Changed some mem calls to mem_int for greater efficiency (not that it could matter)
signature TFL_sig =
structure Rules: Rules_sig
structure Thms : Thms_sig
structure Thry : Thry_sig
structure USyntax : USyntax_sig
type Preterm
type Term
type Thm
type Thry
type Tactic
datatype pattern = GIVEN of Preterm * int
| OMITTED of Preterm * int
val mk_functional : Thry -> Preterm
-> {functional:Preterm,
pats: pattern list}
val prim_wfrec_definition : Thry
-> {R:Preterm, functional:Preterm}
-> {def:Thm, corollary:Thm, theory:Thry}
val wfrec_eqns : Thry -> Preterm
-> {WFR : Preterm,
proto_def : Preterm,
extracta :(Thm * Preterm list) list,
pats : pattern list}
val gen_wfrec_definition : Thry
-> {R:Preterm, eqs:Preterm}
-> {theory:Thry,
rules :Thm,
TCs : Preterm list list,
full_pats_TCs :(Preterm * Preterm list) list,
patterns : pattern list}
val lazyR_def : Thry
-> Preterm
-> {theory:Thry,
rules :Thm,
R :Preterm,
full_pats_TCs :(Preterm * Preterm list) list,
patterns: pattern list}
val mk_induction : Thry
-> Preterm -> Preterm
-> (Preterm * Preterm list) list
-> Thm
val postprocess: {WFtac:Tactic, terminator:Tactic, simplifier:Term -> Thm}
-> Thry
-> {rules:Thm, induction:Thm, TCs:Preterm list list}
-> {rules:Thm, induction:Thm, nested_tcs:Thm list}
val termination_goals : Thm -> Preterm list
structure Context
: sig
val read : unit -> Thm list
val write : Thm list -> unit