(* Title: HOL/Library/rewrite.ML
Author: Christoph Traut, Lars Noschinski, TU Muenchen
This is a rewrite method that supports subterm-selection based on patterns.
The patterns accepted by rewrite are of the following form:
<atom> ::= <term> | "concl" | "asm" | "for" "(" <names> ")"
<pattern> ::= (in <atom> | at <atom>) [<pattern>]
<args> ::= [<pattern>] ("to" <term>) <thms>
This syntax was clearly inspired by Gonthier's and Tassi's language of
patterns but has diverged significantly during its development.
We also allow introduction of identifiers for bound variables,
which can then be used to match arbitrary subterms inside abstractions.
infix 1 then_pconv;
infix 0 else_pconv;
signature REWRITE =
type patconv = Proof.context -> Type.tyenv * (string * term) list -> cconv
val then_pconv: patconv * patconv -> patconv
val else_pconv: patconv * patconv -> patconv
val abs_pconv: patconv -> string option * typ -> patconv (*XXX*)
val fun_pconv: patconv -> patconv
val arg_pconv: patconv -> patconv
val imp_pconv: patconv -> patconv
val params_pconv: patconv -> patconv
val forall_pconv: patconv -> string option * typ option -> patconv
val all_pconv: patconv
val for_pconv: patconv -> (string option * typ option) list -> patconv
val concl_pconv: patconv -> patconv
val asm_pconv: patconv -> patconv
val asms_pconv: patconv -> patconv
val judgment_pconv: patconv -> patconv
val in_pconv: patconv -> patconv
val match_pconv: patconv -> term * (string option * typ) list -> patconv
val rewrs_pconv: term option -> thm list -> patconv
datatype ('a, 'b) pattern = At | In | Term of 'a | Concl | Asm | For of 'b list
val mk_hole: int -> typ -> term
val rewrite_conv: Proof.context
-> (term * (string * typ) list, string * typ option) pattern list * term option
-> thm list
-> conv
structure Rewrite : REWRITE =
datatype ('a, 'b) pattern = At | In | Term of 'a | Concl | Asm | For of 'b list
exception NO_TO_MATCH
val holeN = Name.internal "_hole"
fun prep_meta_eq ctxt = Simplifier.mksimps ctxt #> map Drule.zero_var_indexes
(* holes *)
fun mk_hole i T = Var ((holeN, i), T)
fun is_hole (Var ((name, _), _)) = (name = holeN)
| is_hole _ = false
fun is_hole_const (Const (@{const_name rewrite_HOLE}, _)) = true
| is_hole_const _ = false
val hole_syntax =
(* Modified variant of Term.replace_hole *)
fun replace_hole Ts (Const (@{const_name rewrite_HOLE}, T)) i =
(list_comb (mk_hole i (Ts ---> T), map_range Bound (length Ts)), i + 1)
| replace_hole Ts (Abs (x, T, t)) i =
let val (t', i') = replace_hole (T :: Ts) t i
in (Abs (x, T, t'), i') end
| replace_hole Ts (t $ u) i =
val (t', i') = replace_hole Ts t i
val (u', i'') = replace_hole Ts u i'
in (t' $ u', i'') end
| replace_hole _ a i = (a, i)
fun prep_holes ts = #1 (fold_map (replace_hole []) ts 1)
Context.proof_map (Syntax_Phases.term_check 101 "hole_expansion" (K prep_holes))
#> Proof_Context.set_mode Proof_Context.mode_pattern
(* pattern conversions *)
type patconv = Proof.context -> Type.tyenv * (string * term) list -> cterm -> thm
fun (cv1 then_pconv cv2) ctxt tytenv ct = (cv1 ctxt tytenv then_conv cv2 ctxt tytenv) ct
fun (cv1 else_pconv cv2) ctxt tytenv ct = (cv1 ctxt tytenv else_conv cv2 ctxt tytenv) ct
fun raw_abs_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
case Thm.term_of ct of
Abs _ => CConv.abs_cconv (fn (x, ctxt') => cv x ctxt' tytenv) ctxt ct
| t => raise TERM ("raw_abs_pconv", [t])
fun raw_fun_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
case Thm.term_of ct of
_ $ _ => CConv.fun_cconv (cv ctxt tytenv) ct
| t => raise TERM ("raw_fun_pconv", [t])
fun raw_arg_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
case Thm.term_of ct of
_ $ _ => CConv.arg_cconv (cv ctxt tytenv) ct
