author haftmann
Thu, 19 Feb 2015 11:53:36 +0100
changeset 59557 ebd8ecacfba6
parent 59058 a78612c67ec0
child 59662 c875b71086a3
permissions -rw-r--r--
establish unique preferred fact names

(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_n2m_sugar.ML
    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
    Copyright   2013

Suggared flattening of nested to mutual (co)recursion.

signature BNF_FP_N2M_SUGAR =
  val unfold_lets_splits: term -> term
  val unfold_splits_lets: term -> term
  val dest_map: Proof.context -> string -> term -> term * term list

  val mutualize_fp_sugars: (string -> bool) -> BNF_Util.fp_kind -> int list -> binding list ->
    typ list -> term list -> term list list list list -> BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar list ->
    local_theory ->
    (BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar list
     * (BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.lfp_sugar_thms option * BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.gfp_sugar_thms option))
    * local_theory
  val nested_to_mutual_fps: (string -> bool) -> BNF_Util.fp_kind -> binding list -> typ list ->
    term list -> (term * term list list) list list -> local_theory ->
    (typ list * int list * BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar list
     * (BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.lfp_sugar_thms option * BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.gfp_sugar_thms option))
    * local_theory

structure BNF_FP_N2M_Sugar : BNF_FP_N2M_SUGAR =

open Ctr_Sugar
open BNF_Util
open BNF_Def
open BNF_FP_Util
open BNF_FP_Def_Sugar
open BNF_FP_N2M

val n2mN = "n2m_"

type n2m_sugar = fp_sugar list * (lfp_sugar_thms option * gfp_sugar_thms option);

structure Data = Generic_Data
  type T = n2m_sugar Typtab.table;
  val empty = Typtab.empty;
  val extend = I;
  fun merge data : T = Typtab.merge (K true) data;

fun morph_n2m_sugar phi (fp_sugars, (lfp_sugar_thms_opt, gfp_sugar_thms_opt)) =
  (map (morph_fp_sugar phi) fp_sugars,
   ( (morph_lfp_sugar_thms phi) lfp_sugar_thms_opt, (morph_gfp_sugar_thms phi) gfp_sugar_thms_opt));

val transfer_n2m_sugar = morph_n2m_sugar o Morphism.transfer_morphism;

fun n2m_sugar_of ctxt =
  Typtab.lookup (Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt))
  #> (transfer_n2m_sugar (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt));

fun register_n2m_sugar key n2m_sugar =
  Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = false, pervasive = false}
    (fn phi => (Typtab.update (key, morph_n2m_sugar phi n2m_sugar)));

fun unfold_lets_splits (Const (@{const_name Let}, _) $ t $ u) =
    unfold_lets_splits (betapply (unfold_splits_lets u, t))
  | unfold_lets_splits (t $ u) = betapply (unfold_lets_splits t, unfold_lets_splits u)
  | unfold_lets_splits (Abs (s, T, t)) = Abs (s, T, unfold_lets_splits t)
  | unfold_lets_splits t = t
and unfold_splits_lets ((t as Const (@{const_name case_prod}, _)) $ u) =
    (case unfold_splits_lets u of
      u' as Abs (s1, T1, Abs (s2, T2, _)) =>
      let val v = Var ((s1 ^ s2, Term.maxidx_of_term u' + 1), HOLogic.mk_prodT (T1, T2)) in
        lambda v (incr_boundvars 1 (betapplys (u', [HOLogic.mk_fst v, HOLogic.mk_snd v])))
    | _ => t $ unfold_lets_splits u)
  | unfold_splits_lets (t as Const (@{const_name Let}, _) $ _ $ _) = unfold_lets_splits t
  | unfold_splits_lets (t $ u) = betapply (unfold_splits_lets t, unfold_lets_splits u)
  | unfold_splits_lets (Abs (s, T, t)) = Abs (s, T, unfold_splits_lets t)
  | unfold_splits_lets t = unfold_lets_splits t;

fun mk_map_pattern ctxt s =
    val bnf = the (bnf_of ctxt s);
    val mapx = map_of_bnf bnf;
    val live = live_of_bnf bnf;
    val (f_Ts, _) = strip_typeN live (fastype_of mapx);
    val fs = map_index (fn (i, T) => Var (("?f", i), T)) f_Ts;
    (mapx, betapplys (mapx, fs))

