Adapted to new name mangling function in code generator.
(* Title: Pure/proof_general.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: David Aspinall and Markus Wenzel
Isabelle configuration for Proof General (see
signature PROOF_GENERAL =
val setup: (theory -> theory) list
val update_thy_only: string -> unit
val try_update_thy_only: string -> unit
val inform_file_retracted: string -> unit
val inform_file_processed: string -> unit
val options: (string * (string * (string * (unit -> string) * (string -> unit)))) list ref
val process_pgip: string -> unit
val thms_containing: string list -> unit
val help: unit -> unit
val show_context: unit -> theory
val kill_goal: unit -> unit
val repeat_undo: int -> unit
val isa_restart: unit -> unit
val full_proofs: bool -> unit
val init: bool -> unit
val write_keywords: string -> unit
structure ProofGeneral: PROOF_GENERAL =
(* print modes *)
val proof_generalN = "ProofGeneral";
val xsymbolsN = "xsymbols";
val thm_depsN = "thm_deps";
val pgml_version_supported = "1.0";
val pgmlN = "PGML";
fun pgml () = pgmlN mem_string ! print_mode;
(* text output *)
fun xsym_output "\\" = "\\\\"
| xsym_output s = if Symbol.is_raw s then Symbol.decode_raw s else s;
fun xsymbols_output s =
if xsymbolsN mem_string ! print_mode andalso exists_string (equal "\\") s then
let val syms = Symbol.explode s
in (implode (map xsym_output syms), real (Symbol.length syms)) end
else (s, real (size s));
fun pgml_output (s, len) =
if pgml () then (XML.text s, len)
else (s, len);
fun setup_xsymbols_output () = Output.add_mode proof_generalN
(pgml_output o xsymbols_output, Symbol.default_indent, Symbol.default_raw);
(* token translations *)
val end_tag = oct_char "350";
val class_tag = ("class", oct_char "351");
val tfree_tag = ("tfree", oct_char "352");
val tvar_tag = ("tvar", oct_char "353");
val free_tag = ("free", oct_char "354");
val bound_tag = ("bound", oct_char "355");
val var_tag = ("var", oct_char "356");
val skolem_tag = ("skolem", oct_char "357");
fun xml_atom kind x = XML.element "atom" [("kind", kind)] [XML.text x];
fun tagit (kind, bg_tag) x =
(if pgml () then xml_atom kind x else bg_tag ^ x ^ end_tag,
real (Symbol.length (Symbol.explode x)));
fun free_or_skolem x =
(case try Syntax.dest_skolem x of
None => tagit free_tag x
| Some x' => tagit skolem_tag x');
fun var_or_skolem s =
(case Syntax.read_var s of
Var ((x, i), _) =>
(case try Syntax.dest_skolem x of
None => tagit var_tag s
| Some x' => tagit skolem_tag (Syntax.string_of_vname (x', i)))
| _ => tagit var_tag s);
val proof_general_trans =
Syntax.tokentrans_mode proof_generalN
[("class", tagit class_tag),
("tfree", tagit tfree_tag),
("tvar", tagit tvar_tag),
("free", free_or_skolem),
("bound", tagit bound_tag),
("var", var_or_skolem)];
in val setup = [Theory.add_tokentrfuns proof_general_trans] end;
(* messages and notification *)
fun decorated_output bg en prfx =
writeln_default o enclose bg en o prefix_lines prfx;
fun message kind bg en prfx s =
if pgml () then writeln_default (XML.element kind [] [prefix_lines prfx s])
else decorated_output bg en prfx s;
val notify = message "notify" (oct_char "360") (oct_char "361") "";
fun setup_messages () =
(writeln_fn := message "output" "" "" "";
priority_fn := message "information" (oct_char "360") (oct_char "361") "";
tracing_fn := message "tracing" (oct_char "360" ^ oct_char "375") (oct_char "361") "";
warning_fn := message "warning" (oct_char "362") (oct_char "363") "### ";
error_fn := message "error" (oct_char "364") (oct_char "365") "*** ");
fun tell_clear_goals () = notify "Proof General, please clear the goals buffer.";
fun tell_clear_response () = notify "Proof General, please clear the response buffer.";
fun tell_file msg path = notify ("Proof General, " ^ msg ^ " " ^ quote (File.sysify_path path));
(* theory / proof state output *)
fun tmp_markers f =
setmp Display.current_goals_markers (oct_char "366", oct_char "367", "") f ();