| t => raise TERM ("raw_arg_pconv", [t])
fun abs_pconv cv (s,T) ctxt (tyenv, ts) ct =
let val u = Thm.term_of ct
case try (fastype_of #> dest_funT) u of
NONE => raise TERM ("abs_pconv: no function type", [u])
| SOME (U, _) =>
val tyenv' =
if T = dummyT then tyenv
else Sign.typ_match (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (T, U) tyenv
val eta_expand_cconv =
case u of
Abs _=> Thm.reflexive
| _ => CConv.rewr_cconv @{thm eta_expand}
fun add_ident NONE _ l = l
| add_ident (SOME name) ct l = (name, Thm.term_of ct) :: l
val abs_cv = CConv.abs_cconv (fn (ct, ctxt) => cv ctxt (tyenv', add_ident s ct ts)) ctxt
in (eta_expand_cconv then_conv abs_cv) ct end
handle Pattern.MATCH => raise TYPE ("abs_pconv: types don't match", [T,U], [u])
fun fun_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
case Thm.term_of ct of
_ $ _ => CConv.fun_cconv (cv ctxt tytenv) ct
| Abs (_, T, _ $ Bound 0) => abs_pconv (fun_pconv cv) (NONE, T) ctxt tytenv ct
| t => raise TERM ("fun_pconv", [t])
fun arg_pconv_gen cv0 cv ctxt tytenv ct =
case Thm.term_of ct of
_ $ _ => cv0 (cv ctxt tytenv) ct
| Abs (_, T, _ $ Bound 0) => abs_pconv (arg_pconv_gen cv0 cv) (NONE, T) ctxt tytenv ct
| t => raise TERM ("arg_pconv_gen", [t])
fun arg_pconv ctxt = arg_pconv_gen CConv.arg_cconv ctxt
fun imp_pconv ctxt = arg_pconv_gen (CConv.concl_cconv 1) ctxt
(* Move to B in !!x_1 ... x_n. B. Do not eta-expand *)
fun params_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
let val pconv =
case Thm.term_of ct of
Const (@{const_name "Pure.all"}, _) $ Abs _ => (raw_arg_pconv o raw_abs_pconv) (fn _ => params_pconv cv)
| Const (@{const_name "Pure.all"}, _) => raw_arg_pconv (params_pconv cv)
| _ => cv
in pconv ctxt tytenv ct end
fun forall_pconv cv ident ctxt tytenv ct =
case Thm.term_of ct of
Const (@{const_name "Pure.all"}, T) $ _ =>
val def_U = T |> dest_funT |> fst |> dest_funT |> fst
val ident' = apsnd (the_default (def_U)) ident
in arg_pconv (abs_pconv cv ident') ctxt tytenv ct end
| t => raise TERM ("forall_pconv", [t])
fun all_pconv _ _ = Thm.reflexive
fun for_pconv cv idents ctxt tytenv ct =
fun f rev_idents (Const (@{const_name "Pure.all"}, _) $ t) =
let val (rev_idents', cv') = f rev_idents (case t of Abs (_,_,u) => u | _ => t)
case rev_idents' of
[] => ([], forall_pconv cv' (NONE, NONE))
| (x :: xs) => (xs, forall_pconv cv' x)
| f rev_idents _ = (rev_idents, cv)
case f (rev idents) (Thm.term_of ct) of
([], cv') => cv' ctxt tytenv ct
| _ => raise CTERM ("for_pconv", [ct])
fun concl_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
case Thm.term_of ct of
(Const (@{const_name "Pure.imp"}, _) $ _) $ _ => imp_pconv (concl_pconv cv) ctxt tytenv ct
| _ => cv ctxt tytenv ct
fun asm_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
case Thm.term_of ct of
(Const (@{const_name "Pure.imp"}, _) $ _) $ _ => CConv.with_prems_cconv ~1 (cv ctxt tytenv) ct
| t => raise TERM ("asm_pconv", [t])
fun asms_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
case Thm.term_of ct of
(Const (@{const_name "Pure.imp"}, _) $ _) $ _ =>
((CConv.with_prems_cconv ~1 oo cv) else_pconv imp_pconv (asms_pconv cv)) ctxt tytenv ct
| t => raise TERM ("asms_pconv", [t])
fun judgment_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
if Object_Logic.is_judgment ctxt (Thm.term_of ct)
then arg_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct
else cv ctxt tytenv ct
fun in_pconv cv ctxt tytenv ct =
(cv else_pconv
raw_fun_pconv (in_pconv cv) else_pconv
raw_arg_pconv (in_pconv cv) else_pconv
raw_abs_pconv (fn _ => in_pconv cv))
ctxt tytenv ct
fun replace_idents idents t =
fun subst ((n1, s)::ss) (t as Free (n2, _)) = if n1 = n2 then s else subst ss t
| subst _ t = t