fun dest_map ctxt s call =
    val (map0, pat) = mk_map_pattern ctxt s;
    val (_, tenv) = fo_match ctxt call pat;
    (map0, Vartab.fold_rev (fn (_, (_, f)) => cons f) tenv [])

fun dest_abs_or_applied_map _ _ (Abs (_, _, t)) = (Term.dummy, [t])
  | dest_abs_or_applied_map ctxt s (t1 $ _) = dest_map ctxt s t1;

fun map_partition f xs =
  fold_rev (fn x => fn (ys, (good, bad)) =>
      case f x of SOME y => (y :: ys, (x :: good, bad)) | NONE => (ys, (good, x :: bad)))
    xs ([], ([], []));

fun key_of_fp_eqs fp As fpTs fp_eqs =
  Type (case_fp fp "l" "g", fpTs @ maps (fn (x, T) => [TFree x, T]) fp_eqs)
  |> Term.map_atyps (fn T as TFree (_, S) =>
    (case find_index (curry (op =) T) As of
      ~1 => T
    | j => TFree ("'" ^ string_of_int j, S)));

fun get_indices callers t =
  |> map_index (fn (i, v) => if exists_subterm (equal v) t then SOME i else NONE)
  |> map_filter I;

fun mutualize_fp_sugars plugins fp mutual_cliques bs fpTs callers callssss fp_sugars0 no_defs_lthy =
    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of no_defs_lthy;

    val qsotm = quote o Syntax.string_of_term no_defs_lthy;

    fun incompatible_calls ts =
      error ("Incompatible " ^ co_prefix fp ^ "recursive calls: " ^ commas (map qsotm ts));
    fun mutual_self_call caller t =
      error ("Unsupported mutual self-call " ^ qsotm t ^ " from " ^ qsotm caller);
    fun nested_self_call t =
      error ("Unsupported nested self-call " ^ qsotm t);

    val b_names = map Binding.name_of bs;
    val fp_b_names = map base_name_of_typ fpTs;

    val nn = length fpTs;
    val kks = 0 upto nn - 1;

    fun target_ctr_sugar_of_fp_sugar fpT ({T, fp_ctr_sugar = {ctr_sugar, ...}, ...} : fp_sugar) =
        val rho = Vartab.fold (cons o apsnd snd) (Sign.typ_match thy (T, fpT) Vartab.empty) [];
        val phi = Morphism.term_morphism "BNF" (Term.subst_TVars rho);
        morph_ctr_sugar phi ctr_sugar

    val ctr_defss = map (#ctr_defs o #fp_ctr_sugar) fp_sugars0;
    val mapss = map (#map_thms o #fp_bnf_sugar) fp_sugars0;
    val ctr_sugars = map2 target_ctr_sugar_of_fp_sugar fpTs fp_sugars0;

    val ctrss = map #ctrs ctr_sugars;
    val ctr_Tss = map (map fastype_of) ctrss;

    val As' = fold (fold Term.add_tfreesT) ctr_Tss [];
    val unsorted_As' = map (apsnd (K @{sort type})) As';
    val As = map TFree As';
    val unsorted_As = map TFree unsorted_As';

    val unsortAT = Term.typ_subst_atomic (As ~~ unsorted_As);
    val unsorted_fpTs = map unsortAT fpTs;

    val ((Cs, Xs), names_lthy) =
      |> fold Variable.declare_typ As
      |> mk_TFrees nn
      ||>> variant_tfrees fp_b_names;

    fun check_call_dead live_call call =
      if null (get_indices callers call) then () else incompatible_calls [live_call, call];

    fun freeze_fpTs_type_based_default (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
        (case filter (curry (op =) T o snd) (map_index I fpTs) of
          [(kk, _)] => nth Xs kk
        | _ => Type (s, map freeze_fpTs_type_based_default Ts))
      | freeze_fpTs_type_based_default T = T;

    fun freeze_fpTs_mutual_call kk fpT calls T =
      (case fold (union (op =)) (map (get_indices callers) calls) [] of
        [] => if T = fpT then nth Xs kk else freeze_fpTs_type_based_default T
      | [kk'] =>
        if T = fpT andalso kk' <> kk then
          mutual_self_call (nth callers kk)
            (the (find_first (not o null o get_indices callers) calls))
        else if T = nth fpTs kk' then
          nth Xs kk'
          freeze_fpTs_type_based_default T
      | _ => incompatible_calls calls);