fun statedisplay prts =
writeln_default (XML.element "statedisplay" [] [Pretty.string_of (Pretty.chunks prts)]);
fun print_current_goals n m st =
if pgml () then statedisplay (Display.pretty_current_goals n m st)
else tmp_markers (fn () => Display.print_current_goals_default n m st);
fun print_state b st =
if pgml () then statedisplay (Toplevel.pretty_state b st)
else tmp_markers (fn () => Toplevel.print_state_default b st);
fun setup_state () =
(Display.print_current_goals_fn := print_current_goals;
Toplevel.print_state_fn := print_state;
Toplevel.prompt_state_fn := (suffix (oct_char "372") o Toplevel.prompt_state_default));
(* theorem dependency output *)
val spaces_quote = space_implode " " o map quote;
fun tell_thm_deps ths =
conditional (thm_depsN mem_string ! print_mode) (fn () =>
val names = map Thm.name_of_thm ths \ "";
val deps = Symtab.keys (foldl (uncurry Proofterm.thms_of_proof)
(Symtab.empty, map Thm.proof_of ths)) \ "";
if null names orelse null deps then ()
else notify ("Proof General, theorem dependencies of " ^ spaces_quote names ^ " are "
^ spaces_quote deps)
fun setup_present_hook () =
Present.add_hook (fn _ => fn res => tell_thm_deps (flat (map #2 res)));
(* theory loader actions *)
fun add_master_files name files =
let val masters = [ThyLoad.thy_path name, ThyLoad.ml_path name]
in masters @ gen_rems (op = o pairself Path.base) (files, masters) end;
fun trace_action action name =
if action = ThyInfo.Update then
seq (tell_file "this file is loaded:") (ThyInfo.loaded_files name)
else if action = ThyInfo.Outdate orelse action = ThyInfo.Remove then
seq (tell_file "you can unlock the file") (add_master_files name (ThyInfo.loaded_files name))
else ();
fun setup_thy_loader () = ThyInfo.add_hook trace_action;
fun sync_thy_loader () = seq (trace_action ThyInfo.Update) (ThyInfo.names ());
(* prepare theory context *)
val thy_name = Path.pack o Path.drop_ext o Path.base o Path.unpack;
val update_thy_only = setmp MetaSimplifier.trace_simp false ThyInfo.update_thy_only;
fun which_context () =
(case Context.get_context () of
Some thy => " Using current (dynamic!) one: " ^
(case try PureThy.get_name thy of Some name => quote name | None => "<unnamed>")
| None => "");
fun try_update_thy_only file =
ThyLoad.cond_add_path (Path.dir (Path.unpack file)) (fn () =>
let val name = thy_name file in
if is_some (ThyLoad.check_file (ThyLoad.thy_path name)) then update_thy_only name
else warning ("Unkown theory context of ML file." ^ which_context ())
end) ();
(* get informed about files *)
val inform_file_retracted = ThyInfo.if_known_thy ThyInfo.remove_thy o thy_name;
val inform_file_processed = ThyInfo.if_known_thy ThyInfo.touch_child_thys o thy_name;
fun proper_inform_file_processed file state =
let val name = thy_name file in
ThyInfo.if_known_thy ThyInfo.touch_child_thys name;
if not (Toplevel.is_toplevel state) then
warning ("Not at toplevel -- cannot register theory " ^ quote name)
else transform_error ThyInfo.pretend_use_thy_only name handle ERROR_MESSAGE msg =>
(warning msg; warning ("Failed to register theory " ^ quote name))
(* options *)
fun nat_option r = ("nat",
(fn () => string_of_int (!r)),
(fn s => (case Syntax.read_nat s of
None => error "nat_option: illegal value"
| Some i => r := i)));
fun bool_option r = ("boolean",
(fn () => Bool.toString (!r)),
(fn "false" => r := false | "true" => r := true
| _ => error "bool_option: illegal value"));
val proof_option = ("boolean",
(fn () => Bool.toString (!proofs >= 2)),
(fn "false" => proofs := 1 | "true" => proofs := 2
| _ => error "proof_option: illegal value"));
val thm_deps_option = ("boolean",
(fn () => Bool.toString ("thm_deps" mem !print_mode)),
(fn "false" => print_mode := Library.gen_rems (op =) (!print_mode, ["thm_deps"])
| "true" => print_mode := (["thm_deps"] @ !print_mode)
| _ => error "thm_deps_option: illegal value"));
val print_depth_option = ("nat",
(fn () => "10"),
