Eta contraction is now switched off when printing extracted program.
(* Title: Pure/Thy/HTML.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Markus Wenzel and Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
HTML presentation elements.
signature HTML =
val output: string -> string
val output_width: string -> string * real
type text (* = string *)
val plain: string -> text
val name: string -> text
val keyword: string -> text
val file_name: string -> text
val file_path: Url.T -> text
val href_name: string -> text -> text
val href_path: Url.T -> text -> text
val href_opt_name: string option -> text -> text
val href_opt_path: Url.T option -> text -> text
val para: text -> text
val preform: text -> text
val verbatim: string -> text
val begin_index: Url.T * string -> Url.T * string -> Url.T option
-> Url.T option -> Url.T -> text
val end_index: text
val applet_pages: string -> Url.T * string -> (string * string) list
val theory_entry: Url.T * string -> text
val session_entries: (Url.T * string) list -> text
val verbatim_source: Symbol.symbol list -> text
val begin_theory: Url.T * string -> string -> (Url.T option * string) list ->
(Url.T option * Url.T * bool option) list -> text -> text
val end_theory: text
val ml_file: Url.T -> string -> text
val results: string -> (string * thm list) list -> text
val chapter: string -> text
val section: string -> text
val subsection: string -> text
val subsubsection: string -> text
val setup: (theory -> theory) list
structure HTML: HTML =
(** HTML print modes **)
(* mode *)
val htmlN = "HTML";
fun html_mode f x = setmp print_mode (htmlN :: ! print_mode) f x;
(* symbol output *)
val escape = fn "<" => "<" | ">" => ">" | "&" => "&" | c => c;
val output_sym =
fn "\\<spacespace>" => (2.0, " ")
| "\\<exclamdown>" => (1.0, "¡")
| "\\<cent>" => (1.0, "¢")
| "\\<pounds>" => (1.0, "£")
| "\\<currency>" => (1.0, "¤")
| "\\<yen>" => (1.0, "¥")
| "\\<bar>" => (1.0, "¦")
| "\\<section>" => (1.0, "§")
| "\\<dieresis>" => (1.0, "¨")
| "\\<copyright>" => (1.0, "©")
| "\\<ordfeminine>" => (1.0, "ª")
| "\\<guillemotleft>" => (1.0, "«")
| "\\<not>" => (1.0, "¬")
| "\\<hyphen>" => (1.0, "­")
| "\\<registered>" => (1.0, "®")
| "\\<inverse>" => (1.0, "¯")
| "\\<degree>" => (1.0, "°")
| "\\<plusminus>" => (1.0, "±")
| "\\<twosuperior>" => (1.0, "²")
| "\\<threesuperior>" => (1.0, "³")
| "\\<acute>" => (1.0, "´")
| "\\<mu>" => (1.0, "µ")
| "\\<paragraph>" => (1.0, "¶")
| "\\<cdot>" => (1.0, "·")
| "\\<cedilla>" => (1.0, "¸")
| "\\<onesuperior>" => (1.0, "¹")
| "\\<ordmasculine>" => (1.0, "º")
| "\\<guillemotright>" => (1.0, "»")
| "\\<onequarter>" => (1.0, "¼")
| "\\<onehalf>" => (1.0, "½")
| "\\<threequarters>" => (1.0, "¾")
| "\\<questiondown>" => (1.0, "¿")
| "\\<times>" => (1.0, "×")
| "\\<emptyset>" => (1.0, "Ø")
| "\\<div>" => (1.0, "÷")
| s => (real (size s), implode (map escape (explode s)));
fun add_sym (width, (w: real, s)) = (width + w, s);
fun output_width str =
if not (exists_string (equal "<" orf equal ">" orf equal "&") str) then (str, real (size str))
let val (width, syms) = foldl_map add_sym (0.0, map output_sym (Symbol.explode str))
in (implode syms, width) end;
val output = #1 o output_width;
val output_symbols = map (#2 o output_sym);
val _ = Symbol.add_mode htmlN (output_width, Symbol.default_indent);
(* token translations *)
fun color col =
apfst (enclose ("<font color=" ^ quote col ^ ">") "</font>") o output_width;
val html_trans =
[("class", color "red"),
("tfree", color "purple"),
("tvar", color "purple"),
("free", color "blue"),
("bound", color "green"),
("var", color "blue"),
("xstr", color "brown")];
(** HTML markup **)
type text = string;
(* atoms *)
val plain = output;
fun name s = "<i>" ^ output s ^ "</i>";
fun keyword s = "<b>" ^ output s ^ "</b>";
fun file_name s = "<tt>" ^ output s ^ "</tt>";
val file_path = file_name o Url.pack;
