ancestry', history'));
    val _ = (fn r => r := thy'') rs;
  in thy'' end;

(* theory data *)

fun dest_data name_of tab =
  map name_of (Inttab.keys tab)
  |> map (rpair ()) |> Symtab.make_multi |> Symtab.dest
  |> map (apsnd length)
  |> map (fn (name, 1) => name | (name, n) => name ^ enclose "[" "]" (string_of_int n));

val theory_data_of = dest_data invoke_name o #theory o data_of;

structure TheoryData =

val declare = declare_theory_data;

fun get k dest thy =
  (case Inttab.lookup (#theory (data_of thy)) k of
    SOME x => (dest x handle Match =>
      error ("Failed to access theory data " ^ quote (invoke_name k)))
  | NONE => error ("Uninitialized theory data " ^ quote (invoke_name k)));

fun put k mk x = modify_thy (map_theory (Inttab.update (k, mk x)));
fun init k = put k I (invoke_empty k);


(*** ML theory context ***)

  val current_theory = ref (NONE: theory option);
  fun get_context () = ! current_theory;
  fun set_context opt_thy = current_theory := opt_thy;
  fun setmp opt_thy f x = Library.setmp current_theory opt_thy f x;

fun the_context () =
  (case get_context () of
    SOME thy => thy
  | _ => error "Unknown theory context");

fun context thy = set_context (SOME thy);
fun reset_context () = set_context NONE;

fun pass opt_thy f x =
  setmp opt_thy (fn x => let val y = f x in (y, get_context ()) end) x;

fun pass_theory thy f x =
  (case pass (SOME thy) f x of
    (y, SOME thy') => (y, thy')
  | (_, NONE) => error "Lost theory context in ML");

fun save f x = setmp (get_context ()) f x;

(* map context *)

nonfix >>;
fun >> f = set_context (SOME (f (the_context ())));

(* use ML text *)

val ml_output = (writeln, error_msg);

fun use_output verbose txt = use_text ml_output verbose (Symbol.escape txt);

fun use_mltext txt verbose opt_thy = setmp opt_thy (fn () => use_output verbose txt) ();
fun use_mltext_theory txt verbose thy = #2 (pass_theory thy (use_output verbose) txt);

fun use_context txt = use_mltext_theory ("Context.>> (" ^ txt ^ ");") false;

fun use_let bind body txt =
  use_context ("let " ^ bind ^ " = " ^ txt ^ " in\n" ^ body ^ " end");

(* delayed theory setup *)

  val setup_fns = ref ([]: (theory -> theory) list);
  fun add_setup fns = setup_fns := ! setup_fns @ fns;
  fun setup () = let val fns = ! setup_fns in setup_fns := []; fns end;

(*** proof context ***)

(* datatype proof *)

datatype proof = Proof of theory_ref * Object.T Inttab.table;

exception PROOF of string * proof;

fun theory_of_proof (Proof (thy_ref, _)) = deref thy_ref;
fun data_of_proof (Proof (_, data)) = data;
fun map_prf f (Proof (thy_ref, data)) = Proof (thy_ref, f data);

fun transfer_proof thy' (prf as Proof (thy_ref, data)) =
  if not (subthy (deref thy_ref, thy')) then
    raise PROOF ("transfer proof context: no a super theory", prf)
  else Proof (self_ref thy', data);

(* proof data kinds *)


type kind =
 {name: string,
  init: theory -> Object.T};

val kinds = ref (Inttab.empty: kind Inttab.table);

fun invoke meth_name meth_fn k =
  (case Inttab.lookup (! kinds) k of
    SOME kind => meth_fn kind |> transform_failure (fn exn =>
      EXCEPTION (exn, "Proof data method " ^ #name kind ^ "." ^ meth_name ^ " failed"))
  | NONE => sys_error ("Invalid proof data identifier " ^ string_of_int k));

fun invoke_name k = invoke "name" (K o #name) k ();
val invoke_init   = invoke "init" #init;


val proof_data_of = dest_data invoke_name o #proof o data_of;

fun init_proof thy =
  Proof (self_ref thy,' (fn k => fn _ => invoke_init k thy) (#proof (data_of thy)));

structure ProofData =

fun declare name init =
    val k = serial ();
    val kind = {name = name, init = init};
    val _ = conditional (Inttab.exists (equal name o #name o #2) (! kinds)) (fn () =>
      warning ("Duplicate declaration of proof data " ^ quote name));
    val _ = change kinds (Inttab.update (k, kind));
  in k end;

fun init k = modify_thy (map_proof (Inttab.update (k, ())));

fun get k dest prf =
  (case Inttab.lookup (data_of_proof prf) k of
    SOME x => (dest x handle Match =>
      error ("Failed to access proof data " ^ quote (invoke_name k)))
  | NONE => error ("Uninitialized proof data " ^ quote (invoke_name k)));

fun put k mk x = map_prf (Inttab.update (k, mk x));



(*** generic context ***)

datatype context = Theory of theory | Proof of proof;

fun theory_of (Theory thy) = thy
  | theory_of (Proof prf) = theory_of_proof prf;

fun proof_of (Theory thy) = init_proof thy
  | proof_of (Proof prf) = prf;


structure BasicContext: BASIC_CONTEXT = Context;
open BasicContext;

(*** type-safe interfaces for data declarations ***)

(** theory data **)

signature THEORY_DATA_ARGS =
  val name: string
  type T
  val empty: T
  val copy: T -> T
  val extend: T -> T
  val merge: Pretty.pp -> T * T -> T
  val print: theory -> T -> unit

signature THEORY_DATA =
  type T
  val init: theory -> theory
  val print: theory -> unit
  val get: theory -> T
  val get_sg: theory -> T    (*obsolete*)
  val put: T -> theory -> theory
  val map: (T -> T) -> theory -> theory

functor TheoryDataFun(Data: THEORY_DATA_ARGS): THEORY_DATA =

structure TheoryData = Context.TheoryData;

type T = Data.T;
exception Data of T;

val kind = TheoryData.declare
  (Data Data.empty)
  (fn Data x => Data (Data.copy x))
  (fn Data x => Data (Data.extend x))
  (fn pp => fn (Data x1, Data x2) => Data (Data.merge pp (x1, x2)));

val init = TheoryData.init kind;
val get = TheoryData.get kind (fn Data x => x);
val get_sg = get;
fun print thy = Data.print thy (get thy);
val put = TheoryData.put kind Data;
fun map f thy = put (f (get thy)) thy;


(** proof data **)

signature PROOF_DATA_ARGS =
  val name: string
  type T
  val init: theory -> T
  val print: Context.proof -> T -> unit

signature PROOF_DATA =
  type T
  val init: theory -> theory
  val print: Context.proof -> unit
  val get: Context.proof -> T
  val put: T -> Context.proof -> Context.proof
  val map: (T -> T) -> Context.proof -> Context.proof

functor ProofDataFun(Data: PROOF_DATA_ARGS): PROOF_DATA =

structure ProofData = Context.ProofData;

type T = Data.T;
exception Data of T;

val kind = ProofData.declare (Data o Data.init);

val init = ProofData.init kind;
val get = ProofData.get kind (fn Data x => x);
fun print prf = Data.print prf (get prf);
val put = ProofData.put kind Data;
fun map f prf = put (f (get prf)) prf;


(*hide private interface*)
structure Context: CONTEXT = Context;