    fun freeze_fpTs_map kk (fpT as Type (_, Ts')) (callss, (live_call :: _, dead_calls))
        (Type (s, Ts)) =
      if Ts' = Ts then
        nested_self_call live_call
        ( (check_call_dead live_call) dead_calls;
         Type (s, map2 (freeze_fpTs_call kk fpT)
           (flatten_type_args_of_bnf (the (bnf_of no_defs_lthy s)) [] (transpose callss)) Ts))
    and freeze_fpTs_call kk fpT calls (T as Type (s, _)) =
        (case map_partition (try (snd o dest_map no_defs_lthy s)) calls of
          ([], _) =>
          (case map_partition (try (snd o dest_abs_or_applied_map no_defs_lthy s)) calls of
            ([], _) => freeze_fpTs_mutual_call kk fpT calls T
          | callsp => freeze_fpTs_map kk fpT callsp T)
        | callsp => freeze_fpTs_map kk fpT callsp T)
      | freeze_fpTs_call _ _ _ T = T;

    val ctr_Tsss = map (map binder_types) ctr_Tss;
    val ctrXs_Tsss = @{map 4} (map2 o map2 oo freeze_fpTs_call) kks fpTs callssss ctr_Tsss;
    val ctrXs_repTs = map mk_sumprodT_balanced ctrXs_Tsss;

    val ns = map length ctr_Tsss;
    val kss = map (fn n => 1 upto n) ns;
    val mss = map (map length) ctr_Tsss;

    val fp_eqs = map dest_TFree Xs ~~ map unsortAT ctrXs_repTs;
    val key = key_of_fp_eqs fp unsorted_As unsorted_fpTs fp_eqs;
    (case n2m_sugar_of no_defs_lthy key of
      SOME n2m_sugar => (n2m_sugar, no_defs_lthy)
    | NONE =>
        val base_fp_names = Name.variant_list [] fp_b_names;
        val fp_bs = map2 (fn b_name => fn base_fp_name =>
            Binding.qualify true b_name ( (n2mN ^ base_fp_name)))
          b_names base_fp_names;

        val Type (s, Us) :: _ = fpTs;
        val killed_As' =
          (case bnf_of no_defs_lthy s of
            NONE => unsorted_As'
          | SOME bnf =>
              val Type (_, Ts) = T_of_bnf bnf;
              val deads = deads_of_bnf bnf;
              val dead_Us =
                map_filter (fn (T, U) => if member (op =) deads T then SOME U else NONE) (Ts ~~ Us);
            in fold Term.add_tfreesT dead_Us [] end);

        val fp_absT_infos = map #absT_info fp_sugars0;

        val ((pre_bnfs, absT_infos), (fp_res as {xtor_co_recs = xtor_co_recs0, xtor_co_induct,
               dtor_injects, dtor_ctors, xtor_co_rec_thms, ...}, lthy)) =
          fp_bnf (construct_mutualized_fp fp mutual_cliques unsorted_fpTs fp_sugars0) fp_bs
            unsorted_As' killed_As' fp_eqs no_defs_lthy;

        val fp_abs_inverses = map #abs_inverse fp_absT_infos;
        val fp_type_definitions = map #type_definition fp_absT_infos;

        val abss = map #abs absT_infos;
        val reps = map #rep absT_infos;
        val absTs = map #absT absT_infos;
        val repTs = map #repT absT_infos;
        val abs_inverses = map #abs_inverse absT_infos;

        val fp_nesting_bnfs = nesting_bnfs lthy ctrXs_Tsss Xs;
        val live_nesting_bnfs = nesting_bnfs lthy ctrXs_Tsss As;

        val ((xtor_co_recs, recs_args_types, corecs_args_types), _) =
          mk_co_recs_prelims fp ctr_Tsss fpTs Cs absTs repTs ns mss xtor_co_recs0 lthy;

        fun mk_binding b pre = Binding.prefix_name (pre ^ "_") b;

        val ((co_recs, co_rec_defs), lthy) =
          @{fold_map 2} (fn b =>
              if fp = Least_FP then define_rec (the recs_args_types) (mk_binding b) fpTs Cs reps
              else define_corec (the corecs_args_types) (mk_binding b) fpTs Cs abss)
            fp_bs xtor_co_recs lthy
          |>> split_list;

