Eta contraction is now switched off when printing extracted program.
(* Title: Pure/Thy/scan
ID: $Id$
Author: Sonia Mahjoub / Tobias Nipkow
Copyright 1992 TU Muenchen
modified December 1993 by Max Breitling (Type-variables added)
The scanner. Adapted from Larry Paulson's ML for the Working Programmer.
signature LEXICAL =
datatype token = Id of string
| Key of string
| Nat of string
| Stg of string
| Txt of string
| TypVar of string
val scan : string list -> (token * int) list
signature KEYWORD =
val alphas : string list
val symbols : string list
functor LexicalFUN (Keyword: KEYWORD): LEXICAL =
datatype token = Id of string
| Key of string
| Nat of string
| Stg of string
| Txt of string
| TypVar of string;
fun lexerr(n,s) =
error("Lexical error on line " ^ (string_of_int n) ^ ": " ^ s);
val specials = explode"!{}@#$%^&*()+-=[]:\";,./?`_~<>|\\";
fun is_symbol c = "_" = c orelse "'" = c;
fun alphanum (id, c::cs) =
if is_letter c orelse is_digit c orelse is_symbol c
then alphanum (id ^ c , cs)
else (id , c :: cs)
| alphanum (id ,[]) = (id ,[]);
fun numeric (nat, c::cs) =
if is_digit c
then numeric (nat^c, cs)
else (nat, c::cs)
| numeric (nat, []) = (nat,[]);
fun tokenof (a, n) =
if a mem Keyword.alphas
then (Key a, n)
else (Id a, n);
fun symbolic (sy, c::cs) =
if (sy mem Keyword.symbols) andalso
not((sy^c) mem Keyword.symbols)
orelse not (c mem specials)
then (sy, c::cs)
else symbolic(sy^c, cs)
| symbolic (sy, []) = (sy, []);
fun stringerr(n) = lexerr(n, "No matching quote found on this line");
fun is_control_chr ([],_,n) = stringerr(n)
| is_control_chr (c::cs,s,n) =
let val m = ord c
in if (m >= 64 andalso m <= 95)
then (cs, s^c, n)
else stringerr(n)
fun is_3_dgt (c1::c2::cs, c,n) =
let val s = c^c1^c2
in if (s >= "000" andalso s <= "255")
then (cs, s)
else stringerr(n)
| is_3_dgt (_,_,n) = stringerr(n);
fun is_imprt_seq ([],_,n) = stringerr(n)
| is_imprt_seq ((c::cs),s,n) =
if c = "\\" then (cs,s^"\\",n)
else if c = "\n"
then is_imprt_seq (cs,s^"\n",n+1)
else if (c = "\t") orelse (c = " ")
then is_imprt_seq (cs,s^c,n)
else stringerr(n);
fun is_escape_seq ([],_,n) = stringerr(n)
| is_escape_seq ((c::cs),s,n) =
if c = "\\" then (cs,s^"\\",n)
else if c = "\n"
then is_imprt_seq (cs,s^"\n",n+1)
else if (c = "\t") orelse (c = " ")
then is_imprt_seq (cs,s^c,n)
else if c = "^"
then is_control_chr (cs,s^"^",n)
else if ("0" <= c andalso c <= "2")
then let val (cs',s') =
in (cs',s^s',n)
else stringerr(n);
fun string (_,[],_,n) = stringerr(n)
| string (toks, c::cs, s, n) =
if c = "\"" then ((Stg s, n)::toks , cs, n)
else if c = "\\"
then let val (cs',s',n') =
is_escape_seq (cs, s^"\\",n)
in string (toks,cs',s',n') end
else string (toks,cs,s^c,n);
fun comment ((c1::c2::cs), n) =
if c1 = "*" andalso c2 = ")" then (cs,n) else
if c1 = "\n" then comment((c2::cs), n+1)
else comment((c2::cs), n)
| comment (_, n) = lexerr(n, "Missing end of comment");
fun scanning (toks , [], n) = rev toks
| scanning (toks , c :: cs, n) =
if is_letter c
then let val (id , cs2) = alphanum (c , cs)
in if id = "ML"
then let val text = implode cs2
in scanning ((Txt text,n) :: toks , [], n)
else scanning (tokenof(id,n) :: toks , cs2, n)
else if is_digit c
then let val (nat , cs2) = numeric(c , cs)
in scanning ((Nat nat,n) :: toks , cs2, n) end
else if c = "'" andalso is_letter(hd cs)
then let val (var, cs2) = alphanum (hd cs, tl cs)
in scanning((TypVar (c^var),n) :: toks, cs2, n) end
else if c mem specials
then if c = "\""
then let val (toks', cs', n') = string (toks, cs, "", n)
in scanning (toks', cs', n') end
else let val (sy , cs2) = symbolic (c , cs)
in if sy = "(*"
then let val (cs3,n2) = comment(cs2,n)
in scanning (toks , cs3, n2) end
else scanning ((Key sy,n) :: toks, cs2, n)
else if c = "\n" then scanning (toks, cs, n+1)
else if c = " " orelse c = "\t" then scanning (toks , cs, n)
else lexerr(n,"Illegal character " ^ c);
fun scan a = scanning ([] , a, 1);