in Term.map_aterms (subst idents) t end
fun match_pconv cv (t,fixes) ctxt (tyenv, env_ts) ct =
val t' = replace_idents env_ts t
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val u = Thm.term_of ct
fun descend_hole fixes (Abs (_, _, t)) =
(case descend_hole fixes t of
| SOME (fix :: fixes', pos) => SOME (fixes', abs_pconv pos fix)
| SOME ([], _) => raise Match (* less fixes than abstractions on path to hole *))
| descend_hole fixes (t as l $ r) =
let val (f, _) = strip_comb t
if is_hole f
then SOME (fixes, cv)
(case descend_hole fixes l of
SOME (fixes', pos) => SOME (fixes', fun_pconv pos)
| NONE =>
(case descend_hole fixes r of
SOME (fixes', pos) => SOME (fixes', arg_pconv pos)
| NONE => NONE))
| descend_hole fixes t =
if is_hole t then SOME (fixes, cv) else NONE
val to_hole = descend_hole (rev fixes) #> the_default ([], cv) #> snd
case try (Pattern.match thy (apply2 Logic.mk_term (t',u))) (tyenv, Vartab.empty) of
NONE => raise TERM ("match_pconv: Does not match pattern", [t, t',u])
| SOME (tyenv', _) => to_hole t ctxt (tyenv', env_ts) ct
fun rewrs_pconv to thms ctxt (tyenv, env_ts) =
fun instantiate_normalize_env ctxt env thm =
val prop = Thm.prop_of thm
val norm_type = Envir.norm_type o Envir.type_env
val insts = Term.add_vars prop []
|> map (fn x as (s, T) =>
((s, norm_type env T), Thm.cterm_of ctxt (Envir.norm_term env (Var x))))
val tyinsts = Term.add_tvars prop []
|> map (fn x => (x, Thm.ctyp_of ctxt (norm_type env (TVar x))))
in Drule.instantiate_normalize (tyinsts, insts) thm end
fun unify_with_rhs context to env thm =
val (_, rhs) = thm |> Thm.concl_of |> Logic.dest_equals
val env' = Pattern.unify context (Logic.mk_term to, Logic.mk_term rhs) env
handle Pattern.Unif => raise NO_TO_MATCH
in env' end
fun inst_thm_to _ (NONE, _) thm = thm
| inst_thm_to (ctxt : Proof.context) (SOME to, env) thm =
instantiate_normalize_env ctxt (unify_with_rhs (Context.Proof ctxt) to env thm) thm
fun inst_thm ctxt idents (to, tyenv) thm =
(* Replace any identifiers with their corresponding bound variables. *)
val maxidx = Term.maxidx_typs (map (snd o snd) (Vartab.dest tyenv)) 0
val env = Envir.Envir {maxidx = maxidx, tenv = Vartab.empty, tyenv = tyenv}
val maxidx = Envir.maxidx_of env |> fold Term.maxidx_term (the_list to)
val thm' = Thm.incr_indexes (maxidx + 1) thm
in SOME (inst_thm_to ctxt (Option.map (replace_idents idents) to, env) thm') end
handle NO_TO_MATCH => NONE
in CConv.rewrs_cconv (map_filter (inst_thm ctxt env_ts (to, tyenv)) thms) end
fun rewrite_conv ctxt (pattern, to) thms ct =
fun apply_pat At = judgment_pconv
| apply_pat In = in_pconv
| apply_pat Asm = params_pconv o asms_pconv
| apply_pat Concl = params_pconv o concl_pconv
| apply_pat (For idents) = (fn cv => for_pconv cv (map (apfst SOME) idents))
| apply_pat (Term x) = (fn cv => match_pconv cv (apsnd (map (apfst SOME)) x))
val cv = fold_rev apply_pat pattern
fun distinct_prems th =
case Seq.pull (distinct_subgoals_tac th) of
NONE => th
| SOME (th', _) => th'
val rewrite = rewrs_pconv to (maps (prep_meta_eq ctxt) thms)
in cv rewrite ctxt (Vartab.empty, []) ct |> distinct_prems end
fun rewrite_export_tac ctxt (pat, pat_ctxt) thms =
val export = case pat_ctxt of
| SOME inner => singleton (Proof_Context.export inner ctxt)
in CCONVERSION (export o rewrite_conv ctxt pat thms) end
val _ =
fun mk_fix s = (Binding.name s, NONE, NoSyn)
val raw_pattern : (string, binding * string option * mixfix) pattern list parser =
val sep = (Args.$$$ "at" >> K At) || (Args.$$$ "in" >> K In)
val atom = (Args.$$$ "asm" >> K Asm) ||
(Args.$$$ "concl" >> K Concl) ||
(Args.$$$ "for" |-- Args.parens (Scan.optional Parse.vars []) >> For) ||
(Parse.term >> Term)
val sep_atom = sep -- atom >> (fn (s,a) => [s,a])