        val ((common_co_inducts, co_inductss', co_rec_thmss, co_rec_disc_thmss, co_rec_sel_thmsss),
             fp_sugar_thms) =
          if fp = Least_FP then
            derive_induct_recs_thms_for_types plugins pre_bnfs recs_args_types xtor_co_induct
              xtor_co_rec_thms live_nesting_bnfs fp_nesting_bnfs fpTs Cs Xs ctrXs_Tsss
              fp_abs_inverses fp_type_definitions abs_inverses ctrss ctr_defss co_recs co_rec_defs
            |> `(fn ((inducts, induct, _), (rec_thmss, _)) =>
              ([induct], [inducts], rec_thmss, replicate nn [], replicate nn []))
            ||> (fn info => (SOME info, NONE))
            derive_coinduct_corecs_thms_for_types pre_bnfs (the corecs_args_types)
              xtor_co_induct dtor_injects dtor_ctors xtor_co_rec_thms live_nesting_bnfs fpTs Cs Xs
              ctrXs_Tsss kss mss ns fp_abs_inverses abs_inverses
              (fn thm => thm RS @{thm vimage2p_refl}) ctr_defss ctr_sugars co_recs co_rec_defs
              (Proof_Context.export lthy no_defs_lthy) lthy
            |> `(fn ((coinduct_thms_pairs, _), corec_thmss, corec_disc_thmss, _,
                     (corec_sel_thmsss, _)) =>
              (map snd coinduct_thms_pairs, map fst coinduct_thms_pairs, corec_thmss,
               corec_disc_thmss, corec_sel_thmsss))
            ||> (fn info => (NONE, SOME info));

        val phi = Proof_Context.export_morphism names_lthy no_defs_lthy;

        fun mk_target_fp_sugar T X kk pre_bnf absT_info ctrXs_Tss ctr_defs ctr_sugar co_rec
            co_rec_def map_thms co_inducts co_rec_thms co_rec_disc_thms co_rec_sel_thmss
            ({fp_ctr_sugar = {ctr_transfers, case_transfers, disc_transfers, sel_transfers, ...},
              fp_bnf_sugar = {map_disc_iffs, map_selss, rel_injects, rel_distincts, rel_sels,
                rel_intros, rel_cases, set_thms, set_selssss, set_introssss, set_cases, ...},
              fp_co_induct_sugar = {co_rec_disc_iffs, co_rec_codes, co_rec_transfers,
                co_rec_o_maps, common_rel_co_inducts, rel_co_inducts, common_set_inducts,
                set_inducts, ...},
              ...} : fp_sugar) =
          {T = T, BT = T (*wrong but harmless*), X = X, fp = fp, fp_res = fp_res, fp_res_index = kk,
           pre_bnf = pre_bnf, fp_bnf = nth (#bnfs fp_res) kk, absT_info = absT_info,
           fp_nesting_bnfs = fp_nesting_bnfs, live_nesting_bnfs = live_nesting_bnfs,
           fp_ctr_sugar =
             {ctrXs_Tss = ctrXs_Tss,
              ctr_defs = ctr_defs,
              ctr_sugar = ctr_sugar,
              ctr_transfers = ctr_transfers,
              case_transfers = case_transfers,
              disc_transfers = disc_transfers,
              sel_transfers = sel_transfers},
           fp_bnf_sugar =
             {map_thms = map_thms,
              map_disc_iffs = map_disc_iffs,
              map_selss = map_selss,
              rel_injects = rel_injects,
              rel_distincts = rel_distincts,
              rel_sels = rel_sels,
              rel_intros = rel_intros,
              rel_cases = rel_cases,
              set_thms = set_thms,
              set_selssss = set_selssss,
              set_introssss = set_introssss,
              set_cases = set_cases},
           fp_co_induct_sugar =
             {co_rec = co_rec,
              common_co_inducts = common_co_inducts,
              co_inducts = co_inducts,
              co_rec_def = co_rec_def,
              co_rec_thms = co_rec_thms,
              co_rec_discs = co_rec_disc_thms,
              co_rec_disc_iffs = co_rec_disc_iffs,
              co_rec_selss = co_rec_sel_thmss,
              co_rec_codes = co_rec_codes,
              co_rec_transfers = co_rec_transfers,
              co_rec_o_maps = co_rec_o_maps,
              common_rel_co_inducts = common_rel_co_inducts,
              rel_co_inducts = rel_co_inducts,
              common_set_inducts = common_set_inducts,
              set_inducts = set_inducts}}
          |> morph_fp_sugar phi;

