(* Compile the TFL system *)
(* Portability stuff *)
nonfix prefix;
(* Establish a base of common and/or helpful functions. *)
use "utils.sig";
use "utils.sml";
(* Get the specifications - these are independent of any system *)
use "usyntax.sig";
use "rules.sig";
use "thry.sig";
use "thms.sig";
use "tfl.sig";
* Load the TFL functor - this is defined totally in terms of the
* above interfaces.
use "tfl.sml";
structure Utils = UTILS(val int_to_string = string_of_int);
* Supply implementations
val _ = use_thy"WF1"; (* Wellfoundedness theory *)
use "usyntax.sml";
use "thms.sml";
use"dcterm.sml"; use"rules.new.sml";
use "thry.sml";
* Link system and specialize for Isabelle
structure Prim = TFL(structure Rules = FastRules
structure Thms = Thms
structure Thry = Thry);