fun append_default [] = [Concl, In]
| append_default (ps as Term _ :: _) = Concl :: In :: ps
| append_default [For x, In] = [For x, Concl, In]
| append_default (For x :: (ps as In :: Term _:: _)) = For x :: Concl :: ps
| append_default ps = ps
in Scan.repeats sep_atom >> (rev #> append_default) end
fun context_lift (scan : 'a parser) f = fn (context : Context.generic, toks) =>
val (r, toks') = scan toks
val (r', context') = Context.map_proof_result (fn ctxt => f ctxt r) context
in (r', (context', toks' : Token.T list)) end
fun read_fixes fixes ctxt =
let fun read_typ (b, rawT, mx) = (b, Option.map (Syntax.read_typ ctxt) rawT, mx)
in Proof_Context.add_fixes (map read_typ fixes) ctxt end
fun prep_pats ctxt (ps : (string, binding * string option * mixfix) pattern list) =
fun add_constrs ctxt n (Abs (x, T, t)) =
val (x', ctxt') = yield_singleton Proof_Context.add_fixes (mk_fix x) ctxt
(case add_constrs ctxt' (n+1) t of
| SOME ((ctxt'', n', xs), t') =>
val U = Type_Infer.mk_param n []
val u = Type.constraint (U --> dummyT) (Abs (x, T, t'))
in SOME ((ctxt'', n', (x', U) :: xs), u) end)
| add_constrs ctxt n (l $ r) =
(case add_constrs ctxt n l of
SOME (c, l') => SOME (c, l' $ r)
| NONE =>
(case add_constrs ctxt n r of
SOME (c, r') => SOME (c, l $ r')
| NONE => NONE))
| add_constrs ctxt n t =
if is_hole_const t then SOME ((ctxt, n, []), t) else NONE
fun prep (Term s) (n, ctxt) =
val t = Syntax.parse_term ctxt s
val ((ctxt', n', bs), t') =
the_default ((ctxt, n, []), t) (add_constrs ctxt (n+1) t)
in (Term (t', bs), (n', ctxt')) end
| prep (For ss) (n, ctxt) =
let val (ns, ctxt') = read_fixes ss ctxt
in (For ns, (n, ctxt')) end
| prep At (n,ctxt) = (At, (n, ctxt))
| prep In (n,ctxt) = (In, (n, ctxt))
| prep Concl (n,ctxt) = (Concl, (n, ctxt))
| prep Asm (n,ctxt) = (Asm, (n, ctxt))
val (xs, (_, ctxt')) = fold_map prep ps (0, ctxt)
in (xs, ctxt') end
fun prep_args ctxt (((raw_pats, raw_to), raw_ths)) =
fun check_terms ctxt ps to =
fun safe_chop (0: int) xs = ([], xs)
| safe_chop n (x :: xs) = chop (n - 1) xs |>> cons x
| safe_chop _ _ = raise Match
fun reinsert_pat _ (Term (_, cs)) (t :: ts) =
let val (cs', ts') = safe_chop (length cs) ts
in (Term (t, map dest_Free cs'), ts') end
| reinsert_pat _ (Term _) [] = raise Match
| reinsert_pat ctxt (For ss) ts =
let val fixes = map (fn s => (s, Variable.default_type ctxt s)) ss
in (For fixes, ts) end
| reinsert_pat _ At ts = (At, ts)
| reinsert_pat _ In ts = (In, ts)
| reinsert_pat _ Concl ts = (Concl, ts)
| reinsert_pat _ Asm ts = (Asm, ts)
fun free_constr (s,T) = Type.constraint T (Free (s, dummyT))
fun mk_free_constrs (Term (t, cs)) = t :: map free_constr cs
| mk_free_constrs _ = []
val ts = maps mk_free_constrs ps @ the_list to
|> Syntax.check_terms (hole_syntax ctxt)
val ctxt' = fold Variable.declare_term ts ctxt
val (ps', (to', ts')) = fold_map (reinsert_pat ctxt') ps ts
||> (fn xs => case to of NONE => (NONE, xs) | SOME _ => (SOME (hd xs), tl xs))
val _ = case ts' of (_ :: _) => raise Match | [] => ()
in ((ps', to'), ctxt') end
val (pats, ctxt') = prep_pats ctxt raw_pats
val ths = Attrib.eval_thms ctxt' raw_ths
val to = Option.map (Syntax.parse_term ctxt') raw_to
val ((pats', to'), ctxt'') = check_terms ctxt' pats to
in ((pats', ths, (to', ctxt)), ctxt'') end
val to_parser = Scan.option ((Args.$$$ "to") |-- Parse.term)
val subst_parser =
let val scan = raw_pattern -- to_parser -- Parse.thms1
in context_lift scan prep_args end
Method.setup @{binding rewrite} (subst_parser >>
(fn (pattern, inthms, (to, pat_ctxt)) => fn orig_ctxt =>
SIMPLE_METHOD' (rewrite_export_tac orig_ctxt ((pattern, to), SOME pat_ctxt) inthms)))
"single-step rewriting, allowing subterm selection via patterns."