        val target_fp_sugars =
          @{map 16} mk_target_fp_sugar fpTs Xs kks pre_bnfs absT_infos ctrXs_Tsss ctr_defss
            ctr_sugars co_recs co_rec_defs mapss (transpose co_inductss') co_rec_thmss
            co_rec_disc_thmss co_rec_sel_thmsss fp_sugars0;

        val n2m_sugar = (target_fp_sugars, fp_sugar_thms);
        (n2m_sugar, lthy |> register_n2m_sugar key n2m_sugar)

fun indexify_callsss ctrs callsss =
    fun indexify_ctr ctr =
      (case AList.lookup Term.aconv_untyped callsss ctr of
        NONE => replicate (num_binder_types (fastype_of ctr)) []
      | SOME callss => map (map (Envir.beta_eta_contract o unfold_lets_splits)) callss);
    map indexify_ctr ctrs

fun retypargs tyargs (Type (s, _)) = Type (s, tyargs);

fun fold_subtype_pairs f (T as Type (s, Ts), U as Type (s', Us)) =
    f (T, U) #> (if s = s' then fold (fold_subtype_pairs f) (Ts ~~ Us) else I)
  | fold_subtype_pairs f TU = f TU;

val impossible_caller = Bound ~1;

fun nested_to_mutual_fps plugins fp actual_bs actual_Ts actual_callers actual_callssss0 lthy =
    val qsoty = quote o Syntax.string_of_typ lthy;
    val qsotys = space_implode " or " o map qsoty;

    fun not_co_datatype0 T = error (qsoty T ^ " is not a " ^ co_prefix fp ^ "datatype");
    fun not_co_datatype (T as Type (s, _)) =
        if fp = Least_FP andalso
           is_some (Old_Datatype_Data.get_info (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy) s) then
          error (qsoty T ^ " is an old-style datatype")
          not_co_datatype0 T
      | not_co_datatype T = not_co_datatype0 T;
    fun not_mutually_nested_rec Ts1 Ts2 =
      error (qsotys Ts1 ^ " is neither mutually " ^ co_prefix fp ^ "recursive with " ^ qsotys Ts2 ^
        " nor nested " ^ co_prefix fp ^ "recursive through " ^
        (if Ts1 = Ts2 andalso length Ts1 = 1 then "itself" else qsotys Ts2));

    val sorted_actual_Ts =
      sort (prod_ord int_ord Term_Ord.typ_ord o apply2 (`Term.size_of_typ)) actual_Ts;

    fun the_ctrs_of (Type (s, Ts)) = map (mk_ctr Ts) (#ctrs (the (ctr_sugar_of lthy s)));

    fun the_fp_sugar_of (T as Type (T_name, _)) =
      (case fp_sugar_of lthy T_name of
        SOME (fp_sugar as {fp = fp', ...}) => if fp = fp' then fp_sugar else not_co_datatype T
      | NONE => not_co_datatype T);

    fun gen_rhss_in gen_Ts rho subTs =
        fun maybe_insert (T, Type (_, gen_tyargs)) =
            if member (op =) subTs T then insert (op =) gen_tyargs else I
          | maybe_insert _ = I;

        val ctrs = maps the_ctrs_of gen_Ts;
        val gen_ctr_Ts = maps (binder_types o fastype_of) ctrs;
        val ctr_Ts = map (Term.typ_subst_atomic rho) gen_ctr_Ts;
        fold (fold_subtype_pairs maybe_insert) (ctr_Ts ~~ gen_ctr_Ts) []

    fun gather_types _ _ rev_seens gen_seen [] = (rev rev_seens, gen_seen)
      | gather_types lthy rho rev_seens gen_seen ((T as Type (_, tyargs)) :: Ts) =
          val {T = Type (_, tyargs0), fp_res = {Ts = mutual_Ts0, ...}, ...} = the_fp_sugar_of T;
          val mutual_Ts = map (retypargs tyargs) mutual_Ts0;

