(* Title: Pure/Thy/html.ML
Author: Markus Wenzel and Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
HTML presentation elements.
signature HTML =
type symbols
val make_symbols: (string * int) list -> symbols
val no_symbols: symbols
val present_span: symbols -> Keyword.keywords -> Command_Span.span -> Output.output
type text = string
val begin_document: symbols -> string -> text
val end_document: text
val begin_session_index: symbols -> string -> Url.T -> (Url.T * string) list -> text
val theory_entry: symbols -> Url.T * string -> text
val theory: symbols -> string -> (Url.T option * string) list -> text -> text
structure HTML: HTML =
(* common markup *)
fun span "" = ("<span>", "</span>")
| span class = ("<span class=" ^ quote (XML.text class) ^ ">", "</span>");
val enclose_span = uncurry enclose o span;
val hidden = enclose_span Markup.hiddenN;
(* symbol output *)
abstype symbols = Symbols of string Symtab.table
fun make_symbols codes =
val mapping =
map (apsnd (fn c => "&#" ^ Value.print_int c ^ ";")) codes @
[("'", "'"),
("\<^bsub>", hidden "⇘" ^ "<sub>"),
("\<^esub>", hidden "⇙" ^ "</sub>"),
("\<^bsup>", hidden "⇗" ^ "<sup>"),
("\<^esup>", hidden "⇖" ^ "</sup>")];
in Symbols (fold Symtab.update mapping Symtab.empty) end;
val no_symbols = make_symbols [];
fun output_sym (Symbols tab) s =
(case Symtab.lookup tab s of
SOME x => x
| NONE => XML.text s);
fun output_markup (bg, en) symbols s1 s2 =
hidden s1 ^ enclose bg en (output_sym symbols s2);
val output_sub = output_markup ("<sub>", "</sub>");
val output_sup = output_markup ("<sup>", "</sup>");
val output_bold = output_markup (span "bold");
fun output_syms _ [] result = implode (rev result)
| output_syms symbols (s1 :: rest) result =
val (s2, ss) = (case rest of [] => ("", []) | s2 :: ss => (s2, ss));
val (s, r) =
if s1 = "\<^sub>" then (output_sub symbols "⇩" s2, ss)
else if s1 = "\<^sup>" then (output_sup symbols "⇧" s2, ss)
else if s1 = "\<^bold>" then (output_bold symbols "❙" s2, ss)
else (output_sym symbols s1, rest);
in output_syms symbols r (s :: result) end;
fun output symbols str = output_syms symbols (Symbol.explode str) [];
(* presentation *)
fun present_span symbols keywords =
fun present_markup (name, props) =
(case Properties.get props Markup.kindN of
SOME kind =>
if kind = Markup.commandN orelse kind = Markup.keywordN then enclose_span kind else I
| NONE => I) #> enclose_span name;
fun present_token tok =
fold_rev present_markup (Token.markups keywords tok)
(output symbols (Token.unparse tok));
in implode o map present_token o Command_Span.content end;
(** HTML markup **)
type text = string;
(* atoms *)
val name = enclose "<span class=\"name\">" "</span>" oo output;
val keyword = enclose "<span class=\"keyword\">" "</span>" oo output;
val command = enclose "<span class=\"command\">" "</span>" oo output;
(* misc *)
fun href_name s txt = "<a href=" ^ quote s ^ ">" ^ txt ^ "</a>";
fun href_path path txt = href_name (Url.implode path) txt;
fun href_opt_path NONE txt = txt
| href_opt_path (SOME p) txt = href_path p txt;
fun para txt = "\n<p>" ^ txt ^ "</p>\n";
(* document *)
fun begin_document symbols title =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n" ^
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" " ^
"\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n" ^
"<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n" ^
"<head>\n" ^
"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"/>\n" ^
"<title>" ^ output symbols (title ^ " (" ^ Distribution.version ^ ")") ^ "</title>\n" ^
"<link media=\"all\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"isabelle.css\"/>\n" ^
"</head>\n" ^
"\n" ^
"<body>\n" ^
"<div class=\"head\">" ^
"<h1>" ^ output symbols title ^ "</h1>\n";
val end_document = "\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
(* session index *)
fun begin_session_index symbols session graph docs =
begin_document symbols ("Session " ^ output symbols session) ^
para ("View " ^ href_path graph "theory dependencies" ^
implode (map (fn (p, name) => "<br/>\nView " ^ href_path p name) docs)) ^
"\n</div>\n<div class=\"theories\">\n<h2>Theories</h2>\n<ul>\n";
fun theory_entry symbols (p, s) = "<li>" ^ href_path p (output symbols s) ^ "</li>\n";
(* theory *)
fun theory symbols A Bs txt =
begin_document symbols ("Theory " ^ A) ^ "\n" ^
command symbols "theory" ^ " " ^ name symbols A ^ "<br/>\n" ^
keyword symbols "imports" ^ " " ^
space_implode " " (map (uncurry href_opt_path o apsnd (name symbols)) Bs) ^
"<br/>\n" ^
enclose "\n</div>\n<div class=\"source\">\n<pre class=\"source\">" "</pre>\n" txt ^