(fn s => (case Syntax.read_nat s of
None => error "print_depth_option: illegal value"
| Some i => print_depth i)));
val options = ref
[("show-types", ("Whether to show types in Isabelle.",
bool_option show_types)),
("show-sorts", ("Whether to show sorts in Isabelle.",
bool_option show_sorts)),
("show-structs", ("Whether to show implicit structures in Isabelle.",
bool_option show_structs)),
("show-consts", ("Whether to show types of consts in Isabelle goals.",
bool_option show_consts)),
("long-names", ("Whether to show fully qualified names in Isabelle.",
bool_option long_names)),
("show-brackets", ("Whether to show full bracketing in Isabelle.",
bool_option show_brackets)),
("eta-contract", ("Whether to print terms eta-contracted in Isabelle.",
bool_option Syntax.eta_contract)),
("trace-simplifier", ("Whether to trace the Simplifier in Isabelle.",
bool_option trace_simp)),
("trace-rules", ("Whether to trace the standard rules in Isabelle.",
bool_option trace_rules)),
("quick-and-dirty", ("Whether to take a few short cuts occasionally.",
bool_option quick_and_dirty)),
("full-proofs", ("Whether to record full proof objects internally.",
("trace-unification", ("Whether to output error diagnostics during unification.",
bool_option Pattern.trace_unify_fail)),
("show-main-goal", ("Whether to show main goal.",
bool_option Proof.show_main_goal)),
("global-timing", ("Whether to enable timing in Isabelle.",
bool_option Output.timing)),
("theorem-dependencies", ("Whether to track theorem dependencies within Proof General.",
("goals-limit", ("Setting for maximum number of goals printed in Isabelle.",
nat_option goals_limit)),
("prems-limit", ("Setting for maximum number of premises printed in Isabelle/Isar.",
nat_option ProofContext.prems_limit)),
("print-depth", ("Setting for the ML print depth in Isabelle.",
(* sending PGIP commands to the interface *)
fun issue_pgip pgips = notify (XML.element "pgip" [] pgips);
fun usespgml () =
issue_pgip [XML.element "usespgml" [("version", pgml_version_supported)] []];
(*NB: the default returned here is actually the current value, so
repeated uses of <askprefs> will not work correctly*)
fun show_options () = issue_pgip (map
(fn (name, (descr, (ty, get, _))) => (XML.element "oldhaspref"
[("type", ty), ("descr", descr), ("default", get ())] [name])) (!options));
fun set_option name value = (case assoc (!options, name) of
None => warning ("Unknown option: " ^ quote name)
| Some (_, (_, _, set)) => set value);
fun get_option name = (case assoc (!options, name) of
None => warning ("Unknown option: " ^ quote name)
| Some (_, (_, get, _)) =>
issue_pgip [XML.element "prefval" [("name", name)] [get ()]]);
(* processing PGIP commands from the interface *)
(*FIXME: matching on attributes is a bit too strict here*)
fun process_pgip_element pgip = (case pgip of
XML.Elem ("askpgml", _, []) => usespgml ()
| XML.Elem ("askprefs", _, []) => show_options ()
| XML.Elem ("getpref", [("name", name)], []) => get_option name
| XML.Elem ("setpref", [("name", name)], [XML.Text value]) =>
set_option name value
| XML.Elem (e, _, _) => warning ("Unrecognized PGIP command: " ^ e)
| XML.Text t => warning ("Unrecognized PGIP command:\n" ^ t));
fun process_pgip s = (case XML.tree_of_string s of
XML.Elem ("pgip", _, pgips) => seq process_pgip_element pgips
| _ => warning ("Invalid PGIP packet received\n" ^ s));
(* misc commands for ProofGeneral/isa *)
fun thms_containing ss =
ProofContext.print_thms_containing (ProofContext.init (the_context ())) None ss;
val welcome = priority o Session.welcome;
val help = welcome;
val show_context = Context.the_context;
fun kill_goal () = (Goals.reset_goals (); tell_clear_goals ());
fun no_print_goals f = setmp Display.print_current_goals_fn (fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => ()) f;
fun repeat_undo 0 = ()
| repeat_undo 1 = undo ()
| repeat_undo n = (no_print_goals undo (); repeat_undo (n - 1));