          val rev_seen = flat rev_seens;
          val _ = null rev_seens orelse exists (exists_strict_subtype_in rev_seen) mutual_Ts orelse
            not_mutually_nested_rec mutual_Ts rev_seen;

          fun fresh_tyargs () =
              val (unsorted_gen_tyargs, lthy') =
                variant_tfrees (replicate (length tyargs) "z") lthy
                |>> map Logic.varifyT_global;
              val gen_tyargs =
                map2 (resort_tfree_or_tvar o snd o dest_TFree_or_TVar) tyargs0 unsorted_gen_tyargs;
              val rho' = (gen_tyargs ~~ tyargs) @ rho;
              (rho', gen_tyargs, gen_seen, lthy')

          val (rho', gen_tyargs, gen_seen', lthy') =
            if exists (exists_subtype_in rev_seen) mutual_Ts then
              (case gen_rhss_in gen_seen rho mutual_Ts of
                [] => fresh_tyargs ()
              | gen_tyargs :: gen_tyargss_tl =>
                  val unify_pairs = split_list (maps (curry (op ~~) gen_tyargs) gen_tyargss_tl);
                  val mgu = Type.raw_unifys unify_pairs Vartab.empty;
                  val gen_tyargs' = map (Envir.norm_type mgu) gen_tyargs;
                  val gen_seen' = map (Envir.norm_type mgu) gen_seen;
                  (rho, gen_tyargs', gen_seen', lthy)
              fresh_tyargs ();

          val gen_mutual_Ts = map (retypargs gen_tyargs) mutual_Ts0;
          val other_mutual_Ts = remove1 (op =) T mutual_Ts;
          val Ts' = fold (remove1 (op =)) other_mutual_Ts Ts;
          gather_types lthy' rho' (mutual_Ts :: rev_seens) (gen_seen' @ gen_mutual_Ts) Ts'
      | gather_types _ _ _ _ (T :: _) = not_co_datatype T;

    val (perm_Tss, perm_gen_Ts) = gather_types lthy [] [] [] sorted_actual_Ts;
    val (perm_mutual_cliques, perm_Ts) =
      split_list (flat (map_index (fn (i, perm_Ts) => map (pair i) perm_Ts) perm_Tss));

    val perm_frozen_gen_Ts = map Logic.unvarifyT_global perm_gen_Ts;

    val missing_Ts = fold (remove1 (op =)) actual_Ts perm_Ts;
    val Ts = actual_Ts @ missing_Ts;

    val nn = length Ts;
    val kks = 0 upto nn - 1;

    val callssss0 = pad_list [] nn actual_callssss0;

    val common_name = mk_common_name (map Binding.name_of actual_bs);
    val bs = pad_list ( common_name) nn actual_bs;
    val callers = pad_list impossible_caller nn actual_callers;

    fun permute xs = permute_like (op =) Ts perm_Ts xs;
    fun unpermute perm_xs = permute_like (op =) perm_Ts Ts perm_xs;

    (* The assignment of callers to mutual cliques is incorrect in general. This code would need to
       inspect the actual calls to discover the correct cliques in the presence of type duplicates.
       However, the naive scheme implemented here supports "prim(co)rec" specifications following
       reasonable ordering of the duplicates (e.g., keeping the cliques together). *)
    val perm_bs = permute bs;
    val perm_callers = permute callers;
    val perm_kks = permute kks;
    val perm_callssss0 = permute callssss0;
    val perm_fp_sugars0 = map (the o fp_sugar_of lthy o fst o dest_Type) perm_Ts;

    val perm_callssss =
      map2 (indexify_callsss o #ctrs o #ctr_sugar o #fp_ctr_sugar) perm_fp_sugars0 perm_callssss0;

    val ((perm_fp_sugars, fp_sugar_thms), lthy) =
      if length perm_Tss = 1 then
        ((perm_fp_sugars0, (NONE, NONE)), lthy)
        mutualize_fp_sugars plugins fp perm_mutual_cliques perm_bs perm_frozen_gen_Ts perm_callers
          perm_callssss perm_fp_sugars0 lthy;

    val fp_sugars = unpermute perm_fp_sugars;
    ((missing_Ts, perm_kks, fp_sugars, fp_sugar_thms), lthy)