(* misc *)
fun href_name s txt = "<a href=" ^ quote s ^ ">" ^ txt ^ "</a>";
fun href_path path txt = href_name (Url.pack path) txt;
fun href_opt_name None txt = txt
| href_opt_name (Some s) txt = href_name s txt;
fun href_opt_path None txt = txt
| href_opt_path (Some p) txt = href_path p txt;
fun para txt = "\n<p>" ^ txt ^ "</p>\n";
fun preform txt = "<pre>" ^ txt ^ "</pre>";
val verbatim = preform o output;
(* document *)
fun begin_document title =
\<title>" ^ plain (title ^ " (" ^ version ^ ")") ^ "</title>\n\
\<h1>" ^ plain title ^ "</h1>\n"
val end_document = "\n</body>\n</html>\n";
fun gen_link how (path, name) = para (href_path path how ^ " to index of " ^ plain name);
val up_link = gen_link "Up";
val back_link = gen_link "Back";
(* session index *)
fun begin_index up (index_path, session) opt_readme opt_doc graph =
begin_document ("Index of " ^ session) ^ up_link up ^
para ("View " ^ href_path graph "theory dependencies" ^
(case opt_readme of None => "" | Some p => "<br>\nView " ^ href_path p "README") ^
(case opt_doc of None => "" | Some p => "<br>\nView " ^ href_path p "document")) ^
val end_index = end_document;
fun choice chs s = space_implode " " (map (fn (s', lnk) =>
enclose "[" "]" (if s = s' then keyword s' else href_name lnk s')) chs);
fun applet_pages session back =
val sizes =
[("small", "small.html", ("500", "400")),
("medium", "medium.html", ("650", "520")),
("large", "large.html", ("800", "640"))];
fun applet_page (size, name, (width, height)) =
val browser_size = "Set browser size: " ^
choice (map (fn (y, z, _) => (y, z)) sizes) size;
(name, begin_document ("Theory dependencies of " ^ session) ^
back_link back ^
para browser_size ^
"\n<hr>\n<applet code=\"GraphBrowser/GraphBrowser.class\" \
\width=" ^ width ^ " height=" ^ height ^ ">\n\
\<param name=\"graphfile\" value=\"" ^ "session.graph" ^ "\">\n\
\</applet>\n<hr>" ^ end_document)
in map applet_page sizes end;
fun entry (p, s) = "<li>" ^ href_path p (plain s) ^ "\n";
val theory_entry = entry;
fun session_entries [] = "</ul>"
| session_entries es =
"</ul>\n<hr>\n\n<h2>Sessions</h2>\n<ul>\n" ^ implode (map entry es) ^ "</ul>";
(* theory *)
fun verbatim_source ss = "\n<hr>\n<pre>" ^ implode (output_symbols ss) ^ "</pre>\n<hr>\n";
fun encl None = enclose "[" "]"
| encl (Some false) = enclose "(" ")"
| encl (Some true) = I;
fun file (opt_ref, path, loadit) = href_opt_path opt_ref (encl loadit (file_path path));
val files = space_implode " " o map file;
val parents = space_implode " + " o map (uncurry href_opt_path o apsnd name);
fun theory up A =
begin_document ("Theory " ^ A) ^ "\n" ^ up_link up ^
keyword "theory" ^ " " ^ name A ^ " = ";
fun begin_theory up A Bs [] body = theory up A ^ parents Bs ^ ":\n" ^ body
| begin_theory up A Bs Ps body = theory up A ^ parents Bs ^ "<br>\n" ^ keyword "files" ^
" " ^ files Ps ^ ":" ^ "\n" ^ body;
val end_theory = end_document;
(* ML file *)
fun ml_file path str =
begin_document ("File " ^ Url.pack path) ^
"\n<hr>\n" ^ verbatim str ^ "\n<hr>\n" ^ end_document;
(* theorems *)
val string_of_thm =
Pretty.setmp_margin 80 Pretty.string_of o
Display.pretty_thm_no_quote o #1 o Drule.freeze_thaw;
fun thm th = preform (prefix_lines " " (html_mode string_of_thm th));
fun thm_name "" = ""
| thm_name a = " " ^ name (a ^ ":");
fun result k (a, ths) = para (cat_lines ((keyword k ^ thm_name a) :: map thm ths));
fun results _ [] = ""
| results k (res :: ress) = cat_lines (result k res :: map (result "and") ress);
(* sections *)
fun chapter heading = "\n\n<h1>" ^ plain heading ^ "</h1>\n";
fun section heading = "\n\n<h2>" ^ plain heading ^ "</h2>\n";
fun subsection heading = "\n\n<h3>" ^ plain heading ^ "</h3>\n";
fun subsubsection heading = "\n\n<h4>" ^ plain heading ^ "</h4>\n";
(** theory setup **)
val setup =
[Theory.add_mode_tokentrfuns htmlN html_trans];