(* restart top-level loop (keeps most state information) *)
fun restart isar =
(if isar then tell_clear_goals () else kill_goal ();
tell_clear_response ();
welcome ());
fun isa_restart () = restart false;
fun isar_restart () = (sync_thy_loader (); restart true; raise Toplevel.RESTART);
fun full_proofs true = proofs := 2
| full_proofs false = proofs := 1;
(* outer syntax *)
local structure P = OuterParse and K = OuterSyntax.Keyword in
val undoP =
OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.undo" "(internal)" K.control
(Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o IsarCmd.undo));
val context_thy_onlyP =
OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.context_thy_only" "(internal)" K.control
( >> (Toplevel.no_timing oo IsarThy.init_context update_thy_only));
val try_context_thy_onlyP =
OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.try_context_thy_only" "(internal)" K.control
( >> (Toplevel.no_timing oo
(Toplevel.imperative (K ()) oo IsarThy.init_context try_update_thy_only)));
val restartP =
OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.restart" "(internal)" K.control
(P.opt_unit >> (Toplevel.no_timing oo K (Toplevel.imperative isar_restart)));
val kill_proofP =
OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.kill_proof" "(internal)" K.control
(Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o IsarCmd.kill_proof_notify tell_clear_goals));
val inform_file_processedP =
OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.inform_file_processed" "(internal)" K.control
( >> (Toplevel.no_timing oo
(fn name => Toplevel.keep (proper_inform_file_processed name))));
val inform_file_retractedP =
OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.inform_file_retracted" "(internal)" K.control
( >> (Toplevel.no_timing oo
(fn name => Toplevel.imperative (fn () => inform_file_retracted name))));
val process_pgipP =
OuterSyntax.improper_command "ProofGeneral.process_pgip" "(internal)" K.control
(P.text >> (Toplevel.no_timing oo
(fn txt => Toplevel.imperative (fn () => process_pgip txt))));
fun init_outer_syntax () = OuterSyntax.add_parsers
[undoP, restartP, kill_proofP, context_thy_onlyP, try_context_thy_onlyP,
inform_file_processedP, inform_file_retractedP, process_pgipP];
(* init *)
val initialized = ref false;
fun init isar =
(conditional (not (! initialized)) (fn () =>
(if isar then setmp warning_fn (K ()) init_outer_syntax () else ();
setup_xsymbols_output ();
setup_messages ();
setup_state ();
setup_thy_loader ();
setup_present_hook ();
set initialized; ()));
sync_thy_loader ();
print_mode := proof_generalN :: (! print_mode \ proof_generalN);
set quick_and_dirty;
ThmDeps.enable ();
if isar then ml_prompts "ML> " "ML# "
else ml_prompts ("> " ^ oct_char "372") ("- " ^ oct_char "373");
if isar then (welcome (); Isar.sync_main ()) else isa_restart ());
(** generate keyword classification file **)
val regexp_meta = explode ".*+?[]^$";
val regexp_quote = implode o map (fn c => if c mem regexp_meta then "\\\\" ^ c else c) o explode;
fun defconst name strs =
"\n(defconst isar-keywords-" ^ name ^
"\n '(" ^ space_implode "\n " (map (quote o regexp_quote) strs) ^ "))\n";
fun make_elisp_commands commands kind =
defconst kind (mapfilter (fn (c, _, k, _) => if k = kind then Some c else None) commands);
fun make_elisp_syntax (keywords, commands) =
\;; Keyword classification tables for Isabelle/Isar.\n\
\;; This file was generated by " ^ () ^ " -- DO NOT EDIT!\n\
\;; $" ^ "Id$\n\
\;;\n" ^
defconst "major" (map #1 commands) ^
defconst "minor" (filter Syntax.is_ascii_identifier keywords) ^
implode (map (make_elisp_commands commands) OuterSyntax.Keyword.kinds) ^
"\n(provide 'isar-keywords)\n";
fun write_keywords s =
(init_outer_syntax ();
File.write (Path.unpack ("isar-keywords" ^ (if s = "" then "" else "-" ^ s) ^".el"))
(make_elisp_syntax (OuterSyntax.dest_keywords (), OuterSyntax.dest_